Antibodies form cells of the immune system. Cells of the immune system. Types of cells of the immune system. Methods of influence used in medicine

. Chlorella chloroplasts contain chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. For the process of photosynthesis, Chlorella requires only water, carbon dioxide, light, and a small amount of minerals for reproduction. It is very common Chlorella vulgaris, constantly found in masses in water and in the mud of puddles, ditches and ponds. It often develops, as well as its related form, Chlorella infusionum in laboratories and home life in vessels with water or solutions of pepsin and sugar, covering with a greenish coating inner surface glass

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    ✪ Video marathon Day 30. Spirulina and chlorella.

    ✪ Chlorella and spirulina. Comparison in powder or tablets

    ✪ Coral Club Chlorella



The organization and development cycle of chlorella are as follows: their vegetative body consists of one spherical or oval cell with a thick shell, which, according to some authors (Brandt, Dangeard), consists of cellulose, and according to others (Geza-Entz, Famintsyn, Averintsev and etc.) from a transparent gelatinous substance devoid of cellulose. This difference of opinion occurred due to the fact that sometimes the chlorella shell does not give the violet color typical of cellulose from zinc chloride, and therefore this question remains open. The sizes of spherical vegetative cells vary, according to various authors, from 1.5 microns to 12 microns. Each such cell contains homogeneous protoplasm, a very small nucleus that is beautifully stained with hematoxylin, and a ribbon-shaped or round lamellar wall-shaped chromatophore with one or, less commonly, two pyrenoids. Geza-Entz described special contractile vacuoles in Chlorella cells, similar to those in Chlamydomonas, but later researchers refuted these testimony of Geza-Entz. Beijerinck studied the nutrition of chlorella and found, among other things, that in order to produce the necessary nitrogen they need not only peptone, but also some kind of carbohydrate, such as sugar, and therefore he included them in the physiological group of peptone-carbohydrate organisms he established.


Some species have been known since ancient times for their symbiosis with animals, and were initially taken to be the organs of the latter, but Brandt and Geza-Entz, independently of each other, were the first to recognize their exogenous origin, showing that the green spherical bodies observed in the body of some animals are independent organisms, and Brandt attributed these bodies to a special genus of algae, calling it Zoochlorella. But both free-living chlorella and zoochlorella of different animals have exactly the same organization, go through exactly the same stages of development and differ only in their way of life, and therefore Beijerinck combined them into one common gender Chlorella, especially since the only one hallmark zoochlorella from chlorella, namely the just mentioned symbiotic lifestyle of the former with some lower animals, turns out to be an unstable feature, since Brandt, and after him the later scientists, Kessler, Hamann, Shevyakov, Famintsyn, Beyerinck and Averintsev, proved that isolated zoochlorella can exist in freedom and at the same time reproduce as vigorously as in the body of animals.

The cohabitation of chlorella with animals is a typical example of commensalism (living at the expense of the host organism without causing harm to this host) in the form of tenancy. It has been repeatedly noted that not all specimens of chlorella remain alive in the body of the protozoa, but are sometimes the last to be digested. This phenomenon was interpreted differently by the authors, and only later was it possible to find out following conditions, in which chlorella either die in the body of animals, especially protozoa, or remain to live in them: in protozoa, three layers of protoplasm can be easily distinguished in each individual: the outer, alveolar plasma, which serves as a cover for the two subsequent layers, the middle, cortical plasma, which does not participate in digestion, and the internal endoplasm, which manages the digestion of the body. If chlorella enters the endoplasm, then it is digested by the animal, but if it enters the cortical layer of plasma, then it remains to live in symbiosis with the animal, since this layer of plasma does not take part in digestion.


Systematically, the genus Chorella is divided into several species, Chlorella vulgaris Beyerink, Chlorella infusionum Beyerink, Chorella parasitica Brandt, Chlorella condustrix Brandt, Chlorella actinosphaerii Averinzew, which differ from each other. the size and shape of chromatophores and cells, as well as other small characteristics. They are found as symbionts in quite a few Protozoa, as well as in polyps, such as Hydra viridis. Wed. Averintsev S. About zoochlorellae in protozoa. // Tr. Imp. SPb. Society of Natural Sciences. - 1900. - T. XXXI. - Vol. 1. - No. 7. The work is replete with literary references); W. Schewiakoff, “Beitrage zur Kenntniss der holotrichen Ciliaten” (“Bibliotheca Zoologica”, tetr. 5, 1889); M. Beyerinck, "Culturversuche mit Zoochlorellen und anderen Algen". ("Bot. Zeit. " 1890, no. 45, 46, 47, 48); W. Kruger, I. "Ueber einen Pilztypus-Prototheca" and II, "Ueber zwei ans Saftflussen rein gezuchtete Algen" (W. Zopf's Beitrage zur Phys. und Morphologie niederer Organismen", 1894, IV issue)))


Chlorella is used to produce oxygen in closed ecosystems. In 1967-1978, in the BIOS-1, BIOS-2 and BIOS-3 objects, the use of chlorella in food failed.

In terms of nutritional value, this algae is not inferior to meat and is significantly superior to wheat. If wheat contains 12% protein, then chlorella contains more than 50%.

The planktonic strain of Chlorella IFR No. C-111 was isolated by the Soviet scientist N. I. Bogdanov in 1977 from the Nurek reservoir. Thanks to your unique properties The planktonic strain made it possible to significantly simplify the biotechnology of cultivating chlorella and the technology of storing the mother culture. The new strain made it possible to introduce chlorella into the diet of large cattle, pigs, birds, rabbits, bees, fish; use chlorella for wastewater treatment and algolization of water bodies.

Until now, chlorella has been used worldwide only in the form of a suspension, dry biomass (powder or tablets) or paste. Each of these types has its own disadvantages. The powder has worse digestibility than the suspension. The paste is devoid of a complex of metabolites and requires preservation. Thickening the suspension by settling requires time and large containers. Chlorella concentrate (CC) combines all the advantages of a commercial chlorella suspension in terms of its digestibility and biological value. Chlorella concentrate contains not only live chlorella cells, but also the full spectrum of water-soluble chlorella metabolites found in the culture medium. At the same time, the KH turned out to be highly technological in practical use. It can be easily included in any existing watering and feeding systems for animals, as well as in the production of granulated feed. Algolization of feed with a commercial chlorella suspension is in itself ineffective due to the low density of chlorella cells in the commercial suspension. CC makes it possible to obtain almost any required concentration of chlorella cells in granulated feed. At the same time, the feed is enriched with the full spectrum of water-soluble chlorella metabolites contained in the culture medium. Compared to a commercial chlorella suspension, transportation costs have decreased tenfold. Chlorella concentrate does not contain preservatives.

  • Lukyanov, V.A., Stifeev, A.I. Gorbunova, S.Yu. Scientifically based cultivation of microalgae / V.A. Lukyanov, A.I. Stifeev, S.Yu. Gorbunova // Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. 2013. No. 9. P. 55-57.
  • Lukyanov, V.A., Stifeev, A.I. Agroecological features of unicellular photosynthetic organisms in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region” / V.A.Lukyanov, A.I. Stifeev // Innovations in the agro-industrial complex: problems and prospects. 2016. No. 1(9). P.60-68.
  • Petrakov, E.S., Lukyanov, V.A., Naumov, M.M., Ovcharova, A.M., Sofronova, V.G., Polyakova, M.L., Petrakova, N.S. The use of an additive based on microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in feeding broiler chickens / E.S. Petrakov, V.A. Lukyanov, M.M. Naumov, A.M. Ovcharova, V.G. Safronova, M.L. Polyakova, N.S. Petrakova // Problems of biology of productive animals. 2016. No. 1. P.96-104.
  • Lukyanov, V.A. On the issue of using Chlorella vulgaris for biological wastewater treatment / V.A. Lukyanov // Actual problems agro-industrial production. 2013. pp. 49-51.
  • Gorbunova, S.Yu., Lukyanov, V.A. Experimental and theoretical justification of the effectiveness of use Chlorella vulgaris for recycling wastewater from poultry farms and reclamation of the aquatic environment / S.Yu. Gorbunova, V.A. Lukyanov // Water resources Ukraine and land reclamation. 2013. pp. 30-31.
  • Gorbunova, S.Yu., Lukyanov, V.A. Potential productivity of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on dark gray forest soils of the Central Chernozem region / S.Yu. Gorbunova, V.A. Lukyanov // “Pontus Euxinus 2015”. 2015. P.48-49.
  • The topic of our conversation is the use and beneficial properties of chlorella algae. To maintain your body in good condition The cleansing or detox process is very important. There are a lot of techniques that allow you to rid your body of accumulated harmful substances. Of great interest is detox with such an interesting product as chlorella algae.

    Scientists believe that all vegetable world, and from the cells of its relative spirulina almost all organic matter, which became animal feed

    Enriching the daily diet with nutrients rich in minerals and microelements is especially important due to the poor environmental situation and the increase in general background radiation.

    Despite the fact that chlorella is very common in nature, studying it beneficial properties began only in 1890. The Danish scientist Beijerinck showed interest in algae.

    However, at first they began to use it only in animal husbandry. Chlorella began to be used later as a valuable product for humans.

    Chlorella is a single-celled green algae. It can be found everywhere. On the surface of standing reservoirs in summer weather, on the walls of containers with drinking water, and also, it is found in moist soil, in the bodies of animals, on rocks and trees near water, and even in the human intestines.

    It got its name from its rich emerald color, because chlorine means green in Greek.

    Chlorella area of ​​application

    This algae gained wide popularity and fame after it was used in the nutrition of astronauts.

    The benefits of seaweed!

    Already the accommodation itself modern people in megacities is an indication to regularly consume chlorella. Poor environmental situation, constant stress with an intense lifestyle, overload in educational institutions or production - taking chlorella will allow us to significantly reduce the impact on health of these negative factors.

    Chlorella is a single-celled plant and is usually carefully collected, dried and ground to a powder.

    The plant is unique in its properties and can be safely called a natural medicinal product.

    Today, in order to use algae as a supplement, you do not need to put your body at risk and collect chlorella from the surface of a blooming pond, just contact a specialized store healthy eating or a pharmacy and purchase it in powder or tablet form.

    Chemical composition

    The single-celled, simple organism of algae has a very rich composition. High biological value is achieved through protein, which is no less than in meat and more than in plants.


    The protein is very balanced in amino acid composition, and chlorophyll, which is involved in the formation of oxygen in the chlorella algae itself, is similar to hemoglobin and carries oxygen well in the human body.

    At detailed study chemical composition Chlorella biologists discovered the following substances:

    • B vitamins;
    • Water-soluble vitamin C;
    • Beta carotene;
    • Folic acid;
    • Vitamin-like substances choline and niacin;
    • Fat-soluble vitamins E and K;
    • Pantothenic acid;
    • Flavonoids;
    • Glycoproteins.
    • Calcium;
    • Sulfur;
    • Cellulose;
    • Protein is about 50% in the product;
    • Silicon and chromium.

    And that's not yet full list components.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning chlorophyll. This substance is found in green plants in the form of plates. Chemically, chlorophyll is very similar to the heme protein in human blood. In plants, chlorophyll plays approximately the same role as hemoglobin. Therefore, the use of algae with chlorophyll improves the oxygen supply to tissues and organs.

    When prescribing chlorella algae, take into account general state health and the presence of specific complaints.

    Effect on immunity

    Chlorella has an amazing effect on human immunity. If you take it regularly, the performance of the main components will significantly improve immune defense body.

    This can be explained by the high content of vitamins and biologically active substances. Chlorophyll plays an important role here. Microelements and about ten types of vitamins, including a huge content of vitamin B12, make microalgae a real salvation for vegetarians and vegans.

    Taking chlorella every day reduces the risk of getting viral and bacterial infections.


    Not only does toxins bind, but they are also removed. The Japanese conducted an unprecedented study and proved that chlorella successfully rids the human body of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and radionuclides. This is especially important, because with the current level of ecology, the level of harmful substances in the inhaled air and the background radiation in most countries of the world are increased.

    Chlorella reduces the harmful effects of alcohol, cigarettes and even medicines on the cells of the human body. And the ability of algae to improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and intestines contributes to the speedy recovery of patients with chronic pathology these organs.

    Literally after a few days of taking preparations from algae, the functioning of the intestines and stomach is normalized. Recovering normal microflora and electrolyte balance.

    Increases vitality levels

    Always have good mood and being in good shape is extremely necessary for people who lead an active lifestyle. Chlorella increases human energy release.

    An additional portion of oxygen enriches every cell of the body and gives it strength. People who regularly consume chlorella algae as a superfood note increased performance and increased strength.

    Effect on metabolism

    Scientists have proven that chlorella actively affects metabolic processes V human body. For people who want to get rid of extra pounds and fat deposits, you should pay attention to algae, because it accelerates the breakdown of lipids.


    Metabolic syndrome, which has literally covered the whole world, recedes when eating green algae. If there is a risk of developing metabolic diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure or obesity, chlorella must be present in the diet.

    Among the group of studied patients with hypertension, a quarter of the patients experienced an active decrease in pressure to normal indicators. In this case, you need to consume no more than ten grams of chlorella per day for a month.

    Because algae reduces lipoprotein levels high density, the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis is reduced and thereby the number of myocardial, cerebral, and intestinal infarctions is reduced.

    Tissue regeneration

    The amazing property of chlorella was recently discovered. The algae contains a growth factor called by scientists (CGF), it is this substance that can cause human tissues and cells, especially nervous tissue, to regenerate.

    This ability is actively used in the treatment of many neurological diseases. Positive result obtained in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, degenerative lesions nerve fibers, multiple sclerosis, at convulsive syndrome, organic and functional lesions of the central nervous system.


    Good results have been obtained using chlorella in patients with stroke. In pediatrics, algae is used in children with developmental disorders of the nervous system and lack of physical development.

    Traumatologists also noted rapid healing bone tissue and muscle fibers in people who consumed chlorella.

    Effect on the heart and blood vessels

    The heart and blood vessels consist of several layers of tissue, if a disease develops in one of these layers or all are destroyed. Chlorella contains very important substances, complex sugars or mucopolysaccharides. Proteins and sugar, which are obtained after digestion of mucopolysaccharides, regenerate tissues.

    The walls of blood vessels become stronger and stronger, inflammation goes away. This is especially important for older people. After all, it is widely known that especially dangerous disease in older people are heart attacks and strokes.

    Besides high content Chlorella contains omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid, which allow chlorella to fight harmful low-density lipoproteins, and this in turn prevents vascular atherosclerosis.

    In addition, chlorella reduces the ability of platelets to form blood clots on the walls of blood vessels and cause heart attacks in various organs.

    Women will be pleased to know that the healing components of chlorella algae are actively used by professional dermatologists and cosmetologists to improve appearance skin of the face and body.

    The fact that algae can rid the skin of accumulated toxins and dirt makes it an indispensable component of masks in expensive beauty salons.

    Body masks

    For masks, a powder form of chlorella is used. If a woman has no contraindications, then masks can be used without fear for her health. You can use this mask not only from professionals, but also at home.

    1. Take 3 teaspoons of chlorella powder, 1.5 teaspoons of Moroccan clay, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, and a few drops essential oils grapefruit, orange.
    2. Add hot water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
    3. Apply the mask to the thighs and abdomen, wrapping them with film and terry towels.
    4. Exposure time is about an hour. It will be better if you apply the mask after a bath or sauna. This procedure has an anti-cellulite effect and significantly evens out the skin texture.

    Mask for the face

    Chlorella is also used in face masks. There are a lot of recipes, but they are all aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • fight against wrinkles;
    • getting rid of acne and redness;
    • improvement of complexion.

    This is due to the antibacterial and antitoxic effects of the algae.

    Take a teaspoon of dry powder, mix with a few drops of lemon juice and vitamin E. Add hot boiled water. Apply to face for twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

    Useful properties of chlorella

    In addition to the listed areas of application, chlorella has a number of other advantages:

    Anti-inflammatory property against diseases skin mucous membranes and even internal organs.

    Healing of minor wounds, burns, cuts and abrasions. Acceleration of healing of trophic ulcers.

    Has a beneficial effect on all departments digestive tract. Combats enzyme deficiency and improves intestinal motility.

    In Tibet, chlorella is used as a healing drink to support the entire body and remove toxins.

    The antibacterial properties of algae cope with bacterial, viral and even fungal diseases. Stimulates the immune system and helps speed recovery.

    Rejuvenation of the body. With the loss of nucleic acids, tissue depression and aging occur. Therefore, consuming chlorella can stop this process and renew cells.

    For general maintenance of the body during cold periods. Substances found in algae help the body resist viruses.

    When a cold period sets in, people stop moving actively and therefore accumulated toxins remain in the blood and poison our body. Anyone who wants to be vigorous and healthy at any time of the year simply needs to use chlorella.

    Green algae actively collects, attracts molecules of heavy metals and removes them.

    An excellent antioxidant prevents oxidation processes in the body and prevents the development of cancer.

    An amazing source of protein, which is no less in chlorella than in meat. Vegetarians especially appreciate this plant.

    Indications for taking chlorella

    Doctors usually do not prescribe chlorella as a medicinal drug, because it is a biologically active substance and it is difficult to predict how it will behave in each specific case.

    However, herbalists and homeopaths suggest consuming algae in the following cases:

    • if necessary to balance and adjust hormonal background in women, reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
    • treatment and prevention of ulcerative gastroenteritis;
    • to eliminate symptoms of intoxication;
    • if you have hyperhidrosis or increased sweating with an unpleasant odor;
    • if there are symptoms of decreased immunity;
    • if there are manifestations food allergies, allergic reaction on pollen and other substances;
    • if there are manifestations of asthma;
    • for acute and chronic diseases liver or gallbladder;
    • with a decrease in vitality;
    • to maintain strength in people involved in sports;
    • for depression and apathy;
    • as a rejuvenating agent.

    Other uses of chlorella

    Cosmetology - healing properties Chlorella has been used in the production of natural cosmetics for many years. Creams and masks based on this algae supply oxygen to every skin cell. At the same time, the epidermis is renewed and wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Cooking. Chlorella is added to food as a culinary additive.

    IN agriculture as a health supplement for cows and horses. Dissolved algae is given to poultry with water to increase the number of eggs.

    In crop production to increase soil fertility and destroy harmful microorganisms in the soil.

    Cleaning of drains. Chlorella ensures the purification of sewage water from biological pollutants and heavy metal salts.

    Release form

    Manufacturers produce chlorella in various forms:

    • suspension;
    • powder;
    • pills;
    • extract;
    • paste.

    This is done for the convenience of people. Some people can't take pills, others can't stand drinking powder. Only you decide in what form to choose the drug.

    Methods of application

    The most good news that it is not possible to overdose on chlorella. Whether you take more or less than the therapeutic dose, there will be no harm. But you should take into account its fairly high cost and not waste a valuable product.

    But this has more to do with the release of toxins and increased immunity. This can manifest itself as an increase in temperature, exacerbation of chronic diseases or weakness.

    You should not be afraid; this is a temporary discomfort, and it will pass as soon as the body is cleansed of harmful substances.

    If you have never used chlorella, you should start with tablets. The tablet contains 500 mg of the substance.

    Daily dose 2 g. After taking, carefully monitor the body's reaction. If a reaction does occur, do not be alarmed; everything will pass quickly.

    Subsequent doses increase the amount of the drug to 10 grams per day.

    Take chlorella with plenty of water. And drink at least two liters of fluid throughout the day. This is necessary to remove toxins from the body.

    Chlorella algae should be consumed regularly. It does not matter the time of day when you drink the seaweed, it is more important not to miss a day of taking it.

    If you choose a powder, let it sit for 15 minutes before using.

    For a powerful cleansing effect, drink the seaweed solution on an empty stomach.

    Regular use of seaweed increases its effectiveness due to its accumulation properties.

    Chlorella in cooking

    Sprinkle seaweed powder on salads, add it to vegetable smoothies and tomato juice. This will not spoil the dish, but on the contrary, will give it more benefits.

    It has become very popular to drink chlorella as part of a very tasty and healthy green smoothie.

    Load your favorite fruits and berries into the blender, add a good bunch of parsley and 30g of chlorella.

    Then beat the resulting mixture with a blender.

    In order to effectively lose weight or successfully maintain it at the desired level, drink a similar cocktail every day in the morning on an empty stomach. Let this be the first step towards a healthy life.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Like all biologically active substances that people add to their diet, chlorella has its contraindications. Of course there are not many of them, but they exist.

    Scientists have noted that among modern people, one of the most dangerous and common diseases is allergies. Almost every second inhabitant of the planet has a hyperreaction to something. This also applies to green algae. Individual intolerance to chlorella is an extremely rare pathology.

    Intolerance to iodine and iodine-containing products. Chlorella contains a lot of iodine - it's great for preventing diseases thyroid gland, but dangerous for such people.

    Another contraindication is high potassium content. This is dangerous for people who are prone to blood clotting.

    The standard contraindication is pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods, a woman’s body undergoes serious hormonal changes, and the introduction of biologically active drugs can have a bad effect on the health of the woman and baby.


    Phenylketanuria, a congenital metabolic disease, is a serious contraindication.


    There are millions of plant species around us. Some grow on the soil, others have invaded the aquatic environment. These plants delight the eye with the beauty of their inflorescences and palette of aromas. They contain a lot useful substances for human health. I study various latest research and methods of the world's leading experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

    I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants In my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

    What is the importance of chlorella in nature and human life, you will learn from this article.

    The meaning of chlorella

    What is chlorella?

    Chlorella is a genus of unicellular plants belonging to the division of green algae. It combines 20 species. The most famous and widespread is Chlorella vulgaris, which forms huge clusters in ditches, ponds and muddy puddles. Chlorella is widespread almost everywhere, as it is undemanding environment and reproduces quite quickly. Representatives of the genus can be found in fresh and salty bodies of water and highly moist soils.

    The meaning of chlorella in nature

    It helps purify water and, thanks to its impressive reserves of chlorophyll, intensively produces oxygen. Chlorella is also food for aquatic organisms.

    Chlorella: meaning in human life

    Algae accumulates biomass very quickly when grown. This quality has made it a sought-after object of research and cultivation. It is used for experimental experiments in ecological closed life support systems. Representatives of this genus release a lot of oxygen during photosynthesis during their life. This feature found application for air regeneration in spaceships and submarines. In modern astronautics, chlorella plays an important role. Again, due to the production of oxygen, the short growing season and the speed of reproduction. The biomass obtained from it is used at orbital stations. It also acts as a source of food, the nutritional qualities of which are simply impressive. There is a lot of algae protein useful vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. By nutritional value it is compared to beef meat. The only catch is that the listed nutrients covered with a durable shell. Human digestive enzymes cannot destroy it, so the shell has to be destroyed chemically and then consumed. Chlorella is also made from medications– it improves immune function, is an analgesic, reduces arterial pressure, removes heavy metal compounds.