When you get your period after a medical and surgical abortion, why don’t you have it, what should you do in this case? Menstruation after a medical abortion: duration, nature of discharge, timing of cycle restoration. Menstruation does not begin after medication.

Interrupt unwanted pregnancy can be done different methods depending on the duration of pregnancy, the condition of the fetus and the health of the mother, and the qualifications of the specialist. Scanty periods after an abortion can be normal occurrence or indicate the development of a complication.

Pregnancy can be terminated at the request of the woman only up to the twelfth week. At a later date, this procedure is possible only for medical or social reasons: if the patient is diagnosed with diseases that are dangerous to her life or if a severe pathology is diagnosed in the fetus. A woman who has not yet given birth should be especially careful when choosing the method of this manipulation. Having assessed all the indications and risks, the doctor recommends the best option. possible method termination of pregnancy.

There are the following methods of performing an abortion:

  • mini-abortion - a way to remove the embryo from the uterus using a vacuum;
  • surgical – removal of the fertilized egg by curettage;
  • Pharmabort – the use of medications.

At late abortion medicinal product is administered directly through a puncture of the amniotic sac, after which the fetus is removed from the uterine cavity.

Characteristics of types of abortions

The classic method (curettage) is carried out until the twelfth week of pregnancy. It is performed using medical surgical instruments in a clinical setting. The fertilized egg is separated mechanically from the wall reproductive organ. Before the procedure begins, the cervix is ​​artificially dilated, through the canal of which instruments for manipulation will be inserted and the fertilized egg will be removed. The procedure is painful, so it is performed with the use of analgesic drugs. The woman is under supervision for some time after the manipulation medical worker.

In a vacuum abortion, a device is inserted into the uterine cavity, which creates negative pressure in it. This helps to tear the fertilized egg away from its attachment site. This procedure is performed until the fifth week from the moment of conception (no later than 20 days from the delay). After it, you definitely need to undergo an examination by your doctor, since it is not always possible to aspirate all the contents and the possibility that the pregnancy has continued is possible. This manipulation is carried out only in a clinical setting.

Medication interruption is performed on early stages(until the fifth week). The effectiveness of this procedure is ninety-five cases out of a hundred: the shorter the period, the more successful the procedure. With this method, a drug is used that increases the tone of the muscles of the mother’s reproductive organ - it has an effect opposite to the effect of progesterone.

After taking the drug, the process of expulsion of the fetus becomes irreversible; the woman can no longer change her mind about terminating the pregnancy.

Bleeding may begin within a few hours of using the product, more often after one or two days. The embryo leaves the uterine cavity with menstrual flow. At this time, the patient should be re-examined by the attending physician to ensure positive result abortion. A woman can stay at home all the time.

Causes of scanty periods during surgical abortion

There is still some time after the termination of pregnancy. They look like normal menstruation. This is due to the fact that the inner layer of cells, which grows monthly and is separated if pregnancy does not occur, has peeled off and comes out of the uterus naturally. The vessels are damaged as a result of the abortion and continue to bleed.

If the medical worker is poorly qualified, mechanical damage to the uterus may occur. In this case, blood can flow into the abdominal cavity or permeate the walls of the reproductive organ itself.

The cervix, mechanically dilated, can close, and the blood will not be able to get out, accumulating in the cavity. The danger of such a complication is that blood is an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms, and against this background the development of purulent inflammation is possible.

Causes of scanty discharge after pharmaabortion

Termination of pregnancy with Mirolute is carried out in the early stages, when the endometrium has not yet had time to grow significantly and the embryo has not yet firmly attached to the uterine wall. Scarce bloody issues after mirolyut can be the norm. However, it happens that the reason for such periods is after medication interruption pregnancy is hidden in the following:

  • significant hormonal changes, in which menstrual cycle recovers only after a few months;
  • mechanical obstruction to the outflow of blood through the vagina (tightly closed cervix, blood clot above the vaginal opening).

The latter reason poses a serious threat to a woman’s life and the ability to bear a child in the future. Surgery may be necessary to correct this complication. In addition, there is a possibility that the pregnancy has continued.

Causes of scanty discharge after mini-abortion

With a mini-abortion, the main reasons are as follows:

  • the pregnancy was not terminated;
  • too early;
  • obstruction to blood flow.

Each of the above reasons can be determined by examining a woman.

Symptoms of scanty periods after an abortion

At mechanical damage of the uterine wall during surgery, the patient develops sharp pain in the abdomen, aggravated by touching it. The stomach becomes bloated and constipation occurs. Body temperature rises and thirst appears. The patient's general condition worsens over time. In severe cases, a woman’s consciousness becomes confused. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the patient may die.

Minor bleeding may be accompanied by disturbances in a woman’s general well-being: her mood worsens, irritability appears, bloating occurs, or nagging pain lower abdomen. Not excluded painful sensations aching character in the mammary glands.

Diagnostic methods

After a thorough questioning and examination, the attending physician prescribes the following examinations:

  • examination of the patient on the chair;
  • determination of the content of sex hormones in blood and urine;
  • examination of vaginal contents under a microscope;
  • sowing the secretions nutrient medium to identify pathological microorganisms in the vagina;
  • Ultrasound of the female genital organs to determine possible damage to the uterus;
  • To determine the moment of ovulation, monitor your basal temperature.

Temperature is measured in the rectum. Use mercury thermometer. The measurement is taken every morning before getting out of bed. The woman records the indicators on a chart. An upward jump in temperature indicates the onset of ovulation.


Any termination of pregnancy entails a danger for the woman’s body due to the development of complications. Bleeding may be minor. In each case, you need to consult your doctor after a few days. The hormonal changes in the patient’s body that occur after artificial extraction of the embryo can lead to further disruption of the ovaries and the development of infertility, so it is important to carefully consider your decision.

Abortion procedures do not always take place without complications and consequences. Often women do not have periods for a month or two after this. As a rule, after this time the cycle is restored. Concerns arise in situations where there are no periods for a longer period after an abortion. Without medical care in this case it is not possible.

There are many reasons why there are no periods after an abortion. First of all this hormonal disbalance. As a result of abortion activities, activities endocrine system the processes of functioning of the ovaries, pituitary gland and hypothalamus are disrupted and suppressed. If the concentration of hormones is insufficient and there is no change in their level, a change is observed. It takes time to restore hormonal levels. The patient is advised to seek help from a gynecologist who will prescribe proper treatment.

After a medical abortion or spontaneous miscarriage for up to two months, a woman experiences severe stress. In this regard, there is an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood. The result is a lack of ovulation and menstruation.

Another consequence of abortion is damage to the basal layer of the uterus. The more the endometrium is injured, the more difficult it will be to restore the cycle. Due to complications that arise, sometimes there is a total removal of this layer. This in turn can cause infertility.

Complication of abortion - amenorrhea

Amenorrhea (lack menstrual flow for six months or more) can be observed after medical termination of pregnancy. Its appearance is often caused by neurohormonal disorders. In this case, there are disturbances in the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, and sometimes complete destruction of this system. A delay in menstruation after an abortion in this case is called central or hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Menstrual irregularities are caused by stress caused by hormonal imbalance. How long there are no periods after abortion procedures directly determines the chances of restoring reproductive function. Malfunctions in the neurohormonal system can lead to suppression of ovarian function and infertility.

The absence of menstruation may be associated with partial or complete fusion of the cervical canal, and as a result of this, the appearance of false amenorrhea. Such changes are caused by the destruction of mucous membranes and the appearance of adhesions.

The reason for a long absence of menstruation may also lie in intrauterine adhesions.

When should your period come after an abortion?

The first day of a new cycle is considered to be the date of the onset of bleeding after abortion. At the time of the procedure, the fertilized egg is destroyed - and immediately after that the countdown begins. The discharge observed during this period is not menstruation. Critical days come at natural times. Bleeding after termination of pregnancy only allows you to count the start date of the cycle.

Normal periods should appear after 21–35 days. In many ways, the timing depends on the individual. If it was 28 days, then after abortive measures it should remain that way.

Situations where there are no periods after an abortion are far from uncommon, but such changes cannot be considered the norm. If the termination of pregnancy was carried out at a period of no more than 12 weeks, then reproductive function recovers quickly, and soon your period comes.

How shorter period, on which the procedure is performed, the less often the delay in menstruation is noted. In later stages, such violations occur quite often. The body needs at least three months to recover.

Abortion measures carried out at a late stage are dangerous for women's health. For this reason in medical institutions This procedure is carried out at the request of the patient for up to 12 weeks.

Menstruation begins after an abortion, usually within 21–40 days. They differ from normal discharge in duration, abundance and pain. Such changes are a reason to consult a doctor. Delayed menstruation should not be ignored.

The time of onset of menstruation also depends on the type of procedure performed. For example, after that they acquire a slightly different character. More detailed information You can read about this topic in a separate article on our website.

Diagnosis of the cause of the delay

Abortion is a severe stress for the body, after which it needs time to recover. This is the most main reason menstrual irregularities, so do not underestimate. If it is short-lived, then there is no reason to worry. Speaking about what to do if you haven’t had your period for two months, the answer is clear: you need medical help.

After abortion, there is a risk of developing such pathologies reproductive system, like polycystic disease and fibroids, serious hormonal imbalances and a number of other complications cannot be ruled out.

The doctor will first perform an examination in a gynecological chair, and after that he will prescribe additional examinations, including:

  • blood test to determine hormone levels;
  • a smear to detect infections.

Only by contacting a specialist in a timely manner will it be possible to avoid a number of undesirable consequences and restore reproductive function.

Prevention of complications

After an abortion, the hormonal system and the body as a whole need time to recover. For this process to complete in as soon as possible, you need to follow a series medical recommendations. In order to prevent serious complications, the gynecologist resorts to prescribing hormonal drugs. The duration of such therapy varies from two to three months. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • avoid another pregnancy over the next six months;
  • avoid visiting baths and saunas for a month. During this period, you should not take hot baths;
  • do not have sexual intercourse for four weeks after abortion;
  • do not lift weights or exercise until full recovery;
  • Get as much rest as possible and avoid stressful situations.

Abortion has a negative impact on the female reproductive system. After this procedure, cycle disturbances, delayed menstruation and changes in the nature of discharge are often observed. This is not always considered the norm. Quite often changes indicate serious problems in organism. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

Modern methods of terminating pregnancy at the very beginning of its occurrence do not involve surgical intervention, but the use of special medicines. The procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will prescribe suitable drug, and will also check when your period came after a medical termination of pregnancy, how you reacted female body for intervention.

Despite the fact that taking pills does not affect the body as much as taking them, the consequences of the procedure can be quite noticeable. That is why you need to entrust the choice of abortion method, as well as the selection of the drug, to a specialist.

He will tell you about the possible disadvantages of the method, how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, and in what cases you should seek medical help.

The active substance that has an abortifacient effect is mefipristone or misoprostol. The most widely used drugs: Mifepristone, Pencrofton, Misoprostol, Mirolut, Mifolian, Cytotec, .

Abortion with pharmaceuticals It is carried out exclusively in the early stages of pregnancy. If conception occurred more than six weeks ago, the doctor usually prescribes another method of termination, since the pills will no longer be effective.

The consequences can be different, up to the point that after a medical termination of pregnancy there will be no menstruation or, on the contrary, bleeding will occur. So you should take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.


  • High efficiency of the method. Medical abortion is successful in most cases, with a success rate of 92 to 99.
  • No or minimal preliminary preparation is required.
  • Quick abortion - the whole procedure is a simple pill.
  • No anesthesia required.
  • The uterus is kept intact because surgical intervention is not carried out.
  • The cervix and endometrium are not injured, as with conventional curettage.
  • The procedure is tolerated psychologically much better than the standard one.
  • because of medical abortion practically excluded, that is, reproductive function remains normal.

Despite all these advantages, the procedure also has many disadvantages that should be considered before performing it:

  • Rarely, but situations still arise when fetal rejection does not occur. The drug does not work as expected; the fertilized egg or part of it remains in the uterus, which must be surgically removed.
  • In 55% of cases, women experience uterine bleeding. This is not early menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy, but precisely the kind of discharge that is dangerous due to heavy blood loss. Sometimes a blood transfusion or surgery is necessary.
  • After reception medical product A woman experiences strong symptoms, usually they appear within a day or two. Abdominal discomfort and nausea may also occur.
  • An increase in body temperature occurs as a consequence of a pharmaceutical abortion. Also painful condition may manifest as severe headaches, dizziness, increased blood pressure and general deterioration of health, severe weakness. So you should not plan important events in the days following the abortion; it is better to stay in bed for two days.
  • Possible allergic reactions for drugs. To eliminate it, it is enough to take antihistamines.
  • Pharmaceutical abortion products are hormonal. And any hormonal interventions in a woman’s body can lead to unpredictable consequences. Hormonal balance changes, but how the body will react to this is unknown.
  • After using the drug, infection of the female genital organs may occur.
  • The drug should not be used during more than six weeks of pregnancy. If an exact date cannot be established, preference is given to traditional methods interruptions.
  • Despite the fact that the procedure for taking the pills is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, the abortion itself occurs at home. Exact time It is unknown when the medicine will take effect.

In addition, after medical termination of pregnancy, it is difficult to predict when your period will begin.

The process of getting your period after a medical abortion

Any action that involves interfering with the female body can lead to unpleasant consequences. After a pharmaceutical abortion, menstruation is often delayed, which indicates disturbances in the functioning of the appendages.

Although pharmaceutical abortion is a gentler method than surgical abortion, the body requires time to restore its functions.

Until the onset of her first menstruation, a woman needs to carefully monitor her condition. If you experience pain, fever or other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After a medical abortion, the cycle begins again. Usually 1-2 days after taking the drug, bleeding begins to bleed. This day will be the first day of your period.

It all starts with scanty bleeding, which gradually becomes more and more abundant. During the heaviest bleeding, a fertilized egg is released. The next period may come with a delay.

The onset of menstruation may be associated with the following features:

  1. Delay of up to ten days after a medical abortion. This is considered normal and should not bother the patient.
  2. An increase in the cycle, which is mistakenly taken by a woman for a delay. In the vast majority of women, the cycle after pharmaabortion increases. This is not a delay.
  3. Within six months the cycle is restored.

Scanty periods after medical termination of pregnancy should worry a woman, just like heavy ones. It is worth taking a close look at the nature of the bleeding to inform your doctor.

Possible complications after medical abortion

Despite the advantages of medical abortion, which are obvious over the usual removal of the fetus surgically, complications are also possible after it:

  • Bleeding from the uterus. After taking the prescribed drug, you need to pay attention to the nature of the discharge. If heavy bleeding does not stop within two days - this is a reason to consult a doctor, as severe blood loss is possible. This complication occurs infrequently and depends on the woman’s body, physical activity, lifestyle, previous births, curettages, abortions, if any. It is very important to track how your periods progress after medical termination of pregnancy, since it is too scanty discharge- Same bad sign. This indicates that the cervix is ​​closed and the fertilized egg cannot come out.
  • Painful menstruation. This is another unpleasant consequence that occurs in many women after this procedure. Even if a woman has not previously complained of pain during menstruation, now it may occur. In some cases, it is necessary to take strong analgesics each time to relieve pain.
  • Cycle failure. Occurs in approximately 40% of women. There is nothing wrong with it, since in a few months the cycle will be restored.
  • High temperature, contractions, vomiting. These signs indicate an unsuccessful abortion. A fertilized egg or part of it remains in the uterine cavity. Even if the pills had no effect on the integrity of the fetus, traditional abortion by curettage is necessary in this case. This is due to the fact that taking drugs affects the intrauterine development of the fetus, the child will be born with pathologies. As a result of drug intervention, the embryo develops abnormalities that are often incompatible with life.

It is very important, even before the period when menstruation begins after a medical termination of pregnancy, to take precautions. A woman can conceive a child within a week after a medical abortion, but during this period of time it is extremely undesirable, since the body has experienced a strong hormonal shock.

Medical abortion is a gentle procedure that is performed in the early stages of pregnancy. Ideally, no more than six weeks should pass from the moment of the last menstruation, then the effectiveness of taking the drugs is quite high.

After the procedure, unpleasant consequences may remain, which is why it is so important to monitor the duration of menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy, their number and timing. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and take medications under his strict supervision, the procedure is safe and successful in more than 95% of cases.

Useful video about medical abortion

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Medical termination of pregnancy or pharmacological abortion is carried out in the period from 1 to 6 weeks of gestation. The procedure is performed under the supervision of a doctor using special drugs. After a successful procedure, there is a risk of complications, since there is a strong blow to the woman’s hormonal system. The time of the onset of the first menstruation after a medical abortion will depend on many factors, and in order to avoid failures, it is recommended to adhere to certain recommendations.

When will your first period start after a medical abortion?

Medical termination of pregnancy becomes a strong hormonal shock. Therefore, it is not surprising that there may be a disruption in the menstrual cycle. The norm would be a delay of up to 2 weeks, more - a deviation requiring consultation with a gynecologist.

After a medical abortion occurs anatomical disorder cycle, which can lead to conditions such as uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometrial hyperplasia, and luteal phase deficiency. The ovarian-menstrual cycle will be disrupted in any case, because forced interruption will always be a powerful stress.

Possible complications after pharmaabortion that affect menstruation

All consequences after pharmaabortion can be divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term. The likelihood of their occurrence increases as pregnancy progresses.

Short-term complications after pharmaabortion (immediately after using the drug):

  • Vomiting is observed in almost every second woman, which is influenced by the interval of taking the medication; with a longer break, the risk is lower; vomiting immediately after taking it may require a repeat procedure, so you need to inform your doctor.
  • Nausea – occurs with a higher dosage of the drug.
  • Allergy - can occur to any substance of the drug, more often in women it occurs skin rash.
  • Diarrhea - appears in every third woman, while antidiarrheal drugs may be ineffective, the disorder goes away very quickly.
  • Severe pain is the norm, which is observed in 95% of cases, the pain can be from mild to severe, NSAIDs are used for pain relief - Naproxen, Ibuprofen and analogues.
  • Convulsions - occur a few hours after consumption, go away after the abortion is successfully completed, a warm compress is used to reduce the intensity.

Medium-term, occurring within 14-21 days:

  • Bleeding normally lasts up to 14 days, the discharge is not profuse, but in some cases it can last more than 30 days and you have to change the pad very often, which is already considered a deviation, the cause may be incomplete abortion and infection.
  • Incomplete interruption – accompanied by severe pain, bleeding, general symptoms as high temperature, fever, provoking factors are incorrect dosage, late timing, hormonal disorders.
  • Dizziness, headache- if they continue for a long time, this will be a deviation, while the woman may be in very poor condition, there is a decrease in blood pressure, and fainting.

Long term effects after a few months:

  • Cycle failure - a delay normally can last up to 2 weeks, some women observe a lack of menstruation for several months, which requires the help of a gynecologist; if the regulation does not occur within 40 days, paroxysmal pain appears and general well-being deteriorates.
  • Infectious and inflammatory pathologies - observed when the rules are not followed rehabilitation period, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases may also occur.
  • Infertility - factors include hormonal imbalances, inflammation of the appendages and uterus, the risk of such complications increases with negative Rh factor in a woman while positive in a man.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders are a purely individual consequence, which can be associated either with hormonal changes or with regret about what has been done; in any case, you need the help of a psychotherapist and gynecologist, you may need an appointment medicines for the prevention of depression.

Bleeding or heavy periods after an abortion

Active bleeding will be observed for 14 days after a medical abortion. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg separates, which provokes rupture of blood vessels. It is separated gradually, in parts, so the first menstruation will be long - up to 10 days. According to the nature of the blood discharge, there will be a little more than usual.

Why is bleeding disturbing after a medicinal termination of pregnancy?

  1. Fragments of the egg remain in the uterus. The embryo may come out partially or not at all, which will provoke active bleeding.
  2. A woman is engaged in active physical work. Heavy loads and heavy lifting after an abortion are strictly contraindicated during the recovery period.
  3. The temperature is higher than usual. It is necessary to exclude visiting the beach, sauna, bathhouse, spend less time in the open sun; for a woman after an abortion, a temperature above 25 degrees does not have the best effect.
  4. Abdominal injuries. During recovery, you need to be careful not to get any injuries, because anything during this period is dangerous, you should exclude dangerous activities, walk carefully, and avoid falls.
  5. Using tampons. After a pharmaceutical abortion, it is permissible to use only pads; other hygiene products are permissible after complete recovery.

Young woman with a stomach ache in the bedroom

Scanty periods after medical abortion

After a medical abortion, you should not have periods - this is a pathology. This phenomenon may indicate several complications at once.

What is the reason for scanty discharge after the procedure:

  1. Undilated cervix. With such a violation, an accumulation of egg and blood fragments occurs, which can provoke inflammatory processes with serious consequences, accompanied by pain, fever, you should immediately visit your doctor.
  2. Continuation of pregnancy. This can be judged when toxicosis and cramping pain are present, and in this case it is necessary to carry out ultrasonography, the solution to the problem may be surgical abortion.

After performing a medical abortion, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations. Until tissue restoration is complete, any deviation can become a factor of complications.

After taking strong medications, a hormonal imbalance occurs that cannot go away without leaving a trace. A few days after the abortion, you need to visit a doctor to evaluate your condition. At the appointment, the specialist must make sure that everything went well. It must be taken into account that such termination of pregnancy is not always effective. Then it may be necessary to repeat it, but using a different method - surgically.

Help the body after severe stress the following recommendations:

  • calmness, elimination of stress and emotional turmoil;
  • physical rest, refusal of hard physical work and sports;
  • refusal of sex for a month or more, depending on the condition;
  • observe hygiene measures;
  • exclusion of injuries in the abdominal area;
  • following a diet, eating well and drinking enough water;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor (not always used);
  • refuse self-medication, refrain from taking medications without the approval of a doctor.

After pharmaabortion, the gynecologist may prescribe antibacterial drugs for prevention infectious complications. Also used hormonal agents, which help normalize the condition and speed up recovery. Vitamins and immunomodulators will be required to improve overall performance immune system.

The duration of the rehabilitation period and the time for normalization of the menstrual cycle are individual indicators for each woman. The earlier the abortion was performed, the faster body will return to normal. In case of any deviations from the norm, you should undergo medical examination in order to identify and eliminate complications in a timely manner.


Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy should not differ significantly from normal menstruation in terms of onset and nature. Their onset indicates the restoration of ovarian function and the equalization of hormonal levels. But after taking the pills, there is a possibility of a delay.

The influence of pharmabort on the menstrual cycle and the woman’s body

Medical abortion is considered the most gentle method. During this procedure, drugs are used that reduce the amount of progesterone in the body and provoke increased contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Attention! More than a third of women experience irregular periods after pharmaabortion. Even with a short period of pregnancy, delays appear after tablet abortion. Their occurrence is provoked by hormonal imbalance.

After conception, the body adjusts to bearing a child, and hormonal changes occur. Taking miscarriage pills disrupts coordinated work adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, hypothalamus, thyroid gland. A sharp forced hormonal change can:

  • lead to diseases that are caused by metabolic disorders;
  • increase the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases;
  • cause the development of endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids.

But not all patients experience complications. More than half of the women who have undergone pharmaabortion have their periods after the required 25-35 days. The cycle is not broken hormonal problems does not arise.

Menstruation after medical abortion

The appearance of menstruation after termination of pregnancy medications indicates the beginning of restoration of the hormonal system. In terms of pain and intensity, menstruation should not differ from what a woman is used to. critical days. But during the first few months they may be more abundant.

There should not be long delays. It is allowed to lengthen the first cycle to 35-45 days. If a woman, after tablet interruption, was prescribed oral contraceptives, then menstrual-like discharge will begin in a timely manner.

When do periods begin after medical termination of pregnancy?

In patients who have had a pill abortion, menstruation begins after 25-35 days. The duration of the cycle before and after abortion with pills should not change. Delays of up to 2 weeks are normal. They are possible due to external interference in the functioning of the hormonal system.

If minor delays occur, there is no need to panic. The cycle normalizes in 2-3 months, sometimes recovery is delayed for six months.

Delayed menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy

The absence of menstruation 35 days after a miscarriage caused by taking pills is a reason to evaluate the condition reproductive health. The doctor must conduct a gynecological examination to assess the condition of the appendages, internal cavity He prescribes an ultrasound of the uterus. It is important to ensure that no health problems arise.

If the patient’s cycle length before conception was 35 days, then it is recommended to wait another 7-10 days for the first menstruation to begin after a medical abortion. A delay of up to 2 weeks is considered normal.

If there are no periods, you need to make sure that there is no fetus in the uterus. The ability to conceive is restored 2-3 weeks after termination of pregnancy with pills. Women who do not use contraception with their partner may become pregnant again.

The absence of menstruation for at least 2 weeks from the expected date of its onset is a reason for checking. The doctor must conduct an examination and prescribe an ultrasound. It is important to make sure that no reproductive health problems arise after the medical abortion.

The reason for the delay of the next period after a medical abortion may be the stress suffered by the woman during the sudden termination of pregnancy. More often psychological problems appear if the need to do a pill abortion arose due to fetal fading.

First menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy

The process of normalizing the regularity of menstruation can take up to six months. After an abortion, which was performed with the help hormonal pills, the first menstruation should not differ significantly from the menstruation that the woman had before pregnancy.

Important! If, 10-20 days after a miscarriage caused by the pills, the first menstrual-like discharge begins, then a control ultrasound should be done. This may be a sign that the fetus is not fully delivered; some embryonic tissue remains in the uterus.

After a medical abortion, the first menstruation that begins should not be excessively abundant or scanty. But minor deviations in the intensity of discharge are allowed. The duration of the first menstruation should be the same as the duration of the normal critical days that the woman had before conception.

Second menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy

If the first menstruation went well, then there should be no complications with subsequent menstruation. In cases where there was a delay after curettage, it is necessary to monitor the duration of the cycle. The second menstruation may also come later. But gradually the cycle should be restored.

If the second period is characterized by increased abundance or, conversely, the discharge is scanty, then you should see a gynecologist. In most cases, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives. Within 3 months from the moment the drugs are discontinued, the condition should normalize.

How do your periods go after medical termination of pregnancy?

Miscarriage pills can significantly change hormonal background. Therefore, gynecologists recommend monitoring the nature of the discharge. You need to pay attention if menstrual blood appeared:

  • clots;
  • slime;
  • foreign inclusions.

Any deviation is a reason for examination.

How long does your period last after medical termination of pregnancy?

The duration of the first and subsequent menstruation is directly related to how the body responded to interference in its work. The duration of discharge can vary from 3 to 7-9 days.

If the discharge was scanty and lasted less than 3 days, then you need to check how the uterus has recovered. A decrease in the duration of menstruation is possible with thinning of the endometrium.

After medical termination of pregnancy, periods last a long time

About 10% of women come to the gynecologist with complaints that the first menstruation after a medical abortion lasts more than a week. In such a situation, it is necessary to exclude the development of endometriosis, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, and hormonal problems.

Gynecologists recommend monitoring the volume of blood released. Heavy, prolonged menstruation after a medical abortion can cause significant blood loss, the development of anemia, deterioration of immunity and general condition. In this case, curettage may be required.

Scanty periods after medical termination of pregnancy

A decrease in the volume of discharge after pills that provoke a miscarriage is a variant of the norm. Due to gross interference in the functioning of the reproductive system, the ovaries cannot immediately recover. It takes time for the level of sex hormones to normalize.

Also, after terminating an unwanted or undeveloped pregnancy with medication, menstruation may be scanty in those women who have been prescribed hormonal pills.

Warning! In cases where menstruation is not heavy, but is accompanied by severe pain, an ultrasound should be done.

Heavy periods after medical termination of pregnancy

10% of women after medical abortion experience heavy menstruation. They arise due to sudden hormonal changes. If more than 150 ml of blood comes out per cycle, then hormonal correction is required.

You need to pay attention to the situation when a woman’s first periods become excessively heavy after a medical termination of an unwanted or missed pregnancy; they are characterized by increased pain. There is a possibility of developing inflammation and infection. To establish a diagnosis you need:

  • donate blood to determine hormone levels (analysis is done on certain days of the cycle);
  • make vaginal smears;
  • perform an ultrasound scan;
  • check how the blood coagulation system functions.

It is important not to confuse heavy periods with bleeding. If the pad lasts no more than 1.5 hours, then a consultation with a gynecologist is required. The doctor may refer the woman to curettage of the uterine cavity or prescribe hemostatic therapy.

Why no periods after medical termination of pregnancy?

If menstruation does not begin within 35 days from the release of the fertilized egg, then it is necessary to check the functioning of the body. Lack of menstruation can be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • injury to the inner layer of the uterus as a result of intense contractions and expulsion of the fetus;
  • inflammatory process.

It is important to establish the cause long delay and select adequate therapy. With timely initiation of treatment, you can prevent the deterioration of the condition and the development of infertility in the future.

Possible complications

There is a possibility of complications after pharmaabortion. Among the most common problems are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation of the appendages, vagina, uterus;
  • uterine bleeding.

Some women experience increased pain during menstruation.

Attention! If the pill abortion was unsuccessful, cramping pain may appear and the temperature may rise.

If not all parts of the fetus have come out of the uterine cavity, then you will have to do vacuum abortion or scraping.


For quick recovery reproductive health gynecologists recommend:

  • limit physical activity for several weeks;
  • avoid visiting baths, saunas, and taking hot baths;
  • reduce time spent in open sun;
  • avoid sexual contacts about 2 weeks from the date of interruption.

For successful rehabilitation, you should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and review your diet. Special attention During the rehabilitation period, measures are taken to prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases and colds.