Frequent inflammation of the tonsils in adults. Tonsillitis in adults: symptoms and treatment. Local therapies

Chronic tonsillitis is a condition of the palatine tonsils, in which, against the background of a decrease in local natural protective functions, periodic inflammation occurs. Therefore, the tonsils (tonsils) become a constant source of infection, with chronic allergization and intoxication of the body. Symptoms chronic tonsillitis clearly manifest themselves during periods of relapse, when during an exacerbation the body temperature rises, the lymph nodes enlarge, pain appears, sore throat, pain when swallowing.

Against the background of reduced immunity and in the presence of a chronic focus of infection, patients with tonsillitis chronic form subsequently they may suffer from diseases such as rheumatism, pyelonephritis, adnexitis (see), prostatitis, etc. Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis are social diseases of a modern metropolis resident, due to the unfavorable environmental situation in cities, monotonous chemical diet, stress, overwork, the abundance of aggressive, negative information has a very negative impact on the condition immune system population.

Why does chronic tonsillitis occur?

The main function of the palatine tonsils, like other lymphoid tissues in the human pharynx, is to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms that enter the nasopharynx with food, air, and water. These tissues produce protective substances such as interferon, lymphocytes, and gammaglobulin. In the normal state of the immune system, both non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora are always present on the mucous membrane and deep in the tonsils, in the lacunae and crypts, in the correct, natural concentrations, without causing inflammatory processes.

As soon as there is an intensive growth of bacteria coming from outside or present opportunistic bacteria, the tonsils destroy and remove the infection, leading to normalization of the condition - and all this happens unnoticed by the person. If the balance of microflora is disturbed for various reasons described below, a sharp growth of bacteria can cause a sore throat - acute inflammation, which can occur in the form or

If such inflammations become protracted, often recur and are difficult to treat, the process of resistance to infection in the tonsils weakens, they fail to cope with their protective functions, lose the ability to self-cleanse and themselves become a source of infection, then a chronic form develops - tonsillitis. In rare cases, in about 3%, tonsillitis can develop without a preliminary acute process, that is, its occurrence is not preceded by a sore throat.

In the tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillitis, bacterial analysis reveals almost 30 pathogenic bacteria, but in the lacunae the most numerous are streptococci and staphylococci.

It is very important before starting therapy to take a test for the bacterial flora to establish sensitivity to antibiotics, since there is a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms and each of them can be resistant to certain antibacterial agents. If antibiotics are prescribed at random, if the bacteria are resistant, the treatment will be ineffective or not at all effective, which will lead to an increase in the recovery period and the transition of sore throat to chronic tonsillitis.

Diseases that provoke the development of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Impaired nasal breathing due to - polyps (adenoids (), purulent sinusitis, sinusitis (), as well as dental caries - can provoke inflammation of the tonsils
  • Decreased local and general immunity in infectious diseases - measles (see), scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc., especially with severe cases, inadequate treatment, and incorrectly selected drugs for therapy.
  • Hereditary predisposition - if there is a family history of chronic tonsillitis in close relatives.

Unfavorable factors that provoke exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis:

  • A small amount of fluid consumed per day. A person must drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, as well as low quality water consumed daily (use only purified water for cooking, special water filters)
  • Severe or prolonged hypothermia
  • Severe stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional stress, lack of adequate sleep and rest, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Working in hazardous industries, dust and gas pollution in the workplace
  • General unfavorable environmental situation in the place of residence - industrial enterprises, an abundance of vehicles, chemical production, increased radioactive background, an abundance of low-quality household goods in the living area that emit harmful substances into the air - cheap household appliances, carpets and furniture made from toxic materials (chlorine-containing products, washing powders and dishwashing detergents with a high concentration of surfactants, etc.)
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking
  • Poor nutrition, an abundance of carbohydrates and proteins, limited consumption of cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

When the process begins to take on a chronic form in the tonsils, the lymphoid tissue from tender gradually becomes denser, being replaced by connective tissue, scars appear covering the lacunae. This leads to the appearance of lacunar plugs - closed purulent foci in which food particles, tobacco tar, pus, microbes, both living and dead, and dead epithelial cells of the mucous lacunae accumulate.

In closed lacunae, figuratively speaking, pockets where pus accumulates, very favorable conditions are created for the preservation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, the toxic waste products of which are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream, affecting almost all internal organs, leading to chronic intoxication of the body. This process happens slowly and gets lost general work immune mechanisms and the body may begin to respond inadequately to persistent infection, causing allergies. And the bacteria themselves (streptococcus) cause serious complications.

Symptoms and complications of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis, according to the nature and severity of inflammation, is divided into several types:

  • A simple recurrent form, when sore throats occur frequently
  • A simple protracted form is a long-term, sluggish inflammation in the palatine tonsils
  • A simple compensated form, that is, relapses of tonsillitis and episodes of sore throat are quite rare
  • Toxic-allergic form, which comes in 2 types

In the simple form of chronic tonsillitis, the symptoms are scanty and limited only local signs- pus in the lacunae, purulent plugs, swelling of the edges of the arches, enlarged lymph nodes, a feeling appears foreign body, discomfort when swallowing, bad breath. During periods of remission, there are no symptoms, but during exacerbations, sore throats occur up to 3 times a year, which are accompanied by fever, headache, general malaise, weakness, and a long recovery period.

1 toxic-allergic form - except local inflammatory reactions To the symptoms of tonsillitis are added general signs of intoxication and allergization of the body - increased body temperature, pain in the heart during normal ECG indicators, joint pain, increased fatigue. The patient suffers more severely, recovery from illness is delayed.

2 toxic-allergic form - with this form of the disease, the tonsils become a constant source of infection, and there is a high risk of it spreading throughout the body. Therefore, in addition to the above symptoms, disorders occur in the joints, liver, kidneys, functional disorders heart function, detected by ECG, is disrupted heartbeat, acquired heart defects may occur, rheumatism, arthritis, and genitourinary diseases may develop. A person constantly experiences weakness, increased fatigue, and low-grade fever.

Conservative local treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis can be surgical or conservative. It is natural that surgery- This is an extreme measure that can cause irreparable harm to the immune system and protective functions of the body. Surgical removal of tonsils is possible when, due to prolonged inflammation, lymphoid tissue is replaced by connective tissue. And in cases where a peritonsillar abscess occurs in toxic-allergic form 2, its opening is indicated.

  • Enlarged tonsils interfere with normal nasal breathing or swallowing.
  • More than 4 sore throats per year
  • Peritonsillar abscess
  • Conservative therapy without effect for more than a year
  • There was an episode of acute rheumatic fever or there is a chronic rheumatic disease, renal complications

The palatine tonsils play an important role in creating an infection barrier and restraining the inflammatory process, and are one of the components of supporting both local and general immunity. Therefore, otolaryngologists try to preserve them without resorting to surgery; they try to restore the functions of the palatine tonsils using various methods and procedures.

Conservative treatment of exacerbation chronic process should be performed in an ENT center, by a qualified specialist who will prescribe comprehensive adequate therapy depending on the form and stage of the disease. Modern methods Tonsillitis treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • Washing lacunae

There are 2 ways to rinse the lacunae of the tonsils - one using a syringe, the other using the nozzle of the Tonsilor device. The first method is considered obsolete today because it is not effective enough, the pressure created by the syringe is insufficient for thorough rinsing, and the procedure is traumatic and contact-based, often causing a gag reflex in patients. The greatest effect is achieved if the doctor uses the Tonsilor attachment. It is used both for rinsing and for administering medicinal solutions. First, the doctor rinses the lacunae with an antiseptic solution, while he clearly sees what is being washed out of the tonsils.

  • Ultrasonic medicinal irrigation, Lugol treatment

After cleaning the pathological secretion, you should change the tip to an ultrasonic one, which, due to the ultrasonic effect of cavitation, creates a medicinal suspension and delivers with force medicinal solution into the submucosal layer of the palatine tonsils. A 0.01% solution is usually used as a medicine; this product is an antiseptic that does not lose its properties under the influence of ultrasound. Then, after this procedure, the doctor can treat the tonsils with Lugol's solution (see).

  • Therapeutic laser

Recent research by scientists leads to the conclusion that in chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, an important role is played by an imbalance of the microflora of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply when there is an insufficient amount of beneficial flora that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. (cm. )

One of the options for preventive and supportive treatment of tonsillitis may be gargling with preparations containing live cultures of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria - Narine (liquid concentrate 150 rubles), Trilact (1000 rubles), Normoflorin (160-200 rubles). This normalizes the balance of the microflora of the nasopharynx, promotes more natural healing and longer remission.

Effective drug treatment

Only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, clinical picture, degree and form of chronic tonsillitis, the doctor determines the patient’s management tactics, prescribes a course of drug therapy and local procedures. Drug therapy consists of using the following types of drugs:

  • Antibiotics for tonsillitis
  • Probiotics

When prescribing aggressive antibiotics wide range actions, as well as in case of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, reflux, etc.), it is imperative to take probiotic preparations that are resistant to antibiotics at the same time as starting therapy - Rela Life, Narine, Primadophilus, Gastrofarm, Normoflorin (see all)

  • Painkillers

With pronounced pain syndrome, the most optimal is Nurofen, they are used as symptomatic therapy and for minor pain their use is not advisable (see the full list and prices of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the article).

  • Antihistamines

To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, swelling of the tonsils, and the back wall of the pharynx, it is necessary to take desensitizing drugs, as well as for more effective absorption of other drugs. Among this group, it is better to use the latest generation of drugs; they have a longer, prolonged effect, do not have a sedative effect, are stronger and safer. Among the antihistamines, the best can be identified - Parlazin, Zyrtec, Letizen, Zodak, as well as Telfast, Fexadin, Fexofast (see). If one of these drugs helps a patient well during long-term use, there is no need to change it to another.

An important condition for effective treatment is gargling; for this you can use various solutions, either ready-made sprays or dilute special solutions yourself. It is most convenient to use Miramistin (250 rubles), which is sold with a 0.01% solution spray, Octenisept (230-370 rubles), which is diluted with water 1/5, as well as Dioxidin (1% solution 200 rubles 10 ampoules), 1 amp. diluted in 100 ml of warm water (see). Aromatherapy can also have a positive effect if you gargle or inhale essential oils- lavender, tea tree, cedar.

  • Immunostimulating therapy

Among the drugs that can be used to stimulate local immunity in the oral cavity, perhaps only Imudon is indicated for use, the course of therapy is 10 days (absorbable tablets 4 times a day). Among the products of natural origin, you can use Propolis, Pantocrine, ginseng, to boost immunity.

  • Homeopathic treatment and folk remedies

An experienced homeopath can choose the optimal homeopathic treatment and if you follow his recommendations, you can prolong remission as much as possible after relieving the acute inflammatory process using traditional methods of therapy. And for gargling you can use the following medicinal plants:, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, willow buds, Icelandic moss, aspen and poplar bark, as well as the roots of burnet, elecampane, and ginger.

  • Emollients

Due to the inflammatory process and the use of certain medications, a sore, sore throat appears, in which case it is very effective and safe to use apricot, peach, sea ​​buckthorn oil, taking into account individual tolerance of these drugs (absence of allergic reactions). To thoroughly soften the nasopharynx, you should instill any of these oils into your nose, a few drops in the morning and evening; when instilling, you should throw your head back. Another way to soften the throat is 3% hydrogen peroxide, that is, 9% and 6% solution should be diluted and gargle with it for as long as possible, then gargle with warm water.

  • Nutrition

Diet therapy is an integral part successful treatment, any hard, hard, spicy, fried, sour, salty, smoked food, very cold or hot food, saturated with flavor enhancers and artificial additives, alcohol - significantly worsens the patient’s condition.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases throat - sore throat. Its more correct name is tonsillitis. This infectious disease affects both adults and children, and necessarily requires timely treatment. There are a few different methods fight her.

How to treat tonsillitis

Sore throat is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by infection, and less commonly by viruses and fungi. It can occur in acute or chronic forms. Treatment of tonsils for tonsillitis is mandatory, otherwise the disease can cause serious complications, for example, peritonsillitis. In adults and children, sore throat occurs differently, and the symptoms are very different. There is no general scheme on how to cure tonsillitis. Various therapeutic regimens are used.

Treatment of tonsillitis in adults

A sore throat is indicated by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • sore and sore throat;
  • the temperature rises first to low-grade fever, and without treatment even higher;
  • the throat swells, this is noticeable in the photo;
  • the breath smells bad;
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • general malaise is felt;
  • cervical lymph nodes are painful;
  • the tonsils turn red, swell, and lumps of pus appear on them, which are clearly visible in the photo;
  • my head hurts;
  • chills.

Treatment of sore throat in adults should be aimed at combating the causative agent of infection and suppressing the symptoms of tonsillitis. It is carried out with strict adherence to bed rest and diet. The doctor prescribes antibiotics. If a person is found to be intolerant to a particular antibacterial drug, then broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The latter can be prescribed in addition to antibiotics for complicated tonsillitis. In addition, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment.

Tonsillitis in children

In children, symptoms progress quickly, and the temperature rises sharply almost immediately. Only a doctor should determine how to get rid of tonsillitis for a child. Sore throat in children is often accompanied by laryngitis and pharyngitis. Treatment of tonsillitis in children is carried out with the same groups of drugs as in adults, but in addition to them, decongestants and antiallergic drugs are prescribed. This complex of medicines helps to quickly overcome a sore throat and prevent unpleasant consequences.

How to treat tonsillitis

Treatment tactics for angina differ depending on its form. There are acute and chronic tonsillitis. The first occurs as a result of an infectious lesion and responds well to treatment. Chronic tonsillitis accompanies a person constantly, periods of remission alternate with exacerbations. Deterioration of the condition can be caused not only by infection, but also by simple hypothermia and weakened immunity. Treatment for angina is prescribed taking into account these features.

Acute tonsillitis

This type of sore throat responds well to therapy. Key points in the treatment of acute tonsillitis:

  • Systemic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed against a specific pathogen, or broad-spectrum if the tonsillitis is bacterial. If the sore throat is viral or fungal, the patient is recommended to take anti-inflammatory pills and immunostimulants.
  • Local therapy. Helps get rid of tonsillitis symptoms faster. The patient is prescribed special mixtures for gargling and washing. Irrigation sprays and lozenges with analgesic, antiseptic, and probiotic effects have proven themselves well.

    Preparations for sore throat have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of sore throat. local application- sprays, with drugs being more effective complex composition. For example, the drug Anti-Angin® Formula spray, which includes chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and tetracaine, which has a local anesthetic effect.

    The convenient spray form allows you to ensure the effect of the active components of the drug exactly where it is needed. Due to its complex composition, Anti-Angin® has a triple effect: it helps fight bacteria, relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation and swelling. 3

    Anti-Angin® is available in a wide range of dosage forms: compact spray, lozenges and lozenges. 1,2,3

    Anti-Angin® is indicated for manifestations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and initial stage sore throat, this may be irritation, tightness, dryness or sore throat. 1,2,3

    Anti-angin® tablets do not contain sugar -2 *

    *With caution when diabetes mellitus, contains ascorbic acid.

    1. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in lozenge dosage form.
    2. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a lozenge.
    3. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a dosed spray for topical use.

    There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

  • Physiotherapy. A set of measures aimed at destroying pathogens and suppressing symptoms.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis

This form of the disease, as a rule, develops if acute tonsillitis starts. The risk of its occurrence increases if treatment has not been completed completely. Chronic tonsillitis can be compensated or decompensated. In the first type, only the tonsils are affected, and in the second, other organs and tissues are also affected. If you have chronic tonsillitis, then the treatment for it is the same as for acute tonsillitis, but with some features:

  1. Antibiotics are prescribed after the pathogen has been determined by analysis, but the course of taking them is longer.
  2. Prevention of exacerbations is very important. It is necessary to lead healthy image life, avoid hypothermia, monitor nutrition and take all necessary measures to strengthen the body and protect it.
  3. It is recommended to drink immunostimulants and probiotics not during exacerbations, but for prevention during periods when the risk of infection is too high.
  4. Gargling with chronic tonsillitis is not always advisable, because purulent plugs appear in the lacunae, which are too tightly connected to the lymphoid tissue. Rinsing is more effective in this situation.
  5. It is advisable radical treatment. In this case, the tonsils are removed surgically or otherwise, which helps to minimize the frequency of exacerbations.

Treating tonsillitis at home

You can use drug therapy on your own. Treatment of tonsillitis at home should be carried out exclusively with the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Be sure to follow all his recommendations and attend appointments regularly. The doctor must monitor the dynamics and, if necessary, change tactics and prescriptions. As a rule, antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, rinses, and inhalations are prescribed.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis

Such medications are prescribed only by a doctor. He may prescribe an antibiotic for tonsillitis based on the type of pathogen or recommend a broad-spectrum drug. The latter are prescribed more often. Penicillin antibiotics are good for tonsillitis. In most cases, the following medications from this group are prescribed for angina:

  • Flemoxin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ampiox;
  • Flemoclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Cefixin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin;
  • Unazine;
  • Cefepime;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Ampiside;
  • Panclave.

Penicillin antibiotics may not be effective if you are infected with a strain of bacteria that is resistant to them. In this situation, it is recommended to take macrolides. Such medications act more gently on the stomach and kill the infection faster. They have fewer contraindications and do not suppress the immune system. Macrolides and cephalosporins prescribed for tonsillitis:

  • Azithromycin (Sumamed);
  • Roxithromycin;
  • Josamine;
  • Macropen;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Clarithromycin.

If the causative agent of tonsillitis is Staphylococcus aureus, aminoglycosides are prescribed. This group includes:

  • Amikacin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Levoflocacin;
  • Zanotsin;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Xenaquin;
  • Kirol.

Medicines for sore throat

For relax general condition and to quickly eliminate the symptoms of tonsillitis, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are used. These are tablets, sprays, lozenges, ointments. The most common medications from tonsillitis:

  1. Tantum Verde. Anti-inflammatory medicine (tablets, spray, solution). Promotes rapid recovery mucous membranes of the tonsils. Allowed for children from the age of six.
  2. Faringosept. Antiseptic. Lozenges for resorption. Use is permitted from three years of age. Not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Remantadine. Anti-inflammatory drug.
  4. Falimint. Antiseptic with analgesic effect. Prohibited for children under five years of age, pregnant women, lactating women and those who have an allergic reaction to the components of the product.
  5. Tonsilotren. Homeopathy drug, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory. Allowed for children from one year old.
  6. Tonsilgon. Herbal preparation in drops and tablets. Antiseptic, relieves inflammation. Drops can be taken even by infants, and tablets can only be taken by children over six.
  7. Imudon. Immunostimulant. Prohibited for children under three, nursing, and pregnant women.
  8. Ambassador Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicine.
  9. Strepfen. Anti-inflammatory drug. Effectively eliminates sore throat.

How to gargle for tonsillitis

Local treatment at home plays a very important role and will bring you significantly closer to recovery. Gargling for tonsillitis helps kill bacteria that are constantly present in the lacunae of the tonsils and destroy their waste products. In addition, rinses relieve sore throats and tighten wounds. This speeds up the healing process. The following solutions are very effective for rinsing:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Hexoral;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilin;
  • Bicarmint;
  • Iodinol;
  • Lugol.

Inhalations for sore throat

Very effective look local therapy. Inhalations for tonsillitis have the following effect:

  1. They help medicinal composition quickly and evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane.
  2. Relieves inflammation.
  3. Fighting infection.
  4. Relieves pain and soreness.
  5. Liquefies mucus.

Folk remedies and the following medications are used for inhalation:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Furacilin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Dekasan;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Dioxin;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Pulmicort.

Alternative treatment for tonsillitis

Not only traditional, but also alternative medicine is effective in the fight against sore throat. If you don’t know how to treat tonsils at home, you can try folk recipes, herbs. In most cases, these are compositions for rinsing and inhalation. Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies is very effective, especially if they are supplemented with drug therapy. Be sure to take note of a few recipes.

Treatment of sore throat with propolis

This product is sold in pure form, in oil forms and alcohol tincture. How to take propolis for tonsillitis:

  1. Chew five-gram pieces slowly and thoroughly three times a day.
  2. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. propolis oil in warm milk. Drink three times a day before meals.
  3. Take a tablespoon of alcohol tincture twice a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Honey for tonsillitis

A beekeeping product is very effective in treating diseases. How to use honey for sore throat:

  1. For the recipe you will need beets. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve in 100 ml aloe juice. Add 5 drops of beetroot. Drink 3 sips before meals.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of melted butter and honey, add a pinch of soda. Stir. Drink the product warm, 2 tsp. three times a day.
  3. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of hot milk. l. honey Drink three times a day.

Physiotherapy for tonsillitis

An important part of complex treatment. A doctor may prescribe the following physical procedures for sore throat:

  1. Warming up with electric or light thermal waves. To destroy pathogens and relieve swelling.
  2. Massage of tonsils.
  3. Exposure to ultrasonic waves. Dissolves purulent plugs.
  4. Moist heat with antiseptics. Relieves inflammation.

Removal of tonsils for chronic tonsillitis

There are radical and non-radical methods of surgical intervention (more modern):

  1. Conservative. The tonsils are cut out or pulled out with a scalpel, a loop and scissors under general anesthesia.
  2. Tonsillectomy. The tonsil tissue is cut with a blade rotating under pressure. Less traumatic way.
  3. Liquid plasma removal. The tonsils are destroyed as a result of tissue heating by plasma under the influence of magnetic field. Almost painless, wounds heal quickly.
  4. Laser method. Removal or cauterization with laser under local anesthesia. The effect is applied only to the affected areas. Treatment is carried out in courses.
  5. Electrocoagulation. A special device is used to remove lymphoid tissue and cauterize the vessels.
  6. Cryotherapy. Freezing the affected tissue with liquid nitrogen.

Video: Laser treatment of tonsils

It is a chronic inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils. In the human body, the tonsils are considered one of the most important organs, which takes an active part in the formation of immune defense.

The palatine tonsils are most at risk in childhood, and their active work helps to form strong immunity. It will be useful for many patients to know how to cure tonsillitis forever, what reasons provoke its development in the human body and what recipes traditional medicine considered the most effective?

When a bacterial infection enters the human body, an inflammatory process begins to develop in the area. This causes inhibition of the process of developing immunity, and the result is the appearance. In some cases, problems with the formation of the body's protective functions can arise when the treatment is not carried out correctly, as well as when taking antipyretic drugs at a not very high temperature.

In some cases, the cause of tonsillitis is various problems with nasal breathing, occurring with the following pathologies:

  • in childhood
  • in the nasal cavity

Often the cause of local tonsillitis is foci of infection localized in nearby organs.

Pathology can develop in the presence of either chronic adenoiditis.

Not the least role in the course of chronic tonsillitis belongs to a decrease in the protective functions of the body, namely allergic reactions. This means that they can be both the cause of the development of the disease and just a consequence of a chronic disease.

Acute tonsillitis is characterized by a pronounced onset with a syndrome of general intoxication of the body:

  • body temperature rises to 40 degrees
  • increased sweating
  • severe weakness of the whole body
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite
  • pain and aches in muscles and joints
  • development of chills

Simultaneously with these symptoms or after some time, the patient begins to feel pain in the throat, which gradually intensifies. Over time, the pain becomes so severe that the patient cannot swallow anything, and sleep problems arise. The response of the lymphatic system to the inflammatory process in the throat is an increase in lymph nodes and their increased pain.

Useful video - Main symptoms of acute tonsillitis:

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by periods of remission followed by exacerbation of the disease. The most characteristic symptoms of such tonsillitis are a slight rise in body temperature, discomfort in the throat when swallowing and a slight cough. The diagnosis at this stage of the disease is made based on the results of a visual examination of the patient’s throat.

Against the background of respiratory viral diseases, which arise when the protective functions of the human body decrease, the stage of remission is replaced by exacerbation:

  • body temperature rises to 39 degrees
  • there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, discomfort and pain
  • symptoms of body intoxication appear
  • the secretion released from the tonsils causes the patient to constantly cough

It is accompanied by the appearance of vivid symptoms, so it is quite difficult to miss it. If such signs occur, you should contact a specialist who will examine the patient and select the most effective treatment.

Drug treatment of the disease

When a patient is diagnosed with acute tonsillitis, in most cases hospitalization is required. It should be remembered that treatment of such a disease should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, which avoids the development undesirable consequences and complications.

Tonsillitis is considered, so isolation of the patient from others is required. IN medical institution the patient is placed in a box infectious diseases hospital, and when treated at home, he needs to be allocated a separate room.

Throughout the entire period of treatment, you must follow a gentle diet and drink as much warm fluid as possible. In addition, during the acute period of the disease, bed rest is necessary.

Drug therapy includes the following areas:

  • Lollipops and sprays with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects: Trachisan, Decathylene, Theraflu, Ingalipt.
  • Rinsing oral cavity antiseptic solutions: , .
  • Treatment of the tonsil area with antiseptic drugs: Solution, .
  • Prescription of antipyretic drugs when body temperature rises: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Taking antihistamines for increased swelling of the tonsils:, Loratadine.
  • For lymphadenitis, apply compresses with Dimexide and anti-inflammatory components to the lymph node area.

Inhalations for the treatment of tonsillitis are prescribed quite rarely, since they have been proven to be ineffective for this disease. The choice of one or another method of therapy for tonsillitis is determined by the form of the disease, that is, treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

Antibiotics for illness

When diagnosing acute tonsillitis, antibacterial treatment is required, and medications are usually discontinued 3-5 days after body temperature normalizes. When treating children and adults, the same medications are prescribed, and the difference is only in the dosage.

Despite the fact that treatment with antibacterial drugs for tonsillitis is considered quite effective, it is possible to finally get rid of this pathology only by removing the tonsils.

In the event that the ongoing antibacterial therapy does not bring desired result, then the specialist may decide to perform surgery to remove the tonsils.

What groups of antibacterial drugs can be prescribed in the treatment of acute tonsillitis:

  • Cephalosporins: Cefodox, Cefix.
  • Penicillins: , .
  • Macrolides: Clarithromycin, Josamycin, Azitral, Hemomycin.

In addition, local antibacterial treatment is prescribed and the most effective drug counts . It should be remembered that when taking antibiotics for the treatment of tonsillitis, it is necessary to simultaneously drink drugs to maintain the microflora of the digestive tract.

When a patient is diagnosed with a simple form of the disease, conservative treatment is usually carried out, which includes taking medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. To carry out surgical treatment tonsillitis is resorted to only when conservative therapy becomes ineffective.

A bilateral operation is performed, during which the palatine tonsils are removed. With this treatment, complete or partial removal of lymphoid tissue is possible, and the operation takes place quite quickly. The patient goes home the very next day, and his work capacity is restored after 10-12 days.

Another method of surgical treatment of tonsillitis is lacunotomy, which does not remove the tonsils. This type of surgery is performed using a laser and the patient’s well-being improves over the next 5-7 years. The tonsils significantly decrease in size and begin to perform their functions, and the risk of exacerbation of acute respiratory pathologies is reduced.

Efficient and safe procedure, which is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, is considered cryotherapy.

Nitrogen is used to freeze damaged tissues and stimulate the immune system. The only drawback of this method of treatment is the appearance discomfort in the patient's throat. With cryotherapy, the development of bleeding is completely eliminated and scars are not formed.

Traditional therapy against illness

Tonsillitis can be treated using either drug therapy and surgical intervention, and folk remedies. The most common folk remedy Gargling a sore throat with various decoctions and infusions is considered.

For this purpose, you can use plants that have antibacterial and healing properties:

  • chamomile
  • St. John's wort
  • Oak bark

You can gargle with tonsillitis with a solution

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils and is characterized by a long-lasting course. Tonsillitis, the symptoms of which are also defined as the more common name for the disease "tonsillitis", consists of pathological changes oropharynx, similar to each other, but differing in the characteristics of their own etiology and course.

general description

Sore throat has been known since ancient times of ancient medicine, and most often this term indicates the relevance of various varieties painful conditions, concentrated in the throat area and having similar symptoms. Meanwhile, the reasons that provoked tonsillitis inherently determine the disease absolute difference in its various forms. Considering this fact, all current options of this disease can be divided into three separate categories: primary tonsillitis, specific tonsillitis, secondary tonsillitis (or symptomatic).

Primary sore throats

Primary sore throats are an acute infectious disease characterized mainly by its own streptococcal etiology, as well as a relatively short course of fever, intoxication and inflammatory changes occurring in the tissues of the pharynx (mainly in the tonsils and lymph nodes located near them).

The danger of this form of the disease lies in the fact that it begins the development of autoimmune processes, the absence of treatment of which can cause the development of acute forms and, in turn, lead to serious damage to the heart and kidneys.

Most often, tonsillitis appears as a result of exposure to a beta-hemolytic pathogen, and a similar course of the disease is observed in about 90% of cases. In 8% of morbidity cases, tonsillitis develops due to exposure, in some cases combined with streptococcus.

It is extremely rare that the causative agent is Haemophilus influenzae, Corynebacterium or Streptococcus pneumoniae. In the case of tonsillitis, the source of the pathogen is a patient with one or another disease in acute form its course and the carrier of microorganisms of pathogenic flora.

The main route of infection with the disease is through airborne droplets, which is extremely common in large groups, as well as as a result of close contact with a sick person. Infection can also occur as a result of consuming products previously contaminated with staphylococcal infection (compote, milk, minced meat, salad, etc.).

Regarding susceptibility to the disease, it can be noted that it is not the same for each patient, being determined to a large extent by the condition characteristic of the local immunity of the tonsil area. So, the lower the immunity, the correspondingly higher the risk of disease.

This risk also increases as a result of overwork, hypothermia, and exposure to other unfavorable factors. The incidence of primary tonsillitis is characteristic of certain seasons, namely spring and autumn. Tonsillitis is observed in both children and adults.

Secondary tonsillitis

Secondary tonsillitis represent acute type inflammation concentrated in the area of ​​the components of the pharyngeal lymphatic ring, which mainly concerns the palatine tonsils. This type of disease is caused by a specific systemic disease.

The development of secondary sore throats occurs as a result of a series of infectious diseases, which include herpetic, etc.

A separate group includes those sore throats that develop against the background of current and relevant symptoms for patients.

Acute tonsillitis: main features and forms of the disease

As entrance gate The disease is caused by the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx area, where the formation of the primary focus of the inflammatory process occurs. Predisposing factors to the development of acute tonsillitis include local hypothermia, increased dryness in the air, gas and dust in the atmosphere, decreased immunity, nasal breathing disorders, hypovitaminosis, etc.

In frequent cases, the development of sore throat occurs as a result of the patient’s transmission of the disease, the action of pathogens of which is aimed at reducing the protective functions characteristic of the epithelial cover, this, in turn, facilitates the process of streptococcal invasion.

Based on the nature of the lesion and its depth, the following varieties tonsillitis:

  • necrotizing tonsillitis.

Of the listed forms of tonsillitis, the mildest course is observed in the catarrhal form of the disease, and the most severe in its necrotic form.

Based on the characteristic severity, tonsillitis can be mild, moderate or severe. The severity of this disease is determined by the severity of changes on a general and local scale, and it is the general manifestations that are decisive in determining this criterion.

Acute tonsillitis: symptoms

The total duration of the incubation period relevant for this disease is about 10 hours to three days. The onset of manifestations of the disease is characterized by severity, the main ones being high fever and chills, as well as severe pain felt when swallowing. In addition, there is an increase in lymph nodes and their soreness. The nature of the severity of fever accompanying tonsillitis, as well as the nature of the pharyngoscopy picture in combination with intoxication, is determined based on the form of the disease.

Symptoms of catarrhal tonsillitis

For this form of the disease characteristic feature is the superficiality of the lesion in the tonsil area. Intoxication manifests itself moderately, the temperature in patients is low-grade.

A blood test determines the absence of changes in it or its insignificance this phenomenon. Pharyngoscopy reveals diffuse and quite bright hyperemia, which captures solid and soft palate, as well as seizure of the pharynx (its back wall). Somewhat less often, hyperemia with tonsillitis is limited only to the palatine arches and tonsils. A characteristic enlargement of the tonsils occurs due to swelling and infiltration.

The duration of the disease is about two days, after which there is a gradual subsidence of the inflammatory processes of the pharynx, or, conversely, another form of tonsillitis begins to develop (follicular or lacunar).

The course of follicular and lacunar tonsillitis is characterized by a much more pronounced clinical picture. Thus, the temperature in these cases rises to 40 degrees, and manifestations characteristic of intoxication also become pronounced ( headache, weakness, pain in joints, muscles and heart).

Catarrhal tonsillitis (acute tonsillopharyngitis) – pathological process, caused by pathogenic microflora and affecting the upper layers of the mucous membrane of the throat. This form, according to medical terminology, is also called erythematous. Of all the forms of sore throat, this one is considered the mildest, but this does not mean at all that it does not need to be treated. Only a qualified doctor can correctly tell how to treat catarrhal tonsillitis after a comprehensive diagnosis. It is also worth noting that treating an illness does not always require the use of antibacterial drugs.

Sore throat is an illness of an infectious nature, the progression of which results in acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils and other lymphoid formations of the pharynx. The following pathogenic microorganisms can provoke the development of pathology: viruses, bacteria and fungi. In the medical literature, this condition is also called acute tonsillitis. It is worth noting that this is a fairly common disease that can begin to progress in both adults and children.

Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammatory process that affects tonsils located in the human throat. Inflammation develops as a result of the influence of a number of unfavorable factors - severe hypothermia, a decrease in the body's defenses and resistance, and allergic reactions. This effect activates microorganisms that are constantly present on the tonsils of a person suffering from chronic tonsillitis. As a result, the patient develops and a number of further complications, which can be both local and general.

The lymphopharyngeal ring is made up of seven tonsils: the lingual, pharyngeal and laryngeal tonsils, which are unpaired, as well as paired tonsils - palatine and tubal. Of all the tonsils, the palatine tonsils are the most frequently inflamed.

Tonsils are lymphoid organ , which is involved in the formation of mechanisms that provide immunobiological protection. The tonsils perform such functions most actively in children. Therefore, the consequence of inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils is the formation . But at the same time, experts deny the fact that by removing the tonsils, you can negatively affect the human immune system as a whole.

Forms of chronic tonsillitis

In medicine there are two different shapes tonsillitis. At compensated form, there are exclusively local symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils. At the same time, thanks to the barrier function of the tonsils, as well as the reactivity of the body, local inflammation is balanced, as a result of which the person does not experience a general pronounced reaction. So it works protective function tonsils, and the bacteria do not spread further. Consequently, the disease is not particularly pronounced.

At the same time, when decompensated form, local symptoms of tonsillitis also occur, and at the same time it can develop paratonsillar , angina , tonsillogenic pathological reactions , as well as other ailments of a number of systems and organs.

It is important to consider that with any form of chronic tonsillitis, the entire body can become infected and an extensive allergic reaction can develop.

Causes of chronic tonsillitis

In the process of very often recurring inflammation of the tonsils, which arise as a result of exposure to bacterial infections, human immunity is weakened, and chronic tonsillitis develops. Most often, chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of exposure to adenoviruses , group A streptococcus , staphylococcus . Moreover, if the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is carried out incorrectly, the immune system may also suffer, as a result of which the course of the disease worsens. In addition, the development of chronic tonsillitis occurs due to frequent manifestations acute respiratory diseases , , measles .

Often chronic tonsillitis develops in those patients who have suffered from impaired nasal breathing for a long time. Therefore, the cause of the development of this disease may be , pronounced curvature of the nasal septum, anatomical features of the structure of the inferior turbinates, the presence polyps in the nose and other reasons.

As factors contributing to the development of tonsillitis, it should be noted the presence of infectious foci in organs that are located nearby. Thus, local reasons the occurrence of tonsillitis may be teeth affected, purulent which is chronic.

The development of a chronic form of tonsillitis can be preceded by a malfunction in the functioning of the human immune system and allergic manifestations.

Sometimes the reason further development chronic tonsillitis becomes a sore throat, the treatment of which was carried out without the prescription of an ENT specialist. During the treatment of angina, the patient must adhere to special without eating foods that irritate the mucous membrane. In addition, you should completely stop smoking and not drink alcohol.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

A person may not detect symptoms of chronic tonsillitis immediately, but only during the development of the disease.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in a patient are primarily expressed by a feeling of severe discomfort in the throat - a person may feel the constant presence of a lump. There may be a feeling of rawness or soreness in the throat.

There may be an unpleasant odor from the mouth, as the contents of the lacunae gradually decompose and pus is released from the tonsils. In addition, symptoms of tonsillitis include cough, feeling unwell, and severe fatigue. The person has difficulty performing normal work and is subject to bouts of weakness. Sometimes the temperature may rise, and the period of increase in body temperature indicators continues for a long period, and it increases closer to the evening.

As objective symptoms of tonsillitis, doctors identify the patient’s history of frequent tonsillitis, purulent-caseous plugs in the lacunae of the tonsils, and swelling of the palatine arches. Hyperthermia of the arches is also expressed, as the current is disrupted And near the source of inflammation. The patient notes painful sensations in the tonsils, increasing their sensitivity. Such manifestations can bother a person for a long time. The patient also has increased regional . If they are palpated, the patient notes the manifestation of mild pain.

Chronic tonsillitis may be accompanied by a headache, slight pain in the ear, or discomfort in the ear.

Diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis

The process of establishing a diagnosis is made by studying the patient's history and complaints about the manifestations of the disease. The doctor carefully examines the tonsils, and also examines and palpates the lymph nodes. Due to the fact that inflammation of the tonsils can provoke the development of very serious complications in a person, the doctor does not limit himself only to a local examination, but also analyzes the contents of the lacunae. To take material for such an analysis, the tongue is moved back with a spatula and pressure is applied to the tonsil. If at the same time there is a release of pus with a predominantly mucous consistency and with unpleasant smell, then in this case we can assume that in this case we are talking about the diagnosis of “chronic tonsillitis”. However, even an analysis of this material cannot accurately indicate that the patient has chronic tonsillitis.

To accurately establish a diagnosis, the doctor is guided by the presence of certain abnormalities in the patient. First of all, these are thickened edges of the palatine arches and the presence of hyperthermia, as well as the identification of cicatricial adhesions between the tonsils and the palatine arches. With chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils look loose or scarred. In the lacunae of the tonsils there is pus or caseous-purulent plugs.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Currently, there are relatively few treatments for chronic tonsillitis. During the development of degenerative changes in the tonsils of the palate, the lymphoid tissue that makes up normal healthy tonsils is replaced by connective scar tissue. As a result, the inflammatory process worsens and intoxication of the body as a whole occurs. As a result, microbes enter the entire area of ​​the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children and adult patients should be aimed at affecting the upper Airways generally.

Quite often, in parallel with chronic tonsillitis, chronic form of pharyngitis , which should also be taken into account in the process of prescribing therapy. When the disease worsens, it is first necessary to relieve the manifestations of tonsillitis, and after this, tonsillitis can be treated directly. In this case, it is important to carry out complete sanitation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, after which treatment is carried out to restore the structure of the tonsils and stabilize the functioning of the immune system.

In case of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, the decision on how to treat tonsillitis should be made exclusively by the doctor. In the first days of treatment, it is advisable to observe bed rest. Complex therapy includes taking , which are selected taking into account individual sensitivity to them. The lacunae of the tonsils are washed with special devices using a solution , 0.1% solution iodine chloride . After this, the gaps are shaded with 30% alcohol. propolis extract .

In addition, they are widely used physical methods therapy: ultraviolet irradiation microwave therapy, phonophoresis of vitamins, lidase. Today, other new progressive methods of treating tonsillitis are often used.

Sometimes the attending physician may decide to perform surgical removal palatine tonsils - tonsillectomy . However, to remove tonsils, it is necessary to initially obtain clear indications. Thus, surgical intervention is indicated for recurrent peritonsillar abscesses, as well as in the presence of certain concomitant diseases. Therefore, if chronic tonsillitis occurs without complications, then it is advisable to prescribe conservative complex therapy.

There are a number of contraindications to tonsillectomy: the operation should not be performed on patients , hemophilia , active form , heart defect , jade and other ailments. If the operation cannot be performed, then sometimes a cryogenic treatment method is recommended for the patient.

The doctors


Prevention of chronic tonsillitis

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to ensure that nasal breathing is always normal and to promptly treat all infectious diseases. After a sore throat, you should carry out preventive rinsing of the lacunae and lubricating the tonsils with drugs recommended by the doctor. In this case, you can use 1% iodine-glycerin , 0,16% and etc.

Regular hardening in general, as well as hardening of the pharyngeal mucosa, is also important. For this, morning and evening rinsing of the throat with water that is at room temperature is recommended. The diet should contain foods and dishes with high content vitamins

Complications of chronic tonsillitis

If symptoms of chronic tonsillitis appear in a patient for a long time, and there is no adequate therapy, then serious complications of tonsillitis may develop. In total, about 55 different diseases can appear as a complication of tonsillitis.

With chronic tonsillitis, patients very often complain of difficulty in nasal breathing, which manifests itself as a consequence of constant swelling of the nasal mucosa and its cavity.

Due to the fact that inflamed tonsils cannot fully resist infection, it spreads to the tissues that surround the tonsil. As a result, the formation occurs paratonsillar abscesses . Peritonsillar abscess often develops into phlegmon neck. This dangerous illness may result in death.

The infection can gradually also affect the underlying respiratory tract, leading to And . If the patient has a decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis, then changes in the internal organs are most pronounced.

A lot of different complications of internal organs that arise as a consequence of chronic tonsillitis are diagnosed. Thus, the influence of chronic tonsillitis on the manifestation and further course of collagen diseases, which include , periarthritis nodosa , .

Due to frequent sore throats, the patient may develop heart disease after some time. In this case, it is possible that acquired heart defects , myocarditis .

The gastrointestinal tract is also subject to complications due to the spread of infections from the inflamed tonsils. This is fraught with development gastritis , peptic ulcer , duodenitis , .

Manifestation dermatoses It is also very often caused by chronic tonsillitis that previously occurred in the patient. This thesis is confirmed in particular by the fact that chronic tonsillitis is very often diagnosed in people suffering from . In this case, there is a clear relationship between exacerbations of tonsillitis and the activity of psoriasis. There is an opinion that treatment of psoriasis should necessarily include tonsillectomy.

Pathological changes in the palatine tonsils are very often combined with nonspecific lung diseases. In some cases, the progression of chronic tonsillitis contributes to exacerbation pneumonia chronic form and significantly aggravate the course of this disease. Accordingly, according to pulmonary specialists, to reduce the number of complications in chronic lung diseases, the source of infection in the tonsils of the palate should be promptly eliminated.

Some eye diseases can also be complications of chronic tonsillitis. Poisoning of the human body with toxins that are released due to the development of chronic tonsillitis can greatly weaken the accommodative apparatus of the eye. Therefore, to warn , it is necessary to eliminate the source of infection in a timely manner. Streptococcal infection in chronic tonsillitis can cause the development Behçet's disease , the signs of which are eye lesions.

In addition, with a long course of chronic tonsillitis, the liver, as well as the biliary system, can be affected. Sometimes they are also observed, provoked by protracted chronic tonsillitis.

In some cases, patients with chronic tonsillitis experienced a variety of neuro-endocrine disorders. A person can suddenly lose or gain weight , his appetite is noticeably impaired, there is a constant. Women suffer from disorders monthly cycle, may decrease in men .

With the development of a focal infection in the palatine tonsils, the function of the pancreas sometimes weakens, which ultimately leads to the process of destruction insulin . This may lead to the development . In addition, the thyroid gland malfunctions, which provokes high level formation of hormones.

In addition, the progression of chronic tonsillitis can affect the occurrence of immunodeficiency states.

If chronic tonsillitis develops in young women, it can affect the development reproductive organs. Very often, chronic tonsillitis in children worsens in adolescence and passes from a compensated form to a decompensated one. It is during this period that the child experiences activation of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Consequently, various disturbances occur in this process.

Thus, it should be taken into account that when a person develops chronic tonsillitis, a wide variety of complications can develop. It follows from this that treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults should be carried out in a timely manner and only after a correct diagnosis and appointment by the attending physician.

List of sources

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