Yellow-brown snot from the nose. Brown snot is a symptom of various diseases. Treatment with medications

Each of us experiences a runny nose several times a year. Therefore, no one is surprised by either transparent or green discharge. But brown snot from the nose capable of baffling and frightening anyone. What does this mean, what are the reasons, and what needs to be done to cope with this pathology.

Why is snot brown: the main reasons

The color of the mucus coming out of the nose is: an important diagnostic sign. If the snot is brown, what does this mean, it is better to ask an ENT specialist, since only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. However, before visiting the doctor, what causes this phenomenon.

The main reasons are:

  • presence of blood;
  • smoking;
  • fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity (mycosis);
  • presence of dried crusts dark in color, which is typical for ozena and scleroma;
  • chronic inflammatory process V paranasal sinuses.

The most common type of sinusitis is sinusitis. With this disease, there is a focus of infection in the maxillary sinuses. The pathology can be acute or chronic.

Often sinusitis becomes purulent, and the mixing of pus with drops of blood from careless handling of the nose or the course of the disease leads to yellow-brown snot. The disease can affect both sinuses, or just one. In the latter case, rust-colored discharge will be observed from only one nostril.

Blood as the cause of mucus turning brown

Often, brown snot in an adult or child can be a result of blood getting into it, which can be observed when:

  • mechanical injuries to the mucous membrane;
  • fragility of blood vessels, provoked by prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, atrophic chronic rhinitis etc.;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • diseases accompanied by increased intracranial pressure;
  • excessive dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • the presence of tumors of various etiologies.

In this case, red-brown snot indicates the presence of fresh blood, while dark brown ones are observed when blood persists in one or another part of the nose for more than a day.

During this time, hemoglobin is destroyed in red blood cells, erythrocytes. The released iron oxides and other decomposition products give the mucus a rusty or brownish tint.

For example, patients are often long-term sufferers of a runny nose, notice green-brown discharge. This is usually not a cause for concern and only indicates the presence of bacterial rhinitis and drops of blood getting into the mucus.

Since with various rhinitis the mucous membrane can be very swollen, small hemorrhages may occur in places.

With a bacterial infection of the nose, these pinpoint ulcerations do not heal for a long time, so the typical ones may appear with brown streaks. This does not require immediate medical attention, but treatment of a runny nose should be given attention Special attention so that it does not develop into sinusitis or other complications.

Neoplasms in the nose

At the same time, brownish discharge may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant tumor. Of course, this is less common than other pathologies, but you shouldn’t forget about it.
Source: website Among benign neoplasms, most often found in the nasal cavity hemangiomas and agranulomas , dotted with numerous vessels with thin walls. Their integrity is easily damaged even by simply blowing your nose, resulting in the release of blood.

At malignant tumors blood in the snot appears due to its destruction or damage to nearby tissues or blood vessels. Be that as it may, you can suspect the formation of a tumor in the nose based on the following signs:

  • impaired nasal breathing in the absence of infection and allergies;
  • the presence of ulcerations in visible areas of the mucous membranes of the inside of the nose;
  • frequent causeless nosebleeds and mucus of various colors;
  • regular development of inflammatory processes in the ears, that is, otitis media.


They are extremely rare. As a rule, the prerequisite for their development is a severe weakening of the immune system, which is typical for serious autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiencies, etc.

The main causative agents of mycoses are fungi of the genus Candida. In the first stages of the lesion, nasal discharge acquires a white tint and a cheesy consistency. If the patient does not apply in a timely manner for medical care, subsequently he may blow his nose out of bright brown or even black snot.

Ozena and scleroma

Ozena and scleroma cause the formation of dark mucus in children and adults with equal frequency, but this is more common in women and girls. But these diseases are diagnosed even less frequently than fungal infections. Their presence is indicated by:

  • decreased sense of smell;
  • dry mucous membranes.

Brown snot from the nose in an adult

Most often, in an adult, brown snot is a consequence of:

Smoking. The discharge acquires this color due to tars and other compounds present in tobacco smoke that have settled on the surface of the mucous membranes. With the development of any rhinitis, mucus is actively produced, rich in a special protein, mucin. If a person's tars combine with this protein, the result is a light brown snot.

The presence of sinusitis.

Work in very dusty conditions. At the same time, fine particles of dust and various substances constantly settle on the hairs and mucous membranes, which give the mucus an uncharacteristic shade.

In children, especially young children, the most common causes of brownish mucus are mechanical damage mucous membranes and dryness of inhaled air, As a result, the mucous membranes dry out. Because of this, they lose their elasticity and swell. Therefore, it is much easier to hurt them.

However, the release of rusty or brown mucus from the child's nose also In such cases, children usually experience liquid brown-yellow snot, at least at the beginning.

In the absence of timely medical intervention, they can thicken in the same way as in adults and cause severe disruption of the general condition.

Children often put various objects into their noses. If they are not removed immediately, they cause inflammation and minor bleeding, which gives the mucus a brown tint.


When brownish discharge appears, therapy as such is not always required. For example, if the reason for this lies in mechanical damage to the mucous membranes, then it is enough only:

  • Be careful when clearing your nose of mucus and crusts;
  • reduce the intensity of nose blowing;
  • lubricate internal surfaces nose oil if necessary.

If the air is excessively dry, you must:

  • purchase a household humidifier or place wide containers of water around the house;
  • to moisturize mucous membranes;
  • Do wet cleaning in the house regularly.

In other cases, how to treat the patient depends on the cause of the appearance of peculiar discharge. So, if you are diagnosed with increased fragility of blood vessels, you should balance your diet and do cardio training. This means that patients need daily:

  • bike, run, swim, or at least take long walks;
  • ensure that the body receives the required amount of vitamin C and iron with food;
  • take medications if prescribed by a doctor.

In case of fungal infection of the nasal mucosa, patients are prescribed long-term therapy with antifungal and immunostimulating drugs, as well as a special diet.

For mycoses, it is extremely undesirable to abuse sweets, flour and alcohol, as they provide the necessary nutrients for active growth and reproduction.

If you have any suspicions for the possibility of tumor formation , follows in as soon as possible When neoplasms are detected on early stages they can be successfully treated, but ignoring them can cost the patient’s life.

Treatment of sinusitis

For sinusitis, from the first days, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since this pathology is quite dangerous and can cause complications in other ENT organs, eyes and even the brain.
For patients with this diagnosis, otolaryngologists prescribe:

  • local antibiotics (Isofra, Polydexa, Rinil, Framinazine, etc.);
  • systemic antibiotics for severe cases pathologies, as evidenced by viscous brown snot (Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, etc.);
  • corticosteroids (Nasonex, Beconase, etc.);
  • vasoconstrictors(Otrivin, Nazivin, Noxprey, Tizin, Xilen, etc.);
  • saline solutions (saline, Humer, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Quix, etc.).

Often for patients over 5 years of age to improve performance drug treatment The “Cuckoo” procedure is prescribed. Its essence is professional rinsing of the nasal passages in a clinic setting.

Nasal discharge can tell a lot not only about a person’s health, but also about the environment in which he lives and works. The mucus produced by the epithelium of the nasal cavity serves to protect against the penetration of various microorganisms, dirt or dust from the outside, and also warms the inhaled air.

In the absence of a runny nose, mucus forms in a very small quantity, in the outer parts of the nasal passages from clear discharge it turns into crusts white. If the color of nasal discharge and its volume changes, if abundant or very scanty green, yellow or brown mucus appears, then this indicates various diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The appearance of nasal discharge with blood during a runny nose

For a runny nose of infectious origin, the most common pathology upper respiratory tract, nasal discharge changes in volume, consistency and color as inflammation develops. In the first days of the disease it is abundant, serous or serous-mucous and transparent. On the 2-3rd day, when the bacterial component joins the viral component of the inflammatory process, the nasal mucosa begins to produce pus.

Every day it becomes more, due to which the discharge becomes yellow or yellow-colored. green color and a thicker consistency. IN last days runny nose, nasal discharge becomes scanty, turns into dry yellow-green crusts and then disappears completely.

Brown color the nasal contents are given an admixture of blood, and not fresh - hemoglobin begins to change and transform, due to which its shade from red becomes brown. This is normal colds not happening. The appearance of scarlet blood streaks or clots indicates fragility of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa due to several reasons.

This can be a strong blowing of the nose by an adult or a curvature of the nasal septum, injuring the epithelium of the mucous membrane. Increased blood pressure, lack of vitamin C, dry mucous membranes due to improper treatment A runny nose can also cause red blood to appear in the snot.

Why does nasal discharge turn brown?

For the color to turn brown, the blood must come from more distant parts of the upper respiratory tract. Inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses - here main reason formation of brown discharge. Their appearance with a prolonged runny nose is a very undesirable sign, indicating an incorrect or late treatment the disease and its complications, the spread of inflammation to the sinuses, and significant and deep damage to the mucous membrane.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Of all sinusitis, the most common are sinusitis and sinusitis. The clinical picture of these diseases consists of a complex of symptoms. This is intoxication of the body, a specific pain syndrome, as well as nasal discharge, which is thick and mucopurulent in nature.

Destruction of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, as a result of which nasal discharge turns brown, can occur due to late treatment, chronic inflammatory process, uncontrolled use vasoconstrictor drugs, traumatically performed sinus puncture or nasal lavage, as well as due to a foreign body in the paranasal cavity.

The reason for the appearance of brown discharge due to the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity relates, first of all, to sinusitis of odontogenic origin. Removal of the upper small or large molar, its treatment or implantation of a pin can lead to perforation of the bottom maxillary sinus and penetration of bone fragments or filling material into it.

In these cases, not only the inflammatory process begins, but also permanent injury to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus occurs. Blood from the destroyed capillaries enters the mucopurulent discharge, passes through the drainage channels and ends up in the nasal cavity, turning from red to brown.

Such dark discharge with odontogenic sinusitis, they are always unilateral, occurring on the side of the sinus perforation that occurred. There will also be one-sided brown discharge when a foreign body is in the nasal cavity. This situation is typical for childhood when a child puts something deep into his nose.

Prolonged trauma to the mucous membrane by a foreign body leads to infection, inflammation and destruction of the epithelial layer with constant bleeding. But its outflow can be difficult due to obstruction (blockage) of the nasal passage. Therefore, mucopurulent discharge, characteristic of infectious rhinitis, acquires a brown tint due to stagnation of blood.

Foreign body in the nose

Scanty dark nasal discharge, brown or almost black, can appear without a runny nose, against the background of complete health. Their cause becomes increased content dirt or dust in the inhaled air. Such situations are typical for people in certain professions.


If brown or red blood appears in the nasal discharge, you should definitely consult with an ENT doctor. Diagnostics takes place in several stages. First of all, the doctor finds out all the patient’s complaints, determines the presence pain syndrome and intoxication of the body, clarifies the nature of nasal discharge and the duration of the disease.

The second stage is conducting an inspection. For this purpose, a rhinoscope is used, with which anterior and posterior rhinoscopy is performed. The ENT doctor examines the mucous membrane in all nasal sections, determines the presence of swelling or hyperemia, characteristic of an infectious runny nose.

Anatomical defects or foreign body which can cause bleeding. Based on the presence of nasal contents on back wall pharynx, by its color the doctor determines the source of blood loss and often pre-diagnoses sinusitis.

To clarify this diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out additional research. Radiography and diaphanoscopy are traditional methods, from more modern methods ultrasound is used CT scan, MRI, which will help you quickly get the information you need.

The brown color of nasal contents most often indicates an advanced inflammatory process and deep damage to the mucous membrane. This condition requires long-term treatment, so you should not postpone your visit to the ENT doctor.

One of the tasks of the nasal mucosa is to produce fluid that moisturizes Airways. A special secret destroys pathogenic organisms. With hitting nasal cavity bacteria, viruses, the process of inflammation begins - the mucous membrane swells, becomes injured and releases a lot of secretions.

By the color of the liquid produced, one can judge the disease that provoked the phenomenon. Brown, thickened snot in an adult or child - alarm signal, requiring special attention.

Reasons for changing the color of discharge

The development of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses is the main cause of the phenomenon. Brown snot from the nose indicate inappropriate or late treatment of the disease, deep damage to the mucous membrane.

Most often, such discharge accompanies the course of sinusitis and sinusitis. The brown liquid acquires a characteristic shade due to the blood that appears due to damage to the vessels of the mucous membrane of the sinuses.

Sometimes the prolonged course of the inflammatory process leads to the formation of pus, which dries and turns into crusts, which soften with a large amount of secretion, and the patient notices brown snot.

Another reason for mucus discoloration is fungi. Yeast and mold microorganisms accumulate in the sinuses. The process of their accumulation is accompanied by the release of white fluid, which, as inflammation develops, acquires a characteristic color.

In adults

Most often, brown snot from the nose appears in an adult for the following reasons:

  • Smoking. Mucus darkens due to resins and alternative elements tobacco smoke appearing on the walls of the nasal cavity. Any rhinitis is accompanied by the release of mucus containing the protein mucin. If a smoker is sick, the resin in combination with the named component stimulates the secretion of a colored secretion.
  • Development of sinusitis (most often we are talking about the purulent version).
  • Labor activity in a dusty room. Collects inside the nasal cavity a large number of tiny particles, they color the mucus in a characteristic color. Black snot in an adult appears during prolonged work in very dusty rooms.
  • Abuse vasoconstrictor drops. The epithelium of the mucous membrane is injured, capillaries burst - snot with blood appears. Hemoglobin during the transformation process gives the discharge a brownish tint.

In children

Brown snot in a child most often appears due to mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane and dry air in the room. The second factor leads to the drying out of the shell - it becomes less elastic and swells. Accordingly, it turns out to be very easy to injure tissue.

Brown snot from one nostril or both in the case of a baby may be a consequence of the development of sinusitis. Symptoms of the disease initial stage manifests itself as thin, yellow-brown nasal discharge, then it turns into a thicker one. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the symptoms of the disease increase and the general state child.

Sometimes children insert foreign objects into their nasal passages. If foreign elements are not promptly removed, swelling of the mucous membrane appears, it is damaged, and the ingress of blood gives the snot a brownish tint.

How to treat?

In the presence of characteristic discharge, treatment as such is not prescribed in all cases. After mechanical damage to the nose, only:

  • be careful in the process of cleaning the cavity from snot and crusts;
  • reduce the intensity of nose blowing;
  • use oil to treat the mucous membrane of the passages.

If the cause of the phenomenon is dry air, you should regularly rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution, carry out wet cleaning more often, and purchase climate control equipment.

Therapy for sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis in children and adults should be carried out under strict medical supervision, because a prolonged course of the disease can cause serious complications in other organs.

Therapeutic measures for illness include:

  • antibacterial agents local action(Polydex, Isofra);
  • systemic antibiotics in case of severe course disease, which is indicated by yellow-brown, thickened snot (Azithromycin and others);
  • corticosteroid drugs (Beconase, Nasonex);
  • vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (Nazivin, Otrivin and others);
  • varieties saline solutions(Aqualor, Aquamaris) or saline solution.

If conservative therapy turns out to be powerless in the fight against the symptoms of sinusitis, treatment requires surgical intervention.


Facilities alternative medicine, used for appropriate secretions, are represented by infusions, decoctions, and plant juice. They play the role of antiseptics and immunomodulators. Among the most effective folk medicines:

  • Propolis tincture for rinsing the nose. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in 200 ml of water, add 15 drops of the main component and use as directed.
  • Diluted celandine juice. Mix two drops of juice in a glass of water. We instill the solution into the nose.
  • Chamomile decoction. Add one tablespoon of chopped herb to 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and rinse the nasal cavity with the liquid.
  • Kalanchoe juice. We drop it without dissolving in water, or treat the mucous membrane with a cotton swab dipped in the product.

If there is pain during treatment traditional methods therapy should be discontinued immediately.

The use of thermal procedures for sinusitis is contraindicated, the same applies to alternative clinical cases accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Brown nasal discharge in children and adults often indicates serious illness. When characteristic symptom It is necessary to promptly contact a specialist who will select medications and describe the medication regimen. Self-medication with remedies traditional medicine effective only in the case of an integrated approach.

The hue or color of nasal discharge can be considered specific diagnostic sign, which allows you to quickly guess the nature, stage of inflammation and its nature - bacterial or viral. Transparent, colorless mucus is considered normal. If the muconasal secretion acquires an uncharacteristic shade - greenish or yellow, you should consult a specialist and begin treatment appropriate to the condition. The color of nasal discharge is a signal that the body has entered into a “fight”, sending virus or bacteria, leukocytes, mucin and other active, protective cells and substances into the zone of invasion.

What does the color of nasal discharge indicate?

White nasal secretion

  • The initial or final stage of the inflammatory process, swelling of the nasal cavity.
  • Irritation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Allergy to dairy products.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Acid reflux.
  • Viral inflammation.
  • One of the signs of candidiasis.

Yellow mucus

  • Completion of the inflammatory process, accompanied by a runny nose (2-3 days is the norm).
  • After 3 days, if your runny nose continues to turn yellow, this is a sign of a developing bacterial infection.
  • A sign of purulent mucus consistency.
  • The onset of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Allergy to microorganisms found in dust and feathers.

Brown discharge from the nose

  • Polluted inhaled air, dust.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Long period of use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Sign of oncological process.
  • Mycosis of the nasal cavity.
  • Ozena.
  • Yellow-brown color of mucus is a sign of sinusitis.
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis in acute form.

Green runny nose

  • The second stage of inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  • A sign of a bacterial or viral infection.
  • Chronic bronchitis, pneumonia.

Red nasal discharge

  • Weak, vulnerable walls of blood vessels, capillaries, mechanical damage to the nose.
  • One of the signs of diphtheria rhinitis.
  • Dry mucous tissue, desiccation due to abuse of vasoconstrictor drops.

Black mucus from nose

  • Ambient air pollution, inhalation of coal dust.
  • A gray-black tint of mucus indicates a fungal infection of the nasal mucosa.

Thus, the color of the discharge is an indirect diagnostic sign that should be taken into account in the analysis of the clinical picture of the disease.

Yellow nasal discharge

The mucous tissue of the nasal cavity contains many glands that secrete mucus daily. A change in the normal color of muconasal secretion is always associated with some type of inflammation. Yellow discharge from the nose - a sign of a protracted process of viral or bacterial etiology.

The mechanism for the appearance of yellow-colored mucus:

  • Leukocytes, granulocytes (neutrophils) protect the cavity from harmful microorganisms and viruses.
  • Protective blood cells rush to fight bacterial, viral infection, destroy pathogens of inflammation.
  • Dead microorganisms are “bound” by blood cells and removed outside.
  • The breakdown products of molecules of both protective cells and bacteria give the yellow color to the secreted mucus.

It is believed that yellow discharge from the nose is a sure sign of the end of a runny nose. However, such a signal does not always indicate the end of inflammation.

More than 50% of cases of runny nose do not end within 8-10 days and are accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

  • Increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication are lack of appetite, weakness, nausea.
  • Attachment to the yellow mucous discharge of conjunctivitis.
  • Pain symptoms- headache, throat.
  • The nasopharyngeal mucosa swells.
  • The discharge has a specific unpleasant odor.
  • Sensitivity to smells and taste decreases.

If a yellow runny nose does not end well on the 9-10th day, the condition may worsen. The reasons for the development of the process are as follows:

Conditions, according to clinical picture similar to the above diseases require medical care. After passing drug therapy The discharge may change color and consistency (transparent and more liquid). This is evidence of the effectiveness of treatment and a signal of the beginning of recovery.

Green nasal discharge

The nasal mucosa is very sensitive to irritants and especially to the invasion of harmful infectious agents. Depending on the type of inflammatory agent and the stage of the process, the mucous membrane produces mucus of a specific consistency and color. A runny nose can be white, transparent, gray-green, yellow, or reddish. Green nasal discharge, denser and more viscous, is a signal of the production of purulent contents and an advanced stage of the disease. How can you independently distinguish green nasal discharge based on the factors that provoke it?

  • Vasomotor type of rhinitis– liquid contents, serous consistency with a slight, barely noticeable, greenish tint in the acute stage.
  • Allergic runny nose– mucus is abundant, transparent, green in color may be due to a combination of allergies with acute respiratory viral infections or other diseases chronic form. This indicates an acute form of inflammation in ENT organs, less often in the gastrointestinal tract or bronchopulmonary system.
  • Bacterial infection of the nasopharynx - there is always an unpleasant odor, the color of the mucus is characteristically green, the secretion is dense and comes out in clots.

Green nasal discharge should not be considered a minor ailment. Quite often, this condition is a sign of reduced immune defense and carries the risk of infection spreading to nearby areas of the respiratory system. With sluggish, weak cellular immunity, toxins easily enter the bloodstream through the fragile capillary system and nasal mucosa, provoking inflammatory intoxication syndrome. In general, a greenish mucous secretion is not dangerous, but it does require attention. If a runny nose lasts only 7-10 days, the mucus is actively removed, this indicates the awakening of the immune system, in particular specific cells - neutrophils (killer cells), which have begun to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

White nasal discharge

The color and density of mucous muconasal contents may indirectly indicate the etiology of the inflammatory process and its stage. White nasal discharge most often indicates dry mucous tissue, lack of moisture and possible infection of the nasopharynx. Let us consider in detail the most common types of white mucus in ENT practice.

  1. White discharge from the nose with a liquid consistency:
    • Allergic reaction.
    • The initial stage of the formation of nasal polyps.
    • Small growths of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx - adenoids.
    • The final stage of measles.
    • The onset of caries, the first signs of bacterial infection of the oral cavity as a whole.
  2. White mucus with a thick consistency:
    • Sinusitis.
    • Sinusitis in initial stage.
    • Frontit.
    • The final stage of viral inflammation.
  3. White curdled discharge:
  4. Abundant white mucus:
    • One of the signs of a protracted inflammatory process in the bronchi and lungs.

The temporary norm for nasal secretion of this shade is considered to be 3-4 days. A longer period of white discharge is an alarming signal.

With a combination of a white runny nose and other uncomfortable conditions - aching joints, elevated temperature, headache, you should undergo an ENT examination, get tested and start antibacterial or antiviral therapy identified cause.

Brown nasal discharge

The atypical color of the muconasal contents of the nose requires careful attention, identification of the cause and its neutralization. Brown nasal discharge is quite rare and can signal the following diseases and conditions:

  • Nicotine addiction, smoking.
  • Pollution of the surrounding air with specific substances that have a brown color (industrial exhaust, dust, small crumbs, microparticles).
  • Consequences of hidden nasal bleeding (internal, when mucus is colored the color of blood breakdown products).
  • Sensitivity, fragility of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa. Blood seeps through them, hemoglobin undergoes a transformation when combined with air in the nasal cavity and colors the mucus brown.
  • Pathological curvature of the nasal septum, compression of the mucous membrane and capillaries, resulting in constant bleeding.
  • Bleeding associated with hypertension high blood pressure(internal nasal minor hemorrhages).
  • Chronic vitamin deficiency, lack of essential microelements.
  • Launched purulent process in the nasopharynx. Brown nasal discharge is the elimination of breakdown products of a certain type of bacteria.
  • Complication of the inflammatory process in the bronchi or lungs.
  • Acute inflammation of the sinuses with bleeding.
  • Chronic, long-term sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.
  • Prolonged sinusitis, chronic form.
  • Secondary atrophic rhinitis.
  • Odontogenic factors - caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease.

In general, a brown tint is evidence of bad drainage function nasal canals and breakdown of blood cells. Less often this color is given bacterial infection. A prolonged runny nose with brownish mucus carries the risk of developing a more serious process, including anemia due to constant minor bleeding. If discharge of this nature lasts more than 1-2 days, you cannot do without consulting an ENT doctor. It is necessary to carefully examine and eliminate the cause of the atypical runny nose.

Black nasal discharge

One of the rarest and at the same time alarming symptoms– black discharge from the nose. If the nasal secretion is transparent, greenish, yellow mucus is quite common in various colds, then the black color of the secreted liquid is characteristic clinical sign protracted process pathological in nature. The reasons why black nasal discharge occurs are divided into two categories:

  1. Household factors not associated with diseases:
    • Coal, construction dust, environmental pollution. Professional costs for some types of work can affect the color of nasal fluid.
    • Inhalation of tobacco smoke. Due to impaired drainage function, mucus may accumulate in the nose, absorbing smoke particles. Rare, scanty discharge, often dry, have an uncharacteristic dark color.
  2. Pathological factors:
    1. Staphylococcal infection nasopharynx. The mucus usually includes black streaks.
    2. Fungal diseases nasal cavity.
    3. An extremely advanced form of sinusitis.

To clarify the cause of black nasal discharge, it is necessary to exclude the simplest provoking factors (dirt, dust). If a person is not in an area of ​​polluted air, and the mucous fluid has an atypical color, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo an examination of all ENT organs. Timely diagnosis - The best way minimizing the risk of developing serious diseases.

Orange nasal discharge

Normally, the excretory system of the nasopharynx produces clear muconasal fluid. By changing color, thickness and volume, nasal secretions perform a protective, antiseptic function, while simultaneously signaling a particular stage of the disease. Orange discharge from the nose are also an indirect indicator of a specific condition of the mucous tissue and are provoked by the following reasons:

  • A protracted inflammatory process, usually of bacterial origin.
  • The presence of purulent contents in the mucous secretion.
  • The orange tint can be given by the combination and reaction of purulent elements and blood impurities to each other.
  • Obstructed outflow of purulent mucus, chronic congestion in the sinuses. Yellow-orange nasal discharge indicates the presence of many bacteria, most often the staphylococcal group, in the breakdown products.
  • An atypical shade may be a sign of chronic intranasal bleeding and at the same time inflammation of viral etiology, when accumulated mucus interspersed with blood does not come off for a long time.
  • Excessive enthusiasm for warming the nose. Uncontrolled self-medication can cause a runny nose to change color to an orange tint. When heated, the color of stagnant pus may change.
  • The orange color of a runny nose in some cases is a symptom of a fungal infection of the mucous tissue of the nasopharynx.
  • Odontogenic factors dental diseases also provoke a change in the color of mucus towards a yellow-orange color.

The color spectrum of secreted mucus is considered one of clinical criteria, which helps in diagnosing the underlying disease causing the runny nose. A non-standard shade of a runny nose should alert a person, especially if we are talking about the mucous secretion of a child. It is necessary to find out the reason as soon as possible and undergo comprehensive examination, begin adequate therapy for the identified disease.

Gray nasal discharge

The color of nasal fluid depends on the processes occurring in the respiratory system. The following inclusions can give a hint of a runny nose:

  • Extracellular harmful agents - viruses.
  • Prokaryotes are bacteria.
  • Eukaryotes are fungi.
  • Cells epithelial tissue nasopharynx (detritus).
  • Some types of immune cells.
  • Particles of blood cells (plasma).
  • Blood cells, blood particles.
  • Microscopic elements of inhaled air.

Gray discharge from the nose is a clear indication of the unhealthy state of the body as a whole, even if the reason for this shade of mucus is associated with contaminated environment. Usually muconasal secretion and local immune defense It is also capable of processing dust particles in the form of a thick, viscous, whitish runny nose. Gray discharge is a signal of possible pathologies, among which we note the following diseases:

  • Diphtheria runny nose It has specific symptoms(ulceration of the mucous membrane, swelling, plaque), which includes gray nasal discharge. Unlike damage to the pharynx with a stick, diphtheria of the nose is easier, however, it remains among life-threatening diseases.
  • Grey colour nasal exudate can be caused by staphylococci. An infection caused by Staphylococcus requires a long and complex treatment. Its first manifestations should prompt a person to immediately consult a doctor and stop the pathological process.
  • Gray nasal discharge combined with unpleasant smell may indicate a hidden oncological process in the ENT organs.
  • The cough and sputum of smokers are also characterized by a grayish tint of mucus, like nasal mucus. Quitting a habit harmful to the bronchopulmonary system will restore the ability to breathe normally and neutralize the risk of cancer.
  • Infection of the nasopharynx caused by anaerobic pathogenic agents ( Klebsiella, proteus myxofaciens), may manifest as gray mucous discharge.
  • Sinusitis in the stage of blocked outflow and accumulation of purulent contents. A runny nose is usually scanty, has a characteristic putrid odor and a yellow-gray tint.

Only an experienced specialist can determine and diagnose the exudate, so at the initial stage of atypical mucus, you should promptly visit a doctor and begin treatment.