The dog has blood blisters around his nose. Sudden swelling of the dog's face, redness and blistering of the skin. Why does a rash appear?

Skin diseases in dogs are becoming more common today. The reason lies in many aspects: improper and inadequate nutrition, deterioration of the ecological atmosphere of the air, a sedentary lifestyle, crossing with infected individuals. Often skin diseases in animals they manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions of the skin to diseases.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

If there is the slightest change in the dog’s hair, contact a veterinary clinic for necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Here are some common skin diseases in dogs. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

If skin diseases appear in dogs , symptoms are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Excruciating itching, in which the dog scratches the body until there are abrasions and scratches.
  2. The appearance of neoplasms on the skin: plaques different sizes And color range, warts, blisters. The dog develops peeling and redness on the damaged body skin, turning into baldness.
  3. If the damaged areas of the skin get infected or get microbes, the dog’s skin becomes inflamed, swollen and festers.

Skin diseases in dogs are dangerous for animals and humans. It is important to provide timely medical care to a pet.

Treatment of skin diseases

Selected simple diseases of dogs and skin diseases can be cured at home.

Healing properties has a home flower - aloe. Aloe juice applied to the dog's damaged skin will relieve itching, discomfort and burning sensation. It’s easy to squeeze aloe juice yourself or buy it ready-made product at the pharmacy.

Herbal decoctions have similar effects: chamomile, calendula, echinacea. Drugs reduce painful sensations in dogs, relieve inflammation and eliminate microbial suppuration on the skin.

These products are used exclusively for initial stages development of the disease. If complex skin diseases are observed in dogs, treatment is carried out in conditions veterinary clinic. Before prescribing drugs, the doctor must conduct full diagnostics suspected disease, take appropriate skin tests and blood tests, and scrape the dog's skin. After determining the exact diagnosis of the disease, effective treatment is prescribed.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease cannot be made solely by visual examination. Will need to be carried out laboratory research dog hair.

If the doctor, looking at the dog, immediately prescribes medications, you cannot treat a dog under the guidance of such a doctor. Remember incorrect treatment can lead to the death of the animal.

Preventive measures

Dog diseases are often associated with improper maintenance and care. It is necessary to fulfill simple conditions so that the pet remains healthy and alert.

Don't let me suffer four-legged friend, remain a responsible owner.


What could it be?
If your dog experiences sudden swelling of the face, especially the skin around the eyes, lips and ears, and the paws may also be affected, it is most likely that the dog has angioedema, or Quincke's edema.

If the skin becomes blistered, this is urticaria, or hives. Lesions also occur very quickly. The fur sometimes makes it appear as if the fur is standing on end at the site of the blisters.
Both conditions are a manifestation of an allergic reaction that can occur to almost any component that the animal comes into contact with.

Why is this dangerous?
Both angioedema and urticaria can go away on their own within a period of several hours to several days, however, the animal’s condition may worsen.

Angioedema is more dangerous, as it can affect not only the skin, but also the upper Airways, creating serious difficulty in breathing, the animal may suffocate.
With urticaria, the prognosis is more favorable, since most often the general condition of the animal is not affected and the process is limited to the skin, but lesions can seriously disturb the animal if they are accompanied by itching or have spread to the entire body.

What can you do yourself?
The first thing to do if you know what the allergic reaction has occurred to is to eliminate the allergen. If unknown, then efforts should be directed toward eliminating the allergic reaction itself.
Diseases occur infrequently, therefore drugs that most effectively relieve such manifestations are not part of the usual home first aid kit. In addition, it is important not to confuse the fact that you are dealing with these diseases, and not with similar manifestations. Therefore, it is best if a problem arises, to come to the clinic as quickly as possible or call a doctor at home; if this is not possible, at least call a doctor who will instruct what medications need to be used.

What can a doctor do?
First of all, the doctor will determine that the animal actually has angioedema or urticaria, and not other diseases that may manifest similarly. A thorough examination of the lesions is usually sufficient to achieve this. Then the drugs are administered fast action, filming allergic manifestations(adrenaline, glucocorticoids). Most often these are subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, but intravenous administration may also be required.
In cases where there is a serious threat to the life of the animal, urgent resuscitation measures are taken, as a rule, they are aimed at ensuring breathing and maintaining normal blood circulation.
A dog with angioedema often has a grotesque appearance, but we must remember that such an animal can turn out to be a patient at any moment intensive care unit and there will be no time for jokes.
After the acute symptoms have subsided for several days, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines, which are not very effective as emergency treatment, but can prevent the recurrence of such problems.

If the dog is covered in blisters, this worries the owners, but they do not know what to do with such a symptom. Most often, ointments, brilliant green, and alcohol cauterization are used, but in fact the nature of the rashes is varied, from an allergic reaction to viral infection. And treating them also requires a thorough understanding of the reason why they started, their color, content, location.

Localization area: head

Blisters on a dog's face, paws, or throughout the body may indicate dermatitis, most often a food allergy. Blisters in the mouth occur for the following reasons:

  • Viral infection.
  • Allergies to medications, food, chemicals.
  • Burns from hot food, hot spices, electricity.
  • Dental problems.

A viral infection may be indicated by pimples on the skin and a temperature above 39 C. Together - apathy, lethargy, and weakness. If the dog is in this condition for more than 1.5-2 hours, it is important to immediately take the pet to a veterinary clinic.

An easier option is blisters on the dog’s nose and throughout the body, but without additional symptoms, the pet is cheerful and active. But if the rash does not disappear after 7-10 days, you should consult a doctor.

Explicit contact with chemicals or poisonous plants with the subsequent appearance of blisters on the face (or other places) requires an immediate response, thoroughly washing the affected area with cool water and contacting a veterinary clinic.

Extensive manifestations on the skin

Blisters on a dog’s skin “speak” of an existing problem: illness, disruption of the body’s functioning, external irritants. The doctor’s primary task is to accurately identify their cause; only then can an adequate response be expected from the treatment used.

All causes of tumors in dogs:

Pemphigus is a disease in which the dog's skin is completely covered with blisters, and the dog's fur is problem area stands on end. In essence, this is an allergic reaction, and hives can go away on their own if the potential allergen is identified and removed. The rash can be localized to a limited area or spread throughout the skin.

Damage to the genital organs

In the first case, it is enough to carry out necessary procedures and carefully maintain cleanliness in the future, then the rashes will go away on their own.

Dogs may develop blisters on different places bodies. The characteristics of the disease depend on their location

Blisters on a dog's skin

Also common reason the appearance of blisters - food allergy and in order to cure it, it is necessary to discontinue new products. It is necessary to remember whether you have used new powder for washing dog clothes or bedding, or new cleaning agents or detergents that could be used to wash bowls. Or maybe you recently bought your dog a new plastic bowl?

Blisters on the face may be an allergic reaction to plastic bowls. It is better to switch to ceramic or stainless steel bowls.

Blisters in a dog's mouth

In most cases, the appearance of blisters in a dog’s mouth is the result of a viral infection, although an allergic reaction to medications, food, or household chemicals is also possible. It can also be thermal burns from hot food, burns from electricity or hot spices. You should take a closer look at general condition dogs.

Diseases that cause blisters in the mouth can cause lethargy and high temperature. If, perhaps, there is in her body general infection. If your dog appears visibly unwell within a few hours, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

If your dog appears healthy and the blisters are not itchy or inflamed, there is a chance they will go away on their own within a few days. If after 10 days they do not disappear, you should contact your veterinarian. It is necessary to remember whether the dog has eaten recently spicy food, has not been in contact with chemicals or unknown plants.

If contact with poisonous plant or substance, you need to immediately rinse your dog’s mouth cold water or apply ice cubes and contact your veterinarian.

Blisters on a dog's genitals

Most often this is the result of a bacterial or viral infection that is sexually transmitted. Such blisters disappear on their own within a few days. Sometimes genital blisters occur for other reasons. The rashes need to be examined. True blisters are colorless and filled with fluid. If the rashes are filled with a milky white or yellowish substance, then these are pustules or ulcers.

If the blisters are brick or blood red, they are hemorrhagic in origin. To treat pustules, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, but to treat hemorrhagic blisters, a more thorough diagnosis will be needed. If the blisters itch, then they are most likely caused by an allergy, bacterial infection or microscopic mites. The dog constantly licks and scratches such blisters. You need to soothe the itching with a cool compress and immediately seek veterinary help.

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Skin lesions differ from other dog diseases in that they are primarily visually detected by their owners. This especially applies to city dogs living in apartments, and of them, first of all, to short-haired and small ones.
Up to 3/4 of skin lesions in dogs are usually related in one way or another to fleas and, in particular, scratching and their infection. Many of similar diseases They are purely local and non-contagious and can be easily cured by the owners themselves in the usual way, like their own pimples.

Unfortunately, not everything is so simple, and it is unacceptable to treat all dog skin diseases in this way. It is better to be overly cautious and once again share your concerns with your doctor. This is necessary because the skin of dogs can be subject to specific and highly contagious infections for both humans and other animals.

To prevent your dog from becoming infected:

  • Do not use other people's care items and equipment.
  • Do not allow her contact with stray and domestic dogs that have visible baldness or any sores on the skin.
  • Avoid contact with any unfamiliar cats.

However, some skin infections The owners themselves can bring outdoor shoes into the house.

The dog cannot tell about the location and nature of the ailments. It is the doctor’s task to understand and prescribe treatment. It is the dog’s owner’s responsibility to immediately collect as much information about the dog’s physical condition as possible after detecting symptoms of damage to its skin and contact a doctor. Please keep in mind that, despite all the obviousness of the manifestations and the fairly early detection of skin diseases, many of them are quite difficult to diagnose, and treatment can take a long time.

At the slightest suspicion of serious illness dog skin you need:

  • Stop brushing your dog's fur immediately to avoid spreading infection.
  • Ban people from petting the dog.
  • Avoid contact between the dog and children.
  • Observe strict personal hygiene rules.
  • Do not allow your dog to sleep on your bed until fully recovered.

To avoid masking the symptoms of the disease, before visiting the veterinarian, it is forbidden to smear sore areas with iodine, brilliant green or any ointments. You are only allowed to wash the affected areas of the skin with salicylic alcohol and trim the hair on and around the affected area of ​​skin.

Be prepared that your veterinarian may need to examine microscopic scrapings of your dog's skin and fur to diagnose the disease. You will need to ensure that material can be safely collected for analysis. In principle, this procedure is quite painless for the dog, but it can still cause some anxiety.

>For treatment, ointments, emulsions and solutions are widely used, which are clearly unpleasant for the dog. When used externally, they are safe and can only stain surrounding objects, but if they get into the mouth (by licking) they can cause poisoning. Therefore, to prevent licking and scratching of the treated areas and the spread of infection throughout the body, a sick dog should be wearing a muzzle.

Many experts prefer to use more than a muzzle instead of a muzzle. universal remedy: the so-called “Elizabethan collar”. This homemade “collar” is a wide ring made of lightweight cardboard, cut along a radius. The internal diameter of such a ring should be 20 - 30% larger than the diameter of the dog’s neck, and the external diameter depends on its size and the desired degree of restriction of its freedom of movement. Along the radial cut, on both sides along oblique lines, a series of holes are drilled for lacing, through which the ring, after being put on the dog’s neck, should be pulled together into a more or less flattened cone.

It should be noted that such a “structure” is not always calmly perceived by the animal, which can make every effort to free itself from it and create a mess. Therefore, it is best after treating the dog to sit next to it for 30 - 40 minutes, stopping its attempts to lick the medicine and free itself from the restrictor.

Instead of the “Elizabethan collar,” similar structures can be used to restrict the dog’s movements, made from polyethylene flowerpots or buckets with the bottoms removed and cut lengthwise, tightening them around the dog’s neck in the manner described above. However, being too rigid, such structures are especially unpleasant for the dog and can even injure him. It is safer to use the boot cut lengthwise from old ones for the same purposes. rubber boots, of course, provided that the bell of the boot is commensurate with your dog’s head.

To avoid scratching in case of skin diseases, the dog's hind legs should also be bandaged with cotton wool until the claws are hidden or wrapped in strips of thick material, and children's socks or mittens should be put on top. Let the dog show off around the apartment in these “shoes” for a while.

U healthy dog seborrhea is practically absent or invisible. If dandruff does occur, it is most often observed at the base of the tail and ears, on the face and chest, in the folds of the skin where they are present, and on the elbow and hock joints.
Dandruff with seborrhea can be very profuse and accompanied by itching. There are two types of seborrhea:

  • Dry.
  • Fat.

Seborrhea of ​​the first type is characterized by dry, scaly, crumbling dandruff with obvious dry skin. Oily seborrhea, on the other hand, is characterized by excess sebum, brown patches on the skin, oily dandruff flakes clinging to the fur, and a rancid odor.

The appearance of any dandruff in a dog can be not only initial symptom contagious skin diseases, but also some severe internal diseases requiring long-term treatment.

Dry dandruff is often just a consequence of too intensive degreasing of the dog’s skin, which is important for small sofa dogs, who are bathed too often with inappropriate detergents. Large dogs, as a rule, they do not bathe so often.

Dry dandruff can also be caused by a lack of fat in the dog's food. In this case, try feeding her a teaspoon or dessert spoon daily for some time. vegetable oil(preferably olive or peach). If there is no improvement and the itching intensifies, consult a doctor. Causes oily dandruff are always more serious, and if detected, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Your veterinarian may prescribe some internal funds for the treatment of the underlying disease, the symptom of which is seborrhea.

Intense itching of the skin can be caused by insect bites: fleas and midges. If its source is clear, then the measures are as follows:

  • If it is vile, then it is enough to treat the scratches with iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, calendula tincture, etc.
  • If it is fleas, then an insecticidal bath is necessary.
  • After the washed dog has dried, the combs are disinfected with the same means.

If the itching continues even after removing the fleas, then a mandatory consultation with a veterinarian is required. To relieve your dog's itching, you can use your helpers. sedatives and at the same time reduce her anxiety with the “Elizabethan collar” and bandaging her hind legs.

Such skin mites belong to different genera and species and, according to their generic names, diseases are distinguished, of which the most common in dogs are:

  • Pruritic scabies (sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis).
  • Ear scabies (otodectosis).
  • Ironwort (demodectic mange).

All these diseases at the everyday level are united under the name scabies. Some forms of such scabies are contagious to humans, but, fortunately, they heal themselves quite quickly. These diseases are quite widespread in cities due to stray dogs and cats, of which approximately 20 - 30% are affected by ticks various forms. Dogs become infected either from each other or through cats whose owners allow them to roam wherever they please.

The disease is usually very serious and is not limited to the surface of the skin. Itching mites not only injure the dog’s skin and mechanically irritate the nerve endings in it. It causes itching and inflammation varying degrees. The dog's metabolism is disrupted and exhaustion develops. In advanced severe cases, everything ends in the death of the animal.

At ear scabies the lesions are localized in the auricle, but with the development of general intoxication the inflammation spreads to the middle and inner ear and further on meninges.

Treatment of scabies is usually comprehensive, aimed at destroying mites and calming itching, and at the same time, strengthening the immune system and improving skin regeneration processes. It should be noted that in some animals complete recovery and freedom from ticks does not occur, and the disease subsequently recurs from time to time.

After successful intensive treatment and full recovery wool sometimes the dog gets sick again. A variety of factors can contribute to this: stress, changes in hormonal state (estrus, whelping), etc. This is especially true for demodicosis, in which intrauterine infection is also possible. Therefore, you should not get puppies from a bitch who has had demodicosis and take puppies from her.

Ringworm in dogs includes a combination of infectious diseases affecting the skin, hair follicles and the hair itself of all domestic animals and humans. The causative agents of these diseases are different kinds dermatophyte fungi, colloquially called ringworm, and one of the least attractive forms of this ringworm is commonly called scab. Different shapes ringworm are named after the generic affiliation of the fungi that cause them: trichophytosis, microsporosis, favus (scab).

Damp weather during the warm season favors the spread of the disease. The literature describes cases of ringworm transmission by blood-sucking insects. But the main distributors of disease pathogens are sick stray animals. Some forms of ringworm are highly contagious to people. Self-medication and delaying a visit to the veterinarian are unacceptable in this case, as it risks the possibility of subsequent treatment with the dog and all members of your family. Dogs with ringworm are successfully treated.

The disease is characterized by the appearance on the skin of clearly defined spots of round or oval shape, devoid of hair and outlined by a reddish or brownish border. Sometimes such spots appear at the base of the claws, between the toes and on the flesh of the paws. Such spots quickly increase in size, the skin on them has a flaky surface, covered with scales or crusts. It may be reddish! Within the spots, the skin may also have a clearly convex surface, covered with a crust of dark brown or gray. At a certain stage, the skin of the hairless patches becomes inflamed and becomes covered small pustules. With fungal diseases, unlike scabies, itching is either slight or completely absent. Treatment should begin at the very first suspicion of ringworm!

The most important thing in the treatment of ringworm is the strictest compliance with all medical instructions and procedures. Treatment can be lengthy and requires patience and perseverance, since the prescribed procedures will need to be performed for a long time, sometimes up to 3 - 4 weeks, and sometimes several times a day. It is important to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene!

Human dermatologists now have powerful fungicidal agents available wide range actions for both external (for example, clotrimazole) and internal use. These funds are also applicable in veterinary practice. Their only drawback is their high cost, but they can cure fungal skin lesions quite quickly.

Hygiene rules for a dog with ringworm:

  • Old brushes, combs and all grooming items should be destroyed and replaced with new ones, and new ones should be periodically disinfected.
  • The bedding of a sick dog should be changed regularly, washed with boiling water.
  • It is advisable to periodically treat all surfaces around the dog's bed with a chloramine solution.
  • Both the dog's collar and leash should be treated with chloramine or formaldehyde, and it is better to replace them with new ones.

Skin inflammations with various causes. In some cases, they are associated with the age of the dogs or are confined to certain areas of their body.
In puppies and dogs in the first years of life, there are purple and purulent pustules and blisters on the chin and lips, as well as on the hairless part of the abdomen and in the groins.
Dogs of any age have acne, pustules and papules along the back and in the area knee joints.

Your help for your dog with dermatitis may consist of washing the painful areas with bactericidal soap, followed by daily treatment of the pustules with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. If this is not enough, you should contact your veterinarian. He may prescribe antibiotic ointments or even oral antibiotics for your dog. Puppies 2 - 6 months (up to 1 year) may have a cutaneous form of distemper.

For dogs, allergens can be the same substances as for people:

  • House dust.
  • Mold.
  • Plant pollen.
  • Insect bites
  • Certain food products, especially with all sorts of “environmentally friendly” chemical improvers of their quality and appearance.
  • Medications, in particular penicillin or syntomycin.
  • Household chemicals (insecticides, washing powders, shampoos), etc.

Especially often, allergies in dogs are the result of too diligent removal of fleas, even with the use of the safest insecticides from the pyrethroid group.

Just like in people, allergic reactions in dogs can occur either immediately after contact with an allergen, or after some, sometimes quite long, time.

Allergic reactions of immediate type are expressed the following symptoms:

  • Sudden cough.
  • Runny nose.
  • Drooling.
  • Edema.
  • Nettle fever.

Nettle fever is characterized by the sudden appearance of itchy skin blisters on the face, internal surfaces ears, in the groins and under the arms. Hives usually appear within a few tens of minutes after a single contact with the allergen and disappear spontaneously after about a day. However, completely similar phenomena occur in tender lap dog can occur without any contact with allergens as a purely neurological reaction to some kind of master’s punishment or even to cruel verbal scolding.

Despite the transience of nettle fever, it is necessary to treat it to prevent scratching and subsequent suppuration. For oral treatment, give the dog diphenhydramine, tavegil or suprastin 3 times a day, and wipe the inflamed areas of the skin with salicylic alcohol or just vodka.

Causes allergic reactions the immediate type is usually the easiest to identify. To identify and eliminate the cause, you only need to conduct a thorough investigation.

It is much more difficult to identify and eliminate the causes of delayed allergic reactions, which can sometimes appear even several weeks after the first contact with the allergen. Such reactions, in addition to sneezing and coughing, can be expressed in the form of spontaneous vomiting, diarrhea and allergic dermatitis sometimes with severe itching, debilitating the dog. In dogs, asthma and bronchitis have even been described as a consequence of such allergic reactions. But similar reactions can also manifest themselves in changes in coat color, especially in light-colored dogs: patches of “rusty-colored” fur appear around the eyes, in the corners of the lips, in the spaces between the fingers, at the root of the tail and in the genital area.

In case of delayed reactions, in order to identify the allergen, a long-term investigation will need to be carried out together with the veterinarian and in parallel with the treatment of the dog prescribed by him. At the same time, first of all, exclude an insecticidal collar or medallion if you still decide to make your dog happy with it. Then remove from your dog's environment all plastic and rubber products (“toys”) that she chews and gnaws. Try to change something else in her life, in particular, try to reconsider all the foods you feed her. If you use branded dog food, then either give it up altogether or change the company and brand.

If you have no reason to attribute your dog’s allergy to any of the branded foods, then think about the products that you systematically feed him. Try making radical changes to your dog's generally monotonous diet.

All detected neoplasms cannot be ignored, even if they do not bother the dog at all. They may be the beginning of a serious illness. Just don’t overdo it in your worries, mistaking an extra unpaired nipple on the dog’s chest or belly for some kind of tumor - this has happened!

In case of inflammation and pain of any new growths, as well as a noticeable increase in their size, contact your veterinarian immediately. Any solid tumors in soft tissues V oral cavity or on skeletal bones can be very dangerous.