Inflammation of the labia minora treatment with folk remedies. Vulvitis

An unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience is irritation on the labia. Usually it is not associated with serious diseases, but to know exactly the cause of its appearance, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. This will exclude or confirm the presence of a disease of the female reproductive system, which is often accompanied by other signs: discharge of a different color, different consistency, unpleasant odor, burning or swelling.

Causes of irritation on the labia

Red labia in a woman are the first sign of a problem. If such a symptom occurs, you do not need to postpone your visit to the doctor. Itching is an individual unpleasant feeling, due to which there is a desire to comb and rub the skin in the area of ​​the labia due to the influence of some irritant.

Pain and a burning sensation are usually caused by locally irritating substances, dysbacteriosis, infections or menopause. In the latter case, there is a decrease in estrogen production, which is observed at the end of female reproductive age, causing dryness and thinning of the skin. This is the cause of itching and irritation.

Irritation of the labia minora:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. It is normal for a woman to have a healthy community of bacteria in her vagina. But if one type predominates over the other, then an infection begins to develop. A feeling of burning, itching, discomfort in the area of ​​the external organs, grayish, whitish discharge indicates the development of of this disease. But it is worth remembering that the appearance of one symptom does not indicate its occurrence. To cure this, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora using special tablets and suppositories.
  • Acute vaginitis. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed when infected with pathogenic microorganisms. The first sign of this disease is heavy discharge, after a while the labia minora turn red. They itch and swelling appears.
  • Every second woman experiences a yeast infection (candidiasis). Urogenital candidiasis often manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis (thrush). Itching, burning and redness of the outer lips may be signs of this disease, along with a curd-like vaginal discharge. It turns red inside, and whitish spots form on the labia. Symptoms intensify during sleep, after long walks and during menstrual periods.
  • Producing more of certain hormones can also lead to redness and itching.

If the cause of vaginitis is syphilis or gonorrhea and there is no adequate treatment, infertility can result.

Irritation of the labia majora:

  • Frequent hair removal and excessive exposure of the cream when removing excess hair with its help threaten unpleasant manifestations. The procedure site becomes red, itching and burning appear.
  • Genital herpes or a relapse of this disease is manifested by itching, the formation of blisters, crusts, after which peeling begins.
  • Diabetes mellitus sometimes affects the appearance of itching and flaking in the external genital area.
  • Chemical irritants. Intimate cream, gel, condom, soap, washing powders, scented toilet paper can lead to serious irritation of the labia majora. They can provoke an allergic reaction. Unusual discharge is not added to the feeling of discomfort, but the usual mucus from the vagina sometimes increases.
  • The cause of irritation may be a psychological factor that manifests itself in a physical aspect. Regular stress, nervous disorder, prolonged depression - all this leads to increased sensitivity of the skin, which provokes irritation and itching.

Peeling develops only on the skin of external organs. The labia minora consist of such epithelium that when inflamed, it does not produce scales.

Redness of the labia due to candidiasis

What to do about this?

If the labia are red, then to determine the true factor that provoked the itching and irritation, and then select correct treatment in the intimate area of ​​a woman, diagnostics are required, which includes:

  • consultation with a gynecologist, if necessary, examination using mirrors;
  • laboratory tests: general analysis urine and blood, etc.;
  • examination of a smear taken from the vagina.

The diagnostic results will help the doctor decide on treatment or, if necessary, prescribe other additional procedures to investigate the source of the disease.

You can relieve the feeling of itching using the following methods:

  • Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. You need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times a day with warm water. It is worth adding a few drops of furatsilin or chamomile to it. Do not use toilet soap on the intimate area.
  • You need to constantly moisturize this area. For this purpose, pharmacies sell special gels and lubricants based on natural ingredients.
  • Until the irritation, itching, and burning goes away, you should avoid intimacy, which can cause more itching and irritation of the genitals.
  • Stick to the diet prescribed by the doctor. Eliminate from your diet sweets, spicy, fatty foods, seasonings with a rich taste, alcoholic drinks, grapes, blue cheese.


Treatment for redness depends on the cause that caused it:

  • If the problem is caused by an infection, it is necessary to use local or systemic therapy with antibiotics.
  • Antifungal drugs are prescribed if the disease (for example, thrush) was caused by a fungus.
  • An allergic reaction can be relieved with antihistamines and sedatives.
  • In case of endocrine system disorders (improper production of hormones), hormonal therapy is used. In this situation, you cannot do without visiting an endocrinologist.
  • If the source of the itching is a psychological factor, a course of treatment by a psychologist and the use of sedatives are required.

A gynecologist can prescribe suppositories, tablets, and ointments to eliminate itching and relieve inflammation.

The female reproductive system consists of a large number of organs. The external organs include the labia minora and labia majora. Each type performs its own functions. Swollen labia not only bring discomfort to a woman, but can also be a symptom of a disease. Some changes, such as swelling, may indicate pathology. Why do the labia minora swell?

Labia minora: functions

Anatomically, the labia minora in the structure of the external female genitalia look like two thin folds of the vulvar mucosa that cover the vagina and urethra, and the superior junction forms the skin around the clitoris. They are located inside the labia majora.

What functions do the labia minora perform in the female reproductive system?:

  • Regulating the direction of urine;
  • Provides a tighter girth of the male penis;
  • Protecting the vagina from the external environment.

The external parameters of the genital organs are individual and look different for each woman. Standards of beauty also exist for the female genital organs.

It is very important for a woman to maintain sexual attractiveness for her spouse or sexual partner, so there are a number of genital surgeries that are aimed at correcting the appearance of the labia minora.

The normal length is considered to be 5 cm, with the lips slightly retracted and the measurement taken from the side. Measurements on each side may vary. It is impossible to find a reference skin color, since this is a specific feature of the body.

Classification and types of labia minora

The appearance of the labia in women changes throughout life.

They are classified according to size and shape characteristics:

  1. Elongation– tensile characteristics. The most comfortable length for a woman is 1 cm, a length of 2 cm or more is considered normal and is most common. The third degree of elongation is a length of up to 6 cm.
  2. Protuncia– a characteristic indicating the degree of loss of the labia minora while the labia minora are closed.
  3. scalloping edges - a feature of the edges of the skin, which can have different color characteristics.
  4. True hypertrophy– increased size, increased pigmentation, more folds.
  5. Complete absence of lips– observed in girls at a young age, and also characteristic of women with anomalies hormonal levels.

The appearance of the labia minora in a woman depends on individual characteristics body, they can be affected by injury, hormonal imbalance, sudden changes in weight, and they also change after childbirth.

Inflammation of the labia

Diseases of the labia minora can have different causes and symptoms, however, most often women suffer from vulvitis, which is an inflammation of the tissues and mucous membranes.

Many factors simultaneously influence the development of the disease:

  • Reduced immunity of women;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene;
  • Infectious lesions genitourinary system of various etiologies;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • The presence of an underlying disease that affects metabolic reactions;
  • Taking oral hormonal drugs, for example, Utrozhestan, etc.

An infection of any origin can affect the female genitourinary system, for example, fungus, yeast, coccus, which in most cases appear after unprotected sexual intercourse. Inflammation manifests itself in patients individually, depending on the direct cause of the disease, however, general symptoms the following. Swelling, swelling, dryness of the tissues due to which the labia quickly enlarge, redness of the tissues, the appearance of purulent foci, burning sensation upon any contact with the inflamed skin or vaginal mucosa (during sexual intercourse, washing, douching, etc.), which can progress into a painful sensation.

Very often there is itching, which is very difficult to relieve. Skin itches for a long time so much so that it becomes noticeable that it is not just swollen or swollen, but blood appears from the scratched areas.

In addition, there is peeling of the skin, irritation of the mucous membrane, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and purulent color (more often with complications), pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back, and absence of menstrual bleeding. Symptoms appear only in the area of ​​the external genital organs and only in severely advanced cases, when the lips are very swollen, the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule is swollen, and treatment is not carried out for a long time, the inflammation is complicated by the addition of another disease with more pronounced manifestations of abnormalities in the functioning of the internal genitourinary system.

Causes: swollen labia

Any change in the condition of the genital organs should alert a woman, especially if there is swelling, pain and redness of the skin. During pregnancy, regular self-examination will detect the disease before it affects the fetus. It is imperative to seek help from a doctor if a woman feels pain, there is itching in the perineum, as well as tissue swelling.

There are a number of reasons that can cause swollen lips.:

  1. Incorrectly selected underwear. Coarse fibers in panties, as well as thick lace, can rub, injure and irritate the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Frequent masturbation, which is typical for girls in adolescence.
  3. Breaking the rules intimate hygiene.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Vaginal dysbiosis. It can be provoked by Candida, Gardnell, etc. fungi. In addition to the tumor, pathological vaginal discharge, swelling, unbearable swelling and other symptoms of the underlying disease should appear.
  6. Vulvodynia is a disease in which the tumor is accompanied by severe pain, purulent discharge with a pungent odor. This disease is dangerous because it is not timely treatment can lead to complications from the internal reproductive system.
  7. Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the glands at the entrance to the vagina, however, one of common symptoms is a tumor of the labia minora.

If the labia are swollen, inflamed, enlarged and itchy, this may be evidence of a serious illness, as well as simple rubbing of tissues or frequent use of sanitary panty liners and other less harmful reasons. However, doctors should not be neglected; even slightly swollen lips should alert a woman. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist to rule out the development of pathology.

Inflammation of the clitoris: provoking factors

The clitoris has very delicate skin, and a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated here. It is located in the upper part of the commissure of the labia minora. The area of ​​the labia minora and clitoris is constantly moisturized, and the temperature in this place is slightly higher. These factors increase the rate of development of the disease.

The inflammatory process of clitoral tissue can be triggered by several factors.:

  • Damage to infectious pathogens of various origins (for example, chlamydia, coli, coccus fungi, etc.).
  • Oral sex carries the risk of tissue injury, as well as infection with various infections, since the partner’s oral cavity contains pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Dysbacteriosis, which occurs while taking drugs that negatively affect the microflora of the intestines and vagina, for example, antibiotics.
  • Diseases of a systemic nature, oncological pathologies in the body, leukemia.
  • Oncological diseases of the genital organs themselves, which are at an extreme stage of development and are accompanied by tissue death.
  • Inflammation of any other organ of the genitourinary system. In this case, inflammation of the clitoris can be considered a complication of the underlying inflammation.
  • Fistulas of the genitourinary system.
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • Allergy to chemical compositions of products used in daily hygiene or washing clothes.
  • Long term exposure high temperature, for example, being in a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Excessively frequent masturbation.
  • Blockage sebaceous gland.

The cause of clitoral swelling is determined based on external factors, as well as taking into account the symptoms that may be present along with clitoral swelling. What should be done if the organs in the intimate area are swollen?

Swelling of the labia: treatment

It is strictly forbidden to treat swelling of the labia on your own. The female reproductive system is extremely sensitive to negative influences, so you can not only not cure the underlying disease, but also get complications of a more serious nature that can affect the patient’s reproductive health.


  1. Based on the study, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary medications.
  2. So, in case of a fungal infection, for example, thrush, antifungal therapy is prescribed.
  3. In this case, the drug is selected taking into account the type of fungus.
  4. The disease will go away with the right medication.

It is important to exclude the allergic factor at the first signs of edema; it is necessary to remove all intimate hygiene products (shower gels, soaps, etc.). With chemical composition from the skin cleansing ritual and wait until the swelling subsides. It is also necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, when washing which do not use powders or conditioners.

If the swelling goes away on its own soon, chemical elements must be eliminated on an ongoing basis.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to temporarily abstain from sex, as it can provoke injury to the inflamed mucous membrane and also cause pain. Both labia are swollen at the same time, or the left and right ones become inflamed differently.

If the lump is inflated and swollen with signs of dropsy, and then liquid comes out, genital herpes is diagnosed; it is used to treat the skin of the genitals at home. antiviral ointment or acyclovir cream. This treatment will reduce the risk that a groin abscess will develop.

Enlarged labia and other symptoms

It is important for every woman to know the list of symptoms that, once they appear, must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Swelling is one of them, and also if:

  1. Vaginal discharge has a strong, repulsive odor, the consistency differs from normal, and the color of the discharge also changes.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the perineum, pain, itching, burning.
  3. On palpation, thickening of the skin is observed.

A new growth has appeared and continues to grow in size. Even the smallest lump should be examined by a doctor to rule out malignancy.

Labia majora: function

The labia minora protect the internal reproductive organs of a woman, which is very important during the growth and development of a girl into a woman.

However, the labia majora are no less important:

  1. The lower part forms a connection near the perineum, and the upper part near the pubis.
  2. In terms of external principle, both types of lips are visually similar to each other.
  3. The labia majora are so called because the folds of skin from which they are formed are much thicker than the labia minora.
  4. The skin is also somewhat rougher.

Unlike the labia minora, the labia majora have fatty tissue under the skin. In addition, a significant number of plexuses of blood vessels and veins are located under the skin. For young girls, teenagers, and women who have not given birth, the inner parts of the labia come into closer contact and hide the genital cleft of women. In women who gave birth naturally through birth canal, the genital slit is open to varying degrees.

Women quite often face such a problem as acne in intimate places, since their skin is much more delicate and sensitive, which means there is a risk of developing irritations of various etiologies. A pimple on the pubic area, as well as on the labia, does not always indicate the development of a serious disease and can be the cause of a common allergy or cold. As a rule, inflammation and rash in the groin area do not cause pain and go away without outside intervention after a couple of days. At the same time, there is a possibility of developing venereal diseases sexually transmitted diseases, one of the signs of which is a pimple.

Possible causes and treatment methods for acne on the labia in women

Possible reasons for the formation of acne on the genitals, including the labia, include changes in hormonal levels due to malfunctions of the body, pregnancy, puberty or the onset of menopause.
In addition to this, rashes of various types can be observed due to:

Each type of acne has its own cause of formation and treatment method. To carry out correct therapy, you will need to contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


Pimples are a type of rash that forms on a woman’s genitals, as well as on the pubic area. As a rule, they form pinkish pimples, 2 mm or more in size.

The causes of such a rash may be an allergy to skin contact with powders, hygiene products and linen, or a lack of hygiene. Such pimples do not cause noticeable discomfort and disappear on their own within a few days. In addition, pimples can be a sign of the development of a herpes virus infection, or simply genital herpes. In this case, they have a transparent shell with liquid inside, while causing discomfort and pain. If the rashes have a denser structure with a pointed tip, then these are papillomas caused by the virus of the same name.

Such rashes are transmitted mainly during sexual contact with carriers of viruses, and may appear several months later when immunity decreases. At the same time, the herpes virus, as well as the human papillomavirus, are incurable.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the activity of viruses and eliminating the manifestations of the disease. To treat rashes caused by the human herpes virus, it is necessary to carry out immunomodeling therapy with additional use acyclovir drugs. Papillomas require removal surgically or using cryodestruction, laser removal or ultrasound.


Wen are rashes that form on the labia of women and in the pubic area due to blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Such formations are called lipomas and are localized directly under the skin due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, sebum accumulates and leads to blockage of the channels.

The reasons for the appearance of wen include:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty foods and sweets;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body, for example, with diabetes;
  • injury to the sebaceous gland (during depilation or active sexual intercourse).

The lipoma or wen must be removed, otherwise the formation of abscesses and even the development of oncology are possible.

As a rule, old wen is removed surgically, especially with the development of inflammatory processes or suppuration. The surgeon removes both the capsule itself containing purulent masses and the affected tissue around the wen. As a result, antibacterial therapy is carried out to avoid the development of secondary infection. If there is a “quiet” wen that brings only aesthetic discomfort, then it is removed using an endoscope or liposuction, or using a laser and radio waves.

White pimples (dots, spots)

White pimples on the intimate area in women are of two types - similar in appearance to “goose bumps” and with a purulent white head. The first type of rash appears due to the necrosis of the epidermal scales and their accumulation in the hair follicle. The skin becomes rough to the touch. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to carry out enhanced hygiene of the genital organs.

Whiteheads, spots and pimples with a white head can occur due to various factors. It can be:

  • irritation after unsuccessful depilation (for example, shaving the pubic area with a razor);
  • hypothermia;
  • , impervious to air and moisture, creating a sauna effect;
  • development of sexually transmitted diseases.

As a rule, such rashes go away on their own and do not require special treatment. But, if acne does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a doctor who will laboratory research and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Red pimples

Red pimples on the labia look like a slight reddish lump located in the hair follicle. Such rashes can be caused by hair growth, and in some cases accompanied by suppuration under the skin. As a rule, acne goes away along with the sprouting of hairs and does not require treatment. If the hair does not grow and the suppuration does not go away, then you may need to see a doctor for treatment. antibacterial agents or removing the problem.

Black dots

The formation of blackheads on the genitals in women can occur due to blockage of the sebaceous tubules of the epithelium of the pubic area. In addition, comedones (the medical name for blackheads on the skin) can be caused by a number of abnormalities and diseases:

  • damage to the sebaceous glands pathogenic microflora due to excessive hygiene of the genital organs and washing out of the vaginal microflora;
  • inflammation hair follicles due to improper depilation;
  • allergies to intimate hygiene products, lubricants, flavored condoms, etc.;
  • hypothermia and overheating can provoke the appearance of comedones;
  • hormonal imbalance, most often appear in transition period in adolescents, as well as during menopause.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of comedones, it is forbidden to squeeze them out. Treatment will need to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in cases where the rash lasts more than 2 weeks, if discomfort, pain, dry skin and peeling occur in the area covered with comedones, and also if blackheads appear immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. For treatment, antibacterial and antiseptic agents may be prescribed; you will also need to refrain from using soap and genital care products with fragrances and fragrances, wearing synthetic and tight underwear, and having sexual intercourse.

Internal pimple

Internal pimples often appear in the intimate area of ​​women when the skin is damaged during depilation with a razor and a secondary infection occurs, which develops in the subcutaneous layers over time and then forms internal suppuration and, as a result, an internal pimple.

Special topical medications can be used as treatment to help fight bacteria and relieve inflammation. In some advanced cases, surgery and removal of the pimple may be required.

Purulent pimple on an intimate place in women

Rashes on the labia in women quite often bother the fair half of humanity. Particularly unpleasant can be purulent pimples that form due to exposure to external factors:

  • , for example during puberty;
  • a cold, which can lead not only to a cough, but also to the formation of purulent pimples on the genitals;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin glands provokes the appearance of a boil; this problem can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in the inflamed area and itching;
  • staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas, which can cause purulent rashes on the labia;
  • ulcers also appear with vulvovaginitis.

If you find a purulent pimple on the genitals, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

In many cases, treatment consists of surgically opening the pimple, or complex therapy is prescribed, including the use of immunomodulatory, disinfectant and antibacterial drugs, both external and internal.

According to the place of manifestation

Acne differs not only in appearance and the reasons that led to their formation, but also by localization. Depending on the location of the formation of the rash, special therapy may be carried out, requiring special medications and acne removal techniques. The most dangerous and difficult to diagnose are pimples located on the labia minora and in the vagina.

Pimple on the small lip in women

photo of a pimple on the small lip of a woman

Pimples on the labia minora can appear due to various factors:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene measures;
  • abuse of soap when carrying out hygiene procedures, which leads to dryness of the epithelium, irritation of tissues and cracks in the skin through which bacteria penetrate;
  • herpetic eruptions primarily affect the mucous membranes, which means that quite often they form watery pimples on the labia minora;
  • Venereal diseases can also provoke the formation of acne of various types on the labia minora.

If a pimple bothers you, causes itching, burning, or peeling, then you will need the help of a qualified specialist, since it is almost impossible to determine the type of rash on the sebaceous labia from a photo from the Internet.

Vaginal rash

A rash in the vagina is detected during an examination by a gynecologist. This problem is serious and requires careful study and treatment in the future. As a rule, a rash in the vagina in women is formed due to:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the Bartholin gland, which is localized at the entrance to the vagina. The causes of inflammation can be a history of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis.
  2. A pimple in the vagina is not a simple formation, but maybe or. The reasons for the formation of such growths can be a vaginal cyst, paraurethritis and urethral diverticulum.
  3. Herpes virus infection, condylomas and can even be located in the vagina. These diseases are transmitted primarily through sexual contact, which means it is necessary to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.

There are quite a few types and causes of acne in the vagina. When a formation is detected, diagnosis and treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. For treatment, specific therapy with antibacterial drugs of local and systemic action, immune-supporting treatment is used, and antiseptics are also used.

Rash and pimples on a girl's pussy

Girls at any age can develop pimples and rashes on the genitals, which are formed due to the influence of various factors, including the development of:

  • - is a diaper rash that appears due to prolonged interaction with the surface of the diaper, the baby's bowel movements and lack of circulation of moisture and air. It looks like purulent rashes, swelling of the skin, spots, bumps and redness in the groin;
  • allergy - caused by food intake, manifested by redness and erythema of the skin;
  • overheating - has the appearance of red spots (), which form in the inguinal folds of girls and do not cause discomfort, characterized by the appearance of a red rash, spots and watery pimples on the genitals of girls;
  • - caused by a fungus of the genus Candida affects the genital area in girls, characterized by a red rash.

Treatment of rashes and pimples on the labia in girls requires medical supervision.

Disinfectants and drying agents are prescribed for affected areas of the skin. These can be ointments, creams, pastes and powders. In addition to this, you can use herbal infusions from nettle, chamomile, string and other herbs.

Genital organs require special care, more delicate and careful than the rest of the body. Any changes cause pain and discomfort, since the mucous membrane is much more delicate than the skin.

The appearance of a lump can be a symptom of a serious pathology that requires immediate intervention, or indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The appearance of such a symptom should not be ignored; it is necessary to promptly identify the cause and take measures to get rid of the disease.

Causes of lumps on the labia

Occurrences lumps on the labia occurs when the Bartholin gland is blocked, resulting in.

The disease occurs only in sexually mature females in whom this gland is fully developed. There are many reasons that can cause the disease. It is important to promptly identify the pathogen and prevent the situation from worsening.

Household reasons for the appearance of a lump

The lump may be the result of poor hygiene or other household reasons. In the absence of disease, it can occur due to reduced immunity and in the following situations:

  • using someone else's towel, rarely changing underwear;
  • insufficiently frequent and thorough care of the intimate area using special products;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetic clothing, “thongs”;

In these cases, inflammation of the gland occurs due to decreased immunity or the ingress of microorganisms, which causes a lump to appear on the labia. Ignoring symptoms can only aggravate the situation, so it is necessary to eliminate possible everyday causes of its occurrence.

The influence of sexual activity on the appearance of a lump

Sexual activity can also cause a lump on the labia. The gland can become inflamed under the influence the following factors:

  • , promiscuity in sexual relations.
  • frequent sexual intercourse without the use of additional lubricant (if there is insufficient lubricant);
  • which was transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • oral sex without observing the partner’s personal hygiene rules.

Normal sexual intercourse cannot cause disease if hygiene rules are followed and there is confidence in the health of the partner. Lack of lubrication in rare cases causes a lump on the lip, as this must be preceded by serious discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Lump as a result of hair removal and other hair removal options

After unsuccessful hair removal, you can also get a lump in the intimate area. This occurs especially often during hair removal, and less often during shaving. When using a razor, the cause may be inaccurate shaving, leading to tissue injury. An infection or other microorganisms may enter the damaged area, causing inflammation and suppuration, blockage of the canal and the appearance of a lump. It is not difficult to avoid this - it is important to immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and avoid getting dirt.

When epilating, the likelihood of bartonylitis occurring is much higher. It appears because the hairs are pulled out from the root and against the growth. In the future, new ones, causing blockage of the canal. Hair follicle begins to become inflamed, pus forms under the skin, causing painful lump. To prevent this situation, cosmetologists recommend using a scrub during hair regrowth after hair removal.

Diseases and infections dangerous to overall health

Bartonilite is usually divided into two types:

  • acute form, in which there is severe pain and increased body temperature;
  • a chronic form in which pronounced symptoms are replaced by a sluggish course of the disease.

Bartonilitis includes several types of diseases, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. Depending on the severity, there are three types of bumps on the lip:

  1. Canaliculitis. In this situation, there is practically no pain, and the canal is not blocked and is able to remove secretions. The excretory duct of the gland is inflamed, causing a lump to appear.
  2. A false abscess is characterized by inflammation of the canal and accumulation of large quantity pus. Pain and discomfort appear, while the tissues remain intact.
  3. – the most severe form, in which the gland tissue becomes inflamed. In this case, the pain prevents you from moving, constantly reminds you of itself through pulsation, and the lump in this case must be opened surgically in a hospital setting.

It is impossible to independently determine the stage of the disease; only in the case of a true abscess is it difficult to confuse the disease with other variants. The disease can be caused by many other diseases, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other microorganisms and bacteria;
  • autoimmune disorders;

To get rid of a lump, you will need to not only open it and remove the pus, but also cure the disease that caused the disease.

When should you not worry about a lump?

When bumps on lip Due to careless shaving or hair removal, it is not necessary to see a doctor. You can solve the problem yourself, but it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

To get rid of a lump, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the surface of the mucous membrane and open the abscess, removing ingrown hair and pus. After this, you will have to carefully monitor the injured area for several days, constantly maintaining cleanliness and sterility.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland and the appearance of a lump also often does not require treatment, but it is still worth identifying the cause of the lump. Often such formations go away on their own, but if pain and discomfort appears when walking, you should not hope for no consequences; the symptom requires treatment.

How to determine the cause of the disease?

To determine the cause of the disease, which during an external examination will establish a presumptive diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the exact cause by completing the following studies:

  • vaginal smear for infectious diseases;
  • donate blood to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

These studies are often enough to accurately determine the cause and prescribe treatment that will help quickly get rid of the formation. If the lump is a wen or papilloma, the doctor will determine this without tests, giving recommendations on how to eliminate the problem.

Video about inflammation of the Bartholin glands

Is it possible to continue intimate relationships with such a symptom?

Intimate relationships with bartonylitis are very specific, since sexual intercourse causes severe discomfort and even pain.

In acute stages of the disease, it is possible that the abscess may open during sexual intercourse, which will cause the contents of the lump to enter the internal organs.

Wen and lumps caused by inaccurate hair removal cannot interfere with intimate life; there are no prohibitions in this case.

Types and methods of treating cones

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and its severity. In the acute stage, treatment necessarily includes taking antibiotics or their intramuscular administration to prevent the development of complications. In addition, at the initial stage of the disease the following procedures are recommended:

  • applications to the site of the bump with antiseptics;
  • sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • applications with Levomekol or.

In addition, it is necessary to take medications or vitamins to increase immunity, since the frequency of relapses depends on it. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed for oral or local use. Also necessary are drugs to restore the vaginal microflora, which are used topically in the form of suppositories or capsules.

Seeing a doctor at the abscess stage involves surgery to remove the lump.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and involves opening the abscess, removing all the contents and rinsing with an antibiotic solution. After the operation, complete rest is required, as well as constant stay at a comfortable temperature. In especially severe cases, the lump is removed along with the gland to stop the process of tissue infection.

Consequences of missing treatment

At the initial stage, bartonilitis can be easily cured without medical intervention, using available remedies at home. If there is no treatment, the disease will not go away on its own. The abscess will grow, the inflammation will intensify, and eventually you will have to resort to surgery.

Not treating the lump will not work at all - over time the situation will worsen, causing serious discomfort, pain and making it difficult to move. The disease is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a child, when spontaneous opening of an abscess can infect the fetus and cause premature birth or termination of pregnancy.

In especially severe cases, the lack of therapy and the necessary surgical intervention can cause blood poisoning, threatening the woman’s life.

Preventing the appearance of bumps on the labia

Every woman can prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms by simply following simple rules.

There are 5 main ways to avoid illness:

  1. Carefully monitor personal hygiene and the quality of underwear. Regular showering by special means for intimate hygiene and wearing cotton underwear that does not put pressure on the genitals can prevent illness.
  2. Careful selection of a sexual partner, avoidance of promiscuity and compliance with the rules of contraception and hygiene.
  3. Regular visits to the gynecologist for examination and taking a smear from the vagina to ensure normal microflora.
  4. Annual blood donation for sexually transmitted diseases and timely treatment of identified ailments.
  5. Using home treatments at the first sign of a lump on the lip.
  6. and keeping the problem area clean and dry.

The most important thing is to maintain a high level of immunity. Compliance with all the rules will allow you not to encounter unpleasant signs of the disease in the form of lumps and ensure the health of the genital organs.

VIDEO Lump on the labia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Vulvitis is inflammatory process, affecting the external female genitalia, which includes the pubis, the clitoris, the fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vagina, the vestibule of the vagina (including Bartholin's glands), and the labia majora and minora. More common is secondary vulvitis, which develops against the background of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - vaginitis (colpitis).

Inflammation of the vulva can occur at any age, but it is usually diagnosed in early childhood and adolescence, as well as during menopause.

The disease is caused by pathogenic bacterial flora, usually penetrating from the vagina. The woman is concerned about swelling, itching, burning, redness of the folds of the perineum and vaginal opening. The course of vulvitis can be acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute inflammation occurs with accompanying symptoms:

  • severe pain in the perineum, aggravated by touch, friction of clothing, as well as during intimate contact;
  • copious mucous vaginal discharge;
  • plaque with an unpleasant odor accumulating in the folds of the labia minora;
  • the skin around the vulva is hyperemic, ulcerative lesions are present;
  • the presence of pain during the entire process of urination;
  • in severe cases - increase lymph nodes in the groin area.

Subacute vulvitis is the predecessor acute form, has similar, but less aggressive symptoms. It is at this stage that many women turn to the doctor with characteristic complaints.

Chronic form of vulvitis has a sluggish nature: redness, burning and pain subside after treatment, but over time the symptoms return again. This “swing” continues long time, sometimes all my life. A chronic disease often develops against the background of self-medication, when a woman, without consulting a doctor, “prescribes” medications to herself and uses inappropriate methods of traditional therapy.

Typically, inflammation of the external genitalia is not a separate disease, but occurs as a result of another pathology infectious nature(see list below). In this case, the inflammation is called " secondary vulvitis».

  • Vaginitis– inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which occurs as a result of external bacterial infection and is laboratory manifested by an imbalance of microflora and the presence of pathogenic microbes in the smear. If vulvitis develops against the background of vaginitis (which is not uncommon), then the disease is called vulvovaginitis. Most often, the causative agent is streptococcal, staphylococcal, gonococcal infectious agents, as well as other equally dangerous bacteria - chlamydia, mycoplasma, Treponema pallidum, etc. Typically, pathogenic flora enters the vagina due to unprotected sexual intercourse. Also, the disease is often recorded in women who do not adequately perform cleansing procedures of external organs, wear tight clothes and do not use sanitary pads according to the rules (they need to be changed every 3-4 hours). Sometimes vulvovaginitis develops against the background of long-term antibacterial treatment and even becomes a complication of type 2 diabetes.

The nature of secretory discharge during vaginitis depends on the pathogen that caused the disease. Thus, mucus can be watery, thick or foamy, sometimes with whitish or curd-like inclusions. There is almost always a pronounced unpleasant odor. The color of the discharge is dirty white, yellow-gray, gray, sometimes with a green tint.

  • Inflammation of the upper reproductive organs– cervix and body of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. Diseases – cervicitis, endocervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis. With these pathologies, a woman experiences nagging pain above the pubis, heavy periods, in addition there is a disturbance in menstrual cyclicity, spotting in the middle of the cycle, and fever. Infection can occur as a result of abortion, childbirth, surgery on the pelvic organs (caesarean section, classic resolution of tubal pregnancy, removal of the uterus, ovaries, etc.), as well as hypothermia against the background of reduced immunity.

The above pathologies are serious! Incorrect and untimely treatment can transform the disease into aggressive form. This is fraught with many negative consequences, such as secondary infertility, a tendency to form benign and malignant tumors.


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The essence of therapy depends on the form of vulvitis (primary or secondary), as well as on accompanying symptoms and individual pharmacological response to medications.

To recommend the correct treatment, the doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo a series of tests, including taking a smear for flora, degree of purity and sensitivity to antibiotics. You should also carry out ultrasonography, PCR diagnostics, take a biochemical blood test. In some cases, the help of an endocrinologist and allergist will be required.

Primary vulvitis

As shown gynecological practice, primary form of vulvitis is detected only in 25% of cases.

Causes and treatment of primary inflammation of the external “female” organs:

  • Pregnancy period. During pregnancy, a woman experiences hormonal changes and a decrease in immune function. All this favors the activation of pathogenic flora. The expectant mother needs to pay close attention to her health and if signs of vulvitis occur, be sure to inform her gynecologist about it. Otherwise, infection can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, causing fetal death or premature birth.
  • Violation of hormonal levels - atrophic vulvitis (“attenuation” of the function of producing sex hormones). This type of inflammation occurs predominantly in women of “Balzac” age and develops against the background of inadequate estrogen entry into the tissues of the organs of the reproductive system. Atrophic vulvitis is treated with hormonal drugs (synthetic female hormones).
  • Chronic diseases of allergic origin ( bronchial asthma, eczema, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, dermatitis). Women suffering from these pathologies are at high risk of developing vaginitis. Treatment - and, depending on the severity of the disease, it can be tablets, intramuscular or intravenous injections, inhalation cans.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2. With this pathology, the skin loses its protective and moisture-regulating functions, and also decreases antiseptic properties. This leads to dryness and decreased turgor of the epidermis, which in turn causes irritation and microcracks.

The skin and mucous membrane are very sensitive to negative changes occurring in the body, so women suffering endocrine pathology, you should strictly follow a carbohydrate diet, regularly monitor your sugar levels, and if the levels deviate, administer the required dose of insulin.

Sometimes vulvitis occurs in newborn girls. The reason for its development in infancy is the use of diapers, infection of the external genitalia (for example, transmission of bacteria through a towel), physiologically immature state immune system, lack of estrogen. If the inflammation is not noticed in time and not treated, it can lead to synechiae - fusion of the labia.

Secondary vulvitis: treatment methods

Therapeutic methods are aimed at sanitizing the vagina, treating inflammatory processes reproductive organs, as well as to increase local immune resistance to pathogenic agents.

Table. Main aspects of therapy, brief description, names of drugs.

Type of treatment Purpose, description Medicines
Antimicrobial drugs for systemic (general) use - macrolides, fluoroquinols, as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics The therapeutic approach is aimed at combating the cause of the disease – bacterial flora. Usually the drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, which must be taken 1-2 pieces per day (course 7-10 days). Erythromycin, Sumamed, Klacid, Norfloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Clindamycin
Immunomodulatory therapy Strengthens the body's strength to fight disease. Drugs (injections or tablets) are recommended in a course, and the treatment regimen is prescribed in parallel with taking an antibiotic. Cycloferon, Neovir
Preparations that support the microflora of the vagina (suppositories) and intestines (per os - tablets, capsules, powders) As is known, antimicrobial therapy has a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also on “beneficial” bacteria. Drugs that restore microflora prevent dysbiosis, which is an important aspect of effective treatment. Hilak-forte, Laktiale - drugs to “protect” the intestines; Laktogin, Bifidumbacterin, Kipferon - suppositories for the vagina
Douching and washing the external genitalia with antiseptic solutions The measures are carried out with the aim of relieving inflammation, irritation, and quantitatively reducing pathogenic flora. 0.5% solution of Chlorhexidine or 0.025% Decamethoxin
Anesthetic ointment Reduces pain sensitivity, reduces itching. Carmolis (spray), Emla cream
Hormonal agents Prevents the development of new foci of inflammation, normalizes ovarian function. Hydrocortisone ointment, estrogen-containing drugs
Locally prescribed etiotropic agents (suppositories, dissolvable tablets, tampons with ointments, vaginal balls) Antibacterial and antiviral action directly eliminate the causes of the disease. Terminam, Polygynax, Betadine, Metronidazole, Miconazole, Trichopolum, Pimamfucin, Nystatin, Zovirax, Herpevir
Drying agents Eliminate inflammatory processes, protect the skin from irritation. Zinc Oxide, Talc

Along with medicines, physiotherapy is widely used, including the following methods:

  • Electrophoresis with novocaine or calcium chloride on the pubic area and inner thighs. The procedure helps reduce swelling and pain.
  • Ural Federal District. Improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, accelerates the regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues.
  • Local laser phoresis. Relieves inflammation, activates metabolic processes in muscles, improves blood microcirculation, and prevents cellular oxygen starvation.

In cases of serious complications (for example, hidradenoma or bartholinitis), surgical intervention is performed. Under local anesthesia, the doctor removes the tumor or gland. After surgery, medication and physical therapy are provided.

It is important to consult a doctor promptly for help in order to prevent the development of consequences that require long-term and complex treatment. Girls who are planning to create a full-fledged family should pay special attention to “women’s” health, so that in the future they will be able to successfully conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

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Redness of the labia- one of the symptoms of vulvitis. This is an inflammation of the external genitalia. A similar problem occurs in women at any age. Including children. If you do not visit a doctor at the first manifestations of this nature, further spread of inflammation is possible.

Due to the peculiarities of the constitution of the genital organs, women are much more susceptible to all kinds of infections than men. Redness of the labia may be a manifestation of a number of pathologies.

Diseases and their manifestations

Before you practice treatment of the labia, you need to establish an accurate diagnosis. Redness here may indicate the development of:

  • Vulvita;
  • Viral lesions;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Infections that are sexually transmitted.

As vulvitis develops, characteristic problems appear in the form of swelling, significant discharge, etc. Roughness appears on the surface of the labia due to enlarged glands, a white coating appears, and malaise is felt.

The causes of primary vulvitis are ignorance of hygiene rules, unexpected overheating of the body or hypothermia, mechanical damage to the mucous membranes, and exposure to drugs. This could be an allergic reaction or hormonal imbalance.

Secondary vulvitis is caused by pathogenic microbes that infect the reproductive system. This is the cause of colpitis, thrush, and endometritis.

Itching, rash and may indicate infection with the genital herpes virus. After a few days, a certain number of blisters appear, which subsequently turn into ulcers. The appearance of genital warts is a manifestation of papilomapyrus infection. They come in red and pink, single and multiple. A burning sensation and the occurrence of a number of asymptomatic diseases are caused by cytomegalovirus infection.

Another reason redness of the labia is the development of candidiasis - thrush. The disease is accompanied by itching and curd-like discharge; the itching intensifies at night. Gray-white color discharge is typical for bacterial vaginosis. Often the occurrence of these manifestations is a consequence of infection with sexually transmitted infections.

Features of treatment

Treatment of the labia in any case should be based on a correct diagnosis. It cannot be diagnosed solely based on symptoms; special examinations are required. During the examination, the gynecologist determines a preliminary diagnosis, to confirm which certain tests and procedures are prescribed.

Each disease requires its own treatment. With vulvitis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of inflammation. Based on the smear examination, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, gels, ointments or suppositories, as well as vitamin complexes.

Candidiasis is treated with antifungal agents, while simultaneously taking measures to restore and normalize the vaginal microflora. In this case, treatment of the partner is also necessary. For urogenital infections labia treatment is antibacterial therapy with the use of immunomodulators.

Doctors recommend paying Special attention prevention of damage to the external genitalia. The basic rules are to choose not too tight underwear made from natural materials, follow the rules of intimate hygiene and use protective equipment during casual sexual contacts.

Some women, faced with pathological damage to intimate areas, are horrified and embarrassed by the need to seek help from a qualified doctor. Such a reason to come to the gynecologist may be a situation where the labia are swollen, and if this is accompanied by redness, unpleasant vaginal discharge, itching and painful symptoms, then it becomes scary to hear the diagnosis.

Why do the labia swell?

Knowledge is never superfluous. And, before going to see a doctor, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the reasons that can answer the question why the labia are swollen? The reasons that provoke swelling of this intimate area can be quite extensive, and before you begin to relieve the problem, you need to correctly determine the source, since only by eliminating it can you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

  1. One of the most common diseases that provoke a tumor of the labia can be considered bartholinitis. This is an inflammatory process caused by an infection that has entered the woman’s body, occurring in the Bartholin gland and aggravated by purulent foci. The gland is located directly at the “entrance” to the vagina. A cyst that had previously formed in the gland and began to fester can also provoke such a manifestation.

Symptoms of this disease include hyperemia of the epidermis, located in close proximity to the exit duct of the gland, as a result of ongoing inflammation. Swelling of the labia is observed, their area becomes painful, the discomfort is especially aggravated when walking and sexual intercourse. Bartholinitis can get worse purulent abscesses and cysts.

If the disease is diagnosed on early, then the result of therapy is quite favorable, perhaps even self-healing. Otherwise, bartholinitis comes to an abscess. Ongoing inflammatory and purulent process, often cause an increase in body temperature.

The task of the Bartholin gland is to produce “lubricant” (special mucus). If its operation malfunctions and mucus production decreases, this causes dryness of the reproductive organs, which brings discomfort during coitus and injury to the genitals.

  1. The second reason that causes swelling of the labia is vulvovaginitis (an inflammatory process in the tissues of the labia). The reason for its appearance may be: irritation of the labia through mechanical contact or due to vaginal discharge, which has undergone a complex adjustment due to insufficient or lack of hygiene of this intimate area. With this pathology, a woman may observe swelling of the genital organs, experience itching and other manifestations leading to discomfort.
  2. Candidiasis (or it is also known as thrush), which gives similar symptoms, is also quite common. Distinctive feature of this disease are: cheesy vaginal discharge, an unpleasant sourish odor, itching, pain symptoms inside the vagina directly during sexual intercourse.
  3. Pain in the intimate area, and directly in the labia, their swelling, the cause of which is quite difficult to establish, may be a consequence of progressive vulvodynia, which is provoked by prolonged use of antibiotics or in the case of chronic candidiasis.
  4. If the labia are swollen, but in addition there is painful urination and unpleasant, foul-smelling greenish-yellow discharge, and the skin itches, such symptoms may indicate the presence of one of the diseases such as vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia) or vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). This pathology could be provoked by a lack of hygiene of the reproductive organs, abortions, injury, frequent change sexual partner and many others.
  5. The cause of swelling may be allergic reaction sensitive skin of intimate areas due to friction of underwear or product material.

You should not diagnose yourself; only a qualified specialist can diagnose the correct one. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a complex of gynecological examinations and examinations, bacterioscopy. Only after this, a treatment protocol is prescribed for a specific reason, including antibacterial and immunomodulating drugs, special medical procedures and other necessary measures.

When do the labia minora swell?

Everything in the human body is harmonious; not the least role in a woman’s life is played by the labia minora, which begin to grow and develop during the girl’s puberty, along with her breasts. In Western countries, they are of the opinion that it is not correct to divide this body on the labia minora and labia majora, since thirty percent of women have so-called labia minora that are larger in size than the major lips. Therefore, there you can find the phrase inner labia - internal, outer labia - outer labia.

If you are worried that the labia minora are swollen, you should not immediately panic. The first thing to do is to understand the cause of this swelling. It is inherent from nature that the labia minora swell during sexual fantasies, direct mechanical stimulation of a woman’s reproductive organs, or in the case of direct sexual contact - and this is the absolute norm. Such swelling is not dangerous and subsequently, when sexual arousal subsides, the size of the labia minora returns to its original state and dimensional parameters.

If the labia minora are swollen during arousal, then this is not only safe, but also brings certain benefits, preparing the owner for further intimate life. This natural physiological process usually dies down after an hour or two after peak excitation; sometimes such regression drags on for four to twelve hours.

Increased swelling of the inner labia can already be observed in adult woman during coitus itself, and the reason for this may be rubbing them with the partner’s reproductive organ. As a rule, in this case it happens sufficient application special anti-allergenic lubricant. Some girls are worried about the dangers of masturbation. It’s worth calming them down right away. If during the process of arousal a woman does not have a harsh effect on her organs that damages the epidermis, then there is nothing to worry about. Due to self-satisfaction, if the above is fulfilled, the skin does not become rough or reddened, and there is no change in its original size. All gossip and speculation are associated with simple ignorance of physiology.

Now it’s worth figuring out in what case you need to sound the alarm and seek advice from a doctor.

  • If there is a change in the consistency, smell or color of vaginal discharge.
  • If a woman begins to feel discomfort in the genital area, itching (in such a situation, it is first necessary to make sure that the delicate skin is not damaged by cracks or scratches, which are easy to get when removing hair in the intimate area).
  • If, upon palpation, previously unobserved compactions are felt.
  • The appearance of various types of neoplasms on the skin.

In such a situation, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication; such self-confidence can be quite dangerous and lead to undesirable consequences. It would be more reasonable to undergo an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and get his consultation, which should not be postponed.

Causes of swelling of the labia majora

If a woman feels that her big lip is swollen and this brings some discomfort, you should not leave everything to chance, watch, maybe you will be able to independently determine the cause of the swelling.

Therefore, if the pathology does not go away, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. And you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor “until later.”

Causes of itching and swelling of the labia

The skin in the labia area is particularly sensitive, so if a woman begins to feel itching and swollen labia in the intimate area, then it is definitely necessary to pay more attention to this problem. These two combinations can be symptoms of quite unpleasant diseases, but only a doctor can determine the correct cause of the pathology. Therefore, if the irritation persists and did not arise, for example, after shaving the intimate area and can disappear on its own, you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination and prescribe a series of diagnostic studies, only after this can we talk about an adequate diagnosis and prescription of effective therapy.

A medical problem when the labia are itchy and swollen, and which needs to be solved with medication, may be the following pathology:

Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation that occurs in the external genitalia. It can develop due to irritation caused by rubbing with underwear (the size or model is not suitable) or due to an allergic reaction of the girl’s skin to the material of the underwear itself or its trim (lace, rolls, elastic bands). Vulvovaginitis can also develop as a result of active, rough, skin-damaging masturbation. Mostly it occurs in teenagers. Pathology can also appear due to infection, wearing dirty panties, failure to elementary rules intimate hygiene.

In addition to the already known symptoms this pathology is different:

  • The appearance of pain in the genitals and groin area.
  • There is painful urination.
  • The discharge becomes watery, acquires a foamy character, and the color becomes grayish-green. The liquid has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.

To summarize the above, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the result of treatment largely depends on how early the patient sought help from a doctor and how correct the treatment was.

Why are the labia swollen and itchy?

In light of the many fungi and infections that exist in the world and are ready to “settle” in the human body, any discomfort in the intimate area should alert a woman. After all, there are pathologies that for the time being do not manifest themselves, and they can only be detected by undergoing a preventive examination by a gynecologist. Therefore, you should not neglect this opportunity, because some lesions are treated quite simply, while others require more attention, effort and time. Therefore, if a woman notices that her labia are swollen and itchy, immediately consult a specialist. Only a certified doctor can determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

It is worth noting that such symptoms cause significant discomfort to the owner. The desire to scratch an itchy place leads to the formation of ulcers, which bring not only pain, but are also a “gate” through which various infection. The desire to scratch an intimate place can also be met with psychological discomfort, especially when a person is in a public place or the climatic features of the area of ​​residence pose an obstacle.

Why do the labia become swollen after sex?

Some still inexperienced girls are frightened by the situation when their lips are swollen after sex: she is panicked and frightened. In fact, nothing terrible happened, because a woman’s labia are equipped with a large number of venous and arterial vessels and nerve endings. Since one of the erogenous zones of the female body is located in this place, their increased sensitivity leads, with any caress or simple touch, to irritation of the nerve receptors and a rush of blood, which provokes swelling of the lips of the genital area. The quantitative increase in their size depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the fair sex.

But still, one should not discount the pathological lesion. If the change in the size of the labia is directly related only to coitus, then there is no need to worry, but if the swelling does not go away even after 12 hours after intercourse, you should think about visiting a doctor, since the cause may also be a disease.

Causes of swelling of the clitoris and labia

In most cases, there is nothing wrong with a situation where the clitoris and labia are swollen - this can be the result of natural sexual arousal caused by sexual fantasies, caresses of a partner or masturbation. During the period of sexual pleasure, a woman’s genitals, including the clitoris, receive blood flow, which causes them to swell. This natural process, allowing a woman to prepare for intercourse. Therefore, there is no need to worry about a swollen clitoris and labia. The swelling will subside by itself some time after completion of sexual intercourse.

Another question is if these symptoms persist even after 12 hours. If there are also concomitant pathological symptoms, then there is a direct path to an examination by a gynecologist, and you should not postpone this visit, since such manifestations can be caused by: bacterial infection, and an imbalance in the vaginal microflora caused by a malfunction in the ratio of various microorganisms.

Causes of swelling of the labia during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, which is caused by a significant restructuring of the expectant mother’s body, which also affects the woman’s genital area. The fact that the labia are swollen during pregnancy can be detected by both the woman herself and the obstetrician-gynecologist examining her. This is especially noticeable during the second and third trimester. During this period, blood flow to the uterus and to the labia increases, which makes them more swollen. This situation is absolutely normal and due to physiology. Blood flow is transport nutrients and microelements so necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus. The mother’s body is preparing for childbirth and blood flow is an important fact in this preparation, designed to facilitate the process of childbirth.

But you shouldn’t take control of the condition of your intimate places. If swelling is associated with unnatural discharge and an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to notify the obstetrician-gynecologist, because such symptoms can be caused by an infection.

Other reasons may also affect the size of the labia. During the period of bearing a child, the activity of blood circulation in the area of ​​​​certain organs decreases, as they succumb to the pressure of the uterus and the growing fetus, which compress the blood arteries. The consequences of such exposure can be dark ball-shaped seals (varicose veins of the labia). A third of pregnant women experience this pathology, but during normal pregnancy after delivery, varicose veins resolve on their own. Sometimes such a ball may burst, causing bleeding.

Swelling of the labia during pregnancy is not an indication for a cesarean section, but in some cases an obstetrician-gynecologist may take such a step.

In order not to complicate the situation, you need to wear comfortable underwear made of natural material. The expectant mother should rest normally, sleep only on her side, allowing blood to circulate unhindered.

But the cause of swelling may also be infection. In this case, other unpleasant phenomena are added to the swelling. For example,

  • Rash in the form of blisters.
  • Itching and scabies of the labia.
  • Unpleasant discharge.
  • Erosive - ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane.
  • Increased body temperature.

If at least one of the accompanying symptoms appears, you must notify the doctor managing the pregnancy. He will examine the pregnant woman and take a smear on the flora. Do not forget that some infections are quite dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Such a lesion can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, death of the nascent life in the womb, as well as lead to genetic changes in the fetus and its subsequent disability.

Other infections may pose less of a threat to the life and health of the fetus, but their development should not be condoned.

Causes of swelling of the labia with thrush

There are microorganisms that live in us constantly, without showing their presence. And only a confluence of certain factors can become a catalyst for their reproduction. These microorganisms include Candida, which provoke the development of candidiasis. This pathology poses less of a threat to pregnancy, but still causes a lot of unpleasant moments. Swelling of the labia with thrush is one of the symptoms of this pathology. Its accompanying symptoms are necessarily an unusual white, curd-like, copious discharge. This irritating factor begins to cause itching in the genitals. You always want to scratch them, which in turn leads to even greater swelling, hyperemia and the appearance of small wounds, which can become additional “gates” for another infection. During coitus and after it ends, a woman may experience pain in the vagina and at the exit from it.

If you experience similar symptoms, you should consult a specialist and undergo the necessary examination. Modern therapy for thrush with antifungal drugs is quite successful and takes only a few days.

Treatment of swollen labia

If you experience discomfort in the intimate area, you should not put off going to a specialist in the hope that everything will go away on its own. In this situation, a gynecologist or dermato-venereologist can help. Only he can carry out comprehensive examination and make the correct diagnosis. And only after the root cause has been established, a specialist can write out a protocol for the treatment of swollen labia, which is caused by the identified pathology.

In most cases, this is the use of antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

For example, effective antifungal drug flucostat is used to combat many fungal infections. The drug is prescribed in quantities of 50 to 150 mg, taken once a day. The duration of treatment can range from two to four weeks. This parameter is controlled by the attending physician depending on the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the pathology and the general health of the patient.

Contraindications to flucostat include increased susceptibility to triazole compounds, the period of bearing a baby, breastfeeding and childhood up to a year.

An analogue of flucostat is fluconazole, administered orally according to a regimen similar to the first drug. The only difference is that it is slightly weaker than the first, so it is prescribed in a slightly higher dosage. Its quantitative component is determined only by the attending doctor.

The doctor may prescribe antihistamines if an allergic reaction of any origin is diagnosed.

Amyzol is prescribed orally. The daily dosage involves the administration of 0.75 - 1 g of medication, divided into three doses. It is not recommended to take this drug if the patient is hypersensitive to the components of amizole, in case of myocardial infarction, or pregnancy.

Loratadine-Verte is administered orally at a dose of 10 mg once daily. In case of diagnosis of renal or liver failure the dose of the drug is reduced by half or applied in the same amount, but every other day.

Often the doctor prescribes an antiseptic: a topical ointment or tincture.

Betadine is applied in a small layer to the disturbing area two to three times throughout the day, so as not to spoil the underwear, you can use an occlusive dressing or a regular pad.

Contraindications to the drug include: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and pathological malfunctions thyroid gland. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

In case of dysbiosis, the attending physician may prescribe medications to the patient designed to maintain the balance of essential beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Such, for example, as Canadian yogurt, Linex, bifidobacteria, which the doctor prescribes orally, one to two suppositories in three daily approaches. The medicine is used half an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is adjusted by the treating doctor and can last from one week to two, and in severe, protracted pathologies, up to a month.

During pregnancy, the drug is administered one suppository once or twice a day (the drug is used in this case only for mild pathology).

It would not be superfluous to use drugs that stimulate the immune system, such as apilac, imudon, imunorix, sodium nucleinate, methyluracil.

The biological stimulant apilak is taken sublingually (under the tongue) 10 mg of the drug three times a day. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 days.

Contraindications to the use of apilak include Addison's disease (decreased adrenal function), hereditary hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (idiosyncrasy), including beekeeping products. Imunorix is ​​an excellent drug that stimulates the process of immune growth. Taking the drug is not tied to the time of food consumption. A single dosage of 0.8 g, which corresponds to two bottles, is used twice a day. The course of treatment involves 15 days of use; in the case of maintenance therapy, the duration of use of the drug can be two months.

The use of Imunorix is ​​not recommended if the patient is diagnosed with pathologies such as increased intolerance to pimotiod or parabens, other components of the drug, if there is a predisposition to allergies; in the case of hyperimmunoglobulinemia E, the use of the drug is controlled by the attending physician. It is not prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What to do if the labia are swollen?

The question arose, what to do if the labia are swollen? The answer is clear - go to a medical institution for examination and consultation with a specialist. The doctor will look and prescribe necessary research. There are many cases where swelling of the labia is associated with natural physiological processes, occurring in a woman’s body. Such options do not require any external influence and can go away on their own.

To eliminate the occurrence of this symptom as much as possible, it is necessary to Everyday life adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Careful care and compliance with all hygiene requirements of intimate places.
  • Regular daily change of underwear, it should not be dirty.
  • The underwear should be of a comfortable style and the required size. It should not rub or hinder movement.
  • It is advisable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, this will reduce the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Monitor your diet. Sometimes the consumption of certain products can provoke an allergy, which will lead to swelling and itching of the tissues of the intimate area, including the labia.
  • If this pathology is accompanied by concomitant symptoms, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor and follow all his recommendations.
  • If there is dryness of the vaginal mucosa, it is necessary to use special intimate gels that will protect the genitals from injury during sexual intercourse.
  • When removing hair from intimate areas, use only your own razor; in case of severe irritation, use an antiseptic.
  • In everyday life, it is better to use white pads. They contain fewer dyes, which can be an additional trigger for an allergic reaction.
  • The pathology in question can be provoked by stressful situation. It’s worth trying to be less nervous.
  • Do everything possible to avoid abortion.
  • You should not spray it on several sexual partners. Such carelessness increases the risk of infection.
  • Do not neglect regular preventive examinations.

Only careful attention to your body will allow you to avoid multiple health problems.

The issue of healthy genital organs worries everyone, but it is especially relevant for women of childbearing age, therefore, if any discomfort in the intimate areas occurs, including when the labia are swollen, it is worth determining its root cause and the woman will be helped with this by her doctor. The fair sex is only required to take care of themselves, their health, and at the first unpleasant symptom, immediately consult a specialist. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and a favorable result is guaranteed.