How long does the chest hurt after palpation? Why does pain appear after mammoplasty? Chest pain cyclical and non-cyclical

Painful sensations in the mammary glands in women usually occur periodically in connection with menstruation. The reason is physiological changes in the tissues of the glands that occur under the influence of sex hormones. If the pain after menstruation does not go away, the breasts remain swollen, this may be due to a disease. It is necessary, first of all, to carefully examine the breasts yourself, and then report pain and accompanying symptoms to the doctor. Mammography, ultrasound and other examination methods will help determine whether there is a disease and determine the method of treatment.

  • hormonal imbalance due to an abnormal increase in estrogen levels or other disorders;
  • chest injuries;
  • wearing tight underwear that compresses the nerve endings located in the mammary glands.

Chest pain due to hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are often associated with the following factors:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the breast and other organs;
  • menopausal changes in the body;
  • use of hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives.

Hormonal imbalance also occurs as a result of stress and taking antidepressants.

Chest pain cyclical and non-cyclical

The work of the mammary gland is directly related to the preparation of the body for the function of reproduction. Hormonal changes that occur at different points in the menstrual cycle cause pain in the chest.

Pain before menstruation (cyclical). If chest pain (mastalgia) appears before menstruation (5-7 days), then this is a natural cyclical process associated with ovulation. At this stage, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body increases significantly, which enhances the growth of mammary gland cells. This leads to an increase in their volume. Pressure on nerve endings located in the chest causes painful sensations.

When menstruation begins, the level of these hormones decreases sharply, and the pain goes away. Sensitivity to pain varies among women, so everyone experiences different sensations. Some people's mammary glands swell greatly and the sensation is very painful. In other women, the breasts swell slightly and hardly hurt.

Pain after menstruation (non-cyclical, not associated with the menstrual cycle). There are situations in which the level of estrogen during menstruation does not fall, but remains stably high. As a result, the chest hurts after menstruation. This happens if, after the previous ovulation (maturation of the egg), conception occurred, but the next menstruation still appeared (this happens in approximately 15% of pregnant women). Sometimes this symptom is the only one by which pregnancy can be suspected.

Important: You should not take medications to relieve pain if the diagnosis has not been established. During pregnancy, medications are contraindicated!

Video: Why menstruation may appear during pregnancy

Chest pain after menstruation as a sign of disease

Mastopathy- pathological proliferation of glandular or connective tissue mammary gland. The main cause of benign neoplasms of this kind is hormonal disorders. They can appear as a result of artificial termination of pregnancy, refusal to breastfeed, diseases of the endocrine glands and liver, irregular sex life, and stress.

Video: What is mastopathy, its causes and manifestations

Mastitis- inflammation of the breast tissue that occurs due to penetration into them bacterial infection. More common in women during lactation and breastfeeding. But it can also occur without any connection with breastfeeding.

Malignant breast tumors. The tumor grows quickly and spreads to neighboring tissues, squeezing nerve cells. At the same time, the gland hurts constantly. Tumor diseases are insidious in that they obvious signs appear for more than late stages. Therefore, the appearance of pain not associated with menstruation requires especially great attention and rapid response so that the woman has a chance of recovery.

Cysts in the adipose tissue of the mammary gland. Occur due to a violation fat metabolism in organism.

Diseases of other organs

Chest pain after menstruation can also be caused by:

  1. Menopausal pathologies associated with ovarian diseases, thyroid gland and other organs endocrine system. In the treatment of such diseases are used hormonal drugs to eliminate hormonal imbalances in the body.
  2. Diseases such as osteochondrosis chest area spine, heart disease, shingles, inflammation of the armpits lymph nodes cause pain in the chest area, radiating to the mammary glands.

When do chest pains after menstruation require urgent attention?

In some cases, pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle should be a reason for urgent examination and examination by a doctor.

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, a feeling of squeezing or fullness occurs, then the cause of the pain may be benign and malignant tumor mammary gland. When your breasts hurt after menstruation, Special attention you need to reverse it if such sensations bother you in one breast. Other symptoms often appear: breast lumps, changes skin, discharge from the nipples, their asymmetrical location. Often the pain is localized at some point or separate area mammary gland.

Pain associated with serious diseases such as breast tumors usually gradually intensifies, fever, and redness of the mammary glands are possible. If it continues for more than two weeks, the symptoms of the pathology intensify, insomnia and anxiety, then you urgently need to visit a mammologist, get tested for hormones, have a mammogram and ultrasound, and start treatment.

Treatment requires drugs to lower estrogen levels, antibiotics, vitamins, or surgery.

The ovulatory period is always accompanied not only characteristic changes in a woman’s body, but also in different parts bodies.

The mammary glands are the first to react and often cause discomfort. Chest pain is an indicator of the onset. The breasts swell and become more sensitive.

    Breast pain after ovulation

    Causes pain:

    • increase in hormone levels progesterone(breast tissue is very sensitive to this hormone);
    • the glands are being prepared for potential lactation (in the case);
    • breast enlargement occurs compression of nerve endings, which may cause discomfort;
    • during the ovulatory process in a woman’s body, the amount of fluid increases, which accumulates in the mammary glands (the tissues increase in size, and this process is accompanied by an increase in their sensitivity);
    • insufficient reduction estrogen levels in the second phase of the cycle (if the decrease occurs in accordance with the norm, then the pain is insignificant, if the process is carried out at a slow pace, then the pain will occur in greater intensity).

    The reproductive system is in close relationship with the mammary glands. Reproductive organs when they start prepare for potential conception, and the breast begins to instantly respond to the changes taking place. That's why the mammary glands hurt immediately after.

    What to do to relieve pain?

    When should you see a doctor?

    You should consult a doctor if you have the slightest suspicion of a deviation from the norm. If it goes away and the chest pain does not disappear over the course of several days, then you should immediately visit a gynecologist and mammologist.

    IMPORTANT! Chest pain can be a sign of mastopathy or serious hormonal disorders.

    You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if the following factors exist:

    • breasts have not grown easily, and swollen;
    • upon palpation, nodules or compactions are noticeable (the cause of discomfort may be unnatural changes, or neoplasms, the cause of which must be clarified);
    • pain persists for a long time;
    • the intensity of pain interferes with the quality of life (attacks resembling spasms, sudden nagging pain etc.);
    • nipple discharge(this symptom is one of the main reasons to see a doctor);
    • chest pain accompanied bleeding from the vagina.

    If the doctor does not identify a serious abnormality, then to alleviate the woman’s condition, he may prescribe some procedures or medications to normalize hormonal levels.

    ADVICE! If you have the slightest suspicion of a deviation from the norm, you should be examined by a specialist as soon as possible.

    Ignore pain symptoms in the area of ​​the mammary glands, it is not necessary after. Signs may resemble manifestations of numerous diseases of the mammary glands, including cancer.

Throughout pregnancy, women's mammary glands undergo constant changes in preparation for lactation. And after the birth of the baby, in the first few days, these changes are even more noticeable. And the fact that after childbirth your chest hurts is quite normal. The milk is coming and these sensations are new for you. This process may not cause severe pain, but it should not be ignored. After all, the nature of the pain can be different: burning, tingling, aching pain, constant or periodic. And in order to understand how serious everything is, you need to determine what caused them.

There are a number of reasons why chest pain occurs after childbirth. Mostly these discomfort caused by lactation.

In the first few weeks, she fills up with milk. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  1. Lactostasis, in other words, milk stagnates. This is usually caused by a bra that is not the right size, the baby does not drink all the milk, hypothermia, narrow milk ducts, hyperlactation, stress and overwork.
  2. Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands. It is caused by lactostasis, streptococci, staphylococci, poor hygiene, abrupt cessation of breastfeeding (milk comes in strongly and pumping does not help).
  3. Stretching of the breast skin is associated with a strong increase in the volume of the mammary glands.
  4. Injury to the nipples due to improper attachment of the baby during feeding.

First you need to evaluate how you feed your baby. Most of the reasons why breasts hurt after childbirth are due to lactation. And the faster you do this, the faster you can eliminate all these unpleasant sensations.

Main symptoms

For some women, pain can begin both from the first days of the birth of the child and a year later. You can't understand why your breasts hurt after childbirth? Listen to your body, analyze at what moments this happens. The main symptoms will tell you what is going on.

Let's consider each case separately:

  • For lactostasis characteristic features is: temperature after childbirth up to 38 ° C, thickening and heaviness of the mammary glands, redness of the nipples and tingling.
  • Mastitis is characterized by a rise in temperature above 38 ° C, a purplish tint of the skin, severe hardening of the mammary glands, very painful breasts and an increase in volume, the skin becomes hot, feeding becomes unbearable, and purulent discharge can be observed in the milk.
  • When sprained, there are no above listed symptoms, but the painful sensations are constant and aching.
  • If the nipples are cracked or injured, pain is present when feeding, touching rough materials or soap. If you look closely, you will notice cracks.

During lactation, body temperature is measured in the groin.

If you notice the above symptoms, then immediately visit any of these specialists for consultation: a gynecologist, therapist, mammologist or surgeon.

And women will experience the same problems after artificial childbirth. In such cases, the doctor prescribes anti-lactation pills and recommends tightly tightening the mammary glands.

Diagnostic methods and treatment

Diagnosis is carried out by interviewing and studying clinical data. Then they inspect the problem area, identifying compactions and/or cracks. They are sent for a blood test, which will help determine whether there are inflammatory processes. Do ultrasound diagnostics and culture the milk for microorganisms. Correct diagnosis is the success of the entire treatment.

Treatment is prescribed in combination with several methods. These are medicines, folk and conservative methods. This is the only way to ensure good prognosis. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


1. For lactostasis the following is used:

  • iodine mesh;
  • ointments Vishnevsky, Malavit, Traumeel;
  • It’s good to make magnesium compresses;
  • relieve pain with oxytocin;
  • Physiotherapy is also prescribed;
  • if there is a suspicion that mastitis may develop, then the antibiotic Erythromycin is prescribed, which can be used for breastfeeding.

2. For mastitis, a course is prescribed antibacterial treatment, prescribe antipyretics and make a novocaine blockade.

3. Skin stretching is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs; painkillers and ointments for stretch marks may be prescribed.

4. Cracks in the nipples should be lubricated with wound-healing ointments, gels with aloe or Kalanchoe. For deep injuries, ultrasound treatment is prescribed.

When ultrasound is used to dissolve lumps, milk production may decrease or even stop altogether.

Traditional methods

Even in the maternity hospital, you may have heard from older midwives that to prevent cracks, you need to lubricate your nipples with a drop of your own milk. So this method is good not only for preventing cracks, but also for already injured nipples. To remove inflammatory process need to be applied cabbage leaves at night, cottage cheese and honey cakes and make compresses with starch, previously diluted with water.


This method, in combination with those mentioned above, will give the most favorable prognosis. So:

  • You need to pump as often as possible, try to put your baby on the problematic breast more often.
  • Try to wear a comfortable bra so that it does not pinch or press anywhere. It is best to buy specifically for nursing and choose strictly by size.
  • Try to do water massage as often as possible. Jets hot water direct to problem areas, this will help the seals dissolve.
  • Try to let your baby suck the milk completely, or ask your husband to help.
  • Never use hot or alcohol-based compresses.
  • Use immediately before feeding dry heat. A down scarf or any wool product is suitable for this.

Only if you consult a specialist in a timely manner and undergo a course of treatment, a favorable prognosis is possible. Otherwise, there may be various complications.

For example, lactostasis develops into mastitis if it is not treated for two days or longer. In turn, mastitis develops into purulent and then without surgical intervention not enough. But after the pus is removed, feeding can be resumed. If cracked nipples are left untreated for a long time, microorganisms enter the milk ducts and this causes bacterial contamination of the milk or even mastitis.

Everyone knows well what is most effective treatment the one that didn't exist.


What to do to prevent chest pain after childbirth? Prevention is the most best method preventing disease.

Proper care of the mammary glands from the first days of a child’s birth will already prevent any of the above diseases.

  1. Make sure your baby latches onto the nipple correctly.
  2. Express every time after feeding and check for any lumps remaining.
  3. After feeding, be sure to wash the mammary glands with soap.
  4. Try to drink less liquid.
  5. Wear only the most comfortable bra made from natural materials.
  6. Do a massage by rubbing with a terry towel.
  7. When sleeping, try not to sleep on your stomach.

Important! Beware of drafts, hypothermia, bruises and injury to the mammary glands.

But if you have chest pain, then this is a completely different disease. And consult a doctor immediately, as this may indicate angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or oncology respiratory organs and problems digestive organs. There are many reasons for chest pain. She may be called infectious diseases, allergic reactions, spinal injuries and back problems due to increased load.

If you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately. This may protect you from more serious illness.

Health to you and your kids!

Monthly in the body healthy woman is happening physiological process- ovulation, during which breast tenderness may occur.

Why is this happening? Due to the huge amount of hormones released that form ovulatory syndrome.

Sometimes many women do not even notice the discomfort, but others suffer from excessive anxiety, irritability, burning, aching pain in the nipples and abdomen. So why do breasts begin to ache and swell after ovulation? How long will this last? What is the connection between pregnancy and soreness of the milk ducts?

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    Physiological reasons

    The ovulatory period is characterized by the release of a mature egg from the ovary. It is at the moment when she is released and falls into fallopian tube, the cycle ends. The process begins on the 12th–16th day after menstruation, at which time the woman experiences symptoms of malaise:

    1. 1. The nipples swell and the breasts begin to hurt.
    2. 2. Temperature rises.
    3. 3. Nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen.
    4. 4. Abundant discharge of a transparent color is observed.

    This is the mystery of the functionality of the reproductive process female cycle. Progesterone plays a huge role here, which increases in volume and coordinates the course of its second phase. It “manages” multiple changes in the lining of the uterus and is responsible for growth chest and is the “culprit” painful sensations nipples and the entire area of ​​the alveoli (a group of grape-shaped cells surrounded by thin muscles that, during contraction, help milk pulsate from one milk duct to another).

    Breast pain after ovulation is most likely due to increased progesterone levels

    If there is no pregnancy, then at the end of the second phase the level of progesterone drops, breast soreness immediately disappears, the nerve endings “relax”, and the epithelial cells die. All these processes are the norm for every woman, but there are cases when, due to hormonal imbalances, they cause acute pain, burning, swelling of the milk ducts. This is caused high level prolactin, thyroid hormones. After ovulation everything painful symptoms pass.

    It is noteworthy that the breasts “ache” on the 3rd day of the cycle after ovulation in girls who are planning a pregnancy, but fertilization does not occur. It happens that the mammary glands swell and ache very much, which causes a lot of inconvenience for nursing mothers.

    The sensitivity of the nipples indicates that the ovulatory process was successful. When the egg is fertilized (pregnancy occurs), breast swelling may persist for some time, but if this does not happen, then the sensitivity of the nipples will soon disappear.

    If the pain does not subside, but only intensifies?

    When the nipples swell, causing soreness of the glands, which is associated with an excess of the hormone estrogen, which is found in the breast tissue and, by attracting fluid, creates additional discomfort in the area. This condition can last from several days to months. Only consultation with a specialist and correct timely treatment will help get rid of negative consequences, in some cases, breast amputation.

    Attention: if the sensitivity of the milk ducts is very high, the nipples begin to bother you greatly outside the process of ovulation, then you urgently need to see a mammologist to exclude the occurrence of mastopathy.

    Should I pay attention to breast tenderness? Is it worth contacting specialists?

    It all depends on the condition of the mammary glands. To be honest, there are no prescribed treatment regimens to eliminate ovulatory discomfort. More often:

    • a course of vitamins A, E, B is prescribed;
    • physiotherapy responsible for normalizing a woman’s hormonal levels.

    The right underwear can help you avoid chest pain

    If the doctor discovers various types of lumps by palpation, you must undergo additional examination and take hormone tests. Why? Often, neoplasms can cause non-infectious mastitis, accompanied by redness, tissue inflammation, and burning of the nipples. Factors in the development of this disease can be mental disorders, climate change. Only a timely visit to the doctor can solve this problem without surgical intervention.

    During adolescence, every girl menstrual cycle proceeds in different ways, often with heavy discharge and painful sensations in the chest area. If a stable cycle is not established by the age of 15–16, delays will be observed, aching pain in the abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands, this will indicate deviations in hormonal development. In this case, a trip to the gynecologist is mandatory!

    Timing of breast pain during ovulation

    Ovulation occurs during a stable cycle 14–17 days before menstruation, in each case individually. The breasts can hurt before and after the ovulatory period, so it’s difficult to say exactly how long this discomfort will last. If pregnancy occurs, the nipples may “ache” and swell for about a month, or maybe longer.

    Painful sensations in the mammary glands during fertilization of the egg

    This is quite normal phenomenon, accompanying the processes of change internal organs future mother. The fact is that the outer shell of the fetus produces prolactin, which is responsible for the functionality of the glands for natural breastfeeding. The nipples immediately begin to hurt, the breasts increase sharply, become several sizes larger, swell and round. This is natural and wonderful, but when the pain does not subside within 10-14 days, you should definitely consult a specialist.

    Self-palpation of the breast in some cases will replace a visit to the doctor

    Attention: painful condition breast may be caused excessive consumption fluids, because pregnancy is characterized by a slow water-mineral metabolism, as a result of which swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands occurs.

    Non-hormonal reasons

    If your breasts become engorged and begin to hurt more, and the pregnancy test is negative and your period is not delayed, then the following diseases may be the cause of your discomfort:

    1. 1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
    2. 2. Curvature of the spine.
    3. 3. Weakening of the muscles in the thoracic section of the skeleton.
    4. 4. Changes in the intercostal cartilaginous tissue structure.
    5. 5. Stress, nervousness, irritability, anxiety.
    6. 6. Increased gas formation when stool is disrupted.
    7. 7. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
    8. 8. Malignant tumors developing in the tissues of the milk ducts and other diseases.

    Experts in the field of endocrinology recommend that women pay attention to the nature and location of chest pain during the ovulatory process and make notes on the appropriate menstrual calendar. Discomfort on the sides of the glands indicates the completion of ovulation and lack of fertilization. In the anterior part or in the nipple area - dominance of the hormone estrogen. General soreness indicates the end of the second phase of the cycle before menstruation.

    Painful sensations in the chest may be associated with hormonal changes in the body

    Many women feel the “arrival” of their period 4-5 days in advance, which is associated with a high release of progesterone. Most often this period is called premenstrual syndrome. PMS is a sure sign of the imminent onset of bleeding.

    When pregnancy occurs, the breasts immediately hurt for some time, but there is no need to worry, this is due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

    If severe and prolonged pain occurs, you must contact a gynecologist or mammologist to prevent the development of serious illnesses milk ducts. If, in addition to painful sensations in the nipples, the lymph nodes have enlarged, solid seals, there is a possible risk of breast cancer.

    How to relieve pain at home?

    In order not to get sick after ovulation, to feel vigorous and cheerful, you need to adhere to several simple methods of “recovery”:

    1. 1. Use vitamin complexes.
    2. 2. Accept healthy food 5-6 times a day, eat more vegetables and fruits, give preference to lean meat, whole grain bread, cereals, drink non-carbonated drinks.
    3. 3. Be in a positive mood, rest more (if possible), be less nervous and conflict.
    4. 4. Walk on fresh air, especially before bed.
    5. 5. Do light self-massage of the breasts, avoiding the nipple area.
    6. 6. Wash your breasts with warm water in the morning and evening. Accept cold and hot shower forbidden.
    7. 7. Avoid drafts and temperature changes.
    8. 8. Wear comfortable underwear, do not use corsets to correct your figure.

    To make the pain subside and stop bothering you, you can brew herbal infusions from valerian, thyme, calendula, burdock, take relaxing baths, but not very hot, do yoga, irregular exercises.

    Such methods will help reduce pain and distract the woman from worries about this. But if the nipples swell more strongly, do not stop hurting, there is a burning sensation, tingling, sharp throbbing pain, then you cannot hesitate - you urgently need to go to a specialist and undergo a full medical examination.

    It is important to take care of your breasts - the standard of beauty, a symbol of femininity and fertility.

Like any other surgical intervention, mammoplasty (surgery to change the size or shape of the mammary glands) can have complications. One of them is pain after mammoplasty.

Causes of complications

Possible consequences of being so popular among women plastic surgery can be both general surgical and specific complications, one of the manifestations of which may be pain.

General surgical complications include:

  • wound infection;
  • formation of rough scars;
  • formation of hematomas (bruises);
  • change in sensitivity (increase or decrease) in the nipple-areolar area;
  • temperature increase.

Special complications:

  • capsular fibrous contracture;
  • rupture or displacement of the implant.

Complications can appear not only in the early postoperative period, but also later, several weeks or even months after surgery.

The causes of complications may be:

  • technological factors associated with the characteristics of the implant used;
  • actions of the surgeon who performed the plastic surgery;
  • characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • failure by the client to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Do you always feel pain?

In the first few days, all patients feel pain after this operation in the wound area, but gradually they decrease and completely disappear.

As complications develop, the pain may recur or intensify.

Pain worries many women during the rehabilitation (recovery) period when various complications occur. The average duration of the rehabilitation period is 2 months.

Factors influencing the occurrence of complications

Both the appearance, duration and severity of pain are influenced by many factors:

  • surgical access (in the axillary fold, along the fold under the mammary glands, through the areolar region);
  • implant location level;
  • during the recovery period;
  • compliance by the woman with the recommendations received from the doctor.

Thus, with a breast lift, an operation involving reconstruction of the mammary gland is more traumatic, rather than one involving only excision of the skin.

Greater surgical trauma to tissues, although associated with more prolonged pain, gives a more long-term effect.

The choice of optimal access is determined by the doctor depending on individual characteristics– shape of the mammary gland, actual and desired size, size of the areola, etc.

Localization and nature of pain after mammoplasty

If in early postoperative period the pain is localized in the area of ​​the wound, then in more late dates its localization may vary depending on the nature of the developed complication.

The nature of the pain also varies. According to the patients' descriptions, the pain can be:

  1. burning character;
  2. pricking;
  3. throbbing;
  4. be constant or occur periodically under certain conditions (physical activity, bending the body, etc.).

When a wound becomes infected due to violations of skin care rules in the postoperative period and the formation of an abscess, the pain is pulsating.

Severe pain is characteristic of neuralgia when a nerve is irritated or grows into a scar.

In the chest

Pain in the chest may be associated with the accumulation of blood and lymph in the tissues of the mammary gland (hematoma or seroma).

They can occur if damaged blood vessels and lymphatic vessels or the vessel could burst during physical exertion.

Breast pain after mammoplasty will occur in the case of continued bleeding and an increase in the volume of the hematoma (occurs in 1.1% of mammoplasty cases) or when blood suppurates inside the gland.

The nature of the pain when the hematoma grows will be bursting, and when the hematoma suppurates or an abscess forms after infection of the wound, it will be pulsating.

When purulent infection(suppuration is observed in 1 to 4% of cases) is added:

  1. temperature increase;
  2. deterioration general condition female patients;
  3. manifestations of intoxication syndrome (headache, loss of appetite, weakness).

The cause of pain in mammary gland after mammoplasty, there may also be a significant increase in sensitivity of the nipple-areolar zone (occurs in 14% of cases) as a result of damage or pinched nerves due to an incorrectly selected implant size.

Discomfort and pain occur at the slightest touch to the nipple.

In the ribs

During mammoplasty, the cause of pain in the ribs may be irritation of the intercostal nerves by overstrained pectoral muscles, large size implant.

The pain intensifies when pressing on the painful areas with compression garments.

Since the intercostal muscles are involved in breathing, during respiratory movements of the muscles and ribs the affected nerves are irritated with each inhalation and exhalation. Patients complain of difficulty and pain when breathing.

In back

Usually back pain after mammoplasty in the early postoperative period.

This is explained by the fact that during the operation the branches of the intercostal nerves innervating the pectoral muscles may be damaged. These nerves are closely connected to the spine.

In addition, back pain is associated with a forced position (lying on your back) in the first days after the intervention, a ban on active movements, compressive action compression garments. Subsequently, these pains disappear.

Video: Postoperative period

How long does the pain last?

Usually moderate pain after surgery lasts 2-3 days, and this normal reaction body for surgery.

In a week postoperative swelling tissue subsides, and the feeling of discomfort, tension and pain completely disappear. These pains do not cause much concern for women.

But the duration of pain depends not only on the type of operation and its traumatic nature, but also on the patient’s pain sensitivity threshold.

This is why some women complain of pain for several weeks. If the doctor does not find complications during examination, then such pain does not go beyond the norm.

As for the duration of pain in the longer term, the main criterion that substantiates both the severity and duration of pain is the cause of its occurrence.

So, with a hematoma or suppuration, the pain persists until treatment.

In case of neuralgia due to the growth of a nerve into a scar or compression of a nerve by an implant that is incorrectly sized, pain syndrome bothers a woman long time and also requires therapeutic measures..

The duration and intensity of pain also depends on surgical method. For breast augmentation in cases where significant muscle stretching is performed, severe pain observed about a week after surgery.

Over time, the muscles relax and the pain subsides. These operations are somewhat better tolerated with axillary access.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor if any manifestations that cause discomfort and pain occur.

Only a doctor after examination can decide whether the process is normal. rehabilitation period, and whether there is a need for additional manipulations and appointments.

For example, in case of a hematoma or seroma, the doctor will ensure the outflow of accumulated fluid through the drainage tube and, using endoscopic equipment, will stop the ongoing bleeding.

An increase in temperature may be a manifestation of an inflammatory process (usually above 38*C) or the body’s reaction to surgery.

You should consult a doctor if high fever or if the temperature, although not high, persists for more than 2 weeks after mammoplasty.

Can I take painkillers?

The most intense pain is observed after 6-8 hours. after the operation, when the effect of anesthetics for anesthesia wears off.

Pain is noted at the slightest touch to the chest, during movement. During this period, the doctor prescribes effective painkillers by injection every 6 hours.

After discharge from the hospital (usually one day after the operation), the doctor recommends taking painkillers in tablets (Ketanov, Ketonal).

Photo: Discomfort from stitches

Discomfort in the suture area

As the hematoma grows, the load on the postoperative sutures and they become painful, creating the danger of divergence of the edges of the wound.

The same discomfort in the area of ​​the sutures can also occur with a significant size of the implant. It is recommended to enlarge the breasts by no more than 2 sizes.

Currently, suture material that dissolves on its own is more often used. The doctor removes sutures made with other suture material completely painlessly after 7 days.

A woman who decides to undergo this operation should know:

  • choosing plastic surgeon, it is better to be guided not by questions of saving money, but by its professional level and experience in conducting similar operations;
  • It is better to choose implants from a well-known manufacturer and taking into account the doctor’s recommendations;
  • before surgery, sanitize existing foci of chronic infection;
  • it is advisable to remain under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital for 24 hours after the intervention;
  • strictly follow all recommendations received from the doctor;
  • after mammoplasty, it is necessary to wear special compression garments (elastic T-shirt and bra) around the clock, which will relieve the burden on the breasts and create conditions for more fast maturing scars; The time frame for switching to regular underwear will be determined by your doctor;
  • physical exercise should be limited for a month; up to 2 weeks, lift no more than 3 kg;
  • for a month after the operation, maximum rest of the chest should be ensured, even limiting hand movements;
  • Breast massage can be carried out in agreement with the doctor, but not earlier than a month later; the intensity and direction of massage movements will be indicated by a plastic surgeon;
  • provide follow-up examinations with a doctor every week and after 1-3-6 months and every six months after mammoplasty in the future.

Successful mammoplasty is not only a professionally performed work of the surgeon, but also the accurate implementation of all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations during the rehabilitation period.


Is it possible to have this operation before pregnancy?

It is possible, but after the end of lactation the operation will have to be repeated.

Breast plastic surgery according to any option is effective for a longer period if performed six months after lactation.

When is the final result of cosmetic surgery visible and how long does it last?

The final result of the operation is assessed after about six months.

The duration of the effect depends not only on the type of plastic surgery, but also on the strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

How to behave after surgery?

In the first days, complete rest is necessary to speed up healing without visible scars.

Sports, significant physical activity, visiting the bathhouse, and sex can be resumed with the doctor’s permission (times vary individually).

Will the marks from the surgery be too noticeable?

This depends on many reasons: the initial condition of the breast, the type of correction and its degree, and the surgical technique. Usually all questions are initially discussed with a plastic surgeon.

Why are antibiotics prescribed?

Antibiotics are often prescribed after surgery wide range actions to prevent infectious complications.