Reviews about the doctor Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov. About the plasma lifting method - Plasmolifting. Revolutionary discovery of Russian scientists

How can you remove rosacea with a laser and how long does the result last? Checked by Karina Tumanskaya.
Overall, I'm happy with my skin. It’s not dry (doesn’t flake), not greasy (doesn’t shine), I’m not bothered by acne or wrinkles (yet:). But about a year ago, I noticed that a barely noticeable vascular network began to spread across my face. Every month it became brighter and more extensive. And it made me more and more nervous. In January I decided to remove it.

I went to my cosmetologist to remove it - Yula Shcherbatova at the ViaVerde salon. Yulia is a candidate medical sciences, dermatosurgeon, maxillofacial surgeon and dermatocosmetologist. I've been going to her for a year now and trust her completely. So? If I weren’t a blogger, I wouldn’t even bother to find out what and how I can get rid of rosacea now.

Here I had to ask: how? how? How many? for how long?

At the Via Verde salon, rosacea is removed using the Harmony XL neodymium laser. Julia considers him the most powerful and effective means treatment of vascular pathologies. The device has high selectivity - this means that it can recognize damaged tissue with 100% accuracy, acting only on them and without affecting the surrounding ones. And the likelihood of burns or scars after the procedure should be zero.

Julia examines me and immediately disappoints me - rosacea, despite initial stage, won't go away forever. I have very thin skin weak blood vessels, and even if I start eating exclusively vitamins C and K (they strengthen the walls of blood vessels), over time, rosacea will still return. The procedure will have to be repeated. However, this fate will befall everyone: unfortunately, it is impossible to resolve the issue once and for all. How long the vessels will not bother you depends, as usual, on everything: lifestyle, genetic predisposition and even the weather (heat and cold can trigger the appearance of rosacea). Quantity necessary procedures also individually. As a rule, the doctor evaluates the condition of the skin 30 days after the laser and, if necessary, “finishes off” the remaining spider veins.

Before the procedure, we do gas-liquid peeling Jet Peel - we need to remove dead epidermal cells from the surface of the skin. They can interfere with the passage of the laser wave into the dermis. The essence of peeling is that under the influence of compressed gas and saline solution, fat is removed from the pores, the skin is polished and blood supply is improved.

I'm really hooked on this procedure, as it allows me to go without foundation for two whole weeks. The skin after it and-de-al-na-ya. The peeling is soft, painless (I would even say pleasant, especially in hot weather- as if you are getting a massage with an ice cube), does not provoke redness - and can be done all year round.

But this is where the fairy tale ends. I am usually quite patient with medical and cosmetic procedures. But with a laser, smiling and pretending that everything is fine doesn’t work-) The pain lasts for a second, but in some flashes I don’t fly above the couch. The only thing holding me back is the desire to get rid of rosacea. The most painful points are the temples and the area above upper lip and around the nostrils.

Fortunately, the entire execution (we remove the capillary mesh throughout the face) lasts no longer than three minutes.

Immediately after the procedure, there is redness on the face, which completely disappears in about an hour or two.

And finally, completely clean face. Not a single vessel. It would be like this forever.

But, alas. The skin remains perfect for about two weeks.

After this... rosacea returns. True, not all -)

I have already done three procedures (I repeat once every 3-4 months), and the skin has not returned to its original state. Now the only things that irritate me are the vessels on the wings of my nose. I discovered that such a short effect (usually the vessels do not appear within six months) in my case is due to physical activity(for example, the blood vessels returned to me immediately after I ran a half marathon in 25-degree heat). Therefore, it seems to me personally that it is correct to do the procedure before important events and for preventive purposes, twice a year, so that vascular network did not grow any further.

Why is the effect short-term, is it necessary to remove the vessels at all, is it possible to do without a laser - we asked my doctor Yulia Shcherbatova.

What is rosacea anyway?

Julia: This is pathological condition when in response to some factor external environment(for example, an increase in temperature) or an internal change in the state of the body (for example, stress) there is an expansion of the network of blood vessels in the superficial layer of the skin. This reaction may be due to genetic predisposition, or may occur due to external stimuli. The main provocateurs are the sun, spicy food, red wine, cognac, baths, smoking and abuse of facial scrubs. Most often, vessels appear on the cheeks and wings of the nose (but can also be on the forehead and chin). What is commonly called rosacea, with medical point vision is the early stages of rosacea. But rosacea is discussed more often as an aesthetic problem.

Apparently rosacea is a very common problem?

Julia: Very much. It affects three quarters of the adult population. Especially often - smokers. Both men and women, but women are more likely to see a doctor to solve this problem.

Which laser can remove capillary mesh?

Yulia: I work with the Harmony XL laser, its VP 540 attachment is used to treat any vascular pathologies and pigmentation. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the wavelength of 540-600 nanometers is absorbed most well by melanin (skin pigment, Brown) and oxyhemoglobin (a red pigment found in the erythrocyte, and the erythrocyte in the vessel). This means that there is no risk of burning the skin itself, so the procedure is the safest.

According to the protocol, we evaluate the result of laser exposure after 30 days and decide to repeat the procedure, if necessary.

Is it possible to get rid of rosacea with laser forever?

Julia: This happens, but quite rarely, because we are dealing with a living organism, its genetic predisposition and factors environment and lifestyle. We can achieve a good stable remission with the patient if he does not provoke new lesions. He will not sunbathe, minimize stress, and stop going to the bathhouse. But this rarely happens, since most people do not consider rosacea a problem worthy of changing their lifestyle.

And how long can a person usually forget about rosacea?

Julia: It varies, it’s individual. It might take six months, maybe a year, maybe three. It is impossible to predict this, unfortunately. The point is to stop the disease at an early stage, and this requires not only competent treatment, but also compliance with the doctor’s instructions and recommendations by the patient.

What happens if rosacea is not removed? In addition to the aesthetic side of the issue.

Yulia: In the first two stages there is redness and the appearance of small blood vessels on the face, there are almost no other signs. But you need to understand that stagnation of blood in the capillaries in the long term leads to thickening of the tissue that surrounds the vessel. The skin becomes lumpy, uneven, with enlarged pores.

Severe cases of rosacea (of which rosacea is a special case) look very bad, but they are quite rare. I don’t want to scare anyone, but from my point of view, rosacea is not only and not so much aesthetic as medical problem, which, among other things, requires consultations with a neurologist and endocrinologist for correct treatment. The body is an integral system, and ignoring its signals that there are problems is risky and presumptuous.

What needs to be done to prevent rosacea from appearing for as long as possible?

Julia: Follow a diet. We remove everything that causes increased blood flow, and, as a result, dilation of blood vessels: alcohol containing flavonoids, spices, fried, spicy. We exclude overheating of the body (bath, infrared cabins).

Perhaps we exclude active aerobic exercise and switch to more calm views sports We use anti-rosacea serums, for example, UltraCeuticals Red-Action, or others that contain kinetin, andrographolide, niacinamide.

Twice a year we take drugs that tonic blood vessels: ascorutin along with Antistax or Detralex. For more late stages For rosacea, botulinum therapy is used - this is a relatively new word in the treatment of rosacea.

You mean ?

Julia: Microdoses of Botox for the face block the transmission of nerve impulses to the vessel and it stops expanding. But this remedy is used in severe cases of rosacea, when the skin is red regardless of the time of day, or when inflammation occurs. For the treatment of rosacea, this method is redundant.

Laser removal of spider veins on the face is effective method get rid of the mesh even in a neglected state.

Features of the procedure

The laser helps to achieve good results in the fight against spider veins, even with advanced forms of rosacea. And also for pathologies that are caused for various reasons, for example, lupus erythematosus.


  • in the presence of stage 2 or 3 pathology;
  • with insufficient or ineffective treatment with medications;
  • if you want to have good skin.


Removing spider veins with a laser is considered a non-hazardous procedure. But there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. You should refrain from this procedure in the following cases:

  • if the patient suffers from diabetes;
  • in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases;
  • with coagulopathy - blood clotting disease;
  • if the patient has a predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • if a woman is pregnant or during breastfeeding;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • with a tendency to bleeding.

The laser procedure cannot be combined with medications that increase the sensitivity of epidermal tissue to light. These drugs include tetracyclines, sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones.

How does the procedure work?

Treatment of small and medium-sized vessels of the skin is carried out in several stages:

  1. Treatment of facial skin with a special solution without alcohol.
  2. Application of cooling gel for better contact apparatus and skin.
  3. The patient wears special safety glasses.
  4. Penetration of a laser beam into skin tissue.
  5. Absorption of light energy by hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. On at this stage the blood begins to clot quickly.
  6. The walls of the blood vessels begin to stick together, the capillaries lose their color and become invisible under the skin.
  7. After 3-4 weeks, the vessels resolve.

The following drugs and methods are used to cool the skin before the spider vein removal procedure:
  • sprays;
  • gels;
  • cold air supply;
  • sapphire crystal with cooled gas supply.

If there are a large number of spider veins, then several procedures will be required. First, they get rid of the large vascular network, then the medium and small ones, and finally the residual stars.

Because the procedure is painless, no anesthesia is required. But if the patient has low pain threshold or it is necessary to remove a large vascular network, an anesthetic is taken 1 hour before the start of the procedure.

Recovery period

Recovery process after laser removal Spider vein repair takes an average of 10 days. During this period, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Refrain from sunbathing and visiting saunas.
  2. During the first two days, lubricate the facial skin with gentle antiseptics.
  3. Treat the site where spider veins are eliminated with Panthenol.
  4. Before going outside, use a cream with UV protection.

Side effects

After an intervention to remove spider veins, the following side effects may occur:

  1. Redness of the skin. This effect should go away a few hours after the end of the session.
  2. Blisters. They also disappear after a few hours.
  3. Transient hyperpigmentation. If the course of treatment has not yet been completed, it is recommended to wait until the hyperpigmentation passes.
  4. Neovascularization. This is the appearance of other networks. In this case, it is recommended to undergo the procedure again.
  5. Suppuration. Vaseline is used for treatment.
  6. Blood clot formation. They can cause painful sensations, but disappear some time after the manipulation.

Removal of blood vessels with laser

Removal of blood vessels on the face / Laser coagulation / Impressions

According to statistics, 30-40% of people have spider veins. This problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical. Their appearance indicates a malfunction vascular system. Due to the effectiveness and painlessness of the process, laser removal of spider veins on the face is one of the most popular procedures.

The indication for removal is any degree of severity of spider veins on the face. Blood microcirculation disorders most often affect people with sensitive skin types that are prone to irritation on the face. Superficial cosmetic procedures are not always able to cope with this problem.

Using laser radiation, you can combat the following problems:

  • point defects;
  • stars;
  • pronounced capillary networks.

In some cases, such a procedure may be prescribed for children. When spider veins appear on the child’s face, itching and burning may begin, so the problem cannot be ignored.

Indications for the procedure

Not so long ago, the issue of removing spider veins on the face was dealt with exclusively by cosmetologists. Therapeutic measures were aimed at restoring a pleasant aesthetic appearance.

However, the loss of vessel elasticity can be caused by various factors:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases internal organs;
  • disruption of circulatory processes.

That is why it is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively.

Indications for carrying out laser therapy are:

If alternatives are ineffective cosmetic procedures and in the later stages of rosacea development, removal of spider veins on the face using a laser is indicated.

Contraindications to laser removal of spider veins

The laser treatment method is not aggressive to the skin.

However, like any procedure, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Availability chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • predisposition to the occurrence of keloid scars;
  • taking medications that increase the sensitivity of the skin.
  • diabetes.

In addition to the above contraindications, there are relative ones that are temporary. Once completed, laser removal can be carried out.

These include:

  • menstruation;
  • breast-feeding, pregnancy;
  • fresh tan;
  • acute viral diseases.

To avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays It is recommended to carry out the procedure in winter, early spring or late autumn.

Advantages of the method

The use of non-invasive methods for eliminating spider veins on the face, which include massages and cosmetic procedures, don't always bring positive effect.

The following advantages can be highlighted laser method removal:

Some clinics have special laser equipment that will be useful for people with dark color skin or for tanning enthusiasts – the procedure can be carried out in the summer.

Cons of the procedure

Removing spider veins on the face and achieving a smooth beautiful color skin in most cases allows you to forget about the disadvantages of laser therapy.

The disadvantages of removing damaged blood vessels with a laser include:

  • when treating large vessels, several procedures may be necessary;
  • Severe peeling of the skin may occur in the treated area;
  • if it is necessary to carry out a full course of procedures, financial costs will naturally increase;
  • After the procedure, redness of the epidermis may persist, which goes away on its own within a few hours.

These disadvantages of laser exposure are the subjective opinion of each person and do not apply to all patients.

Preparation for the procedure

For effective removal On the face of spider veins, the skin must be prepared with a laser.

  • sunbathe on purpose and refrain from visiting the solarium;
  • carry out aggressive procedures with the skin in the form of chemical peels;
  • take tetracycline antibiotics.

In addition, 3 days before the procedure you should refuse:

  • from visiting the sauna and steam bath;
  • rub skin persons using alcohol-containing products;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.

Stages of laser removal

Laser therapy involves influencing hemoglobin cells, the content of which in dilated vessels is increased. In this case, the surrounding skin remains intact and is not affected. Heating of blood cells is achieved by emitted laser waves of a certain length. The walls of the dilated vessel are glued together and within 3-4 weeks the treated vessel will resolve.

The laser removal procedure has a certain sequence:

The power range of the laser beam is selected individually from 0.8 to 1.2 W, the exposure time is 0.2 seconds. In the presence of large quantity spider veins course is carried out in several stages. At the first stages, the largest vessels are removed, followed by medium and small ones.

How many procedures are needed for treatment?

Spider veins can be removed on the face in 2 minutes thanks to the high power of the equipment.

The duration of laser exposure and the total number of procedures depends on the condition of the skin and the size of the damaged vessels:

  • To remove pinpoint and small spider veins you will need 1-2 procedures.
  • extensive meshes are removed in approximately 5 sessions, which are carried out intermittently.

Small vessels will disappear instantly. The depth and size of the spider veins will fully determine the required number of sessions: the deeper they are located, the harder it is to influence them. The discomfort will be more noticeable.

Terms and features of rehabilitation

Removing spider veins on the face with a laser involves performing certain rehabilitation measures after the procedure.

To successfully consolidate facial cleansing, it is recommended:

In rare cases, scabs or dark swelling may appear after laser therapy. This condition will go away on its own within 2 weeks; such scabs cannot be torn off.

Possible complications and consequences

The likelihood that any complications will arise is minimal. However, in cases of non-compliance with recommendations during rehabilitation period, low qualifications of the doctor or individual intolerance to the laser, some complications may arise.

They may be as follows:

  1. Swelling. High-temperature laser exposure to the skin may cause minor swelling. In this case, you should not be afraid; you can deal with this consequence yourself. To do this, it is recommended to drink antihistamine and apply cold to the problem area. In order not to catch a cold facial nerves a chilled compress is applied for 15-20 seconds.
  2. Hematomas. When treating large vessels, small bruises may remain on the face. To eliminate them, you should also apply cold to the site of the bruise and use heparin ointment.
  3. Sucrose crust. Within 3-4 days, this crust will fall off on its own. Under no circumstances is it recommended to remove or rub it, as this may lead to scarring. To speed up the process, it is necessary to use an antiseptic, Bepanten or Panthenol.
  4. Increase in body temperature to 37.2-37.5°C. This may be an individual reaction of the body to the procedure.
  5. A very rare complication is loss of skin sensitivity. This phenomenon goes away on its own within 1-2 months.

The patient can cope with most complications on his own, but in case of a protracted recovery process, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Types of laser devices for removing spider veins on the face

Laser removal of spider veins on the face is performed various types laser equipment.

For elimination various pathologies The following types are used:

  1. Neodymium laser. This installation is very effective and can remove any type of formation. It has a powerful cooling system, thanks to which the skin is completely protected from overheating. Of all the known lasers, it is neodymium that removes blood vessels in the least number of procedures.
  2. Diode laser. Most often used to remove blood vessels of blue color, the laser copes with red spider veins with great difficulty.
  3. American photo system. This device shows good results and can even eliminate complex problems in the form of rosacea and port-wine stains.
  4. Quantum. It is used in many professional clinics because the procedures are painless and the rehabilitation period is quite short.

Each of the devices has interchangeable attachments, thanks to which specialists can select the depth of penetration of the laser beam required for different patients. Using the same principle, the intensity of the impact is selected, which can be adjusted.

Which laser is better?

Which device should be preferred is the choice of each person, which must be decided together with a specialist after consultation. The choice of laser will depend on the depth of the damaged vessels, the size of the meshes and stars, and their color.

The most popular is neodymium laser, since it fights any damage to blood vessels, regardless of their size. The choice of laser may also be affected by the need for additional correction cosmetic defects in the affected area.

Photos before and after

Laser removal of spider veins on the face is a fairly effective non-surgical technique that has gained popularity due to its painlessness and quick opportunity solve the problem of.

Price table: cost of the procedure in Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions

The price will depend entirely on the extent of the patient's problem. The size of the spider veins on the face will determine the amount of time required for laser treatment and the number of flashes required. When choosing a prestigious clinic or a specialist with a high reputation, costs can increase significantly.

Average prices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions for laser removal procedures:

Moscow (mesh size 2x2 cm)
Minimum price Maximum price
1100 rub. 5500 rub.
St. Petersburg (grids up to 1 square cm in size)
500 2100
By region (grids measuring 2x2 cm)
From 450 (in city clinics) Up to 4500 in specialized clinics

The procedure is relatively affordable and does not require huge financial costs.

Laser removal of blood vessels on the face- the only thing effective solution such a problem as rosacea. Ointments and tablets can only temporarily smooth out or eliminate (for early stages) external manifestations of this disease. Therefore, if you are concerned about a venous network or spider veins, rapid redness of the skin when the temperature changes or when excited, you should think about a laser procedure. In this publication we will talk about coagulation of capillaries on the face, indications and contraindications for the procedure, skin restoration and possible unpleasant consequences of laser exposure, and find out prices.

Laser removal of blood vessels

Methodology laser coagulation today it is considered the best way in the fight against. Laser removal of blood vessels on the face is absolutely safe for the upper layer of the epidermis. In addition, in most cases, pain does not occur during the procedure.

Cosmetologists offer wide range services related to the use of laser. In addition to eliminating small spider veins, the laser is also effective against large manifestations of rosacea - it removes hemangiomas, port-wine stains, spider veins, and rosacea.

The laser technique does not guarantee that re-appearance of blood vessels will not occur, but it permanently removes existing facial imperfections or makes them invisible.

The essence of the procedure for removing rosacea on the face using a laser is as follows. The laser beam can penetrate the skin directly into the vessel. There it is absorbed by hemoglobin, and thermal energy is released. Thus, the blood thickens inside the problematic vessel. The clot seals the capillary, and blood no longer flows there. For a complete cure, sometimes one procedure is not enough; two to seven sessions are required.

Vessels sticking together from exposure high temperatures, may become discolored and dissolve over time. Externally, the skin looks much better, acquiring healthy looking. One session takes about 15-30 minutes. Noticeable improvements are observed after the first procedure and often right in the doctor’s office. If necessary, repeat sessions are carried out at intervals of 1 month.

Patients who have undergone laser removal of rosacea on the face note that the procedure is absolutely painless. Moreover, for this, the specialist uses cooling nozzles or other methods of cooling the treated area, which eliminates the occurrence of burns. The procedure may only be accompanied by tingling and does not require anesthesia.

Contraindications to capillary removal

Laser coagulation is a highly effective method of removing blood vessels on the face, which also has a number of contraindications. Among them:

Preparation for the laser vascular removal procedure

No special preparation is required before using a laser on your face. All that the specialist will require from you on the eve of the procedure is:

  • do not use peeling;
  • do not visit the solarium;
  • do not stay in the sun for a long time;
  • do not take vitamin A.

If you have previously subjected your face to chemical or thermal procedures, then the interval between them and laser exposure should be at least 2 weeks.

Laser coagulation of facial vessels is prescribed in winter, spring or autumn. During these periods, the risk of side effects and development of skin pigmentation are minimal.

Features of the recovery period

After you have had blood vessels removed from your face with a laser, your skin needs special care. Experts recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

By following these simple rules you can easily protect yourself from unpleasant consequences procedures.

Consequences of laser removal of blood vessels on the face

Possible side effects after laser removal of rosacea on the face include redness at the affected areas and sometimes swelling. These phenomena go away on their own after 1-2 days.

In rare cases, crusts appear that cannot be picked off or wet. For a speedy recovery of the skin, you can use medicinal preparations“Panthenol”, “Bepanten” and “Solcoseryl” ointment.

In some cases, laser coagulation may cause scars, etc. All this is explained by the individual reaction of the body or violation of the recommendations of specialists during the rehabilitation period. For example, long stay under straight lines sun rays, tearing off crusts that have appeared, etc.

If you are planning to remove capillaries under your eyes, do it while you are on holiday, as this area may become very swollen and require further treatment. long time recovery.

How to prevent the recurrence of rosacea

Laser removal of blood vessels on the face is an effective way to combat skin imperfections. However, no one is safe from reoccurrence. To avoid this, follow these recommendations:

  • do not use rough towels;
  • limit sweets, hot, spicy and fatty foods, coffee and alcohol consumption in your diet;
  • use special cosmetic procedures aimed at strengthening capillaries;
  • for skin care, choose gentle methods, avoid traumatic peels and scrubs;
  • control your exposure to the sun: only short-term sunbathing using;
  • achieve stabilization of your weight, sharp changes in any direction are very harmful to blood vessels.

Prices for laser removal of blood vessels on the face

The cost of laser removal depends on the size and length of the vessels:

  • one capillary (up to 1 cm in length) - from 700 to 1600 rubles;
  • spider veins on the face (up to 1 cm) - from 800 to 5500 rubles.

Removing capillaries on the face with laser: video

Watch the video for the coagulation procedure and its results:


To get rid of rosacea, you can use concealing cosmetic creams, but, as a rule, women go to clinics and beauty salons in order to radically get rid of these formations. The best procedure to date has proven itself to be laser removal of capillaries on the face. If there are no contraindications, you can safely go to a specialist.

Removal of rosacea on the face using FT technology is a safe and highly effective procedure performed by the FOTONA laser system. It combines the most important characteristics, allowing you to effectively and painlessly get rid of spider veins of any complexity and eliminate burns and pain.

We have been working since 2007

5000 satisfied clients

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Effect of the procedure (photos before and after)

  • Today, the most effective way to combat vascular manifestations
  • The method is presented by Fotona, which has developed a unique technology - FT laser removal of blood vessels (laser coagulation)
  • The effect is incredible: after the procedure for removing spider veins and hemangiomas with a laser, the vessel completely disappears within 2-3 weeks.
  • With the help of FT laser vessel removal at the Neo Vita author's clinic, you can completely “erase” these annoying imperfections on both the face and body!

What problems does it solve?

The method of laser removal of blood vessels is very effective and has become the most common procedure in all clinics in the world. Modern laser systems “glue” blood vessels together quickly and painlessly, and after the laser coagulation procedure there are practically no traces of the impact, so there is no need for a rehabilitation period and you can immediately return to everyday activities!

Removal of facial vessels using FT technology is a safe and highly effective procedure performed by the FOTONA laser system. It combines the most important characteristics that allow you to effectively and painlessly get rid of spider veins of any complexity and eliminates burns and pain.


  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Taking corticosteroid hormones and photosensitizing drugs.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Presence of diseases diabetes mellitus, vasculitis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Keloid formation (propensity).
  • The presence of saphenous veins with venous insufficiency.

Safety and comfort

There is no recovery period after the laser vascular removal procedure.

Additional Information

Dilated blood vessels on the face and body are a common phenomenon that occurs quite often, mainly in women. There are many factors that trigger the appearance of spider veins. It can be internal factors, such as: genetic predisposition, liver diseases, disorders venous outflow, blood clotting disorders. Pregnancy often causes the appearance and enlargement of spider veins.

External factors can also influence the manifestation of vascular pathologies. These include surgical injuries, excessive exposure to the sun, visiting a solarium, frostbite of the skin, overuse steroids, hormonal drugs, deep peeling of facial skin.

There are many ways to deal with dilated blood vessels. Unfortunately, treating spider veins with cosmetics does not bring desired results, and after electrocoagulation scars remain and hyperpigmentation appears. Laser removal of spider veins is a way out of a difficult situation.

Description of the procedure for laser removal of blood vessels (laser coagulation):

Laser vascular removal on the face (FT laser vascular removal) combines the most important characteristics that allow you to effectively and painlessly get rid of spider veins of any complexity and eliminates burns and pain.

Laser spider vein removal can remove blood vessels on both the face and body. The size of the visible vessel in diameter can reach 2.5 mm (these are quite large spider veins on the legs).

How does laser removal of spider veins on the face work?

The peculiarity of the FT laser removal of blood vessels (laser coagulation) procedure is the effect of a laser beam, which results in “gluing” the walls of the vessel. Small vessels are removed without a trace, large vascular spots, hemangiomas turn pale and significantly decrease in size. Laser exposure (removal of spider veins with a laser) is applied only to the walls of capillaries, surrounding tissues and healthy blood vessels are not injured.

The number of laser spider vein removal procedures depends on the diameter of the vessel. If the vessel is of small diameter (1–1.5 mm), then it may disappear after 1–2 procedures. When working with more large vessels(treatment of rosacea with laser, removal of spider veins on the legs with laser) may require up to 4-5 visits to a cosmetologist.

During the laser vessel removal procedure, the patient experiences virtually no discomfort; after the procedure, slight redness of the skin may be observed, which disappears after 15–30 minutes. After a session of laser removal of spider veins, the treated vessel first changes color to a darker one (which indicates positive result), and after 2–3 weeks it completely disappears. During laser coagulation of large vessels (laser removal of spider veins), small crusts or slight peeling of the skin may be observed.

The Neo Vita clinic in Krylatskoye will help you remove spider veins on the legs, remove spider veins with a laser on the face (laser treatment of rosacea) comfortably and safely, be sure to consult with our phlebologists.

What is unique about the FOTONA SP SPECTRO laser system?

FOTONA SP SPECTRO is a unique laser system created and patented more than 40 years ago in Slovenia by Fotona, a recognized world leader in the production of lasers based on Er:YAG and Nd:YAG technologies. Fotona's innovative developments have made it possible to achieve a unique combination of efficiency and safety of laser procedures. The FOTONA SP SPECTRO device can perform more than 50 types of procedures, allowing you to solve numerous aesthetic problems. In one mobile building, the manufacturers have truly assembled an entire multidisciplinary laser clinic, capable of performing a range of different procedures.

The areas of application of FOTONA SP SPECTRO are truly diverse:

  • “Cold” and “hot” peelings.
  • Aesthetic polishing.
  • Laser dermabrasion.
  • Laser resurfacing of scars.
  • Fractional techniques.
  • Superficial non-ablative rejuvenation.
  • Deep dermal rejuvenation.
  • Fractional rejuvenation using technology.
  • FRAC3 (BY AREA).
  • Laser hair removal for all hair types (by AREA).
  • Acne laser treatment.
  • Laser treatment of nail onychomycosis.
  • Laser removal of arterial and venous vessels.
  • Removal of viral warts.

What is the operating principle of neodymium and erbium lasers?

FOTONA SP SPECTRO are two types of powerful modern lasers: neodymium Nd:YAG and erbium ER:YAG.

Neodymium laser.

The neodymium Nd:YAG laser is a non-ablative laser, which means that the laser radiation used does little to no damage to the epidermis. A burn is formed under radiation; the destroyed tissue does not evaporate, but remains in the skin, “ open wound"After such an impact there is no trace left. It turns out that when a neodymium laser is exposed to the skin or surface of a scar, the tissue covers are not damaged, and the laser beam penetrates into the skin or scar, exerting a selective effect on the internal structures of the dermis or scar tissue.

Using Neodymium (Nd:Yag) Laser:

  • scar treatment,
  • treatment of vascular pathologies,
  • hair removal,
  • non-ablative laser rejuvenation skin,
  • therapy for active acne.

The wavelength of the neodymium (Nd:YAG) laser is the most optimal in terms of efficiency and the absence of any side effects compared to some other types of lasers used today in laser aesthetic medicine.

Erbium laser.

Today, erbium ER:YAG is the most optimal laser for the treatment of scars and stretch marks, as well as for resurfacing and fractional rejuvenation.

An erbium laser is an ablative laser, which means that when it is applied to the skin or the surface of a scar, it evaporates. Ablation is a complex physical effect in which layer-by-layer evaporation of the surface at which the laser beam is directed occurs. Procedure similar treatment scars are called - laser resurfacing. While saving all positive qualities The erbium laser allows you to work with the skin very finely. It leads to minimal tissue burns and vascular coagulation. For this property, erbium grindings are also called “cold” (not to confuse such a deceptive concept with “ineffective”; the temperature of a “cold” laser is 300 degrees Celsius). The rehabilitation period after resurfacing with an erbium laser is half as long compared to a CO2 laser.

Using an erbium ER:YAG laser.

  • Photorejuvenation.
  • Laser skin resurfacing.
  • Treatment of scars.
  • Removal vascular spots and pigmented lesions.
  • Removal of tumors.

You can get an online doctor's consultation on this problem
from anywhere in the world. The cost of consultation is 5,000 rubles.


Up to 2 sq. cm 1 500
Up to 4 sq. cm 2 000
Up to 6 sq. cm 3 500
Up to 8 sq. cm 5 000
Up to 10 sq. cm 6 500
Up to 15 sq. cm 8 500

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