What does Komarovsky advise if a child’s leg hurts after DPT? Observation and care of the baby after vaccination How to behave after the DPT vaccination for a child

Every parent wants to protect their child from dangers, including diseases, while protecting the child’s social circle, reducing the number of contacts with other children and adults. But any child at any age needs communication with peers and fresh air. Of course, it will not be possible to protect the child from everything, but it is still possible to prevent some diseases or minimize their consequences. For these purposes, medicine invented vaccinations. Today, there are a huge number of both supporters of vaccinations and their opponents. Here, each parent decides for himself whether to get vaccinated and be calm that the child will not get sick or will suffer a mild form of the disease, or they are afraid of a reaction to the vaccine and, by not doing it, expose the child to an even more serious danger of getting sick with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, for normal, literate and thinking parents, there should not even be a question about whether to vaccinate or not. The answer is clear - do it.

How to prepare for vaccination.

There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations, but you just need to approach this issue carefully, assessing the state of your child’s health at the time of vaccination.

At the time of vaccination, the child must be absolutely healthy. Doctors recommend taking a blood and urine test before vaccination to rule out the presence of a disease or inflammatory process in the body. Each vaccination has its own schedule for when it should be given. The more accurately the vaccination is given at the time prescribed by the pediatrician, the more its effectiveness increases. Each country has its own schedule, approved by the Ministry of Health. preventive vaccinations, the so-called vaccination calendar. It takes into account the time difference between vaccinations, the age of the child, as well as a list of diseases that vaccinations are used to prevent.

Before vaccination, the child should not have a runny nose, fever, cough, obvious allergic reactions, dermatitis and other diseases and their symptoms. The essence of each vaccination is that a vaccine is introduced into the child’s body, a certain number of pathogens, by coping with which the body develops protection against these diseases.

Before vaccination, usually two days before vaccination, the doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs to the child, these can be fenistil drops, fenkarol tablets, suprastin and others at the discretion of the attending physician. No further special preparation is required before vaccination.

How to behave after vaccination.

1. Do not overfeed the child. If he refuses to eat, then don't force him.

2. On the day of vaccination and after it, give the child antihistamines for another 2 days as prescribed by the doctor.

3. Drink plenty of fluids. Preferably more water, compotes and tea.

4. Create comfortable conditions in the room where the child is. Maintain cool temperature and humidity.

5. Limit the number of contacts with strangers, since the vaccination weakens the immune system and it is possible to become infected with viral diseases.

6. After vaccination, be sure to have antipyretic drugs on hand.

7. Do not wet the vaccination site for another 2 days.

You need to be prepared that after any vaccination your child may have a reaction to it. There is no need to be afraid of the reaction, as it is absolutely normal phenomenon and is not a complication after vaccination. The main thing is to competently approach the issue of preparing a child for vaccination.

Vaccinations are an important step for maintaining the health of children and adults. The period after vaccination in most cases occurs in the form of a local reaction. But in some cases, after immunization, they develop side effects that worry parents.

What not to do immediately after vaccination

If you or your baby have just been vaccinated, then the first piece of advice is not to rush to leave the clinic immediately after vaccination. You need to stay near the office for another half hour to observe the body’s reaction.

When the baby calms down, it is better for him to take a walk fresh air near the clinic. This way, you will protect your child from the risk of infection in a crowded place in a medical facility.

Observe the baby, and pay attention to whether a rash appears on the skin at the injection site, or whether a high temperature has risen. In case of an unexpected reaction, the child will be provided with timely assistance. medical care.


A child will tolerate vaccination more easily if gastrointestinal tract not loaded. Do not feed or breastfeed your baby before or immediately after vaccination. Do not give any food for one hour after the vaccine is administered. Especially harmful products like chips or sweets on the way home. To calm your baby after an injection, it is better to give him water. On the day of vaccination and the next day, keep your baby half-starved.

For older children, do not give sweet, salty, or sour foods. Prepare light vegetable soups. Avoid fried foods. Prepare porridges and baby formulas with a smaller amount of cereal or dry formula than usual. Do not give children unfamiliar or allergenic foods. Be sure to give your baby fluids after vaccination, this will help reduce the temperature. After vaccination, an overfed child may experience abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disorders.

Adults also need a gentle diet on the day of vaccination and 1–2 days after it.

Is it possible to bathe after vaccination?

On the day of vaccination, do not wet the injection site. Do not visit the pool or swim in the river.

The first day after vaccination, children are not bathed. The sweaty baby is wiped with a cloth moistened with warm water, and then dried with a dry towel, but without touching the injection site with the cloth. The next day, if there is no elevated temperature or an allergic reaction from the injection, you can already wet the area.

Walking after vaccination

On the day of vaccination, it is recommended to monitor the child at home. If the next day the temperature is not higher than 37.5 °C, then it is useful to take the baby for a walk in good weather.

In addition, since vaccination is a burden on immune system, then in order to avoid the risk of infection, it is recommended to walk in uncrowded places. You should not go far from home. Give your child water while walking.

Contacts with others after immunization

The first days after vaccination, the child’s immunity is loaded. Therefore, the baby is more than usual at risk of infection from surrounding children. It is recommended to protect the baby from contact with children for 1–2 days after vaccination.

It is better to take children for a walk in a green area, where there is a lot of oxygen and few people. Do not take your child to kindergarten for 1–2 days. Provide him with a comfortable environment at home. After vaccination, do not invite friends to your house.

After vaccination, it is better for adults to take 1-2 days off or do it before the weekend to allow the immune system to recover without additional stress on it.

What medications should not be given to vaccinated children?

Some young children develop signs of rickets, so they are given vitamin D. After vaccination, vitamin D should not be given for 5 days because it causes a calcium imbalance in the body.

Since vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism in the body, the content of this mineral fluctuates. Calcium in the body affects the degree of allergic reaction, so an imbalance of the mineral can lead to allergies after vaccination. If there is a calcium deficiency, give your baby 1 crushed calcium gluconate tablet per day.

Why should you not give Suprastin?

If children are prone to allergies, mothers give them Suprastin after vaccination. If you want to give antihistamines, then it’s better not to give Suprastin or Tavegil.

These drugs, by reducing mucus production, dry out the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The physiological barrier function of mucus is to trap and remove germs and viruses from the respiratory tract. A decrease in the amount of mucus means easy penetration of infection into the respiratory system. Therefore, after vaccination it is better to give Fenistil or Zyrtec.

What not to give at elevated temperatures

After vaccination, the body's immune response may manifest itself as an increase in temperature. This is normal and you need to remember that temperatures below 38.0 °C are not a cause for concern. If the body temperature is above 38.0 °C, give the child the antipyretic drug Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. But you should not use Aspirin, which irritates the gastrointestinal tract and causes complications in young children.

At elevated temperature During chills, the child should not be dressed warmly. On the contrary, undress the baby to light clothing and place a Panadol or Tylenol rectal suppository.

Answers to frequently asked questions

So, let us remind you what you should not do after vaccination to avoid complications. To make it easier for children and adults to tolerate vaccination, you need to follow a number of general tips on nutrition, feeding and walking. Adults should not drink alcohol after certain vaccinations; it is advisable to do them before the weekend or take time off. Women should not become pregnant for 2 months after receiving rubella vaccination. General recommendations will help you and your baby during the vaccination period.

Nowadays, vaccinations are used in all developed countries of the world to combat various infections in a timely manner. Vaccination helps develop immunity to certain diseases. Since, unfortunately, it is impossible to develop immunity to several diseases at once with one injection, certain vaccinations have to be done in each specific case.

In essence, the vaccination process is the introduction of killed pathogens or their parts into the human body, which helps to develop immunity to this disease. Therefore, vaccinations are associated with small risks, and smart, prudent parents need to know and develop certain tactics that will reduce them. How to do this?

How to properly prepare for vaccination?

To minimize risks, a child should be prepared for vaccination in advance - about a week before visiting a medical facility:

  • You need to make sure your baby is healthy. If there are any doubts, it is better to postpone vaccination and observe the child for a couple of days.
  • If you are breastfeeding, it is necessary, a week before vaccination, to exclude edible allergens from your diet: citrus fruits, chocolate, grapes, shrimp and red foods.
  • Aged three months All children undergo a medical examination, and then vaccination begins. We advise you to wait a few days after visiting the clinic and before vaccinations - it is during this time that you will find out whether your baby has caught any infection.
  • A few days before vaccination, you should stop visiting large groups and instead spend more time outdoors.
  • Check with your local pediatrician which vaccine will be used.
  • The vaccination will be more easily tolerated if you do not put too much strain on the intestines. That is why on the day of vaccination, a couple of days before and immediately after it, try to limit the amount of food you eat. If your child is breastfeeding, then such a problem should not arise.
  • About a week before the vaccine, try not to let your child try any new foods.
  • The day before vaccination, make sure that your baby goes to the toilet in a big way. If this does not work, give him an enema or a suppository with glycerin. It is not necessary for the child’s intestines to be overcrowded during vaccination.
  • Be sure to check the availability in your first aid kit - for example, Cefekon suppositories or regular paracetamol.

Proper vaccination

Unfortunately, vaccine storage is difficult to control and is not always correct. Be sure to make sure that your doctor or nurse takes the required ampoule out of the refrigerator and slightly warms it in your hands.

If there is a risk of infection, it is not advisable to get vaccinated. It is possible to catch ARVI immediately before vaccination, at the clinic, so it is better not to sit in line, but to take a walk on the street. You should also not vaccinate climatic conditions, which are unusual for your child. You can wait a little if it is terribly hot outside and there is no air conditioning in your apartment.

As soon as you arrive at the clinic, immediately undress your child so that he does not sweat.. It is advisable to have with you saline solutions for nasal instillation, such as Aqua-Maris or simple saline solution. These drops can be instilled into the nose every 15-20 minutes to reduce the risk of catching ARVI.

How to behave after vaccination?

There is usually a sign on the doors of vaccination rooms that advises you not to leave immediately after vaccination, but to wait a while. Listen to this advice and, half an hour after the procedure, visit your doctor or other health care provider so that he can examine the vaccination site and the condition of your baby.

Try to minimize exposure to hot sun or cold immediately after vaccination because this may result in cold symptoms (runny nose, fever) that can be confused with a reaction to the vaccine.

Make sure that clothing does not rub or injure the skin at the injection site. It’s good if it’s made from natural fabrics that allow air to easily pass through. Be sure to monitor your baby's temperature for several days after vaccination.

Just as before the vaccination, after it, try not to give your child new or allergenic products, because if an allergy suddenly appears, you must be sure that it is from the vaccine and not from anything else.

Try to be outdoors as usual for a couple of days after the vaccine is administered, but it is better to reduce your time with other children. If the vaccination site cannot be wetted, the doctor will tell you this separately. Usually swimming is not prohibited, but if you are worried about this, you can limit yourself to a light shower.

Post-vaccination reactions and complications (Video)

Some vaccinations are tolerated very easily and without consequences (for example, the polio vaccine), while others, on the contrary, can cause fever and deterioration in general health. But it is important to know that after any vaccination, lethargy, loss of appetite and a slight increase in temperature are normal reaction an organism that begins to develop protection (immunity) against a certain disease.

We suggest considering general and local reactions after vaccination:

  • General - lethargy, fever, loss of appetite and a set of symptoms similar to a mild form of the disease for which the vaccine was given (for example, rubella, mumps,).
  • Local - swelling, skin process at the site of vaccine administration, scar formation after administration of the BCG vaccine, hyperemia, painful sensations at the injection site.

What shouldn't happen? Complications are extremely rare, but it is still necessary to know what they are in order to seek treatment in time. medical assistance. The usual reaction to the vaccine should not be convulsions, fever above 40 degrees, suppuration at the injection site or rashes throughout the body.

Fortunately, such reactions are very rare - a maximum of one person per hundred thousand vaccinated people. But if any of the above-described reactions of the body or others that are unusual for your child occur, you must call a doctor. After all, complications are very serious, and any such case is analyzed by an entire medical commission to understand what to do next and whether the baby can be vaccinated in the future.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Almost every parent sooner or later faces the need to vaccinations child, and thinks about how to ensure the calmest course of the post-vaccination state in the baby. Of course, vaccinations are not perfect; they can cause certain reactions in the child’s body, the severity of which depends on a number of factors. At the same time, vaccination is very effective remedy prevention of dangerous infectious diseases that can leave serious complications or result in the death of the child. That is why it is necessary to know the rules of behavior when administering vaccinations in order to alleviate the child’s condition as much as possible and reduce the severity of the post-vaccination reaction. To do this, you need to know what determines the severity of reactions to vaccination, as well as what you can and cannot do after it.

What determines the reaction to a vaccine?

The child’s body’s reaction to vaccinations depends on the following main factors:
  • the child's condition;
  • conditions for administering the vaccine.
Moreover, the influence of all three factors on the child’s condition after vaccination is not the same. The vaccine itself has minimal influence, but the condition of the child and the conditions of its administration can significantly change the course of the post-vaccination period. Since these factors are under the control of parents, we will consider what can and cannot be done after vaccinating a child.

To minimize the reaction of the child’s body, it is worth choosing drugs that have minimal reactogenicity. As a rule, you have to buy such drugs yourself, since they are quite expensive. The effectiveness of conventional vaccines available in clinics is absolutely the same as that of expensive ones, but the reactogenicity of the latter may be significantly lower. You can first find out from your doctor and purchase it yourself. the right vaccine at the pharmacy, if financially possible. In general, only high-quality vaccines are registered and approved for use in Russia, that is, there are no “crash” ones among them - so you can choose any drug.

What should you not do after vaccination?

Remember: the less loaded digestive system child, the easier it will be for him to cope with vaccination. Therefore, before and after the procedure, it is necessary to observe a semi-starvation regime. This means that directly on the day when the child is vaccinated, and on the next day, it is necessary to feed him as little as possible. Do not try to force feed your baby, do not offer him all sorts of goodies and delicacies. Immediately before the procedure, do not feed him for at least an hour - the same after vaccination.

Delay feeding as long as possible. Give your child food only when he urgently asks you to. At the same time, prepare liquid, one might say diluted, food for him. Cook the porridge more liquid than usual - for example, instead of the six spoons of the mixture per glass of water prescribed according to the instructions, put only four. This rule should be observed especially carefully when the baby is overweight. Do not give your child anything new, allergenic, or with a pronounced taste - sour, sweet, salty, etc.

If there is a temperature, create optimal conditions for the child - a cool room with an air temperature no higher than 20 o C, humidity not lower than 50 - 70%. Give your child plenty of fluids to restore fluid balance in the body, and if possible, do not feed. For your child to drink, prepare special solutions that replenish the loss of fluid and microelements, such as Regidron, Gastrolit, Glucosolan, etc. Give your baby water after vaccination for several days with these solutions.

After vaccination, you can walk with your child as much as you like, if he feels normal on the street, is not capricious and does not ask to go home. If your baby loves water treatments, you can bathe him before bed.

After vaccination, it is possible, and even necessary, to drip some saline solutions into both nasal passages of the child, for example, Salin, Aquamaris or, in the end, ordinary saline solution. Such preventive instillation of saline solution will help to significantly reduce the risk of contracting a viral respiratory infection.

After vaccination, take a walk for half an hour in the vicinity of the clinic. This time is necessary to determine whether your child will have an immediate, severe allergic reaction that you will need medical help to resolve. Usually doctors recommend sitting for half an hour on a bench in the clinic, but this is not recommended, since in a medical institution there is a very high risk of “catching” some kind of infection. It is better to spend this time outside, walking near the clinic.

After mass vaccination in kindergarten, leave your baby at home for two to three days so that he does not get infected from his sick friends. After all, there is sure to be at least one child in kindergarten with snot or bronchitis, and your baby has a real risk of getting an infection from this peer.

To date

vaccinations are used to combat severe infectious diseases in all developed countries. Vaccination allows you to develop immunity to the disease, as a result of which a person becomes invulnerable to this infection. Unfortunately, it is not possible to create


against several dangerous infections simultaneously, that is, using one vaccine. Therefore, in order to develop immunity to each specific disease, it is necessary to receive a special vaccination directed against a specific pathology.

The list of infections that are deadly to humans is very wide, but vaccinations are given only against a limited number of diseases that are widespread in a particular area. For example, people living in temperate climates do not need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, which is common only in hot, tropical climates.

Many people believe that Russians do not need to be vaccinated against smallpox, which is also very rare in our country, located in a rather cold climate zone. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since it is on the territory of Russia that the world's largest natural reservoirs of black smallpox and anthrax are located, located in eastern Siberia. The causative agents of these extremely dangerous infections can survive in unfavorable conditions for a very long time - spores live up to a hundred years. Therefore, as soon as a microbe enters an “unvaccinated body,” it will cause fatal disease. The infection is highly contagious, so the risk of an epidemic is enormous.

The principle of developing immunity to infections after vaccination

When a person is vaccinated against a disease, he is injected with particles or whole microbes - the causative agents of this disease.


Those in a weakened state. A weak microbe causes an infection that is very mild. As a result of inflammation, specific antibodies are produced that are capable of destroying this particular introduced microbe. The body then begins to produce memory cells that will circulate in the blood for a certain period of time, the duration of which depends on the type of infection. Memory cells against some infections last a lifetime, while others last only a few years. As a result, when a pathogenic microbe enters a vaccinated body, memory cells immediately recognize it and destroy it - as a result, the person does not get sick.

Since the introduction of the vaccine causes mild inflammation, it is natural for the body to develop various reactions. Let's consider various reactions to vaccinations, their duration, severity, and also in what cases they become signs of trouble, which requires qualified medical care.

Vaccinations for children after one year - calendar

Children aged one to 14 years old receive the same vaccinations as up to one year old. This procedure is called revaccination. It is necessary to develop stable immunity against infections over a long period of time. The Ministry of Health has approved the following vaccination calendar for children over the age of 1 year in Russia:

12 months- vaccinations against

Rubella and

The fourth vaccination is against

hepatitis A

B, if it is carried out according to the scheme 0 - 1 - 2 - 12 (the first vaccine in the maternity hospital, the second at 1 month, the third at 2 months, the fourth at 12 months).

1.5 years– repeated administration of the DPT vaccine (against

whooping cough diphtheria


) and repeated vaccinations against polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

20 months– the third vaccine against polio.

6 years– second vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

6–7 years– repeated vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (DT).

7 years- re-vaccination against


14 years– the third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and tuberculosis.

Children who have not previously been vaccinated against hepatitis B may begin vaccination at any time after reaching the age of 1 year. An annual influenza vaccination is also available upon request. From the age of 1 to 18 years, it is necessary to immunize against rubella, which can negatively affect the ability to conceive in girls.

How to behave immediately after the injection?

After your child has received the vaccine, carefully dress your baby. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or nurse, and get an answer. Remember or write down all the recommendations on how to behave at home with your child.

After vaccination, stay in the building where the shot was given for at least 20-30 minutes. This is necessary in order to find out whether a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine will develop. If such a reaction begins to develop, the child will immediately receive the necessary assistance on the spot, which consists of: intravenous administration a number of drugs.

Prepare your child's favorite toy or treat in advance and give it to him after leaving the office where the injection was given. Some babies find it helpful to soothe the breast if the mother has milk.

Child's behavior after vaccination

Since the vaccine causes a mild immune response in the child's body, he may be concerned about:

  • mild headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • indigestion, etc.

In addition, vaccination is a little stressful for most children who do not like injections. Therefore, the child’s behavior may change after the procedure. The most common behavioral reactions observed in children are:

  • the child is capricious;
  • prolonged crying or screaming;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of sleep;
  • refusal of food.

The child is capricious. This is quite natural reaction in response to malaise and stress from the injection. In addition, if the child feels lungs unpleasant symptoms, he doesn’t understand what’s happening, where it’s coming from - so he’s capricious.

The child screams or cries. This phenomenon- quite common, especially immediately after the injection. If the child cries or screams for a long time, give him a drug with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (for example, Nurofen). Take him in your arms, rock him, talk to him tenderly, calm him down in every possible way - this will bear fruit. Screaming and crying can also be caused by increased intracranial pressure, which is a consequence of birth trauma.

Often, after vaccination and feeding, a child develops colic or is tormented by gas. Give your baby Espumisan or carry out other manipulations that help cope with these phenomena. Prolonged screaming or crying for more than three hours in a row is a signal that you need to see a doctor.

Restless child. This is also a natural reaction to the introduction of a vaccine, stress, visiting a clinic where there are a lot of people, an unfamiliar environment, etc. In addition, children are extremely susceptible to parental anxiety, which can result in anxiety. Therefore, before vaccination, try to be calm yourself, do not worry and do not show this to your child.

The child is not sleeping. A baby’s lack of sleep after vaccination can also be caused by a combination of two types of factors - severe anxiety due to the stress experienced, and mild malaise, which does not even appear outwardly. The parents' anxiety is also transmitted to the baby, he begins to get nervous and cannot sleep. The pain during the injection can remain in the child’s mind even after everything is over. Try using psychotherapy methods - calm the child down, give a vitamin under the guise of a painkiller, etc.

The child does not eat. Loss of appetite is very common in children after vaccinations. This condition may last 5–6 days, but is not a cause for concern. A normal reaction of any body to an increased immune response is a deterioration in appetite, so do not force-feed your child. Give only familiar food, do not feed anything new, try to make a diet of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to give the child plenty of water - this is more important than feeding.

After the DTP vaccination, the child sleeps. Usually, after the injection, children are given an antipyretic and antiallergic drug (for example, Suprastin, which has a hypnotic effect). Therefore, sleeping after vaccination is a normal reaction. In addition, while the baby is sleeping, the first, most difficult hours after the injection will pass.

Temperature increase

A temperature reaction to vaccination develops very often. The DPT and BCG vaccines are considered the most pyrogenic (increasing body temperature), but any other vaccination can also lead to a temperature reaction.

Temperature rise

after vaccination is due to the fact that the immune system is activated and begins to produce antibodies. Also, temperature itself is an antimicrobial factor, since many pathogenic


unable to bear high temperature human body, in which they simply die, as if boiled in

A rise in temperature can occur 3 hours after vaccination and last up to three days. Some children have minor injuries to the central nervous system, which leads to the development of seizures when the temperature rises. This phenomenon should not be alarmed. On the contrary, vaccination with a subsequent rise in temperature helped to identify the consequences of birth trauma, which require correction by a neurologist. After the temperature subsides, be sure to visit a neurologist and undergo a course of therapy.

If your child is prone to seizures in response to an increase in temperature, then the safe threshold for its increase is a maximum of 37.5oC. For children who are not prone to seizures, the safe threshold for fever is 38.5oC.

So, if the temperature rises after vaccination, do not bring it down if it is below the safe threshold. If the temperature rises strongly (above the safe threshold), give the child an antipyretic based on paracetamol, or insert a suppository into the rectum. Under no circumstances should you use Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid). To alleviate the child’s condition after vaccination against the background of a rise in temperature, you can lightly wipe him with a cloth moistened with warm water (never cold). Do not feed your child too much, give him more warm drinks. Do not try to wrap him up - on the contrary, dress him lightly, cover him with loose blankets or sheets.

Skin rashRash

after vaccination, it can develop only in the area of ​​the body near the injection site, or over the entire surface. Some children may develop a rash as a reaction to the vaccine. It usually goes away on its own within 2–3 days, without additional treatment. However, if the child is prone to


It's best to see a doctor who can determine whether the rash is caused by an allergy attack or by the vaccine.

Often, a rash after vaccination is caused by dietary errors. This is due to the fact that the child eats forcefully, his intestines are weak, and any food allergen can lead to the development of a rash. To such potential dangerous products include eggs, strawberries, citrus fruits, yeast, etc.

To stop the development of the rash, it is recommended to take antihistamines after vaccination - Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, Telfast, etc. All of these drugs are effective, but Suprastin is a first-generation drug that has the side effect of drowsiness. Many parents consider it outdated and ineffective, but it is precisely it that is the most powerful in suppressing allergies, and its drawback is its availability adverse reactions.

Diarrhea after vaccination

The child's gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive and unstable, so the vaccine can cause digestive disorders. This is due to two reasons:

1. The vaccine contains microbes that can affect the intestinal mucosa. If your child had any digestive problems before the injection (eg


Colic or

), then the intestines are weakened, and the vaccine may well provoke diarrhea.

2. The parents fed the child too much, against his wishes, or with foods that caused indigestion.

If diarrhea can be stopped by taking Bactisubtil and its analogues, then there is no need to worry. If the color of the stool turns green, or there is an admixture of blood, or the diarrhea cannot be stopped within 24 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Child's cough after vaccination

Children under 7 years old cough on average 20–30 times a day, and this is not a pathology.

is necessary for the child to remove dust and other particles that enter the airways (bronchi, trachea) during breathing. Vaccination can slightly activate this process by enhancing the cough reflex. Watch your baby: if the cough gets worse, other signs of a cold appear - only then start treatment.

Runny nose after vaccination

Vaccination causes activation of the immune system, so if a child had a focus of infection in the nasal passages, rapid and increased production of mucus is possible, which will begin to come out in the form

runny nose

Don't panic - it's better to ease the release of mucus from your nasal passages with


Do not use nasal drops during the day - only put them in at night to give your child a chance to get a good night's sleep.


after vaccination can only be done once during the day. If a child develops vomiting several days after vaccination, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in this case it may be a sign of a completely different disease not related to vaccination.

Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination?

The child can be bathed provided that he feels well and does not have a fever. You cannot bathe your child only after

Mantoux samples

Until its results are recorded. Any other vaccination is not a contraindication. If your baby has a reaction at the injection site, do not be afraid to give him a bath. Water, on the contrary, will soothe irritated skin, help reduce redness and

in the injection area.

Remember that when deciding on washing, you should focus on the child’s condition. Feeling well and not having a reaction to the vaccine in the form of fever means that swimming will not be dangerous.

How to bathe?

Contrary to popular belief, the injection site can be wetted - that is, the child can be safely bathed. You cannot wet only the Mantoux test until the results are recorded. After the vaccine has been administered, bring your baby home and monitor his condition. It is not advisable to bathe him on the same day, since the immune system is working hard in the body. Even if there is no fever and the baby feels great, refrain from the additional burden of washing. Swimming on the day of vaccination can slightly weaken the immune system, as if distracting it, which will provoke an increased reaction to the vaccine.

Since next day After vaccination, if the child feels well and does not have a fever, he can be bathed according to the usual regimen. If your temperature rises after the procedure, postpone swimming until it normalizes. As soon as the temperature subsides, you can bathe the child.

However, the presence of fever or malaise is not a contraindication for washing, brushing teeth and washing the child. These hygiene measures must be followed. And if the baby sweats, wipe him with a damp towel and change his clothes to dry ones. Sweat can irritate the injection site, so it's best to wash or dry the area and keep it clean.

A lump or lump in a child after vaccination

Any lump at the injection site does not require immediate treatment. Most often, such compactions, or even bumps, develop during subcutaneous injections. If the seal does not bother the baby, do not take any action. If it itches, itches, or in any other way makes the child nervous or gives him anxiety, lubricate the injection site with cream and apply a bandage. You can lubricate the seal after vaccination with ointment


or its analogues. Physiotherapeutic methods (for example, warming) will also help speed up the resorption of the seal. Change the bandage after 5–6 hours, and wash the skin over the seal each time. Water itself will help remove

And discomfort at the point of compaction. Remember that compaction is not a pathology - it is a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine.

If the lump does not resolve within a month, and any bruising is noticeable on it, you should contact a surgeon, since a hematoma may have formed at the injection site that will require treatment. If the lump begins to bleed or fester, you should consult a doctor immediately.

In general, if the lump is simply palpable, but there are no wounds or bruises on the surface of the skin, and the skin does not differ from neighboring areas, then there is no cause for concern. Such a compaction can take quite a long time to dissolve if the vaccine gets into an area of ​​the body where there are few blood vessels.

The child is limping

This condition is associated with injections that are given into the thigh muscle. Since the child’s muscle mass is quite small, the drug is absorbed relatively slowly, which causes pain when walking, stepping on the leg and, accordingly, lameness. To eliminate this condition it is necessary

and good physical activity. If the child has difficulty standing on his feet and does not want to walk, put him on the bed and do exercises with his legs in this position. It is also useful to warm the injection site and take water procedures. If it is not possible to move your legs in warm water, replace them with vigorous rubbing with a towel moistened with warm water. Normally, lameness goes away within a maximum of 7 days.

The child fell ill after vaccination

Unfortunately, each vaccination has a range of applicability. In other words, the drug can be administered to a child only if a number of conditions are met, which are determined individually for each vaccine. This is the main danger of vaccinations. However, according to the experience of doctors in all countries and data from the World Health Organization, vaccinations cause complications, including in children, only if the rules and techniques of vaccination are violated. Let's illustrate this clear examples regarding basic vaccinations:

1. After vaccination against smallpox, the child fell ill


This situation arose because he was vaccinated despite high intracranial pressure during


The instructions on this matter give clear instructions - to vaccinate no earlier than a year after normalization intracranial pressure. But the vaccine was introduced at six months - i.e. the child fell ill due to violation of vaccination rules.

2. Severe allergies and suffocation after diphtheria vaccination. A child was vaccinated against the background

In addition, direct relatives (mother and grandmother) are allergic. In this regard, the instructions give instructions to vaccinate six months after the disappearance of signs of diathesis on the skin. As a result, in this situation, untimely vaccination led to increased allergic inflammation.

3. Got sick


after administration of the polio vaccine. The child was given the vaccine a few days after he suffered from a severe disorder digestive tract. This cannot be done, since polio is an enterovirus that enters the body through the intestines. The children's intestines, which had not recovered, were weak and could not cope with weak particles of the polio virus, which led to infection and illness. The polio vaccine should be used no earlier than 1.5 months after the gastrointestinal disease.

Colds after vaccinations should not be correlated with vaccination. The fact is that the vaccine activates one specific part immune cells, and numerous colds in children are associated with the failure of completely different cells. Of course, everything in the body is interconnected, but the child has the ability to produce memory cells even in the womb, but protection against numerous microbes that cause colds is formed only by the age of 5–7 years. Often parents themselves provoke a child’s cold after vaccination when they unconsciously try to dress him warmer, feed him more, etc. As a result, a cold becomes the logical conclusion of the fact that the child is dressed inappropriately for the conditions on the street or at home. Overfeeding greatly weakens the immune system, so you should never do it.

To prevent frequent illnesses in the child after the start of the visit kindergarten, try to get all vaccinations in advance, several months before going to the garden. This will enable the child’s body to safely tolerate them.

Rubella in children after vaccinationRubella

is viral infection, immunity to which is formed only for several years. Today, cases have been registered in which children fell ill with rubella after vaccination, and even in children who had previously had this infection. This situation is due to the fact that long years rubella vaccinations were given, the virus began to circulate in the domestic animal population and changed slightly. Thus, several subtypes of rubella viruses have emerged that the human body has never encountered before. Therefore, a child vaccinated against one type of virus can become infected with another.

Is a child contagious after vaccination?

For ordinary healthy people, a child after vaccination is absolutely not contagious. The danger may only persist for people with weakened immune systems, for example:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with neoplasms;
  • people who have suffered serious disease and those in the rehabilitation period;
  • patients after major surgery;
  • patients with HIV/AIDS.

What to give a child after vaccination - how to help him?

When to enter

Before going to bed, the child should take antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, even if normal temperature bodies. After this vaccine, it is necessary to monitor body temperature for 5–7 days and, if necessary, give an antipyretic.

If the temperature rises above 38.5oC, give the child Analgin at a dose of 125 mg (1/4 tablet) and paracetamol-containing drugs (for example, Panadol, Tylenol, etc.). Otherwise, regularly dry your child with a towel soaked in warm water to reduce body temperature. Do not under any circumstances use vodka or vinegar for wiping.

After administering the DTP, ADS, IPV and hepatitis B vaccines, be sure to give the child antihistamines recommended by the doctor (for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Erius, etc.).

Feed the baby familiar products, do not try to give him anything new, as this may provoke an allergic reaction or digestive upset.

If the injection site becomes red, a lump or swelling has formed, apply a compress with a warming effect to this place, or apply a wet bandage. The dressing needs to be changed every few hours.

Possible complications of vaccination

Complications of vaccinations include a number of pathological conditions, which are caused precisely by vaccination, which has had a strong impact, in combination with the individual characteristics of the human body. Reactions to the vaccine in the form of fever, redness or swelling of the injection site, malaise and rash are not complications. Vaccine complications, as defined by the World Health Organization, include “persistent and severe health problems.” Complications develop extremely rarely - on average, one case per 100,000 vaccinated people.

So, possible complications vaccinations:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • severe allergies;
  • serum sickness;
  • encephalitis;
  • encephalomyelitis;
  • myelitis;
  • neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • meningitis;
  • convulsions central genesis within a year after vaccination;
  • myocarditis;
  • nephritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • anemia;
  • arthritis;
  • generalized BCG infection.

According to research, the development of complications after vaccinations is due to the following factors:1. Storing vaccines in inappropriate conditions (freezing, heating, etc.).

2. Incorrect administration of the drug ( intramuscular injection vaccines, which should only be subcutaneous).

3. Failure to comply with vaccination rules (active failure to clarify contraindications).

4. Individual characteristics (severe allergies when the vaccine is administered for the second and third time).

5. Availability infectious process, against which the vaccine was introduced.

Thus, the well-known truth that everything has its indications and contraindications, which must be strictly observed, is confirmed. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of complications, you should strictly follow the instructions for vaccination - administer the drug correctly, find out whether there were any diseases against which the child cannot be vaccinated, etc. Individual work with parents and children is required.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

In our country there is national calendar vaccination, which is regularly reviewed. It contains information about the vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, indicating the age of the child when they should be given. Some vaccinations are quite difficult for children to tolerate, primarily DTP.

DPT vaccinations are included in the list of mandatory vaccinations

What diseases are DPT vaccinated against?

DPT is a complex vaccination designed to protect a small patient from three dangerous diseases: pertussis infection, diphtheria and tetanus. Vaccination does not always eliminate infection, but it does make the disease milder and protects against the development of dangerous consequences.

Whooping cough is an acute respiratory disease characterized by paroxysmal spasmodic cough. Transmitted by airborne droplets, the probability of infection upon contact (contagiousness) is 90%. The infection is especially dangerous for children under one year of age, including death. Since the introduction of immunization of the population, the incidence of whooping cough has decreased significantly.

Diphtheria – infection, which can cause blockage of the airways with film. Transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact (skin forms). Due to the severity of the disease, children are at particular risk.

Tetanus is an acute bacterial infection that affects the nervous system, manifesting itself in the form of cramps and muscle tension in the body. The disease has a traumatic route of infection: wounds, burns, frostbite, surgery. The mortality rate from tetanus today is about 40% of total number sick.

Types of vaccine

Several types of DTP vaccines are allowed to be used in our country. In clinics serving the population under compulsory medical insurance, they use domestic vaccine DPT produced by NPO Microgen. It contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, as well as killed whooping cough cells - i.e. the drug is whole cell.

Pertussis infection is most dangerous under the age of 1 year, so children older than this age are allowed to use the ADS and ADS-M vaccinations. These are lightweight versions of the vaccine that do not contain the pertussis component. Considering that it is this component that most often causes allergies in children, ADS is especially indicated for allergy sufferers.

IN district clinic you can do the same imported vaccination, but at your own expense. Similar services are provided by various private clinics and centers.

Foreign analogues approved for use in Russia:

  • Infanrix (Belgium, GlaxoSmithKline) is an acellular vaccine, due to which there are practically no post-vaccination reactions and complications. It has been used all over the world for 10 years, its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, immunity is formed in more than 88% of those vaccinated. In Russia, an examination was carried out at the GISC named after. Academician Tarasevich. Other injectable vaccines can be administered at the same time as Infanrix.

Pentaxim vaccine is generally well tolerated without complications

  • Pentaxim (France, Sanofi Pasteur) is a five-component immunization drug that protects, in addition to whooping cough, deftheria and tetanus, from polio and meningococcal infection. This vaccine significantly reduces the number of vaccinations (eliminates the separate administration of a substance against polio). Pentaxim can be administered simultaneously with the vaccine against hepatitis B, measles, rubella and mumps. If the first dose was administered to a child over one year of age, then the rest are given without the hemophilic component. The vaccine is well tolerated, which is why it has become widespread around the world - used in 71 countries. Registered in Russia since 2008. According to research results, the effectiveness of immunization against whooping cough reaches 99% (after three administrations, without delays).

Previously, another whole-cell vaccine, Tetracok, produced in France, was introduced, but due to the frequent development of complications, it was discontinued. Imported vaccines without the pertussis component are not registered in Russia, which means they are not used.

It is worth noting that, according to indications, foreign vaccines should be provided in clinics free of charge. The list of diseases is constantly changing, so you need to check with your pediatrician or call your insurance company.

Preparing a child for vaccination

Regardless of which DTP vaccination the child will be given, he must first be examined.

Before immunization, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests and measure the child’s temperature.

If your baby is about to receive the vaccine for the first time, or neurological reactions have been noted to previous ones, you should get clearance from a neurologist. Any manifestations of disease are grounds for postponing vaccination.

Due to the fact that doctors are often negligent in pre-vaccination examinations, parents should be vigilant. This will help avoid severe complications from DTP.

A few days before the procedure, it is not recommended to introduce new foods into the baby’s diet. Children prone to allergies are advised to “cover up” vaccination with an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug. Usually the medicine is given for several days before and after the vaccination.

How is a baby vaccinated?

Usually, during vaccination, parents hold the baby in their arms, having previously freed the necessary part of the body from clothing. The nurse wipes the injection site with a disinfectant and administers the injection. Vaccination is unpleasant procedure, therefore, after the injection, it is recommended to give the baby the breast so that he calms down faster.

Vaccination schedule

The full course of immunization consists of 3 vaccinations. The first injection is given to the child at 3 months. Two subsequent ones with an interval of 1.5 months each, and revaccination is performed after a year. The second revaccination is carried out at the age of 6-7 years, the third at 14 years and then every 10 years. By medical indications An individual schedule can be created.

The first DTP is given to a child at 3 months. Where and how should a doctor give the injection?

According to WHO recommendations ( World organization healthcare), children before school age vaccinations are given in the thigh. This is also confirmed by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” which clearly states that intramuscular injections Injected into children of the first years of life exclusively into the upper outer surface of the thigh. Starting from school age, vaccinations are given in the shoulder area (what vaccine is given in the shoulder of a newborn?).

Care after vaccination

No special care is required after vaccination; most children tolerate it absolutely normally. Walking and swimming on the day of vaccination are not contraindicated, however, for their peace of mind, parents can refrain from them. If side effects occur after vaccination, walking should be avoided.

After the DPT vaccination, the main thing is to carefully monitor the child for several days. It is worth paying attention to any unusual behavior of the baby - tearfulness, drowsiness and monitoring body temperature.

Normal baby reaction to vaccination

TO post-vaccination complications include side effects that began in a child within three days after vaccination, although the vast majority of symptoms appear in the first 24 hours. What reaction the child will have and how long it will last depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The reaction to vaccination can be general and local.

Local manifestations of the reaction

Local reaction to DTP can be of the following types:

  • Lump at the injection site. This can happen as a result of part of the vaccine getting under the skin, or it can be the body’s reaction to its composition. To quickly get rid of swelling, absorbable gels and ointments, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Badyaga, will help.
  • Redness around the injection site. If the spot is small, then you don’t need to do anything - it will go away on its own.
  • Hives around the injection site indicate an allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving the child antihistamine. Additionally, you can anoint the inflamed areas with an antiallergic gel, for example, Fenistil.
  • Pain at the injection site. It happens that after the administration of DPT, the baby complains of pain in the leg, limps and does not step on his leg. To alleviate the condition, you can apply cold to the sore spot. The pain should subside after some time, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Lump after DPT vaccination (how to treat lump after DPT vaccination in a child?)

The photo shows a reaction at the site of DTP vaccination in a child. Such swelling is acceptable and does not require seeking medical help.

General condition of the body

TO general reactions Vaccinations include:

  • Increased body temperature. In this case, it is worth giving the child the antipyretic drug Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  • The cough may be caused by the whooping cough component. Usually goes away on its own. Any other catarrhal phenomena are most likely not complications of DTP, but indicate the development respiratory disease. It often turns out that a weakened immune system (the body is busy producing antibodies for vaccination) is overlaid with viruses accidentally picked up at the clinic on the day of vaccination.
  • Moody, restlessness, refusal to eat. If such symptoms appear, the baby should be offered the breast, the older child should be given a drink and put to bed, probably the baby is simply nervous (for more details, see the article: symptoms of whooping cough in children under one year old).

If, despite compliance preventive measures, it was not possible to avoid a reaction after vaccination, you need to act in accordance with the symptoms that arise.

Although the DTP vaccination is considered one of the most difficult for a child’s body, the consequences usually disappear within a few days.

The main task of parents is not to really miss alarming symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

When should you consult a doctor?

You should seek medical help in the following cases:

  • unbeatable temperature above 39°C;
  • high-pitched crying for a long time (longer than 2-3 hours);
  • profuse swelling at the injection site - more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • severe allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis skin, convulsions.

Serious complications after vaccination

Serious side effects after vaccination they occur extremely rarely, less than 1 case per 100 thousand vaccinated children. The main reason for such consequences is the doctor’s negligence when examining the baby before vaccination.

Post-vaccination encephalitis

Such complications include:

  • The appearance of seizures without an increase in body temperature. This symptom accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  • Post-vaccination encephalitis. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, vomiting, and headache. As with meningoencephalitis, a characteristic feature is tension in the neck muscles. The condition may be accompanied by an attack of epilepsy. Damage to the cerebral membranes occurs.
  • Anaphylactic shock is a rapid allergic reaction accompanied by severe swelling, sharp drop blood pressure, difficulty breathing, bluish skin, and sometimes fainting. Death occurs in 20% of cases.
  • Quincke's edema is another type of reaction to an allergen, also characterized by severe swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. The greatest danger is swelling of the respiratory tract.

Contraindications There are a number of absolute contraindications to DTP vaccination, which should be reported to the attending physician

Absolute contraindications are:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • severe allergic reaction to vaccine components;
  • history of seizures;
  • progressive diseases of the nervous system.

Reasons for temporary medical diversion:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • any manifestations of colds or infectious diseases.

In conclusion, I would like to note that immunization in our country is voluntary. No one can force parents to vaccinate their children or vaccinate their children without their consent.

However, before making any decision, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of vaccination. It is necessary to understand that the diseases themselves are no less dangerous than isolated cases severe reactions for the introduction of DPT.

The introduction of any vaccine to a baby is, first of all, a parent’s concern for the condition of their child. No one can predict a newborn's reaction to an unknown drug. It is also difficult to predict the possible consequences of such assistance to an unprotected body.

DTP vaccination is one of the most allergenic and difficult to tolerate. It is a rare mother who will not complain to the doctor about a change in the child’s mood or well-being after the administration of this substance. What complications can be expected after DTP vaccination? How can I help my child cope with adverse reactions?

Why do children react hard to DPT?

This vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, which protect the body from these infections. But in most cases the reaction is caused by another component - killed pertussis germs.

The first DPT vaccine is given to a child at three months - this is the time when the natural protection that the baby receives from mother's milk begins to weaken. Therefore, vaccination in most cases coincides with a decrease in the child’s body’s own protective capabilities. In conjunction with this important event is the introduction of foreign cells, even non-living ones, due to which vaccination leads to undesirable consequences in children from DTP vaccination. Their body often responds various reactions to the introduction of such foreign cells.

Who is eligible for medical treatment?

In what cases is DTP vaccination not given? Exist absolute contraindications when immunization is not carried out due to developing diseases or severe reactions to the components of the drug. There are temporary contraindications when doctors recommend delaying vaccination for several days.

  1. Absolute contraindications are progressive diseases of the nervous system: uncontrolled epilepsy, prolonged afebrile seizures, progressive encephalopathy.
  2. The first group also includes a strong reaction to the previous vaccine.
  3. Relative contraindications to DPT - acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes.

Why is DPT vaccination dangerous? - it temporarily reduces immunity. This is normal and is tolerated relatively well when the child is completely healthy. But if the day before the vaccination the child’s temperature even slightly rises (above 37 ºC), inform the doctor about this, because such a symptom may indicate the onset of an infection. Ask for a referral for a complete blood test to determine whether the drug can be administered to your baby. This is one of effective ways avoid unwanted complications from the DTP vaccine.

What are the complications of DTP vaccination?

Reactions and complications to the administration of DTP are divided into two main groups:

  • local or local, which are observed at the site of drug administration;
  • general, when the whole body reacts with malaise, fever and other changes in well-being.

How long the reaction to the DTP vaccine lasts depends on the body’s immune capabilities, as well as on compliance with the regimen and rules for administering the drug. For example, body temperature rises in different ways, as a result of which they distinguish:

  • weak vaccine reaction when the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ºC;
  • average reaction with an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ºC;
  • severe if the temperature goes beyond 38.5 ºC.

How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? Normally, this reaction of the body quickly passes within one or two days, but there are protracted reactions. They may depend on many concomitant factors - the addition of an acute viral or bacterial infection, development of an allergic reaction.

What complications does the DTP vaccine cause? Each child reacts differently. The main rule that parents should follow is not to listen to other families about previous complications and reactions to the drug.

Local body reactions

What are the local complications associated with DTP administration?

  1. TO local complications refers to compaction after DPT vaccination. What to do if it appears? A small (up to 1 cm) tissue compaction may occur within 2–3 days. To deal with it faster, it is recommended to apply a compress to the affected area. If the lump does not go away and increases in size, tell your doctor.
  2. What to do when a lump appears after DTP at the injection site of the vaccine? This symptom may indicate the development of a serious complication - infiltration or local purulent inflammation of tissues. In addition, the child’s temperature will rise and soreness in the hip area will appear. This condition is often observed when an infection occurs during immunoprophylaxis. How to reduce the temperature after DTP in this case? You need to see a doctor immediately. He will prescribe antibiotics and the necessary symptomatic medications.
  3. In the area of ​​drug administration, there are often allergic reactions with slight swelling of the skin and hyperemia or redness of the DTP vaccination site. This is how the human body reacts to the introduction of a foreign substance. The first “defenders” are blood cells that try to cope with toxoids that are unfamiliar to them and killed pertussis microbes.

General reactions of the child’s body to DTP

They are varied in nature. The body's reactions are divided into four large groups:

  • toxic reactions;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • complications due to incorrect technique introduction;
  • severe allergic manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. Hyperthermia, deterioration in health, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite and rare vomiting are the first group of complications. What temperature should be lowered after DPT? It is believed that a critical increase in body temperature is 38.5 ºC and above. But in the case when the child is nervous, capricious and whiny at a temperature below this level, you can help him by prescribing antipyretic drugs.
  2. The nervous system also reacts to a new substance in the body. Parents noticed a monotonous cry, restlessness, short-term slight increase in temperature, and convulsions in the child after vaccination after DTP vaccination. Seizures appear more often during the first day after vaccination or 2-3 days later. They are single or repeated, sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness. These are rare complications and are associated with short-term swelling of the brain.
  3. Post-vaccination encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). This complication occurs after DTP in one case per million. Symptoms may vary. The initial stage is characterized by repeated convulsions and hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
  4. The child is limping after receiving DTP vaccination. This is the result of improper administration of the drug. Normally, the vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer region of the thigh. Accidental hit nerve fibers lead to the above symptom.
  5. Severe allergic reactions. Snot after DTP vaccination, sneezing, rashes all over the body are the consequences of an allergic reaction. In more severe cases, angioedema develops or anaphylactic shock, most often 20–30 minutes after the injection. In children early age a collaptoid state develops during DPT - the child becomes lethargic, pale, adynamic, droplets of cold sweat appear on the forehead, arterial pressure falls.

One more group of complications can be identified - this is the addition of a concomitant infection after administration of the drug. Cough after DPT vaccination, sore throat, weakness and redness of the tonsils develop within a few days if the child has had contact with infected person before or after vaccination.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination, nausea, vomiting and weakness occur when an intestinal infection is added. The reason for this is the consumption of poor quality food.

Treatment of adverse reactions

To cope with complications of DPT administration, you need to consult your doctor in advance about possible consequences vaccinations and first aid for the child if they occur. In most cases, treatment is symptomatic and consists of prescribing familiar medications.

  1. What to do if the temperature rises after DTP vaccination? For normal fever, antipyretic medications are prescribed for one or two days. But if hyperthermia bothers the child for longer or the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ºC, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  2. The appearance of a local reaction to DTP in the form of compaction and the development of infiltration also requires examination by a healthcare professional. In such situations, it is sometimes necessary to prescribe anti-inflammatory substances and antibiotics, but only after consultation with a specialist.
  3. Some allergic reactions can be corrected by giving antihistamines (anti-allergy medications) for several days until symptoms subside. In severe cases, the child is taken to the hospital.
  4. If a child’s leg hurts after DTP vaccination, he should be referred for examination to a neurologist to rule out inflammatory process nerve.

How to avoid adverse reactions to DTP administration

The introduction of DTP is a burden not only on children's body, but also on loved ones. Nerves, fuss, running for medications - not the most pleasant pastime for parents. To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming vaccination.

  1. Before administering DTP, visit your doctor and undergo a blood test.
  2. Consult with a specialist about the possible consequences and what to do if they occur, as well as what medications you should stock up on.
  3. If there was a reaction to the previous vaccine administration, find out what can replace DPT.
  4. Do not bathe your child for 24 hours after vaccination, and do not wet the injection site.
  5. Walking in the fresh air is not prohibited, but try to avoid crowds of people (pharmacies, shops, markets). Walk before and after DTP vaccination in places where there is a limited number of children and adults.
  6. You cannot give new foods to your child during the immunization period. This may cause an allergic reaction.

What analogues of DPT are there?

As mentioned above, the most reactogenic component of DPT is pertussis. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of complications from vaccination, you can use imported similar vaccines made using an acellular pertussis component:

  • "Infanrix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" with additional protection against polio;
  • "Pentaxim" is a five-component drug that, in addition to the above-mentioned components, includes protection against Haemophilus influenzae.

Multicomponent vaccines can be purchased for a fee at the local clinic at the request of the parents.

DTP vaccination protects a child from three dangerous diseases that, before active struggle with them led to the development of severe conditions. Many complications of such protection can be avoided if you take care of their prevention in advance and be more attentive to your baby.

This morning my daughter received two vaccinations at once, first, when they came home, everything was fine, she was smiling, eating, playing, and then at about 5 o’clock the temperature rose to 37.4, and then she began to cry a lot and there was no more anxiety... all day I was sleeping while I was crying, I tried to rock her to sleep, because I couldn’t open Nurofen and was waiting for my husband to open it and give it to the poor child, I already cried myself... she slept a little in my arms, then they gave Nurofen and literally in a couple of minutes it worked, yay for her calmed down) is sleeping now... my poor girl... Tell me how it was for you?

At the request of Maria and everyone who would be interested in our experience. This happened in April 2010. They call us from the kindergarten and...

how we went to the nursery

when we were given a place, I didn’t know whether to be happy or not, because I didn’t want to go to a nursery, but to a nursery-kindergarten, and they intended to...