If a tear flows from the right eye. Why the right eye is watering - signs. Video of severe tearing on the street and at home

Increased tearing even in one eye causes significant discomfort to a person. This forces you to constantly touch your eyelids, which increases the risk of infection. If one eye is watery, the causes and treatment should be addressed by an ophthalmologist.

Why is one eye watering?

Can cause watery eyes in only one eye different states, these are not always diseases.

  1. If your right eye is watering, you may have a migraine. Migraine-type headaches are more typical for women, affecting half of the head, and usually the right one.
  2. One eye constantly waters due to inflammation optic nerve, which is often one-sided. The reasons for this are infections and hypothermia. Inflammation is accompanied by visual impairment in the form of its decrease, the appearance dark spots and flies.
  3. With a cold and runny nose, one eye rarely waters; usually it is bilateral lacrimation. However, increased unilateral lacrimation can occur with sinusitis. At the same time, there is still redness eyeball. Read more about the causes of simultaneous redness and lacrimation.
  4. Wearing contact lenses and glasses also usually leads to bilateral tearing - if they are not fitted correctly. Long-term use of incorrect glasses leads to further deterioration of vision.
  5. Inflammatory diseases often lead to unilateral lacrimation. They are caused by bacterial or viral infection, due to which iritis develops. Most often, unilateral lesions are observed with conjunctivitis caused by hemorrhagic enterovirus.
  6. - This is a disease characteristic of young children. Its essence is blockage of the lacrimal sac and subsequent inflammation. In this case, increased tearing is observed, and when microbial flora joins, purulent discharge appears.
  7. The eye is watering on one side. These could be grains of sand, dust, metal shavings,... In this case, inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye still develops.
  8. May cause severe tearing eye tic. This disease is associated with dysfunction nervous system, due to which one eyelid is permanent. Due to muscle fatigue, tear production increases.
  9. Often the problem arises due to injuries - mechanical, chemical, thermal. Tearfulness in this case is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the cornea.

Physiological causes of severe lacrimation are overwork, exposure to irritants, cold and wind.

What to do if one eye is watering

Treatment increased secretion fluid from the lacrimal canal is prescribed by an ophthalmologist after examination and identification of the cause. During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the following indicators:

  • intensity;
  • duration;
  • the presence of impurities - blood or pus.

It is also necessary to evaluate visual acuity.

Once the cause of tearing in one eye is determined, treatment is prescribed. It is carried out using medicines– ointments, drops, tablets.

  1. Antiviral and antibacterial agents. Most often used, indicated for treatment infectious processes in the eyeball. Drops of “Floxal”, “Tobrex”, “Oftaquix” are used. Ointments are placed behind the eyelid - Tetracycline, Oftocipro.
  2. To treat allergic reactions, drops of Lecrolin, Allergodil, Cromohexal are instilled. Additionally, tablets for oral administration are prescribed - Claritin, Cetrin.
  3. For injuries, healing agents are prescribed - Solcoseryl, Korneregel ointments, Balarpan or Vidisik drops. The drugs help restore the cornea.
  4. For dry corneas, moisturizers are indicated - “ Natural tear", "Systain Balance".

If a person is bothered by a migraine, only painkillers can help.

Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate tearing surgical intervention. Surgery is needed to remove foreign body, restoration of patency of the lacrimal canal.

Traditional treatment is auxiliary. For rinsing, decoctions of chamomile, rose hips, and sage are used. It is not recommended to instill folk remedies into the conjunctival sac - this leads to deterioration of vision.

Additionally, we invite you to watch a video compress recipe if your eyes are watery:

If one eye of an adult or child is watery, only an ophthalmologist can tell you how to treat it correctly. Timely contact with a specialist will help avoid complications.

Share this article with your friends, it may be useful. Leave your tips and methods for dealing with tearing in the comments. All the best.

Tearing- process of secretion of tear fluid from eyes. IN normal quantity The secretion of tears is a natural process. But hypersecretory (increased) flow of tears is associated with increased amount tear fluid. Excessive lacrimation is a disorder of the body that can occur at any age - in children and adults, for various reasons.

In this publication, we will look at the causes of watery eyes and treatment of this condition at home using medical and folk remedies, recipes and medications. Interesting video at the end of the page: how to massage the lacrimal punctum for children.

Watery eyes are one of the most common manifestations eye diseases. Human eye the most sensitive organ in the body, easily susceptible to external influences. Identify the cause of lacrimation, prescribe correct treatment An ophthalmologist can. Another cause of lacrimation is age-related changes, elderly age when the tear duct becomes flabby.

Under normal conditions, tear fluid washes the eyeball - the cornea and sclera, protects them from small foreign bodies (dust, grains of sand, insects) and pathogenic microorganisms, protects the eyeball from drying out.

Lacrimation may be a reaction to severe emotional shock or irritants, for example:

  1. reflex reaction to pain upon impact,
  2. the effect of cold,
  3. irritation of the nasal mucosa,
  4. when consuming spicy seasonings,
  5. for allergic diseases.

Excessive (hypersecretory) tear production can be caused by inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva - outer shell eyeball), as well as mechanical, light, and chemical irritation of the conjunctiva. These reasons require urgent treatment medical care see an ophthalmologist.

Causes and treatment of watery eyes at home

The main causes of lacrimation:

  1. and other allergens,
  2. inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis),
  3. chemical, mechanical or light irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea,
  4. colds and viral diseases(ARI, ARVI).

To eliminate lacrimation, it is necessary to begin treatment of the causative disease as early as possible.

Lacrimation can be caused by a violation of the outflow of tear fluid due to narrowing or even complete obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. Similar reasons are eliminated surgically.

The main causes of this kind of tearing of the eyes:

  1. inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis),
  2. narrowing or fusion of the tear duct,
  3. pathology of the nasal mucosa (polyps, sinusitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa, rhinitis),
  4. violation correct position eyelid (inversion of the eyelid).

Watery eyes in the elderly

In older people, the lower eyelid droops, the skin under the eyes sag, the tear ducts shift, and tear fluid begins to accumulate due to the blockage of the opening. This condition is called senile blepharoptosis.

Treatment of lacrimation in the elderly should be carried out taking into account the causes of the occurrence and development of the process.

Watery eyes: symptoms and signs

Symptoms accompanying lacrimation help narrow the search for causes and diagnosis.

  1. Irritation has an allergic cause;
  2. pain in the nose – dacryocystitis;
  3. feeling of a foreign body in the eye - presence of a foreign body in the cornea, corneal ulcer or trichiasis;
  4. intermittent sensation of a foreign body - dry eye syndrome;
  5. other symptoms (photophobia) – suspicion of uveitis or keratitis.

In newborns, conjunctivitis manifests itself in early age(from hours to two weeks of age), and at the age of over two weeks, the cause may be blockage of the nasolacrimal duct.

Watery eyes: treatment at home and with an ophthalmologist

You should check with an eye doctor to check for foreign bodies in the eye and with an allergist to check for the possibility of an allergy.

The use of an artificial tear preparation (or Hemodez solution) helps with dry eye syndrome.

Congenital blockage of the nasolacrimal duct often resolves spontaneously. But it happens that probing of the nasolacrimal duct is required in a patient under general anesthesia.

Eversion and enversion of the eyelids usually require surgical intervention.

Eye drops for watery eyes

Medicines in the form eye drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist, their choice in each case depends on the cause of lacrimation - the underlying disease. All eye drops are conventionally divided into several groups:

  1. Corticosteroids drops. They contain corticosteroid hormones and are prescribed for severe allergies and severe inflammation. They are good at relieving unpleasant manifestations of diseases - itching, swelling and lacrimation. Quite rarely called side effects. Among drugs of this kind we can highlight Lotoprendol .
  2. Antibacterial drops. They contain an antibiotic that has the most wide range actions. The antibiotic is effective against many known pathogenic microorganisms. For example, drops Okomistin help with severe inflammatory processes, even with damage to the lacrimal gland. But they appoint him to complex treatment with other medicinal agents.
  3. Vasoconstrictors And decongestants drops. With severe hypersecretion lacrimal glands at constant voltage eyes (working on a computer, papers, driving), medications that relieve swelling and redness from tired eyes by narrowing them are good blood vessels. Among the drugs in this group we can distinguish: Nafkon-A, Opkon-A, Vizin And artificial tear . In composition they resemble tear fluid.
  4. Antiallergic drops. Helps get rid of redness, itching, swelling caused by an allergic reaction. In case of concomitant infection, antibiotic drops are used simultaneously. Antiallergic drops include: Azelastine, Acular, Ketotifen, Patanol, Olopatadine . These drugs work by blocking the response immune system on the influence of the allergen.

Folk remedies for treating lacrimation

In cases where surgical intervention is not necessary to treat lacrimation, home remedies of traditional medicine are effective.

Dill seeds. To treat lacrimation, take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, pour half a liter of them cold water. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, remove from the heat, wrap, and let the infusion brew for at least 2 hours. For 14 days, wash your face with this infusion before going to bed, apply cotton swabs soaked in the infusion to your eyes for 10 minutes.

remember, that folk infusions and the decoctions are stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days!

Helps well medicinal collection from cumin seeds, eyebright herbs, plantain herb And blue cornflower petals. Take one teaspoon cumin seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water over them, put the infusion on low heat for 5 minutes, remove. At the moment when the infusion is on fire, add the rest of the above herbs one teaspoon at a time. The infusion should steep for 2 hours, covered. Then strain it, drop the cold medicine daily, two or three drops into each eye 4-5 times a day.

Ordinary tea leaves– popular simple folk remedy. Brew strong tea and instill cool drops several times a day. This will relieve inflammation and irritation of the conjunctiva.

It also happens that with a lack of vitamin A, lacrimation appears. Therefore, consume more vitamins and foods containing it: vegetables, fruits, juices. Drink green tea.

If the cause of lacrimation is bacterial microflora, if you have conjunctivitis, your eyes itch and fester, then it is better to use eye drops with antibiotic:

  1. Levomycetinaceous.
  2. Gentamicin.
  3. Tsipromed.
  4. Tsiprolet.

An ophthalmologist should prescribe these drops or others!

Video on the topic

Treatment of lacrimation

Excessive tearing is a fairly common problem. Constantly “wet eyes” cause significant discomfort and impair external beauty eye. A doctor from the SVIT ZORU clinic will talk about the treatment of this purely ophthalmological pathology.

How to massage the tear duct for a child? – Doctor Komarovsky

How to massage with dacryocystitis, how to apply eye drops to a baby

Half of the parents begin to notice by the end of the first month of the child’s life that his eyes are turning sour. This is dacryocystitis - obstruction or incomplete patency tear ducts in infants followed by chronic inflammation. On the one hand, this anatomical feature tear ducts, which may contain a mucus plug or membrane. On the other hand, subject to joining bacterial infection is a diagnosis that needs to be treated.

  1. freshly brewed tea,
  2. drops with an antibiotic + anti-inflammatory component (most often - tobrex, tobradex),
  3. massage lacrimal openings.

Dear parents! Let me remind you that without proper instillation and massage, dacryocystitis, i.e. souring of the eyes, repeated again and again. Are your eyes sour? Trim the nails on your little fingers, wash your hands, rinse your eyes from the periphery to the center (where the lacrimal punctum is), after rinsing, massage these same lacrimal puncta. Technique on video.

How intense? Practice on yourself - close your eye, use your little finger to massage your eye through the eyelid so as not to experience pain. Massage the child's lacrimal punctum with approximately the same intensity.

A person produces tears constantly. This process is invisible and necessary for proper operation eyeball. But some complain of severe tearfulness, which interferes with life, at work, and is simply unpleasant symptom. Why does it occur and how to do it to get rid of the disorders - these are questions that many patients ask. But only a specialist can tell you the answers.

Tear fluid is produced by special glands located in the bone cavity at the upper outer wall of the orbit. It mainly consists of water in which electrolytes (sodium, chlorine, potassium), lipids, mucin, organic acids and lysozyme. The latter has an antimicrobial effect.

Washing the surface of the eye, the liquid accumulates in a depression on the conjunctiva - the lacrimal lake. It is then absorbed through points (small holes) at the edge of the eyelid into the canaliculi and enters the lacrimal sac. The latter is a cylindrical cavity at the inner corner of the orbit. It is connected to the nasolacrimal duct, which opens into the inferior nasal meatus.

A tear performs two main functions. The first is hydration and nutrition of the outer layers of the organ of vision. This is important for its correct and uninterrupted operation. The second is related to eye protection. Tear fluid mechanically removes solid particles (dust, debris, insects) from its surface, and also helps to destroy microbes. Therefore, it is extremely important that the entire system works smoothly.

Causes and mechanisms

If tears flow from your eyes more than usual, then it’s time to think about the origin of this phenomenon. Its mechanism consists of two aspects: increased production (hypersecretion) or obstruction of outflow (retention). And if the first may even be in physiological conditions, then the second is an unambiguous pathology. But you can understand why your eyes are watering only after consulting a doctor.

Under normal conditions, tears are produced in sufficient quantities to moisturize the eyeball. But there are situations when this volume is not enough, which occurs when the mucous membrane is irritated by cold air, wind, trapped grains of sand, bright light and spicy food. This symptom is often encountered by patients using contact lenses. There is also such a thing as emotional tears that appear at the moment of strong experiences (joy, laughter, sadness). Increased fluid production is observed when yawning or in the morning when you need to rinse your eyes.

But the group of conditions associated with pathology is much broader. They develop with the participation of both mechanisms: increased production and impaired outflow. And when tearing occurs, it is necessary to differentiate the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dacryoadenitis, dacryocystitis).
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Structural abnormalities (stenosis of lacrimal openings, canaliculi).
  • Burns (thermal, chemical) and eye injuries.
  • Eversion of the lower eyelid, blepharoptosis in the elderly.
  • Respiratory pathology (rhinosinusitis, ARVI, measles, chickenpox).
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Thus, the causes of increased lacrimation are very diverse. And it is possible to understand why it occurs in an adult or child only after examination. But the diagnosis must be carried out by a doctor.

Why your eyes water more than usual - the answer to this question is not as easy as it seems. After all, the reasons may be different.


The beginning of the diagnostic search lies in the plane of the clinical examination. The doctor finds out the patient’s complaints and other anamnestic data (onset of the disease, connection with some factors). This information is subjective. And objective symptoms are revealed during examination and palpation.

First of all, you need to understand the nature of lacrimation. In this case, pay attention to the following features:

  1. Intensity: weak, moderate or strong.
  2. Duration: short-term or permanent.
  3. Localization: one- or two-way.
  4. The presence of pathological impurities: pus, blood, mucus.
  5. Influence external factors: dust, wind, allergens.

At the same time, other signs related to the problem are identified. Sometimes they are more significant with diagnostic point vision. This means that it is necessary to detail every symptom found in the patient.

Inflammatory diseases

The inflammatory process very often leads to very watery eyes. This can occur with damage to the conjunctiva, eyelids, and cornea. Pathological changes also affect the gland itself or the lacrimal sac. Diagnostic criteria for pathology can be considered:

  • Pain and feeling of a foreign body in the eye.
  • Discharge (serous, purulent).
  • Redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Vascular injection.

With conjunctivitis, the process begins in one eye, but then moves to the second. Keratitis may be accompanied by photophobia and the appearance of rashes on the cornea (vesicles, erosions). With dacryocystitis, skin hyperemia is detected in the area of ​​the internal angle of the orbit and the appearance of local swelling there. When you press on it, pus begins to come out of the eye. Patients feel pain and the temperature may rise. Blockage of the lacrimal sac with exudate leads to the impossibility of outflow of tear fluid.

Allergic reactions

People who are sensitized to certain substances develop allergic reactions. And they often occur in the form of conjunctivitis, when the eyes become watery and other symptoms appear:

  • Itching and burning sensation.
  • Photophobia.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.

In this case, both eyes are affected at once, and many patients additionally experience a runny nose with paroxysmal sneezing and a dry cough (rhinitis and pharyngolaryngitis). Other manifestations may also occur allergic reaction: skin rash, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

If tear fluid flows intensively from the eyes, itching and redness occur, then it is necessary to exclude the allergic nature of the disorders.

Structural anomalies

When dealing with the question of why the eyes are so watery, it is necessary to remember about such a reason as structural anomalies of the outflow tract. Even with normal production, fluid will accumulate in excess and overflow the edge of the lower eyelid. Defects (stenoses and strictures) can be congenital or acquired. The first ones are revealed in childhood, and the latter become the result of chronic inflammatory processes(adhesions).

The clinical picture shows only increased tearing. There will be no other signs, such as those of inflammatory or allergic origin. General state patients are not impaired. Typically, one eye is affected.

Respiratory pathology

In the context differential diagnosis we need to remember about infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. After all, it is known that the conjunctival sac communicates with the nasal cavity, and that with the pharynx. And some of the people who once had watery eyes can confirm: this happened precisely against the background of a cold.

WITH clinical picture ARVI or a similar pathology is probably familiar to almost everyone. The main symptoms of the pathology will be:

  • Runny nose.
  • Sore throat.
  • Cough.
  • Fever.

Characteristic signs of intoxication are: general weakness, malaise, headache, body aches. With measles and chickenpox, a characteristic skin rash occurs (maculopapular and vesicular, respectively).

Additional diagnostics

When the eye of an adult or child becomes watery, it is necessary to conduct not only a clinical examination, but also additional diagnostics. This is necessary to accurately verify the source of the problem. The attending physician may refer the patient to the following procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Analysis of discharge from the conjunctival sac (cytology, culture, PCR).
  • Allergy tests (skin tests, scarification tests, injection tests).
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye.
  • Tubular (instillation) test with dye.
  • Dacryocystography.
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball and lacrimal gland.

Patient in mandatory consults an ophthalmologist and an ENT doctor. And only after receiving the results comprehensive survey we can say why tears flow from the eyes and how to treat the pathology in the future.

Before thinking about eliminating increased lacrimation, it is necessary to examine the patient using additional diagnostic methods.


To prevent your eyes from watering, you must first eliminate irritating factors: avoid contact with allergens, cigarette smoke, dust, wind and cold air. Wear tinted glasses to avoid bright sunshine. For conjunctivitis, others inflammatory diseases and allergies, medications in locally effective form are indicated. Depending on the diagnosis, you can use various drops for eyes:

  1. Antiseptic (Ocomistin, Vitabact).
  2. Antibacterial (Tobrex, Cipropharm, Floxal).
  3. Antiviral (Oftan Idu, Actipol, Oftalmoferon).
  4. Anti-inflammatory (Indocollir).
  5. Antiallergic (Allergodil, Lecrolin).
  6. Corticosteroids (Sofradex, Maxitrol).

Most medications need to be dripped not only into the affected eye, but also into the neighboring one. This is necessary for preventive purposes. The doctor will tell you which drops to use in a particular case. He will appoint optimal scheme therapy for each patient and will tell you in detail how to cure the pathology.

Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts requires invasive intervention. The ophthalmologist carries out probing and rinsing of the tubules, and at the same time prescribes a course of antimicrobial drops. For dacryocystitis, surgery may be required to drain the lacrimal sac (dacryocystorhinostomy). Well, in cases where you have to deal with eversion or drooping of the eyelid to prevent tears from flowing out, only plastic surgery will help.

Increased tear production is a fairly common problem and causes a lot of inconvenience to its owners. In terms of diagnostics, certain difficulties cannot be ruled out, but an experienced doctor will successfully determine what changes have occurred and how to treat the identified disease.

Tears sometimes don't show emotional condition a person, because the eyes reflect the most secret secrets of the soul. Moisture appears as if out of nowhere, so it is advisable to understand why the right or left is tearing and there are signs for this.

Since ancient times, it was believed that tears in the eyes can be all kinds of predictions and bring with them good or bad. If the cause of the occurrence is unknown, then you can look at folk superstitions, which appeared in ancient times.

Why is my right eye watering?

It is quite possible that tears from the right eye are released to unexpected luck. Esotericists consider the right side of a person to be positive, so tears appear on the right side, indicating happiness and excess emotionality, tenderness. The sign says that a joyful event awaits soon.

The right eye is watery - a sign that you are about to experience happy moments. You should not expect negativity, it is also possible to meet your destiny. The right eye may become watery for a speedy date with your chosen one or first love, which may well have a continuation.

To prevent the superstition from working, you just need to wash your face with running water and then blot your face with the hem of your robe or dress.

If a person does not want to see anyone in the near future, then it is advisable to neutralize the effect of the sign. Just don’t rush too much, because fate gives you a chance to change your life and experience true happiness.

Why is my left eye watering?

If unexpected tears are found from the left eye, then you should not expect positive things from life. Experts believe left side negative, so it is advisable to prepare for a meeting with ill-wishers and complex problems. There are sorrows to be endured.

But do not panic, because quite neutral events can be expected. The left eye may become watery when meeting a woman for whom the person does not have very pleasant feelings.

Important! In esotericism Right side body is considered male, and the left is female!

Tears on the left are harbingers of bad events; you should prepare for troubles or a scandal in the family. There is also a chance to wait for the unwanted arrival of relatives or a sworn friend.

Ancestors believed that tears on the left side foreshadow a strong emotional outburst, which may not always carry something bad. There is also a more positive belief, which suggests that a person will soon receive an unexpected profit, an inheritance, win the lottery, or learn good news about money.

Other beliefs

Among the people there are interpretations of omens for certain days of the week:

  • Monday - sadness is worth waiting for;
  • Tuesday – perhaps a long-awaited date;
  • Wednesday – come soon pleasant relatives;
  • Thursday – meeting with former friends;
  • Friday - receiving unpleasant news;
  • Saturday – neutral prediction;
  • Sunday - your wish will come true.

If a prediction associated with tears is positive, then it is worth trying to make it really come true. To do this, it is recommended to cover your eye with your palm and hold it in this position for a while.

If your right eye is watering:

  • you will have to endure grief;
  • tears of joy are not excluded;
  • a woman will meet her beloved man or he will finally pay attention to her;
  • great joy and fulfillment of desire awaits;
  • There will be a long-awaited meeting with relatives and loved ones.

If your left eye is watering:

  • you should prepare for serious quarrels and scandals;
  • you will have to experience emotional shock;
  • unexpected receipt of large amounts of money is possible;
  • good luck and a very pleasant event awaits;
  • receiving news.

Both eyes water

Popular belief says that if both eyes water at once, the weather will soon deteriorate.

Experts say that both eyes can also become watery due to unpleasant events, however, a person will be able to cope with them without significant losses. The main thing is to be confident in your own rightness and strive to achieve what you want.

Mystics are sure that if a person feels bad at heart, then the heart feels it and shows it in the form of flowing tears. Even if in currently a woman or a man works, does what he loves, does not think about sad things - the heart expresses heartache through tears to relieve the body's condition. These tears are hot and you can feel them.

As we know from folklore, tears from the eyes will definitely bring tears to the real life. Moreover, they can be from great joy or great grief, quarrels or troubles. The main thing to remember is that you can avoid putting the belief into practice.

However, in order to protect yourself from bad things, you can try scratching your eyes, and then light the sign of the cross and read a prayer to the Almighty, then the effect of the sign will weaken.

Guaranteed neutralization of superstitions

If your left eye is constantly watering, don’t be too scared. There is a guaranteed way to neutralize bad omens and predictions, to protect yourself from problems and unpleasant encounters with ill-wishers or the unexpected loss of a bonus at work.

Cover your eyes with your palms and rub them thoroughly with your fingers. Then wash your face with running water. The main thing is to only use cold water, it is she who can protect against misfortunes. As a result, everything bad that awaits in the future turns into neutral, comes into balance with right side. And life will flow smoothly, without negative changes.

In some cases, lacrimation occurs in only one eye; the phenomenon may be accompanied by other symptoms - redness, itching, pain.

In order to carry out treatment, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of tearing of the eye.


This condition, when one eye is watery, occurs as a result of blockage of the tear duct, which occurs for various reasons:

  • viral infections that provoke the occurrence of conjunctivitis;
  • bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis, in this case, first one eye waters, then after a while the symptom bothers both visual organs, accompanying symptoms are constant itching, sneezing;
  • pathological processes of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
  • pathological disorders composition of tears;
  • chronic form of the disease.

Untimely detection of the above inflammations can lead to narrowing of the tear duct. Due to the narrowing, the risk of secondary infection increases, which provokes phlegmon of the lacrimal sac and purulent form dacryocystitis.

Increased lacrimation from one eye may occur due to a lack of microelements and vitamins in the body. Pathological disorders and the appearance of symptoms are influenced by changes in visual acuity - farsightedness.

The reasons that provoke lacrimation from one eye are not always associated with diseases and internal pathologies, they are often based on household factors and external damage.

External reasons that may result in only one eye watering:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • entry of a foreign body;
  • increased sensitivity to adverse environmental factors;
  • initial stage of dry eye syndrome;

If lacrimation occurs in one eye, you should consult a doctor; it is not recommended to self-medicate until the cause of the disease is determined.

After examination and diagnostic results, the ophthalmologist will determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe adequate treatment.


To determine the cause, the ophthalmologist, in addition to the usual examination, prescribes various diagnostic measures, the basis of diagnosis is analysis of an eye smear and a detailed examination using special equipment.

To make a diagnosis, the patient needs to visit not only an ophthalmologist, but also an allergist and otolaryngologist, since allergic factors and changes in the nasal mucosa may be among the causes of lacrimation from one eye.

If one eye is watering due to an allergic reaction, the ophthalmologist and allergist will prescribe the patient stabilizing eye drops, for example, Opatanol. Additionally, the doctor will prescribe medications general action in tablet form - Diazolin, Alleron.

Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids - blepharitis is eliminated with the help of drugs local action, quite often patients are prescribed Teagel. Together with the use of ointments, it is recommended to undergo a massage course once a month for prevention.

To treat narrowing of the lacrimal canals, patients are prescribed probing and rinsing with special solutions, as antibacterial drug Furacilin is used for rinsing.

Treatment consists of moisturizing the mucous membrane of the visual organ. For these purposes, moisturizing drugs that cause artificial tears are prescribed.

The reasons that result in tearing of one eye are quite varied, so let us remind you once again that you should not self-medicate. Incorrectly selected medications can not only not improve the condition, but also harm your health.