Where do ferrets live at home? Ferrets at home: pros and cons. Hygiene procedures for ferrets

Before you get yourself a ferret, find out how to properly keep and feed it. This is not the animal that will be satisfied with your love. He has his own needs, which many are not aware of. And if a ferret is kept incorrectly, it will definitely get sick.

Keeping a ferret at home

Decide right away whether you will give your pet complete freedom or limit its movements around your home. But remember that the ferret loves space. The cage is a punishment for him. Therefore, it is better to use it only to clean the house without scaring or harming the baby animal.

Be sure to remove small items from the floor. Electrical wires should be out of reach of the ferret. Seal all the cracks, even the narrowest ones, because you are going to keep a burrowing animal at home. This means that the animal will try to crawl into any crack, but where is the chance that it won’t get stuck there?

The predator will definitely try to tear off the upholstery of the furniture with its teeth, chew on the plastic, and snag the wallpaper. Secure your home, because this little nimble can jump on the stove, knock over a pan, jump out of a window (even if there is a mosquito net) or from a balcony (especially if it is not glazed). Bathroom, toilet, pantry, kitchen - should not only be closed, but strictly prohibited from visiting by the animal.

The ferret will need toys, but all fur, small, plastic or rubber (if the material tears easily) must be removed. Otherwise, the pet will tear the toy with its sharp teeth, swallow its pieces, choke, or clog its intestines. Choose good latex that is not easily damaged.

A ferret will need space, so be prepared for the animal to scurry around the house. Always look under your feet, do not rush to close the doors, because an animal can be on your way in one second.

At first the puppy will be shy, which is understandable. Foreign room, unfamiliar smells, atmosphere. Therefore, the ferret will be afraid of any noise, hide, run away, and maybe even bite. Please be patient.

If you are afraid to leave your pet alone in the apartment for for a long time(for example, while you are working), then equip and insulate a balcony for it. Or buy a large cage that can accommodate a tray, a sleeping place, a drinking bowl, a feeder, and something like a mink. In addition, the volume of the cage should be such that you can run freely in it. Through simple calculations, it becomes clear that the area of ​​the enclosure must be at least one square meter.

Caring for a ferret at home

Caring for a ferret is not only about providing your pet with living space and proper nutrition. It is also necessary to trim the claws, bathe the baby, play with it, educate it, and take it to the veterinarian.

  • Claws must be trimmed. Yes, the ferret will not climb the curtains or damage the furniture with them, but the instinct to dig holes will not disappear anywhere. In nature, an animal wears down its claws when digging in the ground, but there is no place to do this at home.

At home there are carpets everywhere, to which these overgrown claws cling. As a result, the animal can get caught on them, get scared and begin to break free and twitch. After such attempts, the paw can be dislocated.

  • Is it possible to wash a ferret at home? Yes, but not very often (once every 2-3 weeks). Animals love to swim, dive, and swim.

But you should not abuse this procedure. Only if the animal gets dirty or starts to smell bad (uncastrated males and females are especially “smelly”). In this case, the ideal solution is to sterilize the ferret. This way you can get rid of the unpleasant smell.

Never let a wet pet onto the floor. First, wipe with a towel, and then wait until the baby is completely dry.

  • Ferrets love affection and love it when they play with them. How long should females and males run around the house if they are kept in a cage? The baby animal must run freely for at least 2 hours a day.

What to feed your ferret at home

  • What do ferrets eat and how much food do they need per day? natural environment? Meat! Because it is a predator, and without meat the animal’s diet will be incomplete. Make a menu for your pet based on 85-90% meat or offal (kidneys, heart, liver) and the remaining 15-10% porridge, vegetables, boiled eggs.

What to feed a ferret so as not to harm it? It is best to have boiled chicken or turkey, beef, veal, or, as a last resort, lean lamb. You can also give fish (only infrequently), and be sure to make sure that there are no bones in the food so that the pet does not choke and harm itself.

  • If you don't have time to cook natural food, then you can switch to specialized food for ferrets. Only you can only buy it in large cities; in other localities you can try to replace such food with canned food for cats. But not cheap ones, after which the animal will start to get sick, but High Quality(super premium or even holistic class).
  • Ferrets eat, although little, but very often. Often – how much? They need to be given food approximately 7 times a day. Don’t be alarmed, a single serving is 3 times less than what the average cat eats.

But this does not mean that you need to dump everything into a bowl at once. Over the course of a day, the food in the bowl will turn sour, spoil, and the animal will get sick after such a meal. Therefore, put a little at a time, after the ferret eats everything (or leaves a little in the bowl), wash the dishes thoroughly (without using household chemicals).

Ferret castration: is it necessary or can you do without it?

Females and males do not smell very pleasant. A specific smell appears as soon as the animal reaches sexual maturity. And to get rid of it, one bath will not be enough. It would be ideal to resort to castration of the male (or sterilization of the female).

There is nothing complicated about the operation. Even a veterinarian who castrates cats and dogs can handle the operation (experience with exotic animals is not necessary).

Ferret health

Animals are very nimble, so you need to keep an eye on them. They can get into the washing machine, under the furniture, between the ribs of the radiator, into the closet, and jump out onto the balcony, or even fall out completely.

Not long ago, ferrets began to be kept as pets. Therefore, there is not much information about their diseases. You definitely need to get rid of worms (both cats and dogs), and don’t forget about vaccinations.

Yes, a ferret needs to be vaccinated, just like a dog, after all, it is a carnivore. Imported anti-plague drugs are used for vaccination (domestic ones are not recommended). Be sure to get a passport for your pet and include all dewormings and vaccinations performed.

If you decide to travel with a horde, you will need a passport and a special veterinary certificate (form No. 1), as well as a container (carrying).

How long do ferrets live at home?

Baby animals live a long time - about 10-12 years (that's how long dogs live on average). But a lot depends on how the pet will be cared for. How many times a day and what will they feed? And also how safe the house will be.

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  • Pets are different. Traditional cats and dogs, guinea pigs and turtles - we have long been accustomed to all this animal world. But ferrets are still considered exotic. We will tell you in this article how to care for a ferret at home, how difficult it is to keep these cute creatures at home, how to feed them, etc.

    Before getting a ferret, you need to carefully study the rules for keeping it at home.

    Few people think that before buying such an animal in the house, you need to do some preparatory work. After all, if you want the animal to feel comfortable, he needs to create favorable conditions life. And, of course, get acquainted with the rules of caring for it.

    One should not, of course, suspect all pets of being “suicidal,” but many of them actually die in the first months, because it simply did not occur to the owners to provide all the safety measures - for the animals themselves in the first place. Therefore, before bringing a ferret home, experts advise Special attention for the following points.

    1. Considering the small size of your future pet, try to eliminate all holes and cracks in the apartment or house through which he can get out or simply get stuck there.
    2. In the same way, block his possible exit to the balcony - ferrets are very poor eyesight, and they are not able to adequately assess the height at which they are, and therefore may well break when trying to break free.
    3. You should not take risks and give the animal access to containers constantly filled with water, or even to the toilet. Out of natural curiosity, an animal may well stick its head in there and end up drowning.
    4. Put all kinds of chemicals away, it is better to hide them on the top shelves in the cabinets. This is chemistry, and your future pet is a rodent, and may well want to taste the “chemistry”. This will have to be monitored closely.
    5. It is highly not recommended to have a ferret in a house where houseplants are grown. These creatures love to dig in the ground, which is what they generally do in their natural habitat. As a result, both can suffer - your plant, to the roots of which the ferret will sooner or later get to, and he himself, if the plant turns out to be poisonous.

    Before purchasing a ferret, you should prepare your apartment for this event.

    In addition, you will have to seriously worry about acquiring such a habit as carefully and carefully opening doors, and any:

    • if these are entrance doors, the ferret will rush out through them with lightning speed;
    • if this interior doors, you may accidentally hit the animal, since the trajectory of its movement around the house can be very chaotic.

    Also be prepared for the fact that even domestic ferrets sooner or later make hiding places for themselves, where they begin to steal small things they like. You will suddenly start losing children's toys or even valuable items, shoes and food. It is not a fact that you will easily find the “warehouse” equipped by him - sometimes it can be difficult for a person to get to such a place.

    Cage for housing

    The first thing you will need to ensure comfortable keeping of your ferret at home is a cage - its home. Its dimensions should be such that the pet feels at ease when moving around it. Suitable size: 80x80 cm.

    The cage should have a house and various hammocks - ferrets love them very much. If you notice that the animal happily runs around the entire cage, jumping from place to place, it means that it is happy here. And, on the contrary, if it is clearly crowded, moving monotonously from side to side, as if it does not find a place for itself, then it is necessary to select a more spacious room for the animal.

    By the way, about the house. This should be some kind of secluded hole in which your pet could hide from prying eyes– animals also need privacy at times. If such a hole is not provided in the cage, you can make it yourself. The following will work for this:

    • old rags;
    • a whole cardboard box;
    • piece of pipe.

    A ferret cage will help create comfortable conditions for keeping the animal.

    Well, don’t forget that a ferret’s home should also include:

    • feeding bowl;
    • bowl with drinking water- drinking bowl;
    • place for toilet;
    • personal toys.

    The cage should be made of strong construction mesh, strong but thin. The animal will probably try to gnaw it, so it must withstand its aspirations, but without harming the animal’s teeth.

    Toilet arrangement

    Thoughtful care for your ferret also involves having his own toilet in the house - who, if not you, should take care of his hygiene! The easiest way to do this is to use a traditional cat litter box. It doesn’t matter what size or shape it is, you need your pet to learn how to use it. When placing the toilet in a specific location, be sure to secure it there.

    A ferret needs a tray to perform its natural needs.

    Experts recommend installing such toilets in other rooms if your house is spacious enough. This will save you from unnecessary cleaning efforts - it is unlikely that the animal will endure getting to the only tray located in the back room.

    Safety regulations

    Many owners who want to know how to keep a ferret at home are interested in: should he be let out to walk around the apartment, free, or should he be allowed to sit in his own cage if it is very spacious? Experts insist that the animal must be allowed to roam around the house, unless, of course, you have taken all measures to prevent it from running away.

    Not prevent:

    • block access to windows and entrance doors;
    • hang security locks on the doors of cabinets and bedside tables;
    • hide breakable objects away.

    Once free, domestic ferrets begin to exhibit their predatory instincts. In nature, they lead an active lifestyle, so try not to limit it in this. This freedom also has another positive side - the more time you spend together, the more trusting the relationship will become, which will allow you to raise a ferret without making much effort.

    Ferrets are very curious, so it is necessary to hide all breakable items and household chemicals.

    However, do not forget that baby ferrets are actively teething for the first time, which means they will definitely try to chew something. Their teeth are quite capable of leaving serious marks on plastic, wood or rubber. You will have to put up with this, still trying not to let the animal into those rooms (for example, the kitchen) where the number of such objects or appliances is large.

    Cleaning up after your pet

    Note that keeping ferrets in terms of cleaning after them will not cause much trouble. These animals, like cats, are very clean, and they themselves cannot stand dust and dirt in the room. Agree, it’s very useful - this will motivate many loving owners to clean the apartment in a timely manner, i.e. for the sake of your pet you will be doing something that you could have ignored if you lived on your own.

    Suitable toys

    For those pet lovers who are interested in how to care for their pet ferret, we advise, among other things, not to forget about toys. Animals are like children, they also love to play. In specialized stores that sell pet products, and where, by the way, you can buy yourself pet, and at the same time find out how much it will cost to keep a ferret in a city apartment, you will be offered whole sets of all kinds of squeakers and rattles, various plastic figures, etc.

    You can purchase a variety of toys to keep your pet entertained.

    When choosing toys, follow the rules:

    • the item must be large enough so that your pet cannot choke on it;
    • it should not be fragile, that is, made of light plastic or silicone - with its strong teeth, the animal is quite capable of quickly gnawing it into small pieces and then trying to swallow them.

    If your finances allow it, it’s good to have not one, but two animals. True, there will be more trouble, but no toy can compare with a real friend (of the same kind as you, of course).

    If you are not at home

    From time to time you will have to leave your home, leaving the animal alone. In such cases, the most reasonable solution is to lock him in a cage for this time. You shouldn’t worry that the animal will languish in captivity - left alone, ferrets tend to hibernate, and so they can “sleep” not for an hour or two, but for 18-20 hours, curled up comfortably in their bed. As you can see, by leaving him enough food and drink, you can generally “disappear” for a whole day - nothing will happen to your pet during this time.

    Ferret nutrition

    This is perhaps the most important topic, since a properly selected diet determines how your pet will feel and whether it will be full of strength and enthusiasm.

    So, question one: what to feed? These animals usually eat:

    If you are not yet experienced in caring for ferrets, it is better to start with dry food. You can buy not only food intended for these animals, food for kittens will also work.

    Before purchasing a new food, it is better to first find out more about it. To do this, you can use the reviews that people write on the Internet, in sections like Everything about domestic ferrets. This way you will be protected from counterfeits, and your pet will not eat low-quality food.

    Don't be alarmed if your pet runs to the feeder very often. Ferrets eat small portions, but need feeding seven times a day.

    Another question: is it possible to treat a ferret with treats from the owner’s table?

    This is allowed, but in small doses. Feed the animal while you eat rabbit, chicken or turkey, as well as fruits and vegetables. A person who feeds a ferret by hand becomes its best friend.

    The ferret loves a variety of foods, so from time to time you can please him with various treats.

    Mandatory vaccinations

    Those breeders who breed ferrets for sale must give them their first vaccinations immediately after birth. Children are vaccinated against rabies and plague. If you took the animal in another place, then you will also be required to vaccinate; for ferrets, care and maintenance include it in mandatory. And it doesn’t matter whether or not your pet comes into contact with other animals.

    Vaccinations are given:

    • from plague at the age of five to six weeks;
    • from rabies - per year or 14 months.

    They are vaccinated with the same vaccinations as dogs. But only healthy animals should be vaccinated. If you have a female and she is pregnant or nursing babies, then in this case you should hold off on vaccination.

    Before going to the doctor, the animal should be prepared:

    • remove helminths;
    • check the fur for ticks and fleas.

    Protect the animal from dangerous diseases Timely vaccinations will help.

    When vaccinating your pet, be sure to get a vaccination passport for him so that the vaccination history is not lost over time. This document may come in handy later if the baby suddenly gets sick or veterinary clinic A scheduled inspection will be carried out.

    Immediately after vaccination, take measures to prevent your pet from catching a cold. Do not go out with him for a few days, do not allow drafts in the house and do not let him interact with other animals. It will take some time for the baby to develop immunity.

    If you do not vaccinate, your pet may die from viruses and various infections.

    Hygiene rules

    In order for your pet ferret to always be healthy and look neat, he needs to be looked after. This involves carrying out certain hygiene procedures.

    1. Nail trimming. The animal's claws are not that large, so it is unlikely to cause much damage to your curtains or wallpaper. And yet they definitely need to be cut. Overgrown claws create a serious obstacle for the animal when moving. In their natural environment, ferrets usually dig holes with their claws, and therefore constantly grind them down to the desired size. But he won’t do this in an apartment, so you have to make sure that the length of his claws is within reasonable limits. Haircuts should be carried out regularly - once every three weeks.
    2. Bathing. All ferrets love water treatments. It’s probably not worth giving him a daily bath, but once or twice a week is possible. Usually the frequency of bathing depends on the condition of his coat and how dirty it is. If you have to bathe often, then perhaps you haven’t cleaned your apartment for a long time. We recommend buying a special shampoo for ferrets; it will not only clean the fur, but will also suppress all the unpleasant odors that are released by the animal’s sweat glands. However, baby shampoo will also work for care.

    You need to bathe your ferret two to three times a week.

    Immediately after bathing, the animal must be wrapped in a towel and allowed to dry completely. It’s better to go for a walk with him outside a little later, when he’s dry. You can then gently comb his fur, ferrets love this too.


    When raising your pet, you should remember that ferrets are smart animals, they even have the rudiments analytical thinking. They are smarter and more practical than dogs, although they do not show the same devotion - in this they are more like cats. For example, an animal can close the door behind itself in a house or plug the entrance to a hole with a rag, but it will not bring you slippers or stand on its hind legs, because it does not see the point in this.

    Education may include the following elements:

    • litter box training;
    • respond to nickname;
    • weaning from climbing on the table;
    • weaning off biting;
    • learning to use a harness for walking;
    • and much more.

    A ferret, like any other pet, needs to be trained.

    If the animal runs wild, hides, gets scared when you want to pick it up, then you need to accustom it to yourself gently and gradually.

    1. First, feed him some treats, and just let him pick them up and take them to his corner.
    2. Do not pick him up, especially unexpectedly: this will scare him even more.
    3. Talk to him in a soothing tone, say nice things to him. He won't understand the words, but he will catch the intonation - and sweet Nothing and it's nice for the animals.
    4. You can hold him in your arms while he sleeps, and let the baby wake up in your arms, after which you feed him something tasty. This gives good results.

    You will need time for the animal to understand that you do not pose a danger to it. Then he will be more willing to come to your call, go into your arms, and over time he will become trusting and affectionate.


    We tried to tell you what domestic ferrets eat and how to care for them. If you are just planning to get yourself a pet, we hope that this article will help you. As you can see, a ferret does not require any special care. Main:

    • get vaccinated on time;
    • watch what he eats;
    • trim his nails;
    • bathe periodically.

    Well, and make sure that the apartment is clean and safe for the animal.

    What kind of animal a ferret is is described in our material, and how to choose the right pet for yourself is described in the article. Here we will talk about what living conditions need to be created for a ferret to live a normal life at home, how to provide your pet with proper care and high-quality, healthy nutrition.

    Caring for decorative ferrets

    You should not wash your domestic ferret too often, since after bathing the specific “horine” smell tends to intensify. If your pet does not respect water procedures too much, it is enough to wash it a couple of times a year. From time to time you can treat the fur with special wipes or sprays. For bathing, flavored “tearless” shampoos are used especially for ferrets. You can wash the animal in the shower or in a warm bath, it all depends on what the ferret likes best. After bathing, dry the skin with a towel or allow your pet to dry itself.

    Once a month you will have to trim the ferret's claws. Be careful not to injure the animal. Until the ferret gets used to the procedure, it is best to call on someone from the household to help him hold the animal while you trim the claws.

    Ferrets shed in the fall and spring, exchanging winter fur for summer fur and vice versa. As a rule, shedding lasts a couple of weeks, and the animal may be very itchy. To help him, try gently plucking the old fur or combing it with special brushes. At this time, it is useful to feed the animals with special vitamin supplements. Pets should also be given a paste to remove hair; it is labeled “for cats,” but it is also perfect for ferrets; moreover, they adore it as a treat. During the molting period, ferrets lick themselves very selflessly, fur gets into the stomach and a blockage that is no less dangerous than a blockage with rubber can occur.

    For entertainment, offer your ferret various toys. These are all kinds of pipes and tunnels through which the animals enthusiastically scurry around, strong balls that cannot be chewed (remember about intestinal blockage and monitor the integrity of the toys). Cloths and boxes are also very popular. Be sure to have a cozy house (or several) in which the animal will hide. And of course, you yourself should devote enough time to exercise and play with your pet, especially if there is only one ferret at home.

    In the summer, you can take your ferret out for a walk (if the summer is very hot, then you must follow the recommendations from the material), if the animal is vaccinated and has already grown enough. It can be taken out in winter, but only when there is snow, the more, the better. Because it’s a ferret’s great joy to dig holes in the snow! You can’t walk in the slush and in very bitter frosts, and moderate cold brings only benefits to ferrets. On the street, do not let him off the leash, make sure that your pet does not pick up any nasty things from the ground. If you intend to take your ferret with you to your dacha, then you can organize an enclosure on the site. Do not let the animal roam freely around the property; the ferret will get lost very quickly (the owner of the animal, named Rins Julia, told us in more detail about walking with the ferret in her letter).

    Feeding your ferret at home

    A ferret's diet can be based on one of two types of feeding: dry food or natural food.

    Since the ferret is a predator that feeds mainly on rodents, when natural feeding these features must be taken into account. The most suitable products for ferrets are poultry, offal, and less often eggs and fish. When feeding natural products The feeding regimen is 2 times a day. In principle, animals do not need plant foods, so add no more than 2% of substances to the diet plant origin. Fish can be given in small quantities and not too often. Among the varieties, choose trout, cod, mackerel or flounder. It is better to boil chicken eggs, but small poultry eggs can be given raw if the body copes with them well. From dairy products, a ferret can only be treated to cottage cheese within reasonable limits, or a small piece of cheese as a treat. When fed naturally, ferrets need vitamin supplements, especially during periods of growth, molting, and pregnancy.

    One of the diets for ferrets is “farshekasha”. The name speaks for itself - meat and poultry offal, some fish, some well-cooked cereals and vegetables are turned through a meat grinder, all the ingredients are cooled and mixed. You can add vitamins and mineral supplements to the finished minced meat. However, in Lately the advisability of feeding farshekash is called into question, since these recipes are used on fur farms, where the quality of the fur comes first, not the health of the animal. Experts are increasingly saying that it is best to feed ferrets small rodents and chickens - the closer to nature, the better.

    Dry food for ferrets

    Feeding a ferret naturally is fraught with many difficulties and can only be done by experienced choreographers. If you have never kept a ferret at home before, it is best to opt not for “natural” food, but for dry diets consisting of professional-grade ready-made food. This is very convenient, the food already contains all the components the animal needs, you simply provide the animal with constant access to food and water.

    There are now premium foods specifically for ferrets, but cat foods are also suitable professional level, or rather food for kittens, since ferrets need nutrients quite comparable to the needs of kittens up to one year old. If you want to have a healthy ferry, never buy economy-class and mid-range food, as well as dog food. It is best to take food containing poultry meat. Horse breeders recommend the following food: for ferrets - premium food from Evo, Eagle Pak and Bosch; for kittens professional series Purina, Hills, Innova, Eagle Pak, Yams, Eukanuba, Nutro Choice.

    2016-12-15 Igor Novitsky

    The appearance of a ferret in a family almost always follows the same pattern. One day you went to visit friends or relatives and saw a ferret, which immediately struck you with its playfulness, cheerfulness and fun. However, keeping this animal in an apartment is not at all the same as having a cat or a hamster. Ferrets require specific care.

    These miniature charmers began to appear en masse in Russian families relatively recently. Just 15 years ago, even in Moscow they were absolutely exotic, not to mention the provinces. At the same time, domestic ferrets became widespread in the West about 40 years ago, where they constitute significant competition for hamsters, guinea pigs, decorative rats and other small animals traditionally kept as pets. Ferrets became especially popular in North America, and also in Japan.

    Anyone who intends to get a ferret should understand what this animal is like. The domestic ferret comes from its forest counterpart, which lives everywhere in European forests. This is a small predator of the mustelid family, which in natural conditions hunts small rodents and birds, while leading a solitary lifestyle.

    Like most predators, ferrets are quite different high level intelligence. They are cunning and smart, have a developed theft skill, which they use very skillfully. This seemingly cute trait of their character can cause certain inconvenience when a ferret is kept at home: small items (wallets, glasses, lighters, cell phones, etc.) constantly disappear and can be found in the ferret’s hiding places (in the sofa, in corner of the closet, behind the chest of drawers, etc.)

    The ferret is a nocturnal animal, so it usually sleeps during the day and goes out hunting at night. However, as in the case of cats, many individuals adapt to the daily routine of their owners, who are awake during the day and sleeping at night.

    Finally, keep in mind that the ferret, thanks to its incredibly flexible body, can get into places where it cannot always get out on its own, for example, into a narrow gap between a closet and a wall. For his own safety, when no one is home, it is better to lock the ferret in an enclosure or a spacious cage.

    Conditions for a ferret

    Before bringing your ferret home, you should prepare your apartment/house for the arrival of this very active and curious animal. First of all, get a spacious cage. Even if you intend to create conditions for maximum freedom for your ferret and allow him to roam freely around the rooms, he should be placed in a cage while you are away.

    You will also need a heavy ceramic bowl (the ferret will steal and turn over a light plastic one), litter tray certainly with high sides (at a pet store you can pick up a special triangular tray designed specifically for a ferret). You should also buy a few toys, which ferrets like. Then the animal will play with them, and not with your wallet or car keys.

    As for preparing the room itself, you will have to do the following:

    1. Seal up any holes where your ferret can get in and where you won't be able to get him out if he gets stuck.
    2. Check that all windows are tightly closed, especially vents. Make sure that your domestic ferret cannot open them on his own and fall out. Also, if you do not intend to put your ferret in a cage every time you ventilate the room, it is better to cover the window with a metal mesh.
    3. Remember what they write on the packaging of medicines and household chemicals? Keep away from children and animals. This applies primarily to ferrets, since, firstly, they are incredibly curious, and secondly, they have incredible flexibility and dexterity (see ferret video), and therefore are able to get to everything that was not properly hidden. So all potentially hazardous substances, e.g. washing powder, keep in a tightly closed pantry.
    4. Ferrets are natural diggers. No amount of severe punishment will ever be able to wean your animal from destroying flower pots. The only way out is to put the flowers in a place where the ferret cannot reach them.
    5. Some individuals have the habit of chewing wires. Considering that it is impossible to imagine a modern home without wires, you will have to protect the wires from the ferret (and the ferret from the electric current in the wires). To prevent your ferret from damaging cables and wires at home, they can be placed in a metal corrugation or lubricated with a special bitter paste, sold in pet stores.
    6. Ferrets are smart enough to learn quickly. own experience. Having managed to open the linen closet or refrigerator once, the animal will begin to do this constantly. So, if you don’t want to regularly collect laundry around the apartment and sweep up flour on the kitchen floor, you will have to equip each door and door with some kind of lock or latch.

    You should also be warned that ferrets love to fall asleep, hiding under a blanket, between the components of folding furniture, or in a closet with clothes. The explanation for why the ferret does this is simple - it is hiding from predators. So before you sit on the bed, start folding/unfolding the sofa/chair, or tightly close the closet, make sure that there is no fragile animal hiding there.

    Ferrets - care and maintenance

    As already mentioned, in any case you will have to buy a cage for your ferret. The minimum size of the cage in which the ferret will be kept in the absence of the owners is 50x70x50. At the same time, it should have a large door, which will make it easier to clean. If the floor of the cage is metal, lay linoleum or a hard tablecloth on it.

    Also, the bottom of the cage should be covered with bedding so that the ferret can sleep comfortably. An old sweater or T-shirt is quite suitable for this role. But it is not recommended to use sawdust, since according to reviews, ferrets often suffer from allergies to them.

    At first, the trays are placed directly in the cages where the ferrets live locked up while they get used to their new home. When the animal gets used to the new environment and can be allowed to roam freely around the house, the tray can also be taken outside. In this case, you can use ordinary “cat” litter for the tray. Many ferret owners practice using several trays at once, placed around the apartment. Ferrets are quite clean, so the tray should be washed as often as possible. Ideally after every use.

    Since the forest ferret, from which the indoor subspecies originated, is not accustomed to heat (it is always cool in the forest), it is important to monitor the temperature in the room. An environment with a temperature of 10 to 25°C is comfortable. Anything higher threatens heat or sunstroke. So, if your apartment faces the south side of the house and the temperature in the room reaches 30 degrees in the summer, get an air conditioner, or during this time provide your ferret with a small pool so that he can cool down.

    Like other pets, ferrets need to be bathed periodically. This should be done in warm water (about 40°C) and no more than once a month. It is recommended to use a special shampoo for ferrets. After bathing, the animal should be briefly wrapped in a towel (see ferret photo), and then allowed to dry on its own. Using a hairdryer is highly discouraged due to the fact that the animal will simply get scared.

    It is important to note that bathing does not help at all in combating the characteristic musky odor. A special aerosol product is suitable for these purposes.

    Trimming nails for indoor ferrets is not mandatory, but recommended. This is done once every 4-6 weeks. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage blood vessel in the nail cavity. There is no need to comb the coat, except for short periods of shedding in the spring and fall.

    What to feed your ferret?

    Proper balanced nutrition is the most important factor influencing the well-being and health of a ferret during home care. Most diseases in these animals are associated with poor nutrition.

    The first thing to understand is that ready-made cat or dog food is not suitable for ferrets. They have a completely different physiology, and therefore their diet is different. Under natural conditions, ferrets feed on small rodents and birds, as well as sometimes insects. This is what you should focus on when planning what to feed your ferret.

    There are three ways to organize meals:

    • Maximum imitation of the natural diet. The ferret is given whole carcasses of mice and chickens. Obviously, this is not the most suitable option for a city apartment. Especially considering that the dining area will have to be thoroughly cleaned every time. Well, if you have a white ferret, he will quickly get dirty.
    • Using regular products. Most often, owners feed ferrets regular products that you can buy at the grocery store - various types poultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck, etc.), as well as meat by-products, fish and a small amount vegetables and cereals. Eggs and cottage cheese are allowed, but ferrets should not be given any other dairy products. It is also unacceptable to add fatty, smoked, fried, sweet, nuts, flour and bakery products to ferret food. The ferret cannot digest these foods in principle. You should not give vegetables and fruits with high content coarse fiber.
    • Diet based on special ready-made feed. Since ferrets are no longer uncommon in Moscow and other large cities, you can find specialized food mixtures for ferrets in most large pet stores. They already contain everything you need for balanced nutrition animal, which greatly simplifies its care. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such food will not be so cheap.

    Ferrets have a very fast metabolism, so they need to be fed not 2-3 times a day, like dogs or cats, but much more often. In fact, home care following a ferret comes down to organization proper nutrition. The animal should receive food often, but in small quantities.

    Coexistence of ferrets with other animals

    Ferrets are inquisitive, active and friendly, so in most cases they get along well with other pets. However, this does not mean that the other animal will willingly accept the ferret. In view of this the right conditions Keeping a ferret also means coexistence with other pets.

    As practice shows, their relationship is best with large dogs. Usually a ferret and a shepherd living in the same house are true friends. And here miniature dogs, as a rule, have a very bad character and react very aggressively to the advances of ferrets. Also, don't mix ferrets with dogs. hunting breeds, so for them the ferret, weasel and marten are potential prey.

    The proximity of a ferret and a cat can result in both constant conflicts and the most tender friendship. (On the Internet you can easily find pictures of a ferret and a cat hugging each other) It all depends on the character of the particular animal, as well as on certain circumstances, for example, at what age they met and who appeared in the apartment first. Usually conflicts arise between old cat and a young ferret who just moved into the apartment. But if the animals appeared at the same time, both in childhood, then with a high degree of probability they will become friends.

    How long do ferrets live?

    This is one of the most controversial issues, since different sources are based on different data. It is believed that a wild ferret lives on average 2-4 years. However, we can say with all confidence that the reason for this short term life are numerous dangers and hardships of forest life.

    Domestic ferrets live in completely different conditions, where they are not threatened by predators, cold, or hunger. The lifespan in an apartment with proper care is 5-7 years, some individuals live to a ripe old age - 8 or even 10 years. However, here everything very much depends on proper care and nutrition. There are reliably documented cases where a ferret at home lived to be 15 years old. But, unfortunately, there are also many cases when, due to the careless attitude of the owners, animals die at a young age.

    Ferret - pros and cons

    If dogs and cats, having matured, in most cases become calm and imposing, then domestic ferrets remain active and very playful throughout their lives. Given their funny facial expressions and generally good-natured disposition, ferrets are in many ways superior to cats and dogs as pets.

    By nature, ferrets' fur has a specific musky odor. Using an aerosol and regularly cleaning the cage helps control this odor, but it can only be completely eliminated by surgical removal anal glands. But this is still not worth doing, since this operation is very complicated and, moreover, can result in serious problems with the health of the animal. In fact, keeping a ferret at home is not recommended for those who cannot tolerate its natural odor.

    You will learn more about the features of caring for ferrets in the video.

    Ferrets were domesticated much later than cats and dogs, and therefore could not yet adapt to the conditions of human housing as well. The more complex care and maintenance of ferrets, as well as their demanding diet, make them a preferable option only for those who have already had experience in keeping pets (cats or dogs, for example).

    High activity and energy can be considered both pros and cons of a ferret. Be prepared for the fact that the animal will continue to have fun even after you get tired of it. He won't let you watch the series in peace or sleep until he's finished playing.

    Owning ferrets is not recommended for families with small children. As you know, kids perceive animals as toys with which they can do whatever they want. If dogs and cats, as a rule, simply tolerate children's bullying or hide, then ferrets defend themselves (their incomplete adaptation to life with people affects them) by biting and scratching the offender.

    Hundreds of species of exotic animals that live in different parts of the planet have long been available for keeping at home. Today we will talk about ferrets - small predators that have been kept at home as pets for eight centuries. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to care for your ferret at home so that he feels comfortable.

    Description and photo

    Domestic ferrets are smaller than their counterparts in wildlife. They can reach 46 cm in length, while in their natural habitat the animals grow up to 55 cm. The weight of a pet does not exceed 2 kg for males, and females weigh up to 1.2 kg, whereas in nature the weight of a ferret is much greater.

    Let's take a closer look at what a ferret looks like. The color of the ferret can be black, brown, white, mixed colors, and recently a golden shade has been introduced. The golden ferret was created by crossing ferrets and forest ferrets, which allowed the animal to have a thicker and richer coat of color.

    Domestic animals have a fairly long tail, about 13 cm. The ferret has a flexible, long body and strong limbs with sharp claws. It is distinguished by its mobility, jumping ability, and can run or swim quickly. The ferret's nose is elongated, and on its muzzle you can see fairly large round eyes of a dark color.

    Did you know? Ferrets sleep very soundly, without waking up for a long time. Very often, when trying to wake them up by pushing or shaking them, the owners become very worried because the ferret does not wake up and worry whether the animal is even alive.

    Thanks to the presence of special glands that are located under the tail and are capable of releasing specific odors, the animal can scare away enemies if it feels danger or fear. The animal lives in home conditions for about 9 years.

    As for the character of the animal, it is characterized by activity and curiosity, which forces the ferret to travel around the house and explore literally every corner. That is why keeping him at home is quite difficult, since you need to be prepared to hide all small objects, close small openings, check the trash can before throwing away its contents, because the curiosity of a ferret has no limits.

    Ferret at home: pros and cons

    Ferrets, like any other pets, become great friends, and the owners soon perceive them as a member of the family, but there are still both pros and cons of keeping an animal at home, which you should know about before making a new friend.

    Everyone is in favor

    As for the undoubted advantages of this animal, among them are:

    • Easy to care for. Although ferrets are considered quite active animals, caring for them is quite simple.
    • Love for games. The animals are happy to make contact, play with their owners, can jump up cheerfully and make interesting sounds.
    • Friendliness. Ferrets are quite kind by nature and get along well with other pets; they can play and have fun with them.
    • Curiosity. Although sometimes this curiosity becomes the cause of chaos in the house, it is still so interesting to watch the animal during its activity period.

    Everyone is against

    Despite the fact that the ferret has many advantages, you should also be aware of some disadvantages so as not to be disappointed in the animal after the purchase:

    • As stated above, ferrets have specific glands that can release odors in the most unexpected situations. Therefore, if you have purchased an animal, try to protect it as much as possible from stressful situations.
    • A lot of money is spent on frets, despite the ease of care. In order for the animal to feel comfortable, it needs to buy expensive, high-quality food, do it regularly, arrange a good home, not to mention numerous accessories so that it does not get bored. /li]
    • Be prepared for the fact that the most important and necessary things may disappear in your house, which you may find a week, month or year later in the most unexpected place where a prankster will make a hiding place. The ferret will undoubtedly find the most secluded place and will sneak everything he likes there.
    • These animals cannot give up their love for holes, so they can gnaw holes in furniture, trying to dig a tunnel in them.

    Did you know? Ferrets are born blind and deaf; they remain in this state for another month, while they practically do not make any sounds. A newborn ferret is so small that it can fit in the palm of a two-year-old child.

    How to choose a ferret when purchasing

    If you decide to have this amazing animal at home, then you need to take into account all the nuances of choosing a ferret so that it grows up healthy and long time pleased you with his presence.

    Of course, it is better to purchase an animal not in stores, but directly from the breeder, where you can look at the ferret’s parents, their living conditions, learn about feeding and all the information that interests you.

    First of all, before purchasing, pay attention to the parents of the baby you have your eye on. The weight of the female who gave birth to the animal must be at least 1 kg; it is at this weight that normal pregnancy and childbearing are possible. The weight of the male must be at least 2 kg.

    Observe the behavior of the parents, especially the mother: if she is active, makes contact easily, does not scratch, does not try to bite - this is a positive sign for the purchase.

    Talk to the breeder about animal nutrition. You should know that ferrets must eat meat. If the basis of their diet is dry professional food, this is certainly a plus, but meat should still be added to such a diet. If the female did not eat properly during pregnancy and feeding, this can lead to rickets in babies quite often.
    It is also worth paying attention to appearance animals: if they are clean, well-groomed, their fur is smooth and fluffy - this means that hygiene is at a high level.

    The breeder must have documents for the animal in the form of a certificate, veterinary passport with all vaccinations and pedigree. Inspect them, and if something is unclear or something is missing, be sure to discuss this point with the seller.

    Only when all of the above points satisfy you, you can proceed to examining the baby.

    The condition of a healthy ferret is characterized by:

    • snow-white teeth;
    • clean fur, soft and without bald spots;
    • lively eyes, clean and clear, without discharge;
    • cold and wet nose;
    • vibrissae of equal length, not brittle;
    • flat back;
    • clean tail.

    A healthy animal will be moderately well-fed: neither fat nor thin. Babies at 1.5 months move confidently, but may still be a little clumsy. At this age, they already walk confidently, but if you notice that their hind legs move apart during movement, then most likely these are the first signs of rickets.

    Take the ferret in your arms, it should frolic, play and be curious; if it scratches or tries to bite you, behaves aggressively or gets very scared when touched, think about whether it is worth purchasing this animal.

    Conditions for keeping

    Let's take a closer look at how to keep a ferret at home so that he feels as comfortable as possible.

    You need to take into account that for about 14 hours a day the animal is in a period of rest and sleep, and the rest of the time it is active. The ferret cannot stay for a long period of time, as she needs to constantly move.

    Therefore, it is worth preparing a separate room for the animal to walk. To do this, all small objects should be hidden; all glass breakable objects should also be taken to another room. It is necessary to hide all cords from electrical appliances, in order to avoid chewing the wires and sad consequences, and also take out flowers in pots, since some individuals have a pronounced tendency to dig tunnels in the soil.
    The animal will need a cage for sleep and general pastime. The size of the cage should be 2 times the size for the animal. Choose a cage with the thickest and strongest metal bars so that the ferret does not bend them and escape from the home.

    It is recommended to lay a soft flannel diaper as bedding; sawdust is also suitable, but it is worth considering that the contents of the cage should be changed every two days to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which is a feature of ferrets.

    It is imperative to place a container with sand in the cage so that the animal goes to the toilet normally; it quickly gets used to the new tray and will obediently visit a specially designated place.

    Important! When choosing or constructing a litter box, care must be taken to ensure that the part that is adjacent to the cage is sufficiently raised, because when going to the toilet the animal raises its tail and feces often contaminate the bars of the cage or the wall to which it is moved.

    What do ferrets eat?

    A properly selected diet is perhaps one of the most important rules in caring for a ferret, since the life expectancy and health of your ferret will depend on it. pet, so let’s look at what ferrets eat at home .

    Ferrets are carnivores, so they must receive meat as an integral part of their daily diet. If you limit protein foods in your ferret's diet, this will have a detrimental effect on his health and will greatly shorten his lifespan.

    To saturate the diet with meat, beef or pork is suitable; you can and even need to give the animals bones. This is due to the fact that bones are natural source calcium and contain many essential substances for the animal’s body. The animal's teeth are adapted to crush bones; the ferret's stomach is capable of digesting the resulting food, including bones, for three hours.

    In addition to beef and pork, animals should also receive highly digestible proteins in the form chicken meat, turkey, duck, fish, eggs, which will speed up the digestion process complex carbohydrates And plant food, making up the rest of the diet. From such proteins, ferrets obtain all the necessary enzymes and beneficial bacteria that can improve intestinal function.
    Let's consider what to feed your ferret at home, in addition to meat products.

    The main part of the diet should still be dry food, which is sold in specialized stores and is intended specifically for these animals. There is no need to skimp on food; it is better to choose premium food that contains the required amount of all useful microelements to maintain the animal’s health in good condition.

    Important! When a ferret's diet mostly consists of dry food, it is imperative to take care of frequent and drinking plenty of fluids animal, in order to regulate water balance in the body to avoid dehydration. To do this, simply install a water tank in the cage and the animal will take care of itself.

    It is impossible to say exactly how many times a day an animal eats. The animal regulates the number of meals on its own, so access to food cannot be limited. Due to the fact that ferrets have a very fast metabolic process, in order to get enough, they must constantly chew something.

    Your only task will be to ensure that the food tank is not empty, and that the food is always fresh and of high quality. There is no need to worry about the ferret getting fat, these animals do not like to overeat, the amount of food they consume per day is exactly as much as they need for a normal life.
    You should also consider what should not be included in the diet of ferrets. Products with a sticky and viscous consistency or containing milk are prohibited. It is not recommended to include apples and carrots in the diet, as they are difficult to digest and can cause intestinal obstruction.

    It is strictly forbidden to feed the animal chocolate and candies, which are very dangerous for the pet. All pastries, desserts, sweets and bakery products, which often provoke the development of diabetes, are prohibited.

    Features of ferret care

    In order for the ferret to feel comfortable, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties in the care and maintenance of the animal at home.

    To ensure a healthy existence for an animal, you should take care of its cleanliness, so you need to regularly clean the cage and wash out all its contents: drinking bowl, feeders, tray, and change the bedding.

    As for bathing the ferret, it should not be too frequent, since this process may provoke an increase in the specific smell of the pet. In addition, if your pet does not really like water procedures, then bathing 2 times a year will be quite enough.
    For bathing, you should purchase special shampoos that have pleasant aroma and are absolutely safe for the animal. The procedure can be carried out both in a container and simply under the shower. After bathing, the animal is thoroughly dried with a towel.

    In stores you can purchase special wipes or sprays that are used to treat fur to make it look clean, shiny and have a pleasant smell.

    Particular attention should be paid to trimming the ferret's claws. The procedure is performed at least once a month. To trim the claws without harm to yourself and the animal, you will need an assistant who will hold the animal tightly while you perform the manipulation.

    The ears should be cleaned every month; for this purpose, special drops are sold that are injected into auricle. The ears are lightly massaged and then cleaned using cotton swabs.

    Due to the fact that in the spring and autumn periods ferrets begin to shed, in order to facilitate the procedure, it is recommended for the animal to comb out its fur using a special brush. Shedding lasts for 2 weeks, so it is worth brushing every day, perhaps even twice a day.

    Compatibility with other animals

    The process of introducing your ferret to other pets that live in your home must be done gradually, after the animal has fully adapted to life in your apartment, that is, no earlier than a month.

    If the relationship between ferrets is more or less good, then the ferrets will never find a common language with each other. For ferrets, small pets are considered desirable prey that they will constantly hunt and try to eat.

    Is it possible to propagate at home?

    Breeding ferrets at home is quite simple; to do this, you just need to take into account all the nuances of breeding:

    • the female must be 11 months old and the male 8 months old;
    • in order to perform mating, it is necessary to place the female with the male, repeat the process 3 times;
    • individuals must have all the necessary vaccinations;
    • Before the offspring are born, the female must be moved to an empty cage.
    At one time, the female can breed up to 10 individuals, which remain with the mother in the cage until the age of 4 months.

    Important! It is worth remembering that healthy offspring will be born only if the parents were healthy and did not have any problems, were regularly vaccinated, and the age of the animals at the time of mating was observed.

    Where and for how much can you buy a ferret?

    Ferrets can be purchased at various places: on the market, in specialized stores, from a private breeder or from a professional breeder.
    As for buying an animal on the market, it is better to refuse such offers, since often the health of these animals is not very good, which, accordingly, is reflected in the price. Unscrupulous sellers can mask the aggressiveness of animals with the help of artificial stimulants, while the ferrets will be passive and motionless.

    You can buy a ferret from a private breeder or in a specialized store, but only if you have all the vaccinations and a thorough examination of the parents, as well as the ferret itself.

    The ideal option for purchasing is a professional breeder who has been involved in this business for a long time and has good recommendations and reviews from customers.

    The price from a professional breeder for a baby ferret will start at $350, which is much more expensive than prices from private breeders or in specialized stores. But when purchasing a pet, you will be completely sure that the baby is healthy and has a good pedigree.

    Thus, keeping a ferret as a pet is quite simple, but at the same time very expensive. In order for an animal to feel good and actively develop, it is necessary to carefully monitor its health, follow all rules of care, and also provide high-quality nutrition. Otherwise, the animal’s life expectancy will be much shorter, and you will spend all your time and money on its treatment.