What does eggshell treat? How to make calcium from eggshells

xxel c Easily digestible calcium from eggshells. Instructions.

Everyone knows that the body needs calcium. In particular, it is needed to maintain the structure of teeth, bones, and nails. Calcium is also involved in blood clotting, participates in muscle contraction, etc.

Calcium is found in many foods. The table of calcium content in products can be viewed here: http://legscorrection.ru/plastic/health_1.php. Most of it is found in poppy seeds, sesame seeds, milk, cheese, and nettles.

However, as calcium enters the body, calcium is also removed from the body. To a greater extent, this occurs due to excessive consumption of salt and salty foods, eating large amounts of meat, constantly drinking coffee and cola, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Accordingly, it is necessary to regulate the calcium content so as not to deplete the body of this element.

Egg shells contain a lot of calcium. It is almost 100% calcium. But how to prepare it so that the body absorbs it? Eggshells contain calcium carbonate CaCO3 and it is insoluble in water and alcohol, and a mandatory precondition for the absorption of calcium is its solubility in water. However, when it enters the stomach, calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce calcium chloride CaCl2, which is already soluble in water and is absorbed by the body. However, if the acidity of the stomach is low, then calcium carbonate will not be able to completely convert into chloride. Accordingly, the acidity of the stomach will regulate the amount of calcium absorbed by the body. But calcium citrate, which can be obtained first from eggshells and lemon juice, does not have these features. Calcium citrate is perfectly absorbed at any acidity of the stomach and has greater biological activity compared to chloride. You can read more about this in this article: http://health-diet.ru/people/user/37786/blog/7390/

So how do you make calcium citrate? I prepare it like this:

1. I collect shells from eggs (boiled or raw). I dry it. If the shell is dirty, you can first wash it and boil it in water. After the shells are dry, grind them in a mortar (you can use a coffee grinder or other electric grinder). The smaller the ceiling, the better. The result is a powder. You can simply pour it into a jar.

2. Pour a teaspoon of powder into a bowl and squeeze out the juice of one lemon. The squeezed lemon halves can be thrown into a carafe of water and you will have lemon water that you can drink.

3. There will be a reaction with hissing and foam formation. I periodically knock down the foam by stirring the solution. You can leave this mixture overnight.

4. After about 12-24 hours the mixture is obtained white. I simply take 1-2 teaspoons of this mixture with meals. As they say, less is better, but more often. There may be undissolved shell pieces left in the mixture. This may be due to the grind not being fine enough. In principle, it’s okay, since they will also be absorbed to some extent.

Everyone knows that we need calcium for bones and teeth. But the role of calcium does not end there. We need calcium for good blood clotting, for the transmission of nerve signals, for muscle contractions and for regulating heart rate.
Our body does not produce calcium on its own. But we lose it every day - with skin cells, with nails, hair, sweat, urine, etc. If there is a deficiency, calcium is taken from the bones of the body.
There are many food sources of calcium for our body.
But today I want to focus specifically on eggshells.
Why eggshells?
Eggshells are one of the best natural sources of calcium.
Eggshells are mainly calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is also found in oyster shells and animal bones. But the mentioned (last two) sources of calcium carbonate are inferior to eggshells, as they usually contain a larger amount of heavy metals. And calcium contained in eggshells is one of the best forms calcium after milk. I want to say right away that if you think that you will get all the calcium with milk, then you should take into account the quality of the milk and you need to: a) look at what the cow ate and where - now they are fed soybeans and corn, and this does not give the milk much nutritional value , don’t even expect any decent content of vitamins and mineralsb) be sure to avoid commercially produced milk. To digest butter fat we need calcium. During the metabolism of milk, one fat molecule “sticks” to two calcium molecules. As a result, you can even harm yourself, since calcium will be sucked out of reserves (bones, nails, teeth) only in order to absorb this milk.
(Please do not confuse commercially produced milk with homemade unpasteurized milk (which I happily drink every day) - the story is completely different there.)
In general, I always pay attention not just to the amount of any vitamin that is indicated on the label, but to how effectively my body can absorb it. Calcium is now added to many products, but this does not mean that your body will receive any benefit from it (more information about the bioavailability of vitamins can be found here “These vitamins are dangerous to your health”). Eggshells contain balanced calcium, which is closer to the microchemistry of our body, therefore it is absorbed and digested easier and better.
In addition to calcium, eggshells contain as much as 30! other minerals (magnesium, copper, boron, silicon, manganese, iron, zinc and others.)
So, to prepare natural, healthy and bio-digestible calcium, we only need an ordinary eggshell. The eggs can be from any bird, the main thing is that they are as homemade as possible, natural, organic, cage-free, preferably their food is organic, without soy and GMOs. The better the bird's food, the more useful it will be in the eggshell.
How to make calcium from eggshells (watch the video or read the text for more details and details)

1. Rinse shell under water. We leave the white film (!) - it also contains a lot of useful substances.
2. Next boil shells in water for 5-10 minutes. This kills bacteria.
3. Dry. In the sun, in fresh air, on a tray, on a towel - it doesn’t matter.

4. Grind as small as possible! in a coffee grinder, blender, food processor, etc. Of all the possible devices, I still recommend using a coffee grinder - it grinds very finely. First, the shell should be broken a little with your hands, and then ground.

I don't have a coffee grinder (blender, food processor)
It's okay, this is not the only way to grind the shells. You can put it in a plastic bag and mash it with a rolling pin. Powder will accumulate at the bottom of the bag.
To make it convenient to take, I make calcium capsules.

I take these capsules from iherb - they are a good size and easy to swallow.

I leave the other part of the crushed shell in powder form - it can be used for face and body scrubs, mixed with oils.

How much calcium should I take?
1 medium egg shell = approximately 1 tsp. powder = 700-800 mg calcium.
Most people need about 400 mg of calcium per day.
That is, approximately 1/2 teaspoon per day. But the intake should be divided into 2 parts of 1/4 tsp each, since our body is able to absorb no more than 500 mg of calcium at a time.
For pregnant women, the dose is twice as large, for children - half as much.
And here again there is no standardized data, it all depends on your diet!!! If you drink a couple of glasses of raw milk during the day or eat canned sardines, soups and traditional bone broths, then your intake will be significantly less. Depending on what you ate during the day, you may not need any additional calcium at all. So first of all, listen to your body!

When to take calcium?
Should be taken with food and in the morning for better absorption. And remember that calcium is best absorbed with vitamins D and A, which are contained in coconut oil, liver, fermented cod oil, butter and other products.
And don’t forget about vitamin C, it also significantly improves the absorption of calcium.
Calcium citrate would be better suited those who have any problems with gastrointestinal inflammation or some other imbalances that block calcium absorption. The advantage of calcium citrate is that it does not have to be taken with food, as it is already better absorbed.

How to make calcium citrate?

The principle is simple - we take lemon juice(acid) dissolve calcium from the shell.
Option 1
1. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of crushed eggshells with freshly squeezed (! must be fresh, otherwise the reaction may not work) juice of half a lemon.
The mixture will begin to bubble.
2. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 6 - 12 hours (but no more than 12).
Take 1/2 - one teaspoon with water.
Option 2
1. Soak one clean whole raw home-made egg completely in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Preferably in glass containers.
2. Cover lightly and refrigerate for 48 hours. Shake the container several times a day until bubbles form.
3. Remove the egg after about 48 hours, when the mixture stops bubbling.
Take 1/2 teaspoon (and a little more) once a day.
Option 3
1.Soak 3 clean, whole, raw domestic eggs completely in freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is most convenient to use a glass jar with a lid.
2. Screw the jar lid on tightly and refrigerate for 48 hours. Shake the container several times a day until bubbles form.
3. Once the mixture stops bubbling, remove the eggs. You will need to remove it very carefully. You can even eat the eggs later.
Liquid, i.e. the resulting calcium citrate, take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon per day. You should start with a small dose and gradually increase.
Option 4 - for the really lazy
1. Take 1/2 teaspoon of our crushed eggshell powder
2. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and swallow. All
Option 5 - for the very, very lazy :) or urban ones - take ready-made calcium citrate on iherb
My personal choice falls on Solgar Calcium Citrate - I just trust them a lot.
Magnesium should be taken at the same time as calcium. Proportion 1:1 or 2:1. Why and why - I'll tell you next time.
Nadya Ekt

Resources and Help
An evaluation of the importance of gastric acid secretion in the absorption of dietary calciumhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC425063/Gastric Acidity, Atrophic Gastritis, and Calcium Absorptionhttp://onlinelibrary. wiley.com/

Part III

Magic shell

Are coral calcium and eggshells twin brothers? Surprising but true. These calcium preparations were created by nature itself, and with exceptional talent, having set up a whole factory in the body for the creation of organic matter. The chemical composition of both coral calcium and eggshells matches perfectly, and the formation of calcium carbonate in a living organism occurs in the same way. In addition, when reacting with water, the calcium in these preparations acquires an ionic form, and the ions are ideally absorbed by the body. Let's take a look and compare what it is - coral calcium and eggshells.

Chemical composition of eggshells

The shell of bird eggs consists of 90 percent calcium carbonate, and this calcium carbonate, unlike chalk, is absorbed almost one hundred percent due to the fact that the bird’s body has already undergone synthesis from organic to inorganic calcium. In addition, the shell contains all the microelements necessary for the body, including copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, selenium, zinc and others - 27 elements in total!

Once in the human body, natural calcium carbonate easily binds with phosphorus and forms calcium phosphates, which are used to build teeth and bones.

The ideal absorption of eggshells by the body is predetermined by nature itself. The production of shells in the body of a bird is similar to a children's construction set - calcium ions from the blood plasma, as in the construction set, are collected into a single specified system, and therefore, they will disintegrate just as easily, by the same elements and will also simply enter the blood plasma.

Calcium ions have a size that allows them to easily penetrate a human cell and also exit it, leaving a whole chain of important nutritional elements in it, and follow the next ones, which resembles a kind of “cable car”. This makes it possible to strengthen the intercellular membrane, making it impenetrable to viruses and radionuclides, and therefore strengthens the vitality of the entire human body.

Living “factory” for calcium production

Have you ever wondered how wise and jewelry-precise nature is? After all, what does it cost to reproduce the process of shell formation in a bird’s body? Scientists have calculated and decided that it is a colossal expense to recreate inorganic calcium from organic calcium by ions. It must be a whole chemical mega-complex, and even then without a guarantee. And for a laying hen it’s one day and a handful of feed. So, how does the process of shell formation occur in a bird’s body?

Egg shells are made of calcite, a crystalline form of calcium carbonate. The raw materials for calcite crystals - calcium ions and carbonate ions - come from blood plasma. The “uterus” of birds is very richly supplied with blood vessels. Careful measurements have shown that the calcium level in the blood drops as blood passes through the uterus during shell formation, and does not change when there is no egg in the “uterus.”

During the breeding season, the concentration of calcium in the blood of females is much higher than that of males and non-breeding birds. And excess calcium in females is almost entirely associated with complex proteins, which are also one of the components egg yolk and which are synthesized in the liver.

As blood passes through the “uterus,” the concentration of both calcium bound to the complex protein and calcium in the form of ions decreases in the plasma. These two forms of calcium are in equilibrium with each other, and the concentration of the ionic form appears to be restored by calcium bound to the protein.

Carbonate ions owe their origin to enzymes that vary from bird to bird and are found in large quantities in the cells lining the walls of the “uterus.” Sulfonamide drugs, especially some of them, very strongly suppress the activity of these enzymes, and accordingly, the formation of calcified shells.

If a bird gets sick during the breeding season and is treated with sulfonamide drugs, especially in doses higher than necessary, the shell thickness of its eggs will decrease. Even an egg without a shell may form.

The immediate source of calcium is blood, and the primary source is food. However, when the rate of calcium absorption by the “uterus” becomes greater than the rate of its entry from the intestines into the blood, the deficiency is compensated by the release of calcium from the skeletal bones.

Birds are able to mobilize up to 10 percent of their bone material in less than a day: in the cavities of most of their bones, special formations have arisen for this purpose. But only females have such formations, and they appear only during the breeding season, or more precisely, at its very beginning.

During egg laying, a special bone substance is either quickly destroyed or quickly restored. This is most likely controlled by the parathyroid glands, whose task is to regulate the concentration of calcium ions.

Therefore, if a bird has abnormalities in the functioning of the parathyroid glands, it may have difficulty laying eggs.

Calcium metabolism in birds is also disrupted by pesticides - pesticides used to control weeds and pests, among them the famous DDT, the notorious one. Even very small amounts of these substances, if found in a bird's food or used to kill insects in a cage, cause thinning of the shell.

Eggshells have been researched and tested

Eggshells have probably been used by healers and healers ever since the first hen laid the first egg in the chicken coop. Or maybe even earlier, if we take into account, according to biologist A. O. Skvortsov, the behavior of wild animals - for example, foxes and ferrets, which, when climbing into a chicken coop, not only wring off the chickens’ heads, but also like to feast on fresh eggs. Moreover, the biologist notes, it is the shell that is cleaned clean; it is probably what attracts predators more than the contents of the egg itself. And squirrels, fluffy vegetarians, are not averse to climbing into the nest of a bird to steal an egg and chew the shell. Monkeys and dogs eat shells with great pleasure, but, however, only when they really do not have enough calcium in their bodies. The biologist gives an example when at the zoo they added crushed shells to the monkeys’ food, and the females ate the food clean. But for some reason the males ignored the food, barely touching it.

Egg shells attracted the interest of doctors only in the middle of the 20th century. First time research medicinal properties Hungarian chemists and doctors carried out the shells - and were amazed at the results. But Hungarian medicine became interested in this fact only theoretically, and practical developments and research were carried out in Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands), clinical trials at the official level were carried out in New York medical center at a clinical orthopedic hospital. There it was confirmed that the uniqueness of the eggshell lies in its “natural nature.”

Polish naturopaths and Russian healers became interested in the properties of eggshells. They became interested precisely by analogy with the over-advertised coral calcium. Moscow healer Vladimir Mironov writes: “... in terms of healing properties, coral calcium is by no means superior to ordinary eggshells.” According to research, the healer claims that “it is the eggshell that deserves such admiration, and not coral calcium, since it is much cheaper and more effective.”

But it was precisely its general availability and cheapness that prevented the shell from becoming a “hit” of the season. Coral calcium is both exotic and relatively unavailable (it is claimed that only the Sango species is used for industrial development) and, therefore, high cost, which benefits pharmaceutical companies.

Which shell is suitable for treatment?

Dutch scientists claim that the composition of microelements (the highest presence of selenium and magnesium) is most valuable in quail shell. And it is easier to digest than chicken shells. The only drawback is the tiny eggs and equally tiny shells. Preparations made from quail egg shells are very expensive. But if it is possible to use quail shells (from poultry), then this, of course, is an ideal option.

In second place is the shell of chicken eggs. This is the most cheap option- There are plenty of shells everywhere. In composition, they also duplicate quail eggs, except that the percentage composition of some minerals is slightly lower.

It is better not to use the shells of duck and goose eggs - they are often infected. But it is ideally suited for fertilizing the soil.

The shells of wild birds are also identical in composition to quail eggs, but they also should not be consumed due to infection.

Does shell color matter?

Everyone knows perfectly well that eggshells can be white and light brown. And even some healers try to give advice that only one color of shell is suitable for consumption - white. Why? None of them gives any more or less competent answer to this.

The color of the shell doesn't matter in the slightest. The brownish color of the egg is due to slight pigmentation, that is, it is clear that its producer is a chicken with colored plumage - pockmarked, black, brown. Just like with people - white-skinned parents give birth to children with skin like; milk, and dark-skinned parents will pass on tanned skin to their child. This pigment in no way affects the healing properties of the shell. And nowhere in the scientific literature is there any reference to the predominant consumption of white eggs.

Do I need to use raw shells?

To prepare calcium water, it is better to use boiled egg shells.


Calcination and boiling do not fundamentally change healing properties eggshell.

“Calcium water” of Polish naturopaths

Polish naturopaths took a slightly different path. Dr. Vaclav Kreshnik took the research of the Japanese professor Kobayashi as a basis and began to compare not the chemical composition of coral and eggshells, but water with coral calcium and eggshells dissolved in it, that is, their effect on acid-base balance.

It turned out that eggshells not only have all the properties of coral calcium, but are even more active!

When placed in any non-carbonate liquid, eggshell powder instantly combines with it and within 3-5 minutes gives it its unique properties: not only makes it crystal clear of all impurities (including chlorine and heavy metals), but also saturates it with calcium ions.

This “shell-calcium” water, just like “coral” water, very effectively solves problems associated with calcium deficiency. Calcium contained in water is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, since it is in an ionic form, ready for absorption. At the same time, it perfectly purifies water: it deactivates chlorine, sorbs salts of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms, that is, by acting on water, it effectively reduces it harmful effects. When exposed to water, the shell turns it alkaline, that is, it can increase the pH level to 9.8–10.0 units. The use of such water, due to alkalization of the body, ensures better absorption of the components entering it and, what is very important, the absorption of oxygen in an alkaline environment increases many times over.

Dynamics of the effects of coral calcium and eggshells on tap water

Shell + fish oil = health formula

The Polish doctor proceeded from the fact that coral is a polyp, a living organism that actively accumulates iodine, like any creature, be it squid, crabs or sea fish. Corals are usually found in warm coastal waters, where literally everything is filled with iodine, so the iodine content in corals is second only to seaweed - kelp.

From the chemistry course it is known that calcium is most readily absorbed by the body when there is enough vitamin D in it. Therefore, the scientist concluded that the success of coral calcium is that it saturates the body with iodine and promotes faster ionic absorption of calcium.

Dr. Kreshnik decided to test his theory on experimental chickens, which always willingly peck at eggshells. Only this time he began to fill the eggshells with fish oil (and, as you know, this product contains enough iodine and natural vitamin D). Mr. Vaclav was convinced experimentally that the chickens of the control group began to really differ from the rest of the chickens - the backbone was more powerful, egg production doubled, the chickens were no longer susceptible to viral diseases. Based on this, the doctor concluded that the eggshell + fish oil formula is absolutely similar to coral calcium and, perhaps, even surpasses it in effectiveness.

Calcium water, says Dr. Vaclav, can be taken in parallel with taking fish oil and in necessary cases add iodine tablets.

Now in Poland the production of water filters has already been launched, which have the lowest layer of eggshells. Here, the property of calcium is used to retain salts of heavy metals and chlorine and, in addition, to calcinate water in an easily digestible form - ionic.

How to treat with calcium water

The introduction of calcium water into food has shown its high therapeutic activity and the absence of contraindications and any side effects, including bacterial contamination.

Calcium water is especially useful for young children, because in their bodies the processes of bone tissue formation are most intense and require an uninterrupted supply of calcium.

When I gave birth to my second son, I was just working on the materials for this book and became seriously interested in the properties of eggshells. The boy was allergic to almost everything, from two months he was artificial, and therefore I perfectly understood that, receiving only the mixture (even the absolutely wonderful Lactofidus mixture), he would begin to lack calcium, so I decided that it was necessary to give crushed eggshell. But it's not so easy to do with children - infants practically do not absorb calcium supplements, they do not produce enough of hydrochloric acid to do this. And it is completely useless to mix calcium preparations into the mixture, and eggshells too. But “egg-calcium” water is truly a real find. I did it this way - I bought drinking water“Vinnie” or “Rosinka” and threw the crushed shells, freed from the inner film, to the bottom of the container (the film must be removed very carefully, but the shells, on the contrary, should not be crushed thoroughly. Usually the shells of two or three boiled eggs are enough.) I cooked with this water formula for babies from two months. I was surprised at the result myself - the baby himself began to sit at four and a half months. I got up on my feet at five and a half and walked at eight. And how he went - he ran! An orthopedic doctor specially came home to measure and examine the baby, as he said, with the sole purpose of preventing too early walking. But he himself was amazed great development musculoskeletal system and even included our “phenomenon” as an example in his dissertation. This, I believe, is entirely the merit of the “egg-calcium” water.

Shell water included in baby food, has an extremely beneficial effect on rickets and anemia that develops parallel to rickets.

Calcium water is absorbed much better than crushed regular eggshells. In order for the body to more readily absorb calcium, wash down eggshells with lemon juice (that is, citric acid). A normal chemical reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide (and calcium carbonate is calcium carbonate) and the formation of a new salt - calcium citrate, which actively releases ions. And this calcium citrate is perfectly absorbed by the body. Moreover, anyone - both weakened and children, with diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder. This calcium does not crystallize, which ordinary calcium carbonate does, therefore, when taking eggshells, there is no fear that the excess will be deposited on the bones and joints, and there is no fear of urolithiasis. If it is not needed, it is ideally eliminated from the body.

Calcium water does not need additional acidification. Just like eggshells, it helps activate hematopoiesis in bone tissue.

In both children and adults, the use of calcium water has a positive effect on brittle nails and hair, bleeding gums, constipation, irritability, insomnia, hay fever, asthma, and urticaria. It alkalizes the body and, therefore, makes it healthier. Recent studies directly link calcium deficiency to diseases of the cardiovascular system, therefore, prevention with eggshells would also be very useful. Restores eggshells and activity hair follicles- hair stops falling out and begins to grow rapidly (this does not apply to androgenetic alopecia).

But the main thing, both Hungarian and Belgian researchers advise, is prevention:

Shell water can be used during pregnancy;

Extremely valuable for children preschool age;

Desirable in adolescence and youth (up to 19–20 years);

Prophylactic shell therapy twice a year is useful for adults in order to prevent spinal diseases, dental caries and osteoporosis in the elderly;

Indispensable for people engaged in heavy physical labor;

Essential for athletes, especially bodybuilders.

Calcium water is an excellent means for removing radionuclides from the body. It can be effectively used in areas of radiation contamination, because it prevents the accumulation of bone marrow strontium–90.

How to prepare “shell-calcium” water

Boil the eggs, remove from inner surface shells a whitish film (if this is not done, the water will become bad smell rotting and a sweetish-sugary taste - this will appeal to indoor flowers, but no one else). Grind the shells and pour drinking water. The shells of two or three eggs are usually enough for a three-liter jar.

(I usually do this - I put crushed shells at the bottom of a water filter jug ​​and just pour water into it. This shell can sit for a week or two, then I wash the filter jug ​​and put a new shell on the bottom of the container. - Author's note)

This water can be used for tea, coffee, soups and any dishes.

When to take calcium water

It has long been noted that the most healthy people lives in the highlands. These are the long-livers of the Caucasus, the Hunza in Pakistan, the peoples living in Tibet, and the aborigines of Titicaca in South America. It was always believed that they had a special diet, some means that prolong life and improve health. But no one could find something radical and common to everyone until limnologists (scientists who study the properties of water) took up this problem. It was they who suggested that what all long-livers have in common is the water they drink and a large intake of calcium, and this calcium comes to them with water. The water they drink is formed when glaciers melt, then this water flows down the mountains and becomes muddy. People call this water “milk of the mountains.” What we have in Japan is very similar to this. Yes, they have no mountains, but what they drink can well be called “milk of the sea.” Water, seeping through the corals, in its own way chemical composition similar to the water that mountain centenarians receive. But the most amazing thing in this whole story, why there are so many documented long-livers among these peoples, is that they not only consume calcium, but also absorb it. Calcium is very difficult to absorb. When calcium enters your body, it is most likely that most of it will be converted into calcium phosphate and will be removed from the body like waste. To convert calcium into ionic form and subsequent absorption, the stomach will require titanic efforts to produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid. Coral calcium is already in ionic form and instantly begins to be absorbed by the body. Also, the shell is already in ionic form, and calcium water is absorbed by the body much easier and even better than from crushed eggshells.

Do not confuse “calcium water” with hard water. Calcium water is calcium citrate in an easily digestible ionic form, hard water is other calcium salts that are not absorbed by the body.

Contraindications for taking “egg-calcium water”

Only diseases associated with excess calcium in the body can be contraindications.

With excessive ingestion of calcium salts, increased absorption from the intestine, or decreased excretion through the kidneys, the concentration of calcium in the blood plasma may increase. Hypercalcemia develops, which in especially severe cases leads to calcification (salt deposition) in various tissues and organs. Hypercalcemia can also be the result of increased intake of vitamin D. Its manifestations are: loss of appetite, growth retardation in children, vomiting, constipation and other disorders associated with a sharp increase in calcium absorption from the intestine. But it must be said that hypercalcemia is enough rare disease, and in our region we can and should talk about calcium deficiency, not excess.

The body's response to excess calcium

Excessive calcium entry into cells connective tissue partially dehydrates them, as a result of which the cells wither and their physiological activity decreases.

Nervous system becomes more excitable.

Developing urolithiasis disease. The formation of kidney stones is associated with the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium salts: oxalates, urates (salts uric acid) etc. With insufficient functioning of the enzyme xanthine oxidase containing molybdenum, the concentration of urates locally increases. They have the property of being deposited and concentrated in the joint fluid, in cartilage, reducing their mobility and causing the disease - gout.

How to reduce calcium levels in the body

Drinking water containing small amounts of calcium (i.e. soft). Such water is easily absorbed by body tissues and well flushes the body of excess calcium. Distilled water is ideal in this regard. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and is a good solvent for many waste products of the body and all minerals, including calcium. It removes excess calcium from the body. But it should be used for no more than two months, since the necessary substances may also be removed.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine you can find a lot of recipes, one of the components of which is the eggshell itself.

Here folk recipe for the treatment of asthma - shell 10 raw eggs remove the inner film, dry, grind into powder, pour in the juice of 10 lemons and place in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth and mix with another composition, which is prepared as follows: beat 10 yolks with 10 tbsp. l. sugar and pour a bottle of cognac into the resulting eggnog. Mix the finished medicine thoroughly and take 30 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. There should be improvement soon. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, avoiding interruptions.

Chicken egg shell, fried until yellowish color and crushed into powder, treats “hunger” pain and simply stomach pain. Take 1 time per day before meals for 10 days. According to modern ideas, it has antacid effect.

“Eggshells, crushed into powder and drunk with grape wine, stop diarrhea,” states an old medical book.

Egg shells, dried and ground into a fine powder in a coffee grinder, can be used as a powder for opening blistering burns.

Advice from an old medical book: to crush stones in the kidneys and bladder, you need to crush the shell of an egg from which a chicken has just hatched into powder, and drink this shell with grape wine. You should take about 10 g every day.

Crushed eggshells were applied to ulcers and taken orally for many diseases: in Russian villages, whispering grandmothers always ordered mothers to feed such powder to children under two years of age. And infants, if there was not enough mother's milk, were given water cow's milk, diluted with water infused on clean (without inner film) eggshells. Rickets and scrofulous children were also given the same water to drink.

V.V. Karavaev, who developed his own system for healing the body, recommends taking crushed eggshells internally to normalize the alkaline-acid balance. You can only use shells from raw eggs. It is washed with cold water for an hour and then calcined. Store the shells in a glass jar with a lid, but not in a plastic bag. Before you start taking shells, you need to pay attention to which of your nostrils breathes easier. If it’s on the left, you should take the shell, but if it’s on the right, you shouldn’t take the shell. (It should be noted that despite the seeming paradox of Karavaev’s advice, they have a fairly serious scientific basis.) Healthy people should also take shells, but only when they feel especially good, feel cheerful and good mood.

To avoid smell after a week of infusion, you need to carefully peel off the inner white film and bake the shells on a baking sheet, then in the evening, while watching TV, make nail baths. In just 10 days you can see the result - your nails will stop peeling.

In addition, fashionistas can be given separate advice - take eggshells once a day at night, 1/3 teaspoon and 2 capsules of fish oil from November to March - both your hair and nails will be simply excellent!

The ability of calcium to alkalize has been known intuitively for a very long time; it is not without reason that crushed eggshells are used in acidic soils. Under the influence of calcium, the soil becomes alkalized and produces high yields. And the best fertilizer for home flowers is calcium water.

As a child, I was always surprised when I came to visit my classmate - it was winter outside, but violets were blooming on their windowsill, the flowers not only did not wither and seemed to be hiding until spring, like ours, but, on the contrary, absorbing the winter the sun is unkind and they begin to throw out brand new green leaves even more actively. Everything turned out to be very simple, in the kitchen of my friend’s mother there was a treasured three-liter jar with eggshells - the shells left over from scrambled eggs and omelettes were thrown into it, and then filled with water. This water was used to water the flowers. How: as soon as I shared this secret with my mother, we also became not just a window sill with flowers, but a real winter garden. And they even managed to grow remontant strawberries and get berries for the New Year. And everything is very simple - calcium alkalizes the soil, the films inside the shell are organic fertilizer, and therefore the growth of flowers even in winter is completely conditioned.

Take Witch's Tears in the summer

There is a wonderful product that it would be advisable to use as a seasoning in many dishes - salads, borscht, meat and fish dishes: The Belgians call this seasoning quite strangely - “witch’s tears.” Where this name came from is anyone's guess, but Dr. van Derrick believes that there used to be a belief in the villages that if a witch tried such a dish, she would begin to cry bitter tears and would henceforth shy away from the house. And the drug is really useful and completely replaced calcium supplements for the Belgians.

This seasoning is prepared as follows: place the pre-washed shells in a jar with a small amount of apple cider vinegar or citric acid solution (it is better to take lemon juice) for 8-12 hours. The liquid should cover the shell. The eggshell will not dissolve completely, but the calcium it contains will go into the acid solution. Apple vinegar or citric acid, fortified with calcium, should be added to salads, soups and other dishes. Immediately before use, pour a little of this seasoning into a cup and add a paste of fresh garlic. Mix everything and season salads or dishes.

This remedy is best and easiest to use in the summer.

What calcium does the body need? First of all, it is easily digestible. You can take calcium gluconate for years and not get an ounce of the desired result, you can take synthetic calcium phosphates with the same success - although the percentage of calcium in them is different. But there are only two organic preparations, the absorption of which occurs with the greatest efficiency - eggshells and coral calcium (that is, coral polyps). And not a single drug can compare with them in effectiveness and benefit, because in addition to calcium carbonate, which is almost 90 percent in eggshells, there is also almost the entire periodic table, and coral polyps are filled with iodine and saturated with sodium.

There is a strong opinion that chicken eggshells are very healthy. Some people even crush it and drink it like vitamins. Scientists have long confirmed that this is an ideal source of calcium that is easily absorbed by the body.

By the way, in ancient medical books, in the composition of many healing mixtures, they are mentioned as components chicken eggs together with the shell or one shell. The Hungarian doctor Krompecher and a group of doctors and biologists became interested in the health-promoting properties of chicken egg shells.

As you know, calcium deficiency, especially in bones, is one of the most common metabolic disorders. This is rickets and abnormal growth teeth in children, curvature of the spine and damaged teeth, brittle bones in the elderly. A calcium metabolism disorder is often accompanied by anemia, susceptibility to colds, allergies, herpes on the lips, and decreased resistance to radiation. In women, leucorrhoea, weakness of labor contractions, and atony of the uterine muscles are added to this. It is difficult to correct calcium metabolism disorders, since the drugs used by medicine - calcium chloride, gypsum, chalk - are poorly absorbed by the body.

Research by Hungarian doctors has shown that chicken egg shells, consisting of 90% calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), are easily digestible. At the same time, it contains all the microelements necessary for the body: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon and others - 27 elements in total! Particularly important is the significant content of silicon and molybdenum in it - our everyday food is extremely poor in these elements, but they are absolutely necessary for the normal course of biochemical reactions in the body.

The composition of eggshells strikingly coincides with the composition of bones and teeth and, moreover, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, which is especially valuable in conditions of radiation damage.

The introduction of crushed chicken egg shells into food has shown its high therapeutic activity and the absence of any side effects, including bacterial contamination. This cannot be said about duck egg shells, which are often infected and unsuitable for use.

Chicken egg shells are especially useful for young children, starting from one year old, because in their bodies the processes of bone tissue formation are most intensive and require an uninterrupted supply of calcium. The shell, included in baby food, has an extremely beneficial effect on rickets and anemia that develops in parallel with rickets.

Based on his research, Dr. Krompecher makes the following recommendations:
shell prophylaxis during pregnancy is mandatory;
extremely desirable for children from 1 year to 6 years;
desirable in adolescence and youth (up to 19-20);
prophylaxis twice a year is useful for adults in order to prevent spinal diseases, dental caries and osteoporosis;
eggshells are an excellent removal agent for radionuclides and can be effectively used in areas of radioactive contamination, because they prevent the accumulation of strontium-90 nuclei in the bone marrow. (Use 2 to 6 grams per day).

The method of using chicken egg shells is very simple. The eggs are pre-washed with warm water and soap and rinsed well. In most cases, the shell does not require special sterilization. For small children, place it in boiling water for 5 minutes. The shells of hard-boiled eggs are slightly less active, but are completely ready for use, having been sterilized during the cooking process. Dosage - from 1.5 to 3 grams daily depending on age. It is better to grind the shells into powder in a mortar: it has been noticed that when using a coffee grinder the preparation is less active. Take with morning food - with cottage cheese or porridge. Chicken egg shell powder has been sold in pharmacies in Western countries since 1970.

Diathesis of allergic origin brings a lot of trouble, especially in children. Take note old recipe, published in the book by I. P. Neumyvakin and L. S. Neumyvakina “Health is in your hands.” Boil a fresh egg hard-boiled, remove the shell, and carefully remove the film lining it. Dry the shells for 2-3 hours (not in the heat or under direct sun rays). In a porcelain mortar, grind the shells into powder (but not into fine powder).

A child from 6 months to 1 year is given powder on the tip of a knife, from 1 to 3 years twice as much. At 5-7 years old, half the shells are crushed. Before giving it to a child, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the powder; chemical reactions transform the substances contained in the shell, particularly calcium, into forms that are easily absorbed by the body. This is done daily for one to several months. The method is absolutely harmless. The result will be that subsequently there will be no reaction to those foods that caused diathesis.

The shell of a chicken egg, fried until yellowish and crushed into powder, treats “hunger” pain and simply stomach pain. Take 1 time per day before meals for 10 days. According to modern ideas, it has an antacid effect.

“Eggshells, crushed into powder and drunk with grape wine, stop diarrhea,” states an old medical book.

Egg shells, dried and ground into a fine powder in a coffee grinder, can be used as a powder for opening blistering burns.

Advice from an old medical book: to crush stones in the kidneys and bladder, you need to crush the shell of an egg from which a chicken has just hatched into powder, and drink this shell with grape wine. You should take about 10 g every day.

V.V. Karavaev, who developed his own system for healing the body, recommends taking crushed eggshells internally to normalize the alkaline-acid balance. You can only use shells from raw eggs. It is washed with cold water for an hour and then calcined. Store the shells in a glass jar with a lid, but not in a plastic bag. Before you start taking shells, you need to pay attention to which of your nostrils breathes easier. If it’s on the left, you should take the shell, but if it’s on the right, you shouldn’t take the shell. (It should be noted that despite the seeming paradox of Karavaev’s advice, they have a fairly serious scientific basis.) Healthy people should also take shells, but only when they feel especially good, feel cheerful and in a good mood.

The shells should be taken crushed, 1 tablespoon per day, preferably with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. In extreme cases, eggshell substitute can be pharmaceutical drug calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate).

Are your nails brittle, your hair split, your teeth deteriorating, your joints hurting, your bones fragile, are your plants and crops wasted? Natural calcium - eggshells - will help cope with all these diverse ailments. Affordable, fast, efficient...
Recipe contents:

If you think about it, we throw away an incredible amount of eggshells every year. But it can be used for the benefit of your health and at home. For example, it is used to make feed for animals and plants, and is used in medical purposes and much more.

Features of eggshells

Why shouldn’t you throw away eggshells and how to use them after cooking scrambled eggs or an omelet?

  • Eggshells fight tooth decay, bleeding gums, osteoporosis, rickets, irritability, spinal problems and allergies. The product will soften asthma attacks, and ethnoscience offers them treatment for ulcers duodenum. The shell also helps with burns, gastritis, diarrhea, and also crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  • The product is natural source natural calcium, which is important for the functioning of the body. Of course, calcium is also present in other products: soda, gypsum, chalk. However, as part of the shell, it is completely absorbed by the body, because The composition is almost identical to human teeth and bones.
  • It is very important to replenish calcium reserves for women who are planning to have children and are pregnant. If it is deficient, childbirth may be difficult.
  • Eggshells are good for children, especially in the first 3 years of life, because... during this period the skeleton is formed and bone tissue.
  • Our body is made from environment quickly accumulates radioactive substances, like radionuclides. To prevent them from negatively affecting health, they should be removed. For this purpose, use 1/4 tsp of eggshells. per day for several weeks.
  • Calcium is a source of beautiful nails and hair. To keep your hair and nails always looking great, use 1/3 tsp. shells once a week.
  • The product also helps in everyday life. The white shell has a good whitening effect. Place its powder in a linen bag and place it in the drum of the washing machine along with the laundry you are washing.
  • Natural calcium will also remove plaque and scale from the kettle. To do this, pour the crushed shells into a teapot or thermos and pour in? part of water, shake and leave for 12 hours. The dishes will be clean. The shell is also a good way to clean a greasy frying pan: sprinkle it on the bottom and scrub with an iron sponge.
  • Natural calcium perfectly improves the soil. When you dig your garden, add shells to the soil. This method will reduce the acidity of the soil. This method is especially good before planting cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Simply scattering crushed shells around the garden near the plants will repel slugs.
  • An excellent fertilizer is infused water with eggshells. Fill the crushed shell with water and use it a day later to water indoor and garden plants.
  • The taste of coffee will be brighter and less bitter if you put a little crushed shell in the coffee pot or on top of the coffee in the filter of the coffee maker.

How much calcium should I take?

The shell of one medium-sized egg will yield approximately 1 tsp. powder, which is equal to 700-800 mg of calcium. Daily dose for most people it is 400 mg, i.e. 1/2 tsp each in a day. For pregnant women, the dose is doubled, for children it is halved. It is advisable to divide the intake of the powder into 2 stages of 1/4 tsp each, because the body absorbs no more than 500 mg at a time.

But there are no standards for the use of calcium. If you drink a glass of raw milk or consume canned sardines, soup or bone broth, the dose can be significantly lower. Depending on the food eaten during the day, adjust the dose of additional calcium. Perhaps some day it may not be needed at all.

When to take calcium?

For better absorption of egg powder by the body, you need to consume calcium in the morning with food. Calcium is best absorbed with vitamins A and D. They are found in liver, coconut and butter, fermented cod oil and other products. Don't forget about vitamin C, it also improves calcium absorption.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - kcal.
  • Number of servings -
  • Cooking time -


  • Raw eggs – any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of eggshell powder:

1. They say that the healthiest shells are from birds that live in wildlife, but in our modern life we ​​most often use chicken shell. Therefore, take raw chicken eggs, wash them well with warm running water and rub them with an iron brush to remove all the dirt. Carefully break the egg and drain the contents: white and yolk.

2. Wash the shells under running water again. WITH inside remove the thin one white film. It is very easy to remove. It will be enough just to pry it, pull it and it will come off. Lay out the shells and leave to dry completely for about 3 hours. You can dry it in the sun, fresh air, tray, towel.

Note: if the eggs are purchased and not homemade, then dip the shells in boiling water for a few minutes and only then dry them. This way you will protect yourself from salmonella and kill bacteria.

3. In a similar way, collect shells from at least 10 eggs.

4. When you have the required amount, take a coffee grinder and place part of the shell into it. You can break it a little into smaller pieces.

5. Grind the shells to a fine powder.

6. Transfer the powder from the coffee grinder into a convenient container or storage jar and place the next portion of shells back into its bowl. Continue this procedure with all the remaining eggs.

Note: if you don’t have a coffee grinder, you can grind eggs using a mortar, rolling pin, or blender.

Crushed shells can be injected into ready meals, dissolve in lemon juice (calcium is better absorbed with lemon juice), add the mixture to salads, soups, etc.

See also the video recipe on how to make calcium from eggshells.