I'm sweating a lot, what should I do? Reasons why a person sweats a lot

Sweating is one of the natural functions of the human body. Probably even a child will answer why a person sweats. Under normal conditions, the amount of moisture excreted through the sweat glands is very small. At the same time, the sweat that comes out has virtually no odor and does not cause much discomfort.

However, if sweating becomes excessive, causing inconvenience, and besides, the released moisture acquires an unpleasant aroma, it is worth thinking about the reasons. Why does a person sweat a lot? It’s one thing when this happens with increased physical activity, and quite another when sweat appears suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Why does a person sweat?

Healthy human body under normal conditions environment always has a certain temperature equal to 36.6˚C. Any disruptions in the body and fluctuations in body temperature provoke sharp deterioration well-being. To prevent overheating, our body releases moisture, which, when evaporated from the surface of the skin, lowers body temperature. Without this protective function, people would have died from hyperthermia long ago. This is why a person sweats.

What is sweat?

The composition of moisture released by the body can depend on several factors. Here important role The intensity of sweating, the likelihood of having a disease, the presence of medications in the body, and the general condition of the body all play a role. In a healthy person, sweat mostly consists of water and some salts, acids and organic compounds. If a person takes any medications, then they can also be part of sweat. During physical activity, the moisture released by the body usually contains lactic acid.

During sweating, an intensive process of cleansing of toxic substances occurs in the body. It has long been known that under the influence of moist, well-heated air, numerous pores human body open, and the amount of moisture released rapidly increases. This is why people sweat in saunas and baths. According to many connoisseurs of the steam room, after this procedure their body seems to rejuvenate, they feel light and comfortable.

Unpleasant smell

During the day, an adult produces about 600-800 ml of sweat. Freshly released moisture has virtually no odor, but the activity of opportunistic bacteria living on the skin in numerous gland ducts contributes to its rapid decomposition. As a result of their activity, protein breakdown products and acid with a persistent unpleasant aroma remain. Since completely different microorganisms live on women's and men's skin, their sweat smells different.

Why do people sweat a lot at night?

The answer to this question most often turns out to be very simple and banal. It can usually be associated with too high a temperature in the bedroom and stuffiness. It is believed that ideally the room air temperature should not exceed 20-22˚C, and the room itself should be well ventilated.

As is known, artificial fabric practically does not allow air to pass through, disrupting its natural circulation and heat exchange. Why does a person sweat a lot in his sleep? The reasons may be synthetic materials in low-quality bedding. Sometimes excessive sweating can occur due to an overly thick blanket made from natural wool or non-breathable synthetic fibers. Therefore, sometimes to reduce night sweats, it is enough to change your bedding.

It happens that a person may break into a sweat because of a nightmare or a recently experienced emotional outburst. Psycho-emotional stress can also cause the body’s thermoregulation to switch on.

Body signal

Of course, if there are no probable factors for excessive sweating, and the reasons have not been identified, then there is a serious reason to think about why a person sweats in his sleep. It is quite possible that it is time to consult a doctor, because excessive sweating can be a signal of malfunctions in the body. The cause may be disturbances in the functioning of the heart or of cardio-vascular system, the appearance of infectious or inflammatory diseases, manifestations of symptoms of certain diseases of the thyroid gland or system gastrointestinal tract. People with hyperhidrosis, as well as patients taking certain medications, often suffer from excessive sweating.

Sweating as a symptom

Additional release of moisture from the sweat and fat glands is most often facilitated by a person's excess weight. In obese people, every system of the body works in an enhanced mode and without any stress. Even minor physical exercise requires more expenditure than that of thin man. As a result, obese people’s body temperature rises faster, which contributes to a significant release of moisture.

Pregnancy can cause excessive sweating in women. Especially strong discharge sweat in this case is observed in the early stages. Hot flashes of excessive sweating may occur due to the onset of menopause or menopause. Older people may also suffer from this symptom.

People with diabetes suffer from increased sweating. Increased activity of the sweat glands may occur due to low level glucose and hemoglobin in the blood, as well as one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Excessive sweating can occur after prolonged treatment with antibiotics, since the body, already weakened during illness, will instantly react to any stress or emotional outburst. In addition, all his systems will strive to get rid of accumulated drugs, and as we know, many medications come out with sweat.

With regular consumption of alcohol, taking drugs and smoking, intoxication of all organs and systems of the body occurs. Along with symptoms such as lethargy, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weakness, sweating may also increase. This occurs due to a disruption in the functioning of the brain, which begins to incorrectly perceive signals from the autonomic system. Any strong drinks provoke an increase in body temperature, which causes sweating. In addition, the body strives to get rid of toxic toxins that form after drinking even a small portion of alcohol.

Sweating under increased stress

Increased sweating during exercise and active sports is physiological norm for any person. Due to increased physical activity, body temperature increases. In response, the human body launches a process of thermoregulation, which results in the release of moisture. Therefore, we can safely say that heavy sweating during exercise physical exercise- indicator of training effectiveness.

Food as a reason for excessive sweating

Why does a person sweat at night? The reasons are explained by the appearance of additional stress after a heavy dinner and increased work of the digestive organs. As with any other load, the body triggers a thermoregulatory mechanism and begins to intensively eject excess liquid. This process can be aggravated by eating spicy, hot and fatty foods, which are difficult to digest. To reduce sweating, it is necessary to reduce the intake of such dishes, especially at night.

Drinking hot drinks also stimulates increased sweating. That is why people living in hot Asian and eastern countries To cope with the sweltering heat, they drink hot tea. It promotes profuse sweating, which is necessary to regulate the heat balance in the body. In the northern regions, this drink is drunk to increase sweating during treatment and prevention. colds. It is especially appreciated by lovers of saunas and baths, as it helps to achieve even greater results after visiting the steam room. In addition, in this case, tea promotes recovery water balance in organism.

Causes of excessive sweating

Of course, if you experience increased sweating, you should ask yourself why the person is sweating. At night he may sweat due to the “wrong” bedding, dreamed bad dream or taking medications. This can also become a symptom of disorders in the body, but you should monitor when and which parts of the body sweat more during the day. Gathering information when visiting a doctor can make it much easier to explain the cause of excessive sweating.

Fight sweating

Sweating is complex and unpleasant, but quite natural process our body. In the fight against its excessive manifestation, the optimal remedy is a shower and deodorizing agents, but even they are not always effective. If excessive sweating causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to determine its true cause and help you choose suitable means protection.

Many people wonder why I sweat a lot and how to eliminate such negative symptoms. The process of increased sweating has a physiological origin under the influence of various environmental factors (high temperature, increased physical activity).

In order to eliminate negative signs, it is necessary to identify the cause of this condition from a doctor who will prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. In some cases increased sweating may be the reason serious illnesses in organism.

Main causes, symptoms and signs of excessive sweating

Special glands secrete sweat, which contains mineral salts, ammonia, urea, toxic substances, and metabolic products.

Increased sweating may occur for the following reasons:

Increased sweating can occur against the background of a psychoemotional disorder, since a person experiences excessive production of adrenaline, which contributes to the work of vital systems in an enhanced mode.

The main function of sweating is thermoregulation and the creation of normal conditions for the functioning of the whole organism. The human body temperature changes under the influence of various environmental factors.

The production of sweat glands is controlled by the hypothalamus of the brain, since special receptors convey information about any changes in the body. When a signal is received, increased production of sweating begins to ensure thermoregulation.

In this case, the reasons for sending a corresponding impulse to the brain may be physiological or pathological in nature due to the detection of serious disorders in the body.

Symptoms of excessive sweating include excessive sweat production in localized areas of the body (armpits, feet, palms, face, groin, forehead). The skin in these places is moist, cold, and the bones and feet may become bluish tint due to impaired peripheral circulation.

In parallel with increased sweating, bacterial and fungal diseases on the skin. Sweat does not have a specific distinct odor, but when it is secreted, a favorable environment for development is formed. various bacteria which cause an unpleasant stench.

In some cases, the smell of sweat is caused by the release of various toxic substances (components of cigarettes, alcohol, potent chemical compounds, digestion products of onion, garlic).

Sweat can also vary in color. This condition may occur due to excessive use of certain medications or the accumulation of chemical substances in organism.

Such phenomena are often observed in people who work in hazardous industries using various chemical compounds. If uncharacteristic signs of increased sweating appear without good reason, then you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

Types of increased sweating

Hyperhidrosis is classified depending on general flow disease and severity of characteristic symptoms:

  1. Light form hyperhidrosis, in which sweating is invisible to others, but the armpits are constantly wet, which can lead to a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  2. At average shape Excessive sweat production is noted (wet spots on clothing reach a diameter of up to 30 cm). A person is forced to change clothes several times during the day;
  3. Severe form characterized by generalization of the process (sweat flows in streams throughout the body).


Diagnosis of excessive sweating is based on visiting a doctor, taking the necessary tests and conducting special testing (Minor test). The technique involves staining the problem area of ​​the skin with iodine and starch. When blue spots study shows excessive sweat.

A study is also carried out using a special paper sheet with a weight, which is applied to the location of sweat and then weighed. The data obtained allows you to determine whether sweat is produced in excess.

In order to establish the cause of increased sweating, doctors prescribe a series of tests. Additional consultation with other specialists may be necessary. narrow profile. Hyperhidrosis without cause requires a thorough examination and the appointment of an appropriate treatment regimen.

If there is increased sweating of the feet, you should pay attention to the following recommendations to eliminate the problem:

To eliminate excessive sweating of the feet, it is important to maintain personal hygiene:

  • Daily washing of limbs with soap, wiping dry or using a hair dryer to dry;
  • Elimination of constant and severe wetting of the feet;
  • When taking a bath, it is necessary to use a special pumice stone, which removes dead cells from the heels and eliminates various bacteria;
  • Application of antiperspirants. The cosmetics industry provides a wide choice, so you can easily choose good remedy foot skin care;
  • Using a special bactericidal or laundry soap, which dries the skin well and prevents the development of various bacteria;
  • The use of folk remedies in the form of foot baths, taking various decoctions and tinctures.

An excellent means of prevention for excessive sweating of the feet is the elimination of excess moisture with good drying and use. various means(powders, antiperspirants).

Natural alum, crushed oak bark, talc, starch, tea leaves, boric acid, and salt are used as effective remedies. To obtain the desired effect, pour the prepared product into socks and wear them at night.

If your body sweats a lot

Excessive sweating on the body causes a sour odor, itching, irritation, which is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process on the skin.

  • Maintaining personal hygiene rules (taking a cold shower, wiping the skin dry);
  • Regular armpit hair removal;
  • Avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • The use of special antiperspirants, gels, ointments that help narrow the sweat ducts (Crystal, Dry Maxim);
  • Prohibition of excessive consumption of spicy, peppery, fried foods. The diet should be dominated by vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C;
  • Going to the sauna, since in case of severe slagging, increased temperature increases thermoregulation and helps cleanse the body.

The most common cause of increased sweating of the hands is the occurrence of stressful situations.

To normalize sweat production, you need to follow simple rules:

If your head and armpits sweat a lot

Increased sweating of the head occurs when there are enlarged pores.

  • Using special cleansing lotions or scrubs;
  • Using masks to tighten pores;
  • Rubbing the scalp or face with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, tea leaves and milk.

If there is excessive sweating in the armpit area, this condition may be caused by the development of natural physiological processes (fever, strong emotional state, intense exercise).

To prevent the development of symptoms of increased hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to perform the following recommendations doctors:

  • Regular adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • Use of special antiperspirants, natural alum and other products;
  • Completing the necessary examination to identify pathological diseases;
  • Security proper nutrition(exclusion of spicy, salty foods, alcohol);
  • Wearing clothes made from natural materials.

Night sweats can occur in adults and children due to disruption of the autonomic system, insomnia, and severe fatigue.

Treatment is based on the use of the following techniques:

  • Taking sedatives (motherwort, valerian, chicory);
  • Ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • Elimination of other irritating factors.

If, when using the above methods, the negative symptoms do not go away, then you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary studies to make an accurate diagnosis.

Increased sweating during exercise is a normal physiological reaction of the body and indicates good condition body.

Main reasons:

  • Normal metabolism;
  • Increased stress on the body;
  • Stifling room temperature;
  • Having excess weight;
  • Correct protective reaction of the body;
  • Incorrectly chosen clothes;
  • Severe stress that arose during training;
  • Individual characteristics of the body;
  • A large amount of water in the body.

When playing sports, it is important to replenish the lack of moisture in the body, so you need to drink between workouts Not a large number of purified water.

Treatment method

Treatment of excessive sweating involves the use of conservative and surgical techniques therapy. Proven folk remedies are prescribed as an auxiliary method of rehabilitation.

Surgical methods of treatment

Surgical treatment methods are listed below:

  • Injection of Botox, as this substance blocks the work of the sweat glands and prevents excessive sweat production;
  • Use of laser radiation;
  • Performing endoscopic sympathectomy.


Botox injections are good for eliminating sweating in the armpits, hands and feet. After the procedure, the resulting effect lasts for 6 months. After 2-3 days, the increased sweating stops, and the treated area of ​​the body stops hurting.

Laser radiation

The laser destroys sweat duct cells irrevocably. The procedure is carried out in the clinic for 40–60 minutes. After this treatment, increased sweating no longer bothers the patient. In this case, overheating and infection are excluded due to the fact that the treated skin surface is sterilized.

Carrying out a sympathectomy

Cosmetic surgery, which is performed with a small incision, permanently eliminates excessive sweating. Intervention is divided into local (blocking the sweat glands at the site of increased sweat localization) and remote (manipulation is carried out at a short distance from the problem area).

  1. Endoscopic sympathectomy. This operation is most often performed when increased hyperhidrosis. First, a puncture is made and a tube equipped with a video camera is inserted to obtain an image on the screen. Subsequently, a clip is applied and the sympathetic trunk is cut off. Such manipulations are carried out only on the palms, since other areas of the body require the use of other effective techniques.
  2. Open (conventional) sympathectomy. The surgeon opens the chest and dissects the fibers, the sympathetic trunk. This operation has a considerable number of disadvantages ( long stay in the hospital, the presence of a scar at the site of the incision), therefore it is carried out only if there are clear indications.
  3. Percutaneous sympathectomy carried out by introducing special needles into the sympathetic trunk. Nerve nodes sweat glands are destroyed by electric current or special drugs. During the operation, errors may be made due to the lack of visual control of the operation.

Methods for eliminating excessive sweating in the armpits

For increased sweating in the armpit area, the following surgical techniques are used:

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy for excessive sweating consists of using the following methods:

  • Products for external application (sprays, ointments, gels), which are applied to cleansed skin and temporarily block the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • Oral medications for oral administration. This category of medications is prescribed after accurately determining the cause of increased sweating. Most often, discomfort occurs due to severe stress or emotional overstrain. In this case, the use of sedatives is effective.


Folk remedies for excessive sweating are effective in combination with basic medicine and the mandatory agreement of the chosen method with the attending physician:

  • Preparing a bath from a medicinal letter. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb is poured into 250 ml, and the finished product is used as intended for the treatment of hand hyperhidrosis. The procedure is carried out before bedtime;
  • A bath of willow bark is prescribed for excessive sweating of the palms. The powder is diluted in 250 ml of cold water and infused for 8 hours. The procedure must be carried out daily for 10 minutes;
  • Hyssop infusion is recommended for the treatment of general hyperhidrosis. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of herbs is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for several hours. Ready product take 3 times a day, 125 ml;
  • Sage tincture. 1 tbsp. Fill a spoon with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for several hours. The prepared decoction is taken 3 times a day before meals;
  • A combination of lavender and lemon water in equal proportions to wipe problem areas of the skin;
  • Tincture of sunflower leaves when mixed with water in a ratio of 1:4. The finished product is taken daily, 30 drops 3 times a day before meals;
  • Viburnum bark as an effective remedy for sweating of the palms and feet. 1 tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoon of the plant and leave for 2 hours. The prepared solution is used to wipe problem areas of the skin.

Many people sweat during intense physical activity and elevated temperature, but at the same time some practically do not sweat. This condition can be pathological and is called anhidrosis, and also requires examination and proper treatment.

Lack of normal sweating may occur for the following reasons:

  • The presence of any disease;
  • Anhidrosis of tropical type;
  • Deviations of a genetic nature;
  • Wrong lifestyle;
  • Ingestion of toxic drugs into the body;
  • Work in hazardous production;
  • Strong emotional stress.

Why is there no sweating during intense physical activity?

The absence of sweating during intense physical exertion is a deviation from the norm and indicates the presence of anhidrosis requiring appropriate therapy. With this disease, toxins and waste are poorly removed from the body, which can lead to the development of additional pathologies.

Progression of anhidrosis can develop into chronic form. As a result, the lack of normal functioning of thermoregulation causes disruptions in the body and contributes to the development of various diseases in the vital systems of the body.

No sweat when visiting the sauna

Since ancient times, illnesses have been treated by visiting a bathhouse or sauna, since the removal of toxic substances from the body ensures a quick recovery for a person and brings the necessary vigor in a short time.

Expanding the pores in the bath and using birch, linden, and oak brooms ensures youthful and elastic skin. Such procedures must be carried out according to a certain schedule, since excessive abuse can cause an imbalance in the water balance in the body.

If a person does not sweat in a sauna, then he may develop anhidrosis. With severe sweating in certain areas of the body, hyperhidrosis is diagnosed.

Additional signs of the disease with the development of anhidrosis:

  • Redness and dryness skin;
  • Complete absence of sweating;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Headache;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Blurred consciousness.

In this condition it is necessary to take maximum amount liquids, wipe the body with cold water, make special compresses, and with deterioration general condition go to the hospital for further examination.

Reasons for lack of sweating

Lack of sweating can occur due to the development of a certain number of reasons presented in the list below:

  • Dermatological diseases (scleroderma, miliaria, leprosy, ichthyosis);
  • Liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, Addinson's disease;
  • Various pathologies nervous system;
  • The appearance of vitamin deficiency;
  • Frequent urination, stool upset (diarrhea or constipation);
  • Radiation sickness, cholera;
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Parkinson's disease.

In hot weather, a healthy person sweats a lot, which indicates that the thermoregulation system is working well. On such days, it is necessary to consume the maximum amount of water, since tropical anhidrosis may develop due to lack of moisture.

The development of anhidrosis can also be congenital. The disease is most often diagnosed in boys and requires careful monitoring throughout life and avoidance of strong physical exertion and overheating.

Wrong lifestyle overuse alcohol, smoking, overeating negatively affects the functioning of many organs in the body, which can lead to increased or decreased sweating, so it is important to follow preventive measures.


Prevention of excessive sweating involves following simple recommendations:

  • Good ventilation of the room in which a person sleeps;
  • Use of bed linen made from natural materials (linen, cotton), blankets according to the season;
  • Avoiding a heavy dinner before bed (limiting the consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods, alcohol, cocoa);
  • Maintaining personal hygiene rules (showering 1-2 times throughout the day);
  • Selection of shoes according to size, season, preferably from natural materials (leather);
  • Elimination of severe stress and strong emotional experiences (yoga and meditation are recommended);
  • Maintaining the right image life ( balanced diet, elimination of bad habits and excess weight).

Sweat glands work too actively during the period of hormonal changes or due to any disease. If in the first option this is considered normal occurrence, then in the second it requires intervention. What should it be like? It all depends on the reasons heavy sweating of the whole body. They are the ones who determine how to solve the problem.

First you should contact an endocrinologist. The examination prescribed by him will help get rid of unnecessary fears. After all, when we experience increased body sweating, the reasons may be different. This is about possible inflammation adrenal glands or thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, infectious disease.

One of the very serious reasons is often indicated by the long duration of such discomfort.

Very heavy sweating the whole body is often caused by psychological factors. This is self-doubt, suspiciousness and fear. They affect the emotional state and cause severe reaction on current events, and over time lead to diseases. Therefore, the first remedy prescribed when hyperhidrosis appears is one of the sedatives.

Body sweating often increases due to weak immunity, and in this case, any event can cause stress. Procedures with contrast shower. In this case, you can use sage, eucalyptus and pine oils. They should be mixed in equal parts and added a few drops to the shower gel.

It is recommended to carry out such procedures twice a day. A strong infusion of kombucha also helps. It is good for them to wipe the body after taking a shower. As practice shows, it also helps get rid of prickly heat, eliminate acne and reduce unpleasant odors.

What causes increased sweating?

Increased sweating of the body is often explained by the characteristics of the autonomic system. But many doctors believe that everything lies much deeper and requires comprehensive examination. It is possible that this phenomenon began with representatives of previous generations. We are talking about genetic predisposition. In this case, it is very difficult to solve the problem.

Sometimes the reasons for severe sweating of the body lie in excess weight, the appearance of which had its own reasons. This is, for example, diabetes. There are two reasons that need to be addressed here. The main efforts are directed towards treating the underlying disease, i.e. diabetes mellitus. But it is also necessary to fight excess weight. If these factors are neutralized, sweating will also decrease.

It is believed that excessive body sweating usually originates in response to stressful situations. This leads to neuroses, hypertension and other “nervous” diseases. In addition, hyperhidrosis often indicates serious problems with heart.

If, for example, there is not enough salt in the body, the heart is not able to work at full strength. This creates a kind of stressful situation, the reaction to which is a new portion of sweat.

If weakness appears in the body, sweating often indicates a disease such as endocarditis. Its nature is very serious. The fact is that bacteria and microbes that enter the body begin to attack the heart.

If you do not see a doctor in time and start treatment, dangerous complications may arise. Symptoms of this disease include not only weakness, but also fatigue, shortness of breath, painful sensations, pallor of the skin, as well as fever.

How serious the cause of hyperhidrosis is can be determined by its individual manifestations. In former times, for example, every zemstvo doctor was helped by knowledge of what odors of body sweat were.

This made it possible to obtain a more complete understanding of the causes of the patient’s illness. If it comes from a patient sour smell, this indicates the likelihood of tuberculosis, and if hydrogen sulfide, serious digestive problems. All such odors are always accompanied by other symptoms.

If hyperhidrosis itself causes problems

Increased sweating always leads to other phenomena. For example, acne on the body from sweat may appear and not disappear for a long time.

Excessive sweat leads to skin irritation and if there are serious problems with performance sebaceous glands, then such rashes are simply inevitable. But both of these phenomena can collectively indicate diseases of the heart or endocrine system, disturbances in the functioning of the intestines,

The interconnection of such phenomena is also reflected in the question of whether a child can have heat rash throughout the body. The baby usually sebaceous glands are not able to work clearly, like an adult. Therefore, every increased amount of sweat on his body causes irritation.

You should also take a closer look to see if the child is dressed too warmly. Childhood hyperhidrosis and miliaria can be caused by synthetic clothing baby.

Some people are bothered by sweat stains on their bodies. It is generally accepted that sweat can have an odor. But color should also be taken into account. This can especially occur in the armpits. Here you can see yellow, reddish, bluish or greenish spots. The cause is often the activity of color-forming bacteria. But such colored spots may also indicate a metabolic disorder.

If increased sweating is observed throughout the body, then we are looking for ways and means to combat it not only in general, but also in every part of the body. Body shampoo for prickly heat is also considered one of the effective helpers. It usually contains natural cleansing oil extracts. You can prepare this remedy yourself. For this you need 5-7 drops of oil tea tree dilute in a spoonful of shampoo.

Hyperhidrosis is a feature that cannot be tolerated, and sometimes not only for aesthetic reasons.

If you can say to yourself: “I’m sweating a lot, more than usual, and there’s this smell...”, then it’s time to deal with this problem and put an end to it. We offer inexpensive, effective and safe weapons, because we know exactly how not to sweat so much.

Sweat is a natural thermostat that protects a person from overheating. A pea-sized drop of sweat cools a liter of blood by half a degree.

Sweat is 90% water and odorless. An unpleasant odor appears due to contact of secretions with a non-sterile surface of the skin and in people who have various diseases, it smells different. At a time when tests were not yet done, the diagnosis was made precisely by smell.

Each person has an individual sweat rate. It is up to 2 liters per day during physical activity or in very hot weather.

Rules of life

If you don't know what to do if you sweat a lot, then start with the smallest thing.

To avoid excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, you must first of all monitor what goes inside your body. Limit the amount of fatty and heavy foods that require a lot of energy to digest, and also minimize spicy foods with seasonings, which stimulate the nervous system and cause the body to sweat more.

Try not to eat meat, fish, eggs, more than 3-4 times a week. More often eat foods that contain a large amount of zinc - spinach, cabbage, parsley, cucumbers, beans, asparagus, plums. It is zinc deficiency that is manifested by a strong odor of sweat.

Drink water. Problems with odor may be due to insufficient levels of toxin removal. If the smell persists, you can make a decoction of chamomile, sage, rose hips or oak bark and use it to wipe the parts of your body where you sweat the most. Drink concentrated rosehip tea instead of compote and other drinks.

Every day, sprinkle the inside of your shoes with baking soda or baby powder - a small amount. Be sure to empty out the old product before adding the new one.

To remove bad smell, need to pay more attention.

The more intense and pleasant the smell of washing powder, the more aggressive it is (fragrances drown out the smell of chemicals), and this can also provoke sweating.

Most often, to eliminate hyperhidrosis, you need to undergo a thorough, very detailed examination of the body, sometimes more than once. Don't despair, listen to our advice, use the recipes, but be sure to find the main problem and be healthy.

If a person can say to himself with confidence, “I sweat a lot, and this is bothering me,” then it’s time to take action and start treatment. Sweat protects the body from overheating in hot weather and its secretion is a natural process. But if sweating is regular and profuse, literally dripping from the forehead and back, sweaty legs and palms, we can firmly say that this is hyperhidrosis.
Most people are familiar with this disease, forcing them to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, use cosmetics and medications, and look for new ways to get rid of the nauseating odor that invariably accompanies sweat.

For those suffering from hyperhidrosis, it is enough to think about a possible handshake and the palms instantly become wet. Excessive sweating causes uncontrollable fear, which causes sweating. Some people are unable to find an antiperspirant that can completely eliminate sweat because they sweat a lot.

A person is uncomfortable with hugs, close contact with people, and only one thought spins in his head: “I sweat a lot and am unpleasant to others.”
When, you can forget about going on a visit, because there you will have to take off your shoes. It's the same at the doctor's appointment, at the gym, and at the shoe store. Physiologists believe that hyperhidrosis is some vicious circle, which not everyone can break alone. A seemingly trivial problem can over time result in depression, insomnia and neurosis, causing a host of related problems with health and life in society.
Even in cold weather, your feet get wet, and a characteristic smell appears in your boots. sweating armpits due to the constant use of various cosmetics, render clothes unusable, requiring regular wardrobe replacement.

It happens that a person changes two or three shirts per day, which need serious washing.
Doctors are trying to treat sweating sedatives, formalin, hypnosis and surgical methods that cure the disease forever. But due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such an operation.

Types and reasons

Increased sweating is the active secretion of sweat due to the work of the sweat glands, which receive an impulse from the nerve endings due to disorders hormonal balance or other reasons associated with hidden diseases. The appearance of sweat is stressful for a person, and stress causes a new wave of fluid secretion. Doctors divide hyperhidrosis into general and localized.
General appears under the influence of high humidity and air temperature, physical activity, with strong emotions and the occurrence of many diseases:

  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • taking medications;
  • neurological disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes.

Local hyperhidrosis is more common. Divided:

People suffering from severe hyperhidrosis most often suffer from colds and purulent rashes, and regularly wet feet and palms are a breeding ground for the proliferation of fungi. Healthy people sweat during physical activity and hot weather. This is a normal protective reaction of the body. But if there are pathologies in health, excessive sweating is a signal of a disease that needs to be urgently eliminated. The exception is menopause and pregnancy, when there is a dynamic restructuring in the body. As soon as it ends, the tides will stop. In order to alleviate a woman's condition during menopause, doctors prescribe hormonal medications.

When your feet sweat

A person experiencing sweaty feet should pay attention to:

Feet require careful care. In addition to good shoes and clean socks, you need:

  • Wash your limbs every day with soap and wipe them dry. Dry your feet with a hairdryer.
  • Keep your feet dry and warm.
  • When taking a bath, clean your heels with a pumice stone or grater to remove dead cells in which bacteria and microorganisms accumulate.
  • Antiperspirants help prevent sweat and odor. There is a huge selection of these products on the market. You can choose the right one and use it regularly after taking a shower.
  • Wash your feet with bactericidal soap. Better economical. It dries the skin and kills germs better than toilet soap.
  • Use for treatment folk remedies don't forget to do medicinal baths, drink fresh decoctions and tinctures.

Regardless of whether a person suffers from sweaty feet or not, they should be kept dry. After all, moisture is a source of bacterial growth that causes an unpleasant odor. The skin of the feet hardens and cracks. Air therapy helps a lot. If you dry your feet with a hairdryer and then use pharmaceutical products, you may not feel discomfort for a long time. Powders provide a healing, drying and deodorizing effect.
It is recommended to use natural powders - crushed oak bark or . They are simply poured into clean socks and worn at night. You can use starch, tea leaves, talc and mixtures thereof. Regular salt is considered a good remedy, neutralizing persistent odors. And if you sprinkle your feet with boric acid powder, not forgetting the areas between the toes, sweating and the characteristic odor will disappear for several weeks.

If your body sweats

The unpleasant sour smell is caused by microbes that multiply from moisture. Itching and irritation, as well as minor inflammatory processes, appear on the skin.

To normalize the release of moisture you need to:

If your hands sweat

Often the problem is caused by fear and stressful situations. To normalize sweating you should:

If your head is sweating

Sweat occurs when the pores are very enlarged. To eliminate it, it is recommended:

  • use cleansing lotions or scrubs;
  • apply pore-tightening masks;
  • Wipe your face and scalp with milk, decoctions of chamomile and oak bark, and tea leaves.

Night sweats

Both adults and children often complain about it. Night sweats are caused by the autonomic system, not muscle activity, and surgical intervention is not subject to. Sometimes sweating is caused by insomnia or extreme fatigue. For treatment you need:

  • drink sedatives– valerian, motherwort, chicory;
  • ventilate the room;
  • get rid of irritating factors.

Important! If all factors that can cause hyperhidrosis have been eliminated, but sweat still appears, you should consult a doctor and have your body examined in detail.


Methods of combating intense sweating are divided into surgical and conservative. In addition, there are traditional methods, which do not eliminate the cause, but help keep the skin dry and clean.

Surgical methods


Injections can cure sweating of the armpits, hands and feet. The procedure takes a few minutes, and the effect lasts six months. After just a couple of days, sweating stops and the treated areas stop hurting.


The neodymium laser destroys sweat duct cells forever. The session is carried out in the clinic with anesthesia for about 40 minutes. After this, the patient returns to normal life and no longer wonders “why am I sweating a lot.” The procedure does not cause overheating or infection, since the radiation sterilizes the surface being treated.


Cosmetic surgery. It is passed through a small incision. It can rid a person of sweat forever. Intervention is divided into local (the surgeon blocks the fibers directly where the most moisture appears) and remote (involves a short distance from the problem areas).

For increased moisture production in the armpits, use

  • Liposuction - using a small tube inserted through pinpoint punctures, axillary tissue is removed. Nerve fibers are destroyed and the sweat glands stop working. This procedure is recommended for overweight people.
  • Ultrasonic liposuction. Used by plastic surgeons and is less traumatic.
  • Curettage. Most often used. Provides for scraping fat from areas where sweat ducts are located. The glands are damaged and nerve fibers, which prevents their further functioning. The operation is not carried out blindly, but with the use of video assistance, thanks to which the occurrence of hematomas and fluid accumulation in the postoperative period can be avoided.
  • Phytotherapy. Used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Conservative methods

  • Products for external use - gels, ointments, sprays that are applied to a clean body and, penetrating inside, temporarily block the sweat ducts.
  • Oral agents. These include sedatives that calm the nervous system. Often, it is disorders of the nervous system that cause sweating. The doctor may prescribe other medications, depending on what disease is causing the sweat.

Traditional methods

Why do some people not sweat even in a hot and humid atmosphere, while others are constantly covered in perspiration? We sometimes hear people say with a certain degree of superiority that they barely sweat or don’t sweat at all. Perhaps they mean that they are cleaner than those who...

Most likely, they do not suspect that they are sick, and not sweating is life-threatening. Absence or slight sweating is a disease associated with disruption of the sweat glands. This disease is called anhidrosis. Translated from Greek as “absence of sweat.” Insufficient sweat production is called hypohidrosis. The correct functioning of the sweat glands and the thermoregulation of the body are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What are the reasons why the human body produces little or no sweat:

Sweating increases during exercise in healthy people. No wonder they say: “I worked until I sweat.” The absence of sweating in such cases indicates anhidrosis. With such a diagnosis, heavy loads are prohibited, especially when high temperature in the surrounding atmosphere, as thermoregulation is disrupted. A person can work with substances harmful to the body, poisons, various toxic and allergenic substances, in dusty rooms. All this gets on the skin, the pores become clogged, the sweat glands do not secrete sweat well, along with poisonous and toxic substances. If a person doesn't sweat long time, undergo atrophy, he may develop chronic anhidrosis.

Even in ancient times, people knew that sweat expels disease, they went to baths and saunas to sweat as much as possible, cleanse the pores, remove harmful substances. After such procedures, fatigue disappeared and vigor and energy returned. In Rus', baths have long been considered health resorts. Steaming in a bathhouse meant expanding the pores with hot steam, sweating thoroughly and, finally, treating the skin with steamed birch, wormwood, linden, oak broom. The skin looked younger, became elastic and firm.

Baths and saunas are still extremely popular among the people. For people with poor sweating, a linden broom is useful as a good means for releasing sweat and linden tea with honey. You cannot steam excessively in baths and saunas; after visiting, you need to drink a lot to restore the body’s water balance. Healthy man You should definitely sweat in the sauna. If the body does not produce sweat at all in a hot sauna, this is abnormal and indicates anhidrosis. If only some parts of the body sweat, then this is hypohidrosis.

Signs of the disease are:

  1. dry skin, redness;
  2. poor sweating or its complete disappearance;
  3. dizziness;
  4. muscle cramps;
  5. fatigue;
  6. increased heart rate;
  7. increased breathing;
  8. body temperature rises;
  9. clouding of consciousness.

With such manifestations, you need to drink a lot, urgently find a place with air ventilation, wipe hot areas of the skin with water, apply cool compresses, and, if the condition remains severe within an hour, call ambulance and consult a dermatologist. If people do not sweat at all, then a hot bath and sauna are contraindicated and can cause heatstroke and harm their health.

Why might people not sweat at all?

There are various reasons why a person does not sweat at all and suffers from dry skin.

Lack of sweating is often caused by various diseases:

  • skin disease, scleroderma, leprosy, ichthyosis, etc.;
  • diabetes mellitus, Addinson's disease, liver cirrhosis;
  • nervous system disease;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination;
  • cholera;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • lungs' cancer

and some others. Usually, when these diseases are cured, then the body’s thermoregulation is restored.

On hot days, a person who has no health problems literally breaks out in sweat. Water leaves the body, and if you don't drink enough fluids, tropical anhidrosis can develop. Dust that gets on the skin clogs the ducts of the sweat glands. People with decreased sweating are not recommended to live in tropical hot and humid climates.

Anhidrosis also occurs congenital disease when the glands that secrete sweat are not developed or formed. Sometimes this occurs due to abnormalities of the ectoderm during the first period of embryonic development. More often, boys inherit this genetic disorder. A newborn child with this disease should be observed by a dermatologist from the first days of life. There is no chance of cure for hereditary anhidrosis; a person should avoid overheating and physical exertion throughout his life.

An incorrect lifestyle is dangerous for normal sweating: excessive alcohol, drugs and some medications for the treatment of the nervous system, heart and vascular diseases.

Sometimes a person does not sweat due to internal emotional state, stress, fear, desire not to reveal your feelings to others. Constantly holding back feelings and emotions disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and can develop anhidrosis.

How to deal with it

If there is no sweating, you should consult a dermatologist. Analyzes, tests and diagnostics are carried out, the cause of the disease is established.

Vitamin preparations are prescribed: multivitamins, vitamins A and E, Bi2 intramuscularly.

It is recommended to wipe painful areas of the skin with lotions containing alcohol, rub in creams and ointments that soften the skin. Oil solution "Retinol acetate" with simultaneous administration inside.

Hypohidrosis does not always impair thermoregulation if sweat is not produced in a small area of ​​the body. It happens that some areas of the body do not sweat, but others produce profuse sweat. General anhidrosis is life-threatening and heat stroke can be fatal. It is important to see doctors and strictly follow their recommendations, especially for older people with weakened sweat glands.

It is also wrong to use antiperspirants in large quantities; they clog pores and interfere with the normal functioning of the sweat glands. The sweat itself does not smell, since it contains water, salt and a small amount of protein, around which bacteria gather, emitting a bad odor.

You can get rid of it with frequent hygiene procedures and a change of clothes.