White plaque on the head of the penis: photos, causes, treatment. White plaque on the penis - the main reasons for its appearance

Problems that affect the genital area are often ignored by patients. Most, having felt unpleasant symptoms, assume sexually transmitted diseases, so they are embarrassed to go to the doctor. They try to solve the problem on their own by prescribing antibiotics or other drugs that they think are effective. This approach can lead to serious complications. Today we’ll talk about what to do if curdled discharge and itching in men appear.

Variant of the norm

Under the foreskin around the head there are a large number of tyson glands. They produce lubricant - smegma, which ensures unhindered movement of the skin. Substance white and thick consistency, in a normal situation it is released in small portions, so a man may not notice anything. With insufficient hygiene, more smegma is produced, and it accumulates under the foreskin. In such a situation, the head may begin to itch even without infectious inflammation.

The problem is especially typical for men with phimosis - an abnormal structure of the penis, when the head does not open completely or even partially. Pathology is detected in childhood and adolescence. To solve it, it is necessary to carry out simple surgical procedures. The foreskin is cut to allow normal movement.

Attention! Sometimes incomplete dilation of the head appears only in adulthood, when problems arise during sexual intercourse. The degree of phimosis in this case is insignificant.

Pathological discharge

The usual accumulation of smegma is not accompanied by itching. Discomfort begins with inflammation. Falling into nutrient medium bacteria, without the necessary hygienic measures, quickly multiply, leading to balanitis or balanopastitis. This is not a diagnosis, but only a statement of the fact of the existing inflammatory process in foreskin or head. Call pathological condition any microorganisms can. The discharge will have an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching, burning and problems when going to the toilet.


The disease is characterized by milky discharge with sour smell, sometimes thick like cottage cheese and severe itching. Inflammation occurs due to the proliferation of yeast-like fungi called candida. The pathology most often worries women, and men in most cases are carriers, but under appropriate conditions, inflammation also develops in the stronger sex.

Additional symptoms of thrush:

  • Pain, pinching and tingling when urinating;
  • Discomfort during sex, increased itching;
  • The head becomes swollen and red;
  • When the process lasts for a long time, eroded areas and ulcers appear.

Causes of candidiasis:

  • Treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Decline protective forces body;
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thrush is not venereal disease. Candida fungi are present on the skin, mucous membranes and inside the body of the majority of the world's population. However, normally they do not lead to inflammation. Therefore, they are called opportunistic microorganisms. Although it is quite possible to become infected through sexual contact.

Candidiasis not only causes serious discomfort, but also leads to complications. Immunity decreases, other infections occur, inflammation occurs internal organs– prostate, bladder, kidneys, intestines.

Venereal diseases

STDs, especially in combination with thrush, can manifest as itching and profuse curdled discharge. But there are some differences.

Foamy consistency

Such white substances, if interspersed with ichor, and are also accompanied by itching, may be a sign of trichomoniasis.

Associated sensations:

  • Pain when urinating;
  • Pain in the pelvic area;
  • Discomfort in the perineum;
  • Burning in glans and urethra.

Purulent inclusions

Attention! In case of chlamydia, accompanying candida usually gives the curdled consistency to the discharge.


Availability unpleasant symptoms in the sexual sphere does not mean that it is necessary to contact a venereologist. First of all, the patient should visit a urologist or andrologist - more narrow specialist By men's health. These doctors can relieve the patient of thrush, chlamydia and other diseases that are accompanied by cheesy discharge and itching.

During the examination, a smear from the urethra or from under the foreskin is required, depending on the location of the inflammation. Laboratory technicians will culture the sample to see what is causing the disease. If bacteria are detected, study the reaction of those grown in artificial conditions microorganisms to various groups of antibiotics. If chlamydia or mycoplasma is suspected, a smear is examined using the PCR method.

The patient will also have to undergo mandatory tests - blood and urine, tests for CSR, HIV, hepatitis.

Treatment of discharge and itching

If the inflammation is caused by candida, you will need antifungal drugs. On early stage diseases can be treated with special ointments and creams, for example, Pimafucin. The product is applied to the head after thorough washing 1 to 4 times a day. In advanced cases of the disease, oral medications will be required - Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Flucostat. The dosage and duration of therapy are determined individually based on the patient's condition.

Attention! Self-medication is dangerous; antifungal drugs, when taken orally, have a serious toxic effect on the entire body.

Other infections are treated with antibiotics. Somewhere there will be drugs wide range, and in other cases they use special substances that can penetrate inside the cell, for chlamydia, for example.

The combination of candidiasis and bacterial infection requires special approach. An antibiotic against microbes, an external cream for thrush and vitamins to boost immunity are usually prescribed.

Prevention pathological discharge in men

Any of the diseases described can be avoided by taking precautions:

  1. Protect yourself during sex with a condom.
  2. Wash the genitals correctly at least once a day. The head is opened and the space under the foreskin is cleared of secretions. For washing, use products without fragrances and dyes.
  3. Wear loose underpants made of natural material.
  4. Do not self-medicate with antibiotics.
  5. Visit a urologist or andrologist at the first signs of an unhealthy condition.
  6. STDs and thrush should be treated together for regular sexual partners.

Attention! Inflammation in the head, if left unchecked, can lead to problems with potency and infertility.


Constriction during discharge of a cheesy or other nature will lead to chronic degree pathology, which is much more difficult to get rid of. In most cases, this combination of symptoms indicates candidiasis, but only a thorough diagnosis will reveal the culprit of the inflammation.

Tizon glands, which produce a special lubricant, are located under the foreskin. This special secretion is called smegma. It has a thick consistency and has an unpleasant specific odor.

Smegma is especially actively produced in men during adolescence during puberty. One of the main problems with the appearance of white plaque on the glans in men during adolescence is insufficient care of the genital organ, and the most radical and effective way to prevent the accumulation of this secretion under the foreskin and on the glans is circumcision of the foreskin of the penis.

The white coating, or smegma, is produced as a lubricant to prevent and reduce friction of the foreskin against the head of the penis. In appearance, smegma is a thick white fatty lubricant with a sour odor, but as a result of its excessive accumulation, exactly that is formed white coating on the head of men.

If a man does not pay enough attention to his genitals regarding personal hygiene, smegma mixes with dirt and moisture that gets under the foreskin, as a result of which they appear and multiply there. pathogenic microorganisms.

White pellets on the head: causes, symptoms and treatment of curdled plaque

White pellets on the head may indicate that a man has begun to develop thrush, or so-called candidiasis. Thrush develops as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of the candida fungus and appears as a cheesy white coating on the head of the penis.

Also, as a result of the disease and the inflammatory process, redness appears on the mucous membrane, a red rash, an unpleasant odor, especially noticeable when it is more difficult to retract the head, pain in the lower abdomen and cutting pain during ejaculation or urination.

White discharge on the head is main feature development fungal disease. One of the first and main reasons for the occurrence of thrush in men is a weakened nominal system, because with the full functioning of the immune system, self-healing of the body and candidiasis of the penis in particular occurs.

Absence bad habits and alcohol abuse, a regular partner and proper nutrition allow you to maintain immune system V good condition and prevent this kind of disease.

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Not all men have the disease on their external genitalia; approximately 15% of men with candidiasis are not even aware of the presence of the disease. The disease is asymptomatic, but otherwise several types of symptoms can be distinguished.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • burning of the penis and glans in particular;
  • cheesy coating on the head, or white discharge;
  • pain during erection and during sexual intercourse;
  • redness of the glans penis and foreskin.

If treatment for curdled plaque on the glans is not started in time, complications may begin in men.

  • First of all, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, which is already a violation normal operation genital organ. As a result, a man may develop psychological abnormalities.
  • At the next stage, pathogenic microorganisms can enter urethra, because of which purulent formations, called candidal pyolocystitis, will begin to develop in the urethra. The development of candidal pyolocystitis can affect through the urethra bladder and even kidneys. In some cases, the urethra itself narrows at the penis and the head of the penis is compressed.
  • The most dangerous thing in the development of thrush is the development of a malignant tumor.

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant white pellets on the head, you must pay attention to nutrition. Proper nutrition- this is one of important factors counteraction to male thrush. Since male thrush is a fungus, therefore, it is necessary to prevent the emergence of an environment in which the fungus will be comfortable.

  • Get rid of fast carbohydrates: give up a large number of sweets and various confectionery products, as well as reduce as much as possible from your daily diet various bakery products, alcoholic drinks, smoked meats, pickled and salted products.
  • Maximize in your diet following products: dairy products, beets, cabbage and carrots.

Calendula, chamomile and barberry are an excellent remedy in the fight against fungal disease, baths and lotions made from these herbs will be very useful in this case. You can also use antifungal creams, which you lubricate on a napkin and apply overnight.

Among drug treatment The following types of creams produce white discharge on the head: Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Econazole, Clotrimazole. This is not the entire list of medications, but only a small part. For quality treatment, in any case, you need to contact a professional and use it only after prescription.

During the treatment process, it is necessary to significantly improve the quality of personal hygiene, completely change the underwear, otherwise it can be thoroughly boiled, and put off tight clothing until another time. You should also pay attention to the fact that sexual intercourse with your partner must be stopped for a while in order to avoid the transmission of a fungal disease.

White plaque under the foreskin: causes and treatment

A white coating under the foreskin appears as a result of the fact that a secret produced by special glands accumulates there, which serves to moisturize the head of the penis and to reduce friction of the foreskin against it. White plaque appears from insufficient hygiene care behind the genitals. The head of the penis must be washed daily by special means For intimate hygiene or baby soap under plenty of warm running water. Occasionally for prevention various diseases It is recommended to rinse with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

Men at any age may develop a white coating on the head of the penis, which does not always indicate the presence of a serious illness or poor personal hygiene. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in adolescents during puberty and men who are disorderly. sex life. It is worse when a cheesy coating on the glans and foreskin is accompanied by unpleasant smell. Surprisingly, many men delay going to the doctor for years, ignoring the problem and hoping for an independent cure.


Reasons for appearance

In 90% of cases, the reasons for the appearance of white plaque on the head and foreskin are as follows:

  1. Accumulation of smegma. This natural process, which in some may either be disrupted or occur in an abnormal form. Every man has smegma, as it is responsible for moisturizing the glans penis and making it easier for the foreskin to slide over it. Smegma resembles a cheesy coating and has a sour, pungent odor. It occurs in young boys and adult men. Most often observed in adolescence during puberty. Only ignoring the rules of personal hygiene can cause an inflammatory process to begin due to the large amount of accumulated smegma.
  2. . It is not as common as in women, but it is candidiasis infection that can cause a man to develop a white coating and an unpleasant odor on his head. Candidiasis almost never manifests itself as single symptoms, so it can be observed along with white pellets on the foreskin. In rare cases, the above cases may be accompanied by painful sensations during urination. Even less commonly, candidal balanoposthitis spreads to the groin area and perianal area. Very often it can be asymptomatic for many years, so already advanced cases or recurrent balanitis are diagnosed.
  3. Gardnerella. For a long time Gardnell's was thought to occur only in women suffering from bacterial vaginosis. However, it has been proven that in men gardella is also closely related, only with balanoposthitis. Distinctive feature– a white sticky coating on the coronal groove of the glans penis with a sharp, unpleasant odor and small red spots on the foreskin. Tends to heal on its own.

Sometimes white pellets on the head of the penis can be a complication of gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

White plaque on the head in men photo

Diagnosis and treatment

On a note! Circumcision is the most effective remedy from the accumulation of white plaque on the glans and under the foreskin. Circumcision has also been shown to reduce the risk of many inflammatory processes.

A variant of the norm is the appearance of a white coating in little boys and men during puberty. In men, smegma can only be observed if the rules of personal hygiene are ignored and the inflammatory process begins. If, with normal daily care of the penis, the cheesy coating and unpleasant odor do not go away after a week, and other symptoms such as itching or redness are added to them, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a urologist or venereologist.

To confirm the diagnosis of candidal balanoposthitis, plaque will be taken from the surface of the head for analysis. Fungi of the genus Candida are considered a conditional pathogen, so any deviations from the norm can be accompanied by inflammatory processes in both men and women. A qualified specialist will immediately recommend treatment for both sexual partners at once, since there is a high probability of relapse. Common treatment regimen:

  • Taking Diflucan 300 mg;
  • Taking Diflucan 150 mg the next day;
  • Take Diflucan 50 mg every other day.

From the first day and for two weeks, apply Clotrimazole or Nisatatin ointment. Also, white plaque from the head can be removed using the following ointments:

  • – externally 3 times a day;
  • Econazole – externally 2 times a day;
  • Ketoconazole – 2 times a day.

Systemic treatment is almost always prescribed, to be used only local drugs resorted to in cases where the disease is asymptomatic, and the main symptoms have appeared in the partner.

As for the treatment of smegma pellets that may appear on the head and foreskin, in most cases it is enough to increase personal hygiene and preventive actions for genital care. For boys during puberty, it is recommended to wash the penis with warm water daily. In individual cases, washing the penis with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide may be effective.

We recommend not to self-medicate and at the first sign of burning, itching, redness or the appearance of a white coating and unpleasant odor on the penis, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Cure male thrush with initial stage is not as difficult as suffering from its relapses after every unprotected sexual intercourse or violation of personal hygiene rules.

The reason that a representative of the stronger sex has a white coating may be ordinary candidiasis. The disease is popularly called thrush. It manifests itself not only in men, but also in women. Its occurrence is most often associated with taking any strong drug for a long time. medicinal product, most often antibiotics. In addition to all this, weakened immunity or immunodeficiency virus, diabetes and many other things also contribute to the manifestation of this disease on the head of the penis. The white coating in such a situation has a cheesy consistency and a sour smell. Candidiasis is caused by a special genus Candida.

It is worth noting that a small amount of them is present in our body throughout our lives. However, it is the strong proliferation of these microorganisms that leads to the appearance of the first signs of thrush as a disease. If we talk only about men, then if they are infected with candidiasis, their foreskin is most often affected. The disease itself manifests itself in the form of burning, itching and pain during urination. In addition, the penis may become red and even swollen. In the area of ​​the foreskin, a white coating forms on the glans. During sexual contact a man may feel discomfort and a constant urge to urinate. Any specialist will be able to diagnose the appearance of thrush based on the patient’s complaints and test results. Of course, only after a comprehensive examination can any treatment be prescribed that is suitable for a particular patient.

White plaque on the head of the penis appears not only because of thrush. The cause of such formations is often syphilis or gonorrhea. Also, its occurrence can provoke psoriasis, fungal infections, tumor of the genital organ, herpes and much more.

Diseases that cause white plaque to appear on the head of the penis are most often infectious or inflammatory nature. In any case, just one at a time appearance It is simply impossible to accurately determine the disease in most cases. Regardless of what appears on a man’s penis: blisters, ulcers or spots, erosions or tubercles, it is necessary not to try to diagnose yourself (and certainly not to be treated with all available means), but to visit your doctor as quickly as possible. Universal method, there is no drug or treatment at all in our time. A mandatory individual approach is required.

White plaque on the male head must be removed several times a day. This is not difficult to do. You just need to use ordinary soap and a small amount warm water. Thanks to these seemingly simple recommendations, a representative of the stronger sex will be able to get rid of discomfort in the inflamed area. Sometimes it is enough just to take more careful and attentive care and maintain cleanliness, using However, in most cases this is not enough. The thing is that people are not used to paying attention to all sorts of “little things”. Therefore, if a man has any sensations of this type, he is unlikely to immediately begin treatment and find out the cause of this kind of ailment. In fact, every person should visit an appropriate specialist regularly. This will not only allow you to recover quickly, but also prevent the development of those diseases in which there is a white coating on the head of the penis.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that only a doctor can prescribe suitable drugs in order to cure the disease in which a representative of the stronger sex develops a white coating on the head of the penis. It is for this reason that you do not need to do treatment at home if you are not sure of the diagnosis.

White plaque on the head of the penis can appear in a man at any age. This does not always indicate the presence of some serious disease or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. If the problem has been present for a long time, then you should pay attention to other symptoms: unpleasant odor, itching, discomfort, redness, the onset of the inflammatory process. Reasons for the formation of a cheesy coating of white or white-gray color can be very different. In some cases, consultation with a specialist is required, since symptoms may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Causes of white plaque

The cause of the appearance of white plaque can be a variety of factors. One of the most common is insufficient hygiene of the male genital organs and neglect of self-care. In the most advanced cases, not only plaque and an unpleasant odor appear, but also itching, pain, and a rash. The main reasons for the formation of white discharge on the head of the penis are:

Cause Description Photo
Accumulation of smegma This is a natural process that may be disrupted in some young people. For example, in puberty- at this time, white plaque forms most actively in adolescents. Smegma also accumulates on the genitals of little boys. It resembles a white cheesy mass with a sharp sour odor. It is necessary to moisturize the head of the penis and reduce its friction against the foreskin. The reason for the abundant accumulation of biomaterial is precisely insufficient self-care. In the worst case, an inflammatory process may begin: the genitals will itch, smell bad, and severe redness will appear.
Male thrush Candidiasis is one of the most common infections. The disease is also accompanied by an unpleasant odor, severe itching and redness. It progresses due to the proliferation of candida fungus. If you develop thrush and do not treat it in time, you will experience pain when urinating, a rash, cutting sensations during ejaculation and the like. For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, so men often consult a doctor in an already advanced stage of candidiasis
Gardnerella Previously it was believed that this disease was characteristic only of women who suffer from bacterial vaginosis. But men can also feel discomfort from white people sticky discharge on the glans penis due to spread pathogenic microflora. Symptoms are very poorly expressed, but there is also an odor and rashes on the genitals. Most often, small red spots appear on the coronal sulcus of the penis.

The above reasons for the appearance of plaque are the most common, but not the only possible ones. White discharge can be a complication:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • genital herpes.

Also, plaque on the penis may be a symptom of other somatic diseases, including infectious, sexually transmitted diseases. TO somatic diseases This includes diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, dermatitis and the like.

Diagnosis and treatment

Circumcision of the foreskin is effective way preventing inflammatory processes on the head of the penis. This will also help get rid of the abundant accumulation of smegma.

Treatment will depend on the reason for the plaque accumulation. The doctor conducts a visual examination, taking into account other symptoms and complaints of the patient. You can usually get rid of smegma yourself by purchasing cosmetical tools to maintain intimate hygiene. But it’s still worth contacting a specialist if, due to insufficient self-care, inflammation has already begun, itching and redness have appeared.

Such problems are dealt with either by a urologist or a venereologist. In this case, the doctor will recommend temporarily using pharmaceutical drugs(tetracycline ointment, which should be applied before going to bed) or products traditional medicine, which need to be used for washing, - healing herbs(calendula, chamomile), weak solution of potassium permanganate, etc.

If you have thrush, the specialist will prescribe medications. During the first two weeks, you need to use an ointment based on clotrimazole (twice a day) or nystatin (two to three times). Also used for treatment are econazole, ketoconazole (both agents are applied 2 times a day) and pimafucin (3 times a day). Treatment with Diflucan capsules is common according to the following scheme: on the first day 300 mg is taken, on the second - 150, on the third - 50.

To treat gardnerellosis, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics such as levofloxacin, doxycycline and clindamycin. Also used for external use: Metrogyl and Dalatsin gels.

You should be treated with the medications and methods that are agreed upon with your doctor.

Other diseases require an individual approach. Other symptoms, complaints, general state organism and what stage of development the disease is in this moment time. Often prescribed additional tests and examinations, especially if we are talking about a serious diagnosis like syphilis or hepatitis.

For other, already known somatic diseases, the doctor may give a referral to another specialist. An example is the same dermatitis - additional consultation with a dermatologist is required, and not just a urologist or venereologist.

It is not recommended to start treatment without visiting a doctor. The disease can worsen, causing the condition of the patient and his genital organs to worsen significantly. A late visit to a medical facility can also provoke rapid development of the diagnosis and exacerbation of symptoms.

Preventive actions

To avoid the appearance of a white coating on the head of the penis, accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor, you should follow three simple rules:

  1. 1. Pay attention to the hygiene of your own body, especially the genitals, every day. The penis requires careful washing, since bacteria multiply quickly in this area. The pathogenic flora should not be allowed to grow even more actively. It is necessary to promptly rinse the head of the penis, pubis and testicles with warm water using special cleansers. It is not advisable to use regular soap.
  2. 2. Protect yourself with condoms. Most of the diseases that can cause the formation of white curd discharge are sexually transmitted.
  3. 3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. In synthetics, the skin begins to actively produce sweat, sweat, and sometimes itch. Excessive sweating - favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microflora. It is in synthetic underwear that a man can begin to form a large amount of smegma under the foreskin.
  4. 4. Regularly undergo examinations in medical institutions. Even if a young man visits a doctor for preventive purposes once every six months or a year, he will protect himself from many possible diseases. As already mentioned, even common candidiasis does not appear immediately, but after some time, which is why men have to contact a specialist already in the advanced stage of thrush.