Is it possible to give a child quail eggs, how to cook them and from what age to introduce complementary foods? The obvious benefits of quail eggs

Eggs, usually chicken, appear early in the diet of children and have been an important part of the diet since their introduction. This is a complete and necessary product, but often parents wonder about finding an alternative to add variety to their daily diet. In this case, quail eggs are an excellent option for a child. They have a small size, a balanced composition and an unusual appearance, attract the attention of the baby and arouse interest.


Useful properties of quail eggs

Bird eggs are a valuable source of amino acids, lecithin, choline, vitamins and mineral salts(especially potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and iron). The quail product is distinguished by its concentrated composition and low weight (only 10-14 g), which allows it to be successfully used in the diet of children without dividing into parts. It rarely causes allergies, although if the baby has it, the use of this type of egg in his diet should be agreed with the pediatrician.

It is important that even the industrial maintenance of quails does not provide permanent application medicines and preventive measures using antibiotics. The bird is resilient, extremely hardy and not susceptible to most of the diseases characteristic of a chicken, so its eggs and meat are environmentally friendly and safe food for children.

Quail egg shells can be used in home recipes to treat diathesis and as a source of organic calcium needed for a growing skeleton. It can be consumed in small doses according to recipes for children after a short boil, drying and grinding.

The regular inclusion of quail eggs in the menu of children contributes to the prevention pathological conditions and health care:

  1. They are useful for vision, cognitive development, the formation of the nervous system and bone growth, increase hemoglobin levels and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. A large number of quail egg calcium contributes to the prevention of rickets.
  3. The beneficial effect of quail eggs on the child's immunity reduces the incidence and helps to quickly and easy recovery after a cold.
  4. The product promotes the removal of radionuclides and other toxins from the body, reducing the harm from the influence of negative environmental factors in the living environment.

Quail eggs make it easier for children to comprehend new knowledge and study at school, relieving fatigue, migraine attacks and dizziness.

Rules for the use of quail eggs in the diet of children

Acquaintance with a bird's egg can be done already at the age of 7 months, introducing its yolk into the child's diet in the usual way, starting with a few crumbs (no more than a quarter) and increasing the portion every 2-3 days. The crushed product is useful to add to cereals, vegetable purees or dilute with breast milk.

Quail eggs for children over one year old can be used together with protein, cook omelettes, casseroles and cheesecakes, conducting their thorough heat treatment. To cook the product hard-boiled, it is enough to hold it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then immediately remove and cool it - so useful substances more will be saved in the active form.

Age norms for the use of quail eggs:

  • at the age of up to a year, it is appropriate to use one yolk per day;
  • from a year to three years, 1-2 whole eggs are enough;
  • from 3 to 8 years, you can increase the daily rate to 2-3 pieces;
  • from 8 to 12 years old, it is permissible to eat 3-4 eggs;
  • from 12 to 18 years old - 4 pieces per day.

Raw eggs of any birds in the child's diet are unacceptable. Contrary to popular belief, quail eggs can serve as a source of salmonellosis, although the peculiarities of their structure and the vital activity of birds do not contribute to the development of the disease and the likelihood of infection is low. The product can also become a source of other infections, such as pullorosis.

The assimilation of crude protein in immature digestive system children is difficult and can turn around increased gas formation and indigestion. In addition, there is a risk that the child will not like this way of serving eggs, he will refuse them. for a long time in any form.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on the benefits and methods of eating quail eggs for children

Recipes for cooking children's dishes from quail eggs

In the diet of young children, it is necessary to use simple recipes with a small amount of salt without the addition of spices and products prohibited by age. Cooking, heat treatment of food for a couple or in a slow cooker is allowed. You can add vegetables to omelettes from quail eggs (grated carrots, zucchini, steamed cauliflower, broccoli or bell peppers).

The shell shell of a quail egg is characterized by increased strength, so it is inconvenient to break it in the usual way. To open the shell of this product, you can use a kitchen knife, or better, special scissors. Older children can easily use this device on their own, helping their parents in the kitchen.

Recipe for cottage cheese casserole with quail eggs in a double boiler

Quail egg - 6 pcs.
Curd - 200 g
Sugar - 30 g
Milk - 30 ml
Semolina - 40 g
Butter - 30 g

Pour enough water into the bowl of the steamer. Beat the products with a blender for 2 minutes and put in a silicone mold, and then place it on the grill of the appliance. Lower the lid and steam the dish for a quarter of an hour. When serving, the casserole can be decorated with herbs or fresh berries.

Recipe for making cottage cheese casserole in the oven

Cottage cheese 9% fat - 200 g
Quail egg - 4-5 pcs.
Sugar - to taste
Raisins, chopped fruit - to taste
Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Mash cottage cheese with a fork, mix with eggs, sugar and vanilla. Cut the fruit and add to the mixture along with the raisins, put the finished mass into a silicone mold. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put the dish there for half an hour, then cool and serve with children's tea or compote.

Recipe for making an omelette from quail eggs in a slow cooker

Quail egg - 8 pieces
Milk - 100 ml
Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
Cheese - 100 g

Using a blender, beat the eggs with milk and salt, heat the multicooker bowl, grease it with oil and pour the resulting mixture into it. Grate the cheese and sprinkle the dish on top. Depending on the model of the unit, an omelette can be cooked in the baking or stewing mode for 10 minutes. The portion for the child must be normalized by age.

Warning: Meat and legumes should not be combined in the same dish with quail eggs for both a child and an adult, since protein products different origin it is better to use separately in order to avoid overloading the pancreas.

Determination of the freshness of quail eggs

Only fresh and safe foods should be used to feed the child. From this point of view, the use of quail eggs in the diet of children is preferable compared to chicken eggs, since they contain a lot of lysozyme and have a long shelf life even at room temperature. It is best to consume them within a week after demolition.

Stale quail eggs dry out faster than they deteriorate, so they can be distinguished by weight: they are light, as if empty, and when immersed in water, they remain floating on its surface. After breaking the shell, assess the condition of the protein and yolk. In a fresh egg, they keep their shape well, have a high viscosity and do not spread far apart.

The shelf life of raw quail eggs in the cold is 60 days, and boiled with a whole shell - 5-7. They can be stored at room temperature for up to a month. The shell should not be washed before placing the eggs in the trays, as the protective cuticle will be lost and the product will deteriorate more quickly.

Video: How to check the freshness of eggs

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications to the use of quail eggs for children include allergies, individual intolerance, kidney and liver diseases, and protein metabolism disorders. Overeating is extremely dangerous, so do not put more food on the table in front of the child than he is allowed to eat by age.

Warning: Excess eggs in the diet of children can result in vomiting, diarrhea, the development of hypersensitivity and abdominal pain. As a result of regular overeating, joints, kidneys and other organs suffer.

Useful and harmful properties quail eggs, as well as their calorie content and the correct rate of consumption for children and adults. How many eggs to drink per day, how much and how to cook and other useful information.

The content of the article:

Quail eggs are the most valuable dietary products. The benefits of their use have been known since ancient times. They are very tasty and nutritious and practically do not cause allergies. Very popular in France and Holland, and in Japan, they can even be found as part of some sushi. In traditional Russian cuisine, quail eggs were almost never used, and they appeared on our table thanks to the fashion for exotic products. The weight of a quail egg is very small and is about 10 - 15 grams. The shell is thin and fragile, has an intricate spotted color.

The composition of quail eggs: vitamins and minerals

Despite its low weight, a quail egg is a real pantry nutrients.

vitamins, μg:
  • B1 - 137 mcg (increases appetite, stimulates digestion, treats muscle weakness and fatigue).
  • B2 - 1100 mcg (improves metabolism, maintains muscle tone, promotes growth processes, has a beneficial effect on skin condition).
  • PP - 110 mcg (treats disorders of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas).
  • A - 1180 mcg, (carotenoids - 670 mcg) (treats skin diseases, mucosal inflammation).
Minerals, mg:
  • Potassium - 620 mg (improves neuromuscular conduction).
  • Iron - 404 mg (participates in the process of hematopoiesis).
  • Phosphorus 213 mg
  • Calcium - 76 mg (important for the activity of the heart, necessary (especially for babies) for the prevention and treatment of rickets).
  • Copper - 17 mg
  • Cobalt - 6.6 mg
Amino acids, G:
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.43 g
  • Methionine - 0.72 g
  • Glutamic acid - 1.72 g
  • Aspartic acid - 1.16 g
  • Tryptophan - 0.42 g
  • Lysine - 1.05 g (not produced by the human body).

Quail eggs calories per 100 g is 168 kcal:

  • Proteins - 11.9 g
  • Fats - 13.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.6 g

Comparison of chicken eggs and quail

You already know about the composition of quail eggs, but how much more they are compared to chicken eggs contain these beneficial vitamins and trace elements, not yet.

Eggs laid by quail have more:

  • Vitamin A - 2.5 times;
  • – 2.8 times;
  • Vitamin B2 - 2.2 times;
  • Cobalt - 2.2 times;
  • – 4.5 times;
  • Phosphorus - 4.5 times;
  • Iron - 4 times;
  • Copper - 2.2 times;

The benefits of quail eggs

Quail eggs are the best natural medicine!

Worldwide quail eggs treatment found to be very effective. These small eggs are especially successfully used for diseases. gastrointestinal tract. They help with anemia and anemia. Are excellent remedy for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, the treatment of bronchitis and even bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia. An effective tonic for patients with hypertension.

Quail eggs are introduced into the diet of people who have been exposed to radiation. This increases the body's resistance and promotes the excretion of radionuclides.

At pregnant women who eat quail eggs, pregnancy and toxicosis are much easier, the threat of miscarriage is reduced. It has a beneficial effect on potency. And with a severe headache or indigestion, it is recommended to eat a boiled quail egg instead of an analgin tablet! Unlike medicines, eating eggs is not harmful. In addition, there is an increase immune defense body due to the accumulation of vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals.

Video about the beneficial properties of quail eggs

Harm of quail eggs and contraindications

Undoubtedly, quail eggs are a storehouse of nutrients and nutrients. But, despite this, they should be eaten with caution, they have a certain harm.

First of all, the assertion that heat body of a quail protects it from salmonellosis, is not entirely true. Like other poultry, quails can suffer from pullorosis (a disease from the group of salmonellosis), and Salmonella enteritidis, one of the main pathogens that cause severe food poisoning in humans, can be found in eggs. Such cases are rare, but nevertheless, it is not recommended to consume eggs without preliminary heat treatment. (But remember that if it lasts more than 15 minutes, then all the vitamins are destroyed).

Eggs contain cholesterol. An increase in its amount in the blood of patients with atherosclerosis can cause blockage of blood vessels, and even the appearance of blood clots. People with liver disease cholelithiasis quail eggs should be used with great care.

Despite the fact that the composition of quail eggs is slightly different from chicken eggs, for children they can become the strongest allergen. Therefore, they should be introduced into the diet of a child up to a year only after consulting a doctor. And for children predisposed to allergies - after appropriate tests.

Quail eggs: how and how much to eat and cook

Quail eggs are the most delicious among poultry eggs. They can and should preferably be eaten raw. They can also hard boil(same as chicken - about 5 minutes in salted water), and soft-boiled just 1-2 minutes is enough, fry omelettes and scrambled eggs, bake and even marinate.

They are part of mayonnaise, used in cooking to decorate salads and hot dishes. For their original appearance and pleasant taste, children are very fond of them. But it is important to observe moderation: babies from 1 to 3 years old should eat no more than two eggs per day. The diet should be introduced gradually (starting with half and gradually increasing the amount). At the age of 3 and up to 10 years, a child can be given up to three eggs, but no more. From 10 to 18 - four eggs. Adults can consume 5 - 6 eggs. The daily norm of the elderly (over 50) should be reduced to 4 pcs.

IN therapeutic purposes quail eggs are consumed - drink raw 30 minutes before meals. Such a reception should be systematic, without interruptions for 2-3 months. Then it is worth taking a break in their use.

Informative video about quail eggs

Video about quail eggs - learn about the benefits, how to choose, store and how to eat correctly:

The fact that quail eggs are very useful has been known since ancient times. Despite the fact that quail eggs are very small, they are both nutritious and very tasty. But the most valuable thing about them is that they do not cause any side effects even those to whom chicken eggs are contraindicated.
Quail eggs can be eaten by children and the elderly. They differ from chicken eggs in that they do not contain cholesterol. There are no known contraindications for their use.

Quail egg weighs about 10 g, but it contains many biologically active substances. The person begins to work better nervous system. This is due to the high content of B vitamins.
Memory is improved by the iron, potassium and phosphorus found in eggs. In addition, quail eggs allow children to develop mental abilities. If you compare quail and chicken eggs, you can find out that a gram of a quail egg contains more than 2 times vitamin B2, almost 3 times vitamin B1 and 2.5 times more vitamin A. Quail eggs, in addition, have significantly higher iron levels. , potassium and phosphorus. The benefits of quail eggs are obvious!

Experts believe that quail eggs should be included in the diet of weakened and sick children. In Japan, quail eggs are widely used in baby food. They have a good effect on children who are stunted. The special value of these eggs is that they have a good effect on the reproductive functions of the human body.

And one more advantage of quail eggs. They can be stored for a very long time. They can be stored at room temperature for about a month, in the refrigerator - up to two months.
Quail eggs can be eaten raw or baked, boiled, pickled or fried. But raw eggs are the best. It is best to eat them about half an hour before meals with juice or water.
You can use quail eggs to make salads, omelettes, scrambled eggs, and more. For example, mayonnaise at home is better from quail eggs. If you don't like it, add eggs to the soup, mashed potatoes or in porridge.

How many eggs can you eat at one time?

Of course, quail eggs are very useful. But they do not need to be abused, like any other products. Remember to use eggs wisely. The number of eggs you can eat at a time depends on your body weight, age, and more.
Nutritionists believe that a child from one to 3 years old can be given no more than 2 testicles per day. At the age of 3 to 10 years, you can eat 3 testicles, from 10 to 18 years - 4. At the age of 50, you can eat 5 - 6 testicles per day. After 50 years, it is better to eat no more than 4 pieces a day.

Quail eggs certainly have useful properties, but in addition to the obvious benefits, they can also harm a person if they are used in unlimited or simply large quantities.

You need to boil eggs from 2 to 4.5 minutes, and 100 grams of the product contains 168 kcal.

The egg was and remains a symbol of the infinity of life. Therefore, nature provided it with everything necessary so that the seed inside could fully develop and guarantee these properties to a living organism. For some, quail eggs today remain a product whose properties are little known. Therefore, before deciding to eat quail eggs, the benefits and harms of them should be considered comprehensively with the answer to specific questions:

  1. What are the benefits of quail eggs?
  2. What are their medicinal properties?
  3. How to cook quail eggs?
  4. Which is better to eat: hard-boiled or raw?
  5. How to take them to children?
  6. How many minutes to cook?
  7. What is their composition?

The closest product, which has become a kind of standard for comparison, is chicken eggs that are familiar to many.

Table number 1. Organic and inorganic compounds (g/100 g of product)

Table 1 shows how many organic matter how many kcal of energy. In quail eggs, 5 times less carbohydrates, but 20% more than the limit fatty acids, without which it is impossible to build plasma membranes, produce hormones and energy. For all other indicators, the compositions differ little.

The second table eloquently shows how many vitamins they contain (1.5-2 times more for some types).

Table number 2. Vitamin content (mg/100 g)

Choline deserves special attention, with which the risk of becoming hypertensive or heart disease drops significantly, as it lowers blood cholesterol levels and is an integral part of lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.

The last table shows how many valuable trace elements are contained in this product. Why not miracle cure, whose properties can help anyone who wants healing. In fact, you can count on the benefits of their use only depending on:

  • age;
  • product quantities;
  • cooking method.

Table number 3. Mineral content (mg/100 g)

Quail eggs are healthy food but far from a panacea. Having a balanced amino acid and mineral composition, it helps those who are recovering from illness, are employed in heavy work or in big sport. We are talking about a hard-boiled product in which all minerals are preserved, and denatured protein is better absorbed.

Hard-boiled quail eggs along with steamed fish are the only animal products allowed for inflammation of the pancreas. They will reduce the acidity of the stomach with an ulcer.

All the myths and legends around them are nothing but the ignorance of people who do not know the answers to the questions: what are the benefits of quail eggs, how to use them, how much to cook.

Myths and truth about quail eggs

One of these myths says that quail eggs are low in calories and useful in losing weight. But Table 1 shows that this is not the case. However, they are included in many weight loss diets. excess weight due to choline, which regulates reactions fat metabolism. Available chromium also aids in fat oxidation and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to a balanced vitamin complex the body copes with stress more easily - a companion of hard methods of losing weight.

The second incorrectness is that they have practically no cholesterol. Table No. 1 refutes this opinion. Cholesterol is a participant in many biochemical reactions in the synthesis of male and female hormones, as well as vitamin D. And only when its level is exceeded, does it turn on its properties - deposited on the walls blood vessels disrupt the blood supply, leading to atherosclerosis. The yolk of a quail egg contains a lot of choline, which helps all cells in need of cholesterol to take and assimilate it. That is why, after quail eggs, cholesterol levels do not rise, but, on the contrary, fall.

And the last myth complete security raw quail eggs, although the latter, like all birds, suffers from infections, in particular, from pathogens of salmonellosis and pullorosis. The cause of the disease can be the shell, which got the excrement of an infected bird. Eggs can be eaten raw if:

  • the shell is washed with soapy water;
  • the terms of storage of eggs are observed;
  • the manufacturer guarantees compliance with hygiene rules.

Medicinal properties

After the radioactive contamination of Japanese cities at the end of World War II, the country's doctors rising sun took all measures to search for products that remove radionuclides. One of them was quail eggs. This is how the mandatory law was born. daily intake this product in Japan. The law applies to children and adult men.

Some experts call quail eggs "ampoules of health" and recommend them to anyone who wants to be healthy not in words but in deeds. After all, "ampoules" normalize the work of the heart, blood vessels and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. They have a beneficial effect on the state of the protective functions of the body, preserving the integrity of organs and systems in the fight against colds and cancer. If you take quail eggs daily, you can prevent mastopathy, because malignant neoplasms occur with a weakened immune system.

Eggs are useful for children who are lagging behind their peers, pregnant women who want to preserve the beauty of their hair, nails and teeth.

With regular use of the product, they do not complain of anemia, hypertension, nervous disorders. It will help diabetics surgical intervention. It heals wounds faster. Suffering diabetes, it is recommended to use 6 raw eggs for six months. To eliminate some laxative effect, it is better to eat only 3 eggs in the first days. Relieve and lower blood sugar mixture prepared in a few minutes from 2 beaten eggs and lemon juice. Delicious healthy drink drink on an empty stomach 50 minutes before breakfast.

From a rich complex of vitamins and minerals, you can expect a rejuvenating effect, both for the skin and the whole body. Eggs are the basis of many cosmetics: shampoos, creams, etc. ethnoscience also did not deprive her of attention unique composition natural product and its properties has prepared many recipes for beauty and health.

Men's Health Benefits

The benefits of quail eggs for men have been known for a long time. The secret lies in their composition. The first reason is in more protein, the second is in its full composition, and the third is in the so-called trace elements of love. With these minerals, better spermatozoa are produced, and potency increases in men.

Bulgarian scientists have found that quail eggs are more effective than Viagra for men. They developed a recipe for the drink "Youth", which has a tremendous impact on the potency of men. After all, the problem of weak erection is familiar even to young people. The reason is the blockage of the vessels of the penis as a consequence high cholesterol. With quail eggs, the symptoms of atherosclerosis of the penis disappear, and ejaculation improves.

The Germans have their own recipe for male power. Breakfast for real men from 4 miniature colorful eggs, and instead of morning coffee, a tablespoon alcohol tincture from walnut partitions and no problems with potency.


Among those who are contraindicated to consume quail eggs are patients:

  • with problem digestion of animal protein;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Consulting with your doctor will help you decide on a diet. It is difficult to count on a sharp rejuvenation after 3 hundred eggs eaten, except for big problems with digestion. A large number of eggs at one time cannot be fully digested. Another thing is the regular inclusion of them in the diet.

How to cook

For preventive purposes, you can drink raw eggs. It is better to do this 30 minutes before the first breakfast. For adult men and women daily rate consists of 4 pieces. For preventive purposes, they will have to be consumed for 3-4 months.

It is better to buy a fresh product that is no more than 20 days old. Long term storage should be carried out at 10° C. If there is any doubt about the correct storage, it is better not to risk it. A weightless egg is a sign of a dried, stale product.

To the most safe ways cooking includes cooking. The composition of the finished product depends on its duration. But how to cook quail eggs and how much? Cooking can last in the range from 2 to 4.5 minutes, respectively, soft-boiled or hard-boiled. It is important to cook quail eggs so that they can be peeled. To make this process easier, and to get hard-boiled eggs, you need to boil in salt water and then immediately lower the egg into cold water. For daily use, you will need special scissors. They easily open the egg without splinters. Without them, the shell crumbles, and the film under it does not tear, which creates inconvenience. And we must remember that after heat treatment for 15 minutes, almost nothing remains of vitamins.

So it turns out that those who have so far ignored this unique product, there is a chance, especially for men, to fix everything, no matter how much it costs.

Quail eggs are dietary products nutrition. Doctors and nutritionists recommend including them in your diet as often as possible, especially for young children. These small, spotted eggs contain many valuable nutrients that growing bodies, people who have had surgery, and those who suffer chronic diseases. What is the use of quail eggs, what possible harm maybe from their use, read this article.

Quail eggs are quail eggs. Once they could only be obtained by finding a nest of wild quails. Now quail farms exist in many countries, including ours.

And today on store shelves you can see smaller quail eggs next to chicken eggs. They are no longer in short supply.

True, it is worth noting that their distribution in the Russian Food Industry started not so long ago, but only a few years ago. And this fact was directly related to the “fears” of buyers, the exoticism and rarity of the product, as well as the reluctance of poultry farmers to breed small birds that are not able to bring a high income.

But things change over time, and now consumers can afford the world's most valuable dietary egg.

As the name implies, the main "producers" of this type of eggs are chicken females of domesticated quails belonging to the pheasant family.

In ancient times, the Egyptians were the first to learn about the value of the contents of the egg of such a small bird, trying to accustom these wild birds.

But only in the 9th century did the Chinese succeed in doing this completely. Despite the assertion of some scientists that Japan thought about breeding quails at home only in 1945, in fact, they have been known since the 13th century.

To date, the main suppliers of quail eggs in our country are considered not only domestic farms in Karelia, Sakhalin and the Arkhangelsk region, but also countries such as England, Spain, Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia.

Compared to chicken, they are much smaller. The weight of one quail egg is only 10 to 12 grams. This fact must be taken into account when preparing dishes.

Quail eggs can be recognized not only by their small size but spotted shell. The eggshell, although thin, is held firmly by the inner protein film.

Composition of quail eggs

Many argue with confidence that there is virtually no difference between quail and chicken eggs. But such an opinion is erroneous.

Despite their small size, quail eggs contain:

  • water;
  • ash products;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • B vitamins (except B 17);
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol (or vitamin E);
  • vitamin A and beta carotene;
  • minerals such as molybdenum, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chromium, iron, copper, chlorine, sulfur;
  • amino acids represented by cysteine, methionine, glutamic and aspartic acids, tryptophan and lysine.

The total calorie content of 100 grams of the product (protein and yolk) is approximately 168 kilocalories. Accordingly, one quail egg can have from 14 to 16.8 calories. In this case, the energy ratio b / w / y is 28/70/1, i.e. 28 percent protein, 70 percent fat, and 1 percent carbohydrate.

It is also worth noting that in quail eggs, when compared with chicken eggs, there are more:

  • riboflavin and cobalt (2.2 times);
  • copper (almost 2.5 times).
  • vitamin A (2.5 times);
  • thiamine (2.6 times);
  • iron (4 times);
  • phosphorus (4.5 times);
  • potassium (almost 5 times);

The benefits of quail eggs

Quail eggs are valuable food products and bring many benefits to the human body. They are present in many diets, are recommended in children's nutrition, can be a good remedy prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

The main benefit of quail eggs is determined by their chemical composition, regardless of the place of production and method of preparation.

Therefore, this product as a natural medicine:

  • used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • indicated for anemia and anemia;
  • warns ARD;
  • helps in the treatment of pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia and tuberculosis);
  • introduced into the diet of people exposed to radiation;
  • used to strengthen the heart muscle and reduce arterial pressure(but only in certain doses);
  • indicated for easy tolerance of toxicosis by pregnant women and reducing the risk of miscarriage;
  • recommended to maintain normal hormonal levels in women during menopause;
  • is prescribed to increase potency in men and prevent prostate adenoma;
  • applicable for headache and migraine instead of an analgesic;
  • increases bone strength and improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • used to treat the pancreas by improving the metabolic process;
  • recommended for fatigue, muscle weakness;
  • important in the diet of the expectant mother in order to ensure the full development of the fetus and further normal lactation.

Possible harm to quail eggs

No matter how useful quail eggs are, but because of their animal origin, their consumption must be treated with caution.

First of all, you should never forget about safety. Therefore, doctors recommend not only washing and wiping each egg dry, but also boiling (or frying) it for ten to fifteen minutes.

And let the consumer not be confused by the statement that quails do not succumb to salmonella disease due to elevated temperature body (literally 1.5 degrees). Being a domesticated bird, it can suffer from pullorosis (this is a disease from the group of salmonellosis).

So it is not uncommon when the causative agent of severe diseases is found in the meat and raw eggs of quails. food poisoning called Salmonella enteritidis.

It is undesirable to use quail eggs for people with pathology of the biliary tract and liver, or simply problems with the excretion of bile. It turns out that the yolk of a quail egg is able to narrow the bile ducts.

Although quail eggs are often introduced into the diet of children, their “overdose” can lead to the development of allergies.

How many quail eggs can you eat per day

Quail eggs are useful. But they can bring some harm to the body. Even without special contraindications to the use of quail eggs, you still need to adhere to the consumption rates recommended by nutritionists.

Based on these rules:

children under three years old can eat only 1 egg per day;

children from 3 years old to 10 years old are allowed no more than 3 pieces;

teenagers under 19 years old can have no more than 4 eggs;

adults under 50 years old no more than 6 pieces;

adults over 50 up to 4 eggs per day.

How to choose and store quail eggs

Quail eggs in the store are more expensive than chicken eggs. Although the pricing policy for them may vary depending on the season: in spring and summer - cheaper, in winter - more expensive.

Eggs are usually packed in plastic or cardboard containers, which contain all the necessary information about the supplier and production date, nutritional value, storage conditions.

You can buy quail eggs only those that lie on the shelves with cooling. The shelf life of quail eggs outside the refrigerator is only a month. In the refrigerator - 60 days.

It is advisable to choose eggs packaged in plastic boxes. Such transparent packaging makes it possible to inspect the goods from all sides and identify the presence of possible damage to the shell, which is not acceptable.

How to eat quail eggs

Many people know about the benefits of quail eggs, but do not buy them, because they do not know how to use them correctly and what can be done with them.

Quail eggs, as well as chicken eggs, can be eaten raw, cooked from them various dishes, boiled and fried. But if quail eggs are used in medicinal purposes, then it is better to drink them raw and on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. It is recommended to drink quail eggs with boiled water.

To get persistent positive effect from medicinal use eggs, you need to take them for at least 3 months.

The use of quail eggs in cooking

Cooks do not refuse to introduce small quail eggs into the recipes of their dishes. Most often, quail eggs are used by culinary specialists in Holland and France. They prepare various sauces, salads, mayonnaise from them.

Quail eggs can be boiled and fried, baked in the oven and even pickled. They are often garnished with salads and appetizers, added to soups and hot side dishes. When cooking quail eggs, you only need to remember that the heat treatment should be no more than 15 minutes. With longer cooking, all are lost. beneficial features eggs.

Table nutritional value quail eggs in 100 grams

Learn more about the benefits of quail eggs from this video