Features of using a patch for calluses. Corn plaster

Any person has rubbed the skin on their feet at least once in their life. And among all the diversity medicinal products Most people prefer to purchase a patch for calluses and corns. It's simple and effective method eliminate any skin tumors, reduce pain and discomfort when moving and prevent infection.

Types of patches

The range of adhesive plasters is simply huge, and in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to choose the right medicine. It is important to determine what type of tumor is to be treated, and the location of the growth is also important. The main types of plasters against calluses on the feet:

  1. From . Special stickers that do not allow moisture to pass through and protect the epidermis from damage due to friction. They can be used to prevent the appearance of roughness. For treatment, it is recommended to choose drugs with a keratolytic effect (they soften the stratum corneum of the skin);
  2. From . To treat this type of formation, choose patches with special impregnation that helps soften the growth. The most commonly used is salicylic acid, which exfoliates and softens even old calluses. There is a patch on sale for dry calluses on the toes and the spaces between them.
  3. From . Stickers of this type should reduce painful sensations, prevent infection and protect from aggressive external influences. It is recommended to choose products made from hydrocolloid material; it promotes accelerated resorption of blisters.
  4. Protective. The patches are made of translucent silicone and help prevent the appearance of growths without causing any inconvenience to its owner.

The market is filled with various patches, let's look at the most popular ones.

Salipod patch

The domestic callus patch Salipod is very popular due to its effectiveness and affordable price. It contains salicylic acid, precipitated sulfur, lanolin and natural rubber. They soften the growth, dry it out and relieve inflammation.

Salipod is used to treat dry and callous calluses, corns and even warts. Stickers of the required size and shape are cut out of a single piece of patch and are convenient for use on various parts of the foot.

Read the instructions for use and contraindications before starting therapy.

  1. Spread your legs tolerably hot water within 10-20 minutes;
  2. Dry the affected area, make sure that there is no damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, scratches, cracks, ulcers;
  3. Remove the protective film from the adhesive plaster and apply it to the affected area, avoiding contact with healthy skin;
  4. Secure the application on top with a regular plaster, which also comes with Salipod;
  5. Leave the medicine for 24-48 hours, then remove. During this time the growth should become paler and softer.

Removal of the growth can be done using pumice, after removing the patch, if the callus has completely softened. If there is no effect, repeat the procedure again every other day. Such two-day compresses can be used up to 4 times in a row. The Salipod patch for core calluses will eliminate almost any, even old growths during this time.

Before using an adhesive plaster, it is advisable to consult a specialist to clarify that there are no contraindications. There are factors that prohibit the use of Salipod:

  • Individual intolerance to the constituent components;
  • Damage to the integrity of the skin in the treated area;
  • Presence of moles on the damaged area;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Too young (not recommended for use on children's delicate skin).

The cost of this medicine varies from 30 to 85 rubles, depending on the form of release and the size of the sticker.

Like any woman, I really love beautiful shoes, especially heels. But due to constant walking in high-heeled shoes, the skin on the front of my foot began to get rough. I wasn’t particularly worried about this at first, but Lately these growths began to ache, and my legs became very tired. A friend advised me to buy a Salipod patch for corns. At first I was very surprised by the price, I didn’t expect what it was cheap remedy can help me with something. But I decided to try anyway. I did everything according to the instructions and glued it on. It was a Friday, so I wore comfortable shoes all weekend without putting any extra pressure on my feet. 48 hours later on Sunday I removed the sticker and my growths were softer! Naturally, after that all skepticism disappeared! Now, when I start to get corns (about once every 5-6 months), I buy Salipod. Thanks to this product my legs always look great.

Irina, Adler

Compeed patch

The Johnson & Johnson brand produces Compeed patches for the treatment of wet and dry calluses. Thanks to its huge assortment, this brand has become the most famous and popular on the Russian market. Stickers vary in type, release form, purpose and material from which they are made. There are patches for dry, wet, ingrown calluses, protective silicone ones, and stickers for growths between the fingers.

The Compeed patch for calluses on feet does not interfere at all and is not felt on the skin; it can even be applied to open areas, thanks to the translucent tape they are practically invisible. For its production, special colloidal substances are used, which promote rapid healing. The material from which the patches are made prevents dirt and moisture from entering the wound, protecting it from aggressive external influences.

Before using the Compid adhesive plaster, the leg must be thoroughly washed and steamed in a bath, the affected area should be treated with an antiseptic and the plaster should be glued to it. The instructions indicate the exposure time depending on the type of callus.

Silicone patch for calluses compeed costs between 300-400 rubles, but it is considered the most effective among these remedies.

Adhesive bandage Cosmos

Hartmann Cosmos patch is based on hydrocolloid technology. Just like Compid stickers, it will accelerate tissue healing, creating a favorable environment for more active growth of healthy epidermal cells. There are two types of adhesive plasters: for wet and dry calluses.

The product adheres well to the skin, does not roll off, and does not cause inconvenience when moving. The material from which the patch is made is translucent, so it can be worn even with open shoes. Instructions for use vary depending on the type of callus. The sticker is applied to dry, clean skin so that the membrane with medicinal components covers the damaged area.

Prices for Cosmos patches vary depending on its type and form of release, on average from 90 to 250 rubles.

Urgo patch

Urgo patches will help remove old, dry calluses and corns. The main active ingredient, salicylic acid, softens rough skin and eliminates calluses. The main difference from other brands is that this product has a foam pad that prevents the main active ingredient from getting on healthy skin, preventing the occurrence of itching and allergies.

Wash your feet thoroughly, steam them in the bath for 10-20 minutes and then wipe dry. Place the patch on the callus and wait for the time indicated in the instructions, usually 24-48 hours. If after the procedure the callus is not removed, then repeat the course another day.

The price of Urgo callus patch ranges from 120 to 220 rubles per package.

Leiko patch

These stickers are used to eliminate corns, dry and ingrown calluses. Visually, the patch looks like a cotton strip, in the middle of which there is a plastic disk impregnated with a medicinal composition.

The main active ingredient is salicylic acid, which softens dead skin, dries, and disinfects. Also, the components in the product reduce pain and itching, relieve inflammation, and accelerate healing.

The product is simple to use. Apply an adhesive plaster against calluses to clean, dry skin (preferably after steaming your feet), so that the central membrane covers the growth completely, wear the product for up to 48 hours, then rinse the foot. A package costing 60-100 rubles contains 6 stickers, which are usually enough to remove even old calluses.

Plaster Dr. House

Brand patches dr. house are released in various forms and sizes. The line includes products against all types of skin growths, as well as protective stickers that prevent the appearance of calluses.

Plaster from wet calluses It has a hydrocolloid pad, due to which the blister dissolves faster and unpleasant pain is reduced. Dry growths and corns are eliminated by an adhesive plaster impregnated with salicylic acid.

Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them. Then stick the sticker on the sore spot and remove it after a day. The package contains 6 patches, and its cost is about 100-150 rubles. To treat dry calluses, 2-5 procedures are usually enough.

Chinese patches

The Chinese plaster for calluses has long been known for its effectiveness; it quickly softens even old dry formations. The main components - salicylic acid and phenol help speed up healing, eliminate pain and act as an antiseptic, preventing infection. The most famous brands: Jiyantie, Shulyangsuan.

Plasters are used only on dry, clean skin. Place the sticker on the damaged area and replace it with a new one after 24 hours. To eliminate dry calluses, 6-7 procedures are enough; for calluses with a core, up to 14 stickers may be required.

Chinese patches for corns and dry calluses are not recommended for use by people with diabetes, those with individual intolerance to components, and pregnant and lactating women.

The cost varies from 100 to 200 rubles, depending on the brand.

I had a lot of dry calluses due to a slight deformity in my foot. These nasty growths not only spoiled my appearance, but also prevented me from leading an active lifestyle: they ached and hurt. Actually, I've been ordering for a long time different means from China, that’s why I decided to try a Chinese patch for dry calluses with a Shuyangxuan rod. I was looking forward to them, so as soon as I got them, I immediately began learning how to use them. Included high content salicylic acid and red pepper, so I didn’t dare to steam my feet before use, the product should work well anyway. The instructions stated that removal should be carried out after 24 hours. When I waited for this moment, I realized that the effect should surprise me. And so it happened - that's it callosities became softer. After the second use of this medicine, the growths decreased by about half, which I am incredibly happy about. As a result: I solved the problem by waiting for delivery and spending about 120 rubles per pack.

Sofia, Novosibirsk

A few words about other brands

There are conventional protective patches that simply prevent friction and pressure on the affected area of ​​the skin, but do not help remove the growth as quickly as possible. These products include: Emplasto, Gehwol, Luxplast.

A gel-like liquid patch (callus pencil) is applied to damaged skin and prevents dirt and pathogenic bacteria from entering, forming a thin, invisible film. This product contains special astringent and antiseptic components; due to its mild effect, the medicine can be used even by children.

How to apply patches, should you steam your feet first?

Each patch comes with instructions for use. It is highly recommended to follow it so as not to harm your body. This is especially true for patches for dry calluses and corns, because they contain active ingredients that can cause burns on healthy skin.

The principle of operation of most patches is the same, the exposure time may vary.

  1. Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and remove dirt from the skin;
  2. Dry your feet;
  3. Disinfect the affected area;
  4. Remove the protective film from the sticker; no additional membranes need to be removed unless otherwise indicated in the instructions;
  5. Gently apply the adhesive plaster to the affected area and smooth it out.
  6. Maintain the product according to the instructions for use.

It is unacceptable to apply the product to steamed lower limbs if you have an individual intolerance to the constituent ingredients or very sensitive skin.

The patch is a reliable remedy for getting rid of dry, wet calluses and calluses with a core. It reduces pain and protects against infection. The article is devoted to dry calluses with a core, how to avoid them, which patches are best to purchase for treatment and the price category of the product.

Home distinctive feature A callus is a root/shaft that is located deep under the skin. This skin formation is difficult to eliminate quickly. If top part can be removed by steaming, then you still need to get to the rod.

In appearance, a callus is a round area of ​​old, keratinized skin, slightly convex. Upon careful examination, you can see the rod itself. It can also be felt when pressing on the callus (it feels as if someone is poking a needle into this place).

The favorite place for calluses is the soles of the feet (heels and toes), but they can also be found on the hands. Depending on the specialization of a person's work. Musicians, artists, engineers who create drawings of machines, and so on, suffer from calluses on their hands. But the athlete, women wearing shoes on high heels, postmen, are prone to calluses on their feet.

The cause of calluses can be:

  • Incorrectly chosen shoes (tight, rough material, high heels).
  • Splinter or micro wound with foreign body, can degenerate into a callus with a core.
  • Fungal skin diseases.
  • Degeneration of an ordinary dry callus. If you do not remove old keratinized skin particles and wear tight shoes, then dead tissue will continue to be deposited on them, and the old tissue will go deeper inside.

A callus can last for years and not cause any discomfort (if it is not on the foot). It tends to become inflamed, resulting in unbearable pain.

Features of treatment

Before attaching the patch, the skin must be softened (kept in a hot bath). Then the patch is attached and left for 48-72 hours. After this time it is removed. The skin underneath becomes quite soft and white.

To remove the rod, you need to press on it. If it does not come out, then the procedure is repeated (depending on the neglect of the callus). Sometimes the patch is glued up to 4 times.

Types of plasters for core calluses

The patch for dry calluses with a stick is available in 3 types. The purpose of all is to soften the skin and core for subsequent removal. And also remove pain syndrome and prevent a crack from developing and infection.


  1. Liquid patch(aerosol, gel). Protects damaged skin from external influences while allowing the skin to breathe. Apply by spraying onto dead skin or with a brush.
  2. Silicone patch(gel). When used (especially on the legs) it does not cause any discomfort or irritation. It is glued to the place of the callus.
  3. Salicylic patch(may have a fabric base with salicylic impregnation). Recommended for core calluses. It is used by gluing onto a damaged area of ​​skin.

When choosing a patch, you need to take into account the neglect of the skin formation and read the instructions. Each type of patch has its own contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for the use of patches

Indications and contraindications for the use of the patch may vary depending on the type. But they also have common features.

The patch should be used:

  • immediately after the discovery of a callus;
  • if the formation on the skin causes pain and discomfort;
  • there is a danger of a crack appearing (typical of core calluses);
  • to protect against infection.

The patch is contraindicated if present:

  • an open wound on the callus or very close to it;
  • crack;
  • moles and papillomas next to the callus;
  • bruise or scratch.

The components included in the patch can adversely affect an open wound. Cause a burning sensation, increase pain, provoke swelling.

The best brands, prices in pharmacies

Prices for the most popular brands of patches are shown in the table below. Average figures taken from different pharmacies.

Name of the patch Minimum price (RUB) Maximum price (RUB)
Compeed300 400
Cosmos90 250
Liquid patches230 240
Urgo120 220
Chinese patches100 200
Dr. House100 150
Salipod70 140
Leiko60 100

For convenience, the brands are arranged in the direction of decreasing prices.


Plaster for dry calluses and calluses with a rod (waterproof) of domestic production. Helps eliminate corns, bunions and bunions on the feet. The active ingredient is salicylic acid. It removes dead skin flakes, relieves pain and fights the formation of fungus. Additional components: sulfur, lanolin and rubber.

Before gluing the patch, the skin must be prepared and softened. To do this, keep the area where the callus is located in a hot bath for 15 minutes. After this, dry the skin well (otherwise the patch will come off due to moisture). Check that there is no open wounds.

Hold the patch in your hand to warm it up (to improve the effect). After this, the protective film is removed and it is attached to the area with the callus. Additionally, Salipod needs to be secured with a regular plaster (included in the kit). Remove after 2 days. This time is enough for the callus to soften. If the rod is not removed the first time, the procedure is repeated. Allowed to do up to 4 times.

If after gluing there is a feeling of discomfort (redness or burning), then immediately remove the patch and rinse the skin with clean water.

This may be caused by the following reasons:

  • intolerance to components;
  • missed a small wound on the skin;
  • moles or warts have fallen under the patch.
  • children with delicate skin;
  • for kidney problems;
  • pregnant women and during breastfeeding;
  • diabetes.

Before using the patch, it is recommended to consult a physician, if any chronic diseases or you are taking antitumor medications (salicylic acid is incompatible with them). Salipod has a rather aggressive composition and can cause allergies.


This patch is made in America. Removes dry, wet and calluses with a core. The main component is a hydrocolloid polymer. It relieves pain, prevents the formation of cracks, and creates a greenhouse effect to soften dead skin. The patch is colorless and can be used for bathing.

Before attaching to the callus, the skin is steamed, dried and treated with an antiseptic (the patch is heated before gluing). The wearing time depends on the type of callus. Usually it is not removed by yourself. As the callus is removed, the patch changes color and peels off on its own.

The Compeed stick patch for dry calluses is considered one of the best.

The convenience of Compeed is that it comes in different forms. The patch cannot be cut, so you need to choose the right shape. It is practically not felt on the skin and is not visible to others. No side effects or contraindications were identified.


Country of origin: Spain. Used to remove all types of calluses. Softens dead skin, accelerates the healing process, and relieves pain. The active substance is a hydrocolloid polymer.

Stick on clean and dry skin. It is imperative to ensure that medicinal composition came into contact with the callus. The patch adheres tightly to the skin, does not wrinkle, and does not hinder movement. It should be removed on the 3rd day, by which time the skin becomes soft.

Available in a fairly wide range depending on the purpose and type of leather. It has no side effects or contraindications.


A patch for dry calluses with a stick, manufactured in France, effectively disinfects, softens and anesthetizes calluses. Removes all types of calluses and even old ones. The main component is salicylic acid. Thanks to the foam padding, the acid is concentrated only on the callus and does not come into contact with healthy skin.

Before use, the skin must be washed and steamed, and thoroughly wiped dry. Then a patch is applied. 2 days are enough to soften dry skin. Then the patch is removed.

The skin is cleaned. If the callus is not completely removed, repeat the procedure. The holding time can be reduced to 5 hours. Depending on the condition of the callus.

The foam padding may cause discomfort. Sometimes causes allergies or a burning sensation if used incorrectly.

May not be suitable due to intolerance to the active ingredient.


The manufacturer is Germany. Fights dry calluses (including calluses) and corns. The main component is salicylic acid (it is contained in a disk attached to the patch). Softens the skin, prevents the development of cracks, accelerates healing.

Apply to washed and steamed (dry) skin. Be sure to ensure that the disc is located on the callus itself. Usage time up to 2 days. One package (contains 6 strips) is enough to get rid of calluses completely.

The patch itself is a natural cotton tape with one adhesive side. It is not advisable to get it wet. Contraindications are intolerance to salicylic acid and scratches on the skin.

Dr. House

The producer is Syria. Produced to eliminate calluses and warts. To treat skin from dry calluses with a stick, it is recommended to buy a Dr. patch. House with salicylic acid. It softens, disinfects, improves healing.

Steam the area of ​​skin with the callus and wipe dry. Check the skin for open wounds. The size of the patch depends on the callus; you need to cut the desired size.

Remove the patch after 2 days. If necessary, the patch can be used up to 4 times. When the skin becomes completely soft, it is cleaned with pumice.

The patch is contraindicated for children preschool age and people with intolerance to the main component.

Chinese patches

A patch for dry calluses with a rod, the main component of which is salicylic acid (but its concentration is much higher than in similar patches), and also contains phenol. Eliminates pain, fights germs, accelerates healing.

The patch is attached to steamed skin (dry), make sure that the foam circle with active substance located on the corn. Additionally, secure with a regular plaster (not included). To treat dry calluses, a week of using the patch is enough (it needs to be changed daily). It will take 2 weeks to eliminate core calluses.

Chinese patches contain more salicylic acid and are not recommended for use by people with diabetes. Children under 10 years old. And also for pregnant women. May cause an allergic reaction. The downside is the presence of additional components that can stain the skin, cause itching and redness of the area where the patch was attached.

The effectiveness of pharmaceutical patches

Plasters have a number of advantages over decoctions, ointments, and gels, both in terms of effectiveness and ease of use:

The patches are sold in different options. Colorless, non-wetting, for different types skin and calluses. You don't need to be an expert to be able to use them. They give 100% results in getting rid of calluses.

Prevention of calluses on toes, heels, feet

In most cases, it is easier to avoid calluses than to endure pain and wait for the effect of treatment. If it's just a blister not related to production.

This requires:

When choosing a patch for dry calluses with a stick, you need to read the instructions (indications, contraindications and method of use); if you have any questions, consult a dermatologist. Side effects from use are observed extremely rarely.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about a patch for dry calluses

How to choose the right callus patch:

Quite often, calluses and corns form on the feet. The solution to this problem is a special patch. It reduces pain, softens accumulations of dead cells and moisturizes the skin.

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There are several types of patches on the pharmaceutical market for different types calluses: wet and dry.

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    Types of adhesive plasters

    So that the remedy has positive effect and does not worsen the condition, it is necessary to choose the right callus patch depending on the type of callus.

    Type of callus What kind of patch is needed?
    CornsCorns and calluses are not the same thing. They differ in appearance and size. Corns are small bumps on the fingers or feet. To treat them, there are special stickers that do not allow moisture to pass through and protect the epidermis from friction. They can also be used for prevention. It is recommended to choose products with a keratolytic effect
    Dry and core calluses Dry calluses are a slightly raised, keratinized area of ​​skin that is yellowish or grayish in color. They occur as a result of prolonged wearing of tight shoes, walking barefoot, or due to various microtraumas. Dry calluses cause discomfort when walking. To treat them, it is necessary to choose patches impregnated with salicylic acid, which softens and exfoliates the growth. Currently, new silicone patches have appeared that are securely attached to the skin, allow it to breathe, and have an analgesic effect. Calluses with a core often require surgical intervention
    Wet callusesIn this case, the remedy should reduce pain, prevent infection and protect from external influences. These patches are made from hydrocolloid material. Vary in size.

    In addition, there are protective patches. These products allow you to protect yourself from the formation of dry calluses. These are silicone stickers that are attached to areas of constant skin friction. They have a transparent base, so they are practically invisible. Thanks to the adhesive surface, they can be fixed directly to the shoes.


    Active ingredients: salicylic acid, sulfur, lanolin, natural rubber.

    Description: the product is inexpensive, produced in Russia, and therefore has gained popularity. Salipod is used to treat dry and core calluses, as well as corns. Active ingredients soften the growth, dry out inflammation, and prevent the penetration of bacteria.

    Directions for use: before using the product, it is recommended to take measures to ensure better penetration of the active substances. To do this, first steam your feet in hot water for 10 to 20 minutes. Then dry the skin, remove the film from the adhesive plaster and apply it to the damaged skin, avoiding healthy areas. Secure the top with a regular plaster. Salipod can remain on the skin for 1-2 days. During this time, the callus will become paler and softer. You can completely remove the growth using pumice.

    If the effect was not achieved the first time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 1 day. While using the product, you should carefully monitor your skin's reaction. Itching or burning may occur. If these symptoms are present, the patch should be peeled off and the skin should be lubricated with a healing agent containing panthenol.

    Contraindications: children under 16 years of age, diabetes mellitus.


    Active ingredients: salicylic acid.

    Description: Compeed patches from Johnson & Johnson are the most popular means. Different types are available:

    • For wet calluses. Eliminate pain by preventing dirt, water and bacteria from entering the wound.
    • For dry calluses. Moisturize skin covering, reducing the load on the damaged area and reducing pain. Dry calluses become softer and are removed faster.
    • For dry calluses between the toes.
    • For corns.

    According to the instructions for use, these products have a number of advantages:

    • allow the skin to breathe;
    • protect from moisture;
    • not felt;
    • have an analgesic effect.

    Directions for use: The Compid patch must be applied only to clean and disinfected skin after preliminary steaming. In this case, it should first be warmed up in your hands.

    You only need to attach Compeed to the place of the corn. Otherwise, the patch will cause severe burns.

    Contraindications: if there is a history of diabetes mellitus A doctor's consultation is required.


    Active substance: salicylic acid.

    Description: Leiko patch is used to eliminate corns or dry calluses. The product consists of a thin adhesive strip, in the middle of which there is a plastic membrane with the active substance. Salicylic acid disinfects damage, accelerates the healing process, reduces pain and inflammation. The size of the patch is 2x7 cm. It is firmly fixed using an adhesive tape on a fabric basis.

    Method of application: after steaming and drying the skin, apply the adhesive plaster so that the central membrane is completely on the growth. The product can be left on for up to 48 hours. Steam the callus and remove the exfoliated epidermis using pumice. Repeat the procedure until complete removal growth.

    Contraindications: various skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the epidermis, hypersensitivity to salicylic acid.


    Composition: polyurethane film, adhesive layer.

    Description: Cosmos patches are produced in Italy. They are made of modern polyurethane material, almost invisible on the skin. They can be used for dry and wet calluses. The former have a hydrocolloid pad that softens and moisturizes the skin. The second type absorbs secretions from the wound, promoting fast healing. They can be worn with those shoes that have rubbed the callus. The product reduces pressure and relieves pain, protects the wound from water, dirt and bacteria.

    Directions for use: rinse and dry the injured area. Separate the protective layer and glue it with the sticky side so that the pad is on the callus. Slightly smooth the patch so that it lies flat. It is used until complete healing and can remain glued for 1-2 days.

    Most often, calluses form on damp skin. To prevent their occurrence, you need to wear comfortable, high-quality shoes that do not pinch anywhere.

Recently, the Salipod patch for core calluses has gained wide popularity. A core callus is considered to be one that has a hard core inside that is not so easy to pull out. It is this rod that causes severe pain when pressing on the callus. How can you cope with the problem with the help of Salipod?

The principle of action of the patch on the core callus

To begin with, we should dwell in more detail on the principle of action of such a patch on the callus. Salipod contains many components that can actively soften the skin and protect it from repeated pressure when wearing shoes.

So, sulfur, lanolin and rubber can somewhat dry out the skin on the sore spot and at the same time soften it. This helps fight both weeping and old dry calluses. These substances do not cause any allergic reactions, which explains safe wearing patch even for several days in a row if the need arises.

The salicylic acid contained in the Salipod patch helps gently remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, while preventing pathogenic bacteria from penetrating into the deeper layers. Thanks to this process, access to the ill-fated rod is opened, which makes it possible to remove it without hindrance.

The patch itself is made from a special durable soft medical fabric on top. This fabric significantly reduces friction. Therefore, when treating calluses with a patch, patients can continue to lead their usual active lifestyle and wear any shoes, even closed ones.

Precautionary measures

Before you start treating callus with the Salipod patch, you should familiarize yourself with some of the application features and contraindications. There are not many of them, but it is still very important to know them in order to prevent undesirable consequences:

  1. Under no circumstances should Salipod be used to treat infants or pregnant women. The skin of these groups of people is quite delicate and sensitive, so the patch can cause even more harm.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to stick the patch on severely affected areas of the skin. Burns and wounds must first heal, and only then you can stick Salipod on these places. You need to be especially careful with moles and warts. No neoplasms can be closed. Otherwise, everything may turn into development malignant tumor on the skin.
  3. Although all components of Salipod have a fairly mild effect on the skin, people with hypersensitivity You should first undergo an allergy test. For some people, the patch may cause itching, flaking and redness. Salipod should also be used with caution in persons with renal failure. In this case, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.
  4. The Salipod patch cannot be used simultaneously with medicines, which contain salicylic acid, resorcinol and zinc. Also, Salipod should not be used to remove calluses from people who are taking antidiabetic and antitumor drugs.

Removing callus with a plaster

And now regarding the actual removal of the painful core from the callus using the Salipod medical patch. If you do everything step by step and slowly, you will be able to get rid of this scourge fairly quickly. Let us consider in detail how to permanently and painlessly remove callus with Salipod.

First you need to heat the water. Pour it into a small basin and lower the foot with the callus into it. The water should be warm enough, even a little hot, but not scalding the skin. You need to hold your leg until the skin wrinkles. This sign will indicate that the upper stratum corneum has already softened enough and can be easily removed.

Now you should blot your foot with a terry towel so that the skin becomes completely dry. Take the Salipod patch and remove the protective film from it. You need to attach the patch directly to the callus so that it fits tightly enough to the sore spot. But even if he stays on his feet well, this may not be enough. Therefore, for additional fixation, it is necessary to additionally fix the medical plaster with Salipod ordinary. If the callus is located in an inconvenient place, then you can tie the leg with a sterile bandage. This will maximize the adhesion of the therapeutic patch to the core callus.

When applying the patch, it is necessary to remember that healthy skin should, if possible, remain unaffected. After all, the effect of Salipod is so strong that as a result it can even lead to the removal of the top layer healthy skin. It is best to apply the product pointwise.

It is recommended to keep the patch on the affected leg for about two days. Just during this time, the callus will have time to soften sufficiently, and the unnecessary keratinized layer of skin will be easily removed. As for the rod itself, together with top layer It will also come out easily from the skin, and in its place there will only be a small hole that will heal very soon.

In some cases, it is not possible to overcome a callus with a patch the first time. Most often, this happens with old calluses, when the painful core has already grown quite densely into the skin. Then the treatment will need to be repeated several times until the rod comes out completely.

So, how to treat core calluses using the Salipod medical patch has now become clear.

This remedy is considered one of the most affordable and effective today. The patch can be found in almost any pharmacy and can be easily used to solve this problem. And in order for the skin in the sore spot to recover as quickly as possible, it is necessary to simultaneously use an ointment against calluses and corns. The attending physician will advise which ointment to use.