How to close a gap between back teeth. Is it necessary to remove diastema between teeth? Disease or normal - what does a gap between teeth mean?

Each person strives to express his individuality, achieving this different ways. But in some cases, already having this by nature hallmark, people are trying to get rid of it.

Wide space between central teeth up to 6 mm midline - called diastema, it does not affect the ability to work, does not affect the quality of life, or career success.

True dental diastema

Every 5th inhabitant of the planet has this feature. But for some diastema carriers its presence becomes a significant problem, affecting self-esteem and making communication difficult.

Patients often ask dentists for get rid of diastema.

Typical complaints, if any, are:

  • violation of aesthetics;
  • impaired diction (lisp);
  • stridence (light whistling when pronouncing consonants);
  • splashing of saliva when talking;
  • flickering of the tongue in the lumen during a conversation.

Why does diastema appear?

Gaps occur when a bite is formed along a row objective and subjective reasons:

Objective reasons

  • hereditary factor ( in almost 80% of cases, one of the parents or relatives has this problem);
  • anatomical structure of the median suture of the jaw;
  • abnormal attachment of the frenula (labial frenulum);
  • nonunion of the alveolar process;
  • partial edentia ( lateral incisors are often missing);
  • deviations in the size and shape of the lateral incisors (they come in a pointed cone shape);
  • abnormal location of the incisive foramen on the palate in the midline, when it is too close to the incisors;
  • supernumerary rudiment in the zone of the median suture of the jaw;
  • discrepancy between the sizes of teeth and jaws;
  • malocclusion, when the upper jaw is large and the lower jaw is small;
  • displacement of tooth buds during the formation of the bite;
  • delayed loss of baby teeth;
  • early extraction of molars, due to which the remaining ones are gradually displaced into an empty space, creating noticeable gaps (in this case, the formation of three is also possible);
  • periodontal diseases.


  • bad habits (sucking pacifiers, fingers, lips, tongue);
  • habit of chewing dense, hard objects with the front teeth.


The gap between the teeth is classified according to the reasons for its formation as:

  • false;
  • true.

Diastema of the primary occlusion is called false. A large gap in the midline may be a transient phenomenon in the primary dentition - the primary teeth are simply too small for the rapidly growing jaw.

When changing the bite to a permanent one, a dense row of teeth without gaps is formed.

True diastema forms in the permanent dentition and will not go away without treatment.

Diastema can be described in relation to the midline as:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

Another classification is based on position vertical axis central incisors:

  • corpus displacement of teeth, in which the axes of the incisors are located vertically and parallel to each other;
  • convergence– the incisors are directed towards each other, and the roots in the gums diverge;
  • divergence– the incisors are shifted towards the lateral teeth, and their roots converge towards the midline;
  • tortoanomaly– the front teeth rotate around a vertical axis, due to this a gap is formed between them.

Type of diastema: divergence


To successfully correct a diastema, it is necessary find out the reason for its formation.

The examination begins with collecting an anamnesis - the doctor finds out:

  • The time and circumstances of the appearance of a gap between the teeth, the presence of bad habits.
  • Visually Labial frenulum is assessed, the place of its attachment to the gum.
  • Needed measurements of teeth and jaws, they cannot be done in the patient's mouth. Therefore, the doctor takes impressions, and plaster models are made from them, on which measurements are taken.
  • To clarify the condition of bone tissue and identify additional rudiments, an ordinary X-ray or panoramic orthopantomogram. This allows you to assess the condition of both jaws at once. The examination also determines the position of the vertical axis of the front teeth.
  • Relationship between jaws and mandibular joint are studied using teleroentgenograms (“tele-” in Latin – “remote”).

Correcting the position of teeth, especially in adulthood, is a long process that requires constant monitoring of movement.

If you start correcting a gap without diagnostics, you may not only not achieve the desired effect, but also aggravate the situation; subsequent restoration will require more money and nerves. That's why It is not recommended to rush and neglect the examination.

How to remove this natural feature

Diastema can be eliminated two ways:

  • long-term treatment, as a result of which the teeth will take a new position;
  • elimination of cosmetic defects using modern materials, closing the gap.

Diastema: photos before and after treatment

Treatment involves surgical methods(gingivotomy, excision of the median suture, excision of the labial frenulum) and orthodontic intervention using special devices.

If the gap formed in adulthood

If diastema didn't appear at the same time permanent teeth, A gradually developed in patients over 30 years of age, That in her education most often to blame gum.

Many people develop processes in it over the years:

  • dystrophic (periodontal disease);
  • inflammatory (periodontitis).

The result of these diseases is thin socket walls dissolve or are destroyed by inflammation, teeth lose support, become mobile and shift.

Treatment of periodontopathy is complex, lengthy and not very effective.

Surgeons remove damaged tissue under anesthesia(gingivotomy), and the teeth are united with medical splints for better stability.

Excision of the median suture

The median bone suture is placed in early period embryonic development – on the 5th-10th week of pregnancy, when the head end of the embryo begins to grow in the form of five petals.

The lower and upper jaws are formed from the paired lower and middle ones, and the central petal folds forward and connects with the middle lateral ones, forming the skull. The junction of the three petals is the middle seam. He is very dense and does not allow the front teeth to come together.

Surgeons with anesthesia use two types of interventions:

  • partial resection (excision) of the bone;
  • compactosteotomy - during this operation, several small holes are made in the jaw above the diastema using a drill to weaken the bone.

In both cases, several days after the intervention A prefabricated orthodontic appliance is placed on the central incisors, promoting the displacement of teeth towards the gap.


Normally, the labial frenulum does not reach the central interdental papilla by 5 mm, but sometimes it stretches in the form of a dense cord to the alveolar ridge, separating the incisors.

The bridle separates the incisors

In this case after complete eruption of the incisors (6-8 years), its dissection (frenulotomy) or excision (frenectomy) is performed.. The operation is simple, outpatient, and consists of cutting the frenulum and applying one or two sutures.

After surgery teeth placed in the desired position using an orthodontic appliance, which ensures closure of the lumen.

These surgical interventions, if you have a medical insurance policy, can be performed free of charge in any public dental clinic.

Orthodontic treatment

Diastema can be corrected with artificial crowns on the incisors, which provide mechanical traction using hooks, springs, rods, causing the roots to shift.

In children in school age, When bone jaws is quite pliable, they use Korkhaus, Khoroshilkina, Adigezanov, Reichenbach, Begg devices based on this principle.

The method is not aesthetic (metal crowns are placed on the front teeth for many months), but it is effective.

Removable plates, on which the so-called arm-shaped elastic processes are strengthened in the anterior section - sickle-shaped curved wires that push teeth towards the gap- this design does not catch the eye of others, therefore it is psychologically easier for children to tolerate.


The principle of treating diastema using bracket systems (braces) is the same - hooks and springs are attached to the teeth, bringing them together.

The cost of metal braces is within 5 thousand rubles. Although there are sapphire, ceramic, gold systems, lingual braces, “Incognito”, the price of which is much more expensive (70-80 thousand rubles).


There are cases when, due to professional activity(speakers, artists) the use of noticeable structures is unacceptable.

Aligners are completely transparent, dense, removable aligners that apply constant pressure to the teeth that are to be moved.

To correct a cosmetic defect with the help of aligners, you will need about 20 consistently used aligners, about 9 months of wearing them and about 120 thousand rubles in payment.

The high cost is due to the fact that aligners (for example, Orthosnap, Invisalign) manufactured abroad based on impressions made in our clinics.

Orthopedic treatment

Traditional method - application artificial porcelain crowns, closing the median fissure. But he requires extensive grinding of tooth tissue. This is his flaw. For one porcelain crown you will have to pay 15-25 thousand rubles.


To avoid wasteful grinding of the tooth, you can close the gap using veneers - thin ceramic plates (0.5 mm) that are fixed only on the front side of the tooth. However, it will still have to be sharpened.

Restoration of diastema with veneers

A veneer costs the same as a crown. Its service life is 10 years.


The thinnest plates (0.2 mm), made according to individual cast, according to the color and shape of natural teeth, will reliably hide the diastema for entire 20 years.

They are manufactured by the only American company, Cerinate. innovative technology LIMITray. Application does not require grinding, lumineers are fixed with a special glue that is resistant to acids, alkalis, and any liquids.

One record costs at least 25-50 thousand rubles, you need to beware of fakes.

Veneers and lumineers are not used for bruxism (night grinding of teeth), caries, or increased abrasion of enamel. They must be protected from mechanical damage.

Therapeutic method

Closing the gap with a light-curing filling will help you quickly and inexpensively (from 2 thousand rubles) solve the problem. And even if the material breaks off over time, you can always restore its aesthetic appearance without hassle.

Prevention of dental gap development in a child

From the list of causes of diastema it is clear that in in most cases it is genetically programmed or other objective circumstances.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientist A. Kantorovich, using statistical data, proved the hereditary nature of the diastema. According to modern updated data, true diastema is inherited in 20% of cases where it is present in parents.

It is necessary to identify the gap between the teeth in time childhood and fix it. Little required:

  • From a very early age to fight with bad habits leading to malocclusion.
  • If the child is used to sucking on a pacifier, lips or tongue, orthopedic specialists make an individual vestibular or vestibulo-oral plate, using which the child will get rid of the defect in 1-2 months.
  • Parents need to control the position of the child during sleep - if the child constantly sleeps on his back, then he develops a discrepancy between the sizes of the upper and lower jaw, and this is a direct path to diastema.

It is necessary to show the child to the dentist at least 2 times a year, especially during the formation of a permanent bite (6-14 years).

Fashion trends: keep or get rid of?

Patients complaining of an unattractive smile could often be as well helped by a psychologist as a dentist, 40% of diastema owners easily get along with this feature.

Film actors Nikolai Karachentsov and Konstantin Raikin smile broadly on the screen, showing off their diastema to everyone. Ornella Muti, Madonna and Vanessa Paradis built successful careers without looking back at her.

Following the example of Australian fashion model Jessica Hart, many celebrities have abandoned the correction of their natural bite, maintaining the diastema as a sign of individuality.

Smiles of those with gap hair - show business stars

But Alla Pugacheva did not put up with such a feature, although she came to the height of fame with a diastema.

A fifth of the population has a gap between their front teeth Globe. Some people consider this a disadvantage and try to hide it from others, or better yet, get rid of it; others consider it their highlight. And yet, many are interested in the question of how a gap appears between the teeth and whether it is still possible to get rid of this problem.

Causes of gaps between teeth

The gap between the front teeth has its scientific name - diastema. As a rule, it has several reasons that require solutions.

  1. The replacement of baby teeth occurred quite late.
  2. Strong chewing habit foreign objects(for example, a pen).
  3. Hereditary diastema.
  4. Low-slung frenulum of the upper lip.
  5. Periodontal disease, in which the teeth “walk” and can “diverge” in the center.
  6. Missing tooth in the upper row. At the same time, the remaining teeth move apart due to the freed up space.
  7. The size of the teeth does not correspond to the size of the jaw, which is why there may be gaps among all the teeth.
  8. After illnesses oral cavity Diastema can occur as a complication. This may require a long course of treatment.

Note! If, at the first signs of teeth discrepancy, you do not contact a dentist, do not identify the cause, and do not solve it, then over time the gap will not only not go away on its own, but will also begin to expand.

Types of diastemas

There are two types of gaps between teeth - false and true. False ones appear in early childhood, when teeth just appear. Over time, the gap decreases, and when baby teeth are replaced by molars, the gap disappears completely. True ones are acquired cracks that can only be gotten rid of with the help of a specialist.

Options for eliminating diastema

It is possible and very necessary to eliminate diastema. Not everyone has a small gap between their front teeth that looks cute; more often it spoils the smile, and at the same time the self-esteem of the owner of the “zest.” If a small gap appears, you need to prepare for a visit to the dentist. If your gap is already wide enough, a visit is necessary as soon as possible.

There are several ways to remove diastema. As a rule, treatment is selected individually, in consultation with a specialist.

  1. Plastic. The dentist covers the central teeth with ceramic crowns. Suitable for adult patients.
  2. Orthodontic method. Consists of wearing braces. Mainly prescribed to adolescents and young adults. With the help of braces, the teeth gradually shrink and the gap disappears. But, unlike previous options, treatment will take a long time, at least a year. This method can scare many people, because braces look unsightly. In fact, today many options for braces have been developed that can be almost invisible on the teeth. Note! This method is not only the safest and most loyal. With the help of braces, you can not only remove diastema, but also straighten teeth that are not quite straight and correct your bite.
  3. Surgical intervention. If the problem is the frenulum of the upper lip, then minor surgery can be performed to correct it. It is usually used to treat the disease in children over 8 years of age and adolescents; in older age, the operation will not give anything.
  4. Restoration of the appearance of the tooth. The restoration process consists of building up artificial material onto the surface of the tooth. The procedure does not take much time, but to restore 2 teeth it will take about 1.5-2 hours. It is mainly used to treat adult patients, since the bones have already become stronger and the bite will not be corrected with the help of braces or frenulum surgery, which means the treatment will pass to no avail.

Note! Before restoration, it is necessary to cure the tooth root (if there are problems). The doctor selects the color of the restoration material individually in accordance with the shade of the patient’s teeth, and to apply the substance, the specialist first applies a slight roughness to the side walls of the teeth, without grinding them down.

Possible consequences of diastema

Absence timely treatment is fraught with consequences, that is, the appearance various diseases oral cavity - caries, periodontitis and others. There are known cases when, when applying for a late professional help There was a very strong divergence of the teeth and a change in the bite. To get rid of this result, it was necessary to insert an artificial tooth into the gap, and then build up the adjacent teeth a little.

If the gap causes inconvenience and gradually increases, do not put it off until later. The problem itself will not go away, but going to the dentist too late can cost a pretty penny and a long time. unpleasant treatment from the root cause and consequences. It is better to prevent a disease than to get rid of it later.

Note! To prevent diastema and other oral diseases, it is recommended to undergo preventive examination see the dentist once every six months. As a rule, diastema begins to manifest itself at school age, when baby teeth are replaced by molars. If the gap does not disappear, then it is necessary to take the child to the dentist for examination.

Video: how to get rid of a gap without the help of braces

There is an opinion that the sense of beauty is inherent at the genetic level and is directly related to health. For example, according to the hypothesis, only for the reason that long eyelashes They protect your eyes better from dust than short ones; we consider them beautiful.

Why do we need straight and white teeth? To chew food better. Such a trivial explanation, and yet, a small gap between a person’s front teeth is often a reason for serious worries due to a violation of the aesthetic appearance of the dentition, sometimes developing into a complex.

Diastema is the scientific name for the annoying gap between the incisors and canines, can not only spoil appearance, but also influence diction (not to be confused with trema - the gap between any teeth except the front ones). Modern medicine has a fairly extensive arsenal of ways to solve the problem, depending on the causes of malocclusion.

Reasons for appearance

It is not possible to accurately diagnose the problem of diastema, but in medicine there are a number of assumptions regarding the formation of a gap.

A gap between the frontal incisors and canines can form due to the following associated factors:

Types of diastema

Diastema can be true or false.

False diastema is a gap between baby teeth in children. After the permanent incisors and canines grow, the gaps between them disappear on their own. If this does not happen, we can talk about a true diastema.

There is another conditional classification of diastema.

  • Body displacement due to supernumerary teeth.
  • Lateral deviation of the crown. The roots of the incisors and canines are in the proper places, however, they are crooked.
  • Lateral deviation of roots. The reason may be congenital anomaly or supernumerary teeth.

How to remove?

Before you decide to treat your diastema, you still need to think about whether the problem is really that serious. Any intervention may entail certain consequences.

If the gap is very small, you can consider it a feature, unique, and do not rush to run to the dentist. For example, veneers require serious grinding of teeth, which means they will deteriorate faster. Filling gaps can also lead to subsequent caries.

The main methods of treating or masking diastema:

  • cosmetic correction;
  • artistic restoration;
  • installation of veneers;
  • use of mouth guards;
  • installation of braces.

The technologies of modern medicine can easily eliminate an unpleasant defect. There are many methods for this, depending on the cause and nature of the problem.

A chip can be removed with cosmetic correction. This method is the fastest, however, there is a possibility of caries forming at the junction between the filling and the tooth, and also that the filling material will change color over time, disrupting the aesthetic appearance.

The dentist matches the enamel to the color of the teeth and fills the gap. This technique is used mainly when the adjustment natural methods does not bring results.

Veneers - a modern technology for eliminating defects. Special plates matching the color of the tooth enamel are installed in place of the gap and make the smile unique. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to walk for a long time with braces or mouthguards.

Photo: on the left - the gap between the front teeth, on the right - veneers installed “on the diastema”

In addition to getting rid of chipping, you can improve the appearance and color of the front row as a whole. However, the disadvantage of this method is the forced slight grinding of the enamel.

The most harmless method is orthodontic, the purpose of which is to correct malocclusion by installing braces or mouth guards. The brace system is attached to the frontal dentition, gradually bringing the canines and incisors closer together. The duration of treatment depends on the width of the gap and the age of the patient.

So, small child It may take 3 months to eliminate the defect, and for an adult – 2 years, since his jaw is already formed, and correcting the bite is much more difficult.

Mouthguards- another design used by orthodontists to correct malocclusion. Mouthguards are small cases into which incisors and canines are placed. Each of them applies slight pressure, correcting the incorrect position of the teeth.

The advantage of aligners over braces is based on the fact that the former can be removed; in addition, they look more aesthetically pleasing than braces due to their transparent appearance and a special gel that makes the smile visually whiter.

Artistic restoration masks diastema by applying several layers composite material, which hardens under the influence of ultraviolet light.

Let's watch the following video and decide for ourselves whether to leave or remove the diastema:

How much does it cost to remove diastema?

The price for eliminating a defect depends on the clinic providing dental services, the complexity of the work, and the method of eliminating the defect.

The optimal treatment option for diastema can only be determined by a doctor after examining the oral cavity. Only after the patient, after consulting with him, has decided on the method of eliminating the diastema, can the cost of the services provided be approximately determined.

To make a choice dental clinic, you need to obtain information regarding the qualifications of an orthodontist or dentist. You can find out where the price-quality ratio is excellent by reading reviews of clinics, mainly about orthodontists.

Prices for installing braces and aligners fluctuate from 5,000 rubles(for metal braces) up to 70,000 rubles(expensive mouthguards). The initial payment usually does not exceed 50% of the payment, then payment is made monthly as you visit and examine the doctor.

Dental restoration by filling is the cheapest procedure from 2000 rubles.

Examinations and diagnostics in clinics are often free of charge. You can use this service and visit several specialists to make your final choice.

It is necessary to approach this issue responsibly, to correlate the required costs and results. The most expensive is not always the best, but you shouldn’t skimp on your health either.

Diastema in a child

A child under six years of age is developing jaws and teeth, so before this period, if a gap is detected between the front teeth, there is no reason to worry
. Moreover, the presence of a small gap between the incisors and canines, as a rule, indicates the natural normal development of the jaw system.

In order for your child’s teeth to develop strong and straight, you need to visit the dentist at least twice a year. If a child is predisposed to caries, it is necessary to examine the child’s oral cavity at least once every three months.

If a true diastema is identified, solve the problem in early age possible in several ways:

  • pre-orthodontic;
  • orthodontic;
  • surgical.

The pre-orthodontic method involves the installation of trainers or plates. The silicone trainer gently acts on uneven incisors, gradually reducing the gap. The trainers can be removed, which is very convenient for a child to use. In adulthood, trainers cannot correct diastema.

Minor curvature can be overcome with the help of plates. They are removable, which makes them convenient to use.

The surgical method involves cutting the tissue of the frenulum of the upper lip to move it to its proper place. Corticotomy is a rather painful operation requiring post-operative care so that the wound heals as quickly as possible.

The orthodontic method involves installing a rubber structure that bridges the gaps within a week. Then a carbon retainer is placed inside the tooth, preventing the teeth from returning to their original crooked position. You need to wear the retainer for a year.

The method is painless and is one of the most optimal. Installing and removing the device takes no more than 15 minutes; the retainer does not cause discomfort when worn, which is important for a child.

If children's diastema is caused by supernumerary teeth, then they are removed, and then the rest are aligned. Removing healthy teeth is a painful procedure that requires postoperative care.

There is no problem that cannot be solved. If a diastema occurs in a child, parents should take care of their child and correct widely spaced front teeth as early as possible so that the child does not develop complexes and psychological trauma in adolescence.

For adults suffering from this deficiency, the problem can also be solved quickly and easily. Thanks to technological progress, it is not difficult for an orthodontist to correct malocclusion caused by gaps between the incisors and canines, and as a result, a person has unique opportunity give the world a snow-white, magnificent smile.

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For many, the gap that exists between the teeth is considered a huge disadvantage. Some, on the contrary, try in every possible way to highlight it in order to seem different from others. This occurs when a person has a large jaw and small teeth, and the smile turns out to be unattractive. Many people wonder: is it possible to remove this gap?

Types of gaps between teeth

The resulting cracks can be divided into two groups: trema and diastema.


This type gaps form at the moment when baby teeth form. There may be rapid jaw development but slow tooth growth and vice versa.

There are two types of trems:

  • Physiological. During the formation and growth of jaw bones in a child, as well as in an adult, if the size of the gap does not exceed 0.7 mm.
  • Pathological. This type can be formed at a time when the bite is already formed and the gap exceeds 1 mm. This type of disease is typical for gum disease, bone tissue atrophy and jaw deformation.


As a doctor, I will say that you need to treat teeth and correct them. Nowadays medicine offers many methods to make teeth beautiful.

If you urgently need to transform your teeth, then this is the ideal solution. Extremely comfortable, thin, installation takes a few minutes. Your smile will become flawless!

Mainly occurs between the front upper teeth, can reach a size of 7 mm.

It can also be of two types:

  • False. This diastema can appear during the development of baby teeth and often goes away on its own after the lateral incisors erupt.
  • True. It is formed after the period of growth of baby teeth ends and represents a large gap between the front teeth with dense and short bridle located very close to the teeth.

Reasons for appearance

There are some reasons why gaps may appear between teeth.

These include:

  • Inconsistency between the size of the jaw and teeth. With a large jaw and small teeth, a gap appears in the gap. There are also situations when the jaw is small, but the teeth grow too large, they begin to curl and do not grow as expected. There may also be an abnormal deviation; in this case, gaps may appear between different teeth.
  • If the tooth buds are located incorrectly. In this situation, a gap may occur between the teeth; in rare cases, the cause is some kind of neoplasm.
  • Childhood habit of thumb or pacifier sucking, as well as chewing nails, pens, pencils and other office items.
  • If the frenulum is too large over the upper teeth she falls between two upper teeth and prevents them from closing.
  • In cases of abnormal swallowing reflex. When swallowing, most people press their tongue against the surface of the palate, and some against their teeth; this habit leads to the advancement of the front teeth and, accordingly, to the formation of a gap between them.
  • For periodontal diseases. In severe forms, this disease manifests itself in the form of loosening of the teeth, which subsequently leads to the formation of a gap.
  • During childhood, there is the possibility of a gap between the teeth, but in such a situation it is too early to make diagnoses, because height permanent teeth continues and they have not yet taken their place.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest remedy- Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Possible negative consequences of a gap between teeth

At first glance, such a small nuance as a gap between teeth can lead to very negative consequences.

Diastema can lead to such phenomena as: speech disorder, in this case, a whistling effect or a lisp during pronunciation may appear.

This defect cannot be corrected with the help of a speech therapist.

The formation of a diastema can ruin the bite, resulting in distortion of facial features may occur. If this defect is detected, it is urgently necessary to correct it in order to prevent the formation of periodontitis and other dental diseases.

Stories from our readers!
“I use veneers for special and important events while I am doing dental treatment and restoration. They really save me!

Before attaching, I moisten the plate with water and press it to my teeth. Universal size. They are very comfortable, do not interfere with the mouth at all and look great."


Nowadays, there are several ways to get rid of such a defect. But it is worth remembering that the sooner you start treatment, the easier and faster the problem will be eliminated.

At home

If a false diastema has formed, it should go away on its own over time. It is impossible to get rid of this defect at home without visiting a specialist.

At the dentists

Before determining the procedure for getting rid of the gap between the teeth, a specialist must determine the cause of the defect and then prescribe treatment. There are several methods.

Orthodontic method is the installation of a special device on the surface of the teeth. This method is the longest and can take from one year to three years.

There are two orthodontic methods:

  • Braces. A very common solution to this problem, installing braces is effective and safe procedure, but the result will be obtained after a rather long period of time. They can help get rid of gaps of any nature and correct malocclusion. better in childhood, because in an adult the formation skeletal system is already completed and even after treatment, the teeth can return to their original position. To avoid this situation, the doctor can install a retaining plate on the back wall of the teeth. The downside to installing braces, in addition to long-term wearing, is that throughout the entire treatment period they cannot be removed. Many people think that they will look ugly when installed. But in modern medicine It is possible to install braces made of a material that will be almost invisible on the teeth, although this type will be very expensive.
  • . They are plastic covers that are very carefully placed on the teeth; this method of treatment is used when there is a small gap in the teeth. Mouthguards are made individually for each patient. An impression of the teeth is made and, using a computer, the mouth guard itself is made. This type has its advantages, unlike braces, they can be removed. This fact simplifies the process of eating and brushing teeth. It is also possible to whiten teeth using a mouthguard; in this case, the doctor must add a special solution to the composition.

Orthopedic method These are very thin plates that are attached to the front teeth and quickly eliminate the gap between the teeth. Thickness of this plates does not exceed 0.7 mm. Before installation, it is necessary to properly prepare the teeth. The first thing that happens is that the teeth are thoroughly polished, and a specialized gel is applied to their surface, which protects their surface.

If the technology is violated, there is a possibility of caries. When installing, the dentist must match this material to the color and shape of the patient’s teeth. This type of treatment has its own advantages: veneers do not stain when drinking or eating, and cannot cause allergic reactions, they are completely safe for the gums, very strong and durable. But there are also disadvantages: high cost, and with prolonged wear there is the possibility of caries.

Method of artistic restoration, similar to conventional filling. The doctor uses a special solution to close the gap between the teeth. This partition acquires strength and natural color.

With help surgical method , gap correction is performed in children adolescence. Surgical intervention is performed when the size of the frenulum between the teeth is incorrect. With help this method It is possible to help the teeth grow properly and the diastema will disappear completely over time.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of treatment will depend on the procedure performed and the location of the clinic. Approximate minimum cost installations veneers from 6000 rubles and above. A braces will cost depending on the type approximately 20,000 rub. After removing braces, dentists recommend retainers. ? This is a special design that does not allow teeth to move apart after braces.

If there is a gap between the teeth or there is a natural gap, you don’t need to put up with it. To avoid various problems If you have problems with your teeth, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible and find out the cause and type of diastema.

If the disease is true, then treatment must be started as soon as possible, because The sooner you start the procedure, the easier and faster the result will be achieved.

There is a separate problem in aesthetic dentistry that is often ignored by patients. Diastema or a large gap between the teeth is perceived by many as an ordinary defect that does not require attention. In fact, the pathology greatly affects the ability to pronounce certain sounds clearly and correctly and spoils the smile. In adolescence and in the fairer sex, the defect becomes a cause of embarrassment, forcing one to communicate less frequently and appear among strangers. Modern technologies allow you to eliminate this gap with minimal time.

Causes of diastema

A large gap between the teeth is a defect and is not considered normal development. This is a noticeable gap between two crowns, which most often forms in front on upper jaw. This most common pathology is recorded in 20% of people in mild form(from 1 to 5 mm), and in 8% it is severe (up to 10 mm distance). Sometimes the problem affects the teeth of the lower row, and is combined with curvature, destruction of enamel and similar congenital anomalies.

Dentists have noticed that a gap in the dentition is transmitted genetically in every second case. Other causes of the defect include:

  • congenital anomalies of the frenulum of the tongue or upper lip (it may be too short or thick);
  • later in time;
  • cleft palate (cleft lip and other similar pathologies of newborns);
  • absence of tooth buds (edentia), when there is free space on the jaw.

Often, diastema between the teeth becomes a consequence of the child’s negative habits during the formation of milk crowns: constant sucking of the pacifier, gnawing on the hard edge of a toy, prolonged feeding from a bottle. The incorrect placement of crowns is affected by the lack of calcium and other minerals in the baby’s diet, without which it is impossible to build strong molars or incisors.

People can experience gaps between their teeth even at a fairly mature age. This is influenced by the habit of constantly chewing a pencil or pen, and eating sunflower seeds. Sometimes this is a consequence of a jaw injury in which the bone has not healed properly or the connecting plate has broken. In rare situations, a diastema appears in patients after chewing molars fall out: the dentition becomes sparse and the crowns begin to diverge.

Tremas are large gaps between the lateral teeth. They are formed for the same reasons as diastema.

Classification of pathology

When diagnosing such a defect, dentists distinguish between false and true forms. The first option often accompanies the germination of baby teeth in children and does not require special treatment. Usually, after replacing molars with molars, the cleft closes and stops bothering the baby. It is advisable to visit the orthodontist more often during this period to monitor the process and adhere to a balanced diet.

At true form diastema - the atypical distance between the teeth only increases every year, curvatures and other irregularities may appear. Here, several subtypes of pathology are conventionally distinguished:

  1. With symmetrical, the anterior crowns diverge parallel to each other and remain relatively even during external examination. It is more common when the frenulum on the upper lip is too short.
  2. With an asymmetrical appearance, the teeth not only have a gap, but are also at an angle. The curvature can affect only one crown. This happens after traumatic removal of a unit or dense intergingival papillae.

In this case, the gap between the front teeth or in another part of the jaw can only be removed through complex prosthetics and long-term treatment.

Symptoms and signs

In the vast majority of identified cases, the defect is wedge-shaped and the teeth are located at an acute angle relative to each other. During the examination, pathologies in the development of the frenulum, too tight a bridge or a short length are detected. Other symptoms depend on the degree of development of the disease:

  • a wide gap or a sharp wedge between two adjacent teeth is visually determined;
  • a person has defects in the pronunciation of certain sounds, especially “whistling” and “growling”;
  • There is an abnormal bite that disrupts the symmetry of the chin and face.

In advanced situations, with a cleft between the front teeth, their darkening, damage by caries and other pathologies are observed. They destroy enamel and lead to early loss of crowns. Pathology can also affect neighboring teeth, causing them to overlap each other. In addition, it has been proven that in people with such a deviation, the risk of developing periodontal disease increases several times.

Features of the examination

Diastema between teeth is easily detected during a dental examination. But pathological process may not be limited to the gap, but affect other areas. To complete the picture, the patient is given x-rays and pictures of the roots of the teeth and jaw are taken. The following methods are no less informative:

  • pictures using a special device from an orthodontist (orthopantomography);
  • taking and making an impression that completely imitates the bite;
  • measurements of the distance between the teeth, the angle of divergence and other features.

If a problem is identified in children, a consultation with a speech therapist-defectologist, an examination by an orthodontic surgeon and other specialists is required.

Methods for removing gaps between teeth

New dental techniques make it possible to cope with even the most unusual violations and remove aesthetic defects in a mature person. The choice of method depends entirely on the width of the passage between the teeth. In the mildest situation, when a gap of no more than 3 mm is diagnosed, complex extensions with photopolymer materials can be used. The dentist carefully increases the area of ​​the crowns, aligns the edges and creates a beautiful effect for many years. This procedure is performed in 1–2 approaches and does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Another option is used if the cause of the gap between the front teeth is a hard frenulum between upper lip and gums. In this case, treatment begins with trimming or plastic surgery of the mucosa. After complete healing, the molars can independently come together and accept correct position. Otherwise, you cannot do without polymer extensions that will help give correct form and the right look.

IN difficult situations patients are offered orthopedic treatment. It is necessary if the gap between the teeth exceeds 4–5 mm and is very noticeable, affects pronunciation and brings moral discomfort. The technique consists of making veneers - individual overlays for molars, which are made from ceramics. Resistant to abrasion and temperature changes, such prostheses are attached to the anterior crowns and cover the defect.

Sometimes the only way treatment becomes installation complex structures. These can be special plates or braces that help straighten the entire dentition. The disadvantage of this technique is time: it takes from six months to 2.5 years to completely eliminate the pathology. In the process, the patient has to frequently visit the dentist for correction and tightening of metal parts. Sometimes the doctor will remove healthy molars to make room for rotation. After removing the system, you will have to wear plastic mouth guards for a certain period at home and leave them for several hours so that they “get used” to the new position and the gap does not appear again.