Toothpaste from Thailand. Rating of the best whitening toothpastes from Thailand. Features of Thai tooth whitening pastes

These products are produced in unusual packaging - a round jar with a lid, but there are several products packaged in classic tubes. The use of toothpaste from Thailand is surrounded by myths. But which of them is true, and which is a well-thought-out marketing ploy?

Composition of Thai toothpaste

Many people associate Thai teeth cleaning products with something useful and effective for whitening enamel due to the fact that they contain extracts of exotic plants and herbs and essential oils. Fans of everything natural and those who are wary of various sulfates and parabens, widely found in many hygiene and cosmetics, prefer Thai toothpaste, believing that it contains no harmful components. But is it?

Toothpaste from Thailand may contain various components. Their combination may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Here are the most commonly found ingredients:

  • Abrasive substances. They allow you to remove soft plaque and polish the enamel surface to give a natural shine. Thai oral care products contain abrasives such as titanium dioxide, silicon, bamboo charcoal, and particles of crushed cuttlefish bones.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of toothpaste is provided by healing herbs and plants, extracts from which are included in the composition of the product - cloves, muraya, clinacanthus, guava, mint, miswak and others.
  • Contained in Thai pastes ah borneol provides antimicrobial protection for teeth and gums. The drug is able to penetrate deeply into soft fabrics and provide antiseptic effect, similar to the effect of camphor, but the main difference of borneol is that it is absolutely non-toxic.
  • Soda is also often included in toothpastes from Thailand. It has a strengthening effect on the gums and helps cleanse the enamel of dental plaque.


There are several types of pastes , produced in Thailand.

Whitening Thai toothpaste

Thai whitening toothpaste contains a large amount of essential oils and extracts of exotic plants, so it has a distinct smell.

Whitening toothpaste from Thailand is considered good and effective means in the fight against the formation of dental plaque. Consumers notice that with regular brushing with this product, less plaque accumulates on the teeth, and their breath improves. pleasant aroma. The product contains patchouli and camphor oil, cloves, lavender and plant extracts from the aster family.

By appearance packaging with paste differs from other domestic or imported dental products: instead of the usual tube, a creamy mass of gray, brown or beige color is placed in a round box.

Black Thai toothpaste

Among Thai tooth whitening pastes you can find preparations that are black in color. Do not be alarmed, this shade indicates the naturalness of the product. The paste contains bamboo charcoal, which gives it an unusual shade. It cleanses the enamel surface well, as it has an adsorbing effect and literally attracts food particles to itself.

Thai paste also contains anti-inflammatory components (camphor, cloves, guava extract), due to which it eliminates and makes them stronger, and has an antibacterial effect. The use of this product is suitable for the treatment of gum diseases, as well as for lightening enamel, even if it is sensitive.

Herbal Thai toothpaste

Thailand grows a large number of plants that can have anti-inflammatory and strengthening effects. Local residents have learned to use guava and mangosteen peel to eliminate bleeding gums and include them in Thai paste.

Herbal-based teeth and gum care products have the following properties:

  • heal sore gums;
  • remove signs of inflammation;
  • fight bleeding;
  • prevent the active proliferation of bacteria;
  • nourish soft tissues with natural vitamins and nutrients.

Unlike the pastes described above, herbal remedies do not have a whitening effect, since they do not have a direct effect on hard tissues tooth

Other types of Thai toothpastes

There are several more varieties of Thai dental products that are in demand not only among local residents, but also among foreigners:

  • Powder for cleaning teeth, which effectively fights infections in the oral cavity, effectively eliminates microbial plaque, and freshens breath.
  • Pastes for sensitive enamel, after the use of which the susceptibility of dental tissues to temperature influences is reduced.
  • A special composition used to treat periodontal disease. It can also be used as prophylactic.

Terms of use

Toothpaste from Thailand, as a rule, comes in the form of a concentrate, so it should be used in doses, not exceeding permissible quantity products, as there is a risk of damaging tooth enamel.

If we talk about pastes packaged in round jars, then it is important to remember what to dip toothbrush It is not recommended to put it in a box, since microbes from the bristles can get into the cleaning mass. This may subsequently lead to infection of other family members who also use Thai paste. To dial required quantity product, you should use a special plastic or glass spatula, which must be washed after each use.

When brushing your teeth with whitening paste, it is better to use brushes with soft bristles or medium hardness. This will allow you to clean the enamel from dirt as gently as possible, as well as polish it to a natural shine.


Let's look at the most popular Thai pastes for oral care.

One of the most famous pastes, which comes in a pink round box with a screw cap. Thai clove toothpaste, in addition to natural ingredients, also contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which enhances the foaming effect when in contact with saliva while cleaning teeth from plaque. Some buyers consider the introduction of this component a disadvantage, since there have been debates about the dangers for many years chemical compound. It should be noted that lauryl sulfates are present in many pastes from other manufacturers, as well as in other hygiene products.

The paste helps reduce bleeding gums due to the presence of extracts medicinal plants. Some consumers, with long-term use, note increased sensitivity and slight clouding of the enamel, which disappears after stopping use of the paste.

Thai toothpaste Punchalee

Punchalee teeth cleaning product is no less famous than the previous toothpaste. The drug contains extracts of cloves and camphor, menthol and patchouli oil. Due to these ingredients, Punchalee has a bright and tart aroma. This aromatic composition deodorizes the oral cavity well and keeps your breath fresh for a long time.

It should be noted that this is one of the few Thai pastes that are certified in Russia, so it can be found on store shelves.

Pleasant taste and smell are considered distinctive features, which are inherent in this brand. And although the aroma is not as strong as other toothpastes from Thailand, its cleansing and whitening properties are in no way inferior to its analogues.

The composition includes camphor, borneol, sorbitol, sodium chloride. Thanks to the action of these components, regular brushing can help get rid of loose and bleeding gums. The paste also removes dental plaque well, prevents mineralization, and has a preventive effect on health. oral cavity.

Thai toothpaste Abhai Herbe

Due to the presence of special herbal ingredients The paste has an unusual dark color. In addition, Abhai Herbe has a rather heavy aroma and tart taste, which is why the product is not suitable for every person.

The main advantage of the drug is its powerful antibacterial effect, so consumers purchase it without paying attention to some organoleptic shortcomings. The paste has a wound-healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and vascular-strengthening effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The composition includes the following components:

  • guava extract;
  • peppermint essential oil;
  • orange oil;
  • mangosteen bark crushed to a powder.

Thai toothpaste Baan Somjeed

The paste is not as widely known as the previous ones, but it has unique properties, thanks to which it deserves attention. The product can be used for mild toothache, as it helps to reduce discomfort for a while and discomfort. The ingredients included in the paste have a mild anesthetic effect, which relieves pain. Baan Somjeed can also be used as a preventative to prevent oral diseases.

There are two types of pasta:

  • Fresh Cool. Recommended for use by people with enamel hypersensitivity, as it contains components with a milder effect.
  • Herbal Toothpaste Original. The paste helps in the fight against periodontal disease and also protects against its occurrence.

High-quality natural paste, the action of which is aimed at removing dental plaque, as well as preventing oral diseases. The herbal product works safely, but is as effective as possible. Thipniyom is good at eliminating pigmentation caused by strong coffee or tea, or cigarettes. The calcium carbonate present in the composition strengthens the enamel.

As you can see, Thai toothpastes are presented in large quantities. The cleansing and preventive qualities of many of them are not inferior to traditional means used to care for teeth and gums. However, it is not recommended to buy Thai-made pastes and switch to their constant use. They do not contain fluorine, which is so necessary for, especially in many regions of Russia.

Useful video with a review of Thai pastes from a customer

Few people know that one of the attractions of Thailand is… snow-white smiles residents. Most of the population of this country has ideal dental condition.

Many would think that such teeth were bestowed by the ancestors of the Thais, then passed on to their descendants along the hereditary line. No one excludes this possibility, but the influence cannot be underestimated proper care for teeth, especially with the help of Thai toothpastes, which are gaining more and more popularity.

In the article we will talk about why Thai toothpaste is so popular and what differences it has from products from domestic manufacturers.

Why are Thai toothpastes good??

In Thailand itself, this product costs very little, but once it leaves its borders, the cost increases many times over.

Like any product arriving from an exotic country, these pastes evoke an irresistible desire to purchase and try them. And how can you resist if sellers focus on their natural origin? And now the passion for such goods is growing, and people, without hesitation, spend huge sums on their purchase.

Interesting! If these are the rules of the market, then why are the prices for Thai pastes so low in the first place?

Made in Thailand

Let's start with the fact that such hygiene products are unusual for our citizens. They are unusual in smell, composition, and even taste is specific to them. But it turns out that their effect on tooth enamel is truly magical.

For their preparation, only plant ingredients are chosen. These include plants that grow in natural environment and having therapeutic effect. Each component gives the paste its own qualities: enamel, relieves irritation, and gives fresh breath.

Dental condition

It is worth taking into account that the pastes contain essential oils, so they are not suitable for people with allergic reactions for these components. People who suffer from sensitivity in the gums and teeth should use the paste with extreme caution. Perhaps they should abandon such hygiene products.

Thai toothpastes are known for being rich in various herbs.

You need to start getting acquainted with Thai toothpaste by lightly touching the product with the bristles of your toothpaste. Even a minimal dose can give a good effect.

Important! To ensure that the product does not lose its qualities, the packaging must be tightly closed and protected from the penetration of water into it.

Reviewpaste from Thailand


This product has a solid consistency and has a Russian quality certificate. Widely sold throughout the country.

It contains only natural ingredients.

The effect of this paste occurs only after a week of use:

  • noticeable whitening;
  • strengthening tooth enamel;
  • healing gums.

The disadvantages of the product are bad taste and a specific smell. But at the same time, after brushing your teeth, the enamel feels fresh and clean.

The undoubted advantages include the cost-effectiveness of use - amazingly little paste is consumed at a time.

Cost: from 182 to 312 rubles.

A fairly common brand of toothpaste. Sold everywhere, well recognized by tourists. Consists of natural ingredients.

Result of application:

  • removes plaque on teeth that appears due to frequent drinking of tea or;
  • disinfects the oral cavity well;
  • prevents the proliferation of bacterial microflora in the mouth;
  • freshens breath;
  • in 12-14 days permanent use the enamel becomes noticeably lighter;
  • is spent very economically;
  • The disadvantages include the taste of salt and an unpleasant aroma.

It is better to avoid using this paste for people who have diseases associated with teeth and gums. They need to be diluted this remedy with regular paste in a ratio of one to four.

It is quite possible to buy such a product at affordable price. You can purchase the entire series, consisting of 5 products with different flavors, and provide comprehensive protection to your gums, teeth and enamel. All 5 types of products can be used together, alternating daily. This way you can avoid addiction and improve the effect.

Interesting! Due to the low consumption, one package can provide for the whole family for a month, and the low cost allows you to purchase the entire line of products at once.

Cost: about 200 rubles.

Video - About the product “Herbal Clove Toothpaste”

Customer reviews of this toothpaste are very contradictory. There is an opinion among consumers that this Thai product is toxic. But there can be no basis for such rumors due to the fact that the paste contains completely safe compounds.

Cost: from 256 to 384 rubles.

"Wangprom» - benefits with taste

This brand has a pleasant taste and smell. At the same time, such characteristic qualities as antiseptic and cleansing properties are also no worse than those of similar drugs.

Effect: removes dark plaque from the surface of the enamel, prevents tooth decay from forming, and prevents oral diseases.

Composition of the product:

  • camphor;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sorbitol;
  • borneol.

Cost: from 350 rubles.

"Thipniyom» - result without consequences

Thai paste based on natural ingredients. and teeth, destroys tartar. The herbal base gives excellent results with no side effects.

Lightens tooth enamel, removes plaque caused by frequent consumption of coffee and tea, and smoking. The calcium carbonate included in the composition prevents the formation of caries. Contains essential plant oils:

  • sage;
  • peppermint;
  • myrrh;
  • carnation.

These components help to significantly reduce inflammation and improve the condition of the oral mucosa.

Interesting! You can speed up the effect by using the paste twice a day: morning and evening.

Cost: 120-160 rubles.

"Abhai herb»

Thanks to the plant components, the paste has a dark appearance. Another feature of it is its repulsive smell and taste. But its widely known disinfectant properties do not allow it to go unnoticed by consumers.

Cost: about 150 rubles.

Great for people with high sensitivity teeth. The components included in the paste are less aggressive than the components of other Thai products. Manufacturers produce it in tubes, so it is convenient to use.

Price: from 96 to 174 rubles.

Toothpaste is known for its analgesic properties, so it can be used for mild toothache. The elements in its composition act as anesthetics and put the gums in order. The product is often used to prevent oral diseases.

Cost: 267-380 rubles.

It is used to combat oral diseases and helps in their prevention. Having studied the quality of this product, Russian scientists allowed it to be certified in our country. After spending laboratory diagnostics, they found that it destroys some types of viruses and fights bacterial plaque in the most effective way.

Cost: 120-150 rubles.

Do Thai toothpastes have a whitening effect?

Take note! Use caution when using a new product. If you have oral diseases, it is better to consult a dentist.

Teeth whitening occurs due to the action of abrasives on the surface of tooth enamel. Plaques of varying strength from coffee or tea are removed, as well as pigmentation from tobacco. With daily use of aggressive pastes, enamel and dentin exposure occur. This ends up weakening the teeth and making them look worse.

Don't try to whiten your teeth by brushing too hard, otherwise you won't be able to make an appointment. preventive measure, but an urgent need.

Thai pastes should be used together with regular ones. Just try to bleach healthy teeth.

Dentists' opinion

Each dentist has his own opinion on the use of such products.

Alexander Vasilievich, orthodontist

“Thai products have an excellent refreshing effect and really whiten teeth, but most of them only have a Thai quality certificate, which does not apply abroad. In addition, these pastes are adapted to Asian teeth.

Europeans have completely different teeth. For them, constant use of these pastes is undesirable. For a single dose you need to take a small amount of facilities. Thai pastes should be alternated with products traditional to Europe.

A paste called “Herbal Prim Perfect” is pretty good. It has an antiseptic effect on the oral mucosa. However, when using this well-proven paste, one should not forget about precautions.

A tiny amount of product should be applied to the brush. Using the usual amount of paste may cause burning of the mucous membranes or thinning of the enamel.”

Dentist from Norilsk

“Having worked in dentistry for more than 15 years, I can confidently say that Thai toothpastes do more harm than good. They are based on ordinary alumina with granules that have not been processed, which means they are a very strong abrasive.

Such pastes are strong “aggressors” for the entire oral cavity. You can brush your teeth with them only occasionally, using brushes with soft bristles. Otherwise, your teeth will react sharply to any irritants, and the enamel will fade. The big question is the so-called naturalness of the product, because everyone knows that it is impossible to preserve plant substances without the use of preservatives.”

Yaroslav Arkadievich, 61 years old

“Buy Thai toothpaste in order to completely abandon the traditional one? Such experiments may turn out to be long-term treatment at the dentist, not to mention the fact that restoring teeth is an expensive business.

What people are constantly looking for the best remedy, not bad, but this must be done without fanaticism.

If you use the paste according to the instructions, do everything carefully and accurately, then negative influence it won’t affect your teeth, but the benefits can be seen very soon.”

It is better to alternate the use of Thai toothpastes and regular ones.

Cosmetics from Thailand are widely known for their natural composition.

Therefore, tourists vacationing in this country strive to bring home as many cosmetic or medical products as possible.

Oral care products are no exception.

Thai toothpastes are very popular for their high whitening properties, treatment of bleeding gums and prevention inflammatory processes.

The key advantage that unites all types of toothpastes produced in Thailand is high efficiency.

Each product is designed to perform a specific function to help relieve the manufacturer's stated oral problems.

Drugs manufactured in Thailand have a lot of unique features compared to domestic analogues:

  1. Natural ingredients are used. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect advertised by the creators of the product is achieved through the use of oils and plant extracts with a pronounced bactericidal effect in its composition.

    Most often, well-known mint and cloves are used for such purposes, as well as exotic herbs - miswaka, guava, clinacanthus and many others.

  2. High abrasive force. As the main abrasive material that promotes high-quality plaque removal, Thai pastes use natural ingredients such as aluminum oxide, titanium or silicon dioxide, bamboo charcoal, and soda.

    These substances are carefully processed using modern equipment to ensure tiny particles acquired rounded edges, preventing damage to the enamel during brushing.

  3. Use of aromatic components. Almost every product from Thailand has an original exotic taste and smell, thanks to the presence of natural exotic aromatic additives.
  4. Wide variety of species. Each type of dental product is marketed as a remedy for a specific oral problem. This makes it possible to select a drug based on individual needs.
  5. Low cost of production of toothpastes. Thanks to low prices, products that promote high-quality oral hygiene have gained high popularity both among residents of the country and among numerous tourists.

Rules of application

Another feature of Thai products is their high concentration active ingredients, something to keep in mind when purchasing this product.

During use, it is enough to apply a minimum dosage of product to the brush to effectively remove plaque without damaging the enamel.

The bleaching agent should be used no more than three times a week. This will prevent excessive sensitivity of the enamel.

Thai paste often comes with a special spatula for measuring it out. Using it will allow you to collect the required amount of cleanser without touching the surface of the preparation with a damp brush.

Watch the video about the features of Thai pastes and the benefits of their use.


Products produced in Thailand have a variety of flavors and are used for prevention various diseases periodontal

They can be packaged in round jars or ordinary tubes known to European consumers. Let's look at the most popular varieties of Thai products.

Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original

The paste has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

It effectively cleans the surface of teeth and gums from plaque, has a preventive effect on gum tissue, and reduces the rate of plaque formation.

In addition, its features include the removal of persistent plaque on the surface of the teeth, lightening the enamel without the risk of damage.

The cost of such a product is 260 rubles per 100 g tube.

Twin Lotus Active Charcoal Toothpaste

The abrasive substance in the product is bamboo charcoal, which gives it a black color.

The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect, effectively eliminates bad smell from the oral cavity and cleanses the enamel from bacterial plaque.

The triple formula of the substance allows you to destroy existing bacteria and prevent their appearance throughout the day, delicately whiten the tooth surface and reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums.

The product is sold in a 50 gram tube. Its cost is 165 rubles.

Twin Lotus Premium without fluoride

Basic active ingredient product - cuttlefish bone tissue, due to which it is classified as a bleaching agent.

Contains many plant components such as essential oils peppermint and eucalyptus, menthol, clinacanthus extract.

Regular use helps eliminate pigmented areas formed due to frequent consumption of wine, coffee and other coloring products.

Available in ergonomic tubes with a volume of 160 g. The cost is 325 rubles.

Twin Lotus Day & Night

Twin Lotus Day & Night is a set of two pastes designed to care for your oral cavity at night and during the day.

Daily paste helps eliminate bacterial plaque and pigmented areas, reduces the level of inflammation of gum tissue, and freshens breath.

The night remedy cleanses and restores tooth enamel, fights bacteria that destroy bone tissue tooth, and has a complex effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The average cost of such a kit is 560 rubles.

Twin Lotus Fresh Cool

Twin Lotus Fresh Cool is a low abrasive product that minimizes the risk of damage to enamel during brushing.

It is designed for people with sensitive enamel and inflammatory processes. Dentists also recommend using this product to remove stains from the tooth surface.

To get the effect, you must use it at least twice a day. The cost is 200 rubles per 100 g tube.

5 Star

An extract of healing Thai herbs used in toothpaste helps cleanse the oral cavity of harmful bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors.

In addition, the herbal paste has a pronounced whitening effect. Lightening of tooth enamel will be noticeable a week after starting use.

The volume of the box in which this whitening product is produced is 25 grams. The price does not exceed 80 rubles.

Abhai herb

The dark color of the product is explained by the presence of many plant components, due to which the product has a rather specific taste and smell.

The key advantage is the disinfecting effect on the dentition, gums and mucous membrane of the oral surface.

Regular use helps reduce painful sensations, reduce bleeding gums and reduce the number of bacteria.

Baan Somjeed

According to reviews from dentists, the product’s ability to medicinal properties. The composition contains not only essential oils and plant extracts, but also their crushed particles.

Regular use helps rapid decline soreness and bleeding of gums, eliminating their inflammation.

The paste is unusual for users dark color and a specific herbaceous smell and taste.


This series can be purchased not only in Thailand, but also in Russia, thanks to the availability of the appropriate certificate. The composition includes extracts of various plants, calcium and soda, which helps effective whitening tooth surface, strengthening enamel and supplying nutrients to gum tissue.

Feature – specific aroma and taste. After using it, the teeth are completely cleared of plaque, and the oral cavity retains a feeling of freshness for several hours.

Due to the concentration of the drug, one package is enough for 2-3 months of daily use.

Herbal Clove Toothpaste

The key purpose is to combat pigmented areas of dentin formed as a result of smoking and frequent consumption of tea and coffee.

The change in enamel shade is noticeable 2-3 weeks after the start of use. In addition to whitening teeth, the product prevents the proliferation of pathogens and effectively freshens breath.

The high concentration of active components allows you to use during the procedure an amount of paste no larger than a match head. The cost of such a drug is 120-130 rubles.

Herbal Prim Perfect Tooth Powder

The consistency of the product is more reminiscent of the powder familiar to Russian users.

Effectively removes bacterial plaque from the tooth surface and protects the oral cavity from the formation of bacteria. In addition, the powder has a pronounced whitening effect.

It has a specific smell of clove essential oil, and at first its use may be accompanied by tingling of the palate and tongue. The cost is 140 rubles per box of 25 g.

Possible complications

A number of features that Thai products have require strict adherence to the rules for their use.

Neglect can lead to the following complications:

  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • damage to the tooth surface with highly abrasive pastes;
  • development of carious lesions;
  • bleeding gums due to strong exposure to fine-grained components.

Within reality

The desire to sell as many products as possible leads to some distortion of information regarding the composition and effectiveness of the product.

The paste does not contain synthetic substances

Despite the significant mass of natural ingredients contained in the paste, it is impossible to do without preservatives and thickeners.

They help increase the shelf life of the product.

Inability to harm

This opposition Russian analogues biased.

Improper use of any product can cause damage to the surface, while use according to the rules will give a visible result.

100% quality product

In Thailand, there is no strict certification of products, which raises doubts about the naturalness and harmlessness of many components.

In the video we offer Additional information about the real composition and effect of some types of Thai pastes.

You can buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow from us! Visit our office in Moscow!

You can buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow from us today, just come to our office and choose.

Why did thousands of Russian residents choose Thai toothpastes?

Imported toothpastes No. 1 in Russia. We can safely say that these are the most popular means from Thailand. Millions of tourists from all over the world buy toothpastes from Thailand for themselves and loved ones, give them to acquaintances and friends, recommend them to colleagues and everyone. They always buy a lot of Thai toothpaste, this is surprising, because one jar is enough for 3-5 months of daily use. Our people are accustomed to buying good and useful goods for future use.The most popular Thai toothpaste rasyan

Buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow, Bumazhny proezd, 14 building 1

Whitens, removes tartar and plaque, treats teeth and gums, freshens breath for a long time and gives oral health - this is how people speak about Thai toothpastes, using them for years. The brightest and most positive reviews are easy to find on the Internet. Someone writes that Thai herbal toothpaste is not suitable for daily use, but in response to this there are dozens of comments from experienced users of these unusual pastes. Russian dentists do not give official comments on these toothpastes, but again on the Internet on forums they recommend using them.

Thai toothpaste buy 8-495-726-41-76

Thais have been using them for a long time and many who have been to Thailand have paid attention to the snow-white and beautiful smile Thai people don't call Thailand the land of smiles for nothing. White, strong, beautiful and healthy teeth are the norm among Thais.

Secret fast whitening teeth.

Thai toothpaste. Typically, this product is searched for: Thai toothpaste, Thai whitening toothpaste, Thai clove toothpaste, Thai punchalee toothpaste, Thai herbal toothpaste, Thai herbal toothpaste and others. Selection of toothpastes from Thailand huge, more than 50 various types, differing in aroma, weight, manufacturer, packaging, shape, composition. And these are only the so-called “solid” toothpastes, which are not produced in the usual tube in the form of a gel, but are more like tooth powder hardened into one large “tablet”. All toothpastes from Thailand are essentially similar and abrasive, which makes their whitening effectiveness so high and the results quick and long-lasting.

Thai toothpaste buy in Moscow 8-495-726-41-76

Attention! You need to know this before purchasing! Now on the Russian market there are not only original toothpastes from Thailand, but also those already made here - with labels in Russian, without cardboard packaging, but with certificates. Such toothpastes are not popular, and those who bought them say that they are a cheap “parody” of Thai toothpaste. Thai organic toothpaste, only from us! We do not recommend that you buy Thai toothpastes in stores, as cases of counterfeit toothpastes have become more frequent.

Thai toothpaste online store 8-495-726-41-76

Toothpaste from Thailand based on natural ingredients with essential oils. Completely removes plaque and small tartar. It tones the gums well and prevents their bleeding. Excellent whitening effect.

Thai toothpaste reviews from dentists- there are no official statements, but our customers have repeatedly come to us on the recommendation of their dentist. Does not contain preservatives or chemical additives.Maximum efficiency is achieved with very little consumption, which will have a positive effect on both your health and your budget.

The effect will be visible after just a few days of use!
Since the paste is abrasive, it should not be overused. To achieve best effect, we recommend using the paste no more than 2 times a week.

You can order by phone: call:+7-495-726-41-76

The so-called round toothpaste in Thailand - in small pucks - is sold everywhere: in supermarkets, markets, small shops, special cosmetics and perfume stores like Pattaya Beauty, etc. Except that you rarely see it in popular stores and Family Marts.

Thai toothpaste in round packages

The roundness is due only to the shape of the packaging, and there are several brands that produce toothpaste in this form. Their composition may differ slightly depending on the brand and name, but general principles are like that.

Compositions of round Thai toothpastes

    1. Most of these pastes contain sulfates (sodium lauryl sulfate). This is a minus. Without delving into the wilds of eco-cosmeceuticals, we simply note that SLS (sulfates) in toothpastes can provoke stomatitis and the appearance of aphthae - small ulcers on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In addition, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate has the unpleasant property of easily penetrating through the skin into the human body and supposedly doing its dirty deeds there: provoking cell mutations, for example, and generally behaving like a notorious carcinogen.
      But I hasten to correct the distorted face of the reader of this opus with an objective justifying fact. Remember that 99% of all toothpaste you've ever used also contains sulfates. Thai roundies are just no better than others in this regard.
      By the way, there are also exceptions: in Prim Perfect, for example, sodium lauryl sulfate is not present, according to the manufacturer.
    2. Calcium carbonate, a salt of calcium and carbonic acid, is used as an abrasive ingredient. A very controversial fact - either a plus or a minus. On the one hand, it perfectly “sweeps” the oral cavity: it feels like after dental cleaning. And it whitens just perfectly, without corroding the enamel, as regular soda does - sodium carbonate. On the other hand, being a rather coarse abrasive, calcium carbonate can severely scratch the enamel and thereby increase the sensitivity of teeth and contribute to their destruction. To avoid harm, I personally use such pastes no more than 5-10 times a month! And I recommend the same to others. There is another reason for this - see point 4 below.
      This is where the minuses and non-minuses end, and then we have nothing but good things.

Black with the addition of bamboo charcoal. Whitens very effectively!

These are general provisions. Depending on the brand and name of the paste, the list of ingredients may vary slightly. For example, herbal or fruit extracts will vary. However, all the basic rules described above are the same for most toothpaste from Thailand in round packages - oh, how many of them have already passed through my sensitive hands!

Round toothpaste brands from Thailand

The main brands of similar products that I know are:

  • Prime Perfect
  • Supaporn
  • Siam Spa
  • Punchalee.

Where to buy round pasta

  1. In Thailand - in all Pattaya and any other cities.
  2. In Russia - in the list above I have attached a couple of links to the time-tested online store Doctor Holland, where round pastes are offered at very affordable prices.
  3. In Cambodia, Sihanoukville - see.

However, I’ll better talk about this classification in the next article, so as not to tire my already patient readers. My verdict: round toothpastes are for the most part relatively natural and safe hygiene cosmetics from Thailand, provided they are used wisely.

With wishes for straight white teeth, cleanliness in the mouth and in the heart, sincerely yours, smiley Marta