Symptoms of arthritis of the fingers are initial. How to effectively treat arthritis of the hands? Treatment of hand arthritis with folk remedies

Arthritis is considered a dangerous disease prone to progression. The disease is inflammatory process, affecting cartilage and ligaments in the area of ​​​​the fingers. In this case, the patient feels severe pain, discomfort, the mobility of the fingers is lost, which leads to disability at the last stage of the course.

Previously, it was believed that this disease occurs only in the older generation, however, this is not the case. Finger arthritis symptoms often show up at a young age. Nevertheless, older women are still at risk, since the development of the disease is associated with the menopause period, when the body of a woman changes hormonal background, and cartilage tissue gradually wears out, becomes less durable than before.

Pathology often acts as a secondary disease that accompanies the main pathology (diseases of rheumatic, infectious nature as well as metabolic disorders).

Regardless of the reasons that provoke the development of arthritis of the fingers, the symptoms of this disease are almost always the same, but manifest themselves with varying degrees of intensity. The main characteristic signs of pathology include:

  1. The occurrence of swelling, swelling of tissues in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  2. Hyperemia (redness) skin on damaged areas;
  3. Hyperthermia (sometimes quite significant) that occurs during periods of exacerbation;
  4. Pain in the fingers, loss of mobility of the hands. Depending on the stage of development of the pathology, pain and mobility disorders have varying degrees expression. At an early stage, the pain is mild, short-term, the patient feels some stiffness in the fingers. If the disease has passed into an advanced form, the pain does not go away, and the patient loses the ability to move his fingers;
  5. Unpleasant sensations worse in the evening or in the morning;
  6. The patient complains about general deterioration in well-being, weakness;
  7. Symptoms of the disease are symmetrical, that is, the disease, as a rule, hits both hands;
  8. Pathology is seasonal, that is, her clinical manifestations intensify during the cold season.

In some cases, if therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the inflammation becomes purulent, sometimes suppuration becomes very extensive. In this case, the clinical picture is supplemented by signs of intoxication of the body, such as appetite, persistent deterioration in well-being, nausea, and weakness.


Arthritis of the fingers rarely develops as independent disease, most often it is caused by the presence of any reasons.
Negative factors that increase the risk of developing pathology are considered the following reasons:

  1. Diabetes and diseases endocrine system that change the hormonal balance in the body;
  2. Pathologies of an infectious nature. The reason for the development of arthritis of the fingers can even be such a seemingly harmless disease as SARS, especially if the disease has not been completely cured. Significantly increase the risk of developing arthritis such dangerous infectious diseases as tuberculosis, HIV;
  3. Noncommunicable diseases contributing to the violation of metabolic (exchange) processes in the body. Most often, pathologies of this nature occur in people old age, but can also be observed in the younger generation;
  4. Traumatic joint injuries undergone surgery, as well as prolonged local hypothermia;
  5. genetic predisposition. The fact that the risk of developing arthritis of the fingers is inherited has not been scientifically proven to date, however, according to statistics, a genetic relationship still exists.

When making a diagnosis, it is important not only to establish the fact of the disease itself, but also to identify the cause that led to its development. This is important, since treatment options, depending on the presence of adverse factors, are fundamentally different from each other.

Stages of development of the disease

Arthritis of the fingers is a disease that develops in stages. In total, 4 stages are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its own signs and manifestations:

  1. At the initial stage of development, there are no characteristic signs of the disease. The only thing the patient complains about is a slight stiffness of the movements of the fingers, a slight loss of sensitivity. Usually these manifestations occur in the morning, and during the day the mobility of the fingers is restored;
  2. At the second stage, the process of deformation of the bone and cartilage tissue, on its surface there are small damages in the form of erosion. The feeling of discomfort intensifies, painful sensations become more pronounced and intense. When moving the fingers, a characteristic crunch is heard;
  3. The process of destruction of joints and cartilage becomes symmetrical. Specific Symptoms appear on both hands. This changes the color skin in the area of ​​the affected joints (the skin becomes bright red, or acquires a bluish tint). Also, swelling of the tissues on the phalanges of the fingers develops. The patient feels a sharp pain that prevents him from doing small manual work;
  4. The final stage is characterized by a significant deformation of the bone and cartilage tissue, severe, almost non-stop pain, almost total loss and finger sensitivity. The patient also complains of other symptoms, such as fever, feeling worse, headaches. The skill of self-care is lost, a person can no longer hold any objects in his hands, thus, the disease is on late stage development leads to disability.


There are several criteria for classifying the disease according to certain parameters.

For example, depending on the cause of occurrence and development, there are the following varieties arthritis of the fingers:

  1. Infectious. Occurs as a result of infection of the tissues of the joint. The infection enters the joint through the bloodstream, or in a direct way. Regardless of this, pathogenic microflora leads to the emergence and development of inflammation;
  2. Exchange (gouty). Develops as a result of excessive accumulation in the joints uric acid. As a rule, this phenomenon extends not only to the joints of the fingers, but also to larger (knee, elbow and other) joints, that is, the pathology is systemic;
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers. It occurs as a result of autoimmune diseases (for example, AIDS). Initially, the disease affects precisely small joints, such as the joints of the fingers, then it spreads to larger areas of bone and cartilage tissue, leading to complete disability and disability;
  4. Traumatic. Occurs as a result of bruises, broken fingers, or after an unsuccessful surgical operation. All symptoms occur long after the injury.

Depending on the localization of the affected areas, proximal, middle or distal arthritis of the fingers is isolated.
(the disease affects, respectively, the proximal, distal or middle phalanges of the fingers).

Separately, such a variety as rhizarthritis is distinguished, when deformation processes affect only the area thumb(on both hands).

There are primary and secondary arthritis. The primary form of the disease occurs, for example, with hypothermia, is quite rare, most often arthritis of the fingers is secondary, that is, developing against the background of another disease, which is considered the main one.

Depending on the form of the flow, there are:

  1. sharp shape, in which pain and other characteristic symptoms are expressed as intensely as possible;
  2. subtly form, when the clinical picture is erased, the signs of the disease appear rather weakly;
  3. Chronic form It is characterized by the appearance of unpleasant sensations only at the moment of physical activity, when the affected joints of the fingers experience increased stress.

Rules and methods of treatment

Upon detection dangerous symptoms arthritis, see a doctor as soon as possible. This is important, because the success of treatment and the outcome of the disease depend on how timely the diagnosis was made and the appropriate therapy was prescribed.

It is extremely important to remember that untreated arthritis of the hands can lead to an inability to hold any objects (both small and large), loss of self-care skills, and, ultimately, disability.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, you need to find out what kind of specialist treats arthritis. This is a rheumatologist.

An experienced doctor, after examining and questioning the patient for complaints, will prescribe tests - studies that are needed for a detailed examination and accurate diagnosis.

And only after determining the type of disease and the cause that provoked its development, you can begin to treat arthritis of the fingers.

Therapy must be comprehensive drug treatment combined with gymnastics, physiotherapy, dieting. In severe cases, the patient is shown a surgical operation.

Commonly cited therapies complemented by the use of recipes traditional medicine. Although, they can only be used with the approval of a doctor, and it is as an auxiliary treatment.

Medical therapy

AT therapeutic purposes patient appoint various medications the following groups:

  1. Painkillers to eliminate pain in the affected joints (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren);
  2. Preparations for the restoration of joint tissues(Glucosamine). Depending on the severity of the deformation of the cartilaginous tissue, the duration of the drug intake is different, but not less than 3 months;
  3. Drugs that dilate blood vessels(Actovegin) help normalize blood circulation, improve the nutrition of cartilage tissue;
  4. Penicillin antibiotics. Receiving funds from this group is needed if the cause of the development of the disease was a bacterial infection;
  5. Vitamin and mineral complexes, which include a large number of calcium;
  6. Hormonal agents of the corticosteroid group are prescribed when it was not possible to identify the cause of the pathology. The course of treatment is clearly limited and, as a rule, is short-term;
  7. Funds local application (ointments, gels) with anti-inflammatory analgesic effect.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy methods are mandatory used to treat arthritis of the fingers in addition to the main drug therapy.
Popular methods are electrophoresis and ultrasound treatment.

The electrophoresis method consists in the effect of electric currents of various frequencies on the affected joint. This effect allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue, improve its nutrition, relieve pain and inflammation.

Electrophoresis enhances the effect of painkillers, contributing to a better penetration of substances into the affected tissues. There are a number of contraindications for electrophoresis, such as:

  1. Hyperthermia, even slight;
  2. The presence of skin diseases;
  3. Built-in prostheses or implants located in the area exposed to the device.

A very effective way to treat arthritis of the fingers is the use of ultrasound. This therapeutic method eliminates discomfort and pain, normalize the motor activity of the fingers.

Important! Apply ultrasound treatment possible in the event that the acute stage of the course of the disease has passed. Otherwise, the therapy will be not only ineffective, but also harmful. There are also a number of contraindications. These include heart disease, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, the period of menopause.


This method of treating arthritis of the fingers belongs to the category surgical methods . Endoprosthetics is prescribed if other methods of treatment have not given a positive result.

The high efficiency of the operation has been proven, however, there are a number of disadvantages. This is, first of all, the high cost, as well as the complexity of the procedure and the need for a long period of rehabilitation.

Note! Before carrying out the arthroplasty procedure, a long and detailed examination is prescribed, because the prosthesis, even the smallest one, must be made taking into account all the individual characteristics of a particular person.
Only in this case, the main task of arthroplasty (restoration of the functional activity of the hands) can be fully performed.

The operation takes place in several stages:

  1. On the back side the palms make a small incision, through which the doctor opens the joint capsule and removes the heads of the bone and phalanges of the fingers. Most often, partial removal is required, but in especially severe cases, complete removal affected phalanges;
  2. A prosthesis is installed in special channels, after which the incision is sutured, and the resulting wound is treated with antibacterial solutions in order to avoid infection. Prostheses are made of high-tech alloys that take root well in the human body and are not rejected by its tissues, as was often the case before;
  3. The final stage is the rehabilitation period during which the regeneration of damaged tissues occurs, the restoration of hand mobility.

There are a number of contraindications for the operation, such as:

  1. Osteomyelitis in acute or chronic form of the course;
  2. Skin diseases;
  3. Diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  4. Infectious pathologies;
  5. Neuropsychiatric abnormalities.

exercise therapy

Important! You can do gymnastics only during the period of remission, when pain and other symptoms of the disease are not so pronounced. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

A special set of exercises allows you to develop the mobility of the affected joints of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease, helps to eliminate stiffness.

A set of exercises is developed for each patient individually, however, there are a number of general, basic exercises that are recommended for each person suffering from this disease:

  1. The fingers are clenched into a fist in such a way that the thumb covers the rest and presses a little on them. It is necessary to hold your hand in this position for a few seconds, then open your fist, spreading your fingers wide apart. Exercise is done simultaneously on both hands. It is necessary to repeat the exercise at least 4-5 times;
  2. The hands are placed on a flat hard surface, while the fingers should be widely spaced. Alternately tear off the surface and raise 1 finger, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. The raised finger is held in this position for 5 seconds;
  3. It looks like the previous one, with the only difference that the fingers are not just torn off the surface, the raised finger must be moved from side to side, and after that - clockwise;
  4. A pencil with a ribbed surface is rolled by hand on a hard and even surface, starting from the fingertips and ending with the base of the palm. This exercise not only strengthens cartilage tissue, but also has a massage effect, helps to eliminate stiffness and pain.

Traditional medicine recipes used as an additional therapy to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor can speed up the healing process
. The most efficient ways alternative treatment are considered:

  1. Tea based on a golden mustache. 2 tsp dried herbs pour a glass of boiling water, brew for 15-20 minutes. Take in the morning on an empty stomach. The tool helps to improve the metabolic process in the body, to establish nutrition for the affected areas of cartilage tissue;
  2. Fresh celery root juice take 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day for 20 min. before meals;
  3. Decoction of sunflower root. For cooking, it is necessary to pour the crushed raw materials with boiling water and insist. Means accept on 30-50 gr. three times a day before meals;
  4. Salt baths with the addition essential oil (tea tree, lavender). Bath dissolve a small amount sea ​​salt add a few drops of essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
Important! The water in the bath should be hot enough (but such that it is tolerable), in this case the procedure has a warming effect, relieves pain, promotes additional mineralization of bone and cartilage tissues.


Proper nutrition is essential effective treatment arthritis of the fingers. It is important to adhere to certain nutritional rules, such as:

  1. Fractional nutrition, that is, eating in small portions 4-5 times a day;
  2. The intervals between meals should be such that a person does not experience an acute feeling of hunger;
  3. It is important to control your weight. If the patient has extra pounds, they need to get rid of, but this should be done with caution;
  4. You need to drink enough drinking water every day. The specific amount is determined by the doctor, based on the patient's body weight. As drinks, you can use not only the usual drinking water, but also herbal teas without sugar, mineral water on an alkaline basis;


It is possible to prevent the development of the disease if observe simple rules of prevention:

  1. News healthy lifestyle life, regularly harden, do not forget about sports;
  2. Strengthen immunity;
  3. Monitor weight, eat right, avoiding the appearance of extra pounds;
  4. To refuse from bad habits;
  5. Limit the amount of salt and sugar you eat.

Useful video:

Non-drug treatment of arthritis and joint pain. What to do if the joints of the fingers hurt:

Arthritis of the joints of the fingers is a dangerous disease that develops gradually, and leads to adverse consequences, up to disability. lead to the development of the disease different reasons but regardless, the symptoms are similar. And if at the initial stage of development the pathology causes mild discomfort, over time the pain will intensify. In the absence of competent treatment, the patient risks losing the ability to self-service and becoming disabled.

Arthritis of the fingers is a severe progressive disease that leads to disability in the absence of adequate treatment. This pathology is not the prerogative of the elderly - the progression of inflammation that disfigures the joints can begin at any age.

If we consider the fingers in terms of the components human body, then they make up only 2% of the total body area, but in the functional plan of body parts, the fingers cannot be overestimated, let alone replaced. This is why an outwardly healthy young man who suffers from arthritis of the fingers can turn into an invalid who is unable to perform even routine activities, let alone professional activity.

The word arthritis refers to the inflammatory process that develops in the joints. It is the small joints upper limbs most vulnerable to this pathology. The risk group is made up of the fairer sex: about two-thirds of all patients with arthritis of the fingers are women.

Causes of arthritis

There are a number of reasons that provoke the development of arthritis, but it is far from always possible to establish what exactly was the impetus for the beginning. pathological deformity joints.

    Violation metabolic processes and reduced immunity, which affect all human tissues and organs, including articular tissue. Such phenomena are most characteristic in old age and lead to the development of non-infectious arthritis.

    Gout, metabolic diseases, psoriasis and autoimmune diseases are the causes of the development of arthritis of the fingers.

    A history of infectious diseases caused by streptococci, staphylococci, as well as chlamydia, dysentery, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, influenza, brucellosis. The disease can occur at any age, occurs in the form of infectious arthritis.

    Viral pathologies such as mumps, hepatitis B, herpetic infection, measles. Viral agents of these pathologies act as a leading factor in the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Previous joint bruises and injuries, joint operations, hypothermia are predisposing factors for the development of inflammatory processes and destruction of joint tissues.

    hereditary predisposition, which can act as a cause of any type of arthritis.

    Excessive smoking and excess body weight can lead to the development of joint disease.

    Juvenile arthritis of childhood acts as an idiopathic pathology, namely with an unidentified cause.

Symptoms of arthritis in the joints of the fingers

Arthritis of the finger joints has a number of characteristic symptoms, which are nothing more than a consequence of the changes that occur in the affected joints. The disease may be acute or progress to chronic form. At the stage of chronicization, pathologies become clearly evident external changes fingers, therefore, in the diagnosis, it is especially important to take into account the manifestations of an acute process, when it is still possible to stop the destruction of tissues, which disfigures the hands.

    Pain syndrome. Pain is a characteristic symptom of arthritis, regardless of its etiology. Most often, initially the pain is acute and manifests itself at night. After that, pain accompanies movement of the joints or begins after transferring a strong load on the joints. Given the fact that arthritis is characterized by a progression with the gradual involvement of more and more new joints in the process, painful sensations eventually begin to be felt in the joints of the hand.

    General symptoms of the inflammatory process, namely malaise, fatigue, fever.

    Limitation of joint mobility. Initially, the symptom is only a consequence of the deliberate behavior of patients, the person begins to be gentle on the sore spot and less often loads the joints. Later, as a result of the process of destruction of the articular surfaces, the decrease in the volume of fluid in the joints and extensive inflammatory processes, the joints themselves are not able to cope with natural mobility. Extension and flexion of the fingers begins to be accompanied by a creak.

    Tingling, numbness and swelling in the area of ​​joint damage, the presence of redness of the skin indicates the development of extensive inflammation.

    Symmetry of the lesion and the presence of subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules on the bones are characteristic feature rheumatoid arthritis.

    Deformity of the affected joints- bulges, contractures, thickening, as well as the acquisition of the joint shape of the neck of a swan or spindle are also characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Such changes in the joints indicate a long-term inflammatory process and are irreversible conditions.

Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers

Diagnosis of pathology at its early stage and the appointment of adequate, comprehensive and comprehensive treatment is the basis for successful treatment of this condition. The treatment of arthritis has several goals, the main among which is the achievement of a stable remission of the pathology.

Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers is performed both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis. For treatment, specialists from related sciences are involved, who jointly develop a single therapy plan using non-drug and pharmacological methods.

    Medical therapy.

In the presence of an infectious nature of the pathology, targeted antibiotic treatment is prescribed against a specific causative agent of the infection.

The leading role in the treatment of arthritis, especially those of rheumatoid origin, is the use of a basic anti-inflammatory drug, which is prescribed for a long time (at least 3 months, maximum for life). Drugs of this group can suppress the activity of immunosuppressive cells and suspend the pathological process, retaining their effect for a long time even after drug withdrawal.

Treatment with hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids) enhances and consolidates the effect of basic anti-inflammatory drugs and leads to stable remission.

Biological drugs help block the key points of inflammation and stop the process of destruction of joint tissues, and such drugs are also characterized by an extremely fast clinical effect.

As a prevention of osteoporosis, they resort to the appointment of phosphorus and calcium preparations in combination with vitamin D.

In some cases, it applies symptomatic treatment with the help of drugs from the group of analgesics to reduce the manifestations of pain in arthritis, as well as maintenance drugs from the group of sedatives.


Indication for use surgical treatment is the presence of a serious irreversible deformation of the joints of the fingers, which prevents the normal performance of even elementary actions. In the required volume, resections of the phalanges of the fingers are carried out along with the affected joints.


Physiotherapy is an indispensable component of arthritis therapy, but it is possible only after the removal of acute manifestations of the pathology. AT different combinations use such therapeutic methods as: hydrotherapy, mud applications, ultrasound, UHF, magnetotherapy, exposure to low-frequency pulsed currents, electrophoresis.


Appoint balanced diet With high content vegetables, fruits, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is believed that a mixture of carrot, cucumber and beet juice is very useful for arthritis of the fingers, beetroot juice(after cooking, it should be put in the refrigerator and insisted for about 2-3 hours to volatilize toxic components), grapefruit, chokeberry, garlic, eggplant, blueberries, plums, sorrel, apples, cherries (20 berries a day, in summer), currants, sea buckthorn. It is advisable to exclude legumes, saturated meat broths, sausages, fried fish, alcohol, and coffee from your own diet. In the event of an exacerbation of the pathology in the absence of contraindications (no more than once every 3 months), you can follow a diet for one week - a raw food diet, when the diet consists exclusively of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Therapeutic exercises to develop damaged joints can be used !!!only during remission!!! when there are no swelling and the pain subsides, during exacerbations, such exercises are categorically contraindicated. Such exercises allow you to return the lost range of motion in the joint, improve blood supply and innervation of the joints. A set of exercises is performed only on the recommendation of a doctor, in a sitting or standing position, the complex consists in repeating each of the exercises 4-5 times, while it is unacceptable to perform when pain in the joints occurs:

    Without tension, stretch your arms in front of you and slowly perform rotations in a large arc in wrist joints, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

    Squeeze and then unclench your fingers.

    Stretch your arms bent at the elbows in front of you, lowering your palms down, bend your hands at the wrist joints to the right and left.

    Perform the first exercise again with rotational movements.

    Relax your wrists.

The components of complex therapy described above are effective only if they are persistently and strictly observed and systematically implemented. Arthritis is a pathology that is characterized by a very slow retreat, but if there is no proper treatment, it progresses very rapidly. Everyone needs to remember this.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joints. It affects any of them, but most often the small joints of the fingers are affected. Women suffer from arthritis twice or even three times more often than men, and statistics say that every seventh citizen of the planet Earth feels all the "charms" of this disease.

But in patients with the problem of arthritis of the joints of the fingers, treatment can be successful if it is started in a timely manner, carried out promptly and comprehensively. Such an attitude can save the patient from the onset of immobility and, as a result, disability. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should not self-medicate, but urgently consult a doctor.

What it is?

Arthritis of the fingers is inflammatory disease articular or periarticular tissue. Under the influence of inflammation, the cartilage tissue of the joint becomes thinner, becomes supple and gradually collapses. The reason for this can be completely different, from violations in the work immune system, to a banal cold or flu.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the disease may be as follows:

  1. Infectious diseases: brucellosis and gonorrhea, influenza and scarlet fever, syphilis and tuberculosis, dysentery and chlamydia. Also small lesions such as chronic tonsillitis. The causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci.
  2. General metabolic disorders cause non-infectious arthritis. This form of the disease affects more often older people who have occupational diseases, disorders of the endocrine glands, who had microtraumas;
  3. Postponed injuries of the joints, bruises and operations on them.

It is impossible to discount hereditary predisposition, although it is also wrong to say that arthritis is inherited.

Finger arthritis symptoms

The general symptoms of the disease may vary depending on what caused it. But at the same time, there are common signs that are characteristic of arthritis of the fingers on the hands of any etiology:

  1. Joints with arthritis of the hands are affected symmetrically, subcutaneous nodules may appear;
  2. The response of the joints to changes in the weather, as well as to changes atmospheric pressure;
  3. Pain syndrome. Pain accompanies arthritis of any etiology. As a rule, initially the pain is acute and appears at night. Then the movements of the joints become painful or the pain begins after the transferred load on the joints. Since arthritis is characterized by a progression with a gradual capture of new joints into the pathological process, painful manifestations also “flow” along the hand.
  4. The skin on the knuckles and around the affected joints becomes red, hot to the touch, stretched;
  5. Stiffness of the hands, inability to move the fingers, this symptom is especially pronounced in the morning, immediately after waking up. The sensation is as if a narrow glove were put on the hand. Often, in order to perform elementary self-service actions, a person needs to first develop brushes and fingers;
  6. Edema and swelling are formed around the joints. This makes the hands look like pillows, the fingers thicken;
  7. Body temperature rises locally - in the place where the diseased joint is located. But sometimes, for example, with an infectious or rheumatoid arthritis, the general body temperature may increase, fever is often observed;
  8. During the movement of the fingers, a characteristic articular creak can be heard - crepitus. It should not be confused with regular clicks, which are the norm.

Sometimes there is a loss of body weight associated with the inflammatory process occurring in the body, as well as fast fatiguability and weakness. More often, these symptoms are observed in rheumatoid arthritis. Hands become spindle-shaped.


Only a competent rheumatologist or arthrologist can correctly determine the etiological form of finger arthritis.

During the initial examination, attention is drawn to the relationship of the onset of arthritis with acute or chronic diseases patient, the number and symmetry of joint damage, the presence of deformity, the nature of pain, extra-articular manifestations and other clinical signs. If necessary, the patient should be consulted by a traumatologist, an allergist-immunologist.

Required diagnostic complex includes radiography of the fingers and toes, ultrasound of small joints, MRI, CT. A biochemical blood test involves determining the level of uric acid, CRP, fibrinogen, rheumatoid factor, sialic acid, seromucoid, cryoglobulins, CEC, etc. To confirm the diagnosis and etiology of arthritis of the fingers, it is important to study the synovial fluid obtained using percutaneous aspiration under ultrasound control.

How to treat arthritis in fingers?

Arthritis of the joints of the hands is very important to diagnose at an early stage and choose an individual treatment. Only then can the patient be cured. Correct diagnosis will determine the cause of the disease and the type of arthritis (and there are up to 150 of them).

Drug treatment of the local form of the disease is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Medicines based on chondoprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. A feature of the use of funds is a long duration of admission - at least 3-4 months. During this period, the tissues of hyaline cartilage are able to largely restore their structure.
  2. During the acute phase of the disease, a course of NSAIDs (ketonal, ibuprofen, voltaren, ibuclin, diclofenac) is required. Preparations of this series are especially indicated for patients with severe pain, redness of the skin, and swelling.
  3. Systemic antibiotics (penicillins and macrolides) can be prescribed for the bacterial nature of the disease.
  4. Vasodilators (trental, actovegin, teonikol). applied in the form intramuscular injections, intravenous infusions up to 10 sessions.
  5. Corticosteroids and antimalarials (plaquenil, methylprednisolone) are used extremely rarely in case of persistent and severe course diseases.
  6. Vitamin complexes, calcium preparations.
  7. Physiotherapeutic methods - warming up, paraffin therapy, magnetotherapy, hydrotherapy, etc.
  8. Manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy.

External therapy may include the use of drugs with NSAIDs (ointment diclofenac, diclak, fastum-gel, longevity, etc.). This treatment is preferable to oral NSAIDs because it has less adverse effect on gastrointestinal tract. good effect gives the use of liquid "Bishofite" when used in the form of applications or baths for hands. Rubbing warming creams, ointments with bee or snake venom, lotions with a solution of dimexide and novocaine are also practiced.

Exercise therapy for arthritis

  1. Without tension, stretch your arms in front of you, and slowly, with a large amplitude, rotate in the wrist joints, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  2. Squeeze and unclench your fingers.
  3. Extend the arms bent at the elbows in front of you, lower the palms down, bend the hands to the left and right in the wrist joints.
  4. Repeat exercise 1 again - rotational movements.
  5. Relax your hands.

Therapeutic exercises for the development of diseased joints are indicated during remission, when there is no swelling and pain subsides, during exacerbations, exercises are contraindicated. Exercises help restore the lost range of motion, improve the innervation and blood supply to the joints.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also provides many useful recipes in the fight against the disease. With the help of unconventional methods, you can effectively deal with the symptomatic manifestations of arthritis at home, in addition, some herbs effectively relieve inflammation and regulate metabolism.

You can use the following recipes:

  • Potato compresses are good for pain relief. How to make it: Wash the potatoes and chop them together with the peel. Put everything in water and bring to a temperature of 38 degrees. Taking out the potatoes, without squeezing, put in a burlap bag. It is better if this bag is sewn in the shape of a hand. Gently put on your hand, wrap with a plastic bag. With a compress, you can walk all day or go to bed. Apply at night, seven times. If the pain disappears in the first days, then continue to do the compress. Daily use of potato juice relieves pain and restores joint flexibility. Cut a few medium potatoes into thin slices with the skin on, put in cold water for the night. Strain in the morning and drink on an empty stomach.
  • Mustard ointment: on a bottle of 70% medical alcohol we take 50 ml of camphor oil, here we add 50 g of dry mustard powder. We mix all the components, add separately beaten whites of 2 eggs, mix. We put this ointment on gauze, which we wrap around the sore spot, fix it and sleep at night with such a compress.
  • Treatment with bees - apitherapy or bee stings have been treated for a long time. In fact, apitherapy is similar to medicinal acupuncture. Bee venom is injected into biologically active points, which provokes blood flow to the affected area and, as a result: pain relief, removal of puffiness, improvement of metabolism.
  • We heat the sea salt in the oven, wrap it in a cloth, put it on sore joints, put a layer of cotton wool on top, put on cotton gloves. Hold the compress for an hour, then rub the joints clean fir oil, which does not need to drip more than 5 drops on each hand.
  • Honey has antiseptic properties and cinnamon has antioxidant properties. A reliable remedy for pain relief is a honey compress. One st. l. honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard. Heat the mixture and apply to the joints for 1 hour. Repeat daily. A mixture of honey and cinnamon, from 1 tbsp. l. honey and ½ tsp. cinnamon should be taken daily on an empty stomach.

All folk remedies can only be used as a preventive and temporary measure. To avoid unpleasant consequences even in the early stages of the development of arthritis in the articular tissues of the finger, you should seek specialized help.


In the case when the disease develops in the elderly or after an injury, its main unpleasant consequence is the curvature of the fingers and the deformity of the hand. This leads to loss of working capacity and disability of the patient. It is also dangerous when arthritis becomes chronic. In this case, pain occurs periodically, and the process of destruction bone tissue flows unnoticed.


  • Don't transfer colds"on foot".
  • Go in for sports.
  • When working at a computer, periodically practice qigong exercises for the hands, or use certain mudras for the hands.
  • Include foods rich in omega fatty acids in your diet.
  • Do not lean on dishes from fatty meats or fish.

Thus, arthritis of the joints of the fingers is a disease that can have many causes. Each of them requires its own approach both in the diet and in the set of drugs for treatment. The main thing is to pay attention to the disease in time, as it tends to progress, and this can lead to a complete loss of the ability to serve oneself.

Arthritis of the hands is an inflammatory process localized in the corresponding joints. Arthritis of the hands and fingers is a common disease. According to the latest data, this disease affects every seventh inhabitant of the planet. In most cases, women are affected, almost five times more often than men. Doctors explain this by the fact that women, due to the peculiarities of their professional and household activities, are more often engaged in small manual labor. Arthritis usually affects the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

This disease proceeds with inflammatory changes and, as a rule, is secondary, that is, a consequence of an already existing disease. For example, arthritis of the hands is observed in rheumatic, infectious and metabolic disorders. The disease is socially significant, as it often leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to work and self-service, becomes disabled.

Symptoms of arthritis in fingers and hands

Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on what caused it.

But at the same time, there are common signs that are characteristic of arthritis of the hands of any etiology:

    The pain that a person experiences when performing any action with his hands. At the initial stage of the disease, it may be mild, but as the pathogenesis develops, the discomfort becomes stronger. At first, the pain manifests itself only in the morning hours, after the person has remained motionless for a long time, and disappears after 30 minutes. Often, patients call the pain that occurs in the joints of the fingers, an ache, which clearly indicates its nature. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a burning sensation and tingling;

    The response of the joints to the change of weather, as well as to changes in atmospheric pressure;

    Stiffness of the hands, inability to move the fingers, this symptom is especially pronounced in the morning, immediately after waking up. The sensation is as if a narrow glove were put on the hand. Often, in order to perform elementary self-service actions, a person needs to first develop brushes and fingers;

    The skin on the knuckles and around the affected joints becomes red, hot to the touch, stretched;

    Edema and swelling are formed around the joints. This makes the hands look like pillows, the fingers thicken;

    Body temperature rises locally - in the place where the diseased joint is located. But sometimes, for example, with an infectious or, the overall body temperature may increase, it is often observed;

    Joints with arthritis of the hands are affected symmetrically;

    During the movement of the fingers, a characteristic articular creak can be heard - crepitus. It should not be confused with regular clicks, which are the norm;

    Subcutaneous nodules may appear;

    Sometimes there is a loss of body weight associated with the inflammatory process occurring in the body, as well as fatigue and weakness. More often, these symptoms are observed in rheumatoid arthritis. Hands become spindle-shaped.

Causes of Hand Arthritis

As the main factors leading to arthritis of the joints of the hands, the following reasons can be distinguished:

    Age. The older a person is, the more his joints wear out, the nature of the damage is mechanical. In addition, with age, the metabolism slows down somewhat, cartilage does not receive nutrients in the proper amount (due to circulatory disorders). In women, arthritis of the hands occurs due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in their body during the period, which negatively affects the condition of the joint and bone tissues;

    One of the most common causes of hand arthritis is a previous injury. It could be cracks. They, of course, heal over time, but damage remains on the joints, which, over the years, resemble arthritis;

    Working conditions affect the incidence of hand arthritis. So, this pathology is considered an occupational disease of seamstresses, jewelers, tennis players and all other people whose activities are related to the fact that the fingers and hands are in tension all the time;

    hereditary predisposition. Scientists have found that if blood relatives suffered from arthritis, then their descendants, most likely, will also be susceptible to this disease;

    Decreased immunity can provoke inflammation of small joints;

    Previous infectious disease. Often, damage to the joints of the hand occurs after a person has had a sore throat, the causative agent of which was streptococcus or. Especially often, such complications occur against the background of improper therapy of the disease. But the cause of the development of inflammation can be the usual SARS, as well as hypothermia;

    Allergic reactions.

    There is a built-in implant that falls under the area of ​​influence;

    There are skin diseases.

No less popular in the treatment of hand joints is ultrasound. It helps relieve spasms, restore mobility to the fingers, and reduce pain. However, this method of treatment can be used only when the acute stage of the disease has passed, since exposure to ultrasound affects the degree of vascular permeability. Although this method is highly effective, it also has a number of contraindications, such as menopause, and other diseases.

Thus, ultrasound therapy and electrophoresis are considered the most effective for arthritis of the fingers and hands. These are the two most commonly used methods of adjuvant therapy for arthritis of the hands in modern domestic medicine. Although in other countries other methods are followed. So, in China, acupuncture is used to treat arthritis of the hands. However, only complex therapy is able to save a person from pain and inflammation in the joints.

Treatment depending on the stage of the disease

During acute period anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as painkillers are prescribed. The form can be any: injections, ointments, tablets. It is selected individually for each patient.

When a period of remission sets in, the swelling subsides, the pain subsides, and the joint itself is not inflamed, then it is necessary to actively restore the joint and at the same time eliminate the cause of the arthritis. If inflammation began against the background of gout, then purine metabolism in the body should be normalized, which will reduce the level of uric acid. To do this, you must follow a diet. With rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to normalize the work as a whole. It is at the stage of remission that a course of physiotherapy is prescribed.

If the patient asked for help too late, when the fusion of the phalanges of the fingers occurred, then endoprosthesis will need to be performed.

Endoprosthetics of the joints of the fingers

This procedure is effective in the treatment of most joint diseases. But it is prescribed when other methods of therapy do not give the desired effect. Before replacing even a small finger joint with a prosthesis, the patient is fully examined. Each artificial joint is developed individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person.

The task of arthroplasty is to restore the functionality of the hands. After the operation, the person will be able to perform self-care activities. However, this procedure has significant drawbacks - high cost and a long rehabilitation period.

How is finger arthroplasty performed?

    An incision is made on the dorsal-lateral surface of the hand, then the joint capsule is opened;

    The heads of the bones are removed, in the same way as the phalanges of the fingers, but usually not completely, but partially. The decision is made by the doctor;

    The prostheses are installed in the dilated canals.

After a successful operation and a course of rehabilitation, a person will be able to restore the motor activity of the hands and significantly improve the quality of life. Also, he will no longer be tormented by long-term pain that causes arthritis of the hands at the last stage.

However, there are a number of contraindications to the operation of arthroplasty:

    Any skin infections until the moment of complete recovery from them;

    Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (meaning severe forms in which a person cannot endure anesthesia);

    Broncho-pulmonary diseases;

    Psychoneurological deviations;

If earlier the problem of replacing the native joint with an artificial one could not be resolved due to the fact that the prosthesis was often rejected by the body, now orthopedic surgeons in most cases perform the operation successfully. The joints themselves are made of special materials that have increased strength and at the same time perfectly take root in the human body.

diet for arthritis

There are certain foods that are able to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. These include:

    sea ​​fish with high content fat. It can be representatives of the salmon family, tuna, sardines;

    Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. These are papaya, kiwi, peaches and .;

    We should not forget about apples, which contain elements that help relieve inflammation in the joints and restore cartilage tissue;

    Nuts and seeds. Preference should be given. But it is important that the nuts are not salty, since salt in large quantities is forbidden for people with arthritis;

    Foods such as ginger and turmeric will not only reduce inflammation but also help reduce pain;

    All foods containing saturated fats. These include fatty meats and delicacies, offal, margarine baked goods;

    Alcoholic drinks;

    Chocolate, cocoa, gingerbread, cookies, condensed milk;

Each of us has experienced disfigured limbs in the elderly. Most likely, senile changes led to similar processes. But it is not always the case. What is the cause of these changes and what is arthritis?

Arthritis refers to the process when the joints of the fingers or knees become inflamed. It can develop anywhere on the body, but most often affects the small joints of the hands. Women are more at risk than men. Inflammation of the joints of the fingers occurs in a greater number of cases, since at the time of menopause there are irreversible hormonal disorders, which leads to changes in bone tissue. According to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet can have such a disease.

Causes and symptoms of arthritis of the fingers and hands

Signs of arthritis of the joints of the hand depend on the nature and background of development, therefore, with arthritis of the fingers, the symptoms and treatment are closely related.

If the joint on the finger of the hand is inflamed, the person first of all feels severe pain with any hand movements. initial stage characterized by mild symptoms, which increases with the development of pathogenesis.

Unpleasant sensations occur after sleep or after the joints have been motionless for a long time. The resulting pain resembles an ache, which may be accompanied by burning and tingling.

Symptoms of finger arthritis, regardless of its cause, are as follows:

  • Sensitivity of the joints of the hands to changes in atmospheric pressure, as well as the weather.
  • The hands are shackled. A person cannot perform elementary self-service actions. To restore the activity of the hand, it must be developed.
  • The skin covering the bones on the hands becomes reddish and hot, stretches.
  • The periarticular region swells. The hand feels full and swollen.
  • Inflammation of the joints of the fingers leads to an increase in body temperature in this area. Some types of hand arthritis lead to an increase in body temperature and fever.
  • Arthritis of the hands has the following feature: inflammation of the joints of the fingers passes symmetrically.
  • Articular creaks are heard. It is important not to confuse this phenomenon with clicks, which are considered the norm.
  • The appearance of nodules under the skin.
  • There is a general weakness, a person loses weight. Hands look like a spindle.

Joints in the hands can become inflamed due to a number of reasons. The most common are the features of the body. As a person ages, the joints wear out, metabolic disorders occur, in which nutrients do not enter the cartilage in the proper amount.

Hand arthritis symptoms also occur after an injury. These include a fracture, a bruise, a crack. They heal over time, but remind themselves of arthritis of the fingers.

Arthritis on the fingers can occur under certain working conditions. Most often occurs in people whose professional activities are related to constant voltage hands This includes seamstresses, jewelry craftsmen.

Scientists have found that arthritis of the hand is inherited. If the next of kin suffered from this disease, then it is highly likely that their descendants will also face such a problem.

Arthritis appears as a complication after suffering infectious disease. Inflammation of the joint of the hand can occur even after a sore throat. The development of the pathological process is also provoked by an incorrectly chosen method of treatment.

A decrease in the body's defenses provokes arthritis of the thumb. Also, the reasons include the occurrence allergic reactions, various diseases(psoriasis, diabetes, tuberculosis). Often the disease provokes a recent stressful situation.

Types of arthritis in fingers and hands

To date, the disease can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. The first form has a rapid development and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The periarticular region swells and develops strong pain. The chronic form occurs after a long period of time. Her symptoms are mild.

Depending on the cause of the development of a disease that affects the joints on large, index fingers and little fingers, secrete infectious, purulent arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. More than 150 species are known, which have various manifestations and certain methods of treatment.

Diagnosis of fingers for the presence of arthritis

Doctors who are engaged in determining the form of the disease are rheumatologists and arthrologists. The primary examination consists in determining the degree of damage to the joints of the fingers, symmetry and other characteristic clinical signs. If necessary, a consultation with a traumatologist or allergist is carried out.

Mandatory procedure - X-ray of deformed joints, ultrasound procedure, MRI and biochemical analysis blood.

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers

If you have a disease, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of arthritis of the hands should begin only after diagnostic procedures have been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Successful treatment of arthritis of the hands largely depends on the desire and efforts of the patient himself, so it is important to make adjustments to the lifestyle, namely:

  • minimize the load on the joint of the thumb;
  • do not strain the affected arm, try not to lift weights;
  • do good vacation in nighttime;
  • adhere to a special diet;
  • establish a drinking regimen, daily rate the liquid drunk should be 2 liters;

If arthritis of the hands has arisen, medication treatment can be used in combination with folk remedies.

Many are concerned about questions about how and how to treat arthritis of the joints of the fingers and inflammation. If the treatment of arthritis is timely and comprehensive, then the prognosis will also be favorable. Carefully selected treatment will help to avoid disability.

Treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers requires the use of complex therapy at the very initial stage. With arthritis of the joints of the fingers, treatment with the use of medications is fast-acting, but in severe forms of the disease, using only pills, it is completely impossible to cure. If the joint on the arm is inflamed, the treatment should be selected carefully, taking into account the personal characteristics of each individual person.

Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the hands consists in the use of several groups of medicines.

The first group of drugs nonsteroidal drugs. Treatment of inflammation of the joint on the finger involves taking aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam. The main feature of these drugs is that they can relieve pain, reduce body temperature and inflammation. The drugs are taken in short courses, due to which there is no negative impact on the body.

The second group of drugs used to treat arthritis of the hands are drugs that have a vasodilating effect, since tissue edema often occurs and the vessels are compressed, disrupting blood circulation.

The third group is muscle relaxants. They are used when there is an overstrain in the muscles adjacent to the lesion. Long-term use is not recommended, as there is a high probability of a number of negative complications.

The fourth group - steroid hormonal preparations. They are also used to treat joint inflammation in the hand. They are prescribed for severe pain syndrome. Drugs are administered as injections directly into the joint itself.

The fifth group is chondroprotectors. It is used to regenerate cartilage and relieve the symptoms of hand arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Distinctive feature drugs is that they accumulate in the body. These drugs are used for a long time, at least six months. Treatment of finger arthritis can be supplemented with ointments and creams.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

Arthritis can only be cured by complex therapy. In addition to drugs, various physiotherapeutic methods are used. The most common are massage procedures, acupuncture, ultrasound and magnetic therapy, paraffin wraps, mud therapy.

For a successful fight against the disease, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic exercises, which relieve tension and consists in using simple methods: rolling the ball, sorting out beads, squeezing and unclenching hands.

Nutrition and diet

Treatment, if the joint on the finger is inflamed, also implies the use of a certain diet. To alleviate the course of the disease, reduce swelling and pain will help the exclusion from the diet of certain foods. Under the ban are:

  • Strongly brewed tea and coffee. Provoke the accumulation of caffeine in the body (it leaches calcium). Due to this, the joints are deformed.
  • Dishes with meat. They have certain compounds that lead to joint inflammation.
  • Alcoholic drinks. They increase inflammation of the joints in the hands and thinning of tissues.
  • Chocolate. Promotes accumulation excess weight, which negatively affects the joints and leads to their deformation.
  • Salt. It is deposited in the joints and increases swelling.
  • Fast food. It provokes an increase in body weight, which leads to circulatory disorders.
  • Eggs, butter, sour cream, tomatoes, eggplant. Increase the risk of developing gout.

The above list of products is small, so the diet for arthritis of the fingers does not cause severe discomfort. A strict diet is needed only when a person has an exacerbation.

Maintaining a dietary lifestyle is a necessary condition for recovery. There are a number of products that need to be consumed by people suffering from a similar disease are salmon, papaya, almonds, apples, cabbage and ginger.

Folk methods

From arthritis of the fingers, folk remedies are used. The main remedy is the use of ointments, rubbing, lotions. Their use is recommended after prior consultation with a doctor.

Compresses are made from cabbage leaves, onions, mashed potatoes. When rubbing the brushes, mint, chestnut peel tincture is used. Baths using essential oils will help relieve symptoms.


Post-traumatic arthritis occurs after an injury, which leads to deformation of the fingers and their modification. In some cases, this interferes with professional activities and eventually leads to disability. With the transition of the disease into a chronic form, the destruction of the joints goes unnoticed.

Is it possible to prevent the onset of the disease? Yes, if applied preventive measures, such as:

  • hardening of the body with cold water;
  • daily sports and gymnastics;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • body weight control;
  • complete cessation of smoking and alcohol intake;
  • limited consumption of sweet and salty foods;
  • daily intake of several cloves of garlic.

Joint disease cannot be completely cured, but with timely therapy it is possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms and prevent the development of the pathological process.