Proverbs and sayings about food of all nations. Proverbs about healthy eating. Wisdom that has passed through time. Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating. What is their value

Issues related to the preservation and strengthening of public health are particularly relevant at present. This is due to many factors that negatively affect human health, including school-age children.

Our condition directly depends on what we eat, which is why it is so important to use healthy eating, using them to explain to the children the importance of a proper diet.

Healthy eating is the key to successful studies

Hippocrates also said that “if the father of a disease is unknown, then the mother is always nutrition.” Because of the crazy rhythm modern life Many parents do not have time to prepare nutritious food for their children, so they are forced to eat low-quality semi-finished products. But for the beautiful appearance, good mood, dynamic development, it is important to control the nutrition of children from early childhood, observing correct mode day. Having matured a little, children should take on a healthy lifestyle, and teachers and proverbs about the rules of healthy eating will help them with this.

and proverbs

Russian proverbs about healthy eating tell what is much more important healthly food than expensive interior items: “The hut is not red in its corners, but it is red in its pies.”

There are also sayings that explain what food should be like: “Soup soup and porridge - that’s our food.”

Modern scientists have proven that if a person is distracted by extraneous thoughts while eating, the digestive processes are disrupted, resulting in various diseases. That is why we have been familiar with this expression since childhood: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” More than once, grandparents reprimanded their “talkative” grandchildren with the expression: “Talk less, eat more.”

It is through food that children and adults receive essential nutrients(amino acids, fats, carbohydrates), which are necessary for the functioning of all internal organs. In order for children to study well and not get tired of school, they need to eat properly and in a timely manner. Here is an example of a proverb about the rules of healthy eating for grade 3: “Eat your fill, then work until you sweat.”

Proverbs about bread

Our ancestors have always had a special relationship with bread. It was considered a separate dish, an invaluable product, and therefore numerous proverbs about the rules of healthy eating are associated with it. “Bread is the head of everything,” “water is the mother, and bread is the father,” our ancestors said. Bread contains fats, carbohydrates, proteins, numerous vitamins and minerals that people need so much. emphasizes the special importance of bread with whole grains: “Eat the pies, and save the bread in advance.” Proverbs about healthy eating also speak about the need for variety in the diet: “Man does not live by bread alone.” In addition, the proverb says that it is not enough for a person to just eat; the spiritual component is also important for a normal life.

Informativeness of sayings and proverbs about healthy eating

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating remind us that food should be in moderation. Overeating is known to lead to serious illness and health problems. Our ancestors knew about this, and it’s not for nothing that there are many wise sayings devoted to this topic: “Eat, but don’t get fat, then you’ll be healthier.”

Proverbs about healthy eating are represented very widely in oral folk art. They also contain information about what foods should be eaten daily to protect yourself from diseases and misfortunes: “Onions cure seven ailments,” “Onions and garlic are siblings,” “Onions cure seven ailments, and garlic cures all ailments.” harasses."

It is not without reason that proverbs about the rules of life and healthy eating constitute a valuable part of the richest treasury of folk art - folklore. They contain information that has been carefully collected by people over many centuries. This storehouse of knowledge has absorbed the laws of the biosphere, the universe, the noosphere, society; folk wisdom accompanies us from early childhood to old age. Often proverbs about healthy eating “pop up” in our heads during difficult times. life situations, help to find correct solution, deal with the problem. It is for this reason that many educational programs time is allocated for studying this genre of oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings about the rules of healthy eating, in fact, are methodological recommendations for maintaining and regaining health.

The meaning of sayings and proverbs for raising the younger generation

Russian folklore contributes to the formation of a culture and value system in schoolchildren, in which health plays an important role. Remember the expression "In healthy body - healthy mind"? These are not just words. Both parents, educators, and teachers try to instill in children a culture of behavior at the table and nutrition, and often apt folk sayings are given as an example. The teacher not only selects proverbs about healthy eating for his students, but also expands ideas about the importance of food consumption and ways to protect the body from negative external factors.

Of course, the role of the CNT genre we are considering in the education of the younger generation is not limited to this. A variety of proverbs about healthy eating develop the creative and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. Programs of similar content, introduced at the primary and secondary levels of schooling, contribute to the self-development of children, which is important in connection with the introduction of new federal educational standards. The teacher, using proverbs about the rules of healthy eating in our region, forms personal qualities, develops in the children a sense of patriotism and pride in their hometown (village). Memorization catchphrases promotes the development of memory, attention in schoolchildren, the formation of motivational, emotional, volitional spheres personality.

Funds needed to implement a healthy eating program

In order for proverbs about the rules of healthy eating in our region to help the teacher in his work, he will need modern educational technologies: information technology, design and research activities, role-playing games. Among the main forms of work that are needed to implement the assigned tasks, we highlight tests, thematic conversations, quizzes, and role-playing games.

What students should learn about healthy eating

Various proverbs about healthy eating for children are aimed at introducing pupils to hygiene, food culture, rules for storing fruits and vegetables, groups of vitamins, and their importance for humans. In addition, the teacher informs schoolchildren about the types food additives, their influence on human health. The guys, having become acquainted with sayings, must learn to navigate the range of products that currently exist. Schoolchildren learn to choose for themselves healthy food, applying theoretical knowledge in practice.

Proverbs about health in elementary school

Folk sayings and proverbs about healthy eating (3rd grade) help to form in younger schoolchildren an idea of ​​the following concepts: balanced nutrition, fats, carbohydrates, chemical additives, vitamins, proteins, the digestive process, allergies, poisonous mushrooms and plants, anorexia, dietary supplements, fasting. At the same time, having mastered certain knowledge and become familiar with some examples of Russian folklore, the guys must follow the rules and norms of behavior at the table.

To assess the degree to which primary schoolchildren have mastered the main components of a healthy eating program, the teacher gives his students specific tasks. The children, under the guidance of a teacher, perform and write research papers. 3rd graders can submit a report on the work done, which includes collected proverbs about healthy eating, in the form of an album, wall newspaper, booklet, or essay. It’s not bad if their parents help them with this.

Program “Healthy nutrition for the younger generation”

This program was created for elementary school students. Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating for 3rd grade help the teacher convey information about food culture to his students and develop sociocultural skills. The main direction of this program is the use of proverbs to form schoolchildren’s understanding of food culture, instilling skills in the younger generation healthy image life. The guys will not only learn Interesting Facts about products and their effect on the human body, but also attract to the choice healthy food adults, transmit interesting information your parents. The program provides time for discussing sayings, playing them out, and explaining the meaning.

Options for creative projects related to proverbs and sayings

The topic of the work depends on which folk sayings were chosen by schoolchildren for their projects. For example, a proverb such as “Take bread for dinner in moderation, bread is precious - take care of it” can become the basis for the work “Culture of behavior at the dinner table.”

The saying “While I eat, I am deaf and dumb” will become the basis for the following research: “Culinary traditions in my family.” By studying sayings and proverbs about the importance of a product such as bread, schoolchildren can create a collective creative project“The miracle of the earth is wheat bread.”

As part of a special program aimed at developing a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren, we offer examples of activities.

First lesson. The teacher introduces the children to the importance of food for people's lives. The lesson can be based on the following proverb: “What is food and drink, so will life be.” The task that the teacher sets in this lesson is the following: to explain to the children the need to improve health and constantly monitor it.

Second lesson. The children learn that nutrition is a science, get acquainted with the culture of food, and the concept of modern nutrition. The teacher uses the following Russian proverb for the lesson: “The belly is not a bag, you can’t fill it with rags.” At the end of the lesson, a role-playing game is held, during which the children must choose the right products, create your own menu.

The third lesson is dedicated to beauty and nutrition. To convey to schoolchildren the importance the right choice products, the relationship of the menu with mental development, growth, skin condition, the teacher uses the proverb: “To eat a lot is not a great honor.” Among the forms that are suitable for this lesson are the following: teamwork, test tasks, role-playing game. The guys will learn about therapeutic fasting, church fasting, diet, obesity, anorexia. The main goal that the teacher sets is to protect schoolchildren from starvation and overeating.

The fourth lesson is devoted to the “magic pyramid”. Together with their mentor, schoolchildren “build” a pyramid necessary for the body products. The healthy ingredient choices they must make at the end of the lesson are based on their acquired knowledge. Having found out that food should be rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, at each step of the pyramid the children place certain foods: vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and dairy products, cereals, sweets. The teacher acts as a mentor and helps solve problems that arise, but students do most of the work on their own. The motto of the class is the Russian proverb: “Wherever you sit, sit down, there would be something to eat.”

The fifth lesson involves explaining the meaning of the proverb: “Not everything that lives around is in the stomach.” The teacher tells the children that there are foods that are dangerous to human health. Schoolchildren will learn about the negative effects of alcohol and nicotine on children's body. In addition, in an accessible form, the teacher reveals the concept of chemical additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers, stabilizers.

In the next lesson you can talk about calorie intake, metabolism, physiological standards human energy needs and dietary fiber. Together with the teacher, schoolchildren must explain the meaning of the proverb: “I’ve eaten like a bull, I don’t know what to do.”

We devote the next 2-3 lessons to the “golden rules of nutrition.” To explain the meaning of the proverb “The mouth hurts, but the belly eats,” the optimal one is considered. Together with the mentor, the guys distribute food for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. To consolidate the acquired knowledge, a role-playing game is carried out. Its participants propose a menu and motivate their choice based on theoretical knowledge. The issue of food hygiene cannot be ignored. With the proverb “When trouble comes, food will not come to mind,” the teacher explains the need proper care for dishes, heat treatment of vegetables and fruits before consumption.

To convey to younger schoolchildren the meaning of the proverb “When you are full, you begin to feel shame,” you can organize role-playing game, involve parents. During the competition between a team of children and adults, the best expert in table manners is determined.


Numerous proverbs and sayings passed down from generation to generation confirm the importance of proper and high-quality nutrition in people's lives. To avoid suffering from food allergies, don't get poisoned poisonous plants and mushrooms, to avoid getting sick due to poor quality food, you need knowledge about “food culture”. Formation of such skills in the younger generation is the main task of teachers and parents. If children know old sayings and proverbs, including those about proper nutrition, and can explain their meaning, they will preserve the cultural heritage of their region, their country, and will grow up to be true patriots. And, of course, healthy people.

The benefits of proper nutrition have been known for centuries. And although each generation put its own meaning into its basis, some common truths remained unchanged. It is not for nothing that many centuries ago Socrates said a phrase that is still relevant today: “You need to eat to live, not live to eat” . By turning food intake into gluttony, you can not only undermine your health, but also completely deprive your body of the balance and lightness that nature inherent in it. The principles of proper nutrition are read between the lines folk tales and legends, stories and parables, but they are most clearly demonstrated by proverbs and sayings - real pearls of folk creativity and wisdom.

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating. What is their value

At all times, a lot of attention was paid to the preparation of a diet, albeit unconsciously. Remember what our grandmothers said: “Shchi and porridge are our food” - emphasizing the importance rational nutrition, daily consumption of first courses and nutritious grains. They knew that for full development, active work and a cheerful spirit, it is necessary not only to eat enough, but also to eat properly.

Indeed, today dietetics has become one of the most popular areas of preventive medicine. Therapy of any disease associated not only with gastrointestinal tract, but also with the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous and other systems of the body cannot be done without drawing up an appropriate diet, which will include only healthy foods. However, this does not mean that proper nutrition becomes relevant only after the appearance of any health problems - you need to pay attention to this aspect of your life from the first day, otherwise there is a high risk of encountering disorders, the correction of which will not be as easy as prevention.

Proverbs about healthy eating allow you to accustom your child to healthy eating from a young age. eating behavior, a kind of respect for food, a rational approach to choosing products. With their help, you can convey to the baby what is so difficult to explain in scientific language - the basics of digestion, the structure of the body, the harm of the wrong foods. If you don’t explain to a little person what he can eat and what he should refuse, he for a long time will live in disharmony with himself, with his body and physiology, which in the process of formation can lead to serious consequences. Yes and in adult life will definitely come in handy - they will remind you that food is not the meaning of life, but rather a way to maintain it.

“What the eye sees is not everything in the mouth”, - an old Russian proverb tells us, which is extremely difficult to argue with. You need to approach food wisely, and then it will become the basis for active life, cheerful spirit and excellent well-being for many years.

Principles of dietetics through proverbs about healthy eating

To create a rational menu, you need to know the basic principles on which it is based. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to shovel mountains of literature, read scientific manuals and treatises on nutrition - it is enough to use the wisdom of our ancestors by studying proverbs about healthy eating rules:

  1. “Trouble is when the stomach is more stubborn than the mind”. If, without thinking, you eat everything that comes to hand, putting gluttony at the forefront, you can lose not only your health, but also the harmony in your life. Constant overeating and use junk food sooner or later will lead to problems with metabolism, cardiovascular abnormalities, sudden changes in body weight and others physiological disorders, and also disrupt the balance of energy and vitality, will cause insomnia and depression.
  2. “The belly is not a bag: you can’t eat in reserve” . You should not have too dense meals, sacrificing their quantity: the only thing you will achieve is distended stomach And constant feeling hunger. It is better to eat little by little 4-5 times a day - then the nutrition will be the most balanced.
  3. “What’s the harm if you drink water?”. Drinking regime is no less important than regular meals. Drinking at least 1.5-2 liters a day, a person saturates cells with life-giving moisture, allows circulatory system function “like a clock” and replenish its deficiency in the body.
  4. “Don’t swallow without chewing, don’t chat without thinking”. Just like expressing your opinion without thoroughly thinking it through first, you should not neglect proper chewing of your food. By swallowing large pieces, you will overload your stomach, causing digestive tract work in the wrong mode, and you will end up with digestive problems.
  5. “There are no bad foods, only bad cooks”. Even the healthiest and most nutritious food can be spoiled if it is prepared incorrectly. For example, fried foods will be much more harmful than those cooked in the oven or steamed. And if you know special technologies and delicious recipes, you can learn to create real masterpieces without using excessive heat treatment.

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating: making a menu

Whatever one may say, the basic rule on which dietetics is based is healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals, nutritious and at the same time easily digestible foods. Including fast food, caffeinated products, and even more so meat or fish that comes to the table through violence, cruelty and murder in your diet means fundamentally violating the norms of a healthy lifestyle, moral principles and foundations of a humane, harmonious spiritual personality. In addition, a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and other plant crops can fully provide a person with everything necessary for full life, and sayings clearly confirm this.

Vegetables on the table – health in the home

The vegetable menu is perhaps the healthiest thing that Mother Nature can offer us. Their composition is rich in plant fiber, life-giving moisture, easy-to-digest nutrients, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They are good both on their own and as ingredients for delicious dishes: remember what the spring-summer aroma of a cucumber salad, the spicy taste of a vegetable stew or an autumn mix with carrots and cabbage is worth? How about light Lenten borscht, ratatouille or zucchini jam for dessert? Fresh or cooked vegetables can replace the first, second and third courses, and our ancestors knew about this a long time ago. And numerous proverbs about the benefits of vegetables are clear confirmation of this:

  1. Horseradish, radish, and cabbage will not be tolerated.
  2. The cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself.
  3. Beets are a red maiden, and with a green braid, she is a queen on the table, useful for health.
  4. Carrots add blood.
  5. Seven changes, but still one radish: tricha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in cubes and whole radish.
  6. Greens on the table mean health for a hundred years.
  7. Well done to the cucumber, and well done to the cucumber.
  8. Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.
  9. Vegetables are a pantry of health.
  10. Not a single horn can live without cabbage.

Fruit and berry abundance

Proverbs about healthy eating could not ignore the benefits of fruits and berries. Juicy, ripe and incredibly delicious fruits– an essential source of vitamins and vegetable fiber. If you supplement your diet with apples, you can forget about weakness and anemia, bananas will help improve digestion, citrus fruits will help replenish vitamin C deficiency, pears will help relieve diarrhea, pomegranates will increase hemoglobin... In short, the right fruits and berries can cure ailments and improve your work body. True, it is worth paying attention only to seasonal fruits, since when buying them in supermarkets it is impossible to ensure the absence of pesticides. This rule also applies to vegetables: harvest harvested from your own garden or purchased in trusted places will be much healthier than imported ones.

And in order not to doubt the benefits of fruits and berries, read what the proverbs say about this:

  1. An apple for dinner - and you don't need a doctor.
  2. Grapes are not hail, they don’t hit you, they don’t knock you down, they put you on your feet.
  3. Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
  4. And he ate the pear and brushed his teeth.
  5. The oldest fruit, the fig, is famous throughout the world.
  6. If you go for berries, you will find health.
  7. The pear is for me, the apple is for me, and the quince is what my heart wants.
  8. Plum does not praise itself, but the path to it is always trodden.
  9. For the sake of strawberries you will bow to the earth more than once.
  10. A good doctor's apple is worth it.

Proverbs about the rules of healthy eating from cereals

What could be healthier for the stomach than porridge? Light oatmeal will become best breakfast, nutritious buckwheat, rich in iron and minerals - an ideal second course for lunch, and quickly digestible rice - an excellent dinner. However, although these are the most popular, they are far from the only porridges: those who prefer a cereal menu can change the types of dishes at least every day. How much can you cook from cereals? Buckwheat cutlets, rice meatballs, oatmeal bars with dried fruits, corn cookies... All these dishes will not only be healthy, but also incredibly tasty. One has only to read the proverbs about the rules of healthy eating regarding cereals - and everything will immediately fall into place:

  1. The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
  2. Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
  3. Without porridge, lunch is not lunch.
  4. It pleases my stomach that my eyes see the mess.
  5. Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.
  6. The cook lives better than the prince.
  7. Our health is oatmeal.
  8. Our mother - buckwheat: no match for pepper, it won’t rip through your stomach.
  9. Thick porridge will not disperse a family.
  10. Eat bread and cereals for your health.

Proverbs about healthy eating: creating the right regime

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is not only the quality of nutrition that is important, but also its regularity. Skipping breakfast so as not to be late for work, neglecting lunch due to heavy workload during the working day, and eating in the evening, trying to compensate for the feeling of hunger that plagued the day - is far from the best best idea. At night, the body should rest, including the digestive tract. Therefore, dinner should be light and not too late, so that all the food eaten has time to be fully absorbed before going to bed. But breakfast must be nutritious - it is necessary for the metabolism to wake up, and the nutrients eaten provide energy at least until lunch. Read what the proverbs say about this:

  1. I need kefir for dinner.
  2. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.
  3. On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.
  4. When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you wake up refreshed.
  5. Dinner is not needed - lunch would be friendly.
  6. I sat down and ate, so I don’t need dinner.
  7. Shorten dinner - lengthen life.
  8. After having dinner, the pillow rotates under your head.
  9. Full stomach I have nightmares.
  10. Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

Proverbs about the dangers of overeating

Any excess cannot go unnoticed, and excessive overeating is no exception. Golden Rule dietetics is based on the fact that “You need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger” - then digestion will be normal, and excess weight will bypass, and your overall health will always be cheerful and active. However, do not confuse a slight feeling of hunger and malnutrition: if the first is a physiological stage of satiety (after all, the feeling of fullness comes approximately 20-30 minutes after a meal), then the second is a restriction in essential nutrients, which cannot be called correct.

Our ancestors also knew about this - it’s not for nothing that people have so many sayings about the dangers of gluttony:

  1. Being too full is bad for your belly.
  2. Those who are greedy for food will end up in trouble.
  3. A large piece gets stuck in the throat.
  4. Moderation in food is more beneficial than a hundred doctors.
  5. The mouth will tear apart a large piece, and the small one will feed its fill.
  6. Moderate food is a joy to the mind.
  7. Be moderate in food, but not in work.
  8. If you want health, don't eat a lot; if you want honor, don't talk a lot.
  9. Eat half full - you will live a century to the full.
  10. The stomach of a glutton is a bottomless gorge.

Let's sum it up

If you collect everything proverbs and sayings about healthy eating together, you can release a whole series of volumes folk wisdom- in one book this bottomless well useful tips obviously won't fit. And, if you look at it, all modern dietetics is built on the same principles that are promoted in proverbs: consume healthy foods, use the right ways cooking, don’t overeat, but don’t starve either, don’t make food the meaning of life - and you can maintain your health, youth and love of life for many years.

Such sayings hide a great meaning that can teach a person and a child important things.

Proverbs about food have collected many meanings that personify a person’s attitude to work, to other people, and his behavior in society.

Food saying Interpretation of the saying
No matter the teeth, so be the soul. If it were not for bad qualities, the person would be good (ideal).
You can't suck paws like a bear. Despair requires action.
When trouble comes, food will not come to mind. When a person has problems, he least of all thinks about everyday trifles. All his thoughts are focused on business.
His mouth opened like a piece of bread. As the benefit appeared, the desire for self-interest arose.
As is the bread, so is the work. How a person treats others is how they will treat him.
As is the food, so is the food (and vice versa). A person's life is what he provided for himself.
As the dog is fed, so is the catch. How you give your all, so is your return.
Karaseva Ushitsa is a living room food. Don’t be stingy with your guests, treat them to everything you have and they will respond with kindness.
The cook lives better than the prince. The one who is close to work is smarter and more skilled.
You can't spoil porridge with oil. With a kind word You can't earn a bad reputation. You can also talk about a “good deed” or a “kind person.”
Kissel and sita – woman’s food. Literal interpretation: “you don’t need much to live.”
Sour, sweet, salty, fresh: you take a sip, you fall, you jump up, you want it again. By offending others, expect that they will offend you too.
A skinny belly lets you down. A person with poor skills and abilities.
The cow has milk in her mouth (i.e., in the feed). One born in a good family will become a good person.
Dinner is not needed, it would be lunch. Every task must be done on time.
Bread and water, peasant food. Simplicity. The ability to appreciate simple things.
A slave and a belly do not remember good things. Doing good to fools is a waste of time.
The harp is good fun, but it's not worth a nut. The proverb describes the vain efforts and labor of a person who is wasted and does not receive gratitude.
It would be nice to have soup, but without grains. The proverb literally says that a person is missing something or someone.
No matter how bad you are, you're full. This proverb describes a person who, after great job or hard work is happy, then received reward or payment.
At least on water, as long as in a frying pan. This proverb literally tells a person that even if he has just a little wealth, money, goods or friends, he already has something and therefore should not lose heart.
Call me the devil and feed me bread. These words should be taken as hard work.
Horseradish is not sweeter than radish. In this case, the meaning of the saying is very simple: something is the same or something very similar.
It can be bad, the bone won't bite. Doing something without pleasure.
Garlic plagues seven ailments. A person can cope with his own difficulties only if he wants to.
Whatever is in the oven is all on the table - swords. The proverb teaches a person not to be greedy and to always be generous.
What you chew is what you live. Whatever work a person puts into a business, that is the reward he will have.
The pot of cabbage soup is big. A little man with great talents, abilities, and good skills.
Proverb about food Interpretation of the saying
Appetite comes with eating. The desire to do something may arise not before work, but after you have already started it.
Without a spoon, a good eater will become evil. This saying is associated with the good that a person lacks and without it he becomes evil.
Sleeping without dinner is like a dog. Accurate interpretation: poverty, bad situation, bad luck.
You can't live without bread. If a person does not have wealth, he will not be able to exist, he will survive.
The belly is deaf: you can’t stop it with a word (no matter what you say, just feed it). Words may mean nothing and any word must be proven by deeds.
The belly silently asks for food. You can't hide obvious things.
The belly will not sleep without eating the harp. If you do nothing and don’t work, you can hardly achieve anything in life.
The belly is not a bag, you can’t eat in reserve. You should work hard throughout your life in order to enjoy the results later.
The belly does not remember old friendship. The man is remembered good deeds, not words.
The belly is like a mountain: how do you get to the yard? Exact interpretation: a very self-confident person (sometimes, not at all justified).
The belly is like a judge; and is silent (and silent), but asks. A proverb warns a person that he may be tormented inner feeling and conscience if he is wrong.
You can't make a living with your belly. Idleness will not benefit a person.
There is space in the belly: every day there is a rash and a rash. Exact explanation: emptiness, poverty, lack of money, hunger.
The mare sighs and grabs the grass. Even if you don’t want to, a person must force himself to work.
When I eat, I am deaf and dumb. When working hard, you should focus only on your task and not be distracted.
The horse's food is more beautiful. That situation when a person did not live up to his promises with his efforts.
The road is red for the riders, and lunch is for the eaters. The proverb teaches a person to do any time on time.
He chases grain after grain with a club. Only that person, as the proverb says, will be successful who will complete every task on time.
Work, grunt, eat and puff. For any work a person will receive a reward.
He who is not forgotten by God is well-fed. If a person is alienated from society. He is losing his communication skills. If a person strives to be with people, he always has friends and their help.
He who eats quickly works quickly. Your promises and words should be justified by deeds.
Some people like to save money, and some like to grow their bellies. Humanity is divided into two types: hard workers and lazy people.
He who is full is not forgotten by God. The saying goes that a person who works hard and is kind to everyone will definitely be successful in life.
Onions cure seven ailments. Labor saves a person from any problem.
It is better to drink water in joy than honey in sorrow. Much better is the gratitude that you receive for your own work than enjoying the merits of others.
Eat cow butter for your health. Eating healthy foods. Or, as a wish: “I wish you well.”
Mother rye feeds all fools entirely, and wheat is optional. The one who did not study or work receives food, and the one who works hard enjoys gifts.
The bear sucks one paw and lives well all winter. A big job can “feed” a person for a very long time, or a “good deed” glorifies a person.
The mill is strong with water, and man is strong with food. Each job requires its own payment.
You can't knead the dough with prayer. Words do not solve the matter.
Say your prayer and put the flour in the kneading bowl. In addition to words, help with deeds.
Cabbage soup is the head of everything. A person’s desire to be happy guides all his affairs.
Cabbage soup and porridge are our food. The exact interpretation of the saying: “simple”, “simpleton”, “live simply”.
Cabbage soup tastes good with cabbage and tastes good with salt. Whatever one may say, a person needs goodness in order to feel happy.
The rich - to the feast, the poor - to the world (around the world). A man who has earned his status through hard work is worthy happy life. And those who are lazy cannot count on sudden luck.
To go to a feast - to feed the horse. Nothing is given to a person for nothing; everything needs to be paid for, thanked or helped.
There's a hangover at someone else's feast. Anything that is not obtained through honest means cannot bring happiness to a person.
It's a shame to grieve - not to feast. Working hard is harder than being lazy.

The wolf called the goats to a feast, but they didn’t come for gifts.

The wolf called the goat to a feast, but the goat did not come.

To a bad man I don't want to help.

Some people like to save money, and some like to grow their bellies.

Mother rye feeds all fools entirely, and wheat is optional.

Today it’s oatmeal, tomorrow it’s oatmeal; Yes, just like every day it’s the same thing, so it gets boring.

Lunch for lunch, not beatings for beatings (can be tolerated).

A stronger stomach means a lighter heart.

As soon as I ate, I felt ashamed.

He yawns a little, but his belly is full.

Pay a penny (for a piglet) and plant it in rye, it will be good.

And the fly fills its belly.

It’s easier if you don’t have dinner, but if you have dinner, it’s better.

One of the porridge is an orphan.

The pot of cabbage soup is big.

Thick porridge will not disperse a family.

Give your belly free rein - the belly of the city will eat away.

If only there was something to eat, otherwise God will feed you.

Appetite comes with eating.

It can be bad, the bone won't bite.

A man lives from food.

Pop and rooster crow without eating.

Bread is the head of everything.

Without lunch there is no good conversation.

Cheap fish means cheap fish soup.

Without salt the table is crooked.

Dinner is not made of pies, but rather of the eaters.

Not enough food- the same problem.

Life is fun, but there is nothing to eat.

There is a belly, but there is nothing to eat.

Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner!

They can't have lunch without bread.

Eat the pies, and save the bread ahead!

Not in our honor, not for us.

Without salt, without bread - half a meal.

Bread and water are peasant food.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Without salt, bread is not food.

Grabbing it in the heat of the moment means you won’t get full, but you’ll get burned.

Without salt it is not tasty, and without bread it is not satisfying.

Eat cabbage soup with meat, but no, just bread with kvass.

Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut!

If the hunger goes away, you will begin to eat what God gives.

I want to eat the pie, but I don’t want to go underground.

Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

For business - not us, for work - not us, but to eat and sleep - you can’t find anything against us.

Oh, how sweet crow's feet! Have you eaten them? I didn’t eat it, but my uncle saw how his master ate them.

The theme of the collection is proverbs and sayings about food:

  • Horseradish and cabbage isn't food?
  • Cabbage soup made from an ax is only in fairy tales.
  • Bread and water are different foods, but we drink beer and wine at the same time.
  • Without bread, without salt, a bad conversation (half a conversation).
  • A pot of porridge and a bucket of curdled milk.
  • Such hay that horses are full without eating.
  • Kill a chicken, you won't feed the street, but kill a bull, you'll make a fool of yourself.
  • From a curl up, the face is at least flabby, but white, but from a rye - as if tanned.
  • They eat at the table, not behind a table.
  • When trouble comes, food will not come to mind.
  • I would eat the pie, but burn it in the oven.
  • The food tastes better at work.
  • He didn’t eat, but sat at the table.
  • Good millstones grind everything.
  • Sweet foods are not always healthy.
  • The eater must own a spoon.
  • It is not good to eat lying down.
  • Eats for two, works for three.
  • I don’t care about fat, I wish I could live.
  • Damn it, let's eat it together.
  • My belly was eating meat.
  • Eat the cabbage, but don’t waste it.
  • Gobble, gobble, level your face with...
  • He eats what he puts in for himself.
  • When the hay is black, then the horses are full (they don’t spare it).
  • Once you’ve made the porridge, don’t skimp on the oil.
  • Pork intestine food is not thin (ie sausage).
  • Karaseva Ushitsa - living room food.
  • And a fool would eat porridge - if only there was butter.
  • Like the eater, like the worker.
  • When trouble comes, food will not come to mind.
  • No matter what you eat, you still want to eat.
  • What is the food, so is the food (and vice versa).
  • And he didn’t thresh what he swallowed.
  • The roll will become boring, but the bread never will.
  • Healthy for food, but sick for work.
  • You can't spoil porridge with oil.
  • Eat what God sent you.
  • If it weren't for food and clothes, we'd be lying down and puffing away.
  • He can even eat a calf in one sitting.
  • If there had been no food and no clothes, we would have been blistered while lying down.
  • Eat while your mouth is fresh, but when it withers, no one will look.
  • The mill is strong in water, and man is strong in work and food.
  • Eating rolls - don't sit on the stove.
  • Not food for the horse.
  • He eats quietly and works quietly.
  • Don't feed me what I don't eat.
  • I eat involuntarily, so much more.
  • Apart from holy bread and damned wine, everything is disgustingly picky.
  • I would eat sour cream, but there is no talent in cows.
  • You will work until you sweat, you will have lunch in a hurry.
  • The rich man would eat money if the poor man did not feed it with bread.
  • Eat fish, but you can’t eat fisherman.
  • I'm on my way to lunch; Although I’m not welcome, I’m glad to see him.
  • Beetroot and rare ear are the food of the stingy.
  • The Cossacks survived: no bread, no tobacco.
  • Three grain soup.
  • May God grant health to the one who feeds, and twice as much health to the one who remembers bread and salt.
  • Such hay that you could feed your butt.
  • The porridge is thicker.
  • Bread is father, potatoes are mother.
  • There was a need not to slurp hot cabbage soup. Wait a minute, let's eat the warm ones.
  • What kind of trouble?! (It’s no problem) as long as you drink water.

A selection of Russian proverbs and sayings about food and nutrition, for children and adults, everyone will find something useful in them.

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: proverbs about food?

Answer from LOL
There would be bread, but pie for nothing
In winter they eat what they save in summer
Without salt it’s not tasty, and without bread it’s not satisfying
No salt, no bread - half a meal
Good food is remembered for a long time, a bad word is remembered for a lifetime
You can't spoil porridge with oil
A hungry crow pecks at a stone
Without dinner, the pillow under your head is spinning
The doctor helps the sick, and the hungry - the kalach
Without salt the table is crooked
Not a piece of bread - and the table is board
Hungry Fedot is keen on any cabbage soup
It's better to oversleep than to undereat
War is war, but lunch is on schedule
If you don't lie around, you don't eat
Don’t gape at someone else’s loaf
Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat
Road spoon for dinner
Everything that fits into your mouth is useful
When I eat I am deaf and dumb

Answer from Umka's father

Answer from Molli
Cabbage soup and porridge are our food
Bread and salt. I eat my own!
You can't cook porridge with an ax

Answer from Vladimir Alekseevich Kaspruk
I won’t eat it all, but I’ll take a bite.

Answer from ME 262

Answer from Evgeniy Egorov
A hungry belly is deaf to learning. - Russia
Eat half-full, drink half-drunk - you will live a century to the fullest. - Russia
Everyone needs both lunch and dinner. - Russia
Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest. - Russia
Without dinner, the pillow under your head is spinning. - Russia
The belly is not a bag - you won’t have enough to spare. - Russia
A hungry crow pecks at a stone. - Russia
You can't spoil porridge with oil. - Russia
I'm rolling some bread, grandpa. - Russia
A doctor helps a sick person, and a kalach helps a hungry person. - Russia
Hungry Fedot is keen on any cabbage soup. - Russia
Without salt the table is crooked. - Russia
The sheep were running along the Kalinov Bridge: they saw the dawn (thunderstorm, fire), and rushed into the water (dumplings).
Without a pancake there is no butter; It's not a birthday party without a cake.
Even a good eater will become a good eater without a spoon.
You can't eat bread without salt.
Without salt it is tasteless, and without bread it is insatiable.
Without salt the table is crooked.
Without dinner, the pillow is spinning in our heads.
Sleeping without dinner is like a dog.
It’s bad to live without bread and near water.
Without bread on water, your legs are watery.
You cannot live without bread, and you cannot live from bread (not about bread).
There is no lunch without bread.
You can't work without bread, you can't dance without wine.
Without bread it is unsatisfying, and without salt it is unsweetening.
Without the holy bread everything will become boring.
Without bread there is death, without salt there is laughter.
No one has lunch without bread or salt.
Without bread, without salt, a bad conversation (half a conversation).
Without a cup of mash, the guest gnaws at the bone.
Strike the Force with your forehead so that he can eat while sitting.
The shores are iron, the water is not water, fish without bones (pancakes).
The banks are steep, the fish are boneless, the water is expensive (pancakes).
Damn it's not bad for the belly.
Damn good, not alone.
A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.
The rich sit down to eat, there is something to destroy.
It’s hard to be rich, but it’s no wonder to be well-fed.
Too much food is bad for your belly.
Great goodness on the arable land. First feed him, and then give him something to drink.
The belly is deaf: you can’t stop it with a word (no matter what you say, just feed it).
Belly is a villain: he doesn’t remember the old good.
The belly is not a basket: you can’t put it under the bench.
The belly is not a pit: neither fill it up, nor fill it up (nor cover it up).
Belly - mouth: with it the abyss. You can't heal your belly.
My belly hurts, I look like I'm on edge.
You can make money with your belly, but you can’t make anything with your belly.
The belly does not play the harp; without eating it will not fall asleep.
The belly is not a bag, you can’t eat in reserve.
The belly is not a bag: you can’t fill it with rags.
The belly does not remember old friendship.
The belly is like a mountain: how to drag yourself to the yard.
The belly is like a judge; and is silent (and silent), but asks.
You can't make a living with your belly.
You can’t pull out bread with your belly (or belly).
You can't bear bread with your belly, and you can't drink beer with your lips.
If only there was something to eat, otherwise God will feed you.
Wrap the slice in a pancake.
There is space in the belly: every day there is a rash and a rash.
At least hit a bast shoe in your belly.
IN Lent like it’s tied in a knot (you can’t do it soon).
At the feast you will say what you know (i.e., say everything).
The bite will not go into the dead, but somehow it will be swallowed by the living.
In Moscow, the rolls are hot as fire.
At the beginning and at the end of lunch, for happiness, eat a piece of bread with salt.
In autumn, any guest is treated to milk, and those who don’t are treated to honey.
The oven is cramped (like cooking), but the belly is spacious.
Wrap it in a pie. Anything goes into a pie (everything will go).
In the underground, underground there is a pie with carrots: you want to eat, but you don’t want to climb (fish).
In the post of radish tail.
There are five ingredients in a radish: trikha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with butter, radish with kvass, and radish like that.
In the steppe there is also beetle meat. This meat will irritate your teeth.
It won’t go into the bottom, but it will go into the belly (not at once, gradually).
There is a cockroach in cabbage soup - the same makhan (meat).
In the pike's head, in the slave's cage; in the ulcer, which is in the master's.
Funny song: “I want to eat”, favorite song: “I want to sleep.”
All full, but his eyes are still hungry.
A fork is like a fish, and a spoon is like a net.
Wine with water is worse than water with wine.
I’ll climb the mountain, skin the heifer: I’ll throw in the meat, throw in the skin, and eat the lard (pine pulp).
There are pits around with clubs (cup and spoons).
The wolf ate raw and spun high.
And there are more than a thousand proverbs about food!

Answer from Helga
The dry spoon hurts my mouth.

Answer from ME 262
If you want to be healthy, eat alone and in the dark.

Answer from Evgeniy Egorov
A hungry belly is deaf to learning. - Russia Eat half-fed, drink half-drunk - you will live a century to the full. — Russia Everyone needs both lunch and dinner. - Russia Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest. — Russia Without dinner, the pillow under your head is spinning. — Ross

Answer from Umka's father
A big piece makes your mouth happy :)

Answer from Molli
Cabbage soup and porridge are our food, Bread and salt. I eat my own! You can’t cook porridge with an ax

Answer from Vladimir Alekseevich Kaspruk
I won’t eat it all, but I’ll take a bite.

Answer from LOL
If only there was bread, but the pie would be for nothing. In winter, they eat what they save in summer. Without salt, it’s not tasty, and without bread, it’s not satisfying. Without salt, without bread, half a meal is good. Good food is remembered for a long time, a bad word is remembered for the rest of your life. You can’t spoil porridge with butter. Hungry thief.

Answer from Helga
The dry spoon hurts my mouth.

Proverbs and sayings about food have accompanied us from the very first, if not days, then certainly years of life. “Soup cabbage soup and porridge are our food!” - my grandmother often said. But I still didn’t understand: how can you love ordinary cabbage soup when you really want ice cream or cake! 🙂 And only when I grew up I realized that there is no bread and life is not sweet. And as a child, my grandmother still spoiled me with pies and said the well-known proverb about pies, huts and corners. And now I bake these pies myself. This is how it turns out :) And when handing a pie to my grandchildren, I, like my grandmother, try not to do without an appropriate proverb or saying about food.

Proverbs about food

Appetite comes with eating.

Even a good eater will become a good eater without a spoon.

Without salt it is not tasty, and without bread it is not satisfying.

Without salt the table is crooked.

Without salt, without bread, conversation is bad.

A pancake is not a wedge - it won’t split your belly.

Belly is a villain, he doesn’t remember the old good.

Without a pancake it’s not Maslenitsa, without a pie it’s not a name day.

Without cabbage, cabbage soup is empty.

The disease causes damage by the pounds, but comes out in spools.

Without lunch there is no good conversation.

Brother is not a decree for sister in cooking.

The belly is not a bag, you won’t have enough to spare.

The mouth rejoices at the large piece.

The belly is like a mountain, it’s like trudging to the yard.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.

In a hungry year, a piece of bread is better than a bar of gold.

Everything that fits into your mouth is useful.

Lent will put its tail between its legs.

Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

At work, “oh,” but he eats for three.

Hungry Fedot wants cabbage soup.

Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.

Wherever there is cabbage soup and porridge, there is our place.

The hunger will subside - you will begin to eat what God gives.

Hunger is the best cook.

Where the jelly is, he sat down, and where the pie is, he lay down.

At home, eat what you want, and when visiting, eat what you are told.

The road is a spoon for dinner.

You won't get enough of long speeches.

Eat more, you'll live longer.

Eat to your heart's content, and work until you sweat.

Eat while your mouth is fresh, but when it withers, no one will look into it.

Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.

Saying “honey” doesn’t make your mouth any sweeter.

Eat - sweat, work - freeze.

The stomach is stronger, the heart is lighter.

Life is fun, but there is nothing to eat.

The food tastes better at a communal table.

I made the porridge, so don’t skimp on the oil.

Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.

You can't make porridge from one grain.

And the dog humbles himself before the bread.

From the same torment, but into the wrong hands.

And the fly is not without a belly.

Some get pies and donuts, some get bruises and bumps.

You can't spoil porridge with oil.

The quiver is full of arrows, and the lunch is pies.

When trouble comes, food will not come to mind.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

He who eats quickly works quickly.

The peasant appetite never fails.

Some people like to save money, and some like to feed their bellies.

Who does not work shall not eat.

As is food and drink, so is living.

He who chews the way he lives lives the way he chews.

Mother Rye feeds everyone all the time.

You can't knead the dough with prayer.

A fly is enough for the little bird's lunch.

Every man to his own taste.

The under-salting is on the table, and the over-salting is on the back.

Take it to the gate, where the mustache and beard are.

No one knows how the poor man eats dinner.

Not in our honor, not for us.

The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

There's no time for a joke when your stomach is empty.

He didn’t eat - he couldn’t, he ate - neither arms nor legs.

If you don't eat enough, you'll become a wolf.

On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.

There is no better share than eating to your heart's content.

Man does not live by bread alone.

Have lunch, but don't overeat!

One with a ladle, and seven with a spoon.

Oats don't go well with horses.

I went to visit and stayed for lunch.

The fish is small, but the fish soup is delicious.

The soul is glad to fast, but the body rebels.

A quick eater is a contentious worker.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

A full belly is deaf to learning.

You made the porridge yourself, so you can disentangle it yourself.

I don’t give it to myself and I won’t give it to others either.

A treat from the heart is sweeter than honey.

Bad kvass is better than good water.

Bread is the head of everything.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Bread on the table - and the table is a throne, but if there is no piece - the table is a board.

Bread puts you on your feet, but wine brings you down.

I would drink milk, but the snout would be short.

What a wife doesn’t like, her husband can’t eat.

What's in the pot is in the ladle.

What's in the oven - swords on the table!

Cabbage soup - at least rinse your footcloths!

Sayings about food

Hunger is not a big deal.

Hungry like a wolf.

Bitter as wormwood.

The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel.

It's cheaper to bury than to feed.

Kill the worm.

It's like cheese rolling around in butter.

Onion from seven ailments.

Not food for the horse.

Not a drop of dew in my mouth.

Every day is not Sunday.

Neither fish nor fowl.

We don’t slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes.

Leftovers are sweet.

Tastes could not be discussed.

He is broad-shouldered in the stomach.

Put your teeth on the shelf.

Real jam.

It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

The first damn thing is lumpy.

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.

Horseradish is not sweeter than radish.

When I had my own children, I instilled in them with the help of proverbs and taught them to treat bread with care. I tried to ensure that my children did not grow up as parasites and could earn their own “bread.” And I did it! Including thanks to various.