What is better to buy Phosphogliv or Essentiale Forte. Phosphogliv or Essentiale which is better. Patient reviews about Phospholiv

Vasilenko I.A., Dolgova G.V., Sorokoumova G.M., Khairetdinova M.N., Pomerantseva T.Ya.


The use of essential phospholipids (EP) as part of hepatoprotective drugs has a forty-year history. As the main active substance a mixture of phospholipids is isolated from soybeans and constitutes from 30 to 70% of the entire mixture of phosphatidylcholine (PC). Other ingredients are phosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, triglycerides. One of the main mechanisms of PC action discussed in the literature is the restoration of the structure of liver cell membranes, which approximately 75% (92% of mitochondrial membranes) consist of PC forming a bilayer. PC maintains normal membrane fluidity and repair, acts as an antioxidant, protects mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes from damage, slows down collagen synthesis and increases collagenase activity.

If this mechanism of action of EFs is the main one, then their effectiveness in the production of hepatoprotective drugs should depend on the amount of PC contained. In addition, during the storage and processing of ESP, the accumulation of peroxidation products occurs.

In addition to EF, the composition of hepatoprotective drugs may include other substances that affect the effectiveness and mechanism of their medicinal action. Comparative evaluation of drugs based on phospholipids is important for practicing physicians, which makes it possible to identify the areas of application of each of them.

In this work, three preparations containing PC were studied: "Essentiale Forte N" manufactured by "Sanofi-aventis", "Essliver Forte" manufactured by "Nabros Pharma Pvt. Ltd., India (packed in OAO Nizhpharm, Russia) and Phosphogliv produced by OAO Pharmstandard - Leksredstva, Russia. Comparative evaluation preparations in this work was carried out according to the data on the content of PC, the accumulation of products of peroxidation of PC.


Analysis of the accumulation of peroxidation products.

The accumulation of peroxidation products was determined by the content of aldehydes (malonic dialdehyde) in relation to thiobarbituric acid (TBA). To determine the content of TBA-sensitive products (TBKSP), we used the traditional method of spectrophotometric determination of the reaction products of TBA with the substances contained in the studied preparations.

The contents of the drug capsules were transferred into flasks, chloroform was added, mixed, and left for extraction overnight. The chloroform extract was transferred to another flask and the solvent was removed. A lipid extract was obtained from these preparations, which was dissolved in alcohol and a solution of a mixture of thiobarbituric and trichloroacetic acids was added to it. Samples were heated at boiling for 30 min. Next, the solutions were analyzed spectrophotometrically, measuring the absorption at wavelengths of 580 and 532 nm. The content of TBKChP was calculated by the formula:

C = (D532 - D580) . 6 . 1000/155

The results of 3 experiments are presented in Table 1. It was found that the preparation "Essentiale Forte N" contains the least amount of TBACCP, and the preparation "Essliver Forte" contains the largest amount (Table 2).

In all samples, phosphatidylcholine is determined. However, in the Essliver Forte sample, other phospholipids are present in addition to it. Substances of a non-phospholipid nature were recorded in all three samples, but in Essliver Fort their number is higher.


All studied preparations have a different maximum daily dose of EF. All of them are made in Germany. The content of PC in the studied preparations is presented in Table 3.

The maximum recommended daily dose of PC in "Essential Forte N" exceeds that of "Essliver Forte" and more than 2 times "Phosphogliv". Phosphogliv contains the second active component of the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (35 mg per capsule). Glycyrrhizic acid (glycyrate) is isolated from the extract of licorice roots (licorice), belongs to steroid saponites. The glycyrrhizic acid molecule has a fragment similar in structure to the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex (cortisone, etc.). Therefore, the use of glycyrrhizic acid in doses exceeding therapeutic leads to serious side effects.

It cannot be ignored that glycyrate, taken orally for a long period (more than 6 weeks), can cause symptoms of intoxication: headache, lethargy, high blood pressure, swelling, excretion of potassium from the body and even cardiac arrest. These side effects are similar to those of corticosteroid drugs and are due to the fact that glycyrate prevents the breakdown of natural adrenal steroids in the body. Thus, preparations containing glycyrrhizic acid should be classified as strictly prescription drugs.

The drug "Essliver Forte" in addition to EF contains a number of vitamins (B1, B6, B12) enough in high doses. Therefore, pharmacologists do not recommend it for long-term use (more than 2 weeks) due to the occurrence of negative side effects: allergic reactions, the development of fatty liver and hyperavitominosis.

"Essentiale Forte N" has the highest dosage of PC in the maximum recommended daily dose in the absence of additional active ingredients that have side effects.

epitoprotective activity is achieved mainly due to the restoration of liver cell membranes, this process is practically not accompanied by side effects.

Analysis of the accumulation of peroxidation products shows that their lowest content is observed in "Essential Forte N", and the highest - in "Essliver Forte". The process of accumulation of peroxidation products is determined by: the parameters of the ESP isolation technology, the conditions for its storage, the parameters of the technology for the production of the finished form of the drug, the storage conditions of the drug. Since the ESP source for the described preparations is produced in Germany, the accumulation of peroxidation products apparently depends only on the conditions of transportation and storage of the feedstock and the parameters of production and storage of finished dosage forms of preparations. Consequently, only "Essentiale Forte N", produced in Germany, can contain the least amount of peroxidation products, because. the production of raw materials and finished products are as close geographically as possible, and ESP as a raw material has a short shelf life. Production in Ufa (Phosphogliv) and Nizhny Novgorod (Essliver Forte) cannot have such conditions, and as a result these products have a higher content of peroxide products.

The accumulation of peroxidation products, especially malondialdehyde, results when applied to intermolecular crosslinks with proteins. This process is uncontrolled, the result is allergic reactions, load on the liver during their utilization in the body. The content of peroxidation products should affect the rate and pathway of EP metabolism in the human body.


  1. At comparative analysis accumulation of peroxidation products in the studied preparations, it was shown that "Essentiale Forte N" has the lowest content of peroxidation products, and their highest content was noted in the preparation "Essliver Forte".
  2. Based on the analysis of our own results and literature data, we can conclude that the compared drugs have different mechanisms of biological active and side effects:
    • "Essentiale Forte N" - a one-component drug with a high content of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine, the main mechanism of biological activity of which is to restore the cell membranes of the liver;
    • Essliver Forte is a drug with a low content of phosphatidylcholine, the biological activity of which is supplemented by a complex of B vitamins included in its composition. However, long-term use of this complex may adversely affect the treatment of fatty liver and cause allergic reactions;
    • Phosphogliv is a drug with a low content of PC, the biological activity of which is supplemented by the presence of glycyrrhizic acid in its composition. However, this supplement when treated with the drug for more than 6 weeks. can cause a number of symptoms of intoxication.


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Phosphogliv or Essliver - what is better than Phosphogliv differs from Essliver, patient reviews of drugs, which is more effective - Phosphogliv or Essliver.

You may not know anything about your liver disease. The liver is the largest gland in the body and at the same time the most “quiet”. She has no nerve endings, so she starts to get sick only with severe lesions (cirrhosis, tumor). The rest of the time, the symptoms of liver disease are so mild that there is not even a thought to see a doctor.

But there is also good news: The liver has a unique ability to regenerate. There are cases when the liver could be cured with 70% damage.

Since the liver performs the function of a "filter", purifying the blood of harmful substances, any of your actions affect it directly. Fatty foods, alcohol, drugs - all this deals a direct blow to the liver, since these factors, with their constant exposure to larger volumes than can allow the liver to be transferred, cause its inflammation - hepatitis.

The liver needs to be helped to cope with all these problems. Do not wait for pathological conditions. Why get sick when you can prevent backfire?

For this there is good medicines, it remains only to choose the most effective and safe. And in this article, we suggest you choose from two drugs - Phosphogliv or Essliver.

What is the difference between Phosphogliv and Essliver?

Both drugs belong to the same group of drugs, for the treatment and protection of the liver - hepatoprotectors. Although both drugs contain essential phospholipids, there are still fundamental differences between Phosphogliv and Essliver. But first, about what unites them - about essential phospholipids.

Essential phospholipids are embedded in the membranes of liver cells - hepatocytes and restore damaged areas of the membrane (membrane) of the cell. That is, they restore the liver. But the inflammation itself is not removed. This property is possessed by the component that distinguishes Phosphogliv from Essliver.

Phosphogliv has a second active ingredient in its composition - glycyrrhizic acid, which just has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as an antioxidant and antifibrotic effect. Phospholipids enhance the action of glycyrrhizic acid, which makes Phosphogliv more bioavailable and, as a result, effective.

In Essliver, the excipients are B vitamins. They help the liver in regulating the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But some people happens  allergy for these vitamins, and there are more than enough of them in food, so you should take Essliver with increased care.


Main active ingredient

- glycyrrhizic acid

Essential phospholipids

Essential phospholipids


Fatty degeneration of the liver (hepatosis), alcoholic, toxic, including medicinal, liver damage;

As part of complex therapy viral hepatitis(acute and chronic), liver cirrhosis and psoriasis.

Fatty degeneration of the liver

Sharp and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis

Poisoning, drug intoxication



Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Age up to 12 years.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Side effects

allergic reactions

Raise blood pressure

Discomfort in the abdomen


allergic reactions

Feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region

Patient reviews about drugs

Personal experience patients using Phosphogliv or Essliver can give a clear picture of the effectiveness of these drugs.

Patient reviews about Phospholiv

Konstantin, 53 years old

I always liked to drink, but at my age it already takes a toll on the liver. I began to feel a slight malaise, heaviness in my side. The doctor advised me to take a course of medication. It was important for me that I didn’t have to stop traveling by car (I work as a taxi driver), and I didn’t want to give up alcohol altogether. The best option seemed to me Phosphogliv. Worked pretty quickly and started to feel better. And there was nothing to give up!

Ekaterina, 20 years old.

For health reasons, I often have to take medication. And they added another medicine for the liver, to neutralize the results of previous treatments. The doctor chose Phosphogliv for me - it is perfectly combined with other drugs. According to the results of the examination, there are no problems with the liver.

Elena, 38 years old

I was very worried about my husband during the New Year holidays. And a plentiful table, and alcohol. I was looking for a medicine that would help preventively, and with a minimum of side effects. On the advice of a doctor friend, I bought Phosphogliv. My husband drank the course and even felt better, although he had not complained before.

The liver is the most important organ digestive system, but the scope of its functions is not limited to participation in the digestion of food through the production of bile. Its role is multifaceted: participation in the metabolism of hormones, enzymes, sugar metabolism, storage of the body's energy reserves in the form of glycogen, maintaining a constant cholesterol level, a supply of vitamins and trace elements, hematopoietic function (which is especially important for pregnant women and babies), and the most important function- detoxifying. Any disease (especially viral lesions) involves the entire body in the recovery process and the role of the liver is fundamental: toxic lesions affect the liver as the main filter of poisons in our body. Therefore, after the transferred viral diseases, alcohol intoxication, helminthic, fatty liver damage and when taking a large amount of drugs, liver support is essential.

What is the difference?

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

Both drugs are classified as hepatoprotectors, that is, they are substances that increase the resistance of liver cells to external damaging influences. Also, these drugs activate the activity of hepatocytes (for example, neutralization of toxins) and contribute to recovery after their active work and violation of integrity. The main active ingredient combines these two drugs - essential phospholipids, which are able to integrate into the cell membrane of hepatocytes and strengthen it.

Hepatoprotectors are very common in the post-Soviet expanses, however, in Europe, such therapy is not used so often, due to the emphasis of treatment on the cause of the disease, and not on symptomatic therapy.

First of all, let's compare the drugs with their main properties and advantages. The word "essential" is translated as fundamental, essential, significant, and therefore we can note their main role in the restoration of liver cells. It is for this reason that drugs based on such active substances are the drugs of choice among hepatoprotectors.

Essentiale contains highly purified phospholipids, which are superior in their functional activity to those that are formed in our body naturally. Eliminates violations of cell membranes, regenerates them and activates disturbed enzymatic processes. As a result, the metabolism of lipids and proteins is normalized and the detoxification capacity of the liver is restored. Release Ess. Forte N in the form of capsules of 300 mg for oral administration (from 12 years old is allowed for use) and in the form of an Ess injection solution. N. The most rational therapy, which begins with the appointment of injectable forms with continued treatment with an oral form (in the form of capsules). Injections are administered only intravenously with preliminary dilution with glucose solution.
Made in Germany.

Phosphogliv Forte is a two-component preparation: in addition to 500 mg phospholipids the drug contains 65 mg sodium glycyrrhizinate. Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice, which has anti-allergic, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Glycyrate raises natural protective functions organism, stimulating the production of interferons and increasing the activity of killer cells, designed to protect all our body systems from foreign formations. It is also available in the form of capsules and lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration. Contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation.
Made in Russia.


The cost of Forte versions of drugs is approximately the same. The main difference between Phosphogliv and its competitor is the addition of an antiviral component from licorice extract, which can play a major role in the choice between these two hepatoprotective drugs. However, some experts may insist on the use of a German drug, explaining this by its foreign origin, where the degree of purification of the starting substances and the level of control during production can be much higher than that of domestic manufacturers.

Phosphogliv or Essentiale hepatoprotectors: which one works best and which drug to buy, you can decide after reading the instructions for using these medicines. The composition of Essentiale forte N includes phospholipids from soybeans containing choline, which helps to restore liver cells. An oily paste medicinal properties, packaged in hard gelatine capsules Brown that need to be taken for a long time. The more active substance enters the body, the better the recovery and metabolic processes.

Phosphogliv is an enhanced formula of Essentiale.

In this drug, the manufacturer has combined phospholipids with glycyrrhizic acid. To find out which drug will bring more benefit, you need to understand why it was necessary to add the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid to phospholipids and whether this supplement improved the effect of Phosphogliv on the affected liver in comparison with Essentiale.

Soy-derived phospholipids are identical to the chemical structures of cell membranes and cell organelles. Once in the human body, they become a building material that binds the destroyed receptor systems and restores the ability of liver cells to regenerate.

Phospholipids derived from soybeans have superior characteristics compared to human cells.

This phenomenon explains the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in soybeans, which have another name: essential acids. The human body often lacks them, but they are constantly needed to do the painstaking work of restoring the health of the liver.

Essential acids are able to easily integrate at the molecular level and well restore the integrity of liver cells damaged during:

  • alcohol intake;
  • the use of a large number of drugs;
  • transferred hepatitis;
  • other causes that destroy the liver.

With long-term regular intake of phospholipids plant origin metabolic processes in the body are significantly improved, and the newly formed functional blocks increase the activity of enzymes.

This whole process contributes to the improvement of the physiological course of the most important biochemical processes in the body, which leads to a general recovery.

Normalization of the work of one of the main digestive organs leads to the stabilization of bile and slowing down the formation gallstones. Phospholipids, affecting the metabolism of lipoproteins, transfer neutral fats and cholesterol to the sites of oxidation and prevent the formation of connective tissue.

Trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid

Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice root. The mechanism of its action has not been thoroughly studied, but it has been found that the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating.

Clinical studies have shown that the use of this substance for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C helped to reduce the risk of developing liver cancer.

Phosphogliv, containing in its composition glycyrrhizic acid and phospholipids, is able not only to restore damaged cells, but also to fight various hepatitis viruses that affect the liver.

When choosing between Phosphogliv and Essentiale, you need to consider the reasons that led to the disease. In some cases, you can opt for Essentiale Forte N to alleviate the course cholelithiasis or restore cells after a long use of drugs, alcohol, overeating.

With cirrhosis or the presence of herpes and hepatitis viruses in the body, Phosphogliv should be chosen to support the body in the fight against viruses and restore damaged liver cells.

When choosing a drug, you should always listen to the recommendation of the attending physician, despite the fact that they do not always explain their long-term prescriptions, but simply send their patients for expensive drugs.

Many believe that alcohol abuse is at the heart of liver problems. However, this is not quite true. We absorb pollutants through our air and food every day. Unhealthy diet and medicines also negatively affect the liver. But it is not all that bad. How to effectively support liver regeneration? Which is better - "Phosphogliv" or "Essentiale"?

What drug to choose to restore the liver?

The liver is one of the most important human organs when it comes to maintaining health. The amount of toxins that are filtered daily through the liver cells from the blood increases steadily throughout our lives. In addition to the body's internal toxins, alcohol, nicotine, drugs and medications of all kinds place a huge burden on the liver.

In addition, intestinal problems, such as bloating, pesticides in food, as well as environmental pollutants - heavy metals in drinking water, and much more, do not add to health.

The sooner you help your liver build cells and regenerate them naturally, the sooner your whole body will benefit. It is for these purposes that a separate group of drugs called hepatoprotectors serves. They stimulate the regeneration of affected liver cells, normalize its functioning and protect against the harmful effects of harmful substances.

Read also:

  • Heptral or Essentiale, which is better?
  • New generation hepatoprotectors: list

Today, the pharmaceutical market is saturated with similar drugs, both domestic and foreign. Phosphogliv and Essentiale-Forte N are especially popular, and now we will find out which of them is better.



The preparation is rather unique, first of all, by a high content of essential phospholipids. They are involved in the restoration of cells and the normalization of metabolism. The drug reduces the intensity of the replacement processes of healthy cells with connective tissues.

Active combined hepatoprotector, which includes, in addition to phospholipids, glycyrate. This substance provides the immunomodulatory properties of the drug, inhibiting the development of viruses and stimulating the production of interferon.

Indications and contraindications

It is used for degenerative fatty lesions of the liver, including diabetes, intoxication, cirrhosis, hepatitis various forms, cellular tissue necrosis, psoriasis, hepatic coma.

The tool is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition.

Capsules are prescribed for the treatment of viral hepatitis chronic form and cirrhosis of the liver. The drug is used in complex treatment eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acute intoxication of the liver and the body as a whole.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. During lactation, its use is possible only with the suspension of breastfeeding.


  • Consists exclusively of natural components.
  • It is the first choice for autoimmune lesions liver and hepatitis of various nature.
  • It has good performance tolerance for both adults and children.
  • The drug is approved for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Can be used as a preventative or aid in the treatment of psoriasis, radiation and cholelithiasis.
  • Stimulates digestive fermentation.
  • It is used to prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • The possibility of wide application in the treatment of hepatitis of viral etiology and various pathological lesions of the liver, including alcoholic, toxic or medicinal.
  • It is used in the complex therapy of neurodermatitis, psoriasis and eczema as an adjuvant.
  • It has practically no side effects and is well tolerated by patients of different age categories.


Possible side effects in the form of allergies, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

  • Contraindicated in hypertension.
  • Prevents the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Possible skin reactions in the form of a rash.

What are the analogues?

In addition to the two drugs considered, pharmacy chains offer a large selection of drugs that are analogues of Phosphogliv and Essentiale:

  • "Heptral" - a hepatoprotector with antidepressant properties, has a neuroprotective, antioxidant, detoxifying effect. Actively stimulates recovery processes in the liver.
  • "Karsil" - is used both for the regeneration of liver tissues, and for the prevention of pathological changes.
  • "Hofitol" is a plant hepatoprotector with a choleretic effect. In addition, the drug has a moderate diuretic effect. And the therapeutic effect of the drug is provided by the artichoke leaf extract.


Phosphogliv and Essentiale have five main differences:

1) Compound. Both of these drugs are active ingredient contain phospholipids that are able to restore the membrane of liver cells damaged by negative factors (free radicals). However, Phosphogliv contains another, perhaps the most important component - glycyrrhizic acid.

This substance of natural origin has the ability to reduce inflammation, which is the root cause of liver damage and the development of fibrosis and cirrhosis on its soil - stages when normal liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue and liver function is extremely deteriorating. Cirrhosis, the extreme stage of fibrosis, requires a liver transplant. Cirrhosis is often observed in chronic alcoholics. But alcoholic hepatitis can be treated.

Thus, Phosphogliv, unlike Essentiale, can not only restore liver cells, but also reduce the risk of further development of fibrosis due to a dual mechanism of action, and therefore be successfully used at any stage of liver disease, both for the treatment and restoration of its functions, and for preventing the transition to a more severe stage.

2) Research. Scientists have proven that Phosphogliv is effective in many liver diseases. It significantly improves the indicators of liver health, the results of blood tests and ultrasound indicators are normalized in patients. Moreover, in studies that compared the effect of treating fatty liver disease with the help of Phosphogliv, or a monopreparation of essential phospholipids, it was proved that combined remedy(Phosphogliv) works much better (by 50%).

3) Treatment standards. Essentiale, due to insufficiently proven effectiveness, is not included in the standards of medical care and the list of vital and essential drugs (VED). Phosphogliv is included in these lists and is successfully used by doctors both in hospitals and outpatient clinics.

4) Price. Essentiale is an imported drug and therefore expensive. Pharmacoeconomic analysis shows that it is more profitable to use Phosphogliv rather than Essentiale for the treatment of liver diseases.

5) Reception restrictions. Phosphogliv is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years of age. This is due to the lack of data on the safety of use in this group of patients. Simply put, the manufacturing company refused to do research among children and pregnant women. Perhaps for ethical reasons. However, without confirmation of safety, a corresponding contraindication is introduced into the instructions.

Additional differences between hepaprotectors

Essentiale is approved for use in children and pregnant women, and therefore gynecologists often use it. Whereas internists and gastroenterologists who observe adult non-pregnant patients in most cases prefer to prescribe Phosphogliv.

You should also pay attention to the temperature regime of storage of both drugs - Phosphogliv can be stored at room temperature i.e. up to 25 C, and Essentiale needs a cool place - for example, in order to avoid spoilage, Essentiale forte H is stored in the refrigerator in a pharmacy. Therefore, in order for the treatment with Essentiale Forte N capsules not to be in vain, one should try to provide the drug with the required, but inconvenient storage conditions.

Patient reviews about drugs

Both Phosphogliv and Essentiale are very popular. Numerous discussions on websites, forums and in in social networks allow to do drug comparison based on reviews.

Patient reviews about Phospholiv

Anna Egorova, Bryansk “The doctor prescribed Phosphogliv, but the pharmacy advised Essentiale instead. I called the doctor to find out which is better - Phosphogliv or Essentiale? He replied that Phosphogliv. I trust her, that's why I bought Phosphogliv. I'm drinking it now."

Vika26 “When I watched the advertisement, I thought - what is better to buy in order to heal the liver - Phosphogliv or Essentiale. I asked at the pharmacy - Phosphogliv was recommended to me. I bought it, I've been on it for a month now. I began to feel better.”

Patient reviews about Essential

Uliana Bykova, Pervomaisky “What's the difference between Phosphogliv and Essentiale? I've been taking Essentiale for three weeks now - I don't feel anything at all. All this is bullshit! Medications don't help!

Mom Ira “Essentiale was prescribed to me during my first pregnancy. I had terrible toxicosis then, I was terribly sick. I started drinking - after a while everything went away. I don’t know if the drug worked or it just went away on its own. By the way, no harm was done to the child. Birth scores were 9 out of 10."

What is better Phosphogliv or Essentiale?

Based on feedback from people who have taken Phosphogliv or Essentiale It is difficult to say which of these drugs is better. However, based on the data clinical research and the opinion of doctors, it seems Phosphogliv is still better, since its effectiveness is higher.

What is more effective Phosphogliv or Essentiale?

According to the results of comparative studies, Phosphogliv shows top scores in the treatment of liver diseases. One of the most important indicators by which the degree of damage to the liver tissue and the activity of the process is assessed is the level of ALT and AST enzymes.

AH - alcoholic hepatitis

Group I - treatment with Phosphogliv

Group I - treatment with a drug containing only essential phospholipids

IN this study evaluated the effectiveness of the treatment of alcoholic liver disease using various drugs. According to the results, it turned out that the parameters of biochemistry and ultrasound were significantly better in those who took Phosphogliv, and not other essential phospholipids.

What to choose - Phosphogliv or Essentiale forte N?

Considering that the effectiveness of Phosphogliv is much higher than that of Essentiale, the safety is comparable, and the only category of people for whom Phosphogliv is contraindicated is extremely small (you must admit that we don’t have so many pregnant women) or they have liver dysfunctions are extremely rare (children under 12 years old are almost do not suffer from liver diseases), then Phosphogliv has more significant advantages, including the price.

For comparison, the cost of one day of treatment with Phosphogliv will be approximately 60 rubles, while for Essentiale this figure will be around 150 rubles.

Before using any of the drugs, consult a specialist - a doctor or pharmacist, read the instructions for use of both drugs and feel free to make a choice.

Keep in mind that the instructions for Essentiale forte N are in a sealed box, and you won’t be able to see it in a pharmacy, so it’s better to read it in advance on the website.

Health to you!


What is better Phosphogliv or Essentiale - comparative characteristics

The hepatoprotective group of drugs is aimed at restoring liver functions as efficiently and permanently as possible, regenerating its cells and helping them to work normally. Two drugs - Essentiale and Phosphogliv are drugs included in this group of drugs. In terms of popularity, both are leaders in the hepatic drug market - they are included in the list of drugs prescribed by doctors even more often than other drugs. Consider the main characteristics of drugs in a special table.

Table of parameters related to hepatoprotective medicines - Essentiale and Phosphogliv

Options Essentiale Phosphogliv
Medical group Hepatoprotector
Form of production Capsules, injection solutions.
The main effective substances in the composition Phospholipids essential purified from soybeans Phospholipids from licorice (500 mg), glycyrrhizic acid (65 mg).
Indications for use
  • fatty liver (hepotosis);
  • cirrhosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • cholestasis;
  • cholangitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • intoxication;
  • cystic fibrosis.
  • restoration of the skin after inflammation and irritation;
  • fatty liver;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • cholestasis;
  • cholangitis;
  • toxic poisoning;
  • liver damage due to the use of strong drugs.
  1. When observed hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.
  2. Infants.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women.
  1. Breastfeeding mothers.
  2. People with increased intolerance to the main substances in the composition.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Persons with hormonal disorders.
Side effects, when overdoses occur, errors in taking the medicine.
  • diarrhea;
  • discomfort inside the abdomen;
  • allergy.
  • rash;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea or vomiting, depending on the degree of overdose;
  • belching;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • cough;
  • difficulties in the work of the respiratory system;
  • inflammation of the eyes - conjunctivitis;
  • pressure surges and its increase;
  • disruptions in the work of the heart;
  • puffiness.
Safety for the whole body Safely Possible hormonal disorders
Prevention of liver diseases By doctor's prescription
Course of therapy
An analogue of the drug, with a stronger effect. "Essentiale Forte N", "Esliver Forte", "Rezalut Pro", "Lipoid C100", "Hepatomax". Phosphogliv Forte
Manufacturer Germany Russia
Average price
  • For a pack of 50 pcs. capsules - 710-780 rubles.
  • For 100 pcs. capsules - 1650-1950 rubles.
  • For 5 ampoules of 5 ml - 900-1250 rubles.
  • For a pack of 50 pcs. capsules of 65 mg - 780-900 rubles.
  • For 50 pcs. capsules of 35 mg - 450-550 rubles.
  • For 5 ampoules of 5 ml - 1200-1500 rubles.

Since the imbalance of the liver directly affects the condition of the human skin, such drugs can also be prescribed for skin disorders. Liver malfunctions associated with excess cholesterol can also be normalized if such medications are used correctly.

Note! Choline, contained in soybeans, from which the phospholipid complex for Essentiale is extracted, perfectly restores damaged liver cells.

Some differences between the two drugs

When looking for answers to questions such as: "Which is better Phosphogliv or Essentiale forte?" It is also important to determine the differences between the two drugs. First of all, it is worth noting the following discrepancies in the properties, parameters and characteristics of two drugs for the liver:

  1. The duration of the therapeutic course is different. It all depends on the stage of the disease, its form, degree of neglect, general condition and special reactions of the patient's body.
  2. There are differences in the composition of the auxiliary active ingredients present in the composition of both drugs. For example, different concentrations of glycyrrhizic acid, which is extracted from licorice.
  3. Essentiale is more suitable for pregnant women than Phosphogliv.
  4. Fofogliv has a greater saturation and concentration of substances in its composition, so it has more side effects.

Note! Glycyrrhizic acid is similar in properties to the action of some hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Therefore, drugs that contain such a substance in concentrated doses can easily be confused with hormonal drugs. After all, they greatly affect the dynamics of the level of certain hormones. Therefore, in large doses, such hepatoprotectors should be taken with extreme caution, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor, consulting with him about specific hormones and the risk of side effects.

Common features of the two drugs

On in general terms an opinion may also be formed, which choice is better to make, buy Essentiale for your liver or Phosphogliv is suitable.

  1. A mixture of phospholipids is part of the main active components of both drugs.
  2. The form of production is the same.
  3. A mixture of phospholipids is obtained in the same way - from soy raw products. Therefore, medicines are natural, do not have pronounced chemistry or synthetics.
  4. They can be used as immunomodulating agents.
  5. Protect liver cells from pathogenic destruction, neutralize toxins that have already entered the body.
  6. They create obstacles to the undesirable growth of tissues in the liver that perform a connecting function.
  7. Restore the liver after heavy courses of treatment with the strongest antibiotics, cytostatics.
  8. Reduce the inflammatory process in skin disorders.

For example, Essentiale is often prescribed precisely when the treatment of some form of liver disease requires an increased amount of phospholipids in the drug. But the fact that this drug is suitable for all forms of hepatitis is a 100% guarantee.

But Phosphogliv is ideal when you need to stop development fibrous formations in the connective tissues of a diseased liver, as well as with the appearance of a viral form of a hepatic disorder.

It is often prescribed for hepatitis C, when it is required to obtain a therapeutic result with the normalization of biochemistry internal systems organism. Among physicians, it is generally accepted that this medication is an enhanced form of the popular Essentiale. Therefore, its appointment to patients is always practiced with greater caution among specialists.


What is the difference between Phosphogliv and Essentiale?

At first glance, the drugs are similar - both are hepatoprotectors. Both have a common substance: essential phospholipids that strengthen liver cells.
What is the difference? What to choose - Phosphogliv or Essentiale?
It is worth noting the composition of Phosphogliv. It, in addition to essential phospholipids, contains glycyrrhizic acid. It is this combination of substances that is included in the standards of medical care. And Phosphogliv is the only hepatoprotector that contains glycyrrhizic acid. It is she who has an anti-inflammatory effect and acts on the very cause of liver destruction.

Main active ingredient:

Phosphogliv - (essential phospholipids, glycyrrhizin acid);

Essentiale - (essential phospholipids);

Indications for use:

Phosphogliv - (fatty degeneration of the liver (hepatosis), alcoholic, toxic, including medicinal, liver damage, in the complex therapy of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, psoriasis);

Essentiale - (fatty degeneration of the liver (hepatosis), toxic liver damage, psoriasis, cirrhosis);


Phosphogliv - (hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy (not enough data), breastfeeding period (not enough data));

Essentiale - (hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, newborns, pregnancy, breastfeeding);

Side effects:

Phosphogliv - (Extremely rare (1 in 10,000), allergic reactions, abdominal discomfort, increased blood pressure);

Essentiale - (pain in the stomach, mild loosening of the stool, diarrhea, allergic reactions in the form of a rash and urticaria);

Patient reviews about drugs

When choosing a drug, it is worth carefully studying the direct experience of those who have already undergone treatment with Phosphogliv or Essentiale. Of course, each person has an individual reaction to the medicine, but you can also learn about some features of the reception, about the results from the reviews.

Patient reviews about Phospholiv

Victor, 36 years old

I was in the hospital for a long time, taking a lot of drugs. There was a constant aching pain in the side. The doctor added Phosphogliv to the treatment, soon everything discomfort stopped. According to the results of the tests (handed over in two months) - everything is in order.

Ekaterina, 45 years old.

Relaxed. For a couple of years recovered by 15 pounds. She ate everything in a row, and if there was something fried in mayonnaise, she threw herself on it. She also did not limit herself in alcohol. And at some point I felt uncomfortable. I began to notice external changes - the skin of the face and hair deteriorated. Thought it was age. But just in case, I went to the hospital, passed the tests. Have registered Phosphogliv and a diet.

Four months later everything was back to normal. According to analyses. And after a month, it felt much better.

Allah, 25 years old.

I never thought about my liver. And who thinks about it at 25 if it doesn't hurt? I passed comprehensive tests - I go through a full check every year. And something alarmed my attending physician. He asked to drink Phosphogliv. Despite the fact that nothing bothered me, I did not want the disease to develop. There were no unpleasant side effects during the course. And as a result, I even somehow felt better, although before that it was not bad.

Patient reviews about Essential

Olga, 27 years old.

There was a period in my life when it was absolutely impossible to eat normally. Constant fast foods, snacks on the go. And I was prescribed Phosphogliv or Essentiale. I decided to take the second drug, and, unfortunately, it didn’t suit me personally - on the one hand, judging by the tests, it helped the liver, on the other hand, I got side effects, my stomach ached. I had to cancel and switch to Phosphogliv.

Alexey, 32 years old.

I took Essentiale. Didn't feel much difference before and after. Even though the doctor says it's normal, my liver hasn't gotten to a painful state yet, but I should have felt at least some improvement.

Nikolai, 51 years old.

In my life, I have not been distinguished by exemplary behavior. And a glass to drink, and beer on the weekends. Yes, and I love to eat - my wife cooks very well. Maybe not quite healthy food, as it is fashionable now, but very tasty. Not so long ago I felt discomfort in my side. A neighbor said that he had this and helped Essentiale. Well, I bought it too. And in the middle of the course I abandoned it, because I didn’t feel the effect. I went to the doctor, there he figured out what was what and what would help my liver.

Which is more effective: Phosphogliv or Essentiale?

Essentiale is undoubtedly an effective medicine for the restoration of liver cells. The drug helps cell membranes regenerate, normalizes liver function. But without removing the inflammation itself, all this treatment will not be very complete.
Glycerrhizinic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect (as well as antioxidant and antifibrotic). Therefore, the drug Phosphogliv not only restores liver cells, but also treats it.
The two main components of Fofsfogliv help to better absorb each other. As a result, Phosphogliv acts more effectively on the affected liver cells.
Phosphogliv is the only hepatoprotector for the treatment of the liver, which is included in the list of vital and essential drugs.

Drugs are prescribed individually, taking into account the characteristics of each organism. Therefore, of course, it is better if the doctor answers the question of what to choose - Phosphogliv or Essentiale.

But if we have to make a choice on our own, then it is worth choosing the safest and most effective medicine, especially if its effectiveness is confirmed by doctors and recommended at the state level.


Criterias of choice

  1. The severity and duration of the effect.
  2. The ability not only to improve well-being and eliminate symptoms, but also to influence the etiology (cause) and mechanism (pathogenesis) of the disease.
  3. Additional indications for admission.
  4. Types of side effects, their frequency.
  5. Price.

Comparison of drugs

Before choosing Phosphogliv or Essentiale Forte, it is worth exploring the possibilities of each drug.

Essentiale Forte

The name of the drug comes from the active substance in the composition of the drug - a complex of essential phospholipids.

These substances of natural origin (from soy lecithin) are components (building material) of cell membranes of organs and tissues, incl. hepatocytes - liver cells.

By design, these phospholipids should be incorporated into the damaged membrane of hepatocytes. The hepatoprotective action of Essentiale is based on this. However, the drug does not affect causal factors and mechanism of hepatic injury.

In addition, phospholipids in in kind we get from plant and animal food (eggs, beef, sunflower oil). Therefore, in fact, Essentiale is not as indispensable as it is positioned.


This combined agent includes the trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid and phosphatidylcholine, the main component of essential phospholipids. It is the presence of glycyrrhizic acid that largely determines the effectiveness of Phosphogliv.

These components in the complex have the properties of a detoxifying agent and an antioxidant, restore the membranes of hepatocytes - liver cells. Glycyrrhizic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves liver function. Phosphatidylcholine, in addition to restoring action on cell membranes, improves the absorption of glycyrrhizic acid and enhances its action.

From this it follows that Phosphogliv has a complex effect on the affected liver and not only eliminates the consequences of negative processes, but also affects their causes and mechanism. Phosphogliv is made from natural ingredients (phospholipids from soybeans and glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root).

Similarities and differences

index Essentiale forte phosphogliv
active substances phospholipids glycyrrhizic acid, phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine)
natural origin Yes
therapeutic effects ● restores and preserves the cellular structure of the liver ●protects hepatocytes
action eliminates the consequences of negative processes in the liver. eliminates not only the consequences, but also their mechanism.
testimony .chronic hepatitis,
extrahepatic effects have indications for use in complex therapy for psoriasis
side effects Usually drugs are well tolerated, side effects develop very rarely, - the frequency< 1/10 000.
release forms capsules, capsules,


Indications for use and side effects of Essentiale Forte and Phosphogliv are broadly similar. But, unlike Essentiale Forte, Phosphogliv has a complex effect on the damaged liver. Accordingly, its effect is more pronounced. Therefore, the choice between Phosphogliv or Essentiale Forte should be made in favor of Phosphogliv.


Hepatoprotectors- a separate group of drugs that people learn about in exceptional cases. Representatives of this group are intended for the treatment and restoration of liver cells. They are prescribed for various diseases.

There are quite a lot of known hepatoprotectors. Each of the medicines is good in its own way, and therefore it is quite difficult to say which is better - Phosphogliv, Essentiale, Silibor or, say, Hepaphor. The principle of operation of all hepatoprotectors is almost the same. And yet, some features distinguish some medicines from others.

What is more effective - Essentiale or Phosphogliv?

Essentiale and Phosphogliv are a couple of the most popular modern hepatoprotectors. These are the most commonly prescribed by experts. Both drugs are based on a mixture of plant-derived phospholipids extracted from soybeans. Properly selected composition helps to restore and protect the liver. At the same time, both Phosphogliv and Essentiale can act as effective immunomodulators. All, without exception, hepatoprotective drugs prevent the destruction of hepatocytes - liver cells - and prevent the growth connective tissues in the organ.

The main indications for the use of Phosphogliv or Essentiale are as follows:

  • hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • food infections;
  • cholestasis;
  • cholangitis.

Sometimes drugs are prescribed for dermatological diseases. In particular, Phosphogliv helps to restore skin cells and eliminate inflammatory processes in them.

The duration of treatment with Phosphogliv Forte or Essentiale may vary. For some patients, one course is enough, while others are forced to take hepatoprotectors throughout their lives. It all depends on the general health of the patient, the form of the disease, its stage.

The difference between Essentiale forte and Phosphogliv is in excipients. In addition to phospholipids, Phosphogliv contains glycyrrhizic acid. The chemical structure of the latter makes it similar to the hormones of the adrenal cortex. For this reason too large doses Phosphogliv can lead to quite serious side effects. And this fact must be taken into account.

Even the most detailed Comparative characteristics An unambiguous answer to the question of which is better - Phosphogliv or Essentiale forte, will not give. Drugs adequately replace each other. The only recommendation is to give preference to Essentiale in the case when the treatment requires the intake of a large amount of phospholipids.


What is the difference between Phosphogliv and Essentiale

Phosphogliv and Essentiale are two modern therapeutic agents that have 5 main differences between themselves, which are the criteria for choosing one of these hepatoprotectors.

These include:

  • compound;
  • study;
  • treatment standards;
  • price;
  • admission restrictions.

Let's consider each quality separately.


Both medicines contain the same main component, due to which the therapeutic effect is carried out. It is considered a set of phospholipids that are able to restore liver cells and their membrane damaged by free radicals. The optimal amount of such substances present in one tablet can significantly improve the condition of the liver, however, to achieve full healing effect the drug should be taken in full. However, Phosphogliv contains another important component for human health, which is considered to be glycyrrhizic acid.

Such a component, created on natural basis, allows you to reduce inflammation in the liver cells, which is often considered the initial stage of development of cirrhosis or fibrosis of the organ. With the development of such diseases, the affected tissue is replaced by fatty or scar tissue. This greatly impairs the functioning of the body, and also does not allow it to fully cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful components.

If a patient develops cirrhosis, he will need a total liver transplant.

In other words, Phosphogliv, in comparison with Essentiale, is able to restore the liver, as well as significantly reduce the risk of developing fibrosis and other dangerous diseases of this organ. In addition, Phosphogliv is allowed to be taken at any stage of the course of the disease, in order to avoid the transition of the acute stage of the pathology to the severe one, and also as a preventive measure.


Modern scientists have proven that Phosphogliv effectively cures most liver diseases. Soon after taking the medicine improves general state liver, restores the cells of the organ, and also cleanses it of harmful substances and toxins that have accumulated in it after the onset of the disease. It is possible to notice an improvement in the condition with the help of ultrasound and a blood test. When compared with Essentiale and other phospholipid agents, it was proved that Phosphogliv acts much faster and better (by 50%). This is also considered a significant advantage of the drug over Essentiale Forte. However, this drug also cures most of the liver diseases, however, a little longer and often in combination with other therapeutic agents. And Phosphogliv, most often, is prescribed without additional drugs.

Treatment standards

Unlike Essentiale, Phosphogliv is included in both of these groups, and is also actively prescribed to patients who come to an appointment or are in a hospital. Most doctors are sure that Phosphogliv is the most effective and fast-acting drug, which means that it has much more benefits for a diseased liver.


Essentiale is considered an imported drug, so its price is too high. That is why not all patients can afford the medicine. At Phosphogliv, the price is several times cheaper, because this drug is produced in Russia. As the pharmacoeconomic study shows, it is better to conduct complex therapy liver diseases Phosphogliv, not Essentiale. After all, if therapy is prescribed to the patient for a long time (more than 3 months), the course of Essentiale will cost the patient quite a lot, especially if, in addition to this hepatoprotector, he was also prescribed other drugs.

Reception restrictions

To understand how to choose the right drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the restrictions on admission. As the instructions say, Phosphogliv should not be drunk by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of 12 years. This is due to the lack of data on the effect on the body for this category of people. In other words, drug manufacturers refuse to conduct studies on this group of patients in order to avoid adverse effects. Essentiale, on the other hand, can be taken by pregnant, lactating and young children, since the medicine does not harm health, but provides a powerful therapeutic effect.

These differences in drugs are considered the main ones, they can be used to find out which medicine is better and more effective in the treatment of liver diseases.

Essentiale can be taken by all patients, if they have no contraindications to taking. Therefore, pediatricians and gynecologists often prescribe this medicine to patients to restore liver function.

But therapists and gastroenterologists for adult patients and non-pregnant women prescribe Phosphogliv, which is superior to Essentiale Forte in almost all respects.

It is also worth focusing on the temperature regime in which both medicines should be stored:

  1. Phosphogliv is allowed to be stored at room temperature, which will be no more than 25 degrees.
  2. Essentiale Forte, on the contrary, needs to be kept in the refrigerator in order to avoid spoilage. Otherwise, complex therapy with such a medicine will not benefit the patient.

It is important to note that both drugs are quite well-known and common. Evidence of that - a large number of reviews on websites and forums.

Judging by the reviews, both drugs effectively cure liver diseases, and also cleanse and restore it. Therefore, comparing drugs and identifying the best of them is required according to the characteristics and description of the drugs.

Composition of drugs, indications and contraindications

The composition of Phosphogliv is also combined and carefully selected. This is a hepatoprotector, which, in addition to phospholipids, contains glycyrate.

Such a substance is capable of exerting an immunomodulatory effect, which actively fights viruses and other representatives of pathogenic microflora, and also causes the natural production of interferon in the body.

Essentiale indications:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis of various forms;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • psoriasis;
  • development of hepatic coma;
  • tissue necrosis.

Contraindications Essentiale Forte can be called high sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Phosphogliv capsules are prescribed to patients for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • liver intoxication;
  • the course of hepatitis in any form;
  • psoriasis;
  • development of neurodermatitis;
  • cirrhosis.

The medicine is forbidden to drink to children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Phosphogliv is sometimes prescribed to women during lactation, but this requires a temporary stop in feeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of medicines

The benefits of Essentiale Forte include:

  • the preparation consists of natural natural components;
  • the remedy helps to cope not only with liver diseases, but also with autoimmune lesions;
  • good tolerance of the drug by adults and children of any age;
  • used not only for treatment, but also for prevention;
  • the drug can be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • the drug is used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of gallstone disease and psoriasis;
  • normalizes and stimulates the process of food processing;
  • used in the prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis and is involved in lowering cholesterol in the blood.

The benefits of Phosphogliv include:

  • widespread use that allows you to treat hepatitis of any etiology;
  • liver damage by toxins, alcoholic drinks and medicines;
  • is included in the complex therapy of eczema, psoriasis and some other diseases;
  • not endowed with side effects;
  • good tolerance by patients.

The disadvantages of Essentiale include side effects, which can be presented in the form of diarrhea, allergies or abdominal pain.

TO negative qualities Phosphogliv refers to the impossibility of treatment in the course of hypertension. Also, contraindications include the appearance of a rash on the body and the appearance of edema due to the inability to remove water from the body.

The effectiveness and quality of treatment with both hepatoprotectors also depends on the correctness of their administration. Therefore, patients should follow a strict dosage in order to restore the health of the liver, as well as improve the overall condition of the body.