Biyoquinol: instructions for use. The meaning of the word bioquinol in the reference book of medicines Bioquinol recipe in Latin

Antisyphilitic There are drugs used to treat syphilis with the aim of selectively affecting its causative agent, Treponema pallidum. (Treponemapallidum). They belong to the group of antispirochetal drugs and are also prescribed for the treatment of other spirochetal diseases (for example, relapsing fever) and leptospirosis.

For drug therapy Antibiotics are used for all stages of syphilis. On late stages syphilis, iodine compounds are also prescribed to speed up the resorption of rubbers (potassium iodide ) or bismuth preparations (biyoquinol And bismoverol).

Historical reference. The first specific antisyphilitic drugs were organic compounds arsenic ( salvarsan , novarsenol etc.), which were invented by the founder of chemotherapy, the famous German scientist, Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich in 1910.

P. Ehrlich was inspired to study the prosyphilitic activity of arsenic compounds by the effectiveness of such a compound in the treatment of trypanosomiasis (“sleeping sickness”). Due to high toxicity and lack of effectiveness, arsenic preparations are already long time not used in clinical practice.


Classification of antisyphilitic drugs

By origin antisyphilitic drugs are divided into

1. Antibiotics:

Benzylpenicillin preparations (salts benzylpenicillin - sodium, novocaine, benzathin or bicillin-1) and other penicillin antibiotics ( ampicillin, oxacillin)

Cephalosporins ( cefazolin, ceftriaxone)

Macrolides and azalides ( erythromycin, josamycin, azithromycin)

Tetracyclines (doxycycline).

2. Synthetic compounds:

Bismuth preparations ( bijoquinol, bismoverol).

By efficiency Antisyphilitic antibiotics are divided into 3 groups:

1. Fixed assets (and series).

2. Alternative remedies (II line).

3. Reserve funds.

Fixed assets. Antisyphilitic drugs and a number of drugs are benzylpenicillin (sodium, potassium salts, and benzathine benzylpenicillin and others Bicillina), which are used intramuscularly. These antibiotics quickly kill the causative agent of syphilis, Treponema pallidum - they exhibit a treponemocidal effect. The causative agent of syphilis does not acquire resistance to antibiotics.

In some patients, at the beginning of antibiotic therapy, deterioration occurs within several hours after the first injection. general condition a patient with the development of symptoms of intoxication - body temperature rises, headache, tachycardia, myalgia, general weakness. This side effect of antibiotic therapy is called the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction (Jarisch - Herxheimer Reaction - named after the names of the Austrian and German dermatologists who first described it after using mercury drugs in patients with syphilis. In Russian literature it is known as the Herxheimer-Jarish-Lukashevich reaction). The reaction may also occur during antibiotic therapy for other infectious diseases due to the bactericidal effect of antimicrobial agents - through the massive death of microorganisms and rapid entry into the blood large quantity endotoxins of dead bacteria. This side effect of antibiotic therapy is transient, disappears within one day, can be prevented and does not require special treatment. additional treatment. In case of general serious condition patient, for example, due to syphilitic damage to the aortic valve, the patient is given desensitizing agents - glucocorticoids - in order to prevent the occurrence of the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in advance, before the start of antisyphilitic antibiotic therapy.

By alternative means(means of the 2nd row) is macrolides (erythromycin, josamycin) and tetracycline (doxycycline), they are used mainly for allergies to penicillins. Erythromycin is inferior in effectiveness to other second-line drugs; in addition, it does not pass the hematoplacental barrier and does not have therapeutic action for the fruit. Therefore, treatment with benzylpenicillin is indicated for newborns (in the case of pregnant women treated with erythromycin).

Other antibiotics are prescribed less frequently penicillin row (ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin) and cephalosporins (cefazolin, ceftriaxone) having wide range antimicrobial action when there is a need for simultaneous treatment of concomitant infections. Ceftriaxone has the ability to accumulate in the brain in high concentrations, so it is prescribed for neurosyphilis.

Reserve antisyphilitic drugs(III line agents) are considered azalides (azithromycin). In terms of efficiency, reserve and alternative drugs inferior to benzylpenicillin preparations.

Bismuth preparations. Complex preparations of bismuth (biyoquinol, bismoverol) are specific antisyphilitic drugs - act on pallidum and do not show widespread antibacterial action. The type of antibacterial action is bacteriostatic (treponemostatic type of action). The mechanism of action is due to the blocking of sulfhydryl groups (SH groups) of microbial enzymes. In terms of activity and speed of onset of effect, bismuth preparations are inferior to antibiotics.

Bioquinol(biiochinolum) is an 8% suspension of quinine iodobismuthate in neutralized peach oil, that is, it contains bismuth (bi), iodine (io) and quinine (chin) in peach oil (o). It has additional anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. It is produced in bottles for parenteral (intra-hypertensive) injections of 100 mx administered intramuscularly at 2 (3) ml 1 time in 2 (3) days, that is, at the rate of 1 ml per day.

Bismoverol(bismoverolum) - 7% suspension of the main bismuth salt of monobismuth tartaric acid in neutralized peach (or olive) oil.

Bismuth preparations are prescribed for all forms of syphilis in combination with antibiotics. They are especially effective for neurosyphilitic lesions. Bismuth preparations also have an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, so they are used for non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system (arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, residual effects after cerebral strokes). From digestive tract are not absorbed, so they are administered intramuscularly. Excreted primarily by the kidneys, as well as small quantities intestines and sweat glands.

Side effects: gingivitis, stomatitis, the appearance of a gray border along the edge of the gums (bismuth border), gray spots on visible mucous membranes, colitis, diarrhea, dermatitis, nephropathies (relatively common, usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug), hepatitis. When using bismuth preparations, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral mucosa, kidney and liver function.

Classification of antisyphilitic drugs

1. Benzylpenicillin preparations:

A) short acting(benzylpenicillin sodium and potassium salts)

B) long acting(novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin, bicillins)

2. Other antibiotics (tetracycline, erythromycin, cephaloridine)

3. Bismuth preparations (biyoquinol, bismoverol)

The main place in the treatment of syphilis is occupied by drugs benzylpenicillin. For this purpose, both short-acting (benzylpenicillin sodium or potassium salt) and long-acting (benzylpenicillin novocaine salt, bicillin) drugs are used. Benzylpenicillin has a rapid and pronounced

treponemocidal action. The development of resistance to it in Treponema pallidum was not noted. Benzylpenicillin preparations are effective against syphilis at all its stages. They are prescribed in courses, the duration of which is determined by the form and stage of the disease.

If benzylpenicillin is intolerant (for example, due to allergic reactions), other antibiotics can be used to treat syphilis - tetracyclines, as well as erythromycin, azithromycin, ceftriaxone. However, they are inferior in effectiveness to benzylpenicillin preparations.

In addition to antibiotics, in the treatment of syphilis they use bismuth preparations. These include biyoquinol (8% suspension of quinine iodobismuthate in neutralized peach oil) and bismoverol (suspension of the basic bismuth salt of monobismuthartaric acid in neutralized peach oil). Unlike antibiotics, the spectrum of action of bismuth preparations is limited to the causative agent of syphilis. They are less active than benzylpenicillin. Their treponemostatic effect is associated with inhibition of enzymes containing sulfhydryl groups. The therapeutic effect of bismuth preparations develops much more slowly than benzylpenicillin. From gastrointestinal tract Bismuth preparations are not absorbed, and therefore they are administered intramuscularly.

They are secreted mainly by the kidneys, and also in small quantities by the intestines and sweat glands. Bismuth preparations are used for all forms of syphilis.

Side effects are relatively rare. Typical of the action of these drugs is the appearance of a dark border along the edge of the gums (the so-called bismuth border). The development of gingivitis, stomatitis, colitis, diarrhea, and dermatitis is possible. Damage to the kidneys and liver is rarely observed.

When using bismuth preparations, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the oral mucosa, kidney and liver function.

In the later stages of syphilis, gum is prescribed to accelerate the resorption iodine compounds(potassium iodide).


Benzylpenicillin preparations

Benzylpenicillin is an antibiotic that is a waste product various types mold fungus Penicillinum. IN medical practice used in the form of sodium, potassium, novocaine salts of benzylpenicillin.

Benzylpenicillin is active primarily against gram-positive cocci (staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci), gram-negative cocci (gonococci, meningococci), anthrax bacilli, diphtheria bacilli, spirochetes and some pathogenic fungi. Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Shigella), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rickettsia, viruses, and protozoa are resistant to the antibiotic.

Mechanism of action.

Antibiotics penicillin group are specific inhibitors of cell wall biosynthesis, and the selectivity of their action is determined by certain structural features of the bacterial cell wall, compared to the animal one. Under the influence of bacteriostatic concentrations of the antibiotic, growing cells stop dividing and their morphology changes dramatically. Microbes increase significantly, swell or take on an elongated shape. The altered cells disintegrate to form fine particles and die. The antibacterial effect is based on the suppression of the synthesis of murein, the supporting polymer of the cell wall.

Penicillin inhibits the last stage of cell wall synthesis by preventing the formation of peptide cross-links between linear murein chains. Due to the structural similarity of penicillin to the peptide substrate of the cell wall, the antibiotic competes with it for the active site of transpeptidase.

Penicillin is used in the form aqueous solutions(sodium, potassium soluble salts) or suspensions (novocaine, bicillin and other slightly soluble salts).

After intramuscular administration, the sodium and potassium salts of benzylpenicillin are absorbed very quickly. Concentration in the blood reaches a maximum after 15 minutes and persists for 3-4 hours.

Penicillin easily passes through the placenta, and 1-6 hours after administration to the mother, its concentration in the fetal bloodstream is 25-30% (from 10 - 50%) of the level in maternal blood. Penicillin is excreted in urine (50 - 70%), as well as in saliva, sweat, milk and bile.

Side effects.

Headache, increased body temperature, urticaria, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, joint pain, eosinophillia, angioedema, anaphylactic shock may occur. With pronounced allergic reactions Adrenaline, glucocorticoids, antihistamines, and penicillinase are prescribed. At anaphylactic shock: administration of adrenaline, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride, use of cardiac drugs, inhalation of oxygen, warming, after recovery from shock, penicillinase is administered.

Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt.

Novocaine salt is a long-acting drug that provides a therapeutic concentration of penicillin in the blood for up to 12 hours. Excreted from the body with urine.

Bismuth preparations

Bioquinol - 8% suspension of quinine iodobismuthate in neutralized peach oil.

Bioquinol is used to treat different forms syphilis, mainly in combination with penicillin antibiotics. Administered intramuscularly. Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties of bioquinol, it is used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, etc. Side effects: the appearance of gingivitis and stomatitis, a border appears relatively often gray along the edge of the gums and around individual teeth (especially carious ones). Gray spots may appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, tongue, and palate. Very often there is nephropathy, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

Bismoverol .

They are usually used to treat patients with syphilis in combination with antibiotics from the penicillin group. Administered intramuscularly.

Contraindications and side effects the same as when using bioquinol.

Dosage forms: 8% suspension of iodine bismuth quinine in neutralized peach or olive oil. In bottles of 100 ml.

Medicinal properties: Anti-inflammatory.

Storage: List B.

Indications for use of Biyoquinol

All forms of syphilis (in combination with penicillin drugs), non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system(arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, etc.), skull injuries.


Bioquinol is prohibited for use under 6 months of age. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhagic diathesis, severe forms of tuberculosis, cardiac decompensation, gingivitis, stomatitis, increased sensitivity to quinine.

Side effects

Biyoquinol can cause salivation, the appearance of a dark blue border along the edge of the gums, gingivitis, stomatitis, dermatitis, bismuth nephropathy, albuminuria, polyneuritis and trigeminal neuritis.

Instructions for use

V/m. To avoid getting into the vessel, before injection, the bottle is heated in warm water and shaken thoroughly. For syphilis, 2-3 ml is administered once every 2-3 days (at the rate of 1 ml per day). Course dose is 40-50 ml.

Higher single dose for adults 3 ml (1 time every 3 days). For nonspecific lesions of the central nervous system, 2 ml every other day. The course dose is 30-40 ml depending on the stage of the process.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Bioquinol in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

BIIOCHINOL (Biiochinolum).

A suspension of 8% quinine iodobismuthate (contains 23.5 - 25% bismuth, 56.5 58% iodine and 17.8 - 18.4% quinine) in neutralized peach oil.

After thorough shaking, the suspension acquires a uniform brick-red color. When standing, a brick-red sediment forms. 1 ml of suspension contains 0.02 g of metallic bismuth.

Biyoquinol, as well as other bismuth preparations (bismoverol), is used to treat various forms syphilis, mainly in combination with penicillin antibiotics.

Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties of bioquinol, this drug is also used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, residual effects after the violations took place cerebral circulation and etc.

Injected intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock with a long needle. After inserting the needle, it is necessary to monitor whether blood appears from the cannula; Only after making sure that there is no blood, attach a syringe and slowly inject the drug. Before injection, the bottle is heated in warm water (not higher than + 40 C) and shaken thoroughly. When treating syphilis, adults are administered 2 - 3 ml once every 2 - 3 days (at the rate of 1 ml per day). Per course 40 - 50 ml. When treating non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system, administer 1 ml per day or 2 ml every other day. For a course of treatment 30 - 40 ml. The highest single dose for adults (into muscles) is 3 ml (1 time every 3 days). Children are administered intramuscularly every 2 days in the following doses:

Dose per 1 Total

6 months - 1 year 0.5 - 0.8 8 - 10

From 2 years to 3 years 0.5 - 1.0 12 - 15 >> 4 to 5 years 1. O - 1.5 15 - 20 >> 6>> 10 >> 1.0 - 2.0 20 - 25 >> 11 >> 15 >> 1, 0 - 3, 0 25 - 30

When using bioquinol and other bismuth drugs, the development of gingivitis and stomatitis is possible; The so-called bismuth fringe appears relatively often, i.e. a gray border along the edge of the gums and around individual (especially carious) teeth. Gray spots may also appear on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, and palate. With appropriate hygiene care behind the oral cavity, a bismuth border is rarely observed. Relatively often, when treating with bismuth drugs, nephropathies occur, usually quickly passing after discontinuation of the drugs.

Contraindications: lesions of the oral mucosa, amphodontosis, kidney disease, acute and chronic diseases liver with damage to its parenchyma, hemorrhagic diathesis, increased sensitivity to quinine. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, the condition of the liver, and kidneys. If protein, casts or bismuth cells appear in the urine, or damage to the oral mucosa in the form of gingivitis or stomatitis, it is necessary to take a break from treatment.

Release form: in orange glass bottles of 100 ml.

Storage: List B. In a cool, dark place.

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). A suspension of 8% quinine iodobismuthate (contains 23.5 - 25% bismuth, 56.5 - 58% iodine and 17.8 - 18.4% quinine) in neutralized peach oil. After thorough shaking, the suspension acquires a uniform brick-red color. When standing, a brick-red sediment forms. 1 ml of suspension contains 0.02 g of metallic bismuth. Biyoquinol, as well as other bismuth preparations (bismoverol), are used to treat various forms of syphilis, mainly in combination with penicillin antibiotics. Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties in bioquinol, this drug is also used in the treatment of non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system: arachnoencephalitis, meningomyelitis, residual effects after cerebrovascular accidents, etc. It is administered intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock with a long needle. After inserting the needle, it is necessary to monitor whether blood appears from the cannula; Only after making sure that there is no blood, attach a syringe and slowly inject the drug. Before injection, the bottle is heated in warm water (not higher than + 40 C) and shaken thoroughly. When treating syphilis, adults are administered 2 - 3 ml once every 2 - 3 days (at the rate of 1 ml per day). Per course 40 - 50 ml. When treating non-syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system, administer 1 ml per day or 2 ml every other day. For a course of treatment 30 - 40 ml. The highest single dose for adults (into muscles) is 3 ml (1 time every 3 days). Children are administered intramuscularly every 2 days in the following doses: Dose per 1 Total age of administration, dose ml per course of treatment, ml 6 months - 1 year 0.5 - 0.8 8 - 10 From 2 years to 3 years 0.5 - 1.0 12 - 15 >> 4 to 5 years 1.O - 1.5 15 - 20 >> 6 >> 10 >> 1.0 - 2.0 20 - 25 >> 11 >> 15 >> 1, 0 3.0 25 - 30 When using bioquinol and other bismuth drugs, the development of gingivitis and stomatitis is possible; The so-called bismuth fringe appears relatively often, i.e. a gray border along the edge of the gums and around individual (especially carious) teeth. Gray spots may also appear on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, and palate. With appropriate hygienic oral care, a bismuth rim is rarely observed. Relatively often, when treating with bismuth drugs, nephropathies occur, usually quickly passing after discontinuation of the drugs. Contraindications: lesions of the oral mucosa, amphodontosis, kidney disease, acute and chronic liver diseases with damage to its parenchyma, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypersensitivity to quinine. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, the condition of the liver, and kidneys. If protein, casts or bismuth cells appear in the urine, or damage to the oral mucosa in the form of gingivitis or stomatitis, it is necessary to take a break from treatment. Release form: in orange glass bottles of 100 ml. Storage: List B. In a cool, dark place.

. 2005 .


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    BIIOCHINOL (Biiochinolum). A suspension of 8% quinine iodobismuthate (contains 23.5-25% bismuth, 56.5-58% iodine and 17.8-18.4% quinine) in neutralized peach oil. After thorough shaking, the suspension acquires a uniform brick-red color... Dictionary of medicines

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