Which sea is the healthiest: a seaside holiday with health benefits. Lots of benefits. What diseases does salt water treat?

Few people do not like to relax at sea. Among residents of northern countries, a trip to the sea has always been considered to improve the health of the body - they tried to take children and adults weakened after illness to the sea. What is actually the healing role of the sea or is it just a myth?

All in one

Sea bathing actually became extremely popular not so long ago – just no more than a century. Compared to the history of civilization, this is a very short period of time. And what’s more, a century ago people rarely swam in the sea - mainly for health purposes they went there to breathe the sea air. The benefits of sea water and bathing were discussed even later. And not in vain - it turned out that the sea is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Sea water contains the entire periodic table, but the most valuable for humans are the 30 trace elements and minerals it contains, and especially iodine. The combination of minerals dissolved in water and waves accelerates metabolic processes and cleansing occurs at the cellular level.

For skin and mucous membranes

Sea water has an alkaline reaction. It is very useful for human skin - such water has antibacterial properties. This is why it is believed that sea water helps fast healing wounds, helps fight acne. The sea is the best cosmetologist. It cleanses the skin almost free of charge. Sea bathing is recommended for patients with dermatitis and other skin diseases, suffering acne. After a sea holiday, your skin condition is guaranteed to improve.

The killing effect on bacteria and viruses is used to treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Washing sea ​​water help cure chronic runny nose, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis. It is known that after active games at sea with diving, after 2-3 weeks chronic rhinitis, tormenting for years, disappear. In case of chronic sinusitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, stable remission occurs.

Self mechanical impact drinking water while bathing is also extremely beneficial - it produces a micro-massage of the skin surface and activates metabolic processes in the skin, improving lymphatic drainage. Accordingly, cellular respiration is activated, the processes of removing toxins are more intense and the skin changes its structure. better side. Almost everyone noted a decrease in cellulite after a trip to the sea and an increase in skin density.

The microelements contained in sea water easily penetrate the skin and have not only a local, but also a general healing effect. Therefore, for diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems, sea procedures are strongly recommended. It is thanks to this comprehensive impact that a trip to the sea always gives a surge of strength and vigor.

And, of course, improves immunity. Therefore, it is recommended that children who are often ill be taken on vacation to the sea. But here it is worth clarifying that in order for the benefits to really occur, you need to spend at least 3 weeks at sea. Only then will the healing effect fully manifest itself.

The life-giving benefits of micronutrients

The most useful elements, of course, are iodine, calcium, bromine. They help strengthen bone tissue, teeth, gums. Of course, you shouldn’t rinse your mouth with sea water straight from the sea - but you can buy purified sea water at the pharmacy. In order for the rinses to be beneficial, they must last at least 1-2 minutes.

Iodine normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland. This normalizes hormonal background, because the thyroid gland is considered the conductor of the whole endocrine system.

Sea air

Sea air is saturated with ions of elements present in the sea. And there is especially a lot of iodine in it. In addition, the amount of oxygen in sea air is higher. Inhaling such air makes breathing more complete and effective. Almost all parts of the lungs are involved, and the blood is better saturated with oxygen.

Sea air is also devoid of dust and microorganisms, since salt is destructive to bacteria. This air activates the work respiratory system and gradually clears the airways of mucus and harmful substances– gifts of civilization and life in big cities.

Salt crystals contained in the air constantly irritate the respiratory tract and activate blood flow in them. As a result, the activity of the respiratory system improves - the lungs and bronchi are strengthened. It is not surprising that back in the 19th century, doctors advised boat trips to those suffering from tuberculosis. For people with obstructive bronchitis, sea air is simply necessary to obtain lasting relief from their health.

But for patients suffering from pulmonary diseases to really fully experience the benefits, a short 2-week stay at sea will not be enough. It takes at least 4-6 weeks for the course of treatment. Although a short stay will improve immunity and blood supply to organs.

Other amenities

The sea helps to harden the body. In any case, the water temperature is lower than human body temperature. Swimming in the sea and alternating exposure to hot air and cooler water help train blood vessels and harden the body.

And all this together helps not only to improve the health of the body and make it more resistant to diseases, but also to lose weight. excess weight. After the sea, the body tightens up, and overweight are melting.

The benefits of different seas

Any sea is useful. But at the same time, each sea has its own characteristics. A selection of erotica link Let's take a closer look on our website at the benefits of each of the world's most popular seas for relaxation.

Black Sea

The Black Sea has always been considered the best for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. It is no coincidence that the doctor and part-time great Russian writer Anton Chekhov treated tuberculosis in Yalta. Pitsunda is equally useful, where the life-giving effect of the sea is complemented by phytoncides of pine trees growing on the coast.

The healing effect of the Black Sea is due to the moderate salt content and abundance of oxygen, as well as a large number of negatively charged ions. The latter actively saturate the air with pine trees and other conifers. And they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it.

Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov, paradoxically, is one of the most useful in the world. It contains such an amount of microelements that few people can boast of - 92 elements of the periodic table are found in the Sea of ​​Azov. It contains especially a lot of iodine, bromine, and hydrogen sulfide. All these elements determine the amazing usefulness of the Azov Sea for normalizing metabolism.

The fact that the sea is surrounded by steppes only enhances healing effect. The combination of sea and steppe air explains why patients with pulmonary diseases breathe easily here.

What makes the sea unique is the presence of healing mud in it. The Azov Sea is muddy, which is not very popular among vacationers. Into the storm and strong winds Silt rises from the bottom and the sea becomes cloudy. This is why it becomes a real unique hospital, since the silt contains the richest composition of microelements.

Baltic Sea

This is one of the coolest seas. Pine forests rustle around it, saturating the air with phytoncides and negative ions. Mixing with sea salt, the air becomes healing and helps strengthen the immune system. This is one of best places to restore the health of cancer patients and people suffering from pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.

Swimming in the cool Baltic Sea is the best hardening procedure. This is where you should go to harden your body and make it resistant to colds.

Dead Sea

Who doesn’t know that this is the saltiest sea on the planet. There are so many salts in it that it is almost impossible to drown. It contains many microelements and healing mud. It’s not surprising that people come here for treatment, not to relax.

The water contains a lot of bromine, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, chlorides, sulfates, and fluorides. This composition helps improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes, improves metabolism and has sedative effect. Extremely useful water of the Dead seas for people suffering skin diseases and especially psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

The fact that water improves metabolic processes and cleanses the body explains why treatment at the Dead Sea is so beneficial for those who suffer from arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. Staying on it is no less beneficial for those who suffer from gynecological problems, diseases of the nervous and digestive systems.

Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean mild climate again the more useful it is who suffer from pulmonary diseases. In terms of impact, the Mediterranean Sea is similar to the Black Sea. Those who are familiar with the words asthma, bronchitis and should pack their bags and go to the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea.

Red sea

The special composition of the waters of the Red Sea, due to the presence of certain algae and coral reefs in it, helps to accelerate metabolic processes and activate blood flow. After just a couple of days spent on it, the lymph flow accelerates, the skin is saturated with minerals, swelling and pastiness - looseness of the skin - go away. Any woman can only rejoice at such metamorphoses. The waters of the Red Sea are very useful for those who are planning to lose weight, get rid of... gynecological problems and treat weak lungs and bronchi.

Most useful places are located in close proximity to coral reefs. This is where you should go if you have an idea to get medical treatment.

But for patients with cardiovascular diseases, it can be very bad in the Red Sea, since it is very hot here and there is a lot of salt in the water.

A holiday at sea will always be good for your health. But doctors say that the basic oxygen renewal of our body occurs after 30 days. Therefore, to really feel the benefits of being at sea, you need to spend at least 1-1.5 months on its shores. A shorter period of time will have a greater effect on the nervous system - it will calm and balance it, relieve stress and heal the nerves. Which is also a lot!

A holiday on the sea coast is not just a change of scenery, but also a complete recovery, an even tan and normalization mental sphere person.

The sea is a natural panacea for most ailments, a good reason to combine have a nice time with health benefits: strengthen immune system, lose excess weight and even treat a number of chronic diseases.

Relaxation on the sea coast has a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems and will contribute to the treatment of skin and ENT diseases.

The benefits of the sea are limitless. The main thing is to decide which sea is healthier, the Black Sea or the Sea of ​​Azov, and to determine the advantages of one or another type of sea.

This article provides an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of holidays on different seas, with an emphasis on their specialization and benefits for certain body systems, taking into account the advice and recommendations of medical specialists.

What are the benefits of sea water?

Every seaside resort distinguished by its unique climate. Sea water has a healing effect on the human body.

The healing effect is enhanced by the complex effect on humans of sea water, sea air and solar radiation.

Sea water can heal not only individual systems, but also the body as a whole.

The beneficial properties of sea water are ensured by the content in it:

  1. Sodium chloride, which supports acid-base balance skin, heals minor wounds, improves blood flow to the deep layer of the skin. While in sea water, the skin is saturated with these elements and begins to renew itself at an accelerated pace.
  2. Calcium – allows the skin to become much denser, improves the bactericidal properties of the skin.
  3. Magnesium – normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a relaxing effect on the body, eliminates swelling, prevents allergic diseases
  4. Sulfur – has antifungal effect. Swimming in such water supplies the skin with disinfecting elements.
  5. Zinc has properties that promote wound healing. Extremely useful for patients suffering from acne and acne.
  6. Copper is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to body tissues
  7. Iron ensures normal functioning of blood cells

In addition, sea water contains silicon, which helps strengthen vascular wall and increasing its elasticity.

How is the Black Sea useful?

The main advantages of holidays on the Black Sea coast include several features of this region.

Chemical and mineral composition of water. The composition is approaching mineral composition human blood plasma, for this reason resorts on the Black Sea coast are well tolerated even by cardiac patients with pathologies of cardio-vascular system.

The deep waters of the Black Sea are famous for the richness of hydrogen sulfide deposits, which enrich the water and sea breeze with substances beneficial to the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

The southern coast of Crimea, the Black Sea part of Turkey, Bulgaria is an excellent place for vacationers with systemic rheumatological diseases, in particular rheumatoid arthritis, various arthrosis.

Other features of this region are:

  • the climate at the beginning of the season is as comfortable as possible, perfect for both adults and young children;
  • the presence of both sandy and rocky beaches;
  • location. All countries on the Black Sea coast are located close to many CIS countries.

Holidays on the Black Sea coast have two disadvantages

At the height of the season, the temperature of the Black Sea coast reaches high levels, which may be unacceptable’ for people suffering from arterial hypertension, thyroid pathologies, chronic heart and kidney failure.

Cost of apartments and meals. Although swimming in the sea is free, a person must pay a lot of money for housing and food at this resort, since during the season there is a huge influx of tourists who want to soak up the sunny coast.

The use of the Black Sea coast and the Black Sea microclimate makes it possible to heal the body of patients suffering from some serious pathologies in the functioning of the body.

On the Black Sea coast it is possible to carry out rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction and rehabilitation after cerebral strokes.

Additionally, Black Sea resorts can be recommended for patients with the following pathologies, if there are no corresponding contraindications:

  1. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the joints, spine, during rehabilitation after fractures, rehabilitation in patients after joint replacement.
  2. Pulmonary diseases (lung pathology) - chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dust bronchitis, recovery after severe lung surgery
  3. Allergic pathologies - allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, dermatitis.
  4. ENT pathologies - sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  5. What the Black Sea is good for health is its enormous strengthening of the vascular wall. Patients with varicose veins “flutter” after a vacation on the Black Sea coast.

For high-quality restoration of the body after suffering acute or exacerbation chronic processes, according to the advice of experts, it is recommended to resort to treatment at foreign Black Sea resorts.

It is recommended to visit Black Sea resorts during pregnancy. To improve oxygen delivery and trophism of the fetus, pregnant women are recommended to spend a lot of time on the clean coasts of salt-rich seas.

Ecology in European resort countries much cleaner, the level of care for vacationers is higher, and prices correspond to domestic ones.

How is the Azov Sea useful?

The Azov coast differs significantly from the Black Sea coast in its microclimatic conditions.

In addition, the water of the Sea of ​​Azov differs significantly in its composition from the waters of the Black Sea.

Resorts on the Azov coast are characterized by a whole range of advantages.

TO positive qualities The benefits of relaxation on the Azov coast include the rich composition of sea water and the abundance of salt in the water.

Additionally, the advantages of the Sea of ​​Azov are:

  • shallow water is the main advantage for vacationers with children, thanks this fact parents probably know which sea is healthier for a child, the Black Sea or the Sea of ​​Azov;
  • Mediterranean or similar climate;
  • rich content of iodine-containing algae in the water;
  • cost - the pricing policy on the Azov coast is more than acceptable;
  • The water temperature is ideal for swimming.

The negative aspects include:

  1. Jellyfish. These marine inhabitants do not leave people alone in the Sea of ​​Azov
  2. The structure of health and recreational components of recreation is absolutely undeveloped on the Azov coast
  3. Shallow water may be an advantage for children, but it does not suit many adult vacationers, in particular men.
  4. Ecology. Unfortunately, most Azov resorts cannot boast of air and environmental quality
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • for healthy skin and hair, due to salt and some elements of water, blood flow in the hair follicles and skin keratinocytes, the skin rejuvenates, and hair begins to grow rapidly;
  • to improve skin condition dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and atopic dermatitis;
  • for diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body: gout, diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

According to reviews, the microelement composition of Azov sea water improves potency and promotes male fertility

Which sea should you prefer when organizing your vacation?

It is worth noting that it is impossible to choose the best resort.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of place to relax depends entirely on the purpose for which you plan to visit the resort - for the purpose of recovery or relaxation.

In addition, there are also other good options for relaxation and healing of the whole body:

  1. Dead Sea. It is famous for its salt content and the presence of healthy mud.
  2. Mediterranean Sea. It is famous for its incredible cleanliness and wonderful Mediterranean climate.
  3. Red sea. Known for its cleanliness, picturesque seabed and unique composition water.
  4. Adriatic Sea. Clean, cool sea with rich flora and fauna.

By visiting a seaside resort at least once a year, you can incredibly improve your health and forget how often it is to get sick.

The most negative and “harmful” factor of a seaside holiday is the cost; otherwise, there are only advantages.

One beautiful Greek woman from the tragedy of Euripides said that only the sea washes away sins from people. She was probably right. The sea gives us strength, heals, calms. Water is a symbol of purification. Sea bathing in Crimea, as a special method of treatment, began to be used in the second half of the 19th century, thanks to the efforts of Dr. V.N. Dmitriev. It was then that patients from all over Russia flocked to the Crimean shores. And his scientific work " Climatic conditions Southern Coast of Crimea" was awarded a silver medal of the Russian Geographical Society in 1880.

Off the coast of Kerch, Feodosia, Evpatoria the sea warms up to +24 degrees by the beginning of July. It happens that the sea water temperature reaches +27 and even +30 degrees. In February, the water temperature is about +5 degrees off the South Coast, + 4 off the West Coast, +1 off the North-West coast. Doctors recommend swimming at a water temperature of at least +20 degrees. This water usually occurs from mid-June to mid-September. It is believed that the swimming season in Crimea lasts 118-138 days. In the warmest years, 150-160 days. However, every rule has its exceptions. In 1975, for example, until the end of October there was beautiful summer weather. Everyone swam, including infants. In the summer of 1998, the water off the coast of Yalta remained around +27 degrees for several months.

The power of the sea

When swimming in the sea, a person is affected by a whole range of factors: the temperature difference between water, air and one’s own body, water pressure, the movement of waves, air and the rays of the sun. The body adapts to contrasts, and the hardening process begins. Water takes heat, and the work of muscles and the thermoregulation mechanism make up for its loss. When immersed in water, a sharp contraction of the blood vessels occurs, blood rushes to the internal organs. Gradually, the vessels expand, and the person becomes warm. Water produces natural hydromassage, improving skin condition. Swimming in the sea is a big deal exercise stress, due to which the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained.

Salts dissolved in sea water, bacterial marine microflora, algae phytoncides and sunlight have a beneficial effect on the skin. Plus, we breathe ionized air and feel amazing. During bathing, the vascular nerve centers are excited, leading to contraction of superficial vessels and dilation of deep-lying ones. This redistribution of blood flow, in combination with other factors, activates little-studied mechanisms of activation of mental activity. Simply put, swim in the sea and you will be happy. 17-18 g of salts are dissolved in each liter of Black Sea water. This water contains trace elements, biostimulants, vitamins, and hormones. Sea water contains salts that humans lack. Penetrating through the skin pores, these salts have a healing effect. Iodine ions are important for metabolism and help in curing atherosclerosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Bromine ions are beneficial for neuroses, hypertension. It is thanks to bromine that a person falls asleep soundly after swimming in the sea. By chemical composition sea ​​water is similar to human blood. The Na, Ca, Mg, K, Br, I ions dissolved in it settle on the skin, increasing its elasticity and reducing swelling and sagging. Therefore, every bath is a nourishing mask for the skin. Hippocrates, for example, advised dousing yourself with sea water for poorly healing bone fractures, lumbar and joint pain. Swimming in the sea increases metabolism and stimulates all vital functions of the body. Extremely useful for chronic headaches, neurasthenia, rickets, atony of the stomach and intestines, anemia, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, heart defects, chronic cataracts, sexual impotence. It is not recommended to swim in the sea during a fever, acute pain, epilepsy, hypertension with a tendency to vascular crises, with severe disorders of the coronary and renal circulation. Don't forget to visit your doctor's office before traveling to Crimea.

Child and sea

A child cools down much faster than an adult, and, not having time to warm up, again flies off to swim until he is blue in the face. Children often run along the edge of the surf, splash, throw pebbles, play with a ball, and build castles. Usually, while swimming, children's noses are felt: if the nose is cold, it's time to get out of the water and lie down on the hot sand. Of course, children should not swim if they have colds, elevated temperature, for gastrointestinal disorders. On such days, do not bring your children to the beach, otherwise they will look at other children who can swim, envy and suffer. The first days at sea, many children are in a state of euphoria. It often happens to them headache, insomnia, fever. These troubles quickly go away if you take a break from swimming for 1-2 days. Traditional medicine recommends that children begin to get acquainted with the sea no earlier than two years old. But there are quite a few examples of learning to swim before walking. This technique gives excellent results. Enthusiasts claim that such children practically do not get sick and are ahead of their peers in both physical and mental development.

Proper bathing is the key to health

  • A healthy person can start swimming at a water temperature of + 18
  • It is better to swim 1.5 hours after eating. It is not recommended to swim on an empty stomach.
  • You should not enter the water while hot. Before swimming, it is better to stay in the shade for 10-15 minutes.
  • The optimal amount of bathing is up to 3-4 times a day, with breaks of up to 30 minutes. With frequent bathing, the body becomes exhausted and fatigue appears.
  • Do not dive from shore in unfamiliar places.
  • People prone to vascular spasms should enter the water slowly.
  • Do not leave children unattended by the sea.
  • Do not swim in the sea while intoxicated.
  • Sea swimming in sea conditions above 3 is prohibited.

Along with this read:

The special sea air is rich in oxygen and ozone, tiny particles sea ​​salts and iodine ions, beneficial for health. The climate is favorable for adults and children.

What are the benefits of seaside holidays:

  1. The immune system is strengthened and strength is restored.
  2. Diseases of the joints, rheumatism, arthrosis are cured.
  3. Preventive and therapeutic effect in case of illness respiratory tract.
  4. Helps cure psoriasis and skin diseases.
  5. Prevents diseases nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia. Watching the sea and the sounds of the surf relaxes you, and a feeling of peace appears. Beautiful landscapes, the delight of swimming in the sea - everything makes a person calmer, kinder, and relieves him of an aggressive state.
  6. Relieves problems in the endocrine system.
  7. Dry climate eliminates allergic reactions and asthma, useful for allergy sufferers.
  8. There is an improvement in blood circulation and work internal organs. The reason is foot massage while walking on pebbles and sand.
  9. Using a seawater bath can heal peeling and breaking nails. After the procedures they will be stronger and grow faster.

Note! You will benefit from a holiday at sea if you do not neglect safety rules, do not take excessive sunbathing and avoid drying out your skin.

Therapeutic effects of seaside holidays for children:

  • Hardening of the child’s body occurs through hydromassage of muscles and gymnastics for blood vessels. What is the essence of such gymnastics? When immersed in water, the vessels located on the surface of the body narrow, and the internal organs are saturated with blood.

    After the chill, a feeling of warmth appears. The heart beats faster and breathing becomes deeper.

  • Prevention colds based on the influence of sea air. Ozonated, it contains algae phytoncides, micro particles of salt, many negative air ions - all this has a positive effect on the upper respiratory tract.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism occurs due to the child’s physical activity and increased heat transfer from the body under the influence of cool water. More active games in sea water means more health for the baby!
  • The nervous system is strengthened due to the content of bromine and iodine salts in the water. Bromine helps eliminate irritability and fatigue, and the presence of iodine provides a reduction in anxiety.

    The “salt cloak” that remains on the body after bathing has a calming effect. Take your time to wash your baby; let the salt have a longer effect on the nerve endings.

    Holidays at sea promote a leap in the intellectual development of a child. This is due to exposure to trace elements in sea air and water, which affect the development of memory and abilities.

    The child gets a lot of positive impressions, and playing with sand and pebbles trains fine motor skills.

Note! IN medicinal purposes It is recommended to rinse the sinuses and throat with sea water. If you use beach water, you may get an infection or worms.

It is more beneficial to walk early in the morning or in the evening, at this time in the air highest content Yoda.

Holidays at sea involve treatment with sea water - thalassotherapy, sea air - aerotherapy, solar radiation - heliotherapy, sand baths - psammotherapy and mud.

Is it healthy to swim in the sea?

Simply swimming in the sea cures heart and skin diseases, and swimming for osteochondrosis is even beneficial.

Features of sea water in warm seas:

Name of the seas Features and effects on the human body
Water in Cherny. Similar to the microelement composition of blood, it benefits heart patients. The heart and blood vessels benefit from hydrogen sulfide compounds that appear in the depths of the sea.
In the Mediterranean. The composition of sea water of moderate salinity promotes the treatment of asthma, vegetative-vascular disorders and respiratory tract disorders.
In red. Many microorganisms and algae. It has a great therapeutic effect on respiratory diseases, infertility and obesity.
Dead. Unique in the mineral composition of water and healing mud. Record holder for the presence of salts. Best vacation during the velvet season.
Is the Sea of ​​Azov useful? You can understand from the fact that sea water contains 97 minerals from the periodic table. After bathing, the functioning of the whole body improves.
In Baltic. The water is often cold and dirty; rest without swimming is compensated by air baths with sea and pine air.

Note! Best temperature water – 20-27 degrees. It is healthier to avoid visiting the beach before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. It is not recommended to swim immediately after eating.

Bathing is wonderfully relaxing; skin massage is accompanied by the absorption of nutrients from the water.

Is it useful to live by the sea?

Living by the sea means:

  • Enjoy healing air and water, mild climate and excellent ecology all year round. But in winter period– presence of high humidity and strong wind.
  • Use of developed infrastructure and transport network. But with a huge number of vacationers, queues and crowded conditions will irritate you.
  • Accommodation in safe conditions and a favorable economic situation. But prices rise during the holiday season.
  • Have a mostly seasonal income. But there is an opportunity to prosper your own business.

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Who doesn't love the sea? Probably each of us all year round dreams of summer coming soon and being able to go to a seaside resort. Some people don’t wait for the warm season and go to a resort in the cold of winter. And all because the sea not only relaxes, but also heals us. In this article we will tell you in detail how a holiday at sea is beneficial, and also focus your attention on which sea is healthier for your child.

The sea is nature's most beautiful creation! It excites, attracts, gives pleasure and strengthens our health. Back in ancient times, scientists created a whole science - thalassotherapy, the essence of which was treatment by the sea.

The first person to use sea water as medicine was Hippocrates. He treated with it:

  • bruises
  • scabies
  • lichen
  • nervous diseases
  • joint diseases
  • headache
  • constipation

Thalassotherapy officially entered medicine thanks to the doctor Friedrich Wilhelm von Halem in the 17th century, who lived in Germany. His colleague from England named Richard Russell even published a work on this science. It was since then that doctors began to prescribe swimming in the sea to many people as mandatory health or preventive procedures.

Some tried to transport sea water to sell it in pharmacies, as well as in various illegal ways. However, as studies have shown, microorganisms that live in the sea cannot survive outside it for long. They die within two days. Therefore, it is possible to bring sea water to a person who needs it only if he lives not far from it, but cannot get to the sea on his own.

Swimming in the sea is contraindicated for people diagnosed with:

  • diseases associated with the heart
  • hypertensive or hypotonic diseases
  • oncology of any organs
  • infectious diseases
  • individual iodine intolerance
  • dermatological diseases
  • fungal diseases

Now let's look at it in more detail, benefits of the sea for health of people.

  1. The main value of the sea is its water. It consists of the following microelements and beneficial substances:
  • potassium and hydrogen
  • calcium and iodine
  • oxygen and chlorine
  • carbon and sulfur
  • magnesium and strontium
  • fluorine and sodium
  • bromine and silicon
  1. The sea improves the functioning of the human endocrine system. It creates such conditions that the psycho-emotional system does not succumb to any negative external influences.
  2. It heals pulmonary diseases, improves the overall functioning of the entire respiratory system.
  3. As a preventive measure, you can gargle with sea water to prevent any problems. infectious diseases in the oral cavity. After all, sea water is a natural local antiseptic. This is very the sea is good for children(by the way, singers are also recommended to gargle with sea water to strengthen their vocal cords).

  1. Rinse oral cavity Sea water can also be used to treat gums and whiten teeth. You just need to use not the water that is near the shore, because it is polluted, but the water where few people swim. To rinse it needs to be heated to 37 degrees.
  2. Wounds, cuts and insect bites heal in sea water. If you have recently undergone surgery, then it will be very useful for you to swim in the sea to postoperative suture healed faster.
  3. If you have a cold or any ENT disease, rinse your nose and sinuses with sea water. It has an excellent effect on the mucous membranes, cleansing them of pathogenic bacteria.
  4. If you have suffered a severe nervous shock or overworked for a year, positive ions have accumulated in your body, which are neutralized by the negative ions contained in the sea air.
  5. Sea air cleanses skin, thanks to which the skin perfectly absorbs everything useful material, which contains sea air.

  1. Sea water has an excellent effect on female figure. This the sea is good for women and people who suffer from obesity. Sea waves massage our body, removing toxins from it and eliminating our problem areas from cellulite. You just need to relax and enjoy your stay at sea - swim, jump, play more water games, and the extra pounds will simply melt away.
  2. Another unique nuance that will very pleasantly surprise the fair half of humanity is that sea water completely replaces nail baths and hair masks. If you want to have beautiful long nails and healthy hair, be sure to go on vacation to the sea.

Important! Sea for pregnant women only useful if they go to a resort at the end of the 1st or 2nd trimester. In the 1st trimester, you cannot go to a seaside resort, because during this period all the baby’s internal organs are formed. This is a very big burden on female body, and a sudden change in climate is generally stressful.

To get the most out of your stay at sea maximum benefit, we advise you to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before entering the sea, stand in the shade for 10 minutes. This will help you avoid temperature contrast. After all, air is much hotter than water.
  2. As soon as you arrive at the sea, do not swim in it all day. Once a day for the first 3 days is enough. On subsequent days of vacation (there should be 14-21) you can swim longer. Only between each bathing procedure you need to take half-hour breaks.

  1. You should not sit in water until your lips turn blue. Hypothermia can make you sick. After you get out of the water, if you are frozen, dry yourself with a terry towel. If you feel comfortable, do not wipe yourself, but let your skin absorb all the beneficial substances of sea water.
  2. If you have just eaten, do not go into the sea, because this will ruin the digestion process. But you shouldn’t swim on an empty stomach either, otherwise it will negatively affect the functioning of your heart.
  3. If you cannot swim in the sea for health reasons, have someone pour some sea water on you from a regular bottle.
  4. If there are pebbles on the beach, then walk on them, lie on them without bedding - this is an excellent hardening for the body.
  5. If the beach is sandy, then bury yourself in the sand for 20 minutes so that only the heart area remains exposed. This is very useful procedure for those who have sore joints, prostatitis or gynecological diseases.

What is the healthiest sea on Earth?

With a question is the sea good for you?, we figured it out. Now is the time to understand which of the seas on the planet is healthier the rest:

  1. Dead Sea. The water in it, according to biologist Rene Kenton, who worked in France, is almost the same in composition as human blood plasma. It penetrates through the skin pores circulatory system and thereby enriches us with all the necessary microelements. The water of this sea contains a huge amount of salt, so neither fish nor microorganisms live in it. There is no industry around it. The air here is soft and pleasant; it is generally impossible to get sunburnt at the Dead Sea. However, the water sometimes smells of hydrogen sulfide, and it is impossible to swim, you can only lie on the water. Those who have cancer and are allergic to iodine should not go here on vacation. What can be treated and benefits of the Dead Sea:
  • dermatological diseases (for example, psoriasis, eczema)
  • respiratory tract diseases
  • joint diseases

  1. Red sea- in him living water, despite the fact that the sea ranks 2nd in the world in terms of salinity. You can swim here, but the sea is very hot, and in the evening it can even be stuffy. If you are thinking about which sea is healthier for a child, then feel free to choose the Red Sea. It treats:
  • ailments associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels
  • Airways
  • infertility
  • eliminates excess weight
  1. Black Sea - an excellent resort for people who have hypertension, as well as other diseases related to the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The composition of the water in this sea is very close to the composition of human blood, so a person will feel very comfortable in the water. There is information that Black the sea is as useful as the Caspian. However, this is controversial information, since several years ago it was noted that the ecological state of the Caspian Sea is catastrophic. Why the Black Sea is useful:
  • it treats chronic lung diseases
  • bone and joint diseases
  • strengthens the nervous and endocrine systems

  1. Sea of ​​Azov– its water contains 92 minerals from the periodic table. It is best to swim in it in the wind, which creates strong waves, and they, in turn, mix the water with silt and dirt, which have a positive effect on the skin. human body. Sea water from the Sea of ​​Azov tones muscles and improves metabolism. Mixed with the steppe air, an excellent environment is created to inhale all the beneficial substances. Why the Sea of ​​Azov is useful:
  • it strengthens the human immune system
  • prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency
  • fights osteoporosis and premature aging skin
  • treats diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system

Important! There's no point in arguing Which sea is healthier - the Black Sea or the Azov Sea. Both are very beneficial for human health. Here the question is different. The Azov Sea is shallow, but the Black Sea is very deep. Choose what suits you and go to the resort.

  1. Baltic Sea - It is very comfortable to relax here, because it is not hot, the sun is very soft. The air by the sea mixes with the pine aroma of nearby forests, so people who have respiratory diseases and diseases thyroid gland. However, there is enough here cold water, you need to prepare for this. People with musculoskeletal problems should not come on holiday to the Baltic Sea. Why the Baltic Sea is useful:
  • it restores after treatment of oncological diseases and operations
  • relieves nervous disorders
  • treats diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems

  1. Mediterranean Sea– a great place to relax. After all, it is not as hot here as on the Red Sea, the water here is not cold and not too hot, like on the Dead Sea. Why the Mediterranean Sea is useful:
  • treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • relieves breathing problems
  • prevents blood pressure problems

A seaside holiday should be planned every year, especially if you have children in your family. The power of sea air and water lies in the fact that they completely relax us and allow us to rest after a hard year of work. We wish you that your trip this year will be unforgettable! Have a nice holiday, bright memories and great weather!

Video: “What are the benefits of a holiday at sea?”