Breasts are larger than others after mammoplasty. One breast is larger than the other - how to correct asymmetry? Reduced efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that changes the size or shape of the breast. If it sags, the glandular tissue located below is removed, and the breast itself is fixed in its normal position.

In order to correct the breast, a special prosthesis is inserted.

Indications for the operation:

  • breasts are too small or large;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • prolapse of the mammary glands;
  • breast restoration after removal.

What does it look like

After surgical intervention, at first the breasts will be hard and swollen. Hematomas will be observed in some places. This goes away within three weeks.

Pain and swelling on the left and right breasts may appear differently, which is normal.

Some patients experience a “crackling” or “squelching” sensation around the breast or under the skin during this period.

The reason for this is air entering the chest pocket during surgical intervention and exiting through adipose tissue. These sensations do not require special treatment and disappear on their own within 10 days.

What problems might you encounter?

Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that can cause complications.

These include:


Post-operative pain in most patients is mild or moderate and can be easily relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

The most difficult in this case is the first week, with the pain gradually disappearing.

But in some cases it may appear in later periods.

Chest pain for reasons such as:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • nerve injury;
  • incorrect placement of implants.


After mammoplasty, a burning sensation may appear in the lower part of the breast, indicating hypersensitivity of the skin in this area.

The cause of such unpleasant sensations is injury to the nerves during surgery.

This feeling will go away completely within two years after the operation. For two months after surgery, a tingling or tingling sensation may occur, indicating that sensation has returned.

Swelling and cyanosis

Breast swelling after surgery happens to everyone without exception, and is associated with tissue injury at the time of surgery. During the first two weeks this is the norm.

In the future, it may persist for reasons such as:

  • non-compliance with doctor’s instructions and early refusal of compression garments;
  • physical activity earlier than necessary;
  • thermal procedures.

The cause of tissue swelling in the future may be the accumulation of serous fluid or blood.

This happens if during the operation the blood vessels are damaged and not sutured.

Sometimes swelling and cyanosis occur when a vessel bursts during the rehabilitation process.

There are several reasons for this:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • incorrectly selected implant size.

To eliminate the defect, the accumulated liquid is removed, and then the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

Bruising is not uncommon. They may be located laterally under the mammary gland on the side. This indicates that blood has leaked into the gland tissue.

But it must be remembered that a significant amount of blood in the breast tissue can cause the formation of a capsule, so you should consult your doctor.

Photo: Breast augmentation up to size 3

Firm to the touch

After surgery, the breasts may feel too firm to the touch.

Given that the implant is located under the muscles, they swell and become tense.

It may take one to three months for the breasts to become soft after mammoplasty, depending on the individual.

This defect can also be caused by a dense capsule around the implant.

This is a fairly rare complication, the cause of which is:

  • the pocket for the implant is too tight;
  • implant size is too large;
  • insufficient bleeding control in the absence of drainage;
  • the patient’s body is predisposed to form a dense capsule;
  • poor quality of material for implants.

Occurs when the implant moves in any direction.

Causes of asymmetry:

  • incorrectly selected implant size;
  • anatomical features of the breast;
  • incorrect installation of the endoprosthesis;
  • implant rupture. This can occur if the shell of the prosthesis is too thin or damaged during surgery. Also, implant rupture can occur after injury or due to the fact that the material for making implants is of poor quality;
  • implant displacement. Occurs if the placement of the implant is initially incorrect or the size of the cavity is not appropriate;
  • deflation. The isotonic sodium chloride solution contained within may be depleted due to diffusion through the valve or prosthetic shell
Photo: Asymmetry

Asymmetry can also occur during suppuration.

An abscess appears in such cases as:

  • implant rejection;
  • entry of pathogenic bacteria into the wound;

The process begins with an increase in body temperature and severe pain, which cannot always be relieved by painkillers.

The skin over the area of ​​inflammation becomes red and hot.

In order to get rid of suppuration, drainage tubes are installed and prescribed loading doses antibiotics. If this does not give the desired effect, the implant is removed.

Video: Consultation with a surgeon


Even before the operation begins, you need to realize that thin scars cannot disappear without a trace. In order to make them less visible, you need to properly care for your skin after surgery.

It is necessary to minimize the tension of the tissue around the scar.

For this purpose, special silicone stickers and compression garments are used. They are worn until the scars are completely formed.

Do not use creams or ointments for resorption too early. You need to wait until the scar is completely formed.

If there is a predisposition of the body to the formation of keloid scars, then it is better to refuse surgery.

When the chest drops

After breast augmentation, at first the mammary glands occupy a position that is too high and uncharacteristic for them. There is no need to worry about this.

Within two months, the implants will take a natural position under the influence of the gravitational field.

In this case, one side may descend faster than the other. This is also not a reason to worry, since it is a variant of the norm.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How much do breasts hurt after mammoplasty?

If the operation is performed correctly and there are no complications, return to normal activity takes from 7 to 10 days. How long it takes for the pain to disappear depends on individual tolerance.

In most cases, the pain disappears after 5 or 6 days.

But at the same time there remains pain, with active movements hands or physical activity. It can last for a month.

Is it possible to have a massage and when?

If breast augmentation was performed using smooth or saline implants, light breast massage after mammoplasty can begin as early as the sixth day.

Why is it necessary:

  • space for the implant is preserved. It is placed in a special chest pocket. If the implant is smooth, then the pocket is made larger than its size. As a result of healing, scar tissue forms around it. But sometimes this capsule thickens and begins to compress the implant. This can be prevented with a special light massage;
  • The implant is perceived by the body as foreign body, That's why the immune system reacts in a special way and tries to independently limit the material and give as little space as possible, tightening the skin around it. Thanks to the massage, the implant moves and becomes soft to the touch.

Breast massage must be continued for 6 months. At first, it needs to be done at least 5 times a day, then gradually the number of massages decreases.

In this case, the fingers are placed on top of the implant, and it is gently pushed in a circle.

Breast augmentation surgery is traumatic and carries a risk of bleeding or complications.

Therefore, after it has been carried out, in order to guarantee the planned position of the implant it is necessary:

  • wear compression garments for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, a normal capsule matures around the implant. Also, in this case, the breast is fixed, which helps to avoid fluid accumulation or excessive mobility of the implant;
  • accept antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor to prevent the development of infection.
Photo: Compression garments

Alarming symptoms requiring consultation with a doctor

It is worth seeking advice from a specialist in the following cases:

  • persistent increase in body temperature and pain in the chest area;
  • change in implant volume;
  • the appearance of repeated swelling;
  • breast deformation;
  • significant difference in swelling and swelling between the left and right breasts;
  • stone-hard breasts, in which one mammary gland is enlarged;
  • redness that extends far beyond the suture;
  • a large amount of discharge from the seam, a change in color or the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

How to care for your breasts

In order to avoid postoperative complications, proper care is required:

  • You can take a shower on the fifth or seventh day after surgery, but not earlier;
  • under no circumstances should you rub it with a washcloth or press it;
  • upon returning home from the clinic, the patient needs to rest as much as possible, avoiding arm strain;
  • all housework must be done very carefully;
  • 14 days after surgery, you can gradually return to simple physical exercise for the legs, and give a small load on the arms no less than a month and a half after the operation;
  • one week after surgery, you can return to driving;
  • After surgery, a bandage will be applied to the lower chest to protect the cuts from infection. At first they will bleed. The bandage cannot be removed by yourself; it must be changed medical staff. It will be completely removed after 14 days and the postoperative scars will be examined;
  • When using self-absorbing threads, there is no need to remove sutures. The surface of the scar may be covered with a crust, which cannot be removed independently; it must fall off;
  • postoperative scars and scars should not be rubbed with hard towels or subjected to thermal or mechanical stress;
  • The bath can be taken no earlier than 14 days after the operation;
  • after the period of wearing compression underwear has expired, it is necessary to wear bras with wires;
  • You need to sleep only on your back or side;
  • a month after the operation, special creams will need to be applied to the scars to speed up healing and prevent the appearance of scars;

In order for mammoplasty to proceed without complications, it is necessary:

  • carefully choose a doctor who will perform surgery;
  • after the operation, follow all the rules prescribed by the doctor and take antibiotics;
  • for the first time after surgery, wear compression garments that support the breasts;
  • avoid at first physical activity;
  • choose high-quality implants from well-known manufacturers. First study all the information about their safety.

It is necessary to realize that any operation to change breast size leads to postoperative discomfort. But following all your doctor’s recommendations will help reduce this period to a minimum.

Breasts after mammoplasty in the first days are hard and swollen. During the postoperative period, various unpleasant physiological manifestations, pain, hematomas may occur in organic tissues, which is normal reaction for surgery. Within a couple of weeks, the mammary glands will gradually return to normal and restore their elasticity. In the postoperative period, you need to be especially attentive to all manifestations within your body.


Minor pain may not appear identically in each gland. After surgery, pain is a normal physiological reaction. Basically, it is low-intensity and can be eliminated with effective painkillers. When your breasts hurt after mammoplasty, you should pay attention to Special attention on the localization of sensations and their severity inside the chest.

The first week after surgery is the most difficult. It will take some patience until the mammary glands stop hurting. Usually the painful discomfort goes away within a week. However, some manifestations in more late period should be wary. Your chest may continue to hurt:

  • if implants are installed incorrectly;
  • nerve damage;
  • purulent inflammation.

It is common to feel a tingling sensation in the chest after surgery. Nerve fibers glands are subject to trauma during surgery. The completely uncomfortable burning sensation disappears only two years after the operation. During the recovery period, a tingling sensation is felt that accompanies the restoration of sensitivity. The occurrence of burning is due to hypersensitivity mammary glands.


Breast swelling after mammoplasty is a phenomenon that cannot be avoided by any patient. Swelling from surgery is completely normal in medical practice and goes away after a week. Also in the first days there is cyanosis skin. Over the course of several weeks, your skin tone will gradually recover.

You should be wary if tissue swelling continues for more than 3 weeks. This may be due to the development of complications. In some cases, there is an accumulation of blood or fluid in the mammary gland. Swelling also develops if a blood vessel in the chest bursts. The causes of prolonged swelling are:

  • instability of pressure in blood vessels;
  • low blood clotting;
  • incorrect implant size.

Surgical removal of the fluid will help eliminate the defect. If, along with swelling, bruises under the breast are diagnosed, this indicates that blood has entered the gland tissue. If you notice large bruises, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Extraneous noise

Sometimes after surgery, a squelching sensation is felt inside the chest. This phenomenon is caused by the air flow that penetrates when surgery inside the chest and then exits through the gland tissue. The squelching goes away on its own 10 days after mammoplasty.


Soft breasts after mammoplasty are the ultimate dream of many women. However, the hardness of the mammary glands disappears only after three to four months after the operation. The reasons for super-hard breasts are the strong density of the implant or the discrepancy between the prosthesis and the breast pocket. If the pocket is too small, then the mammary gland will be hard after correction. A large implant size is also undesirable.

The breast can become hard if bleeding is not stopped correctly during surgery or due to the lack of proper drainage. It affects the softness of the breast tissue and the woman’s predisposition to the formation of a hard capsule.

In most cases, the defect disappears on its own 4-5 months after surgery. If the hardness is due to insufficient quality of the implant, then the prosthesis will have to be changed. Only then can you achieve the desired result.


Uneven, asymmetrical breasts can occur in a situation where one of the implants is installed disproportionately or incorrectly. The endoprosthesis can also rupture, become dislodged, or simply not fit into the breast cavity. The development of asymmetry is influenced by the deflation of the implant. The isotonic substances contained within the prosthesis may be depleted through the valve over time. The prosthesis must have a very high-quality shell in order to isotonic solution could last for many years.

The cause of asymmetry is often the anatomical features of the mammary glands, breast trauma, or damage to one of the prostheses. Implant rejection also causes asymmetrical size and location of the mammary glands.

One of the most pronounced and dangerous complications is an abscess. Inflammation develops as a result of an inappropriate size of the implant or due to rejection of the endoprosthesis. First, the skin under the breast becomes inflamed, after which the outbreak spreads to organic tissue. The abscess is accompanied by general malaise, high temperature, severe pain.

The wound can also get pathogenic microorganisms and cause infection. Suppuration develops, which requires specific treatment. The doctor prescribes the use of antibiotics and painkillers. In some cases, the endoprosthesis is removed from the breast.

Alarming symptoms are:

  • deformation of the mammary glands;
  • strong hardness;
  • strong pain for too long a period;
  • different swelling of the right and left breasts;
  • volume change;
  • redness;
  • discharge from the suture;
  • bad smell;
  • repeated swelling.


Even the neatest scar will not disappear without a trace. The main thing is that after surgery there is no ugly large scar left. To prevent its appearance, you should take extra care of your skin after surgery. To avoid unsightly scars, you need to wear compression garments and use special silicone patches. Near the seam, tensioning of the skin and fabrics should not be allowed. Their tension will have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the skin and contribute to the formation of postoperative scars.

Various creams are not allowed to be used early postoperative period. At the beginning, the swelling of the breast should go away. It is important to wait for healing until a scar forms, after which you can begin to use a special ointment to eliminate scars. After surgery, colloidal scars should not be allowed to form. If the body is predisposed to their appearance, surgical breast correction should be abandoned.

Many women who decided to plastic surgery breasts, wondering when the breasts will go down. Elevation of the mammary glands is typical for the first time after mammoplasty. The implants slightly lift the breasts, but after 2 months the endoprostheses take a lower position. One breast may sink faster than the other, which is not something to worry about.

As for size, doctors take an individual position on this issue. For some, breast size 4 will not fit after the 1st, but the 3rd will become best choice. Breast size after mammoplasty is previously discussed with a plastic surgeon. The choice depends on the patient’s weight and height. As a result of the operation, the breasts may “grow” three sizes or more.

Breast care

Surgery plastic surgeon contrary to natural feminine nature. To avoid negative reaction body and support the healing of the implant, it is imperative to follow all medical instructions. Basic recommendations:

  1. about 6 weeks to wear compression bra, which securely fixes the chest;
  2. be sure to take antibacterial medications prescribed by your doctor;
  3. You can shower a week after surgery;
  4. not allowed when water procedures rub the mammary glands with a washcloth;
  5. try to avoid squeezing your chest;
  6. in the first months, reduce your physical activity - you can exercise your arms after 6 months;
  7. It is important to protect yourself from stress;
  8. You can start driving a car a week after the operation;
  9. do not remove the medical bandage yourself after surgery;
  10. do not peel the crust off the seam, it will fall off on its own;
  11. For fast healing scar, use a special scar ointment;
  12. You can take a bath only after 14 days;
  13. Don't sleep on your chest.

It is very important to wear compression garments for more than 1 month after surgery. After this period, it should be replaced with a durable and comfortable bra with wires that will support new breasts. The entire healing and recovery process can take about six months or more. During of this period It is important to avoid strong physical exertion - you should not strain the muscles of the chest, arms, or back.

Any complications during or after mammoplasty can be avoided if the surgeon is sufficiently qualified. It is necessary to choose a trusted clinic with an excellent reputation. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the implants used. Endoprostheses from leading manufacturers will last long enough long period and will not cause complications. The use of special threads to form a suture during the operation will avoid the formation of scars. Postoperative discomfort normally does not last too long. At first, it is important to adhere to all medical prescriptions. Within two weeks after surgery, pain, swelling and bruising on the chest will disappear.

Hi all! I’m probably a “veteran” of mammoplasty on this site - I did this operation a little over 15 years ago, and quite spontaneously.

That is, theoretically, I haven’t liked my breasts since school. It was completely flat. Now I had to “shove through” a lot of archives, but I still haven’t found at least one “reliable” photo of that time. Because I didn’t take off my breasts while naked - I didn’t even imagine that it could ever be useful to me. There was also an “ambush” in clothes, because for as long as I can remember, I persistently wore foam rubber bras, and sometimes I put something in them to give my breasts a “seductive”, in my opinion, roundness. That's why in most "before" photos I usually look more or less normal.

I had no illusions that after childbirth my breasts could get bigger, because by that time I had already had one childbirth and nothing had gotten bigger.

But what was the impetus, so to speak? I don’t even remember now. I was sitting on a plastic surgery forum, wondering whether or not to redo my nose after unsuccessful rhinoplasty. I went to a thread about breasts, started reading... and then, literally within a month, I decided to do this. I turned to a local surgeon - he had a good reputation in our city. She came and said - I want bigger breasts and, most importantly, not in the shape of “balls”. “No problem,” he answered me, “bring your money.” promised to do beautiful breasts teardrop-shaped and install high-quality implants of the maximum possible size for me (“whatever will fit”).

The operation cost me about 130 thousand rubles. Approximately - this is because the cost was named in foreign currency (I paid at the rate that was the day before the operation). They also forced me to sign a statement that I was supposedly donating this money to the temple (which was located on the territory of the hospital) and a paper that in case of complications I would have no claims. I was desperate and threw everything away.

In general, after carefully reading the plastic surgery forum, for some reason I was afraid of one thing. No, not anesthesia - capsular contracture.


Capsular contracture - the formation of a dense fibrous tissue in the form of a capsule around the implant, which subsequently compresses and deforms it.

On the forum they often wrote about this complication with the saying “I’m sitting like a fool with a contact device.” The thought that I, too, could be one of these “fools” depressed me. And yet I decided.

The operation and the first days.

I vaguely remember what preceded the operation. I took tests. In the morning (on an empty stomach) I arrived at the hospital. The anesthesia... after it they “stirred away”, and... the sensations were unforgettable. I woke up, everything hurt terribly. I’m wearing compression underwear, and plastic tubes with “barrels” sticking out of my chest, where the ichor flows.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to have surgery. Well, no one at all. And until now I haven’t told a single person about this. At that time, my husband and I were in the process of divorcing; he (with the child) was visiting relatives in another city. True, on the second or third day I had to call my brother. Because, as it turned out, there was no food in the hospital (this department). I couldn’t get to the other one, but I still wanted to eat. “I’m in the hospital,” I say, “but don’t ask anything and don’t tell anyone anything, just bring me some food.” My brother silently brought the food, I went down to him in a robe and with “barrels” under my arms, thanked him and left. Maybe he guessed something, but he never asked questions. But there was no sign on the department that it was a department of plastic surgery; there was something else written there. So there you go.

I stayed there for 4 or 5 days - half human, half disabled. My arms can’t lift, there’s extreme pain with any movement, and most importantly, it’s impossible to sleep on my stomach (my favorite position). Although no, this is not the main thing. I was shocked when I saw the seams. What did the doctor tell me? We'll make access under your chest; there's no other way to stuff it in you. But let’s hide the “intervention” in the inframammary fold; over time it won’t be visible. What came of it, see at the end of the review.

After the stitches were removed, the marks seemed absolutely huge. Especially in those places where the tubes were sticking out. I was very upset.

The “semi-invalid” state lasted for several weeks and was aggravated by the fact that it was late autumn. I had difficulty putting on my coat, but I couldn’t button it! I was afraid that I would catch a cold, but it turned out okay. And at first there was a feeling that my chest would “fall in”. It’s as if I put the balls under my T-shirt and I have to walk carefully so that they don’t fall out. I told the doctor about this, he laughed.

Then the pain suddenly went away. And I was able to sleep on my stomach again and lead a normal life. First of all, I ran to the photo shoot. Indecent, yeah. Although the seams were still terrible, bright red, the girl photographer delicately remained silent and covered them up for me in Photoshop.

From that time (a little over a month after the operation) I still have these photos:

The sensitivity of the chest was restored quite quickly, but it felt like stone to the touch. Over time, however, it “jumped”, but not much. “It rises” with difficulty, and it is generally impossible to “assemble” it to form a hollow. If you lie on your back, it still feels quite hard to the touch.

And here is a photo a couple of years after mammo:

Yes, I almost forgot. Soon I got married again. During the first intimacy, my man asked, “Do you have your own breasts? I’ve only seen something like this in movies before.” I was in no hurry to answer, but he continued: “However, what difference does it make if it’s beautiful!” We didn't raise this topic again. After the operation I had 2 pregnancies, but I only breastfed once. The breasts almost did not increase during this period, but they hurt very much.

I also often flew on airplanes (this is a note for those who still believe that implants “explode”. Nope, girls, they don’t explode. Everything is in place).

It seems that over time the breasts have become a little smaller. About 10 years after the operation, I went to that doctor - I forgot, you see, to clarify whether the implant needed to be changed. “No, it’s not necessary, it’s for life,” the doctor answered me. Well, okay. Then he felt my chest, said that everything was okay and let me go in peace.

After the review, I contacted the surgeon and asked him to look for documents/photos of my mammoplasty. He said that he remembers exactly - at that time he only installed Mentor implants, he will look for a “before” photo, but does not promise. Several weeks have passed and I have not yet received a response.

The advantages of Menter implants are that the company provides a lifetime warranty for all types and types of products, as well as the right to replace it with a similar model of a different size in the event of a capsule rupture during use of the product. If a complication such as capsular contracture occurs, the endoprosthesis is replaced without additional payment and with a 10-year warranty period.

Continuation of the review.

Over time, I almost “lost my belt” and stopped wearing bras. Therefore, in some photos you can see what the breasts look like under clothes (don’t be outraged that it’s so visible, these were not very crowded places). Photos from 2015:

And finally, photos taken the other day.

In the top and clothes:

To be fair, I want to note that breasts look completely different in different clothes and from different angles. Sometimes, especially if with push-up, it seems outstanding. And sometimes it seems that she is almost not there.

(The first photo was taken last year - I didn’t enlarge my breasts in Photoshop, I just gave it a “tan” because my skin tone was “pig”. The second photo is already ten years old).

Well and mine" headache" - marks under the breast. Photos in different lighting. As soon as I raise my hands a little, the implant becomes more noticeable, and there is a mark. I smeared it with contratubex, did polishing - it’s useless.


What does a breast implant look like 10, 15 years after mammoplasty? It seems almost the same as a year later. Do I think that the breasts have changed a lot, changed shape? In my opinion, not really.

What is life like? breast implants? To be honest, I have already become so close to them that I don’t remember how I lived differently. I don't regret the operation. My only regret is the scars. Of course, the breasts did not go into “waves”, lumps or contracture did not appear - and thank you for that. But still, now I would insist on axillary access. So my main warning is girls, if possible, don't settle for under-breast access.

The second warning - do not run to buy beautiful lingerie immediately after the operation. The swelling will persist for some time, then the breasts will shrink a little.

In fact, this is a difficult question and one cannot give advice here. That’s the only reason I answered “no,” which actually means “think for yourself.”

If you have any questions, write - I will answer if it is within my power.


Update from October 13, 2018.

After writing the review, I came across an article with supposed data scientific research about the dangers of silicone breasts in the long term. To be as honest as possible, I leave a link to this text.

In particular, there is the following information:

It turned out that women with silicone implants were at increased risk of several rare diseases compared to the general population. These conditions are classified as autoimmune or rheumatologic disorders: Sjögren's syndrome (eight times higher risk than in the general population), scleroderma (seven times increased risk), and rheumatoid arthritis(approximately sixfold increase in risk).

You know, there is an interesting point here. I do have rheumatoid arthritis, but I had it before the surgery.

This is probably why there is an explanation at the end of the article:

The researchers emphasize that their results are not conclusive due to limitations inherent in the use of post-marketing databases, including the lack complete information patient and selected follow-up data.

So whether you are afraid of these studies or not is up to you.


You might be interested.

Mother Nature is designed in an amazing way, which does not accept the same things. That is why each person is individual in his own way, to such an extent that even if you take both halves of the face or body, you can always notice a slight difference. At the same time, the very perception of the presence of a discrepancy differs in many ways - it is more tolerant of some paired organs, and with pronounced concern for others.

The situation can be attributed directly to the second group, in the case of big difference between the breasts, which sometimes reaches 1 to 2 sizes. It is this typical asymmetry of the mammary glands that drives many women to despair.

Such a deficiency negatively affects lifestyle and interferes with social adaptation and makes you give up simple earthly joys. The formed inferiority complex will haunt you everywhere - both when trying on open outfits and when meeting the opposite sex, which is unlikely to lead to intimate relationships.

Is this considered normal? What reasons can cause the development of such a defect and what is best to resort to so that the breasts regain their correct proportions? Isn't this dangerous for health? Below is the latest information to help you understand all your questions.

The nature of the origin of such a defect has long been studied and classified with medical point vision. Based on many years of clinical observations, the reasons for the formation of differences in the mammary glands can be of two types - acquired and congenital. However, it is almost impossible to fully understand the origins of the roots - it’s all about the variety of factors that can cause such a situation - genetic disorders, hormonal disbalance, intrauterine or birth trauma.

Most doctors still cannot understand the reason for the initially incorrect breast formation. The only starting point here may be a certain pattern, according to which for adolescents aged 13-16 years, this problem is quite acceptable and, as a rule, goes away closer to 20 years. The defect that has remained unchanged by this time cannot go away naturally.

The situation with acquired asymmetry is much more specific. Several factors leading to its formation have been identified:

  • The period of pregnancy and lactation is considered the most common cause of development;
  • As a result of a mechanical injury, which for the time being may remain unnoticed (if received in childhood), which misleads specialists about genetic predisposition;
  • As a secondary sign of concomitant spinal pathology, xyphosis or scoliosis;
  • Breast cancer (BC), when as a result of the growth of tumor cells, an irreversible enlargement of one of the breasts occurs. However, there is no need to panic prematurely - you simply should not neglect the mandatory annual examination by a mammologist to exclude this problem;
  • As a consequence of surgery, because any operation in the chest area can contribute to the formation of this defect;
  • Crash hormonal levels during menopause, during PMS days or as a result of a disease of the endocrine system

This could be asymmetrical breasts:

Moreover, all the reasons, one way or another, lead to the manifestation of the following external signs defect:

  • Different sizes of mammary glands - common, but not the only type of asymmetry;
  • Visible differences in the shape of the right and left breasts, including the tubular (tube-shaped or mushroom-shaped) structure of one of the organs;
  • A pronounced difference in the location of the nipples, the diameter of the areolas, as well as persistent disproportion of both breasts to other parts of the body;
  • Acute lack of adipose and glandular tissue, which can be traced in certain areas of one of the mammary glands;
  • Like uneven ptosis with noticeable sagging of one breast over the other;
  • Spontaneous form of all known characters

One thing is reassuring that with all the variety of forms and signs of these disorders, modern plastic medicine has a sufficient number of means and methods for their correction, although with slight differences in the type of treatment, taking into account an individual approach to each patient and the characteristics of his body.

Ptosis and tubularity as one example of the formation of breast imbalances:

The most effective methods for preserving the beauty of the breasts, despite lactation

Throughout pregnancy female breast undergoes dramatic changes, but breastfeeding brings even more serious damage to its aesthetic appearance. It is these changes that cause the formation of not only uneven enlargement or sagging of one of the breasts, but also lead to a loss of symmetry of the nipple-areola complex. Doctors have identified two main reasons that become the main culprits in the development of the problem:


Carrying a child and lactation lead to increased production of prolactin, which, when reacting with estrogen, provokes a change in size and appearance mammary glands. At the same time, the rapid growth of breast tissue contributes to the appearance of stretch marks and unpleasant pain, which are almost impossible to get rid of. However, to reduce discomfort and minimize undesirable consequences You can use reliable supportive bras and do not neglect moisturizing care products to protect your breasts from cracking.

Uneven feeding

To exclude this, it is necessary to adhere to a strict feeding regimen at certain intervals from the very beginning of lactation. Otherwise, due to improper stimulation of the right and left breasts, different amounts of milk are produced. Therefore, over time, uneven stretching of the mammary glands occurs and, as a result, a difference in their size, the stability of which is observed after the end of breastfeeding. Avoid development pathological condition possible, subject to some rules:

  • Do not limit night feeding to using only one breast;
  • From the beginning of lactation, try not to ignore the “less milky” breasts, which may be a consequence of a previous injury or mastopathy;
  • Accustom your baby to both breasts, if even one of them has a nipple shape that does not meet his needs;
  • Ignore cracked nipples on one of the breasts and do not neglect alternating mammary glands during feeding

In addition, leading experts in this field strongly advise using both breasts during breastfeeding, controlling the volume of milk by expressing excess milk and avoiding its stagnation in the ducts.

Surgical methods for solving problems with breast asymmetry

In cases where one breast is much larger than the other, not due to cancer or endocrine disease or a peculiarity of adolescence, correction of the defect is possible only through surgical intervention. This operation is today considered one of the leading areas of mammoplasty, which has led to the emergence of numerous techniques taking into account various features organisms that have characteristic differences by method of execution, access method, location for installation of individually selected endoprostheses, etc.

Evaluation of the result after surgery for breast asymmetry:

Before preparing for surgery, each patient is provided with unique opportunity– independently make a choice in the direction of the surgeon’s approach – focus on enlarging the smaller breast or reducing the one that is larger. In this case, the surgeon’s work can be carried out using one of the following proposed methods:

  • Installation of implants is the simplest method of surgical access, which perfectly solves problems with any type of asymmetry, with the exception of severe and atypical forms. Provides for the installation of two endoprostheses different sizes taking into account the wishes of the patient;
  • Lipofilling is designed for transplantation of adipose tissue from the abdomen or sides to the mammary gland area. The main advantage of the method is its low invasiveness, the ability to do without general anesthesia, the use of natural material, which, unlike prostheses, takes root well and cannot lead to the formation of capsular contracture. However, the method can only be used if there is a slight difference in volume with an error of 0.5 to 1 size and is suitable for girls with curvy figures;
  • Reduction mammoplasty involves reducing the size of one of the breasts and is performed mainly in the case of large mammary glands. The complexity of the procedure causes the appearance noticeable scars. However, the end result exceeds all expectations, according to many patients;
  • Mastopexy - breast lift - is indicated for uneven ptosis, which is a common consequence of the childbearing period. The method is designed for a combination of lifting and installation of implants;
  • Changes in the size and shape of the nipples and areolas – simple procedure, which can be carried out either in an isolated way or as an additional event to all the methods described above

Severe forms of asymmetry (examples of the work of surgeon I.V. Sergeev). Photos are shown before and after eliminating the difference in size with severe ptosis:

Very important and necessary operation(or several), which provides for an individual selection of the number of interventions depending on the severity of the defect, the characteristics of the body and the personal preferences of each patient. The only disadvantage of the procedure is the irreversible loss of lactation when using some methods, which requires women preparing to become mothers to make an informed decision or postpone correction until after breastfeeding.

Possible causes of asymmetry

Hypoplasia – underdevelopment of one of the glands(when the second remains normal).

How to fix the problem:

  • The correction is performed by enlarging the smaller breast using an implant

Hypertrophy (excessive enlargement) of the breasttaking into account normal size and development of another.

How to fix the problem:

  • The most effective reduction mammoplasty procedure

Uneven ptosis with pronounced sagging of one of the breasts.

How to fix the problem:

  • A lift is recommended, which can be supplemented with endoprosthetics

Ptosis aggravated by hypertrophy or hypoplasia.

How to fix the problem:

  • General mastopexy with the addition of reduction mammoplasty or installation of implants is more effective

There is a big difference in the shape and size of the nipples.

How to fix the problem:

  • The correction is carried out by reducing the size of the larger nipple until it fully matches the shape of the second

Areola asymmetry.

How to fix the problem:

  • The size of the larger areola is reduced

Tubularity of one of the mammary glands.

How to fix the problem:

  • The most severe form of the defect, the correction of which is carried out by special dissection of the problem gland, insertion of an implant and subsequent straightening of the incised tissue

Determining factors for the appearance of a possible defect when one breast becomes larger than the other after plastic surgery

Three main reasons can contribute to the creation of such a situation:

  • Uneven swelling– restoration of injured tissue does not occur immediately and therefore slight swelling is considered normal. Moreover, even within a day, migration of the localization of edema from one part of the body to another can be observed. Taking into account the fairly long period until a clear observation of a lasting effect from the operation, which can vary from several weeks to months, you should not take such a defect to heart. After a certain time everything will pass;
  • Surgeon's mistake- a relatively rare precedent, which, however, may occur. The main reason formation of edema – incorrect work of the surgeon. To correct the error, unfortunately, without reoperation not enough;
  • Inflated patient expectations– when seeking surgical help, all patients hope for the maximum cosmetic effect, which does not always work out. It is worth clearly understanding that even with an ideal operation there will be a slight difference in the size of the mammary glands. Therefore, the main thing is not to focus on the problem - everyone who is too picky about their bust and after the operation will find a reason to develop a new complex

Answers to your most pressing questions

Do all women suffer from breast asymmetry?

Paradoxically, yes. Man by nature, and the entire world around us, is deprived perfect proportions. According to statistics, all those with a difference of only a few millimeters and practically unnoticeable are negligible. Most women have a range from 0.5-1 to 2 or more in size.

Even a world-famous specialist cannot give a definite answer to this question. Of course, minor errors in the size or position of the mammary glands should not cause much concern. The situation is different with pronounced imbalances, the presence of which lowers aesthetic self-esteem and requires a visit to an experienced surgeon. However, in cases where visible inconsistency is not considered a source of depression or a sign of any illness, take emergency measures to eliminate asymmetry.

Could this be hazardous to health?

In the case of congenital asymmetry or acquired in a natural way(for example, as a result of lactation) - there is no point in fearing for your health. But if there is a sharp increase in one breast, this is at least a reason to contact a mammologist or endocrinologist to exclude the development of pathological conditions.

Is it possible to eliminate asymmetry without surgery?

With a small difference in size (no more than 1 unit) of the mammary glands, several feminine “tricks” can help. A proven method for decades, which is designed for the use of special bras with pockets for push-up inserts in the cup for the smallest breasts. Theoretically, a vacuum massage to stimulate blood circulation or a specially designed set of sports activities, which will certainly help increase elasticity and tone, would be useful. pectoral muscle and visually increase breast volume for a while. However, all surgeons are very skeptical about these techniques, and based on strict choice selective influence on the problem organ, they argue that better effect can only be achieved with mammoplasty. Moreover, you should not oversaturate the mammary glands with various cosmetics for care, which can cause irreparable damage to an already devoid of any aesthetics bust.

One breast is larger than the other - how to deal with asymmetry - video

Slight asymmetry of the mammary glands is a physiological phenomenon that is observed quite often. Many women have one breast a little smaller than the other, but visually this difference is not noticeable.

It’s another matter when the difference in size becomes noticeable to others and becomes the reason for a woman’s lack of confidence in her own attractiveness.

Today, this problem can be corrected through a number of corrective measures.

General points

Breasts begin to form from the moment the first menstruation appears. This process continues until the birth of the first child.

Physiological imbalance at a young age is explained by the influence of hormones during puberty, as well as genetic predisposition.

Breast development occurs under the influence of estrogens, female hormones are responsible for the growth of glandular breast tissue. Progesterone affects the development of the milk ducts and alveoli.

In girls aged 9-16 years, the glands swell and a fatty layer appears in them. The areolas become pigmented, and when you feel the area near the nipple, you can find small lumps - this is glandular tissue. From it the mammary gland is subsequently formed.

Hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by other phenomena: pain, heaviness in the mammary glands, which is considered normal.

During adolescence, the appearance of disproportion is not a deviation. Over time, both mammary glands will become the same size, so neither the girl nor her parents need to worry prematurely.

Between the ages of 16 and 26 years, the formation of the mammary glands is completed. With the onset of pregnancy, breast growth resumes and fat accumulates in it. The mammary glands retain their shape until the reproductive function fades.

Congenital factors

A woman's beauty is directly influenced by correct posture. Slouching causes the mammary glands to lose their shape and droop.

The role of scoliosis in the development of pathology is great. Vertebral rotation and deformity chest causes changes in the circumference, shape and volume of one of the glands.

Advice! If the cause of the anomaly is poor posture, you should visit an orthopedist. A set of exercises, massage, and swimming will help correct the situation and restore the correct position of the spine and mammary glands.

There are birth defects:

  1. Hypoplasia– underdevelopment of one of the glands;
  2. Hyperplasia one breast against the background of underdevelopment of the other;
  3. Complete absence of the gland;
  4. Uneven ptosis(omission);
  5. Violation of the shape of the gland, for example, one has the appearance of an elongated tube, and the other has a hemispherical shape.

Congenital anomalies develop during intrauterine life in the second month of pregnancy.

Only plastic surgery. But, initially you should visit a mammologist and determine further treatment tactics.

With the onset of pregnancy, the deviation worsens, the difference between the glands becomes more noticeable, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Acquired asymmetry

A large role in the formation of the defect is played by various injuries. It happens that the damage was received in early childhood and was safely forgotten about.

But, with the onset of adolescence or pregnancy, the gland tissues “remember” the injury. Oxygen and nutrients do not enter this area in sufficient quantities, which affects its development.

One of the reasons for the disproportion may be inept installation of implants. The consequence of surgery is displacement or lowering of the endoprosthesis, which is visible to the naked eye.

A complication of the operation can be capsular contracture - the growth of fibrous tissue around the prosthesis, which compresses and deforms it, as a result, the shape and size of the gland changes.

The cause of the disproportion may be age-related involution of the breast, when the fat layer and glandular tissue disappear. These processes occur unevenly, which leads to the fact that one breast becomes smaller than the other.


With the onset of an “interesting position,” the breast undergoes significant changes:

  • swells and becomes 1-2 sizes larger;
  • a venous network appears on the skin;
  • pain and heaviness may appear;
  • nipples become more sensitive, areolas become pigmented;
  • in the last trimester, colostrum may be released;
  • Skin stretch marks, unfortunately, often accompany pregnancy.

Note! A dangerous misconception among women is the belief that breast tumors go away spontaneously during pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalances can cause pathological process, especially since diagnosis during pregnancy is difficult.

If the following signs appear, you should consult a doctor:

  • development of asymmetry;
  • brown or pink discharge from the nipples;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit;
  • constant pain;
  • lumps inside the breast;
  • inflammation (redness, sores on the skin and nipples).

If dangerous symptoms appear, you should undergo an examination to clarify the situation.

There is no need to be scared right away if you find a lump in one of the glands. Most likely, the changes are caused by pregnancy itself, a cyst or mastopathy. A visit to a gynecologist and mammologist will dispel doubts.

During the period of bearing a baby, a shift in hormonal levels occurs, which causes unevenness. The resulting aesthetic defect usually disappears on its own after childbirth.

If the asymmetry persists, the child should be given the smaller breast more often. More milk will heat up in it and it will gradually increase.


During lactation, one breast may differ in size from the other. The process of milk synthesis directly depends on the needs of the child. For example, if the baby has eaten 100 ml, then the same amount will be formed by the next feeding.

Sometimes the mother gives the baby only one breast, which leads to a natural decrease in the amount of milk in the other breast.

The reasons why disproportion develops during breastfeeding are as follows:

  1. One breast has an anatomical defect, for example, inverted nipple. Therefore, it is more convenient for the baby to grab the other breast with his mouth.
  2. If there pathological abnormalities – mastopathy, benign tumors, previous injuries. This leads to the fact that the sinuses are not completely filled with milk, and lactation is suppressed over time.
  3. Cracked nipples cause painful sensations in a woman, she spares the sore area, preferring to feed the baby with the other breast.
  4. Inflammation of the gland or lactostasis causes painful enlargement glands, dense areas form inside it, which does not allow the child to fully empty the breast.
  5. Baby prefers one breast, for example, it is more convenient for him to grasp the nipple.

Important! To avoid an aesthetic defect, organize feeding the baby alternately with both breasts. If the baby did not use the second gland, express the remainder. This will ensure an even flow of milk to the glands.

Mastopathy and tumors

If the asymmetry is not related to pregnancy and childbirth and does not go away long time, it's time to sound the alarm. The reason may be:

  • mastopathy (diffuse or nodular form);
  • benign tumors;
  • mammary cancer.

Any woman should conduct a monthly breast self-examination to identify the pathological process in the early stages.

If there is the slightest suspicion, you should visit an oncologist and undergo an examination:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • puncture – if a mass process is suspected;
  • MRI of the gland.

The most important thing is to make sure that the process is of good quality. In the future, conservative or surgery, which is determined by the doctor.

After surgery to remove a tumor or fibrous node, asymmetry may appear, which is corrected by plastic surgery.

In some cases, the asymmetry of the glands is due to a woman’s hormonal imbalance, which occurs during stress, nervous tension, sharp decline weight, chronic insomnia.

Stabilization of hormone levels occurs when returning to a normal daily routine, proper nutrition, while restoring mental balance.

If a woman is diagnosed endocrine diseases, you should take medications prescribed by your doctor.

Correction methods

The choice of method is directly related to the reason that led to the violation of symmetry. Some defects can be corrected exclusively by surgical intervention.

Diet, exercise, and massage usually do not help restore shape lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Here are the methods of mammoplasty that are actively used at present.


Surgery for prolapse (ptosis) of one or both glands. The chest is raised to a higher position.

Access can be made through the areola (periareolar mastopexy), T-shaped, vertical or anchor method.

The duration of the intervention is 2-3 hours. After mastopexy, a scar remains, which becomes invisible after a few months.

Using threads for correction

The procedure is performed without anesthesia and with minimal complications, however, it is not suitable for all women. Threads help restore shape if you have a second or third bust size.

The technique is used for sagging, sagging breasts after sudden weight loss, feeding a child, when age-related changes, however, does not help get rid of the defect with full breasts.

Installation of implants

The operation is indicated for hypoplasia, when one breast is underdeveloped compared to the other.

During the intervention, silicone prostheses are installed to correct the defect. An incision can be made underneath the gland, in the nipple area and under the armpits.


Restoration of shape and volume is carried out with adipose tissue taken from other parts of the patient’s body. Typically, fat from the abdomen, buttocks and thighs is used.

Lipolifting helps to enlarge breasts by 1-1.5 sizes. Due to the use of one’s own tissues, there is no rejection or allergic reactions after the intervention.

Reduction mammoplasty

Helps reduce hypertrophied mammary glands, get rid of excess skin and fatty tissue. During the operation, the nipple area is slightly raised. Access is carried out in a T-shaped, vertical or anchor way.

Note! If one breast is underdeveloped and the other is too large, a combination of reduction plastic surgery and endoprosthetics in one operation is allowed.

Change in size, shape of nipples and areolas

Plastic surgery is used for inverted or excessively convex nipples, their asymmetrical location, uneven contours, and excessive pigmentation of the areola area.

Correction is carried out both through surgery and non-invasive methods (micropigmentation).

Defect in teenage girls

Uneven breast development during adolescence is a common phenomenon. The difference in size is due to fluctuations in hormones; sometimes injuries received in childhood make themselves felt. Typically, the mammary glands acquire symmetry towards the end of puberty.

Breast development is also affected gynecological diseases, hormonal imbalance in adolescence. Experts believe that an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone is one of the leading factors in the appearance of breast asymmetry.

Important! During puberty, protect the breasts from impacts and other mechanical injuries. Any damage can lead to the appearance of cysts and hematomas in the future.

Exposure to high and low temperatures causes the development of juvenile (bone) cysts. The skin of the mammary glands is very delicate and thin, so burns and injuries greatly alter the breasts.

Defects in the skin can cause the formation of keloid scars, which change the appearance of the gland and lead to asymmetry.


  • feed the baby milk from both breasts throughout the day;
  • During night feeding, offer smaller breasts;
  • express milk evenly from both glands;
  • if the child falls asleep while sucking on the breast, apply it specifically to the small mammary gland;
  • Avoid stagnation; pumping and massage will help you with this.


The cost of plastic correction depends on the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor, the type of intervention, and the choice of anesthesia method.

On average, a consultation with a plastic surgeon will cost you 500-1500 rubles.

Mastopexy – 60-100 thousand rubles.

Endoprosthetics – 110-25 thousand rubles.

Lipolifting – from 60 thousand rubles per area.

Reconstruction of nipples and areola – from 55 thousand rubles.

Reduction mammoplasty – from 150 thousand rubles.

One of the methods for correcting breast asymmetry is described in detail in the video.