What does ultrasound of lymph nodes show and how is it performed? What is the value of ultrasound examination of lymph nodes? Ultrasound of supraclavicular lymph nodes, which shows

Lymph nodes play important role in the human body. They are organs of the immune system whose main function is protective. Lymph nodes retain atypical cells, bacteria, viruses, toxins that circulate through circulatory system. If a person is healthy, then he does not feel the lymph nodes, they do not cause discomfort, do not bother and do not make themselves felt in any way. But if the body begins inflammatory process or any pathology develops, one of the first organs to respond to changes will be the lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes may increase in size, become denser and visible to the naked eye, more mobile, or the ratio of tissue components in them may change.

Remember that lymph nodes never become inflamed for no reason. Any deviation in their activities is not due to local problem, modification of shape or size lymph nodes- this is a signal that a pathological focus has appeared in the body, which requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. If the lymph nodes in the neck area are inflamed, this may indicate an illness in several organs and organ systems, which means that it is not enough to limit ourselves to diagnosing the larynx, for example, to determine the cause of the abnormal behavior of the lymph node.

Ultrasound of soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes

An experienced doctor can only use palpation to determine the condition of the lymph node and the cause of its inflammation. However, not all clinical cases allow this method of diagnosis. As a rule, therapists refer the patient for instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

The easiest way to monitor a troubling lymph node is ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes is absolutely safe, painless and extremely informative. Ultrasound diagnostics can be performed on pregnant women at any stage and on children; there are practically no contraindications for ultrasound, and preparation for the procedure will not cause problems for the patient. Moreover, the price of ultrasound of the neck lymph nodes is quite affordable and affordable for the vast majority of the population.

What does an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes show?

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck reveals the following characteristics lymph nodes:

  • their size;
  • echogenicity;
  • shape;
  • ratio of length and width.

The results of the study are displayed on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, the diagnostician correlates the data obtained with normal indicators, makes a conclusion and writes recommendations.

IMPORTANT! Ultrasound results are not a final diagnosis. To make a diagnosis, as a rule, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations, and only after this the attending physician can determine your illness and prescribe a course of therapy.

But the most important thing is that the condition of the lymph nodes can be used to diagnose the development of cancer in a patient. If metastases are diagnosed in the lymph nodes, this indicates that cancer has affected nearby organs. Therefore, it is so important, at the slightest complaint of discomfort in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, to immediately sign up for an ultrasound scan and make sure that the inflammatory process is not associated with benign or malignant tumor. Women especially need to pay attention to inflammation axillary lymph nodes– it can signal breast cancer. Concerning cervical lymph nodes, then the threat may hang over several nearby organs and organ systems.

When is it necessary to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck?

  • Enlarged lymph nodes are the main sign that a person’s immune system has failed. Enlarged lymph nodes can not only be independently felt by palpation of the neck, but also seen with the naked eye, especially with inflammation of the cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. If the lymph nodes are enlarged during acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, this is the norm, but if their size has not decreased two weeks after recovery and the disappearance of other symptoms of the virus, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • If a healthy (at first glance) person has enlarged lymph nodes, then next symptom There may be causeless fatigue, nausea, headache or dizziness, as well as increased body temperature. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes may be accompanied by constant pain in the throat or when swallowing.
  • Swallowing can be not only painful, but also difficult, as well as breathing. If a patient feels suffocated, delay in diagnosis and consultation with a doctor can cost him his life.
  • Another symptom may be redness or darkening of the skin in the area of ​​the cervical lymph nodes. Doctors say that this sign Abnormal lymph node status is quite rare, but does occur in some patients.
  • Sometimes the inflammatory process can be painless, but, as a rule, touch or any action in relation to inflamed lymph nodes hurts.
  • The atypical condition of the lymph nodes can also be diagnosed by their consistency. In this case, the consistency of one lymph node will be significantly different from another located nearby.
  • It is recommended to carry out ultrasound diagnostics of cervical lymph nodes not only if the patient has complaints and characteristic symptoms, but also if certain diseases are suspected. The fact that a person is infected with a particular virus, or that he or she develops a certain pathology, can be confirmed using ultrasound diagnostics lymph nodes Such diseases include:

    • organ cancers;
    • benign and malignant lymphomas (oncology of lymphatic tissue);
    • lymphosarcoma;
    • viral or infectious diseases;
    • Sezary syndrome (erythrodermic form of malignant lymphoma of the skin);
    • metastases of nearby organs - trachea, lungs, throat, bronchi, larynx, tongue;
    • abscesses (inflammations) of various nature in the cervical region;
    • actinomycosis;
    • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
    • tuberculosis;
    • syphilis;
    • leprosy

    Where to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck?

    Exists a large number of medical centers, where you can do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck. The DoctorRu network of clinics has the latest equipment for conducting research; we employ highly qualified doctors who are able to most accurately diagnose a diseased organ and prescribe effective treatment.

    Ultrasound of neck lymph nodes, price

    The cost of ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the NECK is 850 rubles.

    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is an integral part of the diagnosis, which allows us to identify the transformation of their structure, ability to move, density, and size. In addition, ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes of the soft tissues of the neck helps determine the ratio of tissue components (length, width, echogenicity).

    Lymph nodes in the neck are an important component of the immune and hormonal system of the whole body and, through their work, neutralize the effects of foreign organisms. Infectious diseases of various natures lead to their inflammation, changes in structure and disruption in operation. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is prescribed to the patient most often if there is a suspicion of developing pathology and to identify it at an early stage.

    Ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes, which can be performed many times on modern equipment for people of any age without risk to health, gives the most accurate results, which allows short term diagnose pathology and prescribe extremely effective treatment.

    Indications for ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes are as follows:

    • in the area of ​​lymph nodes with tactile contact;
    • visually determined asymmetry of the lymph nodes;
    • structural change (thickening, redness of the area near them);
    • difficulty and pain when making swallowing movements;
    • general deterioration of the patient's condition;
    • recurrent stroke;
    • pain in the neck;
    • noise in ears;
    • numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
    • chills;
    • disturbances of blood flow in the vessels of the neck;
    • excessive mobility of the lymph nodes upon palpation.

    For a child, an ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes is prescribed if they are visualized, mobile, reddened in the area around the inflamed lymphoid tissues, and also if their structure has changed and they are painful when pressed. At the same time, the child himself constantly complains about headache, sleep disturbances, rapidly developing swelling of the face.

    Also, the reasons why a doctor may prescribe a referral for an ultrasound include:

    • abnormal size of lymph nodes 2 weeks after respiratory diseases;
    • difficulty inhaling air, especially complicated by an increase in body temperature.

    What diseases are revealed by examination of the lymph nodes in the neck?

    Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck is prescribed to assess the condition of the lymphatic system and diagnose pathological conditions(enlargement, inflammation), which subject it to structural changes, as well as when certain types of diseases are suspected:

    1. Tuberculosis.
    2. Purulent-inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract.
    3. Oncology.
    4. Leukemia.
    5. Mononucleosis.
    6. Tonsillitis.
    7. Mumps.
    8. Chicken pox.
    9. Syphilitic damage to the lymph nodes.

    Preparation and conduct of ultrasound examination

    In case of the above-described ailments, the patient is advised to urgently consult a therapist, who, after an examination, will write out a referral for an ultrasound of the lymph nodes, send him for a consultation with a more specialized specialist and prescribe tests.

    Most people are critical of the study, therefore, in order to avoid the patient ignoring the referral ultrasound examination, the doctor must conduct an explanatory conversation and explain to the patient what an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes of the neck shows and what the consequences of refusing this study may be.

    There is no need for special preparation before undergoing an ultrasound scan of the neck, except to refrain from drinking alcohol and energy drinks on the day of the examination, as well as physical activity. At the appointed time, the patient comes for the examination. In the room in which this manipulation is carried out, he (the patient) lies down on the couch or is placed in a specialized chair, a small pad, no more than 5 cm thick, is placed under his shoulders and he turns his head away from the researcher, thereby opening the area for manipulative manipulation. actions.

    To improve the contact of the sensors with the skin and reduce the errors in the examination, a special gel is applied to the open surface of the neck, after which the doctor begins working with the manipulator, and the result obtained at the same time is displayed on the monitor and recorded. To obtain the most accurate data, an ultrasound of the neck and lymph nodes is performed within half an hour in several projections. This procedure does not subsequently cause allergic reactions and is well tolerated by both adults and children.

    If, during these manipulations, the doctor discovers that some areas are hypoechoic, then the patient will certainly be prescribed a referral for a number of additional research: biopsy, radiography, fibrolaryngoscopy, and an aspiration puncture was also prescribed.

    Interpretation of ultrasound examination of soft tissues of the neck

    Taking into account that initial stages diseases of the lymphatic system in most cases are asymptomatic, and ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck only shows the focus of the pathology, without clarifying their nature, it is very important not to independently decipher the results obtained, but to trust a specialist. Decoding the results of the study of lymph nodes is carried out by the attending physician and involves evaluating the totality of the patient’s tests and data ultrasound examination.

    Traditionally, the following indicators are viewed: the size of the cervical lymph nodes, their structure, localization, length-to-thickness ratio, number, shape. The doctor also evaluates echogenicity, lumen in the vessels supplying blood to the brain and the presence or absence of abnormal formations.

    Lymph nodes in the neck are hypoechoic formations with a denser central part; in normal condition, they are oval or ribbon-shaped and do not exceed 1.5 cm in length.

    With lymphadenitis, there is a uniform increase in lymph nodes, not tortuous in length and thickness, and their vascularization. If the lymph nodes are affected by metastatic formations, they become rounded, deformed and become structurally homogeneous.

    Ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes of the neck has numerous advantages. In addition, it is accessible, painless and highly informative, which makes it advantageous over other diagnostic methods. Therefore, do not refuse the diagnosis prescribed by your doctor and check soft fabrics neck and lymph nodes if a feeling of discomfort occurs in this area, since a disease detected at an early stage is much easier to cure.

    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes is a study of the relevant organs, carried out for the purpose of differential diagnosis, to clarify the diagnosis, and as a control of the dynamics various diseases affecting the condition of the lymph nodes.

    Why is ultrasound of lymph nodes performed?

    Lymph nodes are organs of the immune system that play the role of a kind of protective filter that delays circulating in the blood harmful substances– viruses, bacteria, toxins, tumor cells, etc.

    Almost any pathological process leads to transformations in the structure of the lymph nodes in the form of its enlargement, compaction, acquisition of an unnatural shape, mobility, and the ratio of tissue components.

    These changes are not always adequate to the degree clinical manifestations pathologies (lymph nodes may react before the appearance of serious symptoms), which makes it possible to carry out early diagnosis a number of diseases, in particular, using ultrasound. The method is based on recording differences in the acoustic resistance of tissues - the ability of different tissues to varying degrees prevent the propagation of ultrasound in the body.

    These differences are projected on the monitor screen in the form of a specific image, allowing the diagnostician to detect changes in a number of parameters of the lymph nodes:

    • size
    • length/width ratio
    • nature of echogenicity
    • forms.

    IMPORTANT! Ultrasound has limited opportunities, and its data without additional research cannot be the basis for making a diagnosis.

    How is a lymph node examination done?

    Ultrasound of lymph nodes does not require special preparation and is extremely simple.

    The sensor of the device is lubricated with a gel-like substance and pressed tightly against the area of ​​the body being examined that is not covered by clothing. An image is projected on the monitor of the ultrasound unit, formed by sound waves sent deep into the body and reflected back.

    An exception is the ultrasound procedure of the lymph nodes in the groin. Since changes in the lymph nodes of this area are predominantly of a venereal nature, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a venereologist before carrying out the procedure.

    In what cases is ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck prescribed?

    The study of various groups of lymph nodes can be carried out both locally and general indications as a clarifying, differential or control study.

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    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck is most often performed when there is suspicion of:

    • benign and malignant lymphomas
    • lymphosarcoma
    • Sézary's disease
    • with metastases from other organs - lungs, larynx, throat, tongue, trachea
    • actinomycosis
    • tuberculosis
    • syphilis
    • leprosy

    In the chronic asymptomatic course of these diseases, ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes is of a differential diagnostic nature before obtaining biopsy data. The presence of symptoms (primary syphilide, woody density, isolated Koch bacillus or lepromatous cells) is the basis for refusing an ultrasound.

    Nonspecific lymphadenitis of the neck and head area against the background of pronounced signs of inflammation (fever, chills and local phenomena with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, odontogenic processes, acute periodontitis etc.) do not require additional methods studies, except for the situation when changes remain longer than 2 months after recovery from the underlying disease.

    In the latter case, it is with an ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck area that you should start searching for the cause.

    When is an ultrasound of the submandibular lymph nodes prescribed?

    Submandibular lymph nodes are examined in an ultrasound diagnostic room when:

    • deformations of the bone structures of the dental system and soft tissues without pain
    • bleeding gums, their growths and increased night sweats, i.e. with signs of leukemia.

    Ultrasound of axillary lymph nodes

    Axillary lymph nodes are examined in cases where:

    • the doctor suspected the presence of a good or malignant neoplasms organs chest and/or mammary glands
    • in women after mastectomy (complete or partial removal of the mammary gland), it is carried out routinely to monitor the presence/absence of metastases
    • with enlargement of the cervical and inguinal lymph nodes against the background of relative health (suspicion of HIV infection or oncology).

    Ultrasound of the axillary lymph nodes does not make sense to perform earlier than 2 months after suffering toxoplasmosis and mastitis.

    Ultrasound examination of the groin area

    Lymph nodes groin area are the first to bear the brunt of infectious and inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. Changes in them are often accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture, and diagnosis is not difficult.

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    Oncological processes and series venereal diseases(HIV-AIDS, syphilis, etc.) often manifest themselves only as lymphadenitis. Therefore, an ultrasound scan of the inguinal lymph nodes is appropriate and justified, especially with polyadenitis (simultaneous enlargement of several groups of lymph nodes) and previously diagnosed oncologies in remission (to control the spread of metastases).

    Look short video about lymph nodes.

    Possible errors during research

    When performing an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes of the neck, interpretation errors are possible in the presence of cysts (congenital lateral and median) and abscesses that have the same echogenicity. Differential diagnosis in this case it is to analyze clinical picture and performing CDE (color duplex echosonography), biopsy.

    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the groin area may provide inaccurate data in the presence of hematomas, hernias and aneurysms. For clarification, CDE, MRI, and palpation studies are also carried out inguinal canal, biopsy.

    The cost of an examination, for example, in Moscow, is from 700 rubles. In regions, prices may vary up or down. In any case, the study is justified because it allows you to make the correct diagnosis.

    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes is a painless, non-invasive, easily accessible and fairly inexpensive research method that allows you to clarify possible diagnosis, effectively monitor the dynamics of benign tumor diseases in remission, as well as identify the first signs of metastases in malignant processes. The method does not require special preparation and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

    Ultrasound of lymph nodes - modern method examinations, allowing timely determination of early stages any pathology. Using ultrasound equipment, it is possible to diagnose and evaluate the condition of almost all lymph nodes in the human body.

    What is the procedure?

    Ultrasound of lymph nodes is an ultrasound diagnostic method internal organs, the ability of tissue to reflect ultrasound waves. It is the difference in the acoustic display of the ultrasonic wave from the tissues that makes it possible to show one or another pathological process occurring in the body.

    What can an ultrasound of the lymph nodes show?

    Ultrasound of regional and peripheral lymph nodes during research allows us to show and diagnose the following diseases:

    1. Viral infections and HIV, measles and herpes, as well as the development of connective tissue lesions.
    2. Oncological pathologies, for example, with enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit, there may be a suspicion of breast cancer.
    3. Increase submandibular lymph nodes or the soft tissues of the neck may indicate localization in a particular area of ​​inflammation.
    4. Examination of the lymph nodes in the groin area often shows inflammatory processes in the lower extremities.
    5. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes located directly in the neck area shows the course of the pathological process provoked by an STD.

    This is far from full list diseases that can be diagnosed with ultrasound equipment.

    Indications and contraindications for ultrasound

    Indications for ultrasound for a child and an adult can be very different - it all depends on the preliminary diagnoses of the doctor. For its actual confirmation or final refutation, the described ultrasound diagnostic method is prescribed.

    Ultrasound of cervical lymph nodes. It is prescribed if there is a certain deviation in the neck, in its structure, or one or another pathological process is occurring:

    • damage to the lymph of any nature - lymphoma, cancer;
    • during the course of lymphosarcoma and Sezary's disease;
    • when metastases affect the neck area from other organs - the lungs and larynx, tongue or trachea.

    Ultrasound of soft tissues and lymph nodes located under the jaw, doctors prescribe for:

    • deformation bone structure both dental systems and soft tissues;
    • if there are signs indicating the course of leukemia - bleeding gums, increased sweating at night and so on.

    Quite often, at an appointment with a mammologist, a woman may be diagnosed with an enlarged intramammary lymph node of the mammary gland. Or other deviations in its structure or functioning have been identified. Thus, the doctor can refer for an ultrasound:

    • with inflammation and pronounced pain syndrome, hyperemia in the chest area;
    • if during palpation the doctor reveals a lump in the mammary gland, an inflammatory process is diagnosed;
    • after surgical intervention and chest injuries, control general condition inserted implants;
    • before choosing hormonal drugs contraception if dysfunction of the ovaries is detected and with an increase in the size of the axillary lymph nodes;
    • for prophylaxis as necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Ultrasound of axillary lymph nodes shown when:

    • oncology in the mammary glands, breasts.
    • after removal of the mammary gland - to detect metastasis.

    Ultrasound of the groin area. The course of the oncological process and some sexually transmitted diseases. Inflammation and injury to the groin area are grounds for diagnosis using ultrasound equipment.

    Ultrasound of the abdominal and retroperitoneal space. Most often, ultrasound in this format is prescribed for diagnosing pathologies, the presence of metastases from retroperitoneal organs, such as kidneys and bladder, genitals. If the patient has previously had an ultrasound of the abdominal/retroperitoneal space, deciphering the results obtained will show the course of the inflammatory process. As well as oncology and venereal diseases.

    Diagnostics of lymph nodes with ultrasound equipment as a protocol has no contraindications in its purpose. It is safe for children and pregnant women and does not harm the body.

    Preparing for the examination

    No preparation is required for children or adult patients. The only exception is following a diet 2-3 days before the examination. By removing foods that cause excessive gas from your diet. Also, a day before, a cleansing enema is given, which can give accurate and reliable diagnostic results using ultrasound equipment.

    Features of the event

    The procedure for ultrasound diagnostics of lymph nodes is simple and at the same time gives accurate and reliable results about the condition of internal organs and systems. In its features, diagnostics using ultrasound equipment requires preliminary clearing of the diagnostic area from clothing. Next, the skin is lubricated with a special gel. And the doctor runs a sensitive sensor along it - the entire image of the ultrasound reflection from the organs is taken from it. Subsequently, it is displayed on the monitor screen. The procedure itself is painless and does not cause pain in the patient. discomfort, takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Upon completion, the patient can go home.

    Interpretation of diagnostic results

    When deciphering, the doctor makes an objective assessment of such indicators as the size of the lymph node and its structure, number, location, and cross-sectional size. The structural density of the tissue and its ability to reflect ultrasound are also taken into account. The shape of the lymph node and the presence of abnormal growths in or around it. If there is a deviation from the norm, doctors talk about a pathological process and, based on the results obtained, prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

    Are there alternative diagnostic methods?

    In the process of diagnosing lymph nodes, errors in interpretation are possible cystic neoplasm– congenital lateral or middle type. As well as an abscess, which has equivalent echogenicity. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, doctors prescribe a biopsy and color sampling using staining reagents.

    Also, ultrasound can show an inaccurate picture of the general condition of internal organs and systems in case of aneurysm and hernias, hematomas. To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors prescribe additional alternative methods diagnostics such as MRI and biopsy. In all other respects, the method is effective and accurate, allowing you to evaluate internal state organs and systems. And minimal contraindications to its implementation make it universal method diagnostics

    Lymph nodes are an essential component of the hormonal and immune systems. Pathologies of the cervical lymph nodes are quite common. Their inflammation can manifest itself as a complication after dangerous diseases, or simply be a signal for a weakening of the immune system. Each change in the condition of the nodes is only one of the symptoms of some larger disease.

    Is ultrasound done on lymph nodes in the neck for adults and children with inflammation? This is the most frequently asked question. For data monitoring pathological processes There are few ways, one of them is ultrasound.

    The neck allows the attending physician to painlessly, easily, quickly and accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment for the patient.

    Having done this procedure, specialists immediately detect the presence of altered cervical lymph nodes using an ultrasound photo.

    This procedure can be prescribed in many cases. They are:

    • painful sensations when palpating (feeling) the sides of the neck. To be more precise, chains of lymph nodes are located behind and in front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle cervical region;
    • the appearance of asymmetrical swelling and compaction in the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
    • noticeable increase in size of lymph nodes;
    • clearly limited redness and increased temperature in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, lasting longer than two hours;
    • noticeable discomfort when swallowing pieces of solid food;
    • non-special tilted position of the head, forced due to painful sensations;
    • mobility of the lymph nodes uncharacteristic of the usual state;
    • long-term headaches, weakness, melancholy;
    • sleep disturbance, drowsiness or insomnia;
    • decreased appetite;
    • suspicion of tumor and inflammatory processes in lymphatic system, abscess, the possibility of the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the areas of internal organs, oncological diseases tissues and organs in the lymph node area.

    It should be pointed out that The healthy size of a lymph node ranges from 0.5 centimeters to 1.5 centimeters.

    Attention! If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit an ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes in the cervical region and consult a specialist!

    Groups of lymph nodes in the neck

    There are several most important groups lymph nodes, which need special attention. You should consult which lymph nodes are bothering the patient in order to take into account all the features.

    Exist different types lymph nodes in the human body:

    • anterior and posterior cervical;
    • ear and occipital;
    • chin and mandibular.

    How to prepare for the examination?

    There is no need to make any special preparations for the ultrasound procedure of the neck lymph nodes. The patient can undergo the study at any time convenient for him.

    Necessary and only important conditions are: patient calm, absence of nervous thoughts and sensations. To do this, the patient must try to avoid unnecessary stress and shock.

    If the skin in the area where the ultrasound sensor operates is damaged in some way (redness, sores, peeling), then the examination cannot be carried out.

    Young children do not need to take medications and pharmaceuticals the day before the examination (if the attending doctor allows this). The last meal before the ultrasound should be taken 6-7 hours before.

    How do they do it?

    The ultrasound procedure itself lasts a maximum of 15 minutes and proceeds as follows:

    1. On skin A special gel is applied to the patient’s neck.
    2. The doctor runs an ultrasound sensor over the prepared area - a device that acts as a manipulator, scans and displays the image on the screen.
    3. The remaining gel is washed off the patient, and the results of the procedure are given in writing.

    Examination of the lymph nodes in the child’s neck

    Cervical lymph nodes in children have their own characteristics. Let's figure out what the study shows.

    The normal limit is the size of the node equal to one centimeter. If the lymph node measures 1.5 centimeters, then it is advisable to attend an ultrasound examination. Lymph nodes more than 2 centimeters in diameter require immediate action and prompt treatment to avoid more serious consequences.

    If the inflammatory process appears after or during any viral disease, no need to worry. In 90% of cases, this phenomenon will go away when the child recovers. But it is still recommended to visit a specialist.

    Reference! In young children the immune system is only at the developmental stage, therefore, their lymph nodes can become inflamed much more often than in adults.

    What an ultrasound shows: decoding

    The written results that the patient received after the examination should be transcribed. To do this, the diagnostician sends the patient to a therapist. If necessary, he prescribes further treatment and various pharmaceuticals.

    But if the patient has an ultrasound protocol form in his hands, then he can analyze it independently according to certain criteria:

    1. If the diameter of the node is increased by 1-2 cm (slightly), the boundaries are as clear and even, and the density of the tissue is reduced - then the patient has non-purulent or serous lymphadenitis.
    2. With a significant increase in the width of the node, a decrease in the density of its tissues, blurring of its boundaries and acquiring an uneven shape, purulent lymphadenitis is observed.
    3. With a significant increase in the tissue density of the lymph nodes, an increase in their size and maintaining the correct shape, metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes can be diagnosed.

    Possible restrictions

    This procedure - ultrasound of the cervical spine - has no contraindications. The exception is any individual intolerances, which should be discussed with a specialist.