The influence of bad habits on human health. Bad habits

The article discusses bad habits and their impact on health. It also raises the question of how harmful they are to society.

Habit is second nature

If you look at a person’s life on a global scale, then an individual performs 80% of all actions without thinking, as they say, out of inertia. After waking up, often even with eyes closed, most people go to the bathroom, wash, brush their teeth, comb their hair.

Someone just needs to open the window and breathe Fresh air. And someone simply mentally says hello to such a familiar tree that he sees every day from his window.

Morning tea or a cup of coffee is such an important habit for some that if suddenly something is disrupted in the daily routine and it is not possible to drink a hot drink, a person feels disadvantaged and overwhelmed. Some people prefer to start the day by smoking a cigarette, leafing through the press, or checking their email inbox.

For many, the habit of going to work becomes extremely ingrained. Therefore, the approach of retirement age is extremely stressful for them, unsettling the individual.

In general, habits - repeatedly repeated actions - are very important. When everything goes according to plan, without failures or hiccups, the human psyche is in a balanced state. Therefore, in many cases, habits benefit a person. They free the brain from the need to control many aspects of life.

Useful habits

And it’s very good if families have good traditions. For example, thanks to them, someone developed the habit of doing exercises every day. Without morning exercises, such people’s muscles begin to “revolt,” which require their obligatory load.

And someone, immediately after a warm shower, drinks a glass of kefir and goes to bed. This habit allows him to fall asleep instantly. A person does not spend any effort or time on this stage.

Playing any kind of sport, getting up at the same time, cleaning your home every day, keeping clothes and shoes in neat condition are also useful habits. For a person for whom all these actions have become traditional, life is much easier. He does not force himself to shine his shoes in the evenings or hang his suit in the closet - he has “absorbed” this into himself since childhood.

But the ability to write correctly and speak correctly - aren’t these habits? Of course it is! And teachers in schools are trying to force children to write, read and speak without errors precisely on an unconscious level.

Neutral Habits

Everyone knows from childhood what is good and what is not so good. Short list, given above, basically leads good habits. They are developed by customs, the need to comply with the rules of community life. After all, a self-respecting person will not go out into the street unwashed and unkempt!

However, many habits are purely individual. For example, it is very difficult for a village person to settle down in the city. Also, after moving to a new place, a person often forgets and gets on a vehicle that takes him along the old route - out of habit. After a major overhaul or a global rearrangement of furniture, people often “by inertia” look for the necessary things in the places where they lay before. Or they crash into corners that weren’t there before, bump into tables and sofas, and can’t figure out where the switches are.

Even divorce is often deeply experienced by spouses who have long ceased to love each other, because the main habit of regularly seeing the same person next to each other is destroyed. It can be extremely difficult to part with the old, learn to live in a new way, change yourself and change the direction of your old life.

And all these are neutral habits. Although getting rid of them is quite difficult, sometimes even painful. And often this can lead to depression, sometimes quite severe and long-lasting. This applies to moving, divorce, moving to a new job, etc.

That is, we are all dependent on our habits. And it’s good if they are useful, give health, strengthen family and public relations, help a person to be pleasant to others.

However, along with useful and simply neutral ones, there are bad habits. And their impact on the health of the individual himself and on the comfort of the people around him most often turns out to be very negative.

Am I disturbing anyone?

This is how people often justify their behavior when, in fact, they have long and firmly become slaves to certain and not at all positive actions. Monotonous rocking in a chair while reading or watching TV, tapping a pencil on the table, twirling hair on a finger, picking the nose (rhinotillexomania), chewing a pen, pencil or match, as well as nails and epithelium on the fingers and lips, picking the skin, spitting on the floor or asphalt on the street, cracking joints - these are also quite bad habits. And their effect on health, although not as detrimental as some others, which will be discussed below, they do not bring any benefit either. But such actions often signal frustration nervous system. And it is often not very pleasant for those around you to be with a person who performs monotonous movements, distracts those nearby or irritates them with the sound produced.

That is why children should be taught to eradicate these bad habits from childhood. And their impact on health, although not so negative, does cause some harm.

Harm from “harmless” habits

In addition to the irritating effect on others, monotonous, repeated manipulations also cause trouble for the individual himself. In fact, almost all unhealthy habits can be classified as those that ultimately turn out to be harmful.

For example, the manner of rocking on a chair contributes to quick exit failure of this piece of furniture. In addition, every lover of “riding” must have at least one fall. And the fact that it did not cause serious injury can be attributed to luck. So bruises, abrasions and bumps received from a fall are an influence bad habits to your health, no matter how some people justify their behavior.

And besides, adults, swinging on chairs themselves, serve bad example children who will definitely repeat their actions. But for kids it can be almost impossible to fall without consequences...

Constantly biting your lips risks the fact that open micro-wounds will become a “gateway” for a variety of infections, including AIDS and syphilis. And although domestic infection These ailments are a fairly rare occurrence; they almost always occur through wounds on the lips.

And it calms me down!

Here is another excuse that, according to slaves of their habits, supposedly justifies their actions. Having explained her position, the fat woman hobbles over and over again to the refrigerator, buys a dozen cakes in the store or takes out another candy from the box.

Another part of the world's population prefers to relieve stress by shopping. The result is shopaholism, or shopping mania, that is, an obsessive addiction. Sometimes it is called oniomania.

Psychiatrists also note addiction to TV, the Internet, and games (gambling addiction). And if at first people resort to their “sedatives” only in moments of greatest excitement or for the sake of relaxation, then very soon they can no longer imagine life without them. All other values ​​fade into the background, all the time is devoted only to these hobbies.

Skeptics may sarcastically ask: “And what is the harmful effect of bad habits on the human body and health? How can love for TV or a computer be harmful? Why are they so bad for health?” The answer is simple: a regime failure, a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle becomes predominant, which causes physical inactivity, a complete refusal to walk, or communicate with real people. As a result, mental deviations are noted. Isn't this the most terrible disease century?

Eat and eat, don’t listen to anyone!

An equally dangerous way to relieve stress is overeating. Especially the addiction to sweets and starchy foods has an extremely detrimental effect on the human body. And scientists are already tired of talking about this, discussing two important topics - bad habits and human health.

How to stay healthy if constant stress pushes you to eat something tasty to calm down? To be honest, this is very difficult to do. Almost impossible. Overeating and health are two mutually exclusive positions in human life. That is, you can say this: if you want to live, eat less! By the way, there is another postulate regarding nutrition. It no longer relies on the amount of food eaten, but on the composition of the food. Floury, sweet, fatty, fried, spicy - all these are enemies of health. Moreover, the enemies are cunning, hiding under the guise of good friends who can bring pleasure and help get rid of a bad mood.

Most are too fat people They don’t want to take responsibility for their health. They believe that appearance is not at all that important, and being overweight is not a sign of poor health. And such people justify themselves by the fact that feeling unwell It is not they themselves who are to blame, nor bad habits and their impact on health. Heredity - that's it main reason, in their opinion, and excessive fullness, and heaviness in the legs, and the occurrence serious illnesses spine, digestive system and the appearance of the disease of the century - diabetes.

What's wrong with shopping?

In principle, for ordinary person who visits outlets as needed, there is nothing wrong with this action. But for those who should be diagnosed with shopping addiction, there is a real danger. It is, of course, not associated with death or loss of physical health. But someone who has become dependent on shopaholism cannot be considered mentally healthy. Together with gambling addiction, these two addictions are included in the list called “Bad Habits”. And their impact on human health is by no means positive.

Firstly, the emergence of attachment, and then dependence on the need to constantly make purchases, is a signal of a person’s depressed state.

Secondly, subject to this bad habit The individual eventually reaches the so-called finish line, when he suddenly discovers that he has run out of funds for new acquisitions. This is fraught with the fact that a person begins to cut his budget, which could be used to buy medicine, food, and necessary clothing. Naturally, this will definitely affect his physical health. But with the last (sometimes borrowed) money, the shopaddict again acquires absolutely unnecessary things.

Thirdly, a shopaholic is in a critical situation when he discovers complete absence purchasing power, will inevitably fall into even greater depression, which can easily lead to suicide or lead to other terrible extremes - alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.

When discussing the harmful effects of bad habits on health, such a seemingly harmless addiction cannot be discounted. Although shopping addiction is not officially recognized as a disease, in America and England there are ongoing serious research in this area. AND Negative influence this mental disorder has already been proven.

The most bad habits and their impact on health

Drug addiction, smoking, substance abuse and alcoholism are considered the most terrible vices. They not only relate to a person’s mental illness, but also have a destructive effect on the intellect and physical condition. When considering bad habits (alcoholism) and their impact on human health, one should also take into account the fact that many crimes are committed precisely in an inadequate state after consuming these poisons.

Harmful substances entering the body destroy brain cells, resulting in their death. It is almost impossible to restore them. A drug addict, alcoholic, or substance abuser loses his intellectual abilities over time, sometimes turning into a person who is unable to carry out the simplest mental work.

There may also be complete or partial personality degradation. You can often see a person who has sunk to the brink - dirty, tattered and overgrown - begging passers-by on the street for money for a bottle, another dose or a tube of glue. Usually such people can no longer feel shame, and their self-esteem is irretrievably lost.

Degraded people are capable of stealing, beating or even killing not only a stranger, but also loved one. There are cases where a mother took the life of her own child, and a father beat the newborn half to death. It is also no secret that some parents sell their children both to work “on the panel” and just like that, for unknown purposes: for organs, for export abroad, for the amusement of sadists.

Tobacco smoking, although it does not cause such pronounced personality degradation, also destroys health and also harms others. It is known that smokers often develop cancer, vascular disease, heart disease, and bone tissue destruction.

Fighting the worst vices

It should be noted right away that fighting drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism on a personal level is extremely difficult. Except psychological work, here it is necessary to remove chemical dependence. The body, accustomed to regularly receiving toxic substances, produces an antidote. As a result, even if the patient decides to give up his addiction, he begins to experience severe consequences poisoning with substances that the body itself produces to combat poisons. And severe withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction and hangovers in alcoholics provoke severe physical conditions, sometimes even causing death. But more often it contributes to a return to the old ways.

A separate point is the attitude towards the harmful addictions of young people: children, teenagers, boys and young girls. After all, they get used to it faster, and poisons have a stronger effect on the unformed organism. Therefore, it should be taken into account that bad habits and their impact on the health of adolescents are the number one problem today. After all, they are the very gene pool that will become a priority in the next decade.

That's why the best option in this situation, it is an appeal to experienced doctors who first purify the patient’s blood, then prescribe drug treatment coupled with psychological effects.

It's easier to prevent than to cure

Most the best way making the nation healthy and free from alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as smoking is the prevention of bad habits. How to take measures to prevent the occurrence of these dependencies?

You need to start from early childhood. And not only by conversations, video demonstrations, but, more importantly, by personal example. It has been proven that in families where there are alcoholics, the risk that teenagers will start drinking alcohol is much higher than in families where adults lead healthy image life. The same applies to smoking, substance abuse, overeating, Internet addiction, shopaholism and other vices. Naturally, you need to constantly talk about this, discuss with your child bad habits and their impact on health.

Prevention also includes keeping the individual busy. This also applies to the entire spectrum of bad habits and people of all ages. The main reason for their appearance is depression and mental disharmony. A person suddenly begins to feel useless, he is bored.

Sports, creativity, physical labor, and tourism give an individual a feeling of fullness of life and interest in himself and other people. He lives full life, from which even a minute to spend on a useless and harmful activity is an unacceptable luxury.

Briefly about the main thing

All bad habits arise from a loss of interest in life, from mental imbalance, and a failure in the balance between expectations and reality. Therefore, people who know how to deal with life’s difficulties, achieve their goals by increasing the load, work, struggle, do not look for doping from the outside, do not try to forget themselves computer games, shopping, eating, smoking, drinking and so on. They understand that these temporary escapes from reality do not fight the problem itself, but only push its solution even further.

It is very important to be able to set life goals for yourself, find a useful hobby for relaxation, give vent to accumulated emotions through creativity, communication with interesting people. Don't dwell on your problems. Looking around, everyone can see someone who is having an even more difficult time and lend a helping hand. And then your own troubles will seem like a mere trifle.

Man is a great miracle of nature. The rationality and perfection of his anatomy and physiology, his functionality, strength and endurance are amazing. Evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are determined by the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, ability to adapt and compensate. Extremely large overall information capacity human brain. It consists of 30 billion. nerve cells. The “pantry” of human memory is designed to store a huge amount of information. Scientists have calculated that if a person could fully use his memory, he would be able to remember the contents of 100 thousand articles of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, in addition, master the programs of three institutes and be fluent in six foreign languages. However, according to psychologists, a person uses only 30-40% of his memory during his life.

Nature created man for a long and happy life. Academician N. M. Amosov claims that the safety margin of a person’s “structure” has a coefficient of about 10, that is, his organs and systems can carry loads and withstand stress approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to face in life. normal everyday life.

The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on the lifestyle, on everyday behavior, on the habits that he acquires, on the ability to wisely manage potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives.

However, it should be noted that a number of habits that a person can begin to acquire during his school years and which he then cannot get rid of throughout his life seriously harm his health. They contribute to the rapid consumption of a person’s full potential, premature aging and the acquisition of persistent diseases. These habits primarily include smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Smokers become heavy smokers on average 3–5 years after the first puff, become alcoholics after 1–2 years of regular drinking, and a person of any age becomes a drug addict within a few weeks. Some drugs (heroin) can become addictive within a few days (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1

Life expectancy with dangerous habits

2.1 Alcohol and its effects on the human body

Alcohol, or alcohol, is a narcotic poison; it acts primarily on brain cells, paralyzing them. A dose of 7-8 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight is lethal for humans. According to the World Health Organization, alcoholism claims about 6 million human lives every year.

Alcohol has a deep and long-lasting weakening effect on the body. For example, only 80g of alcohol lasts for a whole day. Taking even small doses of alcohol reduces performance and leads to fatigue, absent-mindedness, and makes it difficult to correctly perceive events.

Some people consider alcohol to be a miracle drug that can cure almost all diseases. Meanwhile, research by specialists has shown that alcoholic drinks do not have any healing properties. Scientists have also proven that there are no safe doses of alcohol; already 100g of vodka destroys 7.5 thousand actively working brain cells.

Alcohol- an intracellular poison that has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, a painful addiction to it develops. The sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed is lost.

Impairments in balance, attention, clarity of perception of the environment, and coordination of movements that occur during intoxication often become the cause of accidents. According to official data, 400 thousand injuries sustained while intoxicated are recorded annually in the United States. In Moscow, up to 30% of those admitted to hospitals with severe injuries are people who are intoxicated.

Alcoholism is the third leading cause of early mortality in the world.

Every year on the planet from alcohol intoxication 5–6 million people die from poisoning. According to scientists' forecasts, by 2010. this figure will double.

Alcohol reduces life expectancy by an average of 10–12 years.

Among the factors that negatively affect demographics (normal birth, formation, development of the population), 90% are due to alcohol.

Alcohol, like any drug, has two phases development.

Phase 1. A few minutes after drinking an alcoholic drink, a person feels warmth, a surge of strength, and excitement. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels, increased blood circulation, and additional oxygen flow to the tissues. Similar condition does not last long and is replaced by the second phase.

Phase 2. It is characterized by a narrowing of blood vessels, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in blood pressure. Alcohol depresses the activity of the central nervous system, including the centers regulating respiratory and cardiac activity. It slows down a person’s reaction speed, coordination of movements is impaired, the skin of the face turns red, and the face swells.

The effect of alcohol on the liver is especially harmful; with prolonged use, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver develop. Alcohol causes (including in young people) disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone, heart rate, metabolism in the tissues of the heart and brain, irreversible changes in the cells of these tissues. Hypertension, coronary heart disease and other cardiac lesions vascular system are twice as likely to cause death in those who drink alcohol as in non-drinkers. Alcohol has a harmful effect on the endocrine glands and primarily on the sex glands; decreased sexual function is observed in 1/3 of people who abuse alcohol. Alcoholism significantly affects the structure of population mortality (Fig. 5.2).

Before you take a glass of alcohol, no matter who offers it, think: either you want to be healthy, cheerful, able to make your desires come true, or from this step you will begin to destroy yourself. Think and make the right decision.

Rice. 5.1 The effect of alcohol on the human body

The article discusses bad habits and their impact on health. It also raises the question of how harmful they are to society.

Habit is second nature

If you look at a person’s life on a global scale, then an individual performs 80% of all actions without thinking, as they say, out of inertia. After waking up, often even with their eyes closed, most people go to the bathroom, wash, brush their teeth, and comb their hair.

Some people just need to open the window and breathe in fresh air. And someone simply mentally says hello to such a familiar tree that he sees every day from his window.

Morning tea or a cup of coffee is such an important habit for some that if suddenly something is disrupted in the daily routine and it is not possible to drink a hot drink, a person feels disadvantaged and overwhelmed. Some people prefer to start the day by smoking a cigarette, leafing through the press, or checking their email inbox.

For many, the habit of going to work becomes extremely ingrained. Therefore, the approach of retirement age is extremely stressful for them, unsettling the individual.

In general, habits - repeatedly repeated actions - are very important. When everything goes according to plan, without failures or hiccups, the human psyche is in a balanced state. Therefore, in many cases, habits benefit a person. They free the brain from the need to control many aspects of life.

Useful habits

And it’s very good if families have good traditions. For example, thanks to them, someone developed the habit of doing exercises every day. Without morning exercises, such people’s muscles begin to “revolt,” which require their obligatory load.

And someone, immediately after a warm shower, drinks a glass of kefir and goes to bed. This habit allows him to fall asleep instantly. A person does not spend any effort or time on this stage.

Playing any kind of sport, getting up at the same time, cleaning your home every day, keeping clothes and shoes in neat condition are also useful habits. For a person for whom all these actions have become traditional, life is much easier. He does not force himself to shine his shoes in the evenings or hang his suit in the closet - he has “absorbed” this into himself since childhood.

But the ability to write correctly and speak correctly - aren’t these habits? Of course it is! And teachers in schools are trying to force children to write, read and speak without errors precisely on an unconscious level.

Neutral Habits

Everyone knows from childhood what is good and what is not so good. The short list above is mostly about good habits. They are developed by customs, the need to comply with the rules of community life. After all, a self-respecting person will not go out into the street unwashed and unkempt!

However, many habits are purely individual. For example, it is very difficult for a village person to settle down in the city. Also, after moving to a new place, a person often forgets and gets on a vehicle that takes him along the old route - out of habit. After a major overhaul or a global rearrangement of furniture, people often “by inertia” look for the necessary things in the places where they lay before. Or they crash into corners that weren’t there before, bump into tables and sofas, and can’t figure out where the switches are.

Even divorce is often deeply experienced by spouses who have long ceased to love each other, because the main habit of regularly seeing the same person next to each other is destroyed. It can be extremely difficult to part with the old, learn to live in a new way, change yourself and change the direction of your old life.

And all these are neutral habits. Although getting rid of them is quite difficult, sometimes even painful. And often this can lead to depression, sometimes quite severe and long-lasting. This applies to moving, divorce, moving to a new job, etc.

That is, we are all dependent on our habits. And it’s good if they are useful, give health, strengthen family and social ties, and help a person to be pleasant to others.

However, along with useful and simply neutral ones, there are bad habits. And their impact on the health of the individual himself and on the comfort of the people around him most often turns out to be very negative.

Am I disturbing anyone?

This is how people often justify their behavior when, in fact, they have long and firmly become slaves to certain and not at all positive actions. Monotonous rocking in a chair while reading or watching TV, tapping a pencil on the table, twirling hair on a finger, picking the nose (rhinotillexomania), chewing a pen, pencil or match, as well as nails and epithelium on the fingers and lips, picking the skin, spitting on the floor or asphalt on the street, cracking joints - these are also quite bad habits. And their effect on health, although not as detrimental as some others, which will be discussed below, they do not bring any benefit either. But such actions often signal a disorder of the nervous system. And it is often not very pleasant for those around you to be with a person who performs monotonous movements, distracts those nearby or irritates them with the sound produced.

That is why children should be taught to eradicate these bad habits from childhood. And their impact on health, although not so negative, does cause some harm.

Harm from “harmless” habits

In addition to the irritating effect on others, monotonous, repeated manipulations also cause trouble for the individual himself. In fact, almost all unhealthy habits can be classified as those that ultimately turn out to be harmful.

For example, the manner of rocking on a chair contributes to the rapid failure of this piece of furniture. In addition, every lover of “riding” must have at least one fall. And the fact that it did not cause serious injury can be attributed to luck. So bruises, abrasions and bumps received from a fall are the influence of bad habits on health, no matter how some people justify their behavior.

And besides, adults, swinging on chairs themselves, set a bad example for children, who will certainly repeat their actions. But for kids it can be almost impossible to fall without consequences...

Constantly biting your lips risks the fact that open micro-wounds will become a “gateway” for a variety of infections, including AIDS and syphilis. And although household infection with these ailments is quite rare, it almost always occurs through wounds on the lips.

And it calms me down!

Here is another excuse that, according to slaves of their habits, supposedly justifies their actions. Having explained her position, the fat woman hobbles over and over again to the refrigerator, buys a dozen cakes in the store or takes out another candy from the box.

Another part of the world's population prefers to relieve stress by shopping. The result is shopaholism, or shopping mania, that is, an obsessive addiction. Sometimes it is called oniomania.

Psychiatrists also note addiction to TV, the Internet, and games (gambling addiction). And if at first people resort to their “sedatives” only in moments of greatest excitement or for the sake of relaxation, then very soon they can no longer imagine life without them. All other values ​​fade into the background, all the time is devoted only to these hobbies.

Skeptics may sarcastically ask: “And what is the harmful effect of bad habits on the human body and health? How can love for TV or a computer be harmful? Why are they so bad for health?” The answer is simple: a failure of the regime, a sedentary or lying down lifestyle becomes predominant, which is why physical inactivity develops, a complete refusal to walk, or communicate with real people. As a result, mental deviations are noted. Isn't this the most terrible disease of the century?

Eat and eat, don’t listen to anyone!

An equally dangerous way to relieve stress is overeating. Especially the addiction to sweets and starchy foods has an extremely detrimental effect on the human body. And scientists are already tired of talking about this, discussing two important topics - bad habits and human health.

How to stay healthy if constant stress pushes you to eat something tasty to calm down? To be honest, this is very difficult to do. Almost impossible. Overeating and health are two mutually exclusive positions in human life. That is, you can say this: if you want to live, eat less! By the way, there is another postulate regarding nutrition. It no longer relies on the amount of food eaten, but on the composition of the food. Floury, sweet, fatty, fried, spicy - all these are enemies of health. Moreover, the enemies are cunning, hiding under the guise of good friends who can bring pleasure and help get rid of a bad mood.

Most overweight people do not want to take responsibility for their health. They believe that appearance is not so important at all, and being overweight is not a sign of poor health. And such people justify themselves by the fact that it is not they themselves who are to blame for poor health, but not bad habits and their impact on health. Heredity is the main reason, in their opinion, for excessive obesity, heaviness in the legs, and the occurrence of serious diseases of the spine, digestive system and the appearance of the disease of the century - diabetes.

What's wrong with shopping?

In principle, for an ordinary person who visits retail outlets as needed, there is nothing wrong with this action. But for those who should be diagnosed with shopping addiction, there is a real danger. It is, of course, not associated with death or loss of physical health. But someone who has become dependent on shopaholism cannot be considered mentally healthy. Together with gambling addiction, these two addictions are included in the list called “Bad Habits”. And their impact on human health is by no means positive.

Firstly, the emergence of attachment, and then dependence on the need to constantly make purchases, is a signal of a person’s depressed state.

Secondly, an individual subject to this bad habit eventually comes to the so-called finish line, when he suddenly discovers that he has run out of funds for new acquisitions. This is fraught with the fact that a person begins to cut his budget, which could be used to buy medicine, food, and necessary clothing. Naturally, this will definitely affect his physical health. But with the last (sometimes borrowed) money, the shopaddict again acquires absolutely unnecessary things.

Thirdly, a shopaholic in a critical situation, when he discovers a complete lack of purchasing power, will inevitably fall into even greater depression, which can easily lead to suicide or lead to other terrible extremes - alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking.

When discussing the harmful effects of bad habits on health, such a seemingly harmless addiction cannot be discounted. Although shopping addiction is not officially recognized as a disease, serious research in this area is being conducted in America and England. And the negative impact of this mental disorder has already been proven.

The most bad habits and their impact on health

Drug addiction, smoking, substance abuse and alcoholism are considered the most terrible vices. They not only relate to a person’s mental illness, but also have a destructive effect on the intellect and physical condition. When considering bad habits (alcoholism) and their impact on human health, one should also take into account the fact that many crimes are committed precisely in an inadequate state after consuming these poisons.

Harmful substances entering the body destroy brain cells, resulting in their death. It is almost impossible to restore them. A drug addict, alcoholic, or substance abuser loses his intellectual abilities over time, sometimes turning into a person who is unable to carry out the simplest mental work.

There may also be complete or partial personality degradation. You can often see a person who has sunk to the brink - dirty, tattered and overgrown - begging passers-by on the street for money for a bottle, another dose or a tube of glue. Usually such people can no longer feel shame, and their self-esteem is irretrievably lost.

Degraded people are capable, for the sake of their destructive habits, of stealing, beating or even killing not only a stranger, but also a loved one. There are cases where a mother took the life of her own child, and a father beat the newborn half to death. It is also no secret that some parents sell their children both to work “on the panel” and just like that, for unknown purposes: for organs, for export abroad, for the amusement of sadists.

Tobacco smoking, although it does not cause such pronounced personality degradation, also destroys health and also harms others. It is known that smokers often develop cancer, vascular disease, heart disease, and bone tissue destruction.

Fighting the worst vices

It should be noted right away that fighting drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism on a personal level is extremely difficult. In addition to psychological work, it is necessary to remove chemical dependence. The body, accustomed to regularly receiving toxic substances, produces an antidote. As a result, even if the patient decides to give up his addiction, he begins to experience severe consequences of poisoning with substances that the body itself produces to combat poisons. And severe withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction and hangovers in alcoholics provoke severe physical conditions, sometimes even causing death. But more often it contributes to a return to the old ways.

A separate point is the attitude towards the harmful addictions of young people: children, teenagers, boys and young girls. After all, they get used to it faster, and poisons have a stronger effect on the unformed organism. Therefore, it should be taken into account that bad habits and their impact on the health of adolescents are the number one problem today. After all, they are the very gene pool that will become a priority in the next decade.

Therefore, the best option in this situation is to turn to experienced doctors who first purify the patient’s blood, then prescribe drug treatment coupled with psychological influence.

It's easier to prevent than to cure

The most optimal way to make the nation healthy and free from alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as tobacco smoking, is to prevent bad habits. How to take measures to prevent the occurrence of these dependencies?

You need to start from early childhood. And not only by conversations, video demonstrations, but, more importantly, by personal example. It has been proven that in families where there are alcoholics, the risk that teenagers will become addicted to alcohol is much higher than where adults lead a healthy lifestyle. The same applies to smoking, substance abuse, overeating, Internet addiction, shopaholism and other vices. Naturally, you need to constantly talk about this, discuss with your child bad habits and their impact on health.

Prevention also includes keeping the individual busy. This also applies to the entire spectrum of bad habits and people of all ages. The main reason for their appearance is depression and mental disharmony. A person suddenly begins to feel useless, he is bored.

Sports, creativity, physical labor, and tourism give an individual a feeling of fullness of life and interest in himself and other people. He lives a full life, from which spending even a minute on a useless and harmful activity is an unacceptable luxury.

Briefly about the main thing

All bad habits arise from a loss of interest in life, from mental imbalance, and a failure in the balance between expectations and reality. Therefore, people who know how to deal with life’s difficulties, achieve their goals by increasing the load, work, struggle, do not look for doping from the outside, do not try to forget themselves by playing computer games, shopping, eating, smoking, drinking, and so on. They understand that these temporary escapes from reality do not fight the problem itself, but only push its solution even further.

It is very important to be able to set life goals for yourself, find a useful hobby for relaxation, and give vent to accumulated emotions through creativity and communication with interesting people. Don't dwell on your problems. Looking around, everyone can see someone who is having an even more difficult time and lend a helping hand. And then your own troubles will seem like a mere trifle.

The body was provided with deep reserves of reliability and strength, as well as the ability to compensate and adapt to different conditions. Lifestyle, habits and daily behavior directly affect the realization of our capabilities.

And their impact on health

Unfortunately, most people quite early begin to lead a lifestyle that negatively affects their well-being and life expectancy. Such destructive habits lead to the rapid consumption of the body’s capabilities, the development of many diseases and premature aging. Bad habits and their impact on health are considered a real disaster, claiming a huge number of human lives. Drinking alcohol and narcotic drugs, as well as smoking is a source of harmful effects on the body.

What is the impact of bad habits on human health?

Consider drug addiction. It is characterized by a strong desire to use intoxicating drugs. In this case, not only physical, but also mental dependence. Such a disease is unusual because it deforms a person’s personality, changes his behavior in a society that becomes asocial because it violates generally accepted moral and legal norms.

The patient is unable to overcome his destructive desires; he turns into a slave to drugs and their sellers. The use of such substances leads to the body incorporating them into its biochemical, cellular and bioelectrical processes. As a result of this, a person can no longer live without drugs, since they perform certain functions in the process of life.

Moreover, the optimal state of mind is maintained by these harmful substances through their effect on special pleasure points located in the brain. In the body of a healthy person, the influence on these areas that bring joy occurs through the performance of functional duties determined by nature itself. Among them are work, communication, delicious food, and so on. It is these actions that bring people joy and satisfaction, since they are a kind of “drug” that regulates mood.

Bad habits and their impact on health are difficult to underestimate. These addictions have ruined more than one life. A common cause of this is alcoholism. This disease is a type of drug addiction. Scientific research revealed that in human body About twenty grams of ethyl alcohol are produced daily. This happens as a result of a process such as metabolism. This product inhibits some areas of the brain, in particular the areas that create tension and fear.

As alcohol enters from the outside, its dose is significantly exceeded, and the body, protecting itself from an excess of this product, stops producing it. This is why a person suffering from alcoholism experiences a constant craving for drinking.

Bad habits and their consequences can be the most disastrous. The work of absolutely all organs and systems of the body is disrupted, severe chronic diseases develop, and communication with outside world, family and friends suffer.

Bad habits and their impact on health are so detrimental that it is better to prevent them than to get rid of them. It is important to understand that in most cases it occurs after the first use of a particular drug. This is why you should not even try drugs, especially in adolescence. allowing you to say a firm “no” to all addictions will save your life.

Every person has noticed some kind of addiction at least once, but not all of them are safe for the person himself or his environment. A lot has been said and written about bad habits and their impact on health, their types and causes, the fight against them and prevention, but this topic has not exhausted itself. Are there any reasons for this? Yes! Despite the huge amount of social advertising, bad habits have a detrimental effect on people and their families.

What are bad habits

Addictions that harm health, relationships, self-development, and financial status are called bad habits. Some of them are perceived adequately, for example, tobacco smoking, although nicotine promotes cancer diseases, others, on the contrary, cause a lot of negative emotions. However, all of them do not bring anything good; they turn a person into a hostage, making him dependent on a certain factor. If the object of desire is taken away from him, then even common sense does not stop the obsession with getting what he wants.

Bad habits

It has long been proven that addictions and their harmful effects have a negative impact on the health and psyche of others. The simplest example is passive smoking, during which the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke, causes to the body stranger more harm than to the smoker himself. Representatives of young people, including schoolchildren, smoke, drink alcohol, indulge in soft drugs, so that in ten years they will begin to suffer from alcoholism, substance abuse, be treated for infertility, problems with the heart, lungs, etc. The health of teenagers deteriorates instantly.

Experts identify three addictions that have gained widespread popularity among men and women over the past few decades. They lead to chronic diseases, destroy the brain, heart, blood vessels. Pregnant women, drinking or smoking, have no idea how alcohol or nicotine affects the intrauterine development of children, what kind of heredity they pass on to their offspring. The main thing is that they destroy families. Bad habits include alcoholism, drugs, and gambling. These are the three horsemen of the apocalypse modern world that are harmful to health.


Drinking alcohol in large quantities It's not just an addiction. This is a huge health hazard. The mechanism of poisoning is based on the influence of a toxic substance such as ethanol or ethyl alcohol. It begins its insidious effect within a minute after entering the stomach. However digestive tract– this is far from the only system that suffers from drinking alcohol.

The brain is one of the most important organs person. Excessive application to a glass causes persistent mental disorders, there is memory loss. Due to the toxic effects of alcohol on the body, you can get alcoholic encephalopathy, which is a complex psychosis, the “delirium tremens” syndrome, consisting of somatic and neurological disorders. Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, which takes the brunt of it. Liver cirrhosis is a slow but inevitable death.


The only thing worse than alcoholism is the use of drugs, which often consist of harmful chemical components. The influence of bad habits on the human body is enormous. Drugs affect the nervous system, a complete change occurs healthy body for the worse. A person taking drugs eventually becomes dependent on the state in which he is, forgetting about the danger harmful substances. With constant dosage it develops chronic poisoning body, the following diseases occur:

  • defeat internal organs;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • brain atrophy;
  • disruption of hormone production;
  • liver and heart failure.

Drug addicts, unlike healthy people, more often become depressed, committing suicide. Fatal overdoses are common. This is a risk of contracting AIDS and other infections that are transmitted through blood. Such people cannot get rid of drug addiction on their own; they require qualified help from doctors and psychologists. Recovery is very difficult, often with relapses.

gambling addiction

Bad habits and their impact on health are not limited to drugs and alcohol. Gambling addiction is another scourge modern society. A person, falling into such dependence, becomes lost to society. Gambling addiction entails the following problems:

  • Mental illness. An online player can sit in front of a monitor for hours. Perhaps he will not spend even a ruble, but he will forget about real life and surrounding people. Personal degradation occurs, and there is a lack of any life activity other than the virtual world of games.
  • Impact on health. Internet players forget about sleep and food. Cases have been recorded of such people going to the toilet under themselves. As a result, the Internet player becomes like a drug addict.
  • Memory loss, decreased intelligence.

Consequences of bad habits

People addicted to addictions ruin their mental and physical health. Close people suffer from the consequences of such addictions. Drug addicts and alcoholics rarely admit that they are sick. This state of affairs aggravates the treatment, and such people need to be treated seriously, without delay. For these purposes, medical and psychological centers have been organized to work with youth and adult patients, where doctors and psychologists conduct complex therapy, explain how bad habits affect human health.