Possible causes of uterine enlargement. First signs of pregnancy

Neoplasms that form in the body of the uterus are the most commonly diagnosed gynecological pathology. Based on the nature of origin of atypical cells, anomalies can be benign or malignant.

In the first case, these are tumor cells - precursors, which, due to a number of circumstances, are incapable of chaotic division. Not associated with death.

In the second - this cancer cells characterized by rapid growth and aggressive behavior. They pose a danger to the patient's life.

Benign pathologies of the uterus manifest themselves with the following symptoms, which occur in varying degrees Manifestations for all diagnoses of this form of neoplasm:

    pain syndrome– the degree of intensity varies. The source of discomfort may be the lower region of the peritoneum, lumbar region. The pain is constant, often aching. Its cause is internal stretching of the abdominal muscles and compression of the nerve processes located in the pelvic region.

    The intensity of pain increases in proportion to the growth of the compaction. Acute pain– signal about insufficient tumor blood supply;

  • uterine bleeding– they can be quite abundant, and menstrual flow can be abnormally long. This occurs against the background of uterine hypertonicity and thickening of the mucous layer of the body of the organ responsible for the menstrual cycle. As a rule, such bleeding is a cyclical process, repeated at certain intervals;
  • partial organ dysfunction, localized in close proximity to the lesion. The reason for this phenomenon is the pressure of pathology increasing in diameter on the subperitoneal part and the genitourinary system. Gradually this leads to pyelonephritis.

Specific signs, although they have a common background for all benign formations, can manifest themselves differently in each specific case.


Uterine fibroids are an anomaly that develops in the walls of the cervix of the organ, or directly in the walls of the body itself. Most often, the disease is multiple in nature. Has several varieties.

Symptoms appear during the stages of active tumor growth. Very often, based on its symptoms, the disease is mistaken for endometriosis, which makes timely diagnosis difficult.

The pathology is characterized by chronic failure menstrual cycle, accompanied by spontaneous bleeding in its middle.

The duration of bleeding is not regulated. Myoma is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate due to compression of the intestines and Bladder

, as well as constipation and stool irregularity. The submucosal form of fibroids can occur against the background of excessive blood discharge, which in the most short time

causes anemia. Patients with this diagnosis often complain of nagging pain

in the lower abdomen and a feeling of heaviness in this area. Usually these phenomena are not associated with menstruation.

Fibroma Uterine fibroma – mature pathological formation

benign form, having a connective structure. Localized on the walls of the body of the organ. The disease is characterized by painful bleeding, profuse and prolonged.

In this case, the intensity of pain can have a fairly high threshold. More often severe discomfort

comes from the pelvic area due to the pressing force exerted by the tumor on neighboring tissues. Pain in the back is also typical lower limbs . In addition, a woman may experience acute, stabbing pain

at the time of urination, so he often mistakes fibroma for banal cystitis. Persistent sensations can lead to frequent urges, or, on the contrary, create problems with urination.

At later stages of the disease, pain appears in the lumbar dorsal area, especially when trying to bend down.

A specific manifestation is discomfort during intimate relationships, which can lead to a woman’s persistent refusal to have sexual intercourse.

Cervical cyst

Cervical cyst is a pseudotumor pathology of the cervical canal or vaginal area of ​​the body of the cervical organ. The structural filling of the formation is hemorrhagic and mucous secretion. Most often, a cervical cyst consists of several lumps.

As the anomaly grows, the woman begins to experience pain during sexual intercourse, and these sensations are so intense that they make it impossible to continue further.

At the same time, the amount of vaginal secretion increases, their structural content changes, as evidenced by the unpleasant, putrid odor emanating from the genitals.

There are nagging, rather intense discomfort manifestations in the lower abdomen, reminiscent in strength of manifestations of appendicitis. If you do not try to stop them, unpleasant sensations can accompany the patient almost constantly.

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent abnormality of unknown origin. It consists of the growth of endometrial fragments outside the zone of its normal localization. It is often genetic in nature.

The main symptom that allows diagnosing the disease is excessively painful menstruation. The pain is quite intense, difficult to relieve with analgesics and antispasmodics, and is paroxysmal and acute in nature.

The reason for this is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal tissues. Accompanied by brown spotting and cycle disruptions. Typically the duration menstrual flow with endometriosis, it is much higher than the average norm.

The pain appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, sharply intensifies during it and accompanies the woman for another 5–6 days after. As the pathology grows, the intensity of the discomfort increases and at a certain stage requires emergency medical intervention.

Manifestations of malignant neoplasms

At the stages of the primary formation of cancerous tissue fragments, symptoms by which one can judge the presence of the disease are practically absent, which makes it difficult early diagnosis and complicates the process of treating the anomaly.

As pathological processes progress, following symptoms, allowing a large share probability of detecting uterine cancer:

  • atypical discharge- one of the very first signs. It is a brown, bloody liquid with a sharp, unpleasant smell rotten meat. An increase in the concentration of blood clots indicates a worsening situation and progression of the disease;
  • blood during sex– discharge mixed with blood during sexual intercourse, after douching, physical activity, long walking. Is a consequence of a violation hormonal balance and deterioration blood supply uterine tissue;
  • pain syndrome- manifests itself in the lower abdomen and is girdling, local in nature. Often radiates to the lumbar area. It appears in the last stages of cancer, when a large formation puts pressure on the nerve processes;
  • . Difficult exit feces occurs due to the pressure of the tumor on the intestinal lumen, and frequent urination is a consequence of the same load on the genitourinary system.

Endometrial cancer

Endometrial oncology is the most frequently diagnosed cancer disease in patients of the older age group. The tumor grows in the inner walls of the lining of the uterus.

Pain is present on late stages progression of the tumor, when it has already grown into the pelvic area or intestines. In this case, the nature of the pain is nagging, quite strong, often cramping in the lower part of the peritoneum. Possible aching pain in the lumbar and sacral region, as well as at the time of emptying.

This form of cancer is characterized by purulent discharge accompanied by weakness, fever, fatigue and nervousness.

In addition, endometrial cancer is often associated with profuse leucorrhoea, especially with large anomalies. Watery inclusions in them indicate the active growth of oncology.

Carcinosarcoma of the uterus

The disease is a heterogeneous pathology formed from sarcomatous and carcinomatous fragments. It is characterized by an extreme degree of aggressiveness.

The very first sign indicating approaching danger is rare bloody issues from the genitals. At first they are minor and painless, but as the lump grows, the discomfort can be quite significant.

Since the anomaly is prone to rapid progression, the pain very quickly becomes unbearable and requires localization with potent drugs. Its acute and prolonged nature sharply reduces the patient’s quality of life, since it is associated with frequent and severe attacks in the lower pelvic area.


Extremely rare, deadly dangerous disease. Develops from undifferentiated fragments of the myometrium and endometrium.

It has no age restrictions and is characterized by the following specific manifestations:

  • constant pain syndrome pulling in the area of ​​the ovaries and lower abdomen. Often accompanied by discharge of heterogeneous consistency with a strong unpleasant odor;
  • yellowish skin color due to impaired liver function as a result of the damaging effects of metastases;
  • severe weakness– occurs already in the early stages, since the toxic effect of tumor decay products is very significant even at stage 2 of the disease.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a serious malignant lesion of the cervix. At the stage of formation of atypical processes, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. The first symptoms often begin already at the stage of irreversibility and look like this:

  • vaginal bleeding– occur after sexual intercourse, during an examination by a gynecologist, in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Pathology releases blood clots during any interaction with external irritants;
  • changes in the nature of menstruation– they become longer lasting, and can be both strong and moderately abundant;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals– these include leucorrhoea, bloody fragments of a dark brown color with the smell of rotten meat;
  • pain syndrome– in comparison with other forms of uterine cancer, they are less pronounced and, basically, manifest themselves already at the final stage of the disintegration of the malignant anomaly.

In addition, cervical cancer is associated with fatigue syndrome and sudden, more than 10% of initial body weight, weight loss accompanied by loss of appetite and progressive anemia.

Learn more about the symptoms of cervical cancer in this video:

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As a rule, a woman does not feel anything in the first days of pregnancy. None visible signs no pregnancy. The fertilized egg moves towards the uterus through the fallopian tube and, at the same time, divides.

At the same time, during pregnancy in the early stages, many signs that are not specific to pregnancy may be felt, which, however, appearing in combination, can, with a certain degree of certainty, indicate the beginning of fetal development.

These signs include:

  • morning sickness, vomiting, drooling, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, a strange “metallic” taste in the mouth, heartburn, constipation, intestinal disorders, bloating due to gas, a noticeable increase in abdominal circumference (the symptom itself may be associated with problems gastrointestinal tract);
  • increased appetite, increased sensitivity to smells or aversion to them, unusual eating habits (if nothing else indicates pregnancy, may be associated with metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal problems);
  • drowsiness, apathy, increased fatigue, feeling tired even in the morning, and not just in the evening or during the day, lethargy, lack of composure, mood swings, isolation, tearfulness, sometimes even aggressiveness or unusual excitability, restless sleep (without other symptoms of pregnancy may be a sign syndrome chronic fatigue, functional disorders nervous system, psyche, lack of vitamins, consequences serious illnesses);
  • weakness, fainting, dizziness, which usually occurs when being in a stuffy room, standing for a long time, taking hot baths in the absence of other signs of pregnancy, can be caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, vegetative-vascular dystonia, low pressure);
  • migraines, headaches;
  • worsening of hearing;
  • frequent urination (as separate manifestation frequent urge going to the toilet may be a sign of a cold, inflammatory diseases kidneys, urinary system)
  • feeling of “fullness”, lower abdomen, heaviness in the pelvic area, stitching, pulling, unusual sensations in this area (without other signs of pregnancy it may be associated with gynecological problems);
  • tension, swelling, soreness, increase in the size of the mammary glands, sensitive nipples, darkening of the skin of the area around the nipple, an increase in the diameter of this area, increased sensitivity of the breast, its engorgement and the appearance of colostrum (white discharge) from the nipple when pressed (in the absence of other signs of pregnancy, it can be an indicator of problems, including oncology, breast);
  • elevated for about 2 weeks to 37-37.5 ° C (even in the absence of menstruation, it can be associated with an inflammatory process in the body, including mononucleosis). In the case of pregnancy, the temperature is maintained until the placenta begins to function, measured in the rectum for five to seven minutes, and the thermometer is inserted into the depth of 2 cm. When measuring this temperature, a sign in the second phase is also a sharp decline temperature for one day (“implantation retraction”) occurring as a result of hormonal changes: a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone during this period, which caused an increase in basal temperature, as well as the release of the hormone tarragon, which is responsible for the decrease in temperature;
  • repeated mild “lumbago”, mild pain in the lower back, discomfort in the sacral area (in the absence of other pregnancy symptoms, it may be associated with spinal problems, sciatica);
  • a feeling of heat, cold, chills, a feeling of general malaise, as with colds or light form flu;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • darkening of the skin, appearance age spots, including the appearance of pregnancy scars (stripes) on the face, darkening of the line on the abdomen from the navel to the groin and pubis, blue or pink lines on the abdomen and chest. They usually appear at 1-3 months of pregnancy; in its absence, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance or be the consequences of a previous pregnancy;
  • slight swelling of the hands, decreased blood pressure
  • periodic tingling in the uterus, spasms of the uterus, in the lower abdomen, as during or before menstruation, but there is no menstruation;
  • appearance, increase vaginal discharge, implantation bleeding due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, appearing 6 to 12 days after conception in the form of slight bleeding, or just a few brown drops, or just a “yellowish trace” on toilet paper, which resembles the harbingers of menstruation, these phenomena can appear repeatedly;
  • internal sensations, intuition;
  • dreaming fish;
  • unusual activity in setting up your “nest” at home (wiping dust, cleaning, washing, putting things in order, etc.).

All these signs, each in itself, can be either a direct consequence of pregnancy, changes in the body, hormonal changes, or evidence of a number of diseases, and quite often, self-hypnosis.

Gynecological pathology is common problem for women of different ages. This may be accompanied by various manifestations and create certain difficulties in the reproductive sphere. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to your condition and not to neglect the recommendations of doctors.

One of the signs of trouble in the body may be an enlarged uterus. Everyone knows that this situation is normal during pregnancy and after childbirth, but not everyone understands what reasons lead to changes in the size of the organ in its normal state. Some of them can be considered as a consequence physiological processes, but most factors are of pathological origin.


If an examination reveals an enlarged uterus, then first of all it is necessary to answer the question of why this happens and what it means for the woman. After all, it is clear that apart from pregnancy, such a phenomenon should practically not occur normally. Therefore, possible factors for its occurrence should be considered. These include the following:

  • Condition after menstruation.
  • Premenopausal period.
  • Fibroids.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Cancer of the uterus or cervix.
  • Inflammatory diseases.

As you can see, some factors are completely physiological in nature, however, in most cases the uterus enlarges with the development of pathology.

To determine the real reason changes, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis of possible conditions. Only after this can a final conclusion be made.


First of all, you should consider characteristic features conditions that may be accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus. It shows up various symptoms, and, therefore, the clinical picture will suggest the possible origin of such a phenomenon.

If we talk about normal ratios in the body, then the uterus should not be larger than a woman’s fist: the length is up to 8 cm, and the width is about 5–6 cm. If there has been a history of childbirth, then the size may differ slightly in the direction of increase. But when pathological conditions it can reach several weeks of pregnancy, up to the second trimester.

Condition after menstruation

The menstrual cycle is accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. Estrogens and progesterone play the main role in this. The release of blood is accompanied by rejection of the surface layer of the uterine mucosa.

After the end of menstruation, gradual growth of the endometrium and its loosening are observed. Therefore, there may be some enlargement of the uterus, but the cervix contracts. If after menstruation the size of the organ exceeds the permissible limits, then you need to look for other reasons for this condition.

Premenopausal period

As women age, decline occurs reproductive function. The expansion of the uterine cavity during this period is mediated by a decrease in estrogen levels. Menstruation becomes irregular and the cycle may shorten. The woman notes other signs:

  • Feeling of heat in the body.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Increases in blood pressure.
  • Headache.

If other genital symptoms appear, it is necessary to exclude gynecological pathology.


Quite often in women reproductive age meet benign formations in the uterus - fibroids. These tumors may have different localization: submucosal (internal), intramural (in the thickness of the organ) or subserous (external). Symptoms depend on their location, the stage of development of the pathology, and may include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Increase in organ size.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Uterine bleeding.

When the tumor reaches a significant size, neighboring organs can be compressed, which provokes bloating, constipation, and frequent urination. On palpation, the uterus is hard to the touch.


This disease occurs when cells of the functional layer of the mucous membrane begin to develop outside the uterine cavity. A special case of pathology is adenomyosis, a condition in which the endometrium grows into all layers of the organ. Often the disease affects the cervix and peritoneum. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Brown discharge.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Infertility.

It must be remembered that endometriosis can be accompanied by cell degeneration, leading to cancer.

Cancer of the uterus or cervix

The cause of an increase in the size of the organ may be a malignant process - cancer. Cervical lesions are the most common cancer in women. Disease long time is completely asymptomatic. But as it progresses, the following signs appear:

  • Scanty bleeding.
  • Unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.

During a gynecological examination, changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix and contact bleeding are noticeable. The examination is also painful.

Uterine cancer is more common in women over 50 years of age. In addition to an increase in the size of the organ, the disease is accompanied by intermenstrual bleeding and heavy periods. Pain syndrome may appear when the pathology is widespread.

Every woman should always have a clear oncological alert. Her health and future life may depend on this.

Inflammatory diseases

Among inflammatory pathology In the female genital area, an increase in the size of the uterus is most often accompanied by endometritis. Often the infection spreads from the vagina or develops during the post-abortion or postpartum period. The following symptoms are observed:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cloudy bloody discharge, often purulent in nature.
  • Soreness of the uterus on palpation.
  • Rise in body temperature.
  • General weakness, malaise.

The acute stage of the pathological process sometimes turns into chronic form, which can cause infertility.


It will help to find out why the uterus is enlarged additional research. To make a definitive diagnosis or exclude dangerous pathology, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental methods. These include:

  • Blood test (clinical and biochemical).
  • Analysis of secretions (bacteriological, cytological).
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Biopsy of pathological formations.

Based on the results obtained, a conclusion can be made about certain disorders in the woman’s body. This is the only way to confirm or refute assumptions about the reasons for the increase in the size of the uterus. If a pathology is detected, treatment should be started immediately.

Problems on the female side arise extremely unexpectedly for most representatives of the fair sex. And in order not to become a hostage to the situation, you need to carefully listen to all the signals that the body gives.

What are the causes of uterine swelling?

It is almost impossible to determine unambiguously why the uterus swells. The reason for this may be as serious illness, as well as minor changes in the female body:

  1. Uterine dysplasia. Dysplasia is the disordered occurrence of compacted formations in the epithelial layer. If the disease was not detected in time, the compaction begins to gradually grow, producing the effect of swelling of the uterus. Dysplasia occurs mainly in women who have given birth;
  2. Cyst. This disease is one of the most dangerous initial stages completely asymptomatic. Often it is diagnosed only when it is impossible to do without surgery. If the patient notices even slight swelling of the walls of the uterus, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor and solve the problem at minimal cost;
  3. The reason for a slight increase in the cervix may also be the period of ovulation, when the egg is ready for fertilization. This phenomenon usually occurs on days 15-28 of the menstrual cycle and is accompanied by several other symptoms: irritability, headache, and chest pain. Ovulation may occur intermittently, occurring every few months. While it is absent, the cervix, even during the menstrual cycle, remains in normal condition.

You can learn more about the cause of dysplasia by watching this video:

At the same time, to determine independently whether the uterus is swelling or not, a patient who does not have medical education, it will be quite difficult. Even with enlargement, the uterus will open slightly, by 5-7 mm, and it will be almost impossible for an inexperienced eye to catch such changes. At the same time, one should not forget about individual characteristics body when the cervix is ​​naturally enlarged. This phenomenon does not cause any pathology and does not lead to the development of serious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of “female” diseases

It is also almost impossible to independently diagnose the presence of “female” diseases to which the cervix is ​​susceptible. This should be done exclusively by a specialist, based on tests and initial examination. You should visit a gynecologist at least once a year in order to promptly identify and prevent a potential illness.

A swollen cervix can cause aching pain in the lower abdomen, worsening during sexual intercourse. The pain can be of a point nature, concentrated in one point of the abdomen, or encircle the entire surface, when it seems that the entire cervix hurts. You won’t be able to get by with traditional painkillers here, because they only remove the symptom, not the cause. Assign effective treatment Only a doctor can, and self-medication will only do harm!

A swollen cervix can also signal problems through mucous discharge. They do not have any periodicity, but indicate that there is an infection in the body.

In order to track clinical picture and even minor changes at home, patients are advised to measure daily basal temperature in the morning, without getting out of bed, when the cervix is ​​at rest. Often, an increase in temperature indicates the onset of ovulation, but it can also characterize an increase in the level of white blood cells. The presence of leukocytes is the main sign that the body is undergoing active struggle with infection.

No matter how well the symptoms of the disease have been studied, you should never try to eliminate them yourself. The payback for this can be many unwanted problems that any woman prefers not to know about.