It sometimes hurts to look up: why and what to do? Why does the eyeball hurt when moving?

The eyes are a paired sensory organ of the human visual system; they absorb up to 85-90% of all information from the surrounding world. Sometimes it becomes painful to move your eyes, to look normally in daylight. External irritants, internal pathologies- all this can be the beginning of eye problems. A timely visit to a specialist will help identify the disease in the early stages and begin conservative treatment.

Computers, tablets, gadgets negatively affect vision. Daily exposure to radiation can be one of the factors that may cause pain when moving the eyes.

Poor environment, insufficient nutrition, lack of essential vitamins, all this stress associated causes disturbances in the functioning of the visual analyzer. Attendance to the ophthalmologist is growing every year. Statistics age category I’m sad that queues to see children’s ophthalmologists have been growing since they were 5-6 years old.

The eyeball consists of three parts - the cornea, the lens, and a gel-like transparent substance (vitreous body). Inner shell the organ transmits all information along the nerve endings to the brain, this is important for a timely signal about the problem.

Eye protection does not always become a barrier against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and foreign objects. Sometimes the vulnerability of an organ is obvious, and when it becomes painful to turn your eyes to the sides, a person looks for the reason.

The main factors of discomfort:

  • Eye: inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis), neuritis optic nerve, glaucoma, inflammation of the organ muscles (myositis), conjunctivitis. Intraocular pressure, infectious diseases eyes, brain, severe intoxication, inflammatory and tumor processes lacrimal glands, chalazion.
  • Non-ocular: acute respiratory infections, headache, flu, subcutaneous edema.
  • Pathological processes in the body that narrow the capillaries of blood vessels.
  • Circulatory disorders, ischemia.
  • ENT diseases: frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis.
  • Foreign body, trauma. For example, the work involves building materials. Ingress of sand, plaster and other mixtures.
  • Tension, overwork, constant work at the computer.
  • An aneurysm can also cause long-lasting eye pain.
  • Headache, high pressure, hyphema.
  • Allergies, inappropriate glasses and lenses.

Reasons for occurrence pain there is quite a lot of visual apparatus. If pain is present for a long time, and your vision has deteriorated significantly, you should see a doctor.


Depending on the root cause that affected discomfort When the pupils turn to the right or left, certain signs appear.

  • Dry eye. Immobility of the organ, focus on one point long time becomes the main symptom of stress.
  • Tears, sharp pain, difficulties with rotation are a consequence of the ingress of solid particles. Must be eliminated foreign body. It is fraught with suppuration, retinal detachment, and a person can often go blind.
  • Fatigue, absence good sleep, overwork. The muscles of the fundus of the eye do not have time to rest, a migraine occurs, and it is difficult to move to the sides. All these consequences over time lead to partial loss of vision, impaired clarity and acuity of perception.

Signs that should prompt an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist if your eyes hurt when you move or close them.

Clinical picture of the pathology:

  • Itching, burning, stinging, painful to turn to the sides.
  • Sensation of “sand” in the eye socket.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • There is no sharpness or sharpness.
  • Splitting, blurry silhouettes.
  • Twilight vision.
  • Spots, dots.
  • The eye muscles hurt when moving to the side.

If you experience any discomfort, excessive dryness or tearing, you should consult a specialist. Only he, after a series of tests and diagnostics, can accurately determine the cause.


To decide on treatment tactics and understand what affected the pain when turning your eyes, you need to consult a therapist and an ophthalmologist. To make a diagnosis, go through a series of laboratory research, after which a course of therapy is prescribed.


Why it hurts to look up and down will help you find out research, tests and diagnostic measures.

  • Determination of the quality of visual ability.
  • Examination of the fundus - ophthalmoscopy.
  • Microscopy of the living eye - biomicroscopy.
  • Definition of intraocular, intracranial pressure.
  • Ultrasound, MRI of the visual apparatus.
  • Confocal microscopy.


After passing all the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor prescribes treatment in accordance with the diagnosis and the root cause. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed, antibacterial agents, eye drops.

If during diagnostics it is set intraocular pressure- This can be treated with medications. In some cases, laser coagulation is prescribed.

During an attack of acute glaucoma, you need to call emergency assistance. Symptoms: sharp pain, blurred vision, a “mesh” sensation, decreased vision, excessive moisture, swelling and redness. For myositis, eye health exercises are performed. You should not delay visiting an ophthalmologist; only he will determine the treatment tactics.

At home, you can independently eliminate pain when turning left and right.

Give your eyes a rest, relax. Sleep, take time off (vacation), minimize computer work, watch less TV.
Head massage. Massage your temples with your fingertips, over the entire surface from the back of your head to your forehead. Don't forget about the neck and back of the head.
An antispasmodic agent can help: “Papaverine”, “Spazmalgon”, “No-shpa”, “Citramon”.
Such relaxing activities will relieve the condition for a while. If it hurts to move your eyes, or if there is constant discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.


People who have to constantly work with a computer need to take breaks and exercise their eyes. Get adequate rest and sleep for at least 8 hours.

  • Safety at work, especially if it involves construction materials, wear safety glasses.
  • Technical breaks when working with computer equipment, studying, or while reading.
  • Contact specialists in a timely manner, treat symptomatic diseases, use antispasmodics for migraines, do not neglect doctor’s orders, and use eye drops.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Avoid stress and rushes of blood to the head.
  • Do not stay in a dark place for a long time.
  • Do not get carried away with strong coffee and tea.
  • Proper nutrition, balanced diet, vitamins.
    If your eyes hurt when you move them, eliminate the root cause, rest, take a break, get some sleep. Some pains ring a bell for many serious pathologies. Do not self-medicate. See a specialist.


When writing the article, the ophthalmologist used the following materials:
  • Agatova, Margarita Dmitrievna Ophthalmological symptoms in congenital and acquired diseases: (Diseases, syndromes, symptoms and reflexes): Directory / M. D. Agatova; Ross. honey. acad. postgraduate education. - M., 2003. - 443 p. ISBN 5-7249-0741-0: 1000
  • Fedorov, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Eye diseases: a textbook for students medical universities/ S. N. Fedorov, N. S. Yartseva, A. O. Ismankulov. - . - Moscow: [b. i.], 2005. - 431 p. ISBN 5-94289-017-X: 3000
  • Bezdetko P. A. Diagnostic reference book for an ophthalmologist / [P. A. Bezdetko and others]. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. - 349 p. ISBN 5-222-08955-X
  • Happe, Wilhelm Ophthalmology: a reference book for a practitioner: translation from English / Wilhelm Happe; under general ed. A.N. Amirova. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: MEDpress-inform, 2005. - 352 p. ISBN 5-98322-133-7
  • Khaludorova, Natalya Budaevna Vascular disorders in the anterior part of the eye with various stages pseudoexfoliation syndrome: dissertation... candidate medical sciences: 01/14/07 / Khaludorova Natalya Budaevna; [Place of protection: State Institution "Interindustry Scientific and Technical Complex "Eye Microsurgery""]. - Moscow, 2014. - 97 p. : 29 ill.
  • Yushchuk N. D. Damage to the organ of vision in infectious diseases / N. D. Yushchuk [et al.]. - Moscow: Medicine, 2006 - Smolensk: Smolensk Printing Plant - 174 p.
  • Conjunctivitis or pink eye// MedlinePlus, 2019. URL: (access date: 01/23/2019)
  • Barley (disease)// Wikipedia, 2019. URL: (access date: 01/23/2019)

Almost everyone now has problems with their eyes. IN modern world Too much strain is placed on the organ of vision. Pain in the eye when moving the eyeball is a common problem. If it becomes intense and constant, it can cause significant discomfort.

Probable causes of the disease

Why does it hurt? eyeball when moving? If you think about it, too much information is perceived; it is visually that we receive most information.

But this may also be a signal of a more serious illness, so regular examinations by a specialist will not hurt. The eyeball is a complex organ and extremely vulnerable. Such a symptom as pain in the eyes when moving the eyes cannot be ignored.

In the organ itself, on outside, many nerve endings are concentrated, so the eyes often become a source of discomfort, which is not surprising given the modern stress on them. If your eyes hurt when moving, take the necessary measures or see a doctor.

Why does the eyeball hurt when you turn your head and how to deal with it

If visual attention is focused on one object for too long a period of time, the muscles simply get tired. This is the most common reason why the eye muscles hurt. They overexert themselves. If your work involves constant presence at the computer, which is not uncommon now, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid such a symptom.

Pain in the eyes when moving also occurs if glasses are chosen incorrectly or contact lenses. Before purchasing them, you must undergo a medical examination so that the doctor can write a prescription for the manufacture of such products. Purchasing lenses or glasses that are not suitable for dioptres can cause discomfort.

And migraines in this case are not uncommon. How to make sure that the problem is in the wrong glasses? You just need to remove them, if the discomfort goes away, then the conclusion is obvious. You need to write out a new prescription and buy new glasses.

Pain as a symptom of a disease

If your eye hurts when you turn your eyes, this sign may indicate the presence of certain ailments:

In any case, pain in the eyes when moving, constant and severe, is alarm signal. You need to get examined urgently, all these ailments are very dangerous. Particular attention should be paid to pressure.

Pain when moving the eyeballs: causes and treatment methods

If your eyes hurt when turning left and right, this is already unpleasant symptom. But if, in addition, a person experiences nausea, we can talk about signs high blood pressure. The same disease is fraught with the development of glaucoma, which requires serious treatment, even surgical intervention. If you do not treat it, it is possible total loss ability to see. Seeing a doctor is, obviously, mandatory.

Also, if the eye muscles hurt when moving, you should make sure that there are no other eye diseases, such as neuritis, myositis. Such discomfort may be a sign of uveitis, iridocyclitis. It is better to get checked and rule out these unpleasant ailments.

Neuritis is a common disease that often resolves without unnecessary interventions. But it is necessary to diagnose it in order to exclude other ailments. It is the formation of a focus of inflammation in the optic nerve itself. That's why the muscles hurt from the inside when moving. If, in addition, the unpleasant sensations intensify when pressing on the eyeball, this disease can be identified with a high degree of probability.

Possible serious consequences, as a temporary loss of the ability to see, the occurrence of multiple sclerosis. Therefore, doctors do not always recommend or prescribe appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs until symptoms disappear.

If it hurts to move your eye, you must undergo an examination and conduct a correct diagnosis. Treatment of increased intracranial pressure may be delayed if it is not identified in time. Taking steroids can be complicated by the appearance of overweight, worsening mood. If drugs and medicines do not help, plasmapheresis is used.

If it hurts to move your eyeballs, this symptom may be a signal of myositis, which occurs against the background of constant colds. This is precisely a disease of the muscles themselves, characterized by intense pain.

Your eyes hurt when you move them; over time, the discomfort does not go away, but only intensifies. Swelling of the eyelids may also occur. Limited motor ability of the eyeball may also be noted. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and is carried out only according to a plan drawn up by a specialist. If your eyes hurt when rotating, this may be a sign of uveitis or iridocyclitis. These ailments affect the choroid. Its inflammation is observed. Discomfort also occurs when pressing, but the discomfort in this case spreads to the entire eye.

The doctor draws up a treatment plan and uses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The cause of the disease is infection. Do your eyes hurt when turning? It is worth considering all the reasons and carefully monitoring your feelings to determine the type of illness.

Treatment methods and methods of prevention

The organs of vision are very sensitive to external stimuli; it is a vulnerable system, susceptible to various diseases, if not followed preventive measures. And in terms of its functional purpose, the organ of vision is very important; most of the information is received visually.

If your eye hurts inside when you move, you need to give it a rest, and be sure to reduce the time spent in front of the computer. But visits to the ophthalmologist should be regular. If simple rest is not enough to restore the functionality of the organ, you urgently need to undergo a full examination.

Based on the shape of the movement of the eyeballs, one can only guess about the causes of the disease and discomfort. Other symptoms and signs can also be assessed differently. No recommendations will help accurately identify and diagnose the problem without visiting a qualified specialist.

Pain when rotating the eyeballs occurs due to various reasons. Give precise advice, only the attending physician can draw up a treatment plan.

Without examination and medical history, self-medication is unacceptable. You can only cause harm to the body if you take the wrong, unnecessary drugs. A consultation at a clinic is the best solution, affordable and necessary. In this way, the development of dangerous diseases can be prevented.

Pain in the eye when moving the eyeball occurs quite often. It may be the only complaint, or it may be included in the list various symptoms. Often it is difficult for a person to accurately determine the source of pain; it seems to him that the eyeballs hurt, but in fact the pain can be caused by the muscles of the eyes. The orbital area is very sensitive to any irritating influences. There are many diseases and conditions that cause eye pain.

Overstrain of the visual organs

Don't underestimate the fatigue factor: prolonged eye strain is fraught with more than just discomfort. Often it is pain that signals the body that it needs rest. Overvoltage can occur if vision is focused on one spatial zone for a long time. Most often, this condition is associated with working at a computer. It seems that once you are comfortable, you can sit at the monitor for hours without fatigue, but the eye muscles are in constant tension.

Stress and lack of sleep also contribute to rapid fatigue, so after a sleepless night the eye muscles sometimes hurt.

Changing focus, moving your gaze from side to side and into the distance, blinking, closing your eyes for a few seconds are necessary actions when working at the monitor for a long time.

Muscle fibers are located in the orbit and are attached to the sclera ( outer shell eyes). They are responsible for all movements of the eyeball and ensure the focusing process. Like all muscles, they are prone to fatigue. If the voltage does not vary for a long time, then gradually the volume motor functions shrinks, and this leads to deterioration of vision.

Incorrectly selected glasses or contact lenses can also be considered a factor in overexertion. This forces the eye muscles to constantly correct vision through additional tension. Not only does pain occur when moving the eyeballs, but a very common companion is headache. Moreover, if the discomfort in the eyes soon disappears after removing glasses or lenses, then the headache may continue to hurt for quite a long time. In all such cases, it is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to select the correct parameters for new vision correction devices.

It is important to note that if fatigue or improper focusing is eliminated, but the eyeball still hurts or it is difficult to move the eye, you should not convince yourself that this is just overexertion, but immediately visit a doctor, because in the event of an inflammatory disease of the organs of vision, an urgent need make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Pain in the eyes when moving the eyeball can be one of the symptoms of inflammation. At the initial stages, many diseases of the organs of vision may manifest themselves only as discomfort or pain in the eyes when moving; other symptoms appear as the disease develops. Some eye diseases are so dangerous that without treatment there is a risk of complete loss of visual function.

Eye diseases are accompanied by inflammation; pathogenic microbes, viruses, and fungal infections can be the causative agents.

Sometimes inflammation develops after injury to the eye. Inflammatory diseases are a very common eye pathology; in 80% of cases they lead to temporary loss of performance.

Eye diseases include the following:

  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva);
  • keratitis - inflammation of the cornea;
  • iritis - inflammation of the iris;
  • iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris and ciliary body;
  • scleritis - inflammation of the protein membrane (sclera);
  • horsesoiditis - inflammation choroid;
  • endophthalmitis - purulent inflammation internal shells;
  • panophthalmitis - acute inflammation all tissues and membranes of the eye.

Conjunctivitis develops quite quickly, usually only in the first 2-3 hours the disease can manifest itself as pain when turning the eyes, then other symptoms are added that are difficult not to pay attention to: redness of the mucous membranes, pain, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva, often occur purulent discharge. Factors contributing to infection: hypothermia (or overheating), general weakness of the body, microtrauma of the conjunctiva. Treatment should begin immediately; the disease should not be allowed to become chronic. The prognosis is usually favorable.

Keratitis can develop together with conjunctivitis, but sometimes occurs independently. The symptoms largely coincide with conjunctivitis, with the addition of nodules on the cornea, impaired transparency, and spastic closure of the eyelids.

On initial stage inflammation of the iris (iritis) not only hurts the eyes when moving, pain also occurs when light pressure is applied to the eyeball. As the disease progresses, the color of the iris changes, the pupil narrows, and the reaction to light slows down. When inflammation of the choroid is added to iritis, iridocyclitis develops - this course of events occurs more often than independent iritis. The acute form lasts up to one and a half months; upon transition to the chronic form, a decrease in visual acuity is observed. Timely treatment can completely stop the development of the disease.

Inflammatory processes in endophthalmitis affect inner fabrics vitreous eyes, one of the symptoms may be pain in the eyeball, which intensifies when the eye rotates or moves left and right, the pain comes from the inside. Symptoms soon expand with the addition of swelling and a significant decrease in visual acuity. An abscess occurs inside the vitreous. This is a very serious disease, even with timely treatment, vision may not be restored to the initial level, and in some cases it can be completely lost.

Scleritis, in addition to pain, manifests itself severe redness, is usually one-sided.

With chorsoiditis, movement of the eyeballs is usually not accompanied by pain, but panophthalmitis, having absorbed many symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision, can cause this symptomatology. In all cases, an accurate diagnosis is established by a doctor, who also prescribes adequate treatment.

Inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision can affect not only the mucous membranes or tissues of the eyeball. Such diseases include neuritis optic nerve(inflammation of the optic nerve). It is a bundle of fibers similar in composition to the brain white matter. It leaves the retina through a hole in it and through diencephalon associated with the cerebral cortex.

Inflammation of this nerve manifests itself sharp deterioration vision and pain in the orbit, which intensifies when moving the eye and pressing on it. The question of why the eyeball hurts may have an answer in such cases: optic neuritis.

There must be a symptom of color vision impairment.

Sometimes scotomas (areas of the visual field with impaired clarity or distorted brightness) may appear. Inflammation is accompanied by swelling, which contributes to compression of the nerve and causes additional pain syndrome, and with prolonged exposure it can lead to partial degeneration of nerve fibers and significantly impair vision. Treatment is required immediately. Nerve fibers after eliminating the inflammation, they can restore their function, but if the process has become irreversible, a persistent deterioration in vision is inevitable.

The causes of inflammation of the optic nerve are very diverse. Many diseases of the organs of vision, if not properly treated, can cause neuritis. Among the factors contributing to its occurrence are common infections, inflammation of the cranial sinuses (sinusitis), autoimmune diseases, diabetes. Sometimes this neuritis occurs against the background of methyl alcohol poisoning. Often the first manifestation of such an illness as multiple sclerosis, it is optic neuritis that happens.

Diagnosis is carried out using special ophthalmic instruments. Since this pathology relates not only to ophthalmology, the participation of a neurologist is required. Treatment depends on the cause of the development of neuritis and is carried out in a hospital setting. The prognosis varies depending on the severity and the moment of initiation of therapy; either complete recovery with restoration of vision or loss of visual function of the affected eye may occur.

Increased intracranial pressure

This pressure reflects the degree of exposure of the fluid (CSF) to the walls of the spinal canal and the ventricles of the brain. Its increase is an important indicator of pathology not only of the brain, but also of the spinal cord. Such pressure is very difficult to measure, and its increase poses a certain health threat.

The most common symptom indicating cerebral hypertension is headaches.

Since the human visual organs are directly connected to the brain, when intracranial pressure increases, characteristic eye symptoms occur (occur in 75% of patients). Often the answer to the question why your eyes hurt when you move them is hypertension. If in the case of inflammatory diseases, pain during movement can affect only the left or right eyeball, then increased intracranial pressure spreads this syndrome to both sides. Dark circles often appear under the eyes. In addition to pain, which intensifies when moving the eyeballs, double vision and narrowing of the field of vision may occur.

High intracranial pressure is often accompanied by a feeling of nausea and sweating, quickly followed by chills, and it is painful to move the eye. An important diagnostic feature is the intensification of all symptoms in the morning. Other manifestations of the disease include worsening mood, apathy or irritability, and fatigue.

Causes, causing an increase cerebrospinal fluid pressures are very varied. It is often launched infectious lesions brain, toxicosis, high degrees arterial hypertension, some endocrine diseases, internal hematomas due to skull injuries, cysts, congenital anomalies, exposure to certain medications.

Sometimes intracranial pressure equalizes on its own, and all symptoms disappear, including pain in the eyeballs. Cerebral hypertension is fraught with such a serious pathology of the visual organs as glaucoma, in which visual function. One of the signs of the disease is an increase in intraocular pressure, which sometimes occurs periodically and sometimes remains permanently. High eye pressure can manifest as pain inside the eyeballs and a feeling of heaviness in the orbital area. The development of glaucoma leads to gradual atrophy of the optic nerve.

These diseases are collectively called sinusitis. The most common are sinusitis and frontal sinuses, and less commonly - labyrinthitis (inflammation of the small ethmoid sinuses deep in the skull). All sinusitis can present with eye symptoms, such as a feeling of fullness in the eye sockets, pain when moving the eyes and pressing on them. Sometimes a swollen bag under the eye appears on the affected side. When the torso is tilted forward, so that the head is below the center of gravity, the symptoms increase significantly. Usually the disease is accompanied by intense headache localized in the frontal arches, orbits or temporal zones.

Often the symptoms of sinusitis that appear in the orbital area are so pronounced that the patient rushes to an ophthalmologist rather than to an ENT doctor. But with sinusitis, additional symptoms always arise, which make it possible to confidently distinguish them from diseases of the organs of vision - this is heat, purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion. Symptoms extending to the eye area are usually characteristic acute form diseases.

Sinusitis often occurs as a complication after suffering from influenza or tonsillitis.

An experienced doctor, no matter what field of medicine he belongs to, can skillfully determine the nature of the disease and prescribe treatment or send the patient to the appropriate specialist. Adequate treatment allows you to completely get rid of all eye symptoms, as well as from the disease itself.

Other diseases that may cause eye pain

Another condition that can cause pain in the organs of vision is allergies. In this case, the eyeball is exposed to allergens that may be contained in cosmetics, certain medications, or the surrounding air. Usually recognize allergic manifestations not difficult, they are accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, runny nose and irritation in the nasopharynx.

Once the allergic effect is eliminated, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Narrowing of the eyeballs can also lead to pain in the eyeballs. blood vessels, impairs blood supply to the eyes, which leads to pain. Mechanical impact or injury to the eyeball sometimes cause the formation of a blood clot, the only manifestation of which may be pain when pressing.

Approximately 85% of information a person receives through the organs of vision, the importance of the eyes for full life extremely high. Therefore, all conditions that cause discomfort in the eyes should be eliminated immediately, and a doctor should be consulted if there is any suspicion of a possible pathology.

Many people ask why eye pain occurs when the eyeball moves. Now Negative influence The organs of vision are affected by laptops, smartphones, PC monitors, as well as unfavorable environmental conditions.

If you have a headache or it hurts to move your eyes, there can be many reasons for this manifestation. If the eyeball suddenly hurts, you should immediately go to the doctor, since such symptoms may accompany any pathologies. Pain in the eyeball has symptoms such as:

  1. Having a feeling of pain.
  2. Burning.
  3. The feeling of being in .
  4. Fear of light, especially bright light.
  5. Vision decreases.
  6. Seeing double.
  7. The picture before the organs of vision is blurry and unclear.
  8. Spots appear before the eyes.
  9. The field of vision is limited.
  10. Eyes hurt when turning head.

When you have a headache, when you move your eyeballs, pathologies such as scleritis, iridocyclitis, and conjunctivitis appear.

Why does it hurt to move your eyes? The reasons that provoke pain when the eyeball moves are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Extraocular, i.e. do not depend on the state of the organs of vision.
  2. Ocular.

Outside ocular causes are divided into such manifestations. When a person has a headache, it hurts to move his eye. The appearance of pain is associated with:

  • migraine and hypertension;
  • development of a cold;
  • the presence of sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Ocular factors that make it painful to turn the eye include:

  1. Development of neuritis oculomotor nerve.
  2. The presence of glaucoma and myositis.
  3. The occurrence of blepharitis.

Extraocular causes of pain

Among other reasons that provoke pain in the orbit when trying to move the eyeballs, it is worth noting the following. Viruses that cause intoxication, such as adenovirus and influenza. Adenovirus often provokes the development of conjunctivitis and scleritis. Viruses contribute to the development of myalgia.

Many infections can cause neurotoxicity, so nerve endings are damaged. The pain will intensify when you try to move your eyes. Sinusitis and sinusitis provoke the appearance of painful manifestations when rotating the eyeballs. Often with sinusitis there is pain, which goes away with recovery.

The organ of vision hurts when moving if swelling appears inside the eyeball. It increases intraocular pressure and negatively affects the eye muscles.

Typically, this manifestation is characteristic of myxedematous edema due to hypothyroidism - a pathology of the thyroid gland when it lacks thyroid hormones. Edema is accompanied by sleep disturbances, osteoporosis, and obesity.

Manifestation of allergies, for example, Quincke's edema. To exclude allergies or hypersensitivity, you need to drink any antihistamine. The soreness will begin to subside as the allergy medication begins to take effect.

The occurrence of migraine, when the head hurts due to problems with the blood vessels inside the head. Most often, pain occurs when turning the head to the side.

Overfatigue of the eye muscles is the factor that causes the eyeballs to hurt the most. This is due to the fact that human eye cannot remain in a state of tension for long.

Fatigue is caused by:

  • reading books;
  • working on a computer or tablet;
  • watching TV.

It is also important to maintain visual hygiene, otherwise the level of fatigue increases several times. Because of this, the pain in the eyes will be sharp, long-lasting and intense. Therefore, computer activities require alternating rest and work so that fatigue does not cause pain.

Improper use of lenses or glasses can cause pain when turning your eyes. Signs of this include burning in the eyes, a feeling of discomfort, and soreness.

Ocular causes of pain

What are the ocular causes of pain? Blepharitis often causes eye pain when moving. This is an inflammation that affects the tissues of the eyelid. Blepharitis usually affects the edge of the eyelashes, although it can also affect other tissues. The disease is easy to identify. Its main symptoms include swelling and redness.

Neuritis of the oculomotor nerve also causes pain in the eyes. The disease is not often observed in patients, but it causes many problems. An ophthalmologist will be able to determine neuritis, since diagnostic measures are specific.

If it is painful to rotate the eyeballs, this is often caused by myositis, a pathology that provokes the development inflammatory process in the eye muscles. It will be painful because the load and pressure on the optic nerve increases.

When treating myositis, doctors recommend completely avoiding working on a PC, reading books, or doing minor work. The eyes should rest all the time. Therapy consists of taking special medicines, and you also need to constantly make compresses with tea. This is great for helping to relieve soreness in the eyes when moving the eyes, and for the muscles to recover.

A dangerous disease is glaucoma, when it hurts to lift your eyes up or rotate them. The disease is characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which provokes atrophy of the optic nerve. At the same time, the quality of vision begins to drop sharply, the field of view decreases several times. Sometimes glaucoma provokes the onset of blindness.

Doctors say that glaucoma is dangerous when intraocular pressure begins to rise sharply. Because of this, the following manifestations may occur:

  1. Swelling of the eyelids.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Soreness in the eye on one side or the other.
  5. Redness of the eyes.
  6. The pupil dilates and takes the shape of an oval or other irregular shape.
  7. A herpes virus that causes infections and bacteria to enter the eyes.

The development of a disease such as uveitis, when inflammation affects the eyeball. At the same time, it becomes impossible to raise the eyes upward or move them from side to side due to severe, sharp and prolonged pain.

Uveitis provokes the development of aches in the organs of vision. This disease is treated comprehensively: taking antibiotics, eliminating inflammation in the nose, oral cavity, throughout the body.

1 more eye disease, which is called ischemia, provokes the development of disease in the blood vessels of the body. Leaks in chronic form, therefore it takes a long time to treat with the use of antibiotics, procedures, and medications.

Types of eye pain and prevention

Moving the eyeballs from side to side or up and down becomes impossible if a person has received the most various injuries organs of vision. For example, any damage, cuts, injections of this body cause the process of blood accumulation under the mucosa.

Foreign bodies scratch the apple and cause a variety of injuries. It is dangerous when metal shavings get into the eye socket. If objects cannot be removed in a timely manner, then retinal detachment will occur and an active inflammatory process will develop. If a person has received a blow to the eye, then an urgent examination with pictures is necessary to rule out internal hemorrhage.

What are the types of eye pain and prevention? According to localization, pain in the eyeball is divided into internal and external. There is pain when moving the eyes, when pressing on them, in a calm state.

  1. Take breaks from working at the computer, studying, reading.
  2. Make normal lighting.
  3. It is necessary to do visual gymnastics regularly.
  4. Apply eye drops as prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Take vitamins and mineral supplements.

If the pain does not go away within 2 days, then you need to consult a doctor.

Preventive measures are often based on the use of drugs traditional therapy. For example, to avoid headaches and eyeballs, washing with fresh decoctions of plantain, algae, and chamomile is highly effective.

At the pharmacy you can buy special medicinal clay from which applications are made. You can wash your eyes with tea leaves.


Thanks to vision, we receive up to 80% of information about the world around us. The eyes are an extraordinary organ that allows us to enjoy the color and visual form of objects and natural phenomena. It is thanks to them that we can move freely, react in time to approaching danger, maneuver, as well as create and create.

If it hurts to turn your eyes

Currently, the strain on the eyes has increased thousands of times. Computers, tablets, smartphones - all these new products have become a new test for vision. At the same time, the surrounding ecology and increasing atmospheric pollution also do not improve the conditions for the quiet operation of the visual analyzer. As a result, every year more and more patients turn to an ophthalmologist for help.

Symptoms that may bother you if you have an eye problem:

  • Burning sensation, feeling of “sand in the eyes”;
  • Feeling of pain;
  • Photophobia is an unpleasant sensation in bright light;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Double vision, blurriness, poor twilight vision;
  • Limitation of visual fields;
  • Dots, spots before the eyes;
  • Pain in the eyes and when turning them.

This is a small list of reasons to visit an ophthalmologist.

The most common causes of the problem are conjunctivitis, scleritis, and iridocyclitis.

But why does pain occur when turning the eyes? This symptom may occur in the following cases:

  1. Extraocular causes:
    • ARVI;
    • Sinusitis;
    • Swelling of subcutaneous fat;
    • Migraine;
  1. Ocular causes:
    • Blepharitis;
    • Neuritis of the oculomotor nerve;
    • Glaucoma;
    • Myositis.

Oddly enough, diseases not directly related to the eye itself are much more likely to cause pain. This is especially true for viruses that can cause severe intoxication; such infections include adenovirus. The latter, by the way, can also cause complications in the form of conjunctivitis and scleritis. The toxins from these microparticles can cause myalgia, including pain in the oculomotor muscles Oh. In addition, some infections are neurotoxic and damage nerve endings, causing discomfort that worsens with movement.

So, if you have a runny nose, high temperature and other signs of acute respiratory viral infection, pain when turning your eyes may fit into the symptom complex of this disease. Usually, with recovery, the discomfort in the eyeball area disappears.

Sinusitis, in particular frontal sinusitis (inflammation frontal sinuses) and can also cause eye pain.

This is due to the fact that the walls of these sinuses are common with the orbit and inflammatory swelling can spread to the tissue around the eyeball. Compression of the latter and the muscles that control eye movement may occur. Symptoms of sinusitis:

  • Runny nose (thick, stringy, yellow or green discharge from the nose, unpleasant smell). In the morning the amount increases and crusts in the form of strands can be found in the nose.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the frontal or maxillary sinuses, aggravated by tapping on them.
  • Sometimes intoxication occurs with an increase in temperature.
  • Night snoring, severe nasal congestion and, as a consequence, difficulty in nasal breathing.

If, against the background of all of the above, unpleasant sensations appear when turning your eyes, then most likely the cause is sinusitis.

An example of edema that affects intraocular pressure and eye muscles is myxedematous, which develops with. This is a disease thyroid gland, characterized by an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones. Along with edema, there is an increase in body weight, dryness skin, brittle nails, drowsiness, chilliness, etc.

It cannot be ruled out allergic reaction, which can be expressed as Quincke's edema. To exclude it, you need to understand whether there was an encounter with an allergen, and also take an antihistamine if the pain occurs in an allergic person.

Many people these days are familiar with the term “migraine”. This is an incredible headache in one half, which is associated with vascular disorders. However, there is no history serious reasons in the form of injury, stroke or hypertension. The eye hurts when turning only one on the corresponding side.

The reason is in the eyes themselves

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the eyelid, mainly the ciliary margin, but with inadequate treatment the process becomes widespread and sideways movement of the eye is painful even when closed. Symptoms of this disease obvious: swelling, redness, discharge.

Neuritis of the oculomotor nerve rare disease, but you shouldn’t exclude it either. Diagnosis is quite complex and difficult at home. An ophthalmologist together with a neurologist can make such a diagnosis.

Myositis is inflammatory disease muscles. The eyeball moves thanks to a coordinated process of contraction and relaxation of paired and unpaired muscle fibers. As already mentioned, tension on the visual analyzer has increased in recent decades, and excessive load can lead to myositis of the extraocular muscles. If it hurts to turn your eyes, the first thing you need to do is give up numerous screens, reading and small work so that your eyes can rest. You can wash your face or make a compress with tea on your eyes - this will relax your muscles and relieve tension.

Glaucoma is perhaps the most serious and unfavorable cause of pain in the eyes and, in particular, when moving them. This disease is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure, resulting in. All this leads to a decrease in acuity and a reduction in the field of vision up to complete blindness.

Especially scary acute attack glaucoma, in which intraocular pressure rises sharply. The following symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the eye and head on the corresponding side,
  • Nausea and sometimes vomiting
  • Redness of the eye, swelling of the eyelids,
  • Pupil dilation, may become oval or irregular in shape,
  • A sharp decrease in visual acuity.

This attack is dangerous because, in the absence of urgent measures, irreversible blindness can develop.

Diagnosis and treatment

For pain in the head and eyes due to diseases not related to visual analyzer, no special treatment or diagnosis is needed. It is enough to eliminate the cause and the eye problem will disappear on its own. If pain when turning your eyes persists even after recovery from the underlying disease, you should consult an ophthalmologist for advice and, possibly, special treatment.