How to make turunda with boric acid to treat ears, how to apply it and how long to keep it in the ear canal? Treatment of ears with boric alcohol

Boric alcohol in ear

Boric alcohol in the ears

Before you figure out how to use this substance to treat otitis media, it is important to know how boric acid differs from boric alcohol. Acid is a powdery substance white, which is odorless, looks like scales and is poorly soluble in water.

Boric alcohol is boric acid dissolved in 70 percent ethyl alcohol.

Do not use boric alcohol inside the ear for perforation eardrum and kidney disorders

And now about how much boric alcohol to drip into the ear and how to do it correctly. Treatment begins with warming it up: you can warm up the entire bottle of alcohol by dipping it in hot water, or warm up the portion already prepared in the pipette in your hands. Next, you need to clean the ear canal using hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs.

Boric alcohol is used in several ways:

1) Instillation in a side lying position. Boric alcohol is instilled into the child's ear in the amount of 3-4 drops, the dosage for an adult is 5-6 drops. You should lie on your side for 5-10 minutes, then put a piece of cotton wool in the ear hole. It is important to treat both ears in this way, even if one hurts.

In the first 3-5 days, you should instill the product 3 times a day, and in the next few days you can carry out the procedure before going to bed. When instilled, itching, burning, and tingling may occur, which will go away after a few minutes. The total course of therapy should not exceed more than 2 weeks.

2) Laying turundas. Is more gentle and no less effective method therapy. For the procedure, cotton wool is taken, rolled into a flagellum, moistened in heated boric alcohol and placed in the ear hole overnight. The top of the turunda should be covered with a piece of dry cotton wool.

3) Applying a warm compress. This compress should be used with caution, since heat is contraindicated during the active development of the inflammatory process. But one-time use of a warming compress is quite possible - it is better to do it at night when severe pain in the ear.

You can even make such a compress for a child over a year old, if you are sure that it is his ear that is bothering him.

Boric alcohol should not be used inside the ear if the eardrum is perforated or if kidney function is impaired. Some doctors do not even recommend using the substance for children under 16 years of age (although some are inclined to believe that boric alcohol is quite safe for children to use).

Ear pain is a real challenge for both adults and children. Against the background of this condition, a decrease in performance occurs, sleep is disturbed, and the general well-being of the patient worsens. Boric alcohol is often used to relieve ear pain. This medicine should be used in compliance with a number of rules, since otherwise it can cause serious harm to your health. Despite the fact that boric alcohol has been successfully used for a long time, today doctors have begun to consider it not so effective drug for ear pain, and it begins to give way to more modern medicines.

What is the difference between boric acid and boric alcohol

Boric acid is a crystalline substance that is colorless and odorless and exhibits mild acidic properties. Its solution in ethyl alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees is boric alcohol. Today you can buy boric alcohol at the pharmacy in concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and even very strong -5%. When treating the ear, the drug with a concentration of 2% is most often used.

Indications for the use of boric alcohol for ear pain

Boric alcohol can be used to treat ear pain for many diseases. This drug helps when diagnosed:

  • otitis externa;
  • otitis media until the perforation of the eardrum;
  • stuffiness and pain in the ear due to severe hypothermia;
  • ear pain due to a cold;
  • ear pain due to a viral infection;
  • boil in ear canal;
  • ear canal injury.

If there are indications for use, alcohol is used for instillation or insertion of cotton wool soaked in it into the ear. Sometimes compresses are also made with this drug to warm the sore ear.

Contraindications for the use of boric alcohol

Not everyone can use boric alcohol to treat a sore ear. There are a number of contraindications that should not be violated. Any disregard for the prohibition on treatment with this drug may lead to severe consequences, which will have to be eliminated with medical assistance. It is necessary to refuse treatment with boric alcohol when the following contraindications exist:

  • pregnancy period at any stage;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • discharge of pus from the ear;
  • discharge of ichor from the ear;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • allergic reaction to the drug.

In addition, you should also take into account that using boric alcohol for more than 10 days is unacceptable.

Side effects of boric alcohol

In some patients, the drug may cause a number of side effects. If they occur, you must immediately stop using of this medicine and consult your doctor. Side effects from the use of boric alcohol include:

  • headache varying intensity;
  • oliguria;
  • rashes on the skin in the ear area;
  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • kidney failure;
  • state of shock.

In the vast majority of cases, patients tolerate boric alcohol well, and side effects occur only with a significant overdose of the drug.

General rules for instilling boric alcohol into the ear

Treatment rules are common for children and adults. It is their violations that usually lead to unpleasant consequences from the use of boric alcohol. It is very important not to forget that this remedy can only be prescribed by a doctor. You should not decide on the use of boric alcohol on your own.

In order for the treatment to bring maximum effect, the ear should be cleaned of earwax using a cotton swab.

Bury in sore ear You can only use the mixture heated to body temperature. If the alcohol is too cold or hot, then when it gets into the ear canal, the pain will only increase. It is better to warm the medicine with warm water. If you heat the drug over a fire, the alcohol can easily overheat and even burst into flames.

From 1 to 5 drops of the drug are injected into the ear per instillation, depending on how much is prescribed by the doctor. The procedure is carried out in a lying position. As soon as the medicine has flowed, close the ear hole with a piece of cotton wool and leave it there for at least 20 minutes. If this is not done, boric alcohol will flow out of the ear too early and will not have the desired effect. therapeutic effect. The number of instillations per day is determined by the doctor for each patient individually.

The drug must be instilled into both ears, even if one is affected by the disease. You cannot inject the medicine into both ears at the same time, otherwise it will leak out of one. I treat the second ear 20 minutes after administering the drug to the first.

In cases where there is not enough time for instillation, you should use cotton wool pads soaked in the drug, which are inserted into the ear.

If there is no improvement after 3–5 days of treatment or the patient’s condition continues to deteriorate, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Features of treating a sore ear with boric alcohol in a child

Boric alcohol can be used for children over 3 years of age only after consultation with an ENT doctor. The medicine is administered warmed, 1 drop into each ear. After waiting 15 minutes after instillation, you need to carefully insert a cotton swab into the ear canal, which will absorb excess alcohol. This is required in order to prevent its exposure to tissue for too long, which can cause irritation.

Instillations for a child are carried out once every 12 hours, unless otherwise recommended by the doctor. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Boric alcohol should be used with extreme caution to treat a sore ear due to the presence of contraindications and side effects. If any unpleasant sensation occurs from using the medicine, you should stop instilling it and choose another treatment according to the doctor’s recommendation.

The compound has disinfectant and antiseptic properties.

Dosage form

An alcohol solution of boric acid is called boric alcohol. The medicine is a clear solution with an alcoholic odor. The drug is widely used for the treatment of otitis media due to its antiseptic properties, good solubility in alcohol and high rate of absorption through the skin. Used in the form of drops and compresses.


  1. The active compound is boric acid;
  2. excipient – ​​70% ethyl alcohol.

Release form

Boric alcohol is packaged in glass bottles with plastic caps, packaged in containers of 10 ml, 25 ml, 40 ml.

The product is also produced in dropper bottles equipped with polyethylene caps, packaged in bottles of 10 ml, 15 ml, 25 ml.

The containers are packed in cardboard packs, on the surface of which there are instructions for using boric alcohol to prepare gauze turunda in the ear.

Pharmacological properties

Boric acid acts on the proteins of microorganisms and disrupts the permeability of cell membranes. Easily penetrates through mucous membranes and skin, can accumulate, and is excreted by the kidneys in 7 days.

Toxicity of the drug

In case of perforations or ruptures of the eardrum, the product penetrates into the body, and manifestations of its toxic properties are possible.

  1. Boric acid is toxic to humans as a general cellular poison - the acid is practically not broken down in the body, but at high concentrations acute poisoning develops, affecting brain tissue, skin, mucous membranes, hematopoietic and germ cells.
  2. Boric acid has a gonadotropic effect - when the compound penetrates into the blood, cases of miscarriages, weakened potency, and infertility are observed.
  3. When boric acid enters the body of a pregnant woman, it exhibits teratogenic properties, disrupting the normal development of fetal tissue.


Used for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases with preservation of the eardrum.

Mode of application

For adults

The drug is prohibited for use in infants by order of 02/02/1987 of the USSR Ministry of Health. Boric acid is potentially dangerous for children of any age.

During pregnancy

Boric alcohol is prohibited for use during pregnancy due to negative influence on the developing fetus. During lactation, you should not use medications containing boric acid.


  1. Kidney diseases;
  2. allergic reaction to the drug;
  3. violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
  4. childhood;
  5. pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects

  1. Skin rash;
  2. itching, burning in the ear;
  3. individual intolerance;
  4. kidney dysfunction.


Symptoms observed upon ingestion acute poisoning:

  1. nausea;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. vomit;
  4. jaundice as a result of liver dysfunction;
  5. kidney dysfunction.

Accidental use of a drug can cause collapse, shock, and death. In case of an overdose accompanied by symptoms of acute poisoning, the patient requires a blood transfusion and hemodialysis.

Vacation conditions, price

Sold without a prescription, the price in Moscow pharmacies for a 25 ml bottle is 10 rubles.

Storage, expiration date

When stored in the dark at a temperature of +15 o C ... + 25 o C, the drug is suitable for

Boric alcohol is considered an inexpensive and proven medicine that is instilled into the ear, following all the rules of the instructions for use. The solution copes with infectious and inflammatory diseases in the ears of various origins. During treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappear, the spread of infection is prevented, and the risk of complications is reduced.

Boric alcohol is often prescribed simultaneously with other drugs aimed at treating inflammatory diseases of the ear. The drug disinfects the surface, stops the spread pathogenic microorganisms, reduces the area of ​​inflammation and reduces the intensity of pain.

It is advisable to prescribe a solution in the ears in the following cases:

  • painful manifestations of varying intensity;
  • inflammation and swelling;
  • itchy, discomfort.

Start treatment on your own medicinal composition it is forbidden. Only after examining and establishing the exact cause of the disease, the otolaryngologist prescribes the exact dosage and appropriate use option. medicinal composition.

Boric acid or boric alcohol in the ear?

Boric acid (powdered substance) and boric alcohol (liquid solution) contain the same active ingredient, which has a disinfecting, antimicrobial effect. Despite this, there are differences between the two medicines.

Boric acid

Boric acid is produced as small white crystals. Based on the crystalline powder, which does not smell and has no particular taste, various other medicinal compositions are made.

A solution of boric acid stops the spread of microbes, disinfects the surface and prevents reinfection infection. Acid is used to treat ear diseases, treat and disinfect skin lesions, and gargle.

Boric alcohol

An alcohol solution based on boric acid helps to quickly cope with symptoms various types inflammation. The composition also contains other auxiliary components. The drug is available with different concentrations of the active ingredient. Most often a 2 or 3% solution is used.

The medicinal composition is sold in dark glass containers of various sizes. Each carton comes with detailed description on the use of the drug.

Otitis is accompanied by an inflammatory process that occurs in various departments hearing organs. The cause of otitis media is bacteria, fungi or viruses. Unbearable, sometimes even shooting pain prevents the patient from sleeping and eating. Boric alcohol in the ear is prescribed in combination with other medications, including antibiotics.

The composition copes not only with the symptoms, but also with the cause of the disease.

The healing effect of boric alcohol

Thanks to the alcohol composition, the following beneficial effects on the body occur:

  • the growth of pathogenic organisms is suppressed;
  • the focus of inflammation warms up;
  • blood microcirculation in the pathological focus is activated;
  • swelling and inflammation decreases;
  • the intensity of pain symptoms decreases.

Even if unpleasant symptoms bother only one ear, instillation and other healing procedures carried out simultaneously on both ears.


Attention! The drug should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children. Penetration of the drug into the body is dangerous and fatal.

In some cases, the medication can be harmful, so it is important to consider contraindications:

  • children under three years of age;
  • acute allergic conditions;
  • damage to the eardrum;
  • intolerance to the constituent components;
  • the period of breastfeeding and any trimester of pregnancy;
  • liver and kidney pathologies.

Be sure to follow the recommended dose. Treatment should not be stopped immediately after the condition improves. If the doctor's instructions are not followed, the risk of side effects increases. To the main adverse reactions from the body that occur during treatment include:

  • drowsiness, feeling of weakness;
  • diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • itchy rash on separate areas skin;
  • convulsive syndrome.

If one of the listed symptoms appears, stop using the liquid solution.

Instructions for using boric alcohol in the ear

Boric solution with alcohol in the ear is allowed to be used in three ways, each of which has its own positive aspects:

  • drops intended for instillation;
  • turundas made of cotton wool or gauze soaked in solution;
  • warming compresses.

All three options for using the medicinal composition have different indications, so you should first obtain a doctor’s prescription. The average duration of treatment is 7-9 days.

Instillation is more suitable when otitis media occurs without complications. Drops destroy bacterial flora, increase local defenses and eliminate the source of inflammation.

It is advisable to apply the compress externally and average shape otitis Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to reduce swelling and pain symptoms.

Before instilling the alcohol composition, it is necessary to clean the ear canals from excess wax and other secretions. Hydrogen peroxide, which is instilled in 7 drops, will help with this. After a while, you need to tilt your head to the side so that the remaining solution flows out. Then wipe off excess sulfur with a cotton swab.

If hydrogen peroxide is used to cleanse the ear canals in children, it is better to dilute the product with water. To administer the medicine, you can use a syringe without a needle.

You cannot use a cold solution, so as not to provoke an increase in all unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, the liquid is preheated.

For an adult

An adult patient needs to drip 3-4 drops of boric alcohol composition into each ear in one session. In order for the medicine to completely reach the site of inflammation, you need to tilt your head to the side and use a pipette to inject the required amount of medicine. You are allowed to use drops no more than four times a day with an interval of 4.5 hours.

To kid

The instructions for use indicate that the drops can be used in pediatrics, but with extreme caution. Boric alcohol is approved for use from the age of three, but the dosage is reduced to two drops. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

It is important to follow the basic rules of how to drip medicinal solution to kid:

  • The composition is preheated.
  • Draw the required amount of solution into a pipette with round edges.
  • The child is then asked to lie on his side.
  • Gently inject the alcohol solution into each ear one at a time.
  • After instillation, the child should lie down for another 7 minutes.
  • Then cotton wool is inserted into the ears.

Before treating a child with a solution of boric alcohol, it is necessary to find out the cause of unpleasant symptoms in the ear.

Compress on the ear with boric alcohol

Compresses are considered effective and safe. The procedure warms the affected area and increases blood flow. The arrival of protective cells of the body, which destroy pathogenic flora, is also activated.

The first minutes after instillation, a tingling and burning sensation may be disturbing; normally, the unpleasant sensations disappear after 5-7 minutes. The compress does not cause such sensations. It is more aimed at relieving pain and warming the source of inflammation.

  • the gauze is folded in several rows, a hole is cut in the middle;
  • the resulting bandage is impregnated with a medicinal composition;
  • after this, the gauze is positioned so that the ear is in the slot;
  • a polyethylene layer with a cutout for the ear is placed on the gauze;
  • then spread a layer of cotton wool;
  • all layers are covered with a warm scarf.

A gauze bandage soaked in boric alcohol should not be placed on the auricle itself. If your skin is sensitive, be sure to ensure there is no burn.

Keep the compress for about 3.5 hours. After removing the bandage, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with cream.

Contraindications to applying a compress are:

  • spicy inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • discharge from the ear of purulent origin;
  • furunculosis.

If these contraindications are not taken into account, the compress will aggravate the course of the disease and will not bring results.

Compress with boric alcohol in the ear

A compress made from cotton swabs soaked in a medicinal composition is considered a safe option for treating inflammatory formations in the ears. The advantage of the treatment method is that the liquid does not leak out, and the effect lasts much longer.

Cotton swab with boric alcohol in the ear

For procedures, you should use only high-quality, sterile cotton wool. Take a small piece of cotton wool, make a 6 cm rope out of it and bend it in half. The resulting halves are twisted.

Turunda in the ear

Ear turundas soaked in boric alcohol also help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease. The treatment option with turundas is allowed to be used even if the eardrum is damaged or boils are detected. Thanks to turundas, the warming effect lasts longer.

To make turundas, gauze or bandage is useful. The material has a number of advantages over cotton wool. The most important advantage is the ability to pass air and water. Thanks to this property, there is no accumulation of inflammatory fluid. Other advantages of the procedure include:

  • the medicine with which the turunda is soaked does not flow back;
  • the drug is distributed evenly;
  • long-term effect of the drug.

Rules that will come in handy when preparing turunda:

  • strips 12 cm long and 8 mm wide are cut out of gauze fabric;
  • the edges are folded inward;
  • then the strip is folded in half;
  • the resulting halves are twisted.

Advice. Since it is difficult to insert a moistened gauze turunda into the ear canal, the solution is instilled after its placement. Do not deepen the turunda too much; the tip must be visible.

The procedure can be repeated up to four times a day. The use of turundas with boron composition should be abandoned in case of leakage purulent form otitis, high temperature body, severe kidney pathologies.

Boric alcohol in the ear during pregnancy

Boric alcohol penetrates the bloodstream, accumulates in tissues and organs, and is not removed from the body for a long time. Therefore, the use of the drug negatively affects the course of pregnancy. It is better to use safer drugs.

The active component of the drug negatively affects the course of pregnancy and fetal development. If a decision has been made to prescribe the drug, use a 1% concentrate.

For severe, shooting pain, prescribe 1-2 drops of an alcohol composition twice a day. The interval between drug administration is 10 hours. It is during this time interval that the drug is partially eliminated from the body and does not create a high concentration of toxins. Duration therapeutic therapy is five days, no more.

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When treating hearing, it is good to use antibacterial boric alcohol, which can be used in the form of instillations and ear turundas. The antipruritic drug effectively treats otitis media and is used as an internal antiseptic and for wiping the skin. Read about the indications, contraindications, dosage, possible side effects facilities.

What is boric alcohol

The drug belongs to antiseptics With antifungal effect. Boric alcohol is used in the ears for inflammation inside and outside auricle. The alcohol solution is clear liquid with a pungent odor, available in the form of drops with 3 and 5% concentration. The first are used to treat otitis, and 5% - for severe ear infections. inflammatory diseases. The drug has a high absorption rate by the skin.


By pharmacological action alcohol is a disinfectant; it is a solution of boric acid in 70% ethanol. Available concentrations are 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5%. The antiseptic solution has antipruritic properties and is used to wipe healthy areas of the skin near areas of inflammation. The drug includes actively active component boric acid (a white powdery substance, insoluble in water), dissolved in 70% ethyl alcohol.

Release form

Popular release formats are 10 ml bottles of 3 and 5% concentration, made of glass with plastic caps. There are volumes of 25 and 40 ml, dropper bottles with 10, 15 and 25 ml of product (equipped with polyethylene caps). The containers are packed inside cardboard packs, outside of which there are instructions for making gauze turunda. Additional formats are:

  • powder - packages of 10, 25 g for preparation aqueous solution before use;
  • solution in glycerin – 10%, bottles of 25 ml;
  • ointment – ​​5%, aluminum or plastic tubes of 10 and 15 ml.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Actively active substance boric acid has antiseptic activity. It is applied topically and penetrates well through the skin and mucous membranes. It is especially quickly detected inside the blood of young children, so it is used with caution. Boric acid is slowly eliminated from the body and can accumulate inside organ tissues. When combined with alcohol, it increases blood circulation, warms, dilates blood vessels, and treats inflammation.

Boric alcohol - application

A popular indication for the use of boric alcohol is the disinfection of the skin of adults and children. Due to the multitude side effects restrictions on the use of the drug have been introduced. Today they are used to treat ears and dermatitis (skin inflammation). Boric alcohol is widely used for otitis (inflammation of the ear cavity) in the form of compresses and cotton wool inside the auricle, for congestion of the ear canals, and other ear diseases.

Directions for use and dosage

For adults, boric alcohol is prescribed for acute and chronic otitis externa. Turundas (small narrow gauze swabs) are moistened with a solution and inserted into the ear canal. For treating affected skin areas with purulent inflammation(pyoderma) the skin is treated by rubbing. A course of treatment chronic otitis alcohol solution should not last more than a week, otherwise there is a risk of toxin accumulation.

A 10% solution with glycerin is used to lubricate diaper rash and colpitis. When treating pediculosis, ointment is used. During operations after eliminating otitis media, powder can be used - insufflation or insufflation is performed. The course of therapy, dosage and method of administration are prescribed by the doctor after an individual examination of the patient and determination of the characteristics of the body. It is better not to self-medicate, because the acid is toxic.

Boric alcohol in the ear

If symptoms of otitis are detected, microbes have got inside the sink, boric alcohol will help in the child’s ear. After the first procedure, relief comes and the pain subsides. Instructions for its use:

  • warm the medicine to room temperature in a water bath (cold medicine can lead to a sharp increase in ear pain);
  • place one drop inside each child’s ear;
  • after a minute, insert a small cotton wool so that it absorbs the remaining moisture;
  • repeat twice a day until improvement occurs.

Adults with complex therapy You can use drops and cotton compresses at night. In the first case, drip warm alcohol 3 drops three times a day in a lying position. In the second situation, soak turundas made of gauze and cotton wool in the product and place it in the ear canal overnight. To make the therapy more effective, clear the ear canal of earwax. Take a solution of hydrogen peroxide, drop 4-5 drops inside the ear, after a few minutes tilt your head so that the remaining wax flows out, clean the passage cotton swab.

For acne treatment

Because of antiseptic properties alcohol effectively reduces the number of acne on the face and other skin surfaces. There are several recipes for getting rid of inflammation:

  1. Mix boric alcohol 3%, salicylic acid 1-2%, with a teaspoon zinc ointment, shake it up. Let it brew for two hours and place it on the refrigerator shelf. Shake before use and apply to problem areas twice a day.
  2. If acne appears, mix 4 tablespoons of boric and salicylic alcohol with 10 tablets of Levomycetin, dissolve, apply to the skin twice a day.
  3. Combine 50 ml of a solution of boric and salicylic alcohol, 7 g of Streptocide and sulfur, apply to the skin in the evening, after 20 minutes - moisturizer.
  4. Fill 4 tablets of Clindamycin and Aspirin with 50 ml of medical alcohol and boric alcohol (in half). Shake, treat before bedtime for 10-14 days. Repeat the course in half a month.

special instructions

Instructions for use contain special instructions, which should not be ignored when using the medicine:

  1. When suction toxic drug may lead to negative systemic effects, so boric alcohol should not be used in children early age(possible fatalities).
  2. Do not let the three percent alcohol solution get into your eyes, otherwise wipe with gauze or a cotton swab and rinse with warm water.
  3. Boric acid negatively affects the developing fetus during pregnancy; it is also prohibited during lactation because it is toxic.
  4. The drug is contraindicated in childhood up to a year.
  5. Does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, and is not prohibited for use when driving vehicles or working with dangerous mechanisms.

Drug interactions

The instructions for use do not mention specific prohibitions and negative effects when used simultaneously with other medications. It is indicated that when the drug is combined with other medications for external use, new compounds can be created that give an unpredictable effect and cause harm. Before taking the product, consult an otolaryngologist.

Side effects

If symptoms of a drug overdose occur, you must stop dripping the solution and symptomatic treatment, including blood transfusion, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis. Side symptoms include:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • local skin irritation, redness of the integument;
  • skin rash, desquamation of epithelium, purulent skin condition;
  • headache, confusion;
  • convulsions, shock (up to fatal outcome);
  • a sharp decline amount of urine excreted;
  • heart failure;
  • overexcitation or lethargy;
  • erythematosis, jaundice;
  • disruption of the liver and kidneys, collapse.


According to the instructions for use of the drug, the following contraindications are identified, in which it is not recommended to instill it or use it for wiping:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding(for treatment of mammary glands);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • age up to one year;
  • individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to components;
  • application to large surfaces of the body;
  • damage (perforation) of the eardrum;
  • purulent otitis media, severe ear infection;
  • elevated temperature bodies.