What can you add to shampoo for volume? What to add to shampoo for volume and hair growth. Enrichment of shampoos with oatmeal broth

  • thiamine chloride (thiamine, vitamin B1) – plays important role during carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in the body.
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – participates in various metabolisms, accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) – a drug that compensates for the deficiency of vitamin B6.

Washing your hair with shampoo with added vitamins will not only speed up its growth, but also give your hair vitality, shine and thickness. In addition to the properties described above, B vitamins are an excellent remedy prevention of early depigmentation (gray hair) and baldness. You can use a separate vitamin every time you wash your hair. Mixing and using multiple ampoules is not advisable due to reduced exposure and reduced effect.

What to add to shampoo for shine and volume of hair?

Strengthening and nourishing hair is provided by vitamin A. This component can often be found in care products not only for hair, but for the body and facial skin. It has a general strengthening property, nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates brittleness and dryness of hair. This additive can be added to both shampoo and other hair care products.

At proper care You can avoid excessive brittleness, dryness and split ends of your hair. Natural substances much more useful and effective in pure form than in shampoos and hair masks, the shelf life of which is calculated in years. Beneficial properties of various additives for such a long time long period storage is lost and weakened. That is why the use of vitamins in ampoules for hair care will provide your curls with shine, health and silky softness.

What can you add to shampoo for hair growth and strengthening?

We discover unique homemade tricks for enriching shampoos. This way they become half natural, consumption is reduced, and cooking time is minimal. Well, the effect will be excellent!

Honey, milk, mumiyo, oils, vitamins, salt, glycerin - what, how much and how to add to shampoo?

We are talking about ordinary industrial shampoos that we can make better. In general, try to choose the softest option, sulfate-free, organic.

Of course, it’s worth remembering that the purpose of this product is to wash your hair. If you use styling products extensively, it is difficult to get by with sulfate-free products to effectively remove dirt.

And if you want to nourish your hair with vitamins and nutrients, achieve maximum effect, then it’s better to focus on masks.

But when there is no time for regular procedures, then enriching shampoo is the best way out!

The only condition is to keep it on your head longer, do not wash it off immediately, and let the beneficial substances take effect.

What vitamins can be added to hair shampoo?

  • Vitamin A nourishes the scalp, makes hair strong and elastic.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Moisturizes and nourishes, adds shine.
  • B6 stimulates growth and strengthens.
  • B1 helps with dryness, itching, brittleness.
  • B12 – against loss.
  • Nicotinic acid – against dandruff and gray hair.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, promotes collagen synthesis for youth and elasticity. Reduces harmful sulfates (SLS) and adds shine.

Immediately before use, take a single portion of shampoo, perhaps in the palm of your hand or in a small container. Do not add vitamins directly to the bottle - after all, they are destroyed during further storage!

Pour the contents of one ampoule of any vitamin (one at a time!) into this small portion. There is no need to take several at once, especially B vitamins.

Mix and wash your hair as usual. Take a course of one vitamin preparation - 10 times, which is how many ampoules are usually in the package. Then you can use another one.

Advice! If you don’t want to bother with opening ampoules every time, try taking other vitamin preparations: Aevit, Aekol, Combilipen.

Milk and honey

Shampoo can be mixed half and half with honey. This product foams excellently and washes your hair just as well, no doubt about it. But the benefits are many times greater!


  • It's quick and easy to do, a great option for every day
  • saves shampoo
  • cleans well
  • honey – natural antiseptic, nourishes and cares for the skin, eliminates dandruff, gives shine

It is not forbidden to add honey to shampoo in various proportions - even if there is more honey, it foams perfectly. We advise you to do the same with the balm.

The method with milk is even more interesting. Take about 150 ml of milk, mix a teaspoon of your shampoo thoroughly in it. The result is simply a silk emulsion that has an unrivaled gentle moisturizing effect.

Milk protects skin and hair from the negative effects of aggressive chemical components, so we recommend this method for children!

Why add salt to shampoo?

In fact, sodium chloride is already included in most shampoos initially. It serves as a preservative there. But at elevated concentrations in humans high sensitivity causes irritation and dandruff.

Salt is added to shampoo in two cases:

  1. To make a scrub, pour a little fine table salt into your palm with shampoo before washing. Apply to scalp heads and massage. The grains exfoliate the epidermis, cleanse, and get rid of dandruff.
  2. Shampoos with stone or sea ​​salt do not dry the skin, relieve dandruff, and are rich in microelements. It is for this purpose that sea, Epsom or Dead Sea salt is added. This way the shampoo cleanses hair and skin more effectively and helps fight dandruff. Many people pour it directly into the shampoo bottle, but we don’t recommend doing this, try it first. small quantity facilities.

How much salt to add to shampoo? A little, half a teaspoon.

Wash your hair with this shampoo 1-2 times a week for 2 months.

  • dyed hair
  • thin, brittle, dry, damaged
  • after keratin straightening
  • in the presence of wounds, inflammation, damage to the skin

Apple cider vinegar + shampoo = shine

You are doing the right thing if you rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. But try mixing vinegar with shampoo! The proportions are about a teaspoon of both.

What effect:

  • breathtaking shine
  • splendor and lightness
  • a sea of ​​nutrients
  • pleasant fresh aroma
  • reduction of electrification


Also try making shampoo with mumiyo - a product for growth, strengthening, hair loss and dandruff. Hair is better cleaned, shiny, and blood circulation in the scalp improves.

How many mummy tablets to add to shampoo depends on the amount of the latter. After all, such a product can be prepared in large quantities and is stored well. But the approximate proportions are 5 tablets per 100 ml.

Be sure to check out this amazing recipe with mumiyo and vitamins:

Read more on how to make spray, rinse and masks with mumiyo

Essential oils

First, choose the right essential oil for your desired effect. Neroli oils are always good for hair, tea tree, rosemary.

Instead of pouring esters directly into the bottle, we recommend doing this. Squeeze the required amount of shampoo into your palm and add essential oils there, 3-5 drops (or one drop of different ones).

By doing such procedures in courses, you can solve your problems in record time and enjoy your favorite scents!


Add baking soda from time to time (half a teaspoon for the required one-time amount), this creates a deep cleaning shampoo. If you regularly use styling products and silicones, then approximately once every two weeks you can use this method.

The hair is washed until it is squeaky clean, but after that, nourishing care is needed to moisturize and restore it - for example, a mask and balm.


For volume and shine, add aspirin. But not more than once a week.

Crush the tablet into powder, mix with the required amount of shampoo and wash your hair as usual.

Or do as in this video experiment:


Glycerin will help to moisturize, shine and elasticity of curls. For a tablespoon of shampoo, take a teaspoon of glycerin. Apply and leave on for a few minutes.

Glycerin is a product that gives instant results: shine, hydration, well-groomed appearance. It can be used in dozens of ways - add to shampoo, conditioner, make a glycerin mask, make your own shampoo.

Enrichment of shampoos with oatmeal broth

Very simple recipe: 2 tbsp. oatmeal pour a glass of boiling water. Cool, strain and add 1 tsp. shampoo. You can wash your hair!

The result of using this recipe is special. Each hair is enveloped in an invisible shiny film, becoming thicker and denser.

And if you mix shampoo with gelatin,

Various cosmetic companies, fighting for leadership in their niche, develop new and new products, conduct research, development, and improvement of drugs. No matter how interesting the promises may seem, innovation will not replace the life-giving power of natural ingredients. Any industrial product can be supplemented and enriched independently at home. To take care of your hair, you just need to strengthen beneficial features regular shampoo with the help of miraculous natural ingredients.

Best Additives for Regular Shampoo

Although manufacturers claim that their product eliminates dandruff, strengthens, and nourishes hair follicles, you should not naively trust marketing gimmicks. Any shampoo is created primarily for effective cleansing. Often, in order to achieve the main goal, not the most useful substances are included in the composition.

To reduce negative influences various components of the shampoo, and also to saturate it with useful substances, it is recommended to add various additives. It can be:

  • other components (juices, infusions, powders).

Any of these remedies can have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.


There are several groups of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on hair:

Any of these vitamins is available at the pharmacy. It’s extremely easy to use as an add-on: you just need to add a few drops of the drug to your regular detergent (it is better if it is initially a soft, sulfate-free, natural base).

Vitamin A known as a strong antioxidant, which means it can neutralize the effects of oxidative processes (important for bleached hair). Promotes the production of the main building material of hair - keratin. The vitamin enhances the regeneration processes of various structures. By accelerating lipid metabolism, it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The drug is added to shampoo to improve blood circulation, normalize nutrition, and growth. Helps eliminate dandruff, protects against adverse external influences. The hair becomes strong, elastic, elastic.

There are 2 forms of the drug that can be added to shampoo - oil solution and ampoule concentrate. The latter is not recommended for people prone to allergic reactions, it is not used in its pure form.

To obtain the desired result, a course of procedures is carried out: twice a week for a month, then a break of 3-4 weeks. After the expiration date, you can repeat it.

Vitamin C Perfect for “tired” hair. It will strengthen the bulbs, preventing hair loss. Increases blood flow, promoting improved nutrition hair follicles. Due to the effect, the hair will become shiny and gain vitality. Vitamin C promotes slight lightening of strands, so if this effect is not needed, it is better to take the drug orally.

A product suitable for external use is sold in pharmacies. Choose powder or ampoules. Add 1 pc. into shampoo, mix, apply to strands, foam, leave for 2 minutes, rinse.

The opened substance oxidizes very quickly and loses its beneficial properties, so the drug is opened immediately before use and no means of storage are prepared.

B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) best suited for hair care. They accelerate the regeneration of the damaged rod and “revitalize” the cells of the root structures. Skin improve their health and are regularly updated. As a result, the curls gain strength and shine. Vitamins of this group help fight dandruff and accelerate hair growth.

The drugs are sold in the form of ampoules. 1–2 pieces are enough. for preparing a single portion. It is recommended to enrich the shampoo in this way 1-2 times a week for at least a month. It is not advisable to mix different vitamins of the group because they can block each other’s action.

Vitamin E copes with the update system at a deep level. It normalizes hormonal balance, slows down age-related changes. Normalizes the movement of blood, lymph, oxygen transportation in the scalp. Promotes collagen renewal and retains moisture in hair shafts.

The hair becomes elastic, smooth, and the formation of split ends stops. By normalizing the nutrition of the follicles, hair loss is reduced and new hair growth is stimulated. The use of the vitamin helps combat dryness, dandruff, and itching.

The drug is used in oil or ampoule form. To enrich the shampoo, 1 dose or 2–3 teaspoons of solution is enough. At least 2-3 times a week for a month will be enough to achieve a lasting effect.

Essential oils

Essential oils are no less effective means to enrich shampoo. By adding 1-5 drops of concentrated substance, you can get excellent results.

Apply this composition 1-2 times a week for a month, then take a short break (at least 2 weeks) and you can resume the procedures.

The ether is selected according to hair type. For normal hair Suitable oil:

  • orange;
  • lavender;
  • neroli;
  • daisies.

You need to be careful with the last option because it has a slight lightening effect. Blondes will additionally acquire a wonderful golden shine. Dyed curls risk losing the depth and intensity of the shade.

Essential oils are a great solution for dry hair:

  • jasmine;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang ylang.

For oily hair Suitable oil:

  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • bergamot;

We prepare shampoos for hair volume - on our own

We prepare shampoos for hair volume - on our own

Natural shampoos are made at home without preservatives, and their shelf life is very short. Therefore, homemade shampoo, as a rule, is prepared for one-time use only.

*Shampoo with rye bread. It has been established that rye bread strengthens hair follicles, accelerates hair growth, gives it volume and manageability. Chop a couple of pieces well rye bread, soak the crumbs in hot water and strain out the remaining large crumbs. Let the resulting liquid mixture sit for 15 minutes and rub your head thoroughly with it.

*Shampoo with cognac. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix it with two egg yolks and a teaspoon of cognac. Beat the resulting mixture thoroughly with a whisk, and the shampoo is ready. Leave this shampoo on your hair for up to 30 minutes - it will not be inferior in its effect best mask for hair.

*Shampoo with mustard powder. It is necessary to dilute 1 large (table) spoon in 2 liters of melted warm water mustard powder, a little liquid soap and a few drops of vitamin A. You need to wash your hair with the finished product 2 - 3 times a week for 2 months. It is recommended to rinse off the product with cool running water.

*Shampoo based on gelatin. Mix in a deep glass cup with wide edges 1 tablespoon of gelatin granules, 1 fresh chicken yolk and 1 tablespoon of any shampoo. Whisk the entire mass thoroughly until a homogeneous paste-like puree is formed, then use ready-made product for washing hair, like regular shampoo. You don’t have to add shampoo, but replace it with another yolk. Don't forget that everything folk remedies for hair containing egg are washed off exclusively with cool or warm (but not hot!) water.

*Shampoo with castor or burdock oil . It is necessary to thoroughly mix 1 teaspoon of castor or burdock oil with 1 fresh chicken yolk until smooth and paste-like, then rub in with massage movements. ready mixture into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Then you should rinse off the homemade shampoo with running water and rinse your hair with chamomile infusion (medicinal), prepared according to this recipe.
-Pour 1 teaspoon of dried flowers into a liter of peeled hot water and let the product sit for fifteen minutes.

*Shampoo based on tansy. Pour 3-5 teaspoons of tansy into 2 full glasses of boiling water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Before use, heat the mixture in a water bath, strain and add a little liquid soap. The product prepared in this way is used similarly to any other shampoo.

*Homemade stinging nettle shampoo- for hair volume. Pour 100 grams of nettle into 1 liter. water and add 0.5l apple cider vinegar. Boil the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes, and then strain through cheesecloth. Now stir 2-3 glasses of the prepared product in a bowl of warm water and thoroughly rinse your hair with the solution. Rinse your hair with sage infusion. In order for the mixture to adhere better to the hair, add a little of any herbal shampoo or a little liquid soap.

*Oak shampoo. Cup oak bark Brew in a liter of boiling water. Place the broth on low heat, keep for 5 minutes and remove. Apply shampoo every other day.

*Shampoo based pharmaceutical chamomile . Take 0.5 cups of dry chamomile per glass of water and make a decoction (chamomile soothes, relieves itching and irritation). Let the broth brew for 0.5 hours. After this, strain and add a pre-prepared mixture of oils: castor - 1 teaspoon, sage, rosemary, cedar and tea tree - 2 drops each. And also add liquid glycerin soap - 60 ml. Apply the resulting shampoo every other day. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Many of us are completely disappointed in factory shampoos, masks, balms and other products and have long preferred folk remedies that have been proven for centuries to empty advertising promises.

True, there is not always time for full-fledged masks and wraps, but there is a wonderful way out. Useful material and you can add vitamins with your own hands to your regular shampoo. The most interesting thing is that this care option will not cost much, since the price of most useful supplements is minimal!

What can you add to shampoo?

Usually this:

  • Various vitamins;
  • Mumiyo;
  • Birch tar;
  • Essential oils;
  • Decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • Glycerol.

True, not any shampoo is suitable for these purposes.

You should choose a shampoo that has the following parameters:

  • Neutral acidity;
  • Minimum amount of surfactants and flavors;

Yes and mix with useful supplements Shampoo is recommended immediately before use.

Tears of the mountains

Since ancient times, mountain resin, better known as mumiyo, was considered a panacea for all diseases. This is an organomineral substance, its origin is natural, that is, natural.

In original condition these are pieces different shapes and the size of the solid dense mass. The surface can be uneven, granular, matte, shiny. Inclusions of mineral, plant and animal origin are characteristic.

Mumiyo is formed as a result of the interaction of many natural elements: soil, plants, animals, microorganisms. The process of education has not been studied and artificial conditions not playable.

To find out whether mumiyo can be added to shampoo, you need to figure out what this element is.

A little about mumiyo

Main characteristics of the substance:

  • The composition contains a lot of useful organic and inorganic elements;
  • Has a slightly bitter taste;
  • Density is not uniform;
  • Color black-brown;
  • The smell is a little specific, but pleasant.

Active use of this remedy in Lately recommends not only non-traditional, but also official medicine. The properties of mumiyo have been appreciated and are actively used in various formulations, from tablets to ointments and tinctures.

Benefits of mumiyo

Natural mumiyo was used in cosmetics and medical purposes back in Ancient Greece.

It is known for certain that this substance:

  • Can increase blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on follicles.
  • Contains zinc, copper. Without these ingredients, healing damaged hair is impossible.
  • Penetrates the skin to its deepest layers and prevents skin flaking and hair loss.

If you add mumiyo to shampoo:

  • Hair looks healthy;
  • Hair growth is stimulated;
  • Strengthening occurs;
  • Stops hair loss and peeling.

The most important thing is that the effect is noticeable after two or three procedures, and systematic use can turn lifeless hair into beautiful hair. How much mumiyo should be added to shampoo to make it truly beneficial? You probably need more, you might think, and you’d be wrong.

How to use mumiyo correctly

We have already said that healthy hair is a matter of your desire, but of intangible wealth. It turns out that even such an effective and exotic remedy is available to anyone and everyone.

How many mummy tablets do you think should be added to shampoo to transform an ordinary detergent into a miraculous elixir? Not so much.

Only 1 - 2 tablets of 0.2 grams per dose.

  • This amount will be enough to strengthen hair, prevent hair loss, and stimulate new hair growth.
  • When mummy is added, the product darkens slightly and acquires a specific smell, but this does not make it worse.

You need to know how to add mumiyo to shampoo:

  • The tablets are crushed and dissolved in detergent.
  • The finished product is applied to the head, foamed, left for 5-6 minutes and washed off.

Advice! If you use it to wash your hair egg yolk, then adding mumiyo powder to it will provide your hair with even more vitality.

We hope you understand that if you add mumiyo to your shampoo, the condition of your hair will improve many times over. All you have to do is try this method and see its effectiveness from personal experience.

In addition, it is very important to know what to add to shampoo depending on your hair type.

Read on for more details about all of the above mentioned tools.

Birch tar

A very old and incredibly effective remedy for a variety of cosmetic procedures is Birch tar. It is obtained from birch bark.

Tar has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the body. The beneficial effect of this product on hair has been repeatedly confirmed.

To add birch tar to shampoo, you need:

  • Take any pH neutral shampoo with herbal extracts.
  • Dilute two tablespoons of tar in 100 grams of shampoo.
  • Add up to 15 drops of the mixture that suits you essential oil and mix thoroughly.
  • The resulting product acquires a liquid consistency. If suddenly you get a gel-like mass, then it is unsuitable for use, and it is better for you to replace the product you are using with another one.
  • In principle, there is nothing scary about a thick mixture, except for the difficulty of washing off. After using the gel-like product with tar, the hair will have to be washed again, but with regular shampoo.
  • The resulting liquid is applied to the head.
  • Massage for several minutes.
  • Wash off with water.
  • Rinse with conditioner or any other hair softening product.

The resulting effect will make you happy. And if in addition to washing you add a weekly hair mask using tar, then you cannot avoid the miracle of transformation.


As a moisture-retaining substance, glycerin is incredibly valuable. This is why it is always added to all kinds of masks and creams. Glycerin is also actively used to moisturize hair and scalp.

Without further ado, you can add glycerin to your shampoo and make an excellent moisturizer.

There is another way to prepare glycerin shampoo.

To do this you need:

  • Prepare a chamomile decoction (200ml).
  • 50 grams of soap shavings.
  • Glycerin – 5 – 10 grams.

The soap is dissolved in the decoction and glycerin is added to the mixture and an effective moisturizer is ready. If desired, chamomile can be replaced with calendula or St. John's wort.

Essential oils

A simple and incredibly effective remedy is adding essential oils to shampoo. This measure helps strengthen hair and maintain its health. The choice of oils depends on the nature and type of hair and skin.

The technology for using essential oils is very simple:

  • Add 15 drops of oil per 50 grams of shampoo.
  • Massage the scalp and hair thoroughly for up to five minutes.
  • Wash off with plenty of water.

As a result of the procedure, you gain not only health and freshness, but also a pleasant and incredibly lasting aroma.

The choice of essential oil is an equally important process and depends not only on the type, but also on the color of the hair. So, brunettes, especially those with colored hair, should use such oils with extreme caution.


The best additives in shampoo for hair growth are various vitamins.

It's simple:

  • We buy the necessary medicine at the pharmacy.
  • Add to shampoo before use.
  • Wash and rinse.

The difficulty is to take the simplest shampoo without dyes and complex surfactants and choose the product that is right for you.

The price of all ingredients is quite affordable:

  • Vitamin A(retinol) – stimulates metabolic processes skin and improves nutrition.
  • Vitamin E– slows down oxidation.
  • Vitamin C Recommended for damaged, brittle hair.
  • B1, B6, B9, B12 will help improve skin health and relieve itching. Hair will grow faster, dryness and split ends will disappear.
  • A nicotinic acid(PP) helps stimulate hair growth. True, its use should be moderate to avoid the opposite effect.

Advice! In our case, it is better to purchase vitamins in ampoules and add them to the shampoo immediately before use. It would be useful to test for an allergic reaction.


As you can see, the cooking instructions effective remedy for washing hair is quite simple. For this, a regular shampoo and some kind of strengthening agent are enough. If you have not yet decided what exactly to add, then the video in this article will definitely help resolve this issue.


Tell me a good shampoo for hair loss


kon mal

Shampoos do not help with hair loss or dandruff.

Veronica Areshina

Shampoo won't help against hair loss. You need to make growth masks and take vitamins. To begin with, you can make your own shampoo, which you are used to using, more useful. To do this, add vitamins A, B, C, B12 to your shampoo, which are sold in ampoules at the pharmacy.
After the first wash, your hair will become very shiny, with crazy volume.
There is no need to add vitamins to a whole bottle of shampoo, because there is no point
will not be.
Do it this way: pour shampoo into a cup so that there is enough for two
soap and add vitamins. You can add everything at once, or you can add them separately.
Stir and wash your hair.
When you lather it a second time, leave the shampoo on your hair for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off.
After the first wash, you will notice that the volume has become simply crazy and the hair
Much less will fall out.
Also, to make your hair silky, shiny and easy to comb, crumble
in shampoo an aspirin tablet (preferably soluble). You will be surprised by the effect, believe me
If you add vitamin E to your shampoo, your hair will stop falling out and breaking.
Vitamin E for hair – unique recipes: Recipe No. 1. Mask for regular hair care with vitamin E. To prepare such a mask, you need to heat two tablespoons of any vegetable oil(but for better effect, we recommend that you use burdock oil or jojoba oil) and add one teaspoon of liquid vitamin E to it. After the mixture has cooled a little, it should be rubbed in a circular massage motion into the hair roots and scalp. Then, having insulated your head with polyethylene and a towel, you need to wait about forty minutes. Wash off the mask with running warm water and shampoo. Recipe No. 2. Mask with dimexide and vitamin E. You can buy a solution of dimexide at any pharmacy. To prepare the mask, you need to take castor or burdock oil (they can also be mixed in a 1:1 ratio). Now add one teaspoon each of vitamin E and dimexide to the base. It is necessary to apply the mask from the roots (massaging them) to the very ends of the hair and wait one hour, insulating the head with a plastic bag. After this, rinse the mask with a shampoo suitable for your hair type and running water. Recipe No. 3. Egg nourishing hair mask with vitamin E. This mask is perfect for dry and weakened hair. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: two tablespoons of burdock or olive oil, one chicken yolk and one teaspoon of vitamin E. It is necessary to dissolve vitamin E in slightly steamed oil, then add a well-beaten yolk to the mixture (stirring constantly). The finished mask is rubbed into the roots of the hair and left, wrapping the head in plastic wrap for half an hour. Recipe No. 4. Herbal mask for brittle hair with vitamin E. First, you need to prepare a decoction of nettle and chamomile. Pour two tablespoons of each herb into a glass of purified boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Cool and strain the infusion through a strainer or cheesecloth, and then add one teaspoon of vitamin E and a little rye bread pulp. Rub the mask into your scalp and leave for an hour to an hour and a half. All masks must be done at least twice a week for one to two months.

Svetlana Tsukerman

Anya Tsareva

I really like lush shampoo NEW plus B vitamins. Noticeably less shedding

Raisa Raisa

We must first find out the cause and get rid of the cause. Perhaps it’s a matter of hot styling, perhaps it’s a matter of lightening the hair, or perhaps it’s a problem with the body

I heard that you can add liquid vitamins to shampoo (they are sold in ampoules). Tell me: what vitamins exactly?



It’s better to make masks with burdock oil, or some other oil, and add these vitamins, or HEC, there. There is an AEVIT complex containing vitamins a, b, e. It costs 80 rubles.


I heard that vitamin E can be added to shampoo, in what proportions I honestly don’t know))


Vitamin E, it is an antioxidant, will do no good for hair....


I remember in marketing class at university (1994!) we read about the 3 basic global principles of cosmetics advertising.

1. Take any actor (or homeless person, or grandmother), dress him up in a robe and call him a “Cosmetics Expert” of the Institute of Cosmetology of the Russian Academy of Sciences or a cosmetologist at the Hair Loss Center under the Government or any other (you can have a really non-existent, but loud-sounding research institute). This “expert” should talk about their “comprehensive” positive studies of the drug.
2. An effect of +55 to + 237% improvement over a period of 2-3 weeks should be drawn (the period should be such that the buyer has time to buy a couple of bottles of the product, but not too much so that people fall for it)
3. A super miraculous component must be present (even if it does not exist in nature) - ceramide R, bifidobacterium essences, supermineral Pro-Z, etc. :))

That's all. People is gobbling it up. I am STILL convinced that nothing has changed.

Dasha Dasha

Buy liquid vitamins B6 and E at the pharmacy.
They are sold in ampoules.
Pour as much shampoo into a cup as you apply.
at one time and pour vitamins there.
Wash your hair with all this, but without conditioners and masks.


It has already been said and shown many times, in many places, that it is impossible to add anything to ready-made cosmetics (be it essential or base oils, vitamins).
Don't ruin your hair! Take vitamins internally.

Anna Vasilna

You can’t add anything to store-bought shampoo or conditioner, because they contain a lot of chemicals that are not very useful, and often even harmful. and along with an insignificant amount of vitamin, which is almost not absorbed by the skin, a huge dose of chemicals will penetrate, the consequences can be different. want to check it out for yourself?


In the shops of prof. Hair cosmetics sell ampoules with liquid keratin (our hair is made of keratin). Only this can be added to shampoos, conditioners and hair masks immediately before use; the proportions are indicated in the instructions for keratin.

Vodka for hair growth


Ilya Kalyagin

Vodka for intoxication... I heard... But this is the first time I’ve heard about something like this!!!

Sasha N

and beer is for belly growth....))))

Starsol Starsol

Oh, these women! Everything will be distorted. On the contrary, it is necessary. For a bottle of vodka - 100 g of shampoo. And do not add, but consume separately. Vodka - inside, then shampoo on the head. After that, it doesn’t matter what kind of hair it is, or whether it’s needed at all...

Anna Stratieva

I don’t know about vodka, it contains alcohol, which dries out the scalp, so even if vodka is healthy, it’s not suitable for everyone, it’s better to make a mask from onions and eggs. But it’s best to just buy vitamins at the pharmacy that strengthen hair growth.


helps for sure pepper tincture at the pharmacy and after washing, rub the hair roots once a week. helps for sure! and before washing, smear the hair roots with bonfire oil for half an hour (well, I don’t like to do this, I just use pepper, well it bakes my head nicely) and it’s fashionable to add vitamins B 6, B 12 to the shampoo at the pharmacy, they sell it inexpensively and pour it into the shampoo!

Maxim Malakhov

helps for oily hair.. for 100 ml of shampoo 1 tbsp. spoon of vodka.. Wash as usual, only after lathering your hair, you need to wait 10 minutes, and then just rinse. Daily use is not recommended, about a couple of times a week is the best option.


Is it true. I tried it myself. No mask helped as much as vodka in shampoo

Anastasia Bragina

You only need to add 50 ml of vodka, but not 100! Because vodka dries out your skin a lot, but if you have acne, you need to wipe your face with it, it prevents redness and will quickly get rid of acne.

Luxurious hair can decorate any woman. To proudly wear long locks, you need to choose a shampoo that stimulates hair growth and suits your scalp type.


  • An excellent option for any hair type is the professional shampoo “Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure BC”. Formula based on tartrate, panthenol and propylene glycol, allows you to penetrate deep into the roots, increases the scalp's ability to absorb nutrients and revives dormant hair follicle cells.
  • Enough effective shampoo for hair growth was developed by the Russian company Medicomed. The product stops hair loss, saturates the hair with vitamins and amino acids, controlling sebum production and making curls elastic and shiny. Growth activator shampoo strengthens the bulbs, preventing fragility at the roots. The product requires a course of use.
  • The list of growth shampoos from Estel continues. This brand’s series based on lactose and milk proteins called “Unique Active” is especially good. Lactic acids do an excellent job of combating hair loss, improving moisture balance and combating increased oiliness of the scalp. In addition, excellent professional results can be obtained at a very low price.
  • Alerana is a shampoo that stimulates hair growth through a vitamin and mineral complex. After a course of using the entire series, new hair begins to grow in strands. This product is indicated even for patients with alopecia.
  • Sulfate-free shampoo for hair growth “Revivor perfect” quickly and effectively eliminates hair loss. And the special formula of prolonged action ensures enhanced growth even after the end of use of the product. This effect is due to the presence of guarana and red pepper in the shampoo, as well as a number of vitamins that nourish the scalp, such as biotin, retinol and tocopherol.
  • The list of growth shampoos will be completed by the Vichy Dercos Technique series. It is based on aminexil, which, in combination with vitamins B5, B6 and PP, liquefies collagen fibers in the hair structure, making curls elastic and viable. The Vichy Dercos Technique complex includes not only shampoo, but also ampoules containing, in addition to the listed components, Vichy thermal water. These products are effective even under severe stress or hormonal imbalance, resulting in partial baldness. For optimal results, the contents of the ampoules are applied to the hair roots three times a week and are not washed off. And shampoo is used as the hair gets dirty. The series is also used for preventive purposes.