Consultations with an ophthalmologist online for free - hurry up to get free help. Free consultation with an ophthalmologist In-person consultation with an ophthalmologist as well as

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Attention! This online consultation does not replace a face-to-face visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate - this can lead to severe consequences. Contact professionals for quick and effective solution Problems.

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Previously asked questions

Lens luxation

Dobry. There was a fight and a lot of blows to the head. After this incident, I underwent Lasek laser correction to improve vision. But the ophthalmologist said that the lens of the eye was knocked out of place. Do you think this could be the consequences of blows to the head?

Is surgery indicated?

Hello! my mother is 61 years old, second degree diabetes. Last year, the left eye lost clarity of vision, and later, due to timely assistance not provided (treated with drops), now the eye can no longer see. the right one is also not in better condition, but our surgeon is in no hurry to perform the operation, he says that it is necessary...

Consultation on extracts from other clinics

Good afternoon. Attached are my extracts, which I have already completed at the New Look and Medsi clinic. I would like to clarify a few questions: 1) to what extent is surgery indicated in my case? 2) how much can my strabismus improve after the operation or is other treatment necessary? I don’t want glasses at all. 3) how much...

Trauma with fracture of the inferior wall of the orbit

Hello, I had an injury on September 22, 2019. According to CT: a fracture of the lower wall of the left orbit with prolapse of the fragment, retrobulbar tissue into the cavity of the left orbit by 15 mm and 12 mm, respectively. The inferior rectus muscle OS is somewhat pulled into the defect. Echoscopy using method "B" OS - single destruction of the vitreous...

Fog after lens replacement surgery


Who is an ophthalmologist? An ophthalmologist is a doctor who provides qualified assistance in case of deterioration of vision. The doctor's task is to assess the degree visual impairment, selection of methods for their correction, development preventive measures to prevent further decline in visual acuity.

Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist's consultation is carried out when there is concern about itching, burning, hyperemia, swelling, edema, pain in the eyes, decreased visual acuity, lacrimation, impaired perception of objects, the presence of a foreign body, dryness, double vision, dark spots, image blur, headache, purulent discharge, color vision impairment, increased sensitivity to the light.

Consultation with an ophthalmologist is mandatory for problems that cause blurred vision. The functions of the eyes suffer not only due to direct effects on them, but also due to diseases of other organs and body systems. You can pre-register an appointment with a specialist so that the best ophthalmologist can conduct a consultation on the website.

What is an appointment with an ophthalmologist like?

An appointment with an ophthalmologist involves questioning the patient’s complaints and the time of onset of symptoms. During the examination, the degree of visual acuity is determined, anatomical features visual organ. Such diagnostics allows a specialist to establish the cause of disorders, detect potential threats, and predict further progression of the disease in the absence of treatment.

An optometrist-ophthalmologist uses many techniques for examination and identification of ophthalmological pathologies. An ophthalmologist examines anatomical structure the patient's eye, assesses the reaction of the pupils to light, and checks peripheral vision.

An ophthalmologist determines intraocular pressure by tonometry and examines the fundus of the eye (ophthalmoscopy) using a magnifying lens. Skiascopy, ultrasound examination of the eye, gonioscopy, and examination of visual fields are also used.

List modern techniques treatment of eye diseases is quite long. Choice therapeutic tactics depends on the nature and stage of the disease. Positive influence strengthening exercises, vitamin therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, laser effects have an effect on visual function, medications. Surgical intervention is indicated only in cases where conservative tactics have not led to the desired result.

What does an ophthalmologist treat?

Diseases treated by an ophthalmologist include conjunctivitis, cataracts, blepharitis, glaucoma, traumatic injury, astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, erosions, retinal dystrophy, infectious lesions, inflammation optic nerve.

My mother is 80 years old. The diagnosis is mature cataract. What tests need to be taken before surgery? Can this be done at your clinic or do you need to take the answers with you?

In addition to vision diagnostics preoperative preparation V ophthalmology clinic Excimer also includes a consultation with an anesthesiologist. This allows you to study in detail general state patient to select an anesthetic treatment, to exclude any complications from of cardio-vascular system and guarantees of excellent vision after surgery. Before the operation, you will need certificates (with stamps) about the following tests: clinical analysis blood + platelets + coagulability; blood sugar test; blood test RW, HIV; blood test for HBsAg (hepatitis B), anti-HCV (hepatitis C); ECG with interpretation, fluorography. These studies can be done at the Excimer clinic (*additional service, paid separately).

An 8-year-old child has incipient myopia (probably hereditary). Is it possible to stop the process and avoid wearing glasses or contacts? If your clinic has this option, how long will the treatment last?

Myopia (myopia) is a very insidious condition that can remain stable for a long time. However, this does not mean that you need to fold your arms. Nowadays, many methods have been developed to stabilize myopia and, in addition to home exercises and the baby’s vision hygiene regime, hardware treatment occupies the first place among them. The Excimer Clinic has a range of devices for hardware treatment, which are based on different principles and mechanisms. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 20 sessions, it is advisable to conduct treatment every 6 months. An ophthalmologist can provide detailed advice.

Is it possible to diagnose any eye disease yourself?

Unfortunately, not many people follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists that examinations of the visual system should be carried out regularly. But the reasons for decreased vision can be different. With cataracts, it is caused by partial or complete clouding of the lens; with glaucoma, it is caused by poor circulation due to increased intraocular pressure; with keratoconus and other diseases of the cornea, the cause lies in a change in its shape, and so on. But in any case, without timely detection, these and many other diseases can lead to very serious deterioration in vision, and often to blindness. Of course, for an accurate diagnosis, a complete diagnostic examination is necessary, but some changes can be determined in yourself using

Ophthalmologist– a surgical doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the eyes and their appendages (eyelids, tear-producing and tear-draining organs, retrobulbar tissue). An ophthalmologist may have additional specialties in ocular microsurgery, vitreoretinal surgery, optometry, oculoplastic surgery and pediatric ophthalmology. Due to the very close relationship nervous system and the organ of vision, neuro-ophthalmology should be considered as a separate area. An ophthalmologist treats a number of diseases together with a neurologist.

When should you contact an ophthalmologist?

A routine consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended in the early neonatal period (the first 7 days from birth), as well as once a year before the age of 6 and after 40 years. Newborn screening is performed to exclude birth defects development of the organ of vision. Preventive examination children under 6 years of age makes it possible to timely diagnose pathologies of refraction and accommodation. An annual examination of persons after reaching 40 years of age reveals early signs glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy, correct presbyopia. Unscheduled consultations are indicated when the following symptoms appear:

  • Decreased visual acuity. There are many prerequisites for the occurrence of visual dysfunction. The most common refractive errors (myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism). Decreased vision may be a symptom of cataracts or glaucoma.
  • Diplopia. Double vision is a common occurrence mixed astigmatism and strabismus. If the cause of diplopia cannot be determined during an ophthalmological examination, consultations with an infectious disease specialist and a neurologist are indicated. The sudden development of such symptoms is a sign of botulism.
  • Feeling of itching and burning. Such symptoms in most cases indicate an allergic nature of conjunctivitis, keratitis or blepharitis. Less commonly, itching and burning are provoked by an inflammatory process of an infectious or fungal nature.
  • Injection of conjunctival vessels. Hyperemia of the palpebral or orbital conjunctiva is often caused by the reaction of the mucous membrane to external irritants (smoke, cold air, dust) or develops secondary to the inflammatory process. Congestive vascular injection occurs in glaucoma.
  • Hemorrhages. Subconjunctival hemorrhage (hyposphagma) does not pose a threat to the organ of vision. At the same time, hyphema or hemophthalmos require immediate seeking help from an ophthalmologist, since they can be complicated by amaurosis.
  • Foreign body sensation. Usually foreign bodies are small in size and quite difficult to notice during visual inspection. Despite this, they should be removed early dates. The longer foreign elements are in the eye area, the higher the risk of complications (corneal ulcer, keratitis, blepharitis).
  • The appearance of “floating” opacities.“Floaters” or “floating” cloudiness before the eyes primarily indicate a lesion vitreous(destruction, hemorrhage). During the consultation, the ophthalmologist should exclude iron deficiency anemia, which may be accompanied by similar symptoms.
  • Tearing. Excessive lacrimation is observed in most diseases involving the anterior segment in the pathological process eyeball. Increasing the production of tear fluid is a protective reaction of the body, which over time is complicated by maceration of the skin in the eyelid and nose area.
  • Impaired function of the eyelids. The most common symptoms are drooping eyelids and signs of inflammation (blepharitis, stye, chalazion). Cases of impaired eyelid closure (lagophthalmos, ectropion, entropion) of neurological origin are treated by ophthalmologists together with a neurologist.
  • Pain. Emergence pain syndrome in the area of ​​the orbit is nonspecific symptom. Acute paincommon symptom traumatic injury, retrobulbar neuritis, acute attack glaucoma. Blunt pain typical for inflammatory processes, localized in the periorbital region.

What does an ophthalmologist treat?

An ophthalmologist treats diseases that affect the organ of vision and its appendage apparatus. The right to conduct separate surgical interventions have only ophthalmologists who have undergone specialization in eye microsurgery or vitreoretinal surgery. The list of main diseases treated by an ophthalmologist includes:

  • Refractive errors: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia.
  • Inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, keratitis, scleritis, uveitis, scleritis.
  • Pathologies of the eyelids: blepharitis, ptosis, entropion, ectropion, Marcus-Gunn syndrome.
  • Congenital malformations: microphthalmos, anophthalmos, iris coloboma, aniridia.
  • Diseases lacrimal organs : dacryocystitis, dacryoadenitis, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac, chronic canaliculitis.
  • Injuries to the organ of vision: burns, fracture of the orbital walls, penetrating eye injury, contusions.
  • Pathologies of the optic nerve: atrophy, retrobulbar neuritis, ischemic neuropathy.
  • Diseases of the eye socket: endocrine ophthalmopathy, orbital cellulitis, orbital myositis, lymphangioma, hemangioma, phlegmon of retrobulbar tissue.
  • Glaucoma and pathologies of ophthalmotonus: hypotension of the eye, ocular hypertension, glaucomocyclic crisis.
  • Lens diseases: cataract, ectopia lentis, lenticonus, lentiglobus.
  • Retinal diseases: diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration, retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Other pathologies: corneal dystrophy, dry eye, strabismus, conjunctival retention cyst.

How to prepare for your appointment?

Before consulting an ophthalmologist, it is recommended to remove makeup and, if possible, not apply eyelash extensions. This will allow the doctor to conduct a detailed examination of the eyelids and eyelashes. Visual stress the day before should be moderate. Doctors do not recommend putting any eye drops into your eyes before consultation. medicines. Culture results will be uninformative if patients previously instilled antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drops. Local application analgesics does not allow assessing whether corneal sensitivity is preserved, and the use hormonal drugs inhibits the regeneration of the cornea. You should take it with you to your appointment. outpatient card, all the results of the ophthalmological examinations, as well as glasses or contact lenses and a recipe for them (if available).

How is an appointment with an ophthalmologist?

During the patient’s initial visit, the doctor collects a detailed medical history and fills out registration documentation. The ophthalmologist clarifies complaints, pays attention to such anamnestic information as the duration and severity of symptoms, family history and allergic history. The doctor then performs the following tests:

  • Visometry. Distance visual acuity is determined using the Sivtsev-Golovin and Snellen tables. For studying visual functions in children preschool age use the Orlova table. Then close vision is examined. The first stage is diagnosis without correction, the second stage is with the use of drugs spectacle correction or contact lenses.
  • Study of refraction. To determine refraction, retinoscopy or skiascopy is performed. Using autorefractometry, the type of correction preferred for the patient is determined without specifying the true refractive index.
  • Ophthalmoscopy. The technique makes it possible to visualize the fundus of the eye, identify pathological changes in the retina, optic nerve head and macula. The study is recommended to be carried out after pupil dilation in order to thoroughly examine peripheral parts inner shell eyes.
  • Tonometry. Measurement intraocular pressure(IOP) is a routine procedure in ophthalmology. During the initial examination, it is used only when examining patients of secondary and old age. The most common methods are pneumotonometry and IOP measurement according to Maklakov or Goldman.
  • Ultrasound of the eye. Ultrasonography in A-scan mode, it is prescribed when refractive errors are detected in order to measure the anteroposterior size of the eye. The procedure is also necessary when selecting intraocular lens(IOL). B-scanning is performed to study the condition of the eyeball and retrobulbar tissue.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye. The patient is examined using a slit lamp. The technique allows you to examine the conjunctiva, eyelids, cornea, iris and lens, and partially assess the condition of the anterior chamber, vitreous body and meibomian glands.

Further diagnostic tactics depend on the research results. When identifying pathological changes Optical coherence tomography of the eyes and computer perimetry are recommended for the fundus. To assess the condition of the lacrimal organs, the Schirmer test and the Norn test are used. In case of eye injuries, an additional x-ray of the orbit is performed or CT scan affected area. Identifying symptoms infectious diseases anterior part of the eyeball is an indication for microbiological research scraping and determination of sensitivity tests to antibacterial therapy.

At a repeat appointment, the ophthalmologist studies the results of previously conducted studies, taking into account the nature of the disease, repeats the procedures necessary to study the dynamics pathological process. For example, if a patient seeks help with keratitis, during a return visit it is advisable to perform only eye biomicroscopy. Determining visual acuity is a mandatory step in examining a patient, regardless of the pathology.

IN outpatient setting all are treated eye diseases that do not lead to acute and irreversible vision loss. These include conjunctivitis, keratitis, and blepharitis. Correction of myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism is carried out at the outpatient clinic. These are produced on an outpatient basis surgical interventions like deletion foreign bodies from the surface of the cornea and eyelids, phacoemulsification of cataracts, opening of the chalazion, excision of the pterygium. For penetrating eye injuries, 4th degree contusion, eye burns, severe course uveitis and endophthalmitis, corneal ulcer with a high risk of perforation, attack of primary open-angle glaucoma, retinal detachment, retrobulbar neuritis, the ophthalmologist refers the patient to hospitalization.