Narcological dispensary of Yuzao: address, contacts, work schedule. Modern drug treatment clinic: treatment features

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Watch the video and find out where you can get professional support on: Rehabilitation of drug addiction and alcoholism?!

Get rid of drug addiction and return to full life- this is what drug addicts really dream about. After all, a drug is a cunning killer that gradually destroys the body, and then a person’s life.

Drug addiction is a disease, but it is not an acute respiratory viral infection that can go away on its own. Therefore, at any stage of drug addiction development, the patient needs emergency and qualified help.

Where to go for help in overcoming addiction?

To start treatment, it is worth visiting drug treatment clinics in Moscow by registration. Each of them is subordinate to the unified Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. If a person wishing to undergo treatment does not have a Moscow registration, you can contact the branches of drug treatment clinics.

Within the walls of the institution they produce medications and psychological treatment addictions, register and deregister, officially confirm the limitation of patients’ legal capacity and take measures to restore it. They also conduct medical examinations.

The arsenal of narcotic dispensaries includes wide range medications, psychological and other methods to combat drug addiction, alcoholism and other types of pathological addictions.

Official resources of dispensaries on the Internet

The website of the Moscow drug treatment clinic will introduce you to the basic principles of rehabilitation. Along with classical methods of combating addictions, ND also uses innovative ways to solve this problem.

Unique, universal and time-tested methods used in therapy are in demand not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia. That is why residents from all over the country often come to the capital.

In addition to rehabilitation programs, dispensaries also conduct promotional activities healthy image lives that help prevent the spread of such bad habits, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and the diseases provoked by them.

Comprehensive rehabilitation is the key to recovery

Drug treatment clinics in Moscow in the districts of the Southern Administrative District offer comprehensive treatment for drug addiction. This is not only the relief of withdrawal syndrome and detoxification of the body, including the use of pharmacological drugs. The rehabilitation program also includes psychotherapeutic correction of addictions, sports exercises and physical procedures designed to show the patient all the delights of life without narcotic substances. Treatment is also provided in dispensaries mental disorders, which were provoked by the use of psychoactive components.

When faced with drug addiction or other addiction, they need to be treated immediately, because the condition of a person caught in these networks will rapidly deteriorate every day.

On my Blog website you can get individual consultations absolutely free on the above issues by leaving a request for a call back in the form below.

These tablets also contain disulfiram in high dosage, and vitamins B3 and B4 are added to enhance the effect.


Included in the aversive group. This tool developed on the basis of cyanamide, which sets it apart from competitors. First of all, Colme does not have any unique distinctive features, i.e. it is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. These characteristics make it possible to add it to food and drinks. It begins to act faster than disulfiram-based medications, and its effect is shorter.

On a note:
All drugs for treatment alcohol addiction, belonging to the group of aversives, will not give the desired effect without a thorough preliminary examination, preparation and psychological work with a person, since they only block susceptibility to alcohol. Self-medication is not acceptable - there are known cases deaths with uncontrolled use.


Methods for treating alcoholism using blockers medicines is one of the most effective and progressive, therefore, by contacting our drug treatment service, you can get the latest and most effective treatment from addiction. Blockers block the pleasure receptors that are typically affected by alcohol, causing a feeling of euphoria.


This blocker is introduced into the body for several weeks. If a patient takes alcohol while taking Vivitrol, he will not experience any pleasant sensation. For him, a glass of vodka will be like a glass of water. Vivitrol is used in the “Point of Sobriety” method for treating alcohol addiction developed by Johnson & Johnson.

Methods for eliminating cravings for alcoholic beverages

These methods make it possible to make drinking alcohol impossible for a certain period of time. Aversive drugs that are already familiar to us are used in complex techniques, combined with other medications and psychotherapeutic procedures. These techniques are often called “coding for alcoholism.” A patient who has taken a complex of such drugs will feel unwell if he drinks.


A technique in which one of the main drugs is disulfiram in one form or another. This drug completely blocks the oxidation processes of ingested alcohol at the acetaldehyde stage. If you drink alcohol at the same time as this drug, you may experience severe pain in the chest, dizziness, fever, difficulty breathing, etc. Before releasing the patient outside the clinic, as a rule, a provocation is carried out, in which the patient is shown the negative effect of drinking alcohol. Repeated use of alcohol leads to the development of a fear of drinking alcohol.


The Algominal method for treating alcoholism has a similar effect. This is the same disulfiram, administered under special conditions accompanied by additional drugs. The resulting “cocktail” is strong enough to cause critical disorders in a person who has taken alcohol while taking Algominal.


A technique similar to the previous ones, containing drugs of a known aversive group. Has minor modifications in parts additional medications and psychotherapeutic support.


Similar to the previous method. The choice of this particular method comes down to the fact that a preliminary conversation with the patient gives a certain idea about the duration of alcohol consumption, frequency, and amount of alcohol consumed. The doctor decides which technique to choose based on these anamnestic data.

Drugs that directly affect the desire for alcohol


These are antibodies to a special protein s-100. This protein is responsible for conducting nerve impulses between neurons in the brain. Accordingly, antibodies and Proprotena-100, when they enter the body, bind to this protein and block its activity. As a result, the drug Proproten-100 inhibits activity nerve cells responsible for the craving for alcohol.

Acamprosat (Campral)

By chemical formula close to taurine - an amino acid, increased content which is noted in the brain. Acamprosate modulates the activity of special brain receptors that are responsible for alcohol craving, the so-called. "thrust" These are well-known glutamate receptors. By having a depressing effect on them, Acamprosate leads to a decrease in craving for alcohol.

Preparations for the treatment of alcohol intoxication (detoxification)

When a patient is placed on a drip, various toxins are washed out of the blood and the acid-base balance, conditions are created for normal operation organs and systems of the body.
Usually for intravenous infusions different solutions are used:

  • Saline
  • Glucose solution
  • Ringer's solution
  • Poliglyukin and reopoliglyukin

According to indications, the necessary ones are added to them medicines, normalizing work internal organs. These are not specific remedies, and the doctor selects them depending on what is affected in the patient. For example, these could be heart medications if the patient has heart problems, or hepatoprotectors to improve liver function.

Psychotropic drugs

This group includes drugs that correct mental functions patient with alcoholism. In abstinence (during withdrawal from alcohol), one of the leading symptoms are anxiety, restlessness, irritability, inability to concentrate, and sleep disturbances.

All this - mental disorders requiring mandatory correction. It goes away on its own, but not right away. Nervousness, anxiety, and low mood, if not corrected, increase the craving for alcohol and lead to a guaranteed breakdown.
Therefore, doctors are very careful in choosing medications from this group and combining them into individual treatment regimens depending on how the alcohol withdrawal syndrome progresses.
Drugs in this group include:

  • Anxiolytics and tranquilizers (anti-anxiety), for example: phenazepam, atarax, imovan, xanax.
  • Antidepressants (mood improvers): amitriptyline, melipramine, paroxetine, Coaxil, Sinequan, Trittico.
  • Nootropic (improving brain activity): nootropil, cerebrolysin. Nootropics also include Biotredin. Biotredin
    A domestic medicine containing a complex of amino acids and vitamins. Helps to cope with alcohol withdrawal more easily, relieves irritability, and has a beneficial effect on sleep. Was specially developed as a component in complex treatment alcohol addiction.
  • Neuroleptics (behavior correctors): haloperidol, etaparazine, neuleptil.

Neuroleptics are not always used and with extreme caution in minimal dosages and for a very short period.

Dietary supplements (BAS) for the treatment of alcoholism

It should be remembered that dietary supplements as independent means of treatment are not effective. They are used as components in complex therapy and have little effect on the body.

The popularity of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism is explained by the many positive reviews from former patients who have experienced the effectiveness of drugs such as Vivitrol, Algominal, Esperal, Colme and, in general, complex, properly selected therapy.

It is worth remembering that treatment of alcoholism using pharmacological methods should be trusted exclusively to professional doctors. Modern pharmacies have at their disposal a huge range of drugs and medicines that have a strong effect on the body, but in inexperienced hands these drugs may be ineffective or even very dangerous.

You should take medications for the treatment of alcoholism only as prescribed and under the close supervision of a narcologist. Self-medication can lead to serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, damage to internal organs, and other irreversible consequences.

Efficiency drug therapy for the treatment of alcoholism provides:

  • Reversing the effects of withdrawal
  • Reduction and complete elimination of cravings for alcohol
  • Treatment for some mental disorders and complications
  • Changes in the influence of alcohol on the human body

All patients of our drug treatment service undergo a thorough medical checkup, based on the results of which treatment with one or another medicine is prescribed on an individual basis. This approach can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and minimize side effects.

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A drug treatment clinic is a specialized medical institution where the treatment is carried out various forms dependencies. The clinic has a comfortable hospital where drug addicts face long and complex rehabilitation. Thanks to the skills of specialists and well-chosen methods, it is possible to relieve patients from addiction at any stage.

Narcological clinic - features of the institution

Between home and inpatient treatment drug addiction you should choose the second option. Rehabilitation at the dispensary has many features:

  • isolation from outside world, where the risk of failure and receiving a new dose is increased;
  • absence of irritating factors that can lead to depression and breakdown;
  • comfortable environment, cozy rooms;
  • friendly attitude of the staff;
  • 24-hour supervision by specialists, provision of medication and psychological assistance Anytime;
  • development of a treatment plan depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the type of drugs consumed and length of service;
  • post-discharge support;
  • assistance in employment;
  • psychological support for loved ones.

Who can be treated at the dispensary

Placement in a drug treatment hospital for rehabilitation is available for drug addicts of all ages. The dispensary provides treatment to both young people and representatives of the adult generation. The rooms are selected taking into account the patient’s age, so that peers can be in the same room, become friends and go through this difficult path of recovery together.

The main condition for placement in a dispensary is the voluntary consent of the patient. Unfortunately, compulsory treatment for drug addiction is prohibited in Russia, so relatives will have to make efforts to convince the patient that treatment is inevitable.

If you can’t do this on your own, then clinic specialists who know how to persuade drug addicts to go to rehabilitation are invited to your home.

The drug treatment clinic accepts patients with any stage of addiction for treatment. We do not only take on patients in critical condition who require assistance of a different nature. Even if other institutions have refused to treat your loved one due to persistent addiction or aggressive behavior, contact us.

Let us help you stop using drugs! Contact us!

-- select -- Call time - Now 8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 20: 00 20:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 00:00

How the work of a drug treatment clinic is structured

The work of a drug treatment clinic is to organize the main stages of treatment:

  1. Relieving withdrawal symptoms. The work of specialists begins, as a rule, by calling a narcologist to your home, who will suppress withdrawal symptoms. During painful withdrawal symptoms, a person is unable to adequately respond to the situation and make decisions. Suppression of withdrawal symptoms is carried out with medications that cleanse the body of toxins, and is also supplemented with supportive therapy.
  2. Conviction of the need for treatment. With the consent of relatives, the doctor convinces the patient of the need to undergo a rehabilitation course.
  3. Hospital placement. Having received the patient’s consent, the drug addict is transported to the hospital using the clinic’s or relatives’ transport.
  4. Examination. Before starting treatment, it is important to identify existing diseases that become a contraindication to the use of certain medications.
  5. Drug treatment. Suppression physical dependence- the primary task of doctors. Detoxification is carried out - cleansing the body of toxins.
  6. Physical rehabilitation. It consists of restoring the functionality of the body through drug treatment, physical activity, physiotherapeutic procedures.
  7. Psychological rehabilitation. Working with psychologists leads to the suppression of addiction on an emotional level, and personal problems are also solved.
  8. Social adaptation. The patient is taught to take care of himself, communicate with loved ones and strangers, find life goals.

Study all information carefully

Before going to a drug treatment clinic, carefully study the information about treatment methods, reviews from patients and their loved ones. The dispensary must have a positive reputation and create a good impression. Consider that your to a loved one you will have to stay in the hospital for at least six months, so the clinic must comply with accepted standards.

Our rehabilitation center is equipped with high-tech equipment and modern medicines. We carefully develop a treatment plan, taking into account individual characteristics body. Contact the “No Drugs” clinic to return your loved one to a full life.


Drug addiction is considered a disease of the 21st century, and according to statistics, every second person needs to visit such an institution as Drug Dispensary. Our rehabilitation center is considered the most best place in Moscow, since many people turn to it, and everyone can receive qualified help. At our clinic we offer not just an appointment and consultation, but also possible:

  • undergo examination;
  • rehabilitation course;
  • restoration of the body's functioning.

The danger of such diseases as drug addiction and alcoholism is that you can get rid of addiction on your own, since the body is literally absorbed by the drugs. As a rule, three out of ten drug addicts understand that they need help and seek to contact certain authorities, such as a drug treatment clinic, but in other cases, coercion or even a court decision is needed. It is worth noting that we do not accept patients without the consent of relatives, if he is aggressive on his own, or by order of the court. Basically, the court will recognize that a drug addict really needs treatment if:

  • he threatens society;
  • there is a threat to his health;
  • the person is absolutely inadequate and does not account for his actions.

The worst thing about drug addiction in the 21st century is that drugs are improving every year and it is much more difficult for doctors to fight addiction. If previously the most common drugs were weed and plan, now these are mixtures with a very complex composition. It is much more difficult not to cure the body, but to identify what harm has been done to it, since there are drugs whose effect on organs can last for years.

When to go to a drug treatment center

The stages of drug addiction can be very diverse, but neither the drug addicts themselves nor those who are close to them can determine them on their own. If you suspect people in your environment with symptoms such as: drowsiness, irritability, sleep disturbance, social rejection, reluctance to make contact with loved ones and colleagues. Some may think that this is simply ordinary depression, but if it is accompanied by attacks on loved ones and constricted pupils, then it is advisable to contact our institution called a drug treatment clinic with optimal prices, located in Moscow.

Name of service Price Additional Information


Initial consultation with a narcologist (with selection of a course of treatment) For free
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction Standard ward From RUB 2,900/day Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation, meals, supervision by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed (for mild intoxication of the body)
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction VIP chamber From 7,900 rub. Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation in a single room, meals, monitoring by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed
UBOD (Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) From 35,000 rub. Accommodation is not included in the price
Coding From 7000 rub.
Individual psychotherapy session 3000 rub.
Correction module Narco-psychotherapy using biofeedback (author's Methodology). 15,000 rub.
Individual nursing station 3000 rub.
Xenon therapy 7500 rub.
Plasmophoresis 7000 rub.
ILBI 1100 rub.
Electroson 1200 rub.
Massage 2000 rub.
MRI from 3000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism From 6000 rub. The coding method is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
File for drug addiction “Esperal”, “Naltrexone” From 20,000 rub. The type of filing is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
Individual work with a psychologist From 3000 rub. Depends on the category of doctor, counseling methods, timing, program, etc.
Screening tests for the presence of narcotic substances From 1500 rub. Depends on the number of types of drugs

Complex treatment

General ward 5000 rub./day accommodation in a shared ward for up to 4 people
Double room 9000 rub./day accommodation in a room for up to 2 people
Single room 12,000 rub./day accommodation in a single VIP room with increased level comfort: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, etc.

Individual treatment programs

Standard-ALKO 3 RUB 30,500 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general analysis blood, ECG, plasmapheresis, 4 ILBI procedures, managed by a clinical psychologist
Standard-ALKO CODE RUB 37,400 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 2 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist, coding
Standard-ALCO XENON 39,000 rub. three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, 4 light xenon therapy procedures, consultation with a psychologist
STANDARD-Narco 5 RUB 34,300 5 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG
Standard-NARCO 7 RUB 55,400 7 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 2 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy
Standard-NARCO 10 RUB 78,100 10 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 3 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy


Rehabilitation from 1100 rub./day The cost of rehabilitation is determined individually by a specialist. Depends on the patient's condition, treatment program, center and length of stay.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in modern Rehabilitation center Moscow region (MO), group classes, work with a psychologist. from 30000/month

Comprehensive treatment program for Hepatitis C

Treatment of Hepatitis C of moderate severity 140 000
Treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe form of Hepatitis C from 170,000 Complex treatment; tests, selection of treatment, therapy, observation by the attending physician

Calling a doctor to your home