Blepharoplasty laser resurfacing. Laser blepharoplasty: features of the procedure, reviews, prices and results. Relevance of complications and side effects

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty - great way get rid of sagging skin, the ability to make your look more expressive and attractive. Since this method of exposure occurs without complex surgical manipulations, it is considered less traumatic and requires a short recovery period, which is why it is used by many women to regain their former beauty and youth in the periorbital area.


Plastic surgeon, Gerasimenko V.L.:

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The essence of the method

Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical method used to correct appearance in the area of ​​the lower or upper eyelids. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to get rid of overhanging folds and eliminate wrinkles. As a result of laser treatment on the face, the skin will become 5-10 years younger.

In most cases, such plastic surgery is used by women aged 35-45 years, after age-related deformation has occurred.

During this period, the epithelium and muscle fibers lose their former elasticity and become less elastic, which leads to a decrease in the overall tone of the face. To cope with these age-related deficiencies, laser blepharoplasty around the eyes is actively used.

There are three types of laser resurfacing procedures:

  • one that is performed only on the upper eyelid;
  • laser blepharoplasty lower eyelids;
  • circular, involves lifting both eyelids at once.

Thanks to the use of innovative laser equipment to eliminate age-related changes in the periorbital area, it will be possible to achieve an impeccable result with minimal risk complications. This significantly affects the duration of the rehabilitation period, reducing it to two weeks. As a result of laser exposure, not only excess epithelium is eliminated, but also skin tightening occurs, which allows you to smooth out wrinkles on the face.

List of indications for the procedure

In most cases, laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is used by patients to make aesthetic changes to their appearance. Let's look at the most common indications for laser eyelid lifting:

  • the need to correct the cut or shape of the visual organs in order to improve their appearance;
  • presence of overhanging skin fold located in the area of ​​the upper eyelid;
  • a large amount of epithelium forming bags under the eyes;
  • the need to tighten deep wrinkles, as well as eliminate small ones that create a small mesh;
  • the presence of congenital or acquired defects of the lower or upper eyelids.

Also, with the help of laser blepharoplasty, it will be possible to eliminate drooping corners of the visual organs, which change the appearance and expression of the face.

What lasers are used for the procedure?

Most often, two types of laser devices are used for laser blepharoplasty. Let's look at them in more detail.


These devices are considered the safest for use on the eye area. They are practically painless and do not cause burns. Such an excellent result can be achieved thanks to small wave radiations.

The degree of penetration into the stratum corneum is minimal, which allows it to act on the skin without practically injuring the structure.

Due to the influence of the erbium beam, only a small part of the stratum corneum is removed, this provokes coagulation/clotting of protein fractions. Also, as a result of the impact, grinding of the epidermis layer begins. Carrying out blepharoplasty with an erbium laser guarantees that it affects only the surface of the epithelium, without causing burns, restoring the regenerative ability of the epithelium, renewing it and providing an excellent lifting effect.

The result obtained from rejuvenation with an erbium laser can be preserved for 5-6 years.

This laser eye blepharoplasty is characterized by the ability to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epithelium. This causes minor burns but provides a more pronounced coagulation effect.

How effective blepharoplasty using a CO2 beam will be depends on the level of the problem, the individual indications of the patient and the professionalism of the specialist who performs the operation.

Types of laser blepharoplasty

There are several types of blepharoplasty, which can be performed using laser beams.

Let's look at them in the table.

Procedure name Peculiarities
Transconjunctival laser blepharoplasty In most cases, the procedure is relevant for use by younger women; the method is used to cope with fatty hernias. To carry out such an operation on inside eyelids, a miniature incision is made using a laser beam, after which excess muscle tissue and fatty deposits (hernias) must be removed. There is no change in the size or shape of the eyes with this type of laser blepharoplasty.
Subciliary percutaneous It is prescribed to patients who have a large amount of excess skin in the area above the eyes. During the operation, they are eliminated fatty hernias, intraorbital fat is removed, and correction is also performed orbicularis muscle visual organ and elimination of excess epithelium.
Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids Provides for the removal of excess epithelium of the upper eyelids by excision of an elliptical flap. It also provides for the removal of fatty hernias and the elimination of areas of skin that do not have a symmetrical appearance. The incision is made along the fold formed as a result of opening and closing the eyes.
Laser circular blepharoplasty This is the simultaneous correction of the upper and lower eyelids. The main goal of blepharoplasty is to eliminate excess fatty tissue, bone tissue, and tighten the eyelids. If necessary, this type of laser blepharoplasty goes well with endoscopic facelift.

At the request of clients, it is possible to perform laser blepharoplasty for Asian eyes. Such an operation implies a change in the eastern section of the visual organs (or in other words, Europeanization of the gaze). Changing the shape of the eyes in this situation occurs as a result of excision of the epithelium of the upper eyelid and parallel elimination of excess fat.

What are the benefits of laser blepharoplasty?

Non-surgical laser blepharoplasty using carbon rays, according to the results obtained, corresponds to the performance of surgical procedures. But this method of influence has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Minimal cuts. Making cuts using laser beams allows you to achieve minimal tissue trauma and guarantees fast healing and wound repair.
  2. No bruising or swelling. Bruising and swelling can only occur in individual cases or if medical recommendations are not followed. Due to the exposure to high temperatures during laser blepharoplasty, the coagulation process ensures that blood clots in small vessels without the formation of swelling and bruising.
  3. Fast recovery period. Patients who have undergone laser blepharoplasty note the fastest possible rehabilitation period. It is possible to recover and return to a normal lifestyle 21-30 days after the procedure, while after surgery, full recovery will take up to 5 months.
  4. Eliminating the possibility of infection. Thanks to elevated temperature During laser blepharoplasty, the possibility of microbes entering the injured epithelium is eliminated, which means that the risk of infectious diseases and various complications disappears.
  5. No scarring. The coagulation process, which is characteristic of laser blepharoplasty, allows wounds to heal without scar formation. It will not be possible to achieve such a result using the surgical method, no matter how professional the specialist may be.

There is no need to stay in the hospital after laser blepharoplasty. Maximum time which may have to be spent in the ward is 2-3 hours.

List of contraindications

No matter how safe blepharoplasty using laser resurfacing may be, there are a number of cases when its implementation is strictly contraindicated. Execution not allowed laser rejuvenation in the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms. Also, such a procedure is impossible in case of blood diseases or poor clotting. Laser eyelid lifting is not allowed in patients with infectious diseases blood, including in the presence of HIV infection.

For patients with problems endocrine system or with cardiovascular pathologies, laser skin rejuvenation is also not recommended. In the presence of inflammatory processes In the area of ​​upcoming manipulations, increased intraocular pressure or intolerance to laser exposure, blepharoplasty using a laser beam is impossible.

Depending on the test results obtained, there may be other contraindications to the procedure. The specialist will tell you more about this during face-to-face consultation.

There are also a number of time restrictions for blepharoplasty. These include exacerbation of chronic diseases, the menstrual period in women, breast-feeding and pregnancy.

How to prepare for laser rejuvenation?

In order for laser blepharoplasty to proceed without complications, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. Initially, you should make an appointment with a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist who will perform the procedure. During the conversation, the specialist will collect an anamnesis and identify areas that need adjustment. After this, the plastic surgeon selects the appropriate type of laser to be used during the operation.

During a face-to-face consultation, the specialist will tell you about the preparatory procedures that the patient should follow. 14 days before your laser eyelid lift appointment, it is recommended not to take medications that affect blood clotting, and also eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet. Smoking is not allowed at this time.

For 2 weeks before the scheduled operation, it is recommended to reduce exposure to sunlight as much as possible, and also stop going to the solarium (if you have had one before).

The final stage of preparation takes place in an outpatient setting, where the patient will be complete examination by a surgeon, therapist and anesthesiologist. Also at this stage you will need to pass the necessary tests:

  • blood test (standard and biochemical);
  • for the presence of HIV, hCG, determination of the Rh factor;
  • to perform a coagulogram;
  • passing an electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography.

Additionally, a urine test will be required. Based on the results obtained, the anesthesiologist selects required type anesthesia that will be used during the operation.

Laser blepharoplasty: photo of the operation

Laser blepharoplasty in clinics is performed on an outpatient basis. In most cases, patients prefer local anesthesia, but if they want to carry out a number of other manipulations at the same time, general anesthesia will be required.

Before the operation begins, the plastic surgeon makes markings and places a special protective lens. After this, the future treatment area is cleaned with a special cream with an antibacterial effect.

After 10-12 minutes, the surgeon makes an incision into the tissue with a laser beam and performs eyelid correction using laser exposure. At the end of the operation, the wounds are held together using special surgical glue/tape. On average, laser blepharoplasty will take 30-40 minutes.

When all the manipulations are completed, the specialist will apply special agents to the affected area that reduce painful sensations, protecting against the formation of edema.

If there are no complications, the patient can go home immediately. He does not need to stay in hospital.

Phased implementation laser blepharoplasty presented on video:

Rehabilitation period

On average, the rehabilitation period takes one to two weeks. To speed up this process, it is recommended to follow medical instructions, including:

  • application of special cooling applications to the affected area;
  • go to sleep only on your back or side, but only if your head is slightly elevated;
  • exclusion of the use of decorative cosmetics during the first 7 days after laser procedures;
  • taboo on the use of medications that contain Aspirin;
  • a ban on visiting the sauna, bathhouse, excluding going to the solarium, as well as minimizing exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • limiting vigorous physical activity.

Relevance of complications and side effects

Any impact on the body can provoke discomfort or complications. Before going for laser blepharoplasty, the patient is told about the possible side effects. The most commonly noted are:

  1. "Dry eye" This is a syndrome where function is impaired sebaceous glands, their recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks. For a speedy recovery, the specialist will prescribe special eye drops.
  2. Unpleasant sensations. After any impact on the face, there is a possibility of unpleasant sensations. In case of prolonged pain syndrome The doctor will prescribe special painkillers.
  3. Swelling and hematomas. Such phenomena occur after laser blepharoplasty extremely rarely; most often they are associated with non-compliance with the rules of skin care after surgery or with damage to incorrectly located vessels during manipulation. The disappearance of bruises and swelling occurs after 12 days from the moment of laser exposure.
  4. Asymmetry of the eyelids. This complication occurs only if the surgeon made gross mistakes during laser blepharoplasty. Also, the occurrence of such phenomena is often associated with the structural features of the epithelium.
  5. Getting burns. This complication most often occurs after surgery using a carbon dioxide laser.

If one or more symptoms of complications are observed after laser resurfacing, as well as during prolonged unpleasant sensations, be sure to inform the specialist who performed blepharoplasty about this.

What results will be achieved?

With the correct technology for laser eyelid lifting, as well as contacting a qualified specialist and using first-class equipment, you will be able to achieve an excellent effect after the treatment. As a result of laser blepharoplasty, you can eliminate all visible skin defects, as well as get rid of signs of aging in the form of sagging eyelids and wrinkled mesh.

As a result of laser exposure, the look will be more expressive and attractive. In addition, the epithelium will become more even, smooth and elastic. This will allow the patient to gain a youthful and attractive appearance.

The results obtained from laser eyelid rejuvenation last for 3-8 years. This depends on the individual indications of the patients.

Performing laser blepharoplasty:

Current questions about laser blepharoplasty

For what age is laser eyelid correction suitable?

Laser blepharoplasty is the name of an intervention that is aimed at improving the patient's appearance. Therefore, there are no specific age restrictions for manipulations. In most cases, correction is performed in order to eliminate age-related changes, so experts recommend thinking about plastic surgery only after 30-35 years.

Which laser to choose: carbon dioxide or erbium?

Erbium laser equipment is most suitable for women with delicate skin types. This type of equipment does not lead to burning of the epithelium, since the rays do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. If it is necessary to carry out strong changes, it is recommended to use a CO2 laser, since it seals the vessels and prevents bleeding. But after using such devices, burns may occur. Only an experienced professional can select the necessary laser for blepharoplasty.

How is the price for laser blepharoplasty determined?

What the final cost of blepharoplasty will be depends on the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the selected specialist, the complexity of the intervention, and the cost of additional services. It is recommended to initially discuss with your doctor what will be included in the price of the operation and what will be paid separately.

Which blepharoplasty is better: laser or surgical?

For each specific case, the optimal type of rejuvenation is selected. The laser method of exposure is considered less traumatic compared to surgical procedures. Also, the advantages of laser rejuvenation are the short rehabilitation period.

How much does laser blepharoplasty cost?

What the price of laser blepharoplasty will be depends on several factors that we listed above. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of prices for the operation in different cities of Russia.

City Current price
Moscow from 50,000 rub.
Saint Petersburg from 40,000 rub.
Sochi from 45,000 rub.
Vladivostok from 35,000 rub.
Murmansk from 30,000 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod from 25,000 rub.
Kazan from 25,000 rub.
Rostov-on-Don from 20,000 rub.
Samara from 20,000 rub.
Ekaterinburg from 25,000 rub.

Drooping eyelids and pronounced circles under the eyes significantly spoil the appearance and give their owner an additional 5–10 years of age. Laser blepharoplasty will correct these defects and smooth out “ crow's feet"and age-related wrinkles in this area, will lift the drooping corners of the eyes and correct existing asymmetry. However, you must understand that this is a responsible and complex procedure for both the cosmetologist and the patient. We recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with its intricacies, indications and possible contraindications.

What is this procedure

Laser blepharoplasty belongs to the category of plastic surgeries, only a laser beam is used as a scalpel. This technique is considered relatively safe (the risk of infection during the procedure is minimal), the incision is neat and heals quickly. On average period postoperative rehabilitation is 2 weeks.

The laser technique is considered innovative, but has already gained popularity among patients with problems in the periorbital region. At the same time, the procedure requires high professionalism, precision of actions and special skills from the performer. The slightest mistake by a doctor can be a tragedy for the patient’s appearance.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists recommend using the innovative procedure for patients with the following skin problems:

  • congenital asymmetry, eyelid pathology;
  • excess eyelid tissue;
  • fatty hernias of the eyelids;
  • the desire to open the eye slightly, to correct its incision;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • age-related drooping of the corners of the eyes;
  • pronounced age-related skin changes, wrinkles in the periorbital area.

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty is recommended for adult patients over 40 years of age. On an individual basis, it is possible to use the method to correct the shape of the eyelids and eye shape at an earlier age. But this nuance must be discussed with an experienced doctor.

Important point! The use of laser blepharoplasty to eliminate bags under the eyes will be inappropriate if the cause of the disease is caused by allergies, kidney dysfunction and a number of body diseases. In this case, treatment of the problem from the inside is required, rather than plastic surgery.

The patient's desire alone is not enough to perform laser blepharoplasty, the presence of medical indications and the absence of contraindications are also important.

Is special training needed?

Laser blepharoplasty, as mentioned above, refers to surgical methods cosmetology, special preparation before it is required. What does this include?

  1. Examination of the patient for indications for blepharoplasty, analysis of the extent of the problem.
  2. The patient undergoes a medical examination to determine the presence of contraindications. To do this, be sure to visit highly specialized specialists (anesthesiologist, surgeon, therapist), take some tests (urine, blood for clotting, sugar content, general and biochemical analysis blood), does fluorography and cardiogram.
  3. When are contraindications to blepharoplasty and the risk of allergic reaction excluded, the cosmetologist once again assesses the complexity and depth of the problem, selects the optimal surgical technique and type of anesthesia, and sets a date for the procedure.
  4. 2 weeks before the planned laser treatment, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking coagulants (drugs that affect the blood clotting process).
  5. During the preparatory period, it is unacceptable to visit solariums, refuse sunbathing, that is, in every possible way protect the skin from direct sun rays.

Types of anti-aging techniques

Modern cosmetology distinguishes several types of laser blepharoplasty, depending on the patient’s problem:

  • Upper blepharoplasty. Aimed at correcting the upper eyelid, removing fatty tissue and excess skin. The location of the incision coincides with the natural crease of the upper eyelid on the open eye.
  • Bottom. Involves eliminating puffiness and bags under the eyes, and is recommended for the development of an eyelid hernia. In lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the incision can be made at the eyelash line (percutaneous subliciary technique), on the inside of the problem eyelid (transconjunctival) or through the mouth (intraoral).
  • Circular blepharoplasty. During the operation, the upper and lower eyelids are involved simultaneously.
  • Canthopexy. Designed to restore skin elasticity in the periorbital area, eliminate facial asymmetry and correct the shape of the eye. With this type of blepharoplasty you can get rid of residual scars, scars after injuries, burns. The essence of the procedure is to remove excess tendons (ligaments).
  • Correction of eye shape. The technique is especially popular among patients with Asian appearance. As a result of this type of blepharoplasty, the appearance takes on more European features. Please note that this procedure technique is considered the most difficult.
  • Laser thermolysis. Stimulates the process of neocollagenesis, has a rejuvenating, lifting effect, smoothes wrinkles, and partially lightens dark circles under the eyes. The essence of the technique is to cleanse the stratum corneum of the skin in the periorbital zone.

For those who do not dare to undergo laser blepharoplasty and are concerned about the problem of sagging eyelids, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, cosmetology offers as an alternative laser thermolysis using the Jett Plasma Lift Medical device. To achieve a lifting effect, quasi-neutral plasma is used.

The Jett Plasma Lift Medical device creates favorable conditions for active synthesis of collagen, elastin, stimulating tissue rejuvenation. In addition, the plasma beam is so thin that it allows you to delicately solve the problem of sensitive skin around the eyes with minimal risk of complications, side effects.


Laser blepharoplasty is a painful procedure; before performing it, the doctor stipulates the type of anesthesia that will be used on the patient. There are several options: local anesthesia or general anesthesia. If the correction concerns only the eyelid area, then local anesthesia is sufficient.

To carry it out, anesthetic cream and injections are used. When additional surgery is contemplated, it is preferable to use general anesthesia.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Markings are made on the eyelids according to which the appearance will be corrected.
  2. The patient is put on special lenses; they serve to protect the eyes from laser exposure.
  3. Anesthesia is performed.
  4. At the next stage we begin active actions: an incision is made through the eyelid using a laser beam, part of the fat or excess tissue is removed to eliminate the problem.
  5. After surgical procedures, the incision is stitched with self-absorbing sutures, surgical tape, or secured with special glue.
  6. Adhesive tape may be used to secure the affected tissues.
  7. After 3–4 hours, the patient can go home after being thoroughly familiarized with the rules, intricacies of the rehabilitation period and skin care.

Laser blepharoplasty is a short operation (takes about 1 hour), but very responsible. Its implementation should be entrusted only to a first-class doctor; the final result and the speed of recovery after surgery depend on this. Pay attention to sanitary standards, the availability of certificates and approvals for surgical intervention, carefully study real reviews about the institution.

Photos before and after

What can a patient expect after surgery?

Rehabilitation after laser blepharoplasty cannot be avoided, because the tissue was damaged in the process. If the procedure is performed correctly, the healing process does not exceed 2 weeks.

Immediately after surgery, painful areas are treated special means. It will reduce the risk of swelling and hematomas in the patient. Also for this purpose, cold compresses are applied to the eyes in the first days.

About a week after the operation, the patient should visit a doctor. He will examine the periorbital area, analyze the rate of recovery, and remove sutures if necessary.

Important point! At first, scars will be visible at the incision sites. Don't worry - after 3 weeks they will be invisible.


Performing laser blepharoplasty is a relatively expensive procedure. Its cost is influenced by the surgical technique and the complexity of the problem.

Correction of the lower eyelid at a discount will cost about 29 thousand rubles, laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids (circular) costs more - 40–45 thousand rubles. Eye shape correction is difficult to perform; its price can reach 50–70 thousand rubles. In some salons you can find higher prices, it depends on the rating of the selected clinic.

Is it possible to massage the eyelids?

The duration of the rehabilitation stage largely depends on the care provided and the implementation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Often, to eliminate swelling and prevent the appearance of eyelid asymmetry, it is recommended to use massage.

It is worth immediately noting that it is necessary to carry out the massage procedure after a few days and not on your own, but to entrust this process to a first-class massage therapist.

As an economical option, it is permissible to perform acupressure persons at home. Its essence lies in massaging acupuncture points. There are several features of the procedure:

  1. Please discuss this issue with your doctor first; there may be contraindications.
  2. Please read carefully active points on the face, the technique of influencing them (pressure force, order of execution, other nuances).
  3. Do not perform the procedure in the first 5 days after blepharoplasty, during this period the area around the eyes is too sensitive.
  4. Wash your hands well before the massage.
  5. With extreme caution, work the area around the eyes as gently as possible; if necessary, reduce the number and strength of pressure.

To stimulate the outflow of fluid from the area around the eyes, restore the tone of the muscles involved and activate the processes of natural renewal of skin cells After laser blepharoplasty, it is recommended to perform eye exercises. It consists of simple exercises:

  1. Look in front of you, look around, up and down. Perform the exercise without sudden movements, smoothly, 3–5 times.
  2. Tilt your head up so that your gaze is directed at the ceiling. Blink quickly for half a minute. Return to the starting position.
  3. Close your eyes for 3 seconds, then open them wide, concentrating your gaze into the distance. Relax your eyes, trying to keep your eyebrows in one position. Perform the exercise 3–5 times.
  4. Close your eyes, hold your eyelids with your fingertips, but do not press. Try to slowly open your eyes slightly without changing the position of your fingers. Do the exercise also 3-5 times.
  5. Slowly tilt your head back, keeping your gaze on the tip of your nose. Keep your head tilted back for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat similar actions 2-4 more times.
  6. Close your eyes and press the skin at your temples with your fingers. Gently try to pull the skin towards the hairline, as if imitating an Asian person. Exercises must be performed up to 5 times.

Important point! Gymnastics for the eyes will help stabilize the condition of the skin and restore visual acuity.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period

To speed up recovery and not harm yourself, cosmetologists insist on observing certain restrictions:

  • for the first 10 days do not use cosmetics, with the exception of medications prescribed by a specialist;
  • avoid direct sunlight, and after transconjunctival laser blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids, it is also important to use sunscreen for at least a month;
  • It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, only on your back or side so that your head is elevated;
  • baths, solariums, saunas, swimming pools and sports are prohibited for a month after surgery;
  • You should also give up smoking and alcohol;
  • You should not wear contact lenses or strain your eyes in any way; limit your work on the computer and watching TV;
  • blood thinners medications slow down the recovery process, so it is not advisable to use them;
  • The sutures may itch during healing, but touching or massaging them is prohibited.

Laser blepharoplasty promises noticeable rejuvenation; the achieved results last for at least 4 years.


To ensure that the laser transformation procedure does not bring unexpected complications or health problems, cosmetologists carefully check the patient’s condition for contraindications. Limitations in laser blepharolifting may include:

  • inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • malignant, benign neoplasms;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • general malaise;
  • feverish state, ARVI;
  • bleeding disorders.

Pregnancy, lactation, any hormonal fluctuations (for example, menstruation) can become an obstacle to achieving the desired effect and delay the recovery process. During these periods, laser blepharoplasty should be abandoned.

Side effects

The risk of complications after a laser procedure is low, but exists. It is associated with the presence of contraindications and doctor errors.

The norm after such an impact is considered to be:

  • minor hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • pronounced seams;
  • increased tearfulness or dry eye syndrome (in this case, the doctor prescribes drops).

Side effects do not cause concern, they look unaesthetic, but go away on their own.


Complications rarely arise, the elimination of which is prescribed by the attending physician. Among them:

  • severe swelling;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels in the area around the eyes, large hematomas;
  • eyelid asymmetry;
  • soft tissue burn;
  • atypical position of the lower eyelid (as if turned out), due to removal large quantity fabrics.

Advice. To prevent complications after laser blepharoplasty from spoiling the patient’s appearance, it is recommended to be particularly scrupulous in choosing a clinic and personnel for the operation. Make sure the doctor is professional, read reviews about him and the clinic.

Comparison with other eyelid lift methods

The skin around the eyes is sensitive, has no fatty layer, the first reflects the aging process. Cosmetologists offer several ways to correct existing deficiencies in the periorbital zone. Which one is preferable to choose, we’ll figure it out further.

  • Blepharoplasty with a scalpel. Main competitor laser technique. It is inferior in effectiveness, the duration of the rehabilitation period, the risk of infection and complications is high, requires inpatient monitoring and can leave scars. The scalpel technique is considered a classic, outdated technique for correcting the problem area against the backdrop of the development of hardware cosmetology.

  • Fractional thermolysis. A non-surgical solution to the problem of the skin around the eyes. The essence of the procedure is a delicate laser effect on upper layer skin, burning out dead, weakened cells. The laser beam creates conditions inside the skin that promote rapid tissue renewal, thereby providing a lifting effect. The procedure does not require anesthesia or rehabilitation, but is not advisable for significant skin imperfections.

  • Biorevitalization of eye skin. An alternative to surgery that is effective in early stage Problems. The injection preparation contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, thereby stimulating intracellular processes and tissue regeneration. Biorevitalization is intended to solve minor skin problems, prevent their complications in the future, and allows you to retain youth on your face.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser blepharoplasty enjoys undoubted success among patients and cosmetologists. Among its main advantages are:

  • minimal trauma to tissues by the laser, the thinnest incision eliminates the appearance of scars after healing;
  • Due to the high temperature of the beam, “soldering” occurs during the procedure blood vessels together with the incision, which reduces possible hematomas and bruises;
  • compared to conventional blepharoplasty, the rehabilitation period is much easier, faster, and there is practically no risk of complications;
  • the procedure is non-contact, the risks of tissue infection are minimized;
  • The laser technique does not require hospital observation; the patient goes home on the same day;
  • the effect is long lasting - 4–10 years;
  • The operation is quick and takes no more than 60 minutes.

The disadvantages of laser blepharoplasty include the impressive cost, the presence of contraindications and high requirements to the professionalism and skills of the clinic staff.

Opinion of cosmetologists

For cosmetologists, laser blepharoplasty is effective method solutions complex problems skin in the periorbital area (severe swelling, bags under the eyes, drooping and drooping eyelids, Asian type of appearance, eyelid hernias), but it can only be used if indicated. The procedure is complex and responsible, so experts recommend approaching the choice of a clinic for its implementation with special persistence and scrupulousness.

Here's what cosmetologists say about blepharoplasty:

Performing laser blepharoplasty allows, without the use of a traditional scalpel, to eliminate chronic swelling in the lower or upper eyelids and improve the configuration of the palpebral fissure. Before signing up for the procedure, you should definitely consult with a cosmetologist and plastic surgeon.

The essence of the operation

Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves changing the configuration of the eyelids by removing and tightening the epidermis in the corresponding area of ​​the face. A feature of the procedure remains the use of not a simple scalpel, but a device that generates a laser beam. For this purpose, devices operating on the basis of carbon dioxide are used.

The essence of the operation is to make an incision in the epidermis, through which the doctor removes or changes the position of the fatty tissue located below. Thanks to the use of a laser beam, the invasiveness of the operation is significantly reduced. The skin incision occurs due to a local dosed thermal reaction. Against the background of the influence of high temperature, small vessels are cauterized, which prevents the occurrence of bleeding, swelling and hematomas. With the help of this intervention it is possible to correct visual defects varying degrees gravity.


The traditional version of the procedure involves making miniature incisions using a targeted radiation flow. This technique is ideal for correcting pronounced visual defects. However, if you have minor swelling, discoloration of the skin around your eyes, or a few age-related wrinkles, you can use a non-surgical method.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is a subtype of procedure that allows you to improve the condition of the tissues in the upper and lower eyelids without making incisions. An erbium laser is used to carry out such rejuvenation. The manipulation is based on the effect of photothermolysis.

The essence of non-surgical blepharoplasty is based on the local impact of laser beams, which, due to the thermal effect, destroy the upper layer of the epidermis, but without deep damage. In fact, the skin is cleaned of dead cells, pigmentation, and wrinkles. This procedure does not provide such a pronounced effect as with laser plastic surgery. However, blepharoplasty, performed without incisions, is popular among women of any age due to its safety and effectiveness.

Below we will further describe the types of manipulations depending on the location of the corrected areas of the epidermis.

Upper eyelids

Laser upper eyelid blepharoplasty is used to change the patient's appearance. By performing a series of incisions to remove excess fatty tissue, the problem of heavy and drooping eyelids can be eliminated. When age-related folds of the epidermis form, they are removed with skin tightening in the corresponding area.

Lower eyelids

Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is used to eliminate bags under the eyes. The procedure can be performed subciliary, when the skin is incised along the ciliary edge, or transconjunctivally with inner surface eyelids.


This version of the procedure combines the manipulations described above.

Correction of eye shape

In this case, the surgeon can use a laser to change the configuration of the eyes. The procedure is popular among Asian-looking women who want to achieve a European look by removing the epicanthus - the “Mongolian fold”.


This type of surgery is used for correction and plastic surgery of the eyelids in cases of ligamentous disorders. Hemming is carried out, which eliminates the visual and functional defect.

Indications and contraindications

In 80% of cases it is the personal desire of the patients. If you do not want to use the services of traditional plastic surgery (using a scalpel), you can make an appointment with a doctor for laser correction visual defects. 75% of clinic patients are representatives of the fair sex.

However, there are certain medical indications to perform the described procedure:

  • prolapse of the lower or, which impairs the patient’s vision;
  • formation of folds of excess skin on the eyelids;
  • lipid hernias;
  • asymmetry of the patient's face;
  • pronounced wrinkles and age-related changes in the skin.

Despite the safety of blepharoplasty, the technique is surgical intervention. Therefore, there are a number of clinical situations that make the procedure impossible.


  • serious endocrine pathology;
  • inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​the proposed intervention;
  • spicy infectious processes in the human body;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathology (hemophilia);
  • glaucoma;
  • HIV infection;
  • skin hypersensitivity to laser radiation.

Before performing the procedure, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent the development of unpleasant complications.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blepharoplasty, which is performed using a laser, is a popular and sought-after procedure in modern cosmetology And aesthetic medicine. Using the technique, it is possible to achieve an optimal result with the elimination of visual defects in the area around the eyes without making traditional incisions.

Main advantages of the procedure:

  • gentle cuts compared to using a conventional scalpel;
  • cauterization of small vessels during manipulation, which minimizes the risk of bleeding, swelling, and hematomas;
  • absence of a scar after the intervention, which allows not to use cosmetics and other aids to disguise the site of skin treatment;
  • reduction of discomfort during surgery due to the gentle effects of laser beams;
  • acceleration of the recovery period;
  • minimizing the risk of wound infection due to instant cauterization of the laser treatment area;
  • the ability to leave the plastic surgery clinic directly on the day of the procedure without the need to stay in the hospital;
  • durability of the final result (up to 10 years);
  • a small number of contraindications.

Blepharoplasty is one of the popular methods of rejuvenation in aesthetic medicine. The procedure has gained wide popularity and is in demand among people of different social status.

The negative aspects of laser correction of the area around the eyes include the price. Not every person can afford to eliminate defects of the upper or lower eyelids.


To achieve maximum cosmetic results, the patient must prepare for the operation - a week before the procedure, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Additionally, taking blood thinners is excluded due to the increased risk of bleeding and hematomas.

8 hours before the event surgical intervention you need to stop eating. Before the procedure, the patient also undergoes a full clinical examination to identify possible hidden pathologies. A blood test, ECG, coagulogram, etc. are required.

Carrying out the operation

Laser blepharoplasty is a procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. In 75% of cases during rejuvenation it is used local anesthesia. The doctor applies a special ointment to the skin of the eyelids, which quickly reduces the sensitivity of the tissue.

In case of volumetric interventions, general anesthesia may be used. To protect the retina from the negative effects of laser beams, special lenses are used. After loss of sensitivity in the treated area, the surgeon begins work. On average, surgery to tighten the skin around the eyes takes from 20 to 40 minutes. During the manipulation, the doctor directly uses the laser and auxiliary instruments to remove excess adipose tissue or its reposition is carried out.

After the operation is completed, the incisions are sutured using biological material, which then resolves on its own. Special glue that is applied to the edges of the wound also remains effective.


A special feature of laser blepharoplasty is its low invasiveness. The patient can return to normal activities within a few hours after the procedure. Full recovery tissue loss occurs by the end of 2-3 weeks. Patients should be especially careful in the first three days after the intervention.

  • apply local cooling using compresses;
  • you need to sleep on your back or side with your head raised;
  • within 7-10 days after blepharoplasty, the use of cosmetics to prevent negative effects on unhealed tissue;
  • temporary (up to 14 days) exclusion of the use of blood thinning medications (aspirin, warfarin, heparin);
  • exclusion of visits to baths and saunas for 2-3 weeks;
  • limiting exposure to direct sunlight;
  • minimizing heavy physical activity;
  • For 3-4 months after the procedure, it is recommended to use sunscreen to minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Visual changes in the epidermis become invisible within the first week. In case of hematomas, edema or other undesirable consequences It is worth consulting a plastic surgeon. The doctor will tell you how best to solve the problem.


Blepharoplasty is a surgical technique that allows you to achieve excellent results in rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to eliminate age-related wrinkles, eliminate drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes.

If there are pigmentary changes in the skin or minimal defects of the epidermis, it is better to use non-surgical blepharoplasty. With its help, it is possible to eliminate visual changes without making incisions.

Possible complications

Although the procedure is safe, it does not guarantee complete absence complications. Undesirable consequences occur extremely rarely and in 95% of cases are associated with insufficient qualifications of the surgeon or the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular patient.

Possible complications:

  • formation of hematomas due to damage to abnormally located vessels;
  • the occurrence of swelling;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • eyelid asymmetry;
  • burn.

Provided that the intervention is performed correctly using modern equipment, the risk of developing these undesirable consequences is 1-1.5%. Therefore, blepharoplasty currently remains one of the most popular methods of correcting the skin around the eyes in plastic surgery.


The cost of the procedure directly depends on the functioning of the clinic where rejuvenation is performed. The average price in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 20 to 90 thousand rubles.

Blepharoplasty using laser is an effective and safe method correction of the area around the eyes. Minimal amount adverse reactions and complications make the procedure popular among patients.

Useful video about laser blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a general collective name for operations on the upper and lower eyelids: changing the shape of the eyes, lifting, removing wrinkles, and so on... Approximately 4-6 days after the operation, the surgeon removes the stitches, exposing the remaining scars. Most often, these scars become almost invisible within 10-12 weeks, but in the case of violation of doctor’s instructions, surgeon’s error, or genetic prerequisites, it may mandatory will be needed laser resurfacing eyelid after blepharoplasty.

Grinding of seams after blepharoplasty

Laser resurfacing after blepharoplasty is carried out using modern erbium lasers. For complete deliverance for scars you will need a series of treatments, usually 5-7 are enough. The procedure achieves its unprecedented effect through renewal deep layers dermis. Then the intensive production of elastin and collagen begins, literally pushing out the skin lesions and turning it into smooth and elastic, like a baby, by increasing the elasticity of the fibers.

Advantages of laser resurfacing

Eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty has a number of advantages:

  • grinding is non-contact, that is, the chances of catching an infection are zero;
  • there is no rehabilitation period requiring special care;
  • no acute pain;
  • burns excluded;
  • the results are long lasting.

Disadvantages of laser resurfacing

Grinding seams after blepharoplasty also has negative aspects, first of all, the price. Blepharoplasty, the price for which can be viewed on the Internet, is also not a cheap pleasure; in tandem with resurfacing, the amount becomes impressive. Although most women believe that beauty has no price and are ready to pay any amount to postpone aging and prolong the youth and beauty of their body.

In addition, the disadvantages of the procedure include an extensive list of contraindications and possible complication, in the form of facial redness for an indefinite period.

Other ways to deal with scars

Most often, women who want to change their eyelids are interested in two questions.