How to make eggshell powder: a source of natural calcium. Eggshells as an ideal source of calcium

An acute lack of calcium negatively affects the functioning of the entire body, so people often ask pharmacies for vitamin complexes containing it. Why take eggshells is a question many people may ask. After all, in pharmacies you can find anything that contains calcium.

But in fact, many pharmaceutical drugs turn out to be ineffective and are excreted by the body without bringing any benefit. In addition, the cost vitamin complexes may be too high. Fortunately, there are cheaper and effective remedy, which is perfectly absorbed by the body, is eggshell.

Since ancient times, people have compensated for calcium deficiency with its help. Old healing books contain many recipes that use this product. These books advise eating eggs without internal contents. They are recommended to be eaten immediately after waking up early in the morning.

They also advise adding them to a variety of foods, especially high-fat foods. Doctors find this method also effective. They recommend taking the powder eggshells women during childbearing and breastfeeding, people suffering from osteoporosis and athletes during periods of increased physical activity. So why is it recommended to use it, what are the benefits of eggshells, let’s try to figure it out.

What benefits are contained in eggshells?

The shell acts as a protective shell, preventing the internal contents of the egg from spilling out. Nature has endowed this thing with strength on the outside and fragility on the inside so that the chicken can hatch when the time comes to hatch. The ancestors could not ignore this feature and attached special significance to it. Egg shells were used in various rituals in the preparation of various potions.

Today people do not believe in such obscurantism, but this does not reduce the usefulness of eggshells. Let's consider what useful things this protective shell contains, what is the composition and benefits of egg shells:

  • It contains calcium carbonate, which is best absorbed by the body. Besides useful calcium you will find many other useful substances - amino acids, vitamins and minerals;
  • Eggshell calcium helps strengthen bone tissue, teeth, and human muscles. Therefore, it is useful to take it for people suffering from osteoporosis, arthrosis and other diseases. It helps quickly restore bones after injuries;
  • When eating eggshells, there is no risk of side effects like some other artificial substitutes. Therefore, women expecting the birth of a child can take it, replenishing calcium deficiency, without fear for the health of the unborn baby. If young children suffer from calcium deficiency, then they should definitely be given eggshells. This calcium will be beneficial to them and promote bone growth;
  • Calcium has great value for the body to function properly and if the body lacks it, then the person’s metabolism is disrupted, hair falls out, nails break, herpes appears on the lips, the immune system works poorly. Children may develop rickets, curvature of the spine, and anemia. No pharmaceutical drug will not replace eggshells as a source of calcium, so it is extremely necessary to eat.

Scientific research confirms the effectiveness of this product. Hungarian scientists in the near future learned about great benefit this product for the human body. But they did not publish the results of their research to the masses. A little later, Belgian, Dutch and American researchers took up this issue and they received the same result as the Hungarian scientists. The high effectiveness of eggshells has been proven in clinical studies.

But most interesting is the fact that many animals, such as dogs, squirrels, ferrets, etc., during the period of bearing offspring, eat eggs along with the shell. They intuitively choose what is good for their body. Therefore, it is simply recommended for a person to consume calcium from eggshells, especially since the preparation of this product is easy. You need to do this in order to stay healthy. The shell contains the same substances as those found in human bones and teeth, so the body happily accepts it and easily processes it.

How to properly eat eggshells

When we say that it is extremely useful to consume this product, we do not mean that you need to pick it up and chew it. Such an action will only cause harm, especially the teeth will suffer. Let's look at how to take calcium from eggshells so that it is better absorbed by the body. To do this, you need to learn how to cook eggshells.

Eggshells need to be processed and cooked. If you crush eggshells, this will not change its chemical composition, but will make this product more edible. Let's look at how to properly prepare this product.

You can take any eggs with white or brown pigmentation, either of them has the same calcium content. You can also make a vitamin supplement from the shell quail eggs, but it's much more difficult. So take it better chicken eggs.

The surface of eggs can harbor a lot of pathogenic bacteria, so clean it with soap and water. For more thorough processing, they can be sterilized by placing them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Chemical composition the shell will not change in any way. But if you cook them longer, the calcium will lose some of its beneficial properties.

Don't delete white film from the shell, since it also contains useful material. Before you start crushing the shells, you need to dry them thoroughly. You can break it down into fresh air or place in a slightly warm oven. Break the shell as you wish into small pieces.

Next, you will need to grind the shells to a powdery consistency. You can do this in any way convenient for you - using a coffee grinder, mortar, blender, etc. The less you chop, the more convenient it will be to take.

Place the shell powder in a glass container and leave it where no water can penetrate. You can spread the powder into gelatin capsules, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or empty of their contents.

Crush one egg and you will get one teaspoon of powder. This means that your body will receive 700 mg of calcium. Larger goose or ostrich eggs contain more calcium, but chicken eggs are better.

Egg powder dosage

If you healthy man and eat enough calcium-containing foods, limit yourself to 400 mg of powdered eggs per day. This will be enough for your body to fully receive calcium from eggshells. For children, it is necessary to reduce the dose by half, to 200 mg.

For those people who have problems with the body due to a lack of calcium, the dose is calculated individually.

  1. When the substance responsible for the strength skeletal system lack in the body, then eggshells as a source of calcium are an irreplaceable thing. You need to take a small amount daily - one teaspoon of eggshell powder will be enough. This product can be added to any dish. You can even consume it without food by adding a little lemon juice. Vitamin C - great companion for calcium, which increases its absorption.
  2. People with minor bone fractures can consume eggshells in the same dosage - 1 teaspoon per day. This product should be added to your daily drink, no matter what you prefer - tea, milk, juice, etc., add it there egg powder. Divide one teaspoon into three doses and consume in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. For children under 14 years of age, reduce this dose by a third. It is necessary to take egg powder in this quantity until the bones grow together.
  3. If a person suffers from osteoporosis, then crushed eggshells are also indicated for him. For such people, it will be useful to undergo a course of therapy that lasts up to 30 days. Egg powder is taken 30 minutes after dinner in the amount of half a teaspoon. It is necessary to dissolve it in half a glass of milk or kefir.

What diseases does eggshell treat?

  1. Diathesis. For exudative-catarrhal diathesis, it is necessary to give the powder 3 times a day, a quarter of one teaspoon. Improvements will come about thirty days after taking this.
  2. Skin diseases - urticaria, prickly heat, etc. To cure skin problems an infusion of eggshells is prepared. To do this, take the eggshells of fifteen eggs, put them in boiling water and infuse for 24 hours. This infusion can then be added to the bath for children suffering from hives. This infusion added to food or dishes prepared on its basis.
  3. Asthma. To reduce the symptoms of asthma, start consuming one gram of egg powder. Reduce the dose daily to 0.1 grams, then increase again. The course of treatment is 1 month. Then take a break for one month and repeat the course again.
  4. Gastritis. In order to cure gastritis, it is necessary to prepare egg powder in a special way. You need to fry it in a frying pan until the egg shells darken a little. Then you need to take it on an empty stomach. One teaspoon will be enough. After a week, it will neutralize the acid and the stomach pain will decrease. For heartburn, powdered eggs are more effective than the baking soda that people usually take. Just 2.5 tablespoons with one glass of water and the unpleasant feeling in your stomach will go away without a trace.
  5. Burns. Eggshell powder helps open and quickly heal burns.

Damage to eggshells

People with cancer are prohibited from taking eggshells.

The surface of the egg contains bacteria that cause salmonellosis. That is why it needs to be well processed before use.

Excess calcium is no less important for the functioning of the body than its deficiency. If you have hypercalcemia, it is not recommended to take eggshells.

The value of eggshells is sometimes underestimated by many people. But in vain! After all, in the West it’s like this folk medicine enjoys great success and demand among the population, since more than 70 tons of powder from this product are sold annually. Eggshells are primarily a source of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chicken egg shells: a brief description

Describing this remedy, we can give an example of many diseases that are successfully treated with its help. But this is thanks to its composition, which is selected by nature in such a way as to provide the body with maximum benefit.

Eggshells consist of many useful elements:

  • calcium carbonate (more than 90%);
  • phosphorus (quarter percent);
  • magnesium (half a percent);
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • aluminum;
  • sulfur;
  • iron.

It also contains amino acids such as cystine, methione, isoleucine, and lysine.

Useful properties of eggshells. Indications for use

Eggshells, compared to other substances of natural origin, such as gypsum, soda, chalk, have a number of advantages:

  • the composition of the shell itself practically coincides with the composition of human bones and teeth, so calcium from eggshells is well absorbed by the body;
  • this substance stimulates blood production in the bone marrow;
  • egg shells are distinguished by their ability to remove harmful radioactive elements (for example, strontium) from the body;
  • the above natural substance fights caries and strengthens teeth, eliminates signs of bleeding gums, relieves irritability;
  • eggshells are very necessary for pregnant women, since due to a lack of calcium, childbirth is often difficult;
  • this substance helps treat burns, gastritis, diarrhea, stone disease Bladder, asthma, duodenal ulcers.

Indications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • children from 1 year;
  • people with skeletal problems;
  • athletes;
  • people doing heavy physical labor.

Egg shells: benefits for children

This natural substance is especially necessary for children's growing bodies. Some scientists claim that its use is allowed even for a six-month-old baby.

Chicken egg shells replenish calcium reserves in the child’s body or eliminate its deficiency. In the days of our grandmothers, if the baby did not walk for a long time and could not stand firmly, he was necessarily prescribed the use of powder from this tool.

In addition, egg shells are an excellent remedy for treating symptoms of diathesis in children. Exists old recipe, according to which eggshells are used with lemon juice. To do this, take a tablespoon of juice from this citrus and a quarter teaspoon of the powder of this product. Before use, this mixture is diluted in the same amount of boiled water. Children are prescribed this medicine to take after breakfast for 2-3 months.

Allergy eggshells are prepared strictly following several important rules:

  • It is necessary to wash eggs thoroughly before cooking, since there is a possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis;
  • It is better to use this substance for medicine from domestic eggs;
  • Children are not allowed to give raw shells. It must undergo heat treatment (at least 5 minutes). Don't worry: boiled eggs do not lose calcium.

Eggshells for allergies in children are a very effective and easily digestible remedy. It is very important that this medicine is natural and will not cause harm children's body. In addition, eggshells with lemon juice are widely available and inexpensive ingredients. But the benefits from them will exceed all expectations.

How to prepare egg powder?

To prepare a medicine from this product, you must follow some recommendations:

  • before preparing it, it is important to thoroughly wash the eggs with soap;
  • after heat treatment it will be necessary to free the shell walls from thin film, since it complicates the process of preparing powder from it;
  • then this material should be dried well;
  • grind the shells into powder.

Important Tips:

  • It is not advisable to use a coffee grinder for grinding, since when obtaining powder in this way, some important elements of the egg shell are lost;
  • great option for this process is a porcelain utensil (mortar) and a porcelain pestle.

Several recipes for medicines made from shell powder

Treatment of eggshells for many diseases is used in alternative medicine:

  • a tablespoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of shell powder are excellent for the symptoms of allergic reactions in the body;
  • To prevent calcium deficiency, it is recommended to take a dose of this substance according to age category with a portion of cottage cheese for breakfast.

There are no special complex recipes for medicines made from eggshells. It is easy to use for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Eggshells: how to take?

Doses for taking shell powder:

  • For children over 6 months of age: the product is given in an amount of 1-2 grams.
  • For children over 1 year of age: one sixth of the powder from the shell of one egg. In addition, this dose is divided into three more doses.
  • For an adult body, this norm depends on the needs and problems, and ranges from one teaspoon to one tablespoon of such medicine per day.

It is important to get advice from a pediatrician before giving this product to children. It is not advisable to prescribe such a medicine for a child on your own.

Calcium water from chicken eggshells: benefits

This tool has the following abilities:

  • eliminates calcium deficiency in the body;
  • improves oxygen absorption by the body;
  • is in ionic, that is, ready-to-use form.

Preparing calcium water is quite simple: you need to take the shells of boiled eggs and put them in a 3-liter jar, after removing the film from it, and fill it with water.

This natural substance perfectly purifies water, absorbs heavy metal salts from it, and deactivates chlorine. Egg shells turn water alkaline. Thanks to the alkaline environment, the absorption of oxygen by the body increases many times over. This liquid can easily be used to make tea or soup. The shell removes harmful radionuclides from the water.

Contraindications to eating eggshells

This product is in medicinal purposes It is not advisable to use for people with the following problems:

  • the presence of cancer in the patient;
  • individual intolerance to eggshell powder.

It is important to remember that disinfection when preparing medicine from this product is as important as the result itself. If the shells are not properly processed, there is a risk of salmonellosis.

Eggshells in alternative medicine - excellent remedy to replenish calcium reserves in the body and relieve symptoms various diseases both in children and adults. But in this situation, you need to remember that only a doctor can correctly determine the daily intake or required dose of this powder individually for each organism.

Egg shells - ideal source calcium and the most unique creation of nature, one can talk tirelessly about its beneficial substances. Egg shells are a very valuable biological product, because they contain calcium carbonate and are easily absorbed by the body. Eggshells as a source of calcium - myth or reality?

A little about eggshells

Egg shells as a source of calcium are used to treat all types of diseases that are usually associated with a deficiency of this trace element. It is recommended for people with osteoporosis to use it daily.

90 percent in eggshell nutrients accounts for calcium carbonate - it is very beneficial for bones. It also contains useful substances such as copper, iron, fluorine, and manganese.

The Hungarian doctor Krompecher proved that egg shells have been used as a source of calcium for quite a long time; they have a miraculous effect on the human body. He conducted detailed research on this product. It lasted 10 years, during which the scientist managed to learn a lot and fully study the shell. As a result, the doctor proved that its structure is similar to human bone and dental tissue.

Preparation for use

Before using eggshells, they must first be properly processed. This must be done as follows:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the shells with outside and dry.
  2. Next, it should be crushed and placed in a preheated oven for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. After this, you need to pour it into some glass container, which is best placed in a cool, dark place.

How and when is the best time to consume eggshells?

  1. In the fight against radionuclides. The human body is capable of quickly accumulating radioactive substances that are found in environment. They, of course, have a bad effect on health, which is why they should be removed. For this purpose, the shell is used in the following proportion - ¼ teaspoon every day.
  2. In pediatrics. Eggshells are highly digestible human body. Doctors recommend giving it to children and women during pregnancy every day. Pediatricians advise adding shells to baby food. It is especially useful for rickets and anemia.
  3. As a dietary supplement. Eggshells are useful not only for pregnant women, but also for people over 50 years old, since bones become more fragile every year. The shell also perfectly strengthens teeth and nails, improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach, treats hives and constipation, and relieves rheumatic pain.

Egg shells as a source of calcium

Calcium is useful not only for teeth, bones and nails, but is also very necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, muscles and nervous system. If the body does not have enough calcium, then allergies, anemia, herpes, depression, memory impairment, nausea, and metabolic disorders may appear.

In adults, calcium deficiency develops osteoporosis (bone fragility), which ranks fourth after cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes mellitus. Consumption per day is about one gram.

The main source of calcium is following products: eggshells, hard cheese, cottage cheese, milk, soybeans, apples, nuts, dried apricots, cabbage, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. In winter, the process of obtaining calcium is difficult due to a lack of vitamin D. Without ultraviolet radiation, the body will not be able to produce vitamin D, and it regulates the balance of calcium in the human body.

What are the benefits of eggshells?

Doctors have confirmed that eggshells are a source of calcium, great way for treatment the following diseases: rickets, scurvy, anemia and, of course, diathesis. The eggshells of chicken eggs contain a lot of calcium, but it should be noted that they are chicken eggs and not some other kind. Before grinding the shells, they are thoroughly warmed up.

What are the benefits of eggs? Egg shells as a source of calcium are necessary for normal operation body. If you ask grandmothers about the benefits of eggshells, they will be able to tell you a lot. They used it to treat diseases of the digestive system. For example, eggshells are used in stomach treatment as a source of calcium. Its benefits are significant both for diseases of the respiratory system and for lesions of the genitourinary system.

Preparing eggshells with citric acid

To the serving you must add at least four drops of lemon juice and one drop of vitamin D, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Should be taken three times a day with meals. The dosage depends entirely on age, ranging from approximately 1.5 to 3 grams per day.

This shell powder with lemon juice and vitamin D is very useful for children 1-6 years old, because it is at this age that the formation processes take place bone tissue.

How to prepare eggshells as a source of calcium: treating diseases

  1. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis. The child should be given ¼ teaspoon of shells twice a day. The result can be seen within three to four weeks, but sometimes it may take two to three months.
  2. Hives, prickly heat, others You need to boil 15 eggs, remove the shells from them and brew it with boiling water in a three-liter jar, leave for one day. This solution can be used for washing, bathing babies, drinking, and you can also cook food with this infusion. Calcium is very important for women. For osteoporosis, you should take no more than 5 grams of eggshells.
  3. Bronchial asthma. This powder should be taken three times a day: morning, lunch and evening, starting with one gram and ending with 0.1. Then increase again to one gram and so on for 30 days. Then take a month off and start the course of treatment again. Asmatics can be prepared more delicious medicine, which can be prepared according to the following recipe: the shells of 10 eggs should be filled with the juice of 9-10 lemons, then placed in a dark place for 10 days. This solution should be mixed with another mixture: 10 yolks should be thoroughly beaten with 10 tablespoons of sugar and add 500 milliliters of cognac. The medicine must be mixed well. Now it is completely ready for use. You need to take it one tablespoon three times a day.

Correct use of eggshells

Currently, ordinary whey is very often used as an eggshell solvent. For example, you can cite one ancient recipe that helps remove kidney stones. In a warm place you need to ferment one three-liter jar of milk and do it in a water bath. Place three fresh eggs into the cooled whey. The jar must be carefully tied with gauze and placed in a dark, warm place for 10 days until the shell is completely dissolved.

Next, the eggs should be removed from the jar, the film should be pierced with a knife, the contents should be carefully mixed with 300 grams of honey. The film should be thrown away, and the mixture itself should be slowly poured into the whey and kept in the refrigerator for a day. It is necessary to drink, heated in a water bath, at least 0.5 glasses on an empty stomach an hour before meals and in the evening before bedtime.

Before you need to know that it should under no circumstances be used for oncological diseases. Men also need to take this into account, because if you overdo it, you can get prostate cancer.

Treatment with shells has been known for a long time; previously, it was most often used in burnt form as a powder for diseases such as ulcers. Burnt powder is blown into the nose and thereby stops it. You cannot store eggshells in a bag, because moths may appear; it is best to put them in a glass jar and close the lid.

In order to reduce calcium loss, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee, tobacco, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Be healthy!

If you lack calcium and are forced to buy expensive drugs to compensate for its deficiency in the body, remember that you have a more affordable and completely safe alternative - eggshells. The benefits and harms of any substance are determined by its recommended dose. Even a natural and seemingly completely neutral drug, if not followed, can negatively affect the human body. Next, we will look at how to take eggshells, talk about what properties they have and reveal the secret of their positive effects on the body.

Healing properties of shells: revealing folk secrets

Eggshells are a storehouse of useful substances that have been used for many years. Besides high percentage calcium content, the shell contains more than 30 minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, silicon. Moreover, all these elements are in maximum convenient form for absorption by the body. After entering the intestines, they are quickly absorbed and absorbed.

Eggshells are used for bones, because it makes them stronger and helps to heal faster after fractures. It is important to remember that eggshells as a source of calcium and other macroelements can only be used if they are correct dosage.

How to properly prepare and consume eggshells?

To begin with, it should be noted that the shells of any poultry - chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, quails, pigeons - can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. But its shade does not matter and does not affect the amount of nutrients in any way. Of course, it is recommended to use exclusively fresh homemade eggs, since they contain the maximum amount of all the “benefits”. To prepare remedy from eggshells you need to perform a number of simple steps.

  1. Wash the eggs thoroughly with warm water, preferably scrub them thoroughly with a brush.
  2. Pour out the entire contents, and boil the shell itself or soak it for 30 minutes in a glass of water with a tablespoon of soda. After this, the shell should be dried. IN hot weather in the sun, on the hob or in the oven - but the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. The benefits and harms of eggshells directly depend on the correctness of their preparation, because it allows you to get rid of the main negative factor of eggs - salmonellosis. That is why heat treatment cannot be neglected!
  3. Grind the dry shells to a powder state, for which you can use a porcelain mortar or a spice mill with glass knives. It is important not to use metal objects for grinding, as contact with them reduces the effectiveness of some minerals.

Already ground shells can be consumed with food, added to drinks, or packaged in medicine capsules.

Most common uses

  1. Eggshells are an excellent remedy for eliminating calcium deficiency, as well as cleansing the body, which can be given even to children. To prepare this medicine, you need to add lemon juice to the already crushed shell until a paste forms.
  2. Eggshells for allergies can be used at any age, and for more effective treatment it can be mixed not with water, but with milk
  3. Eggshell for fractures is a highly effective remedy that allows you to speed up the healing process several times. You need to take half a teaspoon of shell powder 2-3 times a day until complete absence symptoms.

And of course, eggshells are indispensable during pregnancy, because with their help you can completely compensate for the loss of calcium and at the same time not worry about the health of the child, because the shell is completely natural product!

Eggshells in the treatment and prevention of diseases

What are the benefits of eggshells? It contains 90% calcium, which is fully absorbed at any age. Daily dose this useful element high, since calcium is important for the normal course of metabolic processes. Every environment in our body participates in chemical reactions, consuming calcium. If the body lacks an element, symptoms appear Negative consequences: dental problems, dull and falling hair and other ailments.

For reference! Lack of calcium is the first reason for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is one of the most common and dangerous diseases.

It is extremely important for expectant mothers, young children, nursing mothers, and women during menopause to consume eggshells. A child should normally receive 400-800 mg of calcium daily. In an adult, the dose is usually several times higher than for children. Daily norm you can provide by consuming, for example, 1 kilogram. Will you be consuming pounds of dairy products? This is hardly possible within the framework of a standard diet. And here the shell comes to the rescue.

Benefits and harms: complete list

If we are talking about doses, we should remember that excess calcium is even more harmful than its temporary deficiency. Excess substances settle in the form of stones, disrupting the passage of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

How to drink eggshells to take advantage of only positive properties drug and enrich the body with natural calcium? For an infant, the ground shell is given on the tip of a knife; for an older child, this dose is doubled. If your child is often sick or grows poorly, think about a remedy such as eggshells. There is nothing better than natural, natural supplements for children. The average dose for adults is one quarter of a teaspoon.

Eggshell powder can be added to food, baby food, or washed down with water. One course of taking the drug is 30 days. After this, a break is taken and the course is subsequently resumed.

Remember that while taking eggshells, you should monitor your intake of calcium-rich foods. Focus on how you feel, listen to how your body reacts to the introduction of the drug into your diet. Subject to a healthy, balanced approach, enriching the diet with quickly absorbed calcium will only benefit both the adult and the child. For maximum result It’s good to diversify your diet with foods rich in vitamin D and get sunbathing. In this case, calcium saturation will occur faster and more efficiently.

Eggshells for your beauty

To strengthen the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside, masks are made that contain eggshells. For hair, use a mask based on cucumber and olive oil. It has a positive effect on the structure of curls, strengthens them, and gives the hair fullness and elasticity.

To prepare the base composition, take, cut into small pieces, mash them to a liquid state and combine with eggshell powder. Add to the resulting slurry. All you have to do is apply it to your hair and wait a little. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. All you have to do is enjoy the result!

Please note that you can strengthen your hair using this scheme no more than 2 times a month.

So, calcium can be called one of the most important elements for the healthy functioning of the body. It is the main material for strong bones, teeth, hair. Many foods are filled with calcium, but only eggshells can quickly compensate for its deficiency. The benefits and harms of this simple product has been studied all over the world for a long time and most doctors say that the shell can be called the safest additive to the diet.

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The shells left over from raw or boiled eggs are often used by housewives as fertilizer or a cleaning agent. And many have heard about eggshells as a source of calcium. The benefits and harms of eggshells in this case deserve careful study. When starting to use shells for medicinal purposes, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to therapy. You also need to learn how to properly prepare and process the ingredient, and understand when and in what dosages it should be used.

Eggshells are a natural source of calcium

The natural shell was invented by nature not only to protect the developing chick. It also supplies the embryo with useful substances that stimulate its growth. According to scientists, eggshells are a perfectly balanced set of mineral components and amino acids. At the right approach it can indeed become a source of calcium, which is suitable for maintaining bones, muscles and other body tissues in optimal condition.

In addition to calcium carbonate, which makes up 92% of the total volume of the shell, numerous amino acids and mineral components can be distinguished in its composition. Among them are fluorine, phosphorus, and silicon, which are contained in compounds that are ideally absorbed by the human body. Studies have shown that this combination of elements, as in eggshells, is the most effective in treating a number of pathologies.

Benefits of eggshells

It is the composition of the product that underlies the benefits of eggshells. Using specific processing techniques, you can count on a therapeutic effect:

  • In total, eggshells contain about 30 chemical elements and connections. After entering the intestines, they are actively absorbed by the mucous membrane and quickly absorbed by the tissues. This can prevent or treat certain deficiency conditions. This moment It is especially important for pregnant women, who often have a lack of calcium, which is so necessary for the formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby.
  • Studies have shown that when eating eggshells, the body absorbs about 20% of the calcium it contains. This is enough to maintain the health of the skeletal system.
  • Egg shells also help in the presence of pathologies. It is effective for childhood rickets, curvature of the spine, anemia. The product accelerates the process of bone tissue restoration after fractures.
  • WITH positive side eggshell as a product also manifests itself in colitis, gastritis and dermatitis of an allergic nature.
  • Eating shells speeds up the healing of ulcers and reduces bleeding time. It strengthens brittle nails and hair, improves the condition of teeth.
  • People who regularly take eggshells suffer less from slagging in the body. This occurs due to the ability of the shell components to accelerate the synthesis of blood cells and quickly remove radioactive elements from tissues.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, you need to know how to take and prepare the remedy, and how often to use it. In addition to universal rules, there are also specific patterns for using shells.

Damage to eggshells

Even in the case of such useful product, like an eggshell, is not without contraindications and potential risks:

  • With raw or undercooked eggs, there is a risk of salmonella infection. The shell must be washed thoroughly.

For therapeutic purposes, it is best to use very fresh village eggs. If this is not possible and you have to use a store-bought product, it is better to boil it. Although there will be less benefit, the risk of salmonellosis will also decrease.

  • For a person suffering from higher level calcium in the blood, eggshells will cause serious problems. Before using the shell therapeutic purposes, you need to do a blood test and consult a doctor.
  • Eating shells is contraindicated if you have cancer.
  • At peptic ulcer or gastritis powder should not be consumed with lemon juice, and it is also not recommended to be taken as a mixture with water.
  • Hypertension, heart disease and arrhythmia are also on the list of contraindications.
  • Therapy will have to be abandoned in case of complete or partial intestinal obstruction.

Improperly prepared eggshells can damage the integrity of the digestive mucosa. Therefore, its processing must be approached very carefully.

Preparing eggshells

For cooking medicine chicken eggs are most often used, but goose, duck and other analogues are no less useful. They can be raw and cooked, white and colored. Some experts believe that the benefits of eggshells white several times higher, but this theory has no scientific confirmation.

In any case, the preparation will be as follows:

  1. The raw egg must be washed several times with warm water and soap. Then you should remove the shell from the egg, then rinse well in cool water.
  2. Now the workpiece should either be boiled for 5 minutes in plain water, or soaked in the solution for half an hour (a teaspoon of powder per glass of drinking water).
  3. Next, shell into mandatory calcined in a frying pan or in the oven. At all stages, you should try to separate the films from inner surface shells.

Preparation done this way kills everything. pathogenic microorganisms. The shells become more fragile. The next step is to grind them to a fine, homogeneous powder.

Grinding and receiving eggshells

Experienced people believe that it is necessary to limit the contact of eggshells with metal. To grind the shells, it is best to use a glass or porcelain mortar and pestle. Today you can find coffee grinders made of durable glass on sale. They allow you to quickly turn the shell into powder of the desired quality.

Some people cannot stand the taste and smell of shell powder, even though they are mild. In this case, the powder can be filled into gelatin capsules and taken with the desired frequency, washed down a small amount water.

From how to take medicinal mixture depends on its effectiveness. A universal option for using powder for preventive purposes is as follows. A teaspoon (without a slide) is mixed with the same amount of water or. The homogeneous mass should be swallowed and washed down with plenty of water. The powder should always be taken at the same time - three times a day, before meals. The course of prophylactic administration lasts up to 2 months, therapeutic - up to 4 months.

Rules for treating eggshells

There are many options and regimens for treating calcium deficiency and other eggshell problems. They depend on the person’s condition, diagnosis, age and desired effect. Here are some of the most popular and effective approaches:

  • Bone fractures. Mix a teaspoon of powder in a cup of tea or water and drink until the powder precipitates. Take the powder three times a day.
  • Osteoporosis. 20 minutes after dinner, take half a teaspoon of powder and wash it down with kefir, juice or milk (an additional source of calcium). The duration of the course is 4 weeks. It is recommended to conduct it annually.
  • Heartburn. Mix 2.5 teaspoons of crushed eggshells in a glass of cool milk. The resulting suspension should be drunk before the powder precipitates.
  • Diathesis. First, a quarter teaspoon of shell powder should be mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice. The resulting product is mixed with lukewarm drinking water in equal proportions. The child is given the drink after meals for three months. If the baby is under six months old, the powder is taken at the tip of a knife.
  • Allergy. The powder is mixed with lemon juice in equal proportions. Usually take a teaspoon of the components. The medicine must be taken three times a day for a month.
  • Gastritis and ulcer. In this case, it is better to use dry powder, then it will reduce the acidity of the stomach and alleviate the condition. The powder should be slightly heated in a frying pan without oil before use. If you have difficulty swallowing, you can drink the powder with water.

You should not prepare egg powder for several weeks or even days in advance. It is better to prepare the required amount every morning for the coming day. Shell powder exhibits maximum effectiveness as a source of calcium when it is fresh. Even short-term storage can provoke growth pathogenic microflora, which can lead to poisoning.