The kittens' eyes began to water. Kitten has watery eyes and runny nose - Healthy Breathing

What owner doesn’t want his newly adopted pet to be healthy, cheerful and always in good health? good mood? A responsible owner strives to provide his animal with the best the best care, and in case of illness - qualified help and timely treatment. And now your baby is really full of strength and health, but one day you notice that something is wrong with his eyes. They water, the baby squints or scratches them.

First of all, the kitten owner must learn that teary eyes are not harmless symptom, which may be a signal of the coming of much more serious illnesses. Especially if the baby regularly scratches and rubs his eyes with his paw. It is worth noting that lacrimation when waking up or a small amount of dried discharge after sleep is quite normal phenomenon. As already mentioned, the reasons may be different, and most often it is not simple independent disease eye, but a sign of a more serious illness, which at the initial stage manifests itself as conjunctivitis.

Infectious diseases

Various infections and germs haunt your pet at every step. In addition, among them there are those that are dangerous to human health: mycoplasmosis, and. These diseases are caused by viruses that are easily transmitted from one animal to another. The most important thing is to identify these diseases early stages, especially if there are small children in the house who regularly interact with the kitten. To do this, you need to show the cat to a veterinarian so that he can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

How to treat teary eyes? During treatment, it is necessary to constantly undergo diagnostics to make sure that the infection is receding. If the microbe is not completely removed from the body, the disease may recur, but with more severe manifestations.

The veterinarian's prescription usually includes medications broad action and immunostimulants.

Physiological characteristics of breeds

Some cat breeds are prone to tearing due to... For example, and are often susceptible to lacrimation due to the specific shape of the skull. Tear duct they become damaged, and the accumulated tears simply spill out.

But remember that tears dried on the fur can cause irritation and inflammation on the skin. Therefore, if a cat has watery one eye, you need to regularly wipe it dry with dry cotton swabs.

In other breeds (,), entropion of the eyelid often occurs, which causes damage to the cornea. Therefore, the cat begins to scratch its eye and can aggravate the matter with introduced microbes.

Allergic reactions

Some cats (regardless of breed) may have allergies to various external irritants. It can be ordinary dust, pollen from house plants, or any household chemicals.

In such cases, it is enough to eliminate (if possible) the source of the allergen.

Mechanical damage

Dirt, exposure to boiling water, plant thorns - all this can adversely affect a kitten's eyes. If he bumps into a cactus or gets splashed with hot oil from a frying pan, be prepared for problems with his eyes. This is why a cat's eyes water.

If you notice that your cat's eye is very watery, you can use eye drops. It will also be useful to wipe the baby’s eyes with a piece of cotton wool or a dry cloth.

In any case, do not try to cure the animal yourself. Only a specialist can determine the causes of the problem and eliminate them. Now you know what to do if your kitten’s eyes are watery.

Many cat lovers often encounter the problem of lacrimation in adult cats and very young kittens. Some owners are sure that such problems arise against the background weak immunity or are a characteristic feature of the breed. But is this so and what is the reason for lacrimation in kittens?

Watery eyes are a completely natural phenomenon if your pet has just woken up or has had a foreign body in its eye. Also, lacrimation can be triggered by a sharply directed light source.

However, in some cases, such a reaction may also appear under the influence of other factors that pet owners They don't always pay attention right away. Timely detection and timely assistance significantly reduce the risk of the kitten getting all kinds of complications, and also contribute to the speedy return of its good health. So why do the kitten's eyes water?

Why are my kitten's eyes watering?

There can be many reasons that cause increased lacrimation. But Special attention should be given to the unhealthy heavy discharge(for example, with purulent impurities) after which crusts form. This may indicate the onset of a serious illness.

The eyes of a completely healthy animal (except for some breeds) are absolutely clean, without any discharge or excessive tearing.

Causes of watery eyes in a kitten

Most common reasons excessive tearing are the following:

Only a specialist can determine the exact reason why a kitten’s eyes are watery. diagnostic measures , in particular, laboratory research. Depending on the established cause, which provoked tearfulness, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, anti-allergenic drugs, or simply instillation and rinsing. If the prescribed treatment does not bring desired results, necessary surgery.

The kitten's eyes are watering: what to do?

The following drugs have shown good effectiveness in the treatment of tearing in kittens:

  • Dixamethasone;
  • tsiprovet;
  • traumatin.

Try using these medications for one week, however, if there is no effect (or it turns out to be insignificant), you should immediately contact a specialist to accurately determine the cause of tearfulness. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment should begin immediately.

So, if tearfulness was caused by ulcerative blepharitis, then the affected areas on the eyelids are first cauterized, and then treated with a special ointment that contains an antibiotic. For treatment of conjunctivitis kanamycin or levomycin drops are used. If the eyelids are turned up, surgical intervention will be required, after which the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic in order to prevent further suppuration.

Preventing teary eyes in a kitten

To avoid problems such as watery eyes in cats, it is necessary to preventive actions And hygiene procedures.

Wash your baby's eyes with decoctions of St. John's wort, sage, calendula, chamomile, or just boiled water. Also veterinarians recommend for daily use, special drops (for example, Bars, etc.), which can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

So, you already know the reason for the kitten’s teary eyes, and you have also purchased the medications prescribed by the doctor; now you definitely need to read the instructions on how to properly carry out treatment procedures.

How to carry out treatment procedures?

You will need the following items:

The procedure should be as follows:

  • To prevent the baby from struggling and scratching, he must be wrapped in a towel. If you are treating your cat for the first time, it is better to involve someone else to help. The fact is that in such situations, animals have hidden strength that you had never suspected before. It is the towel that will help you cope with your pet.
  • Now the treatment itself begins. Soak a cotton pad or bandage in medicinal solution, wet the dried crusts with it and carefully remove them.
  • Take a new piece of bandage or napkin and soak it in the solution again. Using your fingers, open the kitten's eye wide and rinse it from the outer corner to the inner one. Do not spare the medicinal drug - moisten your eyes with it more generously. When you learn how to perform the procedure in the specified way, in the future, you can use a syringe for rinsing, injecting the solution under the animal’s eyelids.
  • Use a clean, dry cloth to remove any remaining product.
  • Now calm your pet down by treating him to something tasty.

So, a kitten can suffer from excessive tearfulness for many reasons. However, if you keep an eye on your pet, look after him and carry out regular hygiene procedures, making them the norm of life, such a problem will not be able to overshadow the existence of either you or your pet.

In kittens, tears may flow intensely for slightly different reasons. And here they are:

  • Watery eyes can be caused by an infection that the kitten received before birth.
  • Pathology can develop in kittens that have not yet received vaccination, since they are carriers of the virus.
  • Increased secretion of tear fluid may indicate a Briton’s weak immunity.

The reproductive cycle and the cat's readiness to reproduce

In domestic cats, there is no dependence of the timing of the birth of offspring on the length of daylight hours and the season, in contrast to stray or feral animals, in which a clear dependence of the period of readiness for reproduction (estrous cycle) on the duration of daylight hours, seasonal and weather conditions has been revealed. At home, the breeder can plan the next birth of a cat at any time.

The first stage of the cat’s body’s preparation for reproduction is characterized by the activation of specific processes and is expressed in the fact that its behavior changes within 2–4 days. The cat becomes unusually affectionate, but at the same time restless; in excitement, it runs after its owner and purrs invitingly. Some cats begin to mark surrounding objects with urine, which does not prevent them from remaining very clean.

Breeders call a cat's readiness to reproduce as rutting, estrus, or hunting. It develops through several successive stages.

Some cats may have an urge to run outside, causing them to stay near windows or doors and become restless. Despite the fact that some Scottish Fold cats have sparse transparent discharge from the vagina, this does not mean that the cat is completely ready for mating.

The next stage that a cat of any breed goes through, including the Scottish Fold, is expressed in almost continuous heartbreaking screams, sometimes similar to a howl, sometimes like a wild bark, with which it calls cats. In addition, she begins to roll on the floor, waving her tail, stops eating, and marks surrounding objects with urine, the smell of which is designed to attract males.

When stroking the cat takes a specific pose, raising back body, falling on the front paws, moving the tail to the side, while you can notice an enlargement of the vulva. All these actions are aimed at attracting partners and should not frighten the cat owner. In cats, ovulation occurs differently from other mammals and is directly related to the mating process.

Causes of diseases

But excessive production of tears in a cat is not always caused by a decrease in immunity, a peculiarity of the breed, or the entry of a foreign body into its eyes.

There are other causes that are more serious and require special treatment:

  • Allergy is a disease that affects cats at any age. The most common types of allergies are to food, dust, household chemicals, poplar fluff, etc. For cats with long wool, your own hair can act as an irritant if it gets into your eyes. In most cases, the cause of the allergy must be determined by taking necessary tests. If an irritant is identified, it is necessary to eliminate it and begin treatment with medications prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • External damage. Tearing can be caused by mechanical damage: nail wounds caused by other cats, burns from boiling water, fine sand that has penetrated into the eyes and damaged them. If you discover damage of this nature, you must immediately contact a specialist who will determine the extent of the damage.
  • Bright lighting. Science has proven the fact that bright fluorescent lamps installed indoors make kittens' eyes water. If the cause of excessive tear production is lighting, then this problem easy to solve by changing the type of lighting in the room.
  • Intestinal problems. There are many cases where problems in a cat's digestive tract can also affect the eyes. The main problems include: the presence of worms, hair getting into the intestines, and even improperly selected nutrition. The final diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian, who will also select a method to eliminate it.
  • Diseases associated with malfunction lacrimal glands(epiphora).

Cat breeds such as Britons, Scots and Persians can suffer from narrowing of the tear duct for up to two years (see why a British kitten has watery eyes for more details). These disorders disappear after the final formation of the cat’s skull.

If after this time the lacrimation has not stopped, it must be eliminated through surgery. The main thing is to be attentive to the condition of your pet’s eyes and entire body, take care of its hygiene and take timely measures if changes in its behavior or symptoms of any diseases in its body appear.

Harmless factors include minor morning discharge from the eyes. physiological reasons, as one of the ways to moisturize the eyeball. What else can affect a kitten’s tear production - how to eliminate such a disorder:

If a kitten has conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to rinse the eyes with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, you can use decoctions medicinal plants– sage, chamomile.

All manipulations are carried out from the outer eyelid to the inner eyelid, movements are carried out without pressure. In case of bacterial infection, drop a special solution into the eyes. Then give your pet a tidbit of food.

Cats often suffer from allergies; to treat the symptom of lacrimation, histamines are used - Suprastin (a quarter of a tablet once a day), and Tavegil, Claritin, Diphenhydramine are also used. Prescribed by a specialist taking into account the patient’s condition.

It is much easier to cure eye diseases in a cat that are accompanied by excessive lacrimation at the initial stage. Important to install the right reason such a disease and start therapy on time, otherwise it can cause serious complications and lead to loss of vision in your pet.

The following factors cause lacrimation:

  • Breed predisposition. With a brachycephalic structure of the animal's skull, a shortening of the lacrimal canal is observed, leading to increased tear secretion. This is typical for breeds such as British, Persian, and exotic shorthair. This phenomenon passes by the year when bone in a young pet is completely formed, but can also occur in adults.
  • Injuries, foreign objects, mechanical irritations. Cats can damage their eyes during a fight with their relatives, just while walking or while hunting. If the animal is not allowed outside, it gets injured when playing, bumping into various objects.
  • Allergic reaction to detergents, building materials, food, dust. This is one of the most common causes of discharge from the eyes of a cat.
  • Thermal and chemical burns. Acids, alkalis, solvents, paints, and construction varnishes used in everyday life irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, leading to severe tearing.
  • Helminthic infestations. Heavy discharge from the eyes is a specific reaction of the pet’s body to helminths.
  • Reduced immunity. In kittens or cats old age The body's resistance is often weakened, so they catch cold easily, which leads to watery eyes.

In these cases, the help of a veterinarian is required, who will tell you how to treat your pet.

There are quite a few reasons that can cause excessive lacrimation in a cat. The main ones can be called the following:

The cat owner needs to introduce the newly acquired kitten to all family members, especially young children, as soon as possible.

When parents decide to purchase a kitten, they must first explain to their children how to properly handle a kitten. Children should not be allowed to bother the animal and especially torment it.

All pet owners must adhere to the following rules regarding them and small children.

You have to be careful. All children, immediately after a kitten gets into the house, want to play with it and take it in their arms.

Before allowing them to do this, parents need to be shown how to handle a small kitten. Children must understand that they should behave very carefully and carefully with a kitten. Children should not be allowed to bother the cat and then throw it at the slightest resistance.

Children need to be taught to be caring. They must respect animals, treat them correctly and respect their wishes, sometimes even to the detriment of their own.

From the very first days, children must be involved in caring for the kitten. They can handle this simple task quite well. The child can be entrusted with feeding and caring, as well as cleaning after the animal. As a result of this, friendly relations will arise between them.

It is necessary to introduce the kitten to the children one at a time. It is not recommended to immediately introduce the kitten to all household members. To begin with, the kitten should be introduced to one of the children, who should take the baby in his arms, stroke him and talk affectionately.

After some time, the other child should do the same.

You should never fuss with a kitten. The kitten needs time, because when it finds itself in a new environment, it feels insecure.

It may take several weeks for the kitten to become accustomed to the home and family members. At this time, the kitten should be given some freedom and surrounded with love.

At first, the kitten may hide under the bed or in another secluded corner. Even a small noise can frighten a baby.


Feeding pregnant and lactating cats deserves special attention. As is known, expectant mother needs more food and the energy that comes with it, so it is necessary to feed it not 2, but 3-4 times a day. Do not increase portions: small stomach will not be able to digest the amount of food offered.

Fish is contraindicated for pregnant cats; it is better to feed them liver and fresh herbs. Occasionally, you can include in their diet the meat of fatty herring, mackerel, sardines, sprat, salmon or trout, rich in fat-soluble vitamins.

Pregnant cats begin to instinctively consume milk; if you refuse it, you should try to increase calcium-containing foods in their diet; you should also add bone meal or crushed Calcex tablets to their food.

It must be remembered that a pregnant cat should be provided with free access to water. This is especially necessary if she is fed dry or canned industrial food.

As for ready-made foods, there is no need to give them up during pregnancy.

We can only advise giving preference to special food for pregnant cats, but it is also acceptable to use high-quality food for kittens.

The main thing is not to overfeed a pregnant cat.

Before giving birth, a cat may refuse to eat, but there is no need to worry about this, but rather try to provide her with peace and prepare everything necessary for the adoption of newborn kittens.

During lactation, a cat eats much more often than even during pregnancy, since feeding kittens exhausts her.

During this period, when forming the daily diet of a nursing cat, you need to take into account not only its age and body weight, but also the number of kittens in the litter.

A lactating cat's appetite will decrease as soon as the babies start sucking a little less milk and eating solid food. The cat will happily eat the same food as the kittens; she probably instinctively feels that eating the same food as them will make her milk better digestible for the babies.

As a rule, during lactation the cat loses weight and gradually reaches the weight it had before pregnancy, while the animal should not look emaciated and exhausted. If your cat's body weight is below normal, it is recommended to administer daily ration more nutritious food or use industrially produced food for kittens for a while.

Pregnant and lactating cats benefit from dairy products

You should constantly pay attention to appearance and the mood of newborns and cats. Kittens, like their mother, should look healthy - moderately well-fed, cheerful, active. If they are thin, it means they don't have enough mother's milk. You can correct the situation by starting to feed your babies milk from a bottle, as well as by switching them to solid food.

The duration of pregnancy is counted from the day the cat was covered until the day of birth. Normal pregnancy on average lasts 65 days. If kittens are born on the 63rd or 64th day, then these dates do not contradict the norm, however, kittens born before the 60th day will not be viable. Sometimes childbirth occurs after 68 days, then it is customary to talk about post-term pregnancy. In this case, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Modern veterinary medicine has not yet created methods for quickly determining pregnancy in cats. But there's enough obvious signs, by which it is quite possible to determine whether a cat is pregnant, as well as the exact timing of pregnancy.

In the first 30 days there is a slight increase in weight.

In some cases, vomiting occurs in the morning.

After 35 days, the cat's belly increases slightly, the nipples become pink color, become more convex. On later pregnancy, an enlargement of the mammary glands is observed; with light pressure, a liquid similar to milk is released from the nipples.

It must be borne in mind that the mammary glands of many cats swell even after estrus, so this sign is considered in conjunction with other signs of pregnancy. The veterinarian, using palpation (palpation), identifies a bicornuate uterus, resembling the letter “U”, in the horns of which the fruits are located. They are determined no earlier than on the 20th day after conception. The fruits are still very small, their size does not exceed the size of a peanut kernel. After the 35th day of pregnancy, the uterus fills with fluid.

During this period, palpation is ineffective. By the 49th day, the fruits are quite well formed. Their oblong body with a large head can already be identified quite well.

In case of rough, inept palpation, you can apply great harm the health of the animal, damaging the amniotic sac, which will lead to miscarriage. In addition, in the absence of experience, the fetus can easily be confused with other intra-abdominal organs.

The life of a pregnant cat and caring for her are almost no different from her ordinary life. There is no need to limit the animal’s mobility; a small normal load has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and helps avoid obesity.

Exist different methods monitoring the stages of fetal development. For example, radiography allows you to monitor the development of the fetus starting from the 15th day of gestation. But it is still not recommended to carry it out in the first half of pregnancy. It is most advisable to take an x-ray if necessary to differentiate a true pregnancy from a false one. More safe method is a method of ultrasound echography.

Starting from the 20th day, the fetal heartbeat can be heard. This is very good sign, showing high viability of the offspring.

In the later periods of pregnancy, symptoms such as the appearance of a pear-shaped abdomen and noticeable movement of the fetus, which intensifies 2 weeks before birth, are typical.

Morning vomiting, which occurs in some cats during the 3-4th week of gestation, occurs due to stretching of the growing uterus and hormonal changes. Symptoms such as slight malaise, vomiting, refusal to eat, and a somewhat depressed appearance, as a rule, disappear after a few days - should not be a cause for concern.

So that any deviations or violations do not have an impact negative influence Before mating and birth, the veterinarian must check the cat's health. It is recommended to carry out it 2-3 weeks after coating.

Antihelminthic drugs should not be used to treat cats during pregnancy; many medicines, insecticides, flea products, antibiotics and some hormonal drugs. Some medications are particularly toxic, such as those used for tapeworms. Droncite can be used without harm during this period.

A cat in late pregnancy should not be allowed to jump from heights or play with animals and children to avoid the risk of injury. The center of gravity shifts, and maintaining balance becomes much more difficult. Experienced breeders recommend prohibiting your cat from climbing on high furniture even before pregnancy, so that such a habit does not arise at all.

It is recommended to show the animal to a doctor 7–8 days before birth. The examination will make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally. In addition, the owner will receive necessary information about how childbirth should proceed and what care will be required for newborns.

Symptoms of the disease

Eyes are the main indicator of a pet's health. A kitten that is not sick does not have watery eyes (except for cases of tear fluid secretion after sleep, which collects in the corners of the eyes, but this is a normal property of the body and is not a disease), have clean look, without any discharge (not counting the characteristics of some purebred cats, but this is rather an exception).

Don't forget that it is normal for any kitten to have his eyes look wet, but... this fact tearfulness is not. This is a natural process caused by the kitten's inability to early age take care of yourself, including your eyes. In our case, we are talking about additional tearing, copious discharge, accompanied by the formation of unhealthy discharge and crusts.

First of all, you need to examine your pet's eyes. If the eyes have a transparent appearance and only a brownish tint at the corners, most likely the excessive secretion of the lacrimal glands is due to dirt getting into the eyes. In this case, you can get by with daily care in the form of washing the eyes, but always with drops intended for this (for example, “Diamond Eyes”, “Iris”).

Initially, the kitten may express resistance to the procedure, but repeating it daily will help the pet get used to it. It is important to remember that timely care will help to avoid serious problems in the future.

Diagnosis of diseases

It is not always the case that the cause of a change in a cat’s behavior is a disease, but you should not let your guard down. You should regularly and carefully examine the animal and, if any symptoms of disease are detected, take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

- cough;

– sneezing;

– increased body temperature;

– rapid breathing or pulse;

– lameness;

– presence of blood in excrement;

– significant weight loss or obesity;

– frequent scratching;

– loss of appetite lasting more than 2 days;

– copious discharge from the eyes, ears and nose;

– constant thirst;

– redness of the skin;

- urinary incontinence;

– wheezing in the chest, etc.

If the cat is in unconscious, it is recommended to hold a cold metal object (for example, a spoon) or a mirror near its nose for a few seconds and thus determine whether the animal is breathing. Your pet's breathing rate can be determined by observing the movements of its chest.

When a sick animal is admitted to the clinic, it is necessary to conduct an initial examination and perform laboratory tests.

There are usually no serious problems in taking stool and urine tests from a cat - they can be collected at home.

When examining cats, it is often necessary to take an x-ray of the animal, which helps to identify the presence of fractures and cracks in the bones. To help your pet behave calmly during this procedure, you can treat him with a treat.

Blood for analysis is taken from a cat in the clinic using a rubber band, a syringe and a cotton swab soaked in a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol. Using a tourniquet, fixed slightly above the elbow, the blood flow is stopped. Then the skin at the site of the intended collection is thoroughly wiped with a swab, and a needle is inserted into one of the blood vessels.

During such a procedure, the cat may behave restlessly, and at this moment the doctor will not be able to do without the help of the owner, who will need to hold the cat in a motionless position and soothe it with affection and voice.

Treatment of ophthalmological pathologies

Good vision is necessary for a cat to function normally, so if any alarming symptoms appear, you should not ignore them or self-medicate. It is important to understand that making an accurate diagnosis and prescribing effective therapy Only a specialist can. Treatment of ophthalmic pathologies accompanied by redness of the eyes and excessive tearing is carried out in several directions.

This process includes:

  1. Impact on the root cause. For the symptoms of the disease to disappear, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors. Depending on what caused the tearing and severe irritation mucous membrane, certain medications are prescribed. For example, in the case when alarming symptoms are a sign of infectious diseases, it is advisable to use antibacterial drugs. And in case of eye lesions from helminths, medications are prescribed whose action is aimed at their destruction.
  2. Relieving inflammation. To alleviate the animal’s condition, topical medications are prescribed in the form of drops. The most commonly used medications are Bars, Tsiprovet, Iris, Anandin and others. These products are also suitable for the prevention and necessary hygienic treatment of the cat’s visual organs.
  3. Antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy. For these purposes are assigned medicinal products, neutralizing pathogenic microorganisms. To treat diseases of the visual organs in cats, Levomycetin or Tetracycline ointment is used, which must be placed under the eyelid of the animal.
  4. Stimulation of the cat's immunity. Since the animal’s body’s resistance decreases during the course of the disease, it is necessary to restore its defenses. For this purpose, cats are prescribed special vitamin and mineral supplements.

The vision of domestic cats is very complex and important organ, necessary for the normal existence and life of the animal. That is why, if a cat begins to cry profusely, the owner should never self-medicate. If a cat's eye is watering, only the animal can tell you how to treat it. veterinary specialist after examination and diagnosis.

The prescription of drugs depends on the factors that caused the pathology. For local effects, the animal is usually prescribed medications in the form of drops.

The drugs have an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and redness. Most often prescribed are “Anandin”, “Tsiprovet”, “Bars”, “Iris”, “Diamond Eyes”. Drops such as “Bars” can be used both for the prevention of eye diseases and as a means for regular hygienic treatment.

For local treatment In addition to drops, various ointments are used that have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. Some ointments have an antiviral effect. Products such as “Levomycetin ointment” and “Tetracycline ointment” must be placed behind the third eyelid.

In the event that the cause of excessive lacrimation is ophthalmological pathologies, such as entropion or ectropion of the eyelid, veterinarian after appropriate examination may prescribe surgical method treating the problem.

When a cat's eye waters, what to do if the cause of the discharge is an infectious disease, for example, calcivirosis. In this situation, the veterinarian prescribes a comprehensive treatment, including both local medications and the use of antibiotics. wide range actions.

Immunomodulatory drugs have a good effect in the treatment of infectious conjunctivitis accompanied by lacrimation. Vitamin therapy helps strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses.

In any case, if a cat has watery eyes, only a veterinarian should decide how to treat this phenomenon based on the diagnosis. Self-medication can lead not only to complications, but also to blindness of the pet.

The veterinarian prescribes medications depending on the cause of the disease. Drops are often prescribed to relieve pain, redness and inflammation:

  • Leopard;
  • Diamond eyes;
  • Iris;
  • Tsiprovet;
  • Anandin.

In addition to drops, various ointments that have antibacterial and antibacterial properties are used for local treatment. antimicrobial effect. Tetracycline and chloramphenicol ointments are recommended to be placed behind the third eyelid. If a cat’s eye is leaking due to the negative effects of helminths in the body, the veterinarian will prescribe anti-worm treatment for the animal. Ophthalmological pathologies such as eversion or entropion of the eyelid can only be treated surgically.

With this infectious disease for calcivirosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes taking antibiotics and local drugs. Vitamin therapy strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's defenses.

If the tears are not too abundant, it is recommended to simply rinse your eyes with strong tea. You can also use decoctions of the following herbs:

  • Sage. The infusion is recommended for use when morning purulent crusts form on the eyes of the animal.
  • Calendula. The herb relieves allergic lacrimation.
  • Chamomile. The decoction will help in the initial stage of conjunctivitis, when there is still no suppuration.
  • St. John's wort. The herb has proven itself to be effective against microbial or viral causes of lacrimation.

If the composition of the tears begins to resemble pus, then you can use the following drugs:

  1. Potassium permanganate solution.
  2. Divorced in boiled water Furacilin tablets in a ratio of 1:10.
  3. Eye drops "Albucid" or "Sodium Sulfacyl".
  4. Tetracycline ointment if watery eyes are caused by an eye infection. In this case, tampons with ointment must be placed behind the animal’s eyelids. Improvement occurs quite quickly.
  5. Drops with chloramphenicol.
  6. The drug "Iris".
  7. For kittens, it is recommended to use “Diamond Eyes” drops.
  8. Hygienic lotions can replace herbal infusions.

Preventive actions

To avoid lacrimation in a kitten, it is enough to follow a number of simple preventive rules:

  • Take care of your eyes daily, rinse them with warm water or with a special drug"Diamond Eyes";
  • Alternatively, wipe the eye once a day with a clean cloth soaked in water;
  • When treating any disease, strictly adhere to the dosage medicinal drugs, do not interrupt the course of treatment.

If your eyes are damaged, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian to avoid serious complications, including loss of vision.

Take care of your animals and be in a great mood!

Any disturbances in the functioning of the body pet manifest themselves with certain symptoms that a responsible owner must pay attention to. Discharge from the eyes of a kitten or an adult is a fairly common occurrence. There can be many reasons leading to lacrimation - from the simplest to the quite serious. In any case, only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the discharge - independent therapy is fraught with complications.

Watery eyes in a cat: possible causes

If there are no other symptoms, your cat's watery eyes are not a cause for concern. If the animal’s behavior has not changed, the discharge is transparent and does not bring discomfort to the pet - it does not squint or rub its eyes, the solution to the problem may be to carry out regular hygiene procedures. Caring procedures do not involve frequent rinsing with water - this can lead to changes in microflora and inflammation. You should not use cotton wool during the cleaning process - its fibers can get into the eyes. The best way to perform eye hygiene is by using soft cloth or a paper napkin.

Excessive lacrimation is considered normal in cats of short-headed breeds - Persian, Exotic, British, Scottish. In such animals, the channels through which tears pass in the normal structure of the muzzle are deformed. Therefore, tears cannot pass through them normally and leave them in a timely manner.

Quite profuse lacrimation is typical for certain breeds of cats - “Persians”, exotics, “British” and “Scottish”

The so-called morning tears, when after a night's rest you can detect minor whitish accumulations, should not cause concern. Usually the pet gets rid of them on its own by washing it in the morning.

Pathological causes of lacrimation and their symptoms

The main pathological causes leading to excessive discharge from the eyes include:

Tearing that suddenly appears and does not go away within 1-2 days, accompanied by other symptoms - lethargy, fever, lack of appetite, fear of light, coughing and sneezing, the appearance of pus, eye injury or foreign object - is a reason to visit a specialist.

Treatment of pathological lacrimation in cats

Self-therapy for pathological lacrimation can harm your pet and also distort clinical manifestations disease, which will make it difficult for a specialist to make a diagnosis. If for some reason you cannot quickly get to the veterinarian, you can try to alleviate the animal’s condition using traditional medicine.

Only a doctor after examination can determine the cause of lacrimation in a cat and prescribe therapy.

Folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions of plants can be used to wash your pet’s eyes, including if the discharge is purulent in nature:

  1. A decoction of three herbs. You need to mix one teaspoon at a time. St. John's wort, calendula and sage, pour 200 ml of boiling water over the mixture and cook for 15 minutes. Use the product warm.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Flowers in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and use as often as possible.
  3. Black tea. Brew black tea - 2 tsp. half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. The product will relieve the animal from discomfort and relieve inflammation.

Pharmacy therapy

If the cause of lacrimation is a foreign object, a specialist will remove it. Depending on the cause of the discharge from the eyes, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and get rid of infection. The treatment regimen usually includes washing, for example, with Furacilin solution, followed by application eye drops or applying antibiotic-based ointments. Effective ophthalmic drops include:

  1. Iris. Used for lacrimation caused by infectious pathologies, conjunctivitis - acute, purulent and chronic, eliminates the consequences of injuries. The basic element of the drug is gentamicin sulfate, which is effective against many types of bacteria and viruses. Instill 1-3 drops into each eye for 7-10 days.
  2. Levomycetin. This antibiotic destroys bacteria that are resistant to penicillin. The drug is effective in a humid environment - it concentrates, providing a therapeutic effect on the cornea, vitreous body, iris. Does not penetrate the lens. The product is used for 5 days or more, instilling 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Ophthalmosan. The composition of the drug Brown includes chlorhexidine, succinic acid and plant extracts - chamomile, calendula, eyebright. It has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect, eliminates inflammation and swelling. Its use helps relieve pain, itching, redness. The product is used for washing and subsequent instillation - 2-3 drops 1-3 times a day for 7-14 days.
  4. Diamond eyes. The complex action drug contains chlorhexidine, taurine and succinic acid. Effective against most bacteria, prevents damage to the structure of the eye. Eliminates inflammation and relieves swelling. One drop of the drug twice a day is enough. The course of therapy can range from 5 to 14 days.
  5. Leopard. A universal remedy for rinsing, prevention and therapy various pathologies eye. It contains furatsilin, chloramphenicol and auxiliary components. The product relieves swelling, inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. Therapy requires instillation of 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day for 14 days.
  6. Tsiprovet. The main element of the drug is ciprofloxacin. Has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for many eye pathologies - one drop 3-4 times a day.

Photo gallery: drugs used to treat eye diseases

Leopard is universal remedy from eye diseases cats and dogs Diamond eyes contain chlorhexidine, taurine and succinic acid Iris is used for lacrimation caused by infectious pathologies and conjunctivitis
Levomycetin is suitable for both animals and people Oftalmosan has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect, eliminates inflammation and swelling
Ciprovet is used for many eye pathologies

Tetracycline is often used as an ointment - the product helps cope with inflammation and prevents the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The ointment is placed under the lower eyelid after rinsing folk remedies, Furacilin solution - 1 tablet per 100 ml or Medkinos and Lakrimin preparations.

In addition to rinsing and using drops and ointment, a specialist may prescribe injection therapy with antibiotics. Drugs such as Tsiprovet, Erythromycin, Tetracycline are administered intramuscularly - the dosage is calculated according to the instructions in the instructions. For pain relief, you can use Novocaine or Lidocaine, but not more than 5 days.

Rules for washing eyes and applying ointment

When carrying out medical manipulations, first of all it is necessary to ensure the pet’s immobility. It is more convenient to carry out the procedure together - one holds the animal on its side, and the other rinses and applies the product. You can cope with the treatment alone - to do this you need to swaddle the animal in a piece of cloth.

For rinsing, you need to prepare a solution, ointment and cotton pads. When starting the procedure, the disc should be twisted and dipped in liquid, and then gently squeezed out. eyeball. For each eye, be sure to use a new disc, generously moistened with medicine.

Apply the ointment after washing with a special spatula. To do this, you need to pull down the lower eyelid with one hand and apply the ointment with the other. After this, the eyelid can be released and the animal can blink. At the end of the procedure, close the cat’s eye and massage it a little to distribute the drug.

How to put eye drops correctly

Preparation for the instillation procedure also involves ensuring complete immobility of the animal. Armed with a bottle of drops, you need to carefully open your pet’s eye, holding the upper and lower eyelid with two fingers. It is necessary to drip into outer corner eyes, when the product flows to the inner corner, it is necessary to carefully move the eyelids for maximum distribution of the drug.

Features of therapy for kittens and cats bearing offspring

Carrying out therapeutic manipulations to alleviate the condition of kittens and pregnant cats with excessive lacrimation is not much different from therapy for other animals. Contraindicated for pregnant females injection therapy- You can wash your eyes with herbal decoctions or tea, and apply Tetracycline ointment. For kittens, it is acceptable to use Bars drops - up to 10 days of age in the form of lotions; for older babies, instillation in a dosage of 2-3 drops is practiced. Anandin drops are approved for use by both furry babies and cats bearing offspring.

Preventive measures

To avoid eye problems in cats, you need to pay regular attention to their examination and hygiene. Do not neglect quarterly deworming and vaccination. To prevent the development of any pathologies, you should show your pet to a specialist once every six months - as you know, the disease is easier to cure at an early stage.

If there is the slightest problem with a cat’s eyes, it is better to show the animal to a specialist - you should not experiment with the health of your pet. The favorable outcome of any disease largely depends on competent and timely therapy.

There are many reasons why a kitten's eyes water, this is an indicator of some health problems. A particularly alarming factor can be copious unhealthy discharge (for example, purulent), after which crusts form.

The kitten's eyes are watery - reasons

The eyes of an absolutely healthy animal (with the exception of some breeds) do not have excessive tearfulness or discharge. There are several reasons why a kitten’s eyes are watery; veterinarians say the most common are the following:

  1. Dirt getting into the eyes. To get rid of this cause, you should practice eye hygiene daily, washing them and using special drops.
  2. Presence of infection. To establish the correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist; a laboratory study of the conjunctival wash will reveal the nature of the disease and determine the treatment regimen.
  3. Allergic disease. It is impossible to independently determine an allergy, and even more so to trace what serves as an irritant; you need to conduct a series of tests.
  4. Mechanical damage. The reason is very serious; untimely assistance from a veterinarian can lead to blindness of the animal.
  5. Possible intestinal disease. This could be worms, improper nutrition, or hair that has gotten into and accumulated in the intestines.
  6. Bright light from fluorescent lamps. Kittens often cannot tolerate this type of lighting.

Why a kitten’s eyes are watery and how to treat it can be determined by a specialist using laboratory tests. Depending on the reasons causing tearfulness, either antibiotics or anti-allergenic drugs are prescribed, or perhaps rinsing and instillation are simply used. If after the course of treatment medications If there is no improvement, surgical intervention is inevitable.

Why does a kitten sneeze and watery eyes?

A cold can lead to sneezing and increased lacrimation in a kitten, but this is also a manifestation of the following diseases: herpes virus, or dangerous infection– . The cause of these phenomena may be allergies, dental problems, or a tumor or foreign object in the nose. If a kitten is sneezing and its eyes are watery, then how to treat it depends on the reasons that caused the pathology.

If this is caused by a cold or he has a runny nose, you can put baby drops in his nose. With more serious problems these can be injections with hydrokartisone solutions. Sofradex drops, kanamycin, levomycin, are well-proven drugs. In this situation, there is no need to take risks; timely contact with a specialist will save your pet from further problems, and in some cases from blindness and even death.

The kitten's eye is festering and watery

You don’t need to attach much importance to small discharge from a kitten’s eyes; this is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs in pets under one year of age in 60% of cases. But if you little kitten eyes are watery, purulent discharge appears, then this is a sign of a serious illness, for example. If the discharge turns brown or green color, they are thick, the kitten’s eyelids stick together, this is the first sign of infection.

The kitten has a runny nose and watery eyes

If a one-month-old kitten has watery eyes or a runny nose, carefully observe whether he has ulcers in his nose, what kind of stool he has, whether he has lost his appetite. Depending on the symptoms that appear, we can talk about either the baby’s hypothermia or the appearance of viral infection due to weak immunity, or an incipient allergy to some irritant. The more detailed you describe the symptoms, the easier it will be for the veterinarian to identify the disease and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

The kitten's eyes are watery after eating

If a kitten's eyes are very watery while eating or after eating and plus a runny nose, this is most likely caused by intolerance to a certain product or food and is the first sign of an allergy. In order to avoid problems in the future, you should show the baby to the veterinarian and, through laboratory tests, identify the allergen and change the pet’s diet.

Kitten sneezes and watery eyes

If a kitten's eyes constantly water, he sneezes often, and there is discharge from his nose, but there is no fever, his breathing is not difficult, then the cause of this is often a banal allergy. Food can cause it house dust, chemical household aerosols or cleaning products, tobacco smoke. By identifying the allergen and eliminating it, you will prevent tearing and sneezing in the future. Sneezing and tearfulness accompanied by fever and difficulty breathing are caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract.

The kitten's brown eyes are watering

If a cat or kitten has profusely watery eyes, a thick brown discharge is inflammatory process, and the discharge is purulent in nature. Inflammation can occur due to injury to the cornea of ​​the eye, dirt and dust entering the visual organ, entropion of the eyelids, infection, blepharitis, and apiphora. A common cause of brown discharge can be ready-made food mixed with regular food or a combination of food from different manufacturers.

The kitten's eyes are watering - what to do?

The most important thing is not to self-medicate, especially if the cause is not clear to you. A caring and attentive owner will definitely notice that the kitten’s eyes are watering and he squints them. Without delaying too long, spend clinical researches at the veterinary clinic. At allergic reaction the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs, in case of infection, the specialist will select a treatment regimen depending on the type of bacteria or virus.

Lacrimation serves as a protective reaction to various irritants (infection, bacteria, allergens), or mechanical damage (injuries during fights with rivals, getting hit foreign bodies). At the initial stage of lacrimation, carry out additional hygiene procedures, try rinsing the baby’s eyes boiled water, tea, Diamond Eyes drops, furatsilin.

The kitten's eyes are watering - treatment

Excellent products intended for kittens are veterinary drugs: tsiprovet, dixamethasone, travmatin. Try using these medications for one week, but if you realize that they do not have the desired effect, are ineffective or do not help at all, contact your doctor immediately to know exactly why your kitten’s eyes are watering.

As you already understand, there are several reasons why a kitten’s eyes are watery; how and with what to treat will be determined by the veterinarian, having established an accurate diagnosis. If it is ulcerative blepharitis, then after cauterizing individual areas on the eyelids, they are lubricated with an ointment that contains an antibiotic. Turning up the eyelids will require surgical intervention, to prevent further suppuration, an antiseptic is used to treat the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is treated with chloramphenicol drops or kanamycin.

To avoid watery eyes, carry out preventive, hygienic procedures, rinse the kitten’s eyes with boiled water or decoctions with St. John’s wort, calendula, sage, and chamomile. Experts recommend using special daily drops Bars or some others available for these purposes in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. If you find the reason why your kitten's eyes are watery, try using these remedies yourself.