Nervous breakdown - signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown in men and women. How to treat a nervous breakdown at home What to do if you have a nervous breakdown at work

Avoid a nervous breakdown - it's possible. To do this, you need to take care of yourself in advance, learn to manage stress and live at your own pace. This is very important, because the main cause of nervous overstrain leading to a serious disorder is prolonged exposure to stressful situation. At the same time, a person’s emotional resources are depleted, a kind of defensive reaction occurs, which is accompanied by negative symptoms.

Read more about what a nervous breakdown is, what its symptoms, signs and consequences are. And in this article we will talk about methods of prevention and assistance when this disorder occurs.

Let's start with prevention. In order to avoid a nervous breakdown The following recommendations can be used:

Timely relief from negative emotions .

Negative experiences such as resentment, anger, guilt accumulate in you, and if you do not give them a positive outlet, they lead to various psychological diseases. So find some helpful ways to cope with destructive emotions. For example, grievances and guilt are well treated by forgiveness, anger - physical exercise, writing a diary or beating pillows.

Use protection mechanisms

Freud also wrote about the importance of defense mechanisms that can be used to your advantage. For example, you can use humor and laugh at your fears and concerns, or if you are a creative person, then sublimation is good, that is, you can express what is inside you through music, poetry, stories, drawing. Also pay attention to such protection as altruism - to feel self-satisfaction, try to do something good for others, participate in charitable organizations, help homeless animals or sick children.

Remember about rest

Any overexertion, especially if it leads to stress on a regular basis and sooner or later a nervous breakdown may occur, so think about your daily routine right now. How can you change it so that there is time for good things? good rest, as well as for short relaxations during the day.

Remember the importance of sleep. The dream is wonderful medicine, be sure to rest in the arms of Morpheus for at least 7-8 hours.

Add variety to your life

We often get stuck in everyday life, forgetting about entertainment and variety. But any suppressed need leads to negative consequences. Ask yourself: “What am I missing in my life”? Perhaps you don’t communicate much, then find some nice company for yourself or just be outside the house more often. If you suppress the need for activity, that is, move little, start walking outside or take up fitness or yoga.

Try a change of scenery, go on a trip, or at least just go to the forest for barbecue.

Treat yourself to a trip to the cinema or sit in a cozy cafe. If you like to dance, go to a disco.

We talked about prevention, now we’ll discuss what to do if a nervous breakdown inevitably bursts into your life.

What to do if you have a nervous breakdown

1 . If you feel the urge to explode, don't hold back. Allow yourself to release everything that you have previously suppressed. Don't blame yourself for this outburst of anger. You have a right to it.

2. Then, after you've let off some steam, refocus your attention by doing something like washing your face.

3. Lie down in bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket, and drink a cup of tea before going to bed. Sleep will help restore lost energy

4. If you have severe emotional problems, consult a psychologist.

Video for your relaxation:

Human existence is unthinkable without nervous tension. The resulting excitement motivates to overcome difficulties, achieve goals, self-improvement and development. Moderate, occasional and manageable stress helps maintain a zest for life and provides a chance to reveal hidden talents. However, such gifts of fate, provoking nervous tension, should be in moderation.
Just as an unbearable physical burden can deprive us of strength and cause health problems, chronic overstimulation of the psyche can provoke an imbalance in the functioning of the body's systems. One of the common problems of our contemporaries is a nervous breakdown, which deprives us of our usual activity and rewards us with negative experiences.

Although a nervous breakdown is not recognized as an independent psycho-emotional disorder, this condition has clearly defined symptoms. At its core, a nervous disorder is an acute reactive stage, informing about the development of some abnormal process in the body. Breakdown– the first stage at which the harmonious interaction in the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. This is a kind of indicator that a person’s nervous system is exhausted, and the psyche is performing functions with all its might.

A nervous breakdown is a strong sign indicating that:

  • depression;
  • anxiety-phobic disorder;
  • neurosis;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • Neurasthenia.

  • Although the nervous disorder rewards the subject with unpleasant and painful sensations, its occurrence has positive effects on the body protective functions. In this way, an overly stressed nervous system tries to throw off an unbearable burden, urging a person to take a break, rest, and reconsider his lifestyle.

    Factors that initiate the development of a reactive state nervous system- diverse. In this case, it does not matter how serious, by objective standards, the traumatic situation was. The leading role in the development of a crisis is played by the subject’s interpretation of the event: if he believes that a negative phenomenon is significant, the body reacts to this with dysfunction.

    The causes of a nervous disorder can be minor but chronic stressors or sudden intense stress. Among the common factors that create the basis for the start of an imbalance in the body are the following circumstances:

  • global changes in personal life subject that arose unexpectedly, for example: the death of a spouse;
  • long-term unfavorable atmosphere in the family, for example: husband’s alcoholism;
  • negative climate in the workforce, excessively difficult work schedule;
  • deterioration of financial situation, for example: significant financial difficulties due to job loss;
  • pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems of organic origin;
  • congenital defects of the central nervous system;
  • disruptions in neurotransmitter metabolism;
  • flaw useful substances due to a poor diet;
  • negative impact of viral or bacterial infection, affecting the structures of the nervous system;
  • improper daily routine, lack of rest;
  • Availability bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • forced social isolation.

  • Risk to experience nervous exhaustion is present in persons with a special personal constitution, when the following traits have become accentuated in a person’s character:
  • anxiety;
  • suspiciousness, vulnerability;
  • uncompromisingness, intolerance to the opinions of others;
  • selfishness, power;
  • excessive criticism and demands on oneself;
  • excessive responsibility, diligence;
  • the desire to do everything perfectly.

  • Signs
    Symptoms of a nervous disorder can be divided into three large groups:
  • mental and psychological;
  • physical;
  • behavioral.

  • For most people, the first signs of a nervous breakdown appear in the form of changes in psycho-emotional status. A balanced person becomes an irritable person, reacting intensely to unimportant stimuli. Unusual sounds, the slightest noise, bright light deprives the subject of balance.
    He is distinguished by fussiness, impatience, and inconsistency of actions. His performance deteriorates due to the fact that he cannot concentrate on doing one thing. Unpleasant signs of nervous stress: absent-mindedness, “lapses” in memory, that is, the individual simply cannot remember what he intended to do, in what sequence he planned to do the work. A person with a nervous disorder gets tired very quickly, and a night's rest does not give a surge of strength.

    New character traits appear: indecision, low self-esteem. A person becomes suspicious, vulnerable and touchy. He is fixated on his experiences, overcome by irrational anxiety and anticipation of imminent troubles.
    A person with a nervous breakdown is characterized by illogical attacks of tearfulness that resemble a hysterical attack. Most often, a person’s mood is sad and depressed, but periodically there are moments of “enlightenment” when a person’s emotional background stabilizes.
    As the disorder worsens, the subject may develop obsessive ideas of his own uselessness, worthlessness, and guilt. For some people, ideas about their own sinlessness, invincibility, and greatness become dominant thoughts.

    The psycho-emotional signs of a nervous breakdown are gradually joined by symptoms felt at the somatic and vegetative level. Patients make complaints, including:

  • irresistible headache pressing, squeezing nature;
  • discomfort and pain in the heart area;
  • intense dizziness;
  • the appearance of “double vision”, “flying spots” before the eyes;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • profuse sweating.

  • Among the mental and behavioral manifestations of a nervous breakdown, the leading role is given to a change in a person’s eating habits, most often: a complete lack of appetite. The duration and quality of sleep undergoes changes. The person complains of persistent insomnia, frequent awakenings at night, getting up too early, and dreams with frightening content.
    The appearance of hypochondriacal inclusions can be determined in the form of an individual’s excessive concern for his own health, his belief in the presence of some difficult to diagnose and incurable illness. Another sign of a nervous breakdown is a change in sexual behavior. The person's interest in the opposite sex decreases or completely disappears, the need for intimate relationships. Men find problems with potency, women lose the ability to achieve orgasm.
    A noticeable behavioral symptom of a nervous breakdown is the person’s inability to motivate himself to perform. As a result, a person cannot fulfill his professional duties, which negatively affects his career.
    A nervous breakdown has an extremely negative effect on the subject’s interaction in society. A person loses the ability to control his emotions, quickly loses self-control, and demonstrates anger and aggressiveness.

    Treatment methods
    A program on how to overcome a nervous breakdown is drawn up by a doctor for each patient individually, depending on the severity of his condition and the dominant symptoms. In most cases, the patient is recommended to use the possibilities of psychotherapeutic techniques, including hypnosis. In some patients, a nervous breakdown requires medication. From the pharmaceutical industry they use:

  • antidepressants;
  • anxial analysts;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • sedatives of plant origin;
  • vitamins and mineral complexes.

  • What to do when a nervous breakdown reaches its climax? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists who will help you get rid of the painful symptoms of the disorder and will allow you to prevent the development of a crisis in the future.

    Tip 1
    If nervous tension goes off scale, it is urgent to calm passions. We use deep breathing techniques: take ten slow breaths and the same number of sharp exhalations. We use a proven relaxation method: we strongly strain our muscles, hold the tension for a few seconds and completely relax.

    Tip 2
    A companion to a nervous breakdown is anger, rage, aggression. We urgently need to free ourselves from such negative feelings. The easiest way is energetic exercise stress. This could be a race or swim long distance, fitness or dancing classes. If this is not possible at home, you can desperately beat the pillows.

    Tip 3
    Instant accessible remedy to cool the dust - cold water. As soon as you feel a surge of hostility, drink a glass of chilled liquid, then take a shower with ice water.

    Tip 4
    As soon as we feel that an outburst of indignation is imminent, our task is to switch attention from internal experiences to external events. We choose some bright and extraordinary events, for example: attending a match of your favorite football team, a karaoke competition, watching a new blockbuster.

    Tip 5
    In the evening hours, when we are plagued by anxious thoughts, we definitely arrange a relaxing procedure: immerse ourselves in a warm bath, adding a few drops of lavender oil or pine extract to the water.

    Tip 6
    Without what is it impossible to overcome a nervous breakdown? Without identifying the true culprits of psycho-emotional stress. We should carefully analyze our own experiences. Establish a chain: cause - effect. If you cannot independently determine the factors that provoked a nervous disorder, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.

    Tip 7
    After we have managed to identify the instigators of mental discord, we should “reboot” our brain, replacing the destructive components of thinking with functional elements. We must consciously relive the traumatic event in our thoughts. However, now do not act as the main actors, but to be outside observers. A look from the outside will allow you to interpret the drama that happened differently and reduce the relevance of the problem.

    Tip 8
    Writing down your worries on a piece of paper can help reduce the significance of stressful circumstances. Divide the page into three columns. In the first column we try to present the tragedy as honestly as possible. In the second column we write down our feelings and consequences of the disaster.
    The third column is reserved for indicating emotions and behavior " ideal person" That is, we describe how, in our opinion, our perfect hero acted in such a stressful situation: what he would feel, what he would say, how he would act. Then we make assumptions about what the outcome of such behavior would be. After this, we try to act like our ideal: daily practice of new behavior will change our worldview.

    Tip 9
    Accepts as an axiom: any life event has some purpose. Even the most terrible disaster gives some acquisitions. At first, an attempt to recognize such a fact brings desperate internal resistance. Then divine insight comes, and you begin to understand that the tragedy was not so catastrophic. The drama allowed me to discover some new qualities in myself, stimulated me to take some actions, and motivated me to acquire other values.

    Tip 10
    If the benefit from the misadventure cannot be discovered, we recognize the completed drama as a test sent from above. We understand that we cannot predict or change events destined by fate. It is in our power to change our attitude towards this phenomenon, to learn a lesson, to develop such qualities in ourselves that in the future we will bypass the evil irony of fate. The main rule: do not blame or reproach yourself, but find in yourself such character traits that will allow you to crawl out of the swamp with your head held high.

    Tip 11
    How to get rid of a nervous breakdown? It is necessary to reduce the severity of your experiences. To do this, we become caricaturists: we draw our resentment, anger, hatred, despair and transform them in the picture into funny funny characters. Let our grief become a little roaring baby in the picture, next to which there is a brave, cheerful boy. Next to the evil, indignant old woman we place a kind, noble old man. In this way, we will clearly prove to ourselves that grief always comes next to happiness. And it is in our power to change our perception of reality.

    Tip 12
    If we discover symptoms of nervous stress, we should definitely have a heart-to-heart talk with someone we trust. Our silence, isolation, and solitude will only worsen our well-being and cause depression. This does not mean that we should surround ourselves with a crowd of friends and be in public 24 hours a day. However, a friendly conversation in a cozy cafe will save our inner world from worries. Even if it seems to us that we have no energy at all to meet with friends, we need to overcome ourselves and set aside at least an hour for communication.

    Tip 13
    If severe nervous breakdowns have already occurred in the past, which you could not cope with on your own, at the first signs of a crisis, it is better to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will select the best scheme to correct the problem situation and suggest the most effective ways to get rid of the disorder.

    Tip 14
    Anyone who is predisposed to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system needs to reconsider their diet, including foods with essential vitamins and minerals in the menu. For most of us, because high level cortisol, which is typical in a state of stress, appetite worsens. In turn, poor nutrition further impairs the body's functioning, exacerbating stress reactions.

    Tip 15
    The most important condition for preventing nervous stress: avoid overload. Learn to relax and fully rest. Pay attention in a timely manner to the deterioration of your psycho-emotional state and eliminate problems that lead to nervous tension. Should have one good habit: Saying “no” to requests that throw us off track. Clearly define the limits of your capabilities and deliberately not cross the line that deprives you of moral stability.

    Final advice
    A nervous breakdown occurs suddenly, but this condition does not last forever. We remember: every person can prevent a nervous disorder and is able to cope with it. unpleasant symptoms. Believing in yourself and focused work works wonders.

    Nervous breakdowns: symptoms, consequences and how to protect yourself from them

    Any mechanism has its own strength limit, and the nervous system is no exception. Even the strongest in spirit sometimes cannot withstand the constant pressure of stress. When the stress becomes unbearable, the body defends itself: this condition is called a nervous breakdown.

    What leads to a nervous breakdown

    Oddly enough, a nervous breakdown is a defensive reaction during emotional or mental overload. However, a nervous breakdown is a colloquial designation for a phenomenon that doctors call an exacerbation of neurosis.

    The causes of a nervous breakdown vary. It can be caused by either long-term exposure to a stressful situation or some unexpected traumatic event. Most often a nervous breakdown is caused by:

    • Constant mental or physical fatigue - at work or while studying.
    • Loss of loved ones.
    • Failures in your personal life, long-term traumatic relationships, family quarrels.
    • Breaking of friendships, family or love relationships.
    • Unfavorable psychological environment in the home or team.
    • Serious financial problems.
    • Dismissal.
    • Unbearable responsibility.

    All of the above reasons are negative, but a nervous breakdown can also be a consequence of changes that seem to make you happy - a wedding or the birth of a child, a long-awaited promotion, a move.

    Of course, for all people different levels stress resistance. Some people easily endure the collapse of their life plans, while others are literally knocked down by failures. This is no coincidence and, as a rule, has nothing to do with willpower or the ability to think positively. There are risk factors:

    • Cases of mental illness in the family (especially schizophrenia).
    • Previously diagnosed depression.
    • Anxious personality type.
    • Thyroid diseases.
    • Cardiovascular diseases, including VSD.
    • Use of alcohol or drugs.
    • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals - primarily vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, as well as some amino acids.

    Most often, people suffer from nervous breakdowns between the ages of 30 and 40 - this is the busiest and most productive period of life.

    When the secret becomes apparent: signs of an approaching exacerbation

    For others, a nervous breakdown often seems sudden and unexpected. However, in reality it does not arise out of the blue. There are signs that suggest an approaching nervous breakdown.

    A nervous breakdown is not a moment, but a process that is divided into several stages.

    First stage is characterized by some feverish revival - a person suddenly becomes optimistic (sometimes unreasonably), performance and endurance increase, but at the same time anxiety and restlessness do not disappear anywhere - on the contrary, they also increase. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by insomnia, a slight increase in body temperature, and mild tremor.

    Second stage- this is the expected nervous and physical exhaustion that results from vigorous activity at the first stage. If at first it seemed to a person that all he had to do was try and all problems would be solved, but now disappointment and irritation sets in. A person breaks down over little things, suffers from sleep disorders (insomnia or frequent awakenings at night), the second stage of a breakdown is characterized by attacks of rapid heartbeat, headaches, nervousness, possible melancholy and melancholy, memory impairment, panic attacks.

    Third stage- this is the peak of experiences. A person comes to the conclusion that all efforts are useless. Self-esteem falls, the ability to enjoy life is lost, apathy and depression are possible. For the third stage, cardiovascular symptoms are typical - dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, as well as gastrointestinal disorders - loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Sexual desire disappears, women's menstrual cycles are disrupted.

    If you listen to yourself, it is quite possible to “catch” a nervous breakdown long before it happens and take action. This must be done, since a nervous breakdown never goes away without a trace.

    The consequences are more dangerous than you think

    The entire process of developing nervous exhaustion can take several weeks or months. However, its consequences make themselves felt much longer - complete rehabilitation sometimes lasts for years.

    People who have experienced at least one nervous breakdown are more likely to suffer from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive thoughts. The physical condition also suffers: hypertension, constant headaches, chronic insomnia, heart rhythm and metabolic disorders develop.

    A nervous breakdown is a severe test not only for the person on whom it happened, but also for those close to him. In a state of breakdown, people often commit rash and unreasonable actions. A nervous breakdown has destroyed many careers and families, it can scare away friends and acquaintances - after all, loved ones do not always understand why a calm and friendly person suddenly became aggressive, picky and indifferent to everything, they tend to take it personally.

    Is it possible to avoid breakdowns?

    Since a nervous breakdown is the result of a long stay in a stressful situation, in order to avoid it, you need to get out of this situation. Of course, it is easier to give such advice than to follow it, but this is the only guaranteed way to avoid a breakdown. If you feel that tension is steadily growing, do not put off visiting a specialist - a course of psychotherapy will help you tune in to changes and begin to transform your life.

    Lifestyle also plays a significant role in reducing the risk of a nervous breakdown. To avoid getting into this situation, try:

    • Stick to a routine - eat small meals several times a day and go to bed at the same time.
    • Do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs or smoke, drink less coffee and energy drinks.
    • Take anti-stress vitamin complexes that contain all the substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Learn to relax. Set aside at least an hour of peace a day and do only what brings you pleasure - turn off your phone and lie in the bath, go for a walk, watch your favorite movie, do yoga.
    • Listen to yourself. Don't confuse this with soul-searching. To prevent a breakdown, you need to be aware of your feelings, not convince yourself that everything is in order if you understand that the atmosphere is heating up, and not wait until the last minute to treat nervous tension.

    How to reduce the risk of exacerbation of stress and nervous disorders

    Good news: stress is treatable, and the sooner you start therapy, the lower the risk of relapse. Therapy includes both medications and lifestyle changes, and these approaches are not interchangeable - you will need complex treatment, the only way to be sure of its success.

    Non-drug approach

    Physical exercise. They improve performance of cardio-vascular system, saturate the muscles and brain with oxygen, resulting in improved cognitive functions - memory, performance, ability to concentrate. Sports or fitness classes are removed muscle tension, which always accompanies nervous overload, and contributes to the production of neurotransmitters responsible for a good mood.

    Relaxation. With the help of relaxation techniques, you can switch your attention and get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Such techniques include yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, massage, color therapy. Warm, relaxing baths may also help.

    Psychotherapy. Perhaps the most effective non-drug method of dealing with stress. Contrary to popular misconception, the psychotherapist does not tell the patient what he should do - he only helps to discover hidden resources, get rid of fears and doubts, determine his true attitude towards the problem and change it.

    Pharmacological approach

    Symptomatic drugs with mild sedative effect. To improve concentration and memory, it is recommended to take glycine - this amino acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Attacks of palpitations are well relieved by Corvalol, which also has a slight sedative effect.

    Herbal anti-stress drugs. Sedatives based on plant extracts act gently but reliably. Therefore, during difficult periods of life, it is worth keeping on hand valerian or medicines that contain motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile or sage. It is also useful to drink a soothing herbal tea in the evenings instead of classic tea with tonics.

    Vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamin complexes especially for such cases. They contain higher doses of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. All these substances increase stress resistance and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, plant extracts with a sedative effect are sometimes added to such complexes.

    Homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. Efficiency homeopathic medicines- the issue is controversial, but even opponents of this method admit that they can help with nervous disorders. Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but any doctor will confirm: if the patient believes in the effectiveness of the pill, the effect is actually more pronounced.

    Prescription drugs. If the situation is advanced and a nervous breakdown has already occurred, the doctor may prescribe potent drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. It’s not for nothing that you can’t buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription. Such drugs have a lot of unpleasant side effects and strict contraindications, and they can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, who, based on the test results, will adjust the dose. Such drugs are prescribed only when there is a direct danger to the psyche, for example, in severe depression with suicide attempts.

    Over-the-counter drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An alternative to prescription drugs are products designed specifically to relieve stress and improve mood. They are more efficient herbal remedies, but do not have the side effects and contraindications that are typical for heavy drugs. They have a complex effect - improve sleep, memory, performance and mood, and relieve anxiety. These drugs include Afobazol and some other drugs.

    Expert opinion: a specialist from the drug manufacturer talks about the effect of Afobazole

    A frivolous attitude towards your health is unacceptable, everyone understands this. We go to the doctor if we have a tingling sensation in our side, but at the same time we believe that stress symptoms such as irritability, tearfulness, constant fatigue, insomnia and anxiety will “dissipate” on their own. IN best case scenario people drink painkillers for migraines, sleeping pills for insomnia, and alcohol for the blues. Meanwhile, medications have long existed to comprehensively combat all manifestations of stress - they not only relieve symptoms, but also “repair” damaged nerve endings, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns in the future.
    Such drugs include, in particular, medicines to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Afobazole helps not only those who suffer from nervous breakdowns. It is indicated for sleep disorders, increased excitability, anxiety, low mood, irritability. "Afobazol" eases the course of menopause and PMS (reduces psychological symptoms), supports with physical and nervous overload, is used in complex treatment neuroses and depression. The effectiveness of Afobazol has been confirmed by more than 80 studies, which involved about 4,500 patients.
    Being an anti-anxiety drug, Afobazol does not cause drowsiness or lethargy; it can be taken even if you drive a car or work with complex equipment. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take Afobazol in courses of 2–4 weeks. Before starting the course, you should consult your doctor.

    Scheme for dealing with breakdowns

    At the very first stage of a nervous breakdown, you can get by with small measures - try to establish a daily routine, give yourself time for relaxation, start taking herbal sedatives- valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, as well as vitamins.

    At the second stage, over-the-counter anti-stress drugs and glycine should be added to these remedies to support the nervous system. It would be a good idea to make an appointment with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

    At the third stage, psychotherapy is no longer just desirable, but also necessary. More serious prescription medications may also be required.

    Undoubtedly, in order to develop a treatment regimen, you need to consult a doctor - a psychiatrist, neurologist or neuropsychiatrist. However, most people believe that stress is a common thing, and you shouldn’t go to the clinic with such problems. Such an approach is a direct road to nervous breakdown and long, difficult and expensive treatment.

    The resources of the human psyche are great, but not limitless. And at some point she gives up, expressing her “surrender” through a nervous breakdown. How to distinguish it from ordinary hysteria? Why does it happen and what to do to cure it?

    What is a nervous breakdown?

    A nervous breakdown (nervous breakdown) is a sudden outburst of emotions associated with excessive stress on the nervous system. Status is always:

    • acute (“stormy”);
    • transient;
    • accompanied by signs of neurosis and depression;
    • provoked by external stimuli.

    Nervous breakdowns occur more often in women than in men. Although mental characteristics in this case become more important than gender: weak, vulnerable, overly emotional people more easily lose their temper and succumb to an attack. But with prolonged negative influences, strong individuals who generally have a stable character can also break down.

    Interestingly, nervous breakdowns are not mentioned in generally accepted diagnostic systems, i.e. they are not associated with mental illness. Sometimes a breakdown is simply a condition in which the patient loses the ability to function normally.

    A nervous breakdown is always associated with excessive pressure on the psyche. This disorder is a defensive reaction to what is happening around. The causes of nervous breakdowns are usually all sorts of unpleasant incidents:

    • separation, divorce, failures in personal life;
    • problems at school or at work;
    • difficulties with money;
    • serious chronic diseases;
    • joining a new unfriendly team;
    • physical and mental overload;
    • excessive worries.

    Anything can become a factor provoking a breakdown. Basically, the cumulative effect works: the longer the influence of a certain event on the psyche, the higher the likelihood of an acute nervous disorder.

    Nervous breakdown: symptoms of a developing disorder

    Although the attack itself is quite “spectacular”, it does not occur out of the blue. This means that it manages to go through several stages of development. There are three of them:

    1. The first stage is “preparatory”. During this period, a person experiences an unreasonable surge of strength, begins to look at things with hypertrophied optimism, and works a lot. How to understand that this is not a normal situation, but a sign of illness? If such a surge occurred after a serious shock (the death of a loved one, dismissal, moving) or occurred against the backdrop of general fatigue, then we are almost certainly talking about the “calm before the storm.” The most interesting is yet to come. By the way, at the first stage there may be complaints of insomnia, elevated temperature, anxiety, trembling hands.
    2. The second stage is “depressive”. Active activity is gradually replaced by passivity: the body cannot maintain the rhythm and gives up. The main characteristic of the period is physical and nervous exhaustion. The result is depression, apathy, disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations. In addition to the blues and melancholy, memory loss, attacks of causeless panic, headaches, and irritability are possible.
    3. The third stage is “peak”. When the body exhausts the resources available to it, it can no longer continue to exist in its former rhythm. He needs rest. On a physical level, this is expressed through regular dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, blood pressure surges, eating disorders, constipation or diarrhea. Libido may decrease, and in women there is a failure in menstrual cycle. It is at the third stage that what is usually called a nervous breakdown usually occurs - a sharp emotional outburst of a destructive nature.

    The development of the disorder can be stopped at any stage. But, as practice shows, the majority ignores the body’s signals, fearing to “fall behind”: not getting a promotion, not earning the approval of loved ones, not becoming a good enough parent, etc. As a result, sooner or later, symptoms of a nervous breakdown appear “out of nowhere”, causing the bewilderment of relatives and friends who believed that everything was fine.

    Nervous breakdown: signs of an attack

    An attack is a signal that the psyche has reached its extreme point. She can't stand much more, and the signs of a nervous breakdown serve as her last way to communicate an urgent problem. The following symptoms appear:

    1. Non-stop sobbing.
    2. Severe hand trembling.
    3. Cardiopalmus.
    4. Screams.
    5. Breaking dishes, throwing objects.

    An attack can start for any reason: a broken glass, a lost TV remote control, a child’s lack of understanding... Usually it’s just the little things that drive a person crazy. It becomes the last straw that overflows the cup of patience of the psyche. From the outside, a nervous breakdown often seems somewhat inadequate: a woman who is hysterical because of coffee dripping on her dress is perceived by others as strange. For her, such an insignificant incident is the last proof of her worthlessness, insolvency, and failure.

    A nervous breakdown happens when you can't stand it anymore. Moreover, if women predominantly fall into hysterics, then men prefer to show open aggression. They can destroy the home, hit their wife or children, or in mild cases, throw something off the table or loudly hit the wall with their fist. But feelings are not alien to men, and tears, sobs, and sobs are quite possible.

    What symptoms of a nervous breakdown will appear in a particular situation depend on the person himself: his upbringing, character, habits. Nevertheless, in any case, the internal state will be associated with a feeling of hopelessness and despair.

    Nervous breakdown: consequences

    A nervous breakdown never goes away without leaving a trace. Of course, the acute phase is not endless and is replaced by a chronic disorder, accompanied by prolonged depression, constant anxiety, and general dissatisfaction. Almost always, after a nervous breakdown, one of the following occurs:

    1. Somatic diseases affecting physical health.
    2. Hypochondria and attempts to find some kind of illness.
    3. Psychoses and neuroses, neuropsychic exhaustion.
    4. Hot temper, frequent change mood, deterioration of character.
    5. Formation of destructive habits that cause addiction (smoking, alcoholism, gambling, overeating, drug addiction).
    6. Problems in relationships with friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues.
    7. Closedness, reluctance to communicate, self-imposed isolation.
    8. Absence career advancement, loss of interest in work.
    9. Aggression towards children, animals, and sometimes adults.
    10. Suicide.

    The consequences of the attack are associated with the unprocessed crisis. If a person does not know what to do during a nervous breakdown and how to behave competently to minimize the consequences, he can simply endure an attack and continue to live according to a destructive scenario. After some time, the disorder will worsen again, but it will be more difficult to recover from it. Each attack throws a person back in psycho-emotional terms: a nervous breakdown impoverishes the psyche, making it less flexible and adaptive.

    Nervous breakdown: how to treat?

    The surest tactic is to at least visit a psychologist. It is quite possible to find a specialist not only in your region, but anywhere in the world using the Internet. In this case, you will be able to maintain maximum anonymity and you won’t have to worry that personal problems will become public knowledge in a small town. Although conversations with a psychologist do not always help. In advanced cases, a visit to a psychotherapist who has permission to prescribe medications is required.

    The following medications are widely used to prevent recurrent attacks:

    1. Ordinary sedatives. This is the mildest option, since you can buy the drugs without a prescription. It is usually advised to take “Glycine”, “Corvalol”, “Valoserdin”. The remedies are relevant for quickly calming and improving sleep, but one cannot expect a serious effect from them.
    2. Drugs for plant based. This includes tinctures (motherwort, peony), as well as the more modern “Novo-Passit” or “Persen”. The medications work quite strongly, inhibiting cognitive and emotional reactions. They also reduce the ability to concentrate and cause drowsiness.
    3. Vitamin and mineral complexes. They are used as an addition to the main therapy. Magnesium preparations have proven themselves well, as well as the multivitamins Gerimax and Supradin.
    4. Over-the-counter anti-stress medications. They are prescribed to reduce anxiety, relieve tension, and stimulate the functioning of the nervous system. It is often recommended to take Afobazol.
    5. Antidepressants, tranquilizers and other potent drugs. They can only be purchased with a prescription. For example, "Phenazepam" or "Pyrazidol". Such medications are used only in critical cases when other methods do not work.

    The success of drug therapy mainly depends on how well the drugs are combined with each other and how well they suit a particular patient. Therefore, before treating a nervous breakdown, a specialist may advise the person to undergo a medical examination.

    Nervous breakdown: treatment at home

    Not all people are ready to go to psychotherapists and restore their mental health with the help of a specialist. If a person remains clear-headed and feels empowered, he can try self-therapy. So – how to treat a nervous breakdown at home?

    1. Working with the body. Sports are indispensable for nervous disorders. You should register at Gym, start taking yoga courses or join a dance group. Even simple exercise reduces stress levels, “unloading” the psyche, and the load on the muscles helps speed up metabolism and normalize emotional well-being. In addition, sport disciplines and does not allow you to become slack: the main thing is not to allow yourself to miss training “just today.”
    2. Breathing practices. Developed ability Controlling your breathing makes it possible to always remain calm. At times of stress, all you need to do is take a few deep breaths and count to ten - and your anxiety level will immediately decrease. Breathing exercises can be combined with meditation: it also has a calming effect.
    3. Relaxation. With a stressful pace of life, it is recommended to devote at least fifteen minutes a day to relaxation: take a bubble bath, go for a massage, listen to pleasant music, enjoy your favorite aromas... Regular relaxation will help the body constantly relieve stress, preventing it from accumulating and developing into a nervous breakdown.
    4. Exclusion from your life maximum quantity stress factors. A person on the verge of a nervous breakdown has no need for overwork, conflicts with friends, thoughts about lack of money... You need to accept it as a fact that nothing can be resolved now and you just need to slow down. You should live at a minimum “speed” and perform only necessary tasks until the situation returns to normal. Additionally, you need to limit viewing of news, horror films, thrillers and other content with negative themes.
    5. Talking through your problems. You can talk with a loved one or with yourself while sitting in front of a mirror. Some people find it helpful to record their monologues and then listen to the audio “from the outside.” A good option is to keep a diary and analyze what exactly provokes a deterioration in your psychological state and how you can combat it.

    You need to listen to your inner voice. Often it is he who shows the way out of the current situation.

    Anyone can experience a sudden surge own emotions completely uncontrollable. This is a nervous breakdown, the treatment of which is better not to delay. Mental health no less important than physical.