Joint dysplasia in dogs: a weak point for large breeds. Hip dysplasia in dogs: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Dysplasia is a pathology of joint development. Unlike humans, dysplasia in dogs is not a congenital disease, but is directly related to heredity. This disease is considered the scourge of all large breeds, and almost every puppy that is expected to grow into a dog of heavy build and/or above average height is at risk. How and why does dysplasia develop? Is it possible to overcome this disease?

A large breed puppy quickly gains weight, especially if the owners want to raise a real giant or strongman - they stuff the baby with calcium supplements, feed them with meat and cereals, and various growth stimulants. The muscles grow, but the bones cannot keep up with them - the load on the joints becomes excessive. Add to this a slippery floor, excessive physical activity (early exhausting workouts) and we get a joint that is deformed to one degree or another.

There are 4 degrees of dysplasia in dogs, from mild changes to serious pathology, due to which the pet loses the ability to move normally. Grade “A” is the norm, from B to E - various disorders, depending on the severity.

This development of events is possible if the dog’s genotype contains “harmful” genes that place the puppy at risk. In Russia, these are almost all large breed puppies, since they began to remove dogs with dysplasia from breeding relatively recently. The heavier (more muscular) the dog, the higher the risk. And, unfortunately, dysplasia develops in predisposed puppies even when the owners raise the baby correctly, control the load, do not overfeed and do not try to artificially slow down or accelerate weight gain.

The point of preventing dysplasia in dogs is to minimize the consequences. If the joints of a puppy that receives adequate loads and grows up on a balanced diet develop pathology, it is highly likely that it will be possible to preserve motor function and stop the development of the disease. And if an already sick puppy is overweight, gains weight too quickly or is exposed to excessive stress, dysplasia will cause more significant harm to the baby.

When choosing a large breed puppy, it is important that both parents undergo a dysplasia test. Documents with negative results (grade A) are provided by the breeder. This will not give a 100% guarantee that the baby will grow up healthy, but no further measures can be taken in advance. All babies are born with a normal skeleton and normal joints, without signs of pathologies. Problems appear only as you grow older. That is, at the time of purchase (when the puppy is 2-4 months old) it is impossible to predict whether the baby will have dysplasia or not.

Read also: Mycoses – fungal diseases in dogs

Signs of dysplasia

IN early age The puppy's flexible skeleton grows quickly, and the bones and joints gradually harden. And only around six months, and sometimes earlier, do the first alarm bells appear. Lameness and pain are the only obvious signs dysplasia in dogs, but sometimes they are difficult to notice. Therefore, the owner of a large breed puppy should specifically look for these symptoms, paying special attention to the baby:

  • slight limp, stiffness after sleep;
  • habit of "pacing". The puppy does not jump up to meet you, but first tries to walk carefully, as if consciously stretching stiff muscles (this is from the outside; in fact, the puppy needs time to develop the sore joint);
  • “starting” lameness (at the beginning of the run the dog limps, then seems to move normally);
  • lameness after exercise, intermittent claudication (either appears or disappears without a trace for days or weeks);
  • the habit of “resting” in the middle of the journey, although the distance traveled cannot be called large. The puppy plops down on his butt and sits for a while, not wanting to go further;
  • refusal to go up and/or down stairs. Many breeders recommend carrying babies for walks in your arms, and only when the puppies are 4 months old should they gradually master going up and down stairs.

It is important to understand that the sooner treatment begins, the greater the dog’s chances of full life. “Yes, he just twisted his paw/hit himself/slept uncomfortably, etc.” - don’t get your hopes up, even if you turn out to be right. If you notice at least one of the symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinarian! Dysplasia discovered after reaching the age of one is extremely difficult to overcome, especially if the pathology is serious.

Weak spots

Elbow dysplasia– lameness on the front legs (or paw, but more often both joints are deformed), pain when bending the front legs in dogs, refusal to follow the “give me a paw” command, whining when trying to feel or examine the paws. Sometimes compactions and thickening are noticeable in the joint area. If the pain is severe, the puppy hesitates to go down the stairs or refuses to go down at all, since in this position the load on the elbow joints increases.

Part of the joint may be dissected, and an extra fragment may form on the joint. The bones may rub against each other as a result of joint flattening, or they may hang loose in the joint like a spoon in a mug. There are many variants of pathologies, and each individual case has its own characteristics of the anatomy of the joint.

Dysplasia hip joints for a long time in dogs may not cause any external signs diseases. In severe cases, puppies wag their hindquarters when walking, cannot or have difficulty climbing stairs (it hurts to push off with their hind legs when jerking forward and up), and walk with a lowered croup. Often, dogs try to lean on their front paws to relieve stress from the sore area.

With DTBS the head femur does not fit correctly into the glenoid cavity. If the discrepancy is minimal, signs of the disease may not appear until adulthood or may not appear at all. If the discrepancy is significant, the disease will manifest itself even if the puppy is raised correctly.

Knee dysplasia It is rare in dogs and is usually associated with trauma. As a result of injury or improper maintenance (slippery floors, excessive loads), the joint partially comes out of the joint capsule (subluxation). Due to incorrect position, the joint beats and rubs against the edges of the cup - deformation, pain, lameness. This kind of trouble can happen to any joint, so it is better to raise a large breed puppy with support. experienced dog handler or breeder.

Hip dysplasia in dogs - what is it? Is there a cure for this disease? What measures can you take to keep your pet safe? These questions worry many owners. large dogs. Let's try to figure it out.


Hip dysplasia is a real scourge of large breed dogs. With dysplasia, the joint is formed incorrectly and therefore functions poorly, causing discomfort to the animal. And although big dogs are more susceptible to this disease, it occurs in more small breeds. The main disadvantage of this disease is that it is not completely curable.

In the photo you can compare x-rays of a healthy and diseased hip joint.


The most common type of this disease is hip dysplasia. Most often seen in puppies of large dogs. It can be recognized by its incorrect position hind legs, lameness during exercise, lethargy of the puppy, difficulty jumping and instability of gait.

With hip dysplasia in dogs, body asymmetry is observed: a disproportionately narrow rear, poorly developed paws and a massive, wide chest.

Elbow dysplasia is a developmental defect of the forelimbs. The defect can be on either two or one paw. This genetic disease successfully treated surgically. However, even a cured individual is not allowed to breed. In advanced cases, you can hear a cracking and crunching sound in the elbow joint.

In the photo you can see X-ray sore elbow joint.

The most severe stage of hip dysplasia is multiple epiphasic dysplasia. This is a hereditary defect. Most often, a dog is affected in early childhood. Growth in puppies stops abruptly due to calcification of the pineal gland. The joints of a sick animal seem swollen, the gait is very unsteady and swaying.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure a disease such as hip dysplasia. But it is quite possible to stop its development and make the dog’s life full, long and painless. This can be done with medication or surgery.

Disease detection test

There is a so-called test that helps identify dysplasia. The test results are obtained based on a veterinarian's examination (includes palpation of the limbs) and an x-ray. Be sure to ask the test results of the parents of your future puppy - do not forget that most often dysplasia is hereditary.

Dysplasia can be diagnosed not only by x-rays. There is also the so-called Ortolani test. This is a special way of palpation. Moreover, this test is used not only for dogs, but also for newborn children. By this test degree of dysplasia in various dogs may differ significantly:

  • Grade A. No dysplasia.
  • Grade B. Minor deviations from the norm.
  • Grade C. Mild dysplasia.
  • Grade D. Moderate dysplasia.
  • Grade E. Severe dysplasia.

This method cannot detect elbow dysplasia.

Remember that test results are not always reliable! Often, puppies that were diagnosed with elbow or hip dysplasia at 2 months grew into healthy dogs. X-rays can only be trusted when the dog's bones are fully formed, that is, after the first year of life.

Surgical treatment

Most often, this treatment method is used in advanced stages of elbow dysplasia or hip joint. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to guarantee the successful outcome of the operation and its effectiveness. Today there are many types surgical intervention for joint diseases in dogs. Let's look at the main ones.

  • Myectomy of the pectineus muscle. Perhaps the simplest type of surgical treatment of all, described below. The operation is performed only on young dogs. This type of surgery helps reduce stress on the joint and reduce pain.
  • Resection arthroplasty. This surgical removal head of the hip bone. Mobility after such an operation is preserved only in small dogs that weigh less than 15 kg.
  • Triple pelvic osteotomy. A very complex operation that can only be entrusted to a true professional. During it, a dissection of the bone is made, then it is rotated so that the hip joint comes into better contact with it.
  • Interacetabular osteotomy. The wedge-shaped part of the neck of the bone is removed. Afterwards it is fixed with a special plate. This is also a complex operation that not every pet surgeon can undertake.
  • Hip replacement. This operation is performed only in large cities in large modern veterinary clinics. The diseased joint is replaced with a special prosthesis.


Almost all drugs that are prescribed to dogs for hip dysplasia have to be used for life. They are not able to cure the disease, but significantly reduce painful sensations and allow the dog to walk more confidently and practically without limping. Correct treatment can give a dog a full life!

Now there are many on the market homeopathic remedies to treat this disease. Reviews from owners vary - some found them a panacea, others, on the contrary, did not see any results. To choose the optimal drug, you need to consult a specialist.


At proper care a sick dog is able to live a happy and fulfilling life. Always remember about the characteristics of her body. Take your pet away if he becomes overexcited while playing with other dogs. Don't give him long walks - it's better to go out several times for shorter periods of time.

To prevent the disease from getting worse over the years, carefully monitor your dog’s diet. It must be balanced and contain the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful and nutrients. Keep an eye on your dog's weight; obesity will only make the situation worse.

If you decide to have surgery, carefully follow all the veterinarian's recommendations. postoperative period. Do not skip taking medications that alleviate the animal’s condition. Remember that the disease will get worse with age, so try to prolong it as much as possible. happy life your pet. Do not ignore drug treatment.

Dysplasia in dogs often appears in puppies. Experienced breeders understand that the bulk of large purebred dogs prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Animals that have a powerful body build, large body mass and constantly feel strong physical stress often have difficulties with their joints. Timely initiation of therapy for the disease can help eliminate severe consequences, especially immobility.

Main types of disease

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. A very severe stage of joint damage. This is an abnormal condition of calcification of the pineal gland, seen when the hind limbs are affected. The dog is exposed to the disease from birth. Joints may become swollen, and an unstable and wobbly gait may occur. Puppies stop growing. This defect is considered hereditary, but its genetic origin has not yet been clearly studied.

Elbow dysplasia. This type of disease also refers to frequent deviation of the joints, which is associated with a malformation of the elbow joint of the forelimbs. The disease can be traced already at 4-6 months and can affect both 2 and 1 paw. Most of all, underdevelopment of the elbow joint in dogs is removed by surgical intervention and drug treatment, however, sick individuals are not allowed to breed even after recovery. This defect has genetic origins.

Hip dysplasia. It gives rise to asymmetry of the torso. For example, the chest is vast and large, and the pelvis is narrow, the hind legs are poorly formed. When moving, dogs transfer weight and load to the front part of the body, so this part is much more developed. It is important to note that at a young age the body can compensate for the deficiency by depositing new matter on the bones, but with old age the disease worsens. For this reason, it is important to implement complex therapy and maintenance.

Hip dysplasia in dogs occurs in dogs of all breeds, including mixed breeds. The disease affects larger breeds more often than small ones. At the genetic level, certain breeds are most susceptible to instability (looseness) of the hip joint and more often than others express symptoms of dysplasia.

Symptoms of dysplasia disease in dogs

Often the disease is detected when the animal is one or one and a half years old. And this is natural, since it is in this period The dog is growing rapidly and gaining mass. If treatment is not started on time, this will lead to subsequent lameness, which may not be expressed immediately.

You need to carefully monitor the puppy: when he prefers to lie with his hind legs spread out to the sides and often takes this position, he has dysplasia. In addition, you need to be on alert when the dog quickly gets tired during a walk or is chasing, pushing off with 2 paws at the same time from behind.

What symptoms of dysplasia should you pay attention to:

  • lameness in 1 or both hind legs;
  • when moving, the dog sways;
  • difficulty getting up;
  • unnatural rotation of the hind legs if the dog is on its stomach;
  • severe fatigue, frequent pauses;
  • paws swell;
  • when pressing on the joints - unhealthy feelings, although they may not exist when walking or running;
  • the front part is more massive and stronger, while the back part is smaller and weaker.

If your dog shows signs of dysplasia, you should consult a doctor immediately. Ignoring treatment will lead to the fact that after a certain period the creature will not be able to move and will feel torment.

Joint dysplasia in young dogs occurs without signs; they appear much later. It is necessary to focus on the fact that the puppy does not want to move on a slippery floor and prefers to crawl. In the advanced stage of the disease, the dog may become hostile due to the pain it regularly experiences.


The main diagnostic method is the test for Ortolani dysplasia, which is performed under anesthesia, since the doctor performing it is required to rapidly rotate the dog’s hip joint, and this can cause severe pain. X-ray examination, when diagnosing hip dysplasia in dogs, is simply considered necessary means diagnostics It makes it possible to clearly see how pronounced the asymmetry of the joints is. Makes it possible to set the level of impact of asymmetry on spinal cord dog.

The veterinarian takes a urine sample for examination and blood. The dog's parents may not have hip dysplasia but produce future generations with the disease. This is a very common manifestation. How earlier illness diagnosed, the more alternatives for its treatment are available. This is important primarily because the longer the disease is not examined, the more negative and painful changes the dog’s joints undergo. The level of their degeneration increases.

A dysplasia test will help determine the diagnosis

To establish a diagnosis of dysplasia, it is necessary to undergo the appropriate analysis - x-ray examination, based on the results of the image, the degree of formation of dysplasia in the dog is determined.

The test for dysplasia is an X-ray examination of the hip and elbow joints, and in addition further research acquired photos of dysplasia (images) and a conclusion about the stage of the disease or its absence. Since underdevelopment of the hip joints is most often observed in dogs, therefore, let’s talk about a test for abnormal development in dogs of this species.

The test for hip dysplasia is performed in a “stretch” manner. Of course, in order for an image for dysplasia in dogs to be taken in accordance with the rules, it is necessary to correctly place the animal on the X-ray table. The animal is placed on its back vertically to the plane of the table, that is, the dog’s body does not have to be inclined in any way. left side, neither in right side. Rib cage in this case, it must be secured in an immobilized position.

The pelvis is placed parallel to the plane of the table, maintaining an exactly symmetrical position of its left and right sides in relation to the main axis. Kneecaps The animal must be in the upper middle state, that is, they must be clearly visible in the photo. Incorrect development in dogs. In a similar way, the animal is “stretched” by its hind limbs, which must be turned 15 degrees.

After this, a test for dysplasia in dogs is performed directly. After extracting the image, the veterinarian checks the equality of the sizes and the symmetry of the location of the pelvic bones. The veterinarian, who bears absolute responsibility for the test procedure, is obliged to place a non-erasable mark on the photo to identify the animal, that is, the dog’s brand number. It should be noted that during the period of the dysplasia test, the dog must be at least 12 months old. The picture indicates:

  • animal's name;
  • stamp number;
  • date of birth;
  • breed;
  • date of shooting;
  • marks “left” and “right”;
  • address and name of the owner.

The doctor who performs a test for abnormal development in a dog is obliged to control the quality of the image and the accuracy of the position skeletal system. When there are pathologies or “doubtful” circumstances, then veterinarian must bring the owner up to date. He can establish a conclusion based on the results of the image in advance. The conclusion contains the establishment of one of the stages of hip position:

  • stage I, or A: without indicators of abnormal development;
  • stage II, or B: moderately normal position;
  • stage III, or C: mild;
  • stage IV, or D. middle.

Therapy for joint dysplasia

It should immediately be emphasized that treatment of abnormalities in the structure of joints in animals does not provide 100% results. Treatment of dysplasia in dogs is carried out using chondroprotectors, which are applied by injection into the veins or joints of the animal. Under no circumstances should you carry out the procedure yourself. This must only be done by a doctor. When abnormal development is discovered in a pet, you need to apply maximum effort to ensure that it lived longer without pain and difficulties.

Various substances should be used, including those with an analgesic effect. In order to remove pain syndrome, veterinarians often determine Quadrisol-5, to eliminate the acute inflammatory process - Phenylbutazone, and in order to stop the destruction processes - Stride. The drug Rimadyl can help eliminate or reduce lameness. The treatment also includes taking vitamins, proper nutrition and physical activity regimen.

In case of neglected disease processes, veterinarians refer the dog for surgery. The type of operation is determined after general diagnostics, it can be:

  1. Myectomy of the pectineus muscle. It is not considered a difficult operation during which the pectineus muscle of the hip joint is dissected. This reduces the pain caused by physical activity and the pressure on the affected joint. This manipulation is performed exclusively on young animals in order to stabilize their position.
  2. Resection of the femoral head. This procedure is also called resection arthroplasty. It involves the removal of the head of the femur, and the fixation of the limb is performed thanks to a special ligament. After such an intervention, motor function is preserved only in small pets whose weight does not exceed 15 kilograms. For this reason, its implementation among representatives of large and huge breeds will not provide the predicted result.
  3. The method of triple pelvic osteotomy refers to complex operations. The doctor cuts the bone, then it is turned in a similar way so that it comes into closer contact with the hip joint. An auxiliary plate is used to strengthen the bone. This method is used to cure exclusively young animals.
  4. Interacetabular osteotomy method. The method consists of removing the wedge-shaped part of the neck. The end, which fits more tightly into the articular notch, is secured with a plate.
  5. Changing a joint. The procedure is carried out in hospitals that have specialized equipment, devices and prostheses. The procedure involves completely removing the diseased joint and replacing it with a new one. This surgical intervention provides good results and in most situations the dog begins to live a full life.

The dog owner must monitor the pet's weight. Dogs that are at risk for the disease or have already been diagnosed with the disease must limit physical activity. Long runs, active games with jumping can cause intensive development of pathology and a shift to the worse of the condition. However, completely eliminating physical no activity needed.

Active overloads are not recommended for up to six months, but the animal can swim. The disease will require a special careful attitude towards the pupil, and it depends only on the owner to what extent the dog’s life will be high-quality and long without pain and suffering.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is being reported more and more often. Dogs of large breeds or those with a large body weight are most susceptible to it, since it puts a strain on the musculoskeletal system. Joints also wear out due to excessive physical activity. What is dysplasia, how does it manifest itself and how can you help your beloved four-legged friend?

What is dysplasia

Dysplasia in dogs is characterized degenerative changes in the hip joints. That is, they are gradually destroyed, which causes severe pain to the animal. Any movement, even the smallest one, is real torture for a four-legged family member.

You can recognize that a dog will have dysplasia at an early age. This allows you to start treatment as early as possible, which will save the dog physical activity long time. How to recognize that a puppy or adult dog Is there a risk of suffering from dysplasia?

Normally (in a healthy animal), the head of the femur fits perfectly into the socket on the pelvic bone, they are in close contact with each other. With dysplasia, the dog has a gap (empty space) between the head and the cavity. When moving, friction occurs, as a result, the articular surfaces are abraded and destroyed.

Causes of dysplasia in dogs

Hip dysplasia in susceptible dogs will not be congenital; the pathology always develops after birth. But it is very common to diagnose this disease possible precisely at an early age: the first suspicions from a veterinarian may arise even at six months of age, but the growth of bone and cartilage tissue ends somewhere in a year and a half.

It is during this period that one can already say for sure whether the dog has problems with the musculoskeletal system. But why does hip dysplasia occur in dogs?

The main reason for the development of hip dysplasia is genetic predisposition. At the genetic level, a tendency to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is transmitted to the baby.

However, even if one parent has a confirmed diagnosis, this does not mean at all that the puppies will also have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

But there are also predisposing factors that can provoke the development of pathology. If you take care of your puppy from a very young age, you can avoid problems with the hip joints.

  • Incorrect feeding. Most diseases are caused by improper diet of animals. If the puppy is fed only meat or milk (only protein nutrition) or they give poor quality food, then problems with paws cannot be avoided.
  • Excess calcium and phosphorus. Yes, these microelements are necessary for a growing body; they strengthen bones and cartilage tissue. However, if you overfeed them, then bone“oversaturated”, the cartilage will become too dense (elasticity will be lost). And instead of a shock-absorbing effect, when running and jumping the animal harms its joints.
  • Rapid or very large weight gain. Extra pounds are just an additional burden on the musculoskeletal and muscular systems. And if the dog still runs and tries to jump, then problems with the joints cannot be avoided.
  • Too active training and physical activity. Especially in puppyhood or old age, when bones and joints are vulnerable.
  • As the exact opposite of the previous point - low activity. If the baby doesn’t go for walks at all, and only goes outside to do his business, then his joints will definitely develop incorrectly.
  • Injuries, including sprains or sprains. This is why it is so important to ensure that your baby does not run on slippery floors (or on ice outside). Cover the floors (linoleum, parquet, laminate, tile) with carpets so that the pet does not “stretch out” on the floor when it runs around playing.

Breed Predisposition

Any dog ​​can develop dysplasia, but there is a certain predisposition. Some breeds get sick more often than others. Namely, large, massive and tall dogs, because their load on the musculoskeletal system is much more serious than that of medium or small dogs.

Dogs that have a lot of physical activity (work dogs, sled dogs) are also often affected. What kind of breeds are these? Great Danes, St. Bernards, Newfies, Shepherds, Rottweilers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers, Malamutes, divers and other representatives of the barking family.


Recognizing the symptoms of dysplasia is not so difficult, but the diagnosis can only be confirmed after additional research. The most effective is x-ray. The image will show a gap between the articular surfaces of the bones or degeneration that has already begun. However, there are also visible Clinical signs, which the owner can notice without x-rays.

You can suspect something is wrong if the pet begins to limp or stagger when walking (“slips” the pelvis).

  • Notice how the dog runs. If he pushes off with both hind legs, then this is a signal that something is wrong with the limbs. This is considered incorrect paw placement.
  • Think about it if the animal began to rest often during a walk. He runs less, plays less, and tries more and more to lie down or sit. It is noticeable that physical activity is difficult for him.
  • There was some stiffness in movements. For example, going down and up the stairs), and sometimes getting up from the floor has become extremely difficult. Even lifting a dog's paw becomes a difficult task.
  • The dog lies down unusually, spreading in different sides sore paws. In addition, it is noticeable how the load is transferred from damaged limbs to healthy ones. Therefore, healthy paws become more massive (due to the fact that all the work is redistributed to them), but sick paws, on the contrary, “lose weight”, the muscles atrophy.
  • With hip dysplasia, the affected joints swell, swell, and become extremely painful when touched and palpated.

Treatment of a dog with dysplasia

Treatment of dysplasia in dogs should begin as early as possible. There are 2 main types of therapy: surgical and drug. And only the veterinarian should decide how to treat the patient. The degree of damage, the age of the animal, and its weight are taken into account.

With conservative treatment, the veterinarian prescribes chondroprotectors (accelerating the restoration of cartilage tissue), antispasmodics (to reduce pain), anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements, accelerating tissue restoration. It is imperative to review the diet and, if necessary, put the dog on a diet so that he loses excess weight.

Physiotherapy helps relieve painful sensations, relieves inflammation, helps restore cartilage tissue faster. It is good to massage (only a professional should do this so as not to harm the dog). Both swimming and very careful slow running are good as physical therapy. However, active running and any jumping should be immediately prohibited.

If therapy is powerless or the degree of damage is so severe that no medications or physical procedures will help, then the veterinarian will recommend surgery. Just be sure to take an x-ray before it to assess the severity of the pathology.

Surgery will help correct the size of the articular surface so that the bones fit together perfectly.

There are 3 ways out of the situation: excision of the head and neck of the femur, osteotomy (changing the articular fossa so that the bone “fits” into it) and endoprosthetics (titanium prosthesis). In any of the above cases, long-term rehabilitation is necessary, but after it the dog does not experience the slightest discomfort and happily runs and jumps.


Prevention is easy.

  • Do not stress your baby, do not force him to run and jump a lot. And also, do not lock him at home, limiting his freedom. Secure the floor in the house so that the baby does not stretch out on the floor like a frog.
  • Watch your diet. Enrich with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but remember that overfeeding with protein foods and increased supply of calcium and phosphorus can harm the growing body.
  • Don't chase the animal, don't make it jump a lot. And we are talking not only about puppies, but also about adult dogs.
  • Before adopting a puppy, make sure that both parents have been tested for canine dysplasia and received a negative result. The breeder must have an official document in his hands, which must contain the mark “A” (there are no pathological changes in cartilage tissue). This, of course, is not a guarantee that the dog will not have dysplasia in the future, but still the risk of developing pathology is much lower.

Dysplasia is dangerous disease joints, which is not the case in dogs congenital pathology, but is directly related to heredity. This disease mainly affects large breeds. Almost every puppy is predisposed to the disease, which will later grow into a heavy dog. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease during puppyhood. Timely treatment will help protect your pet from serious consequences, including complete immobility.

Reasons for appearance

Behind Lately Joint dysplasia is spreading rapidly and taking on terrifying forms. Over the years of studying the disease, many experts have come to the conclusion that joint dysplasia is a genetically determined disease. Pathology is passed on from generation to generation.

However, there is an opinion that the disease can be acquired (as a result of injury). But this hypothesis is broken by the fact that unhealthy puppies are more often born to certain breeds. Moreover, in the same females and males.

In addition, the theory genetic predisposition It also confirms that stray and mongrel dogs are not susceptible to the disease, although domestic pets are more often injured. The disease also develops in puppies resulting from “mixed marriages” between outbred representatives and individuals of breeds predisposed to dysplasia. Therefore, one can hardly think that the disease is acquired.

Role hereditary predisposition to the onset of the disease is enormous. There are factors that contribute to the development of dysplasia in dogs:

  • a lack of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • early and inappropriate physical activity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • incorrect proportion of calcium and phosphorus;
  • obesity;
  • excess protein;
  • diseases that lead to disruption of the development and growth of an animal.

All of the above factors have their place in the development of pathology, but their “contribution” to the occurrence of the disease is no more than 5%.

Types of disease in dogs

Symptoms and disease, as stated, develop in large breeds of dogs - Labradors, Great Danes, Shepherds, St. Bernards and others. Dysplasia is serious pathology, which leads to the destruction of the hip, elbow or knee joints. At the last stage of the disease, animals cannot move independently.

There are 5 degrees of dysplasia:

  • 1 (A) - absence of disorders in the joint;
  • 2 (B), 3 (C) - sometimes there are dislocations;
  • 4 (D), 5 (E) - moderate and severe degrees, which lead to serious and severe damage to the joints.

There is dysplasia of the hip, elbow and knee joints.

Hip dysplasia (HJD)

In dogs, adverse events in the hip joint cause changes in the physiological location of the femoral head to the glenoid cavity. The main signs of animal behavior during such changes are:

The appearance of signs of hip dysplasia is determined by the severity of the disorders:

  • with minor changes, the symptoms of the disease usually do not appear at all or develop only in old age;
  • If there are significant changes in the hip joint, signs of the disease will immediately become visible even if the puppy is properly maintained.

Elbow dysplasia

If the disease is concentrated in elbow joint, That the following symptoms are observed:

  • the dog limping on its front legs;
  • reluctance to give paw on command;
  • the appearance of thickenings or other fragments on the elbow joint;
  • withdrawal of the limb upon palpation of the neoplasm;
  • refusal to go down stairs.

Some symptoms of this type depend on the characteristics of the disease. For example, articular bones can thicken, causing friction, or, conversely, shrink, creating a strong gap.

Knee dysplasia

Knee changes in dogs are uncommon and usually result from injury or increased stress on the hind legs. In such situations, the position of the bones changes according to the type of subluxation. Signs of knee dysplasia:

  • visible deformation of the knee joints;
  • pain when feeling the knee;
  • severe lameness on the hind legs.

To prevent the disease from developing, large breed puppies should be the right conditions content and try to eliminate the possibility of injury.


Joint dysplasia is diagnosed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal and an x-ray examination. The doctor palpates all the dog’s joints, assesses their mobility, and listens for friction squeaks when extending or bending the limbs. An experienced veterinarian can make a diagnosis based on these tests in most cases.

At the initial stage, the dog is shown x-ray examination. The picture is taken after the administration of anesthesia, since without this it is almost impossible to secure the animal’s real estate. In the picture you can see the location of the femoral neck and glenoid cavity. The specialist determines the presence of deformation.

Rules that must be followed to obtain high-quality images:

  • small dogs are examined only after 1 year of life, adults - after 1.5;
  • each dog is filmed 2 times;
  • The photograph is taken with the animal lying on its back with its legs extended in parallel.

Arthroscopy - another examination, which will allow you to give an objective assessment of the condition of the joints and help determine dysplasia. This examination is endoscopic. Through a small puncture, a miniature camera is inserted into the joint area, with which the specialist can see the cartilage structure. This procedure is very expensive and is not performed in all veterinary clinics.

After all the manipulations and studies, the doctor determines the degree of dysplasia and selects treatment.


Dysplasia in dogs is treated with medication and surgically. The choice of treatment method depends on the course of the disease, individual characteristics the dog's body and health. Treatment of elbow joint dysplasia can be carried out either conservatively or surgically. Treatment for hip dysplasia in dogs is usually surgical.

Conservative therapy

Treatment medications includes use of different medications:

  • chondoprotectors - drugs for joint regeneration;
  • antispasmodics - to relieve pain;
  • anti-inflammatory - aimed at relieving tissue inflammation.

But dietary supplements with chondroitin and glucasamine are also prescribed to speed up the recovery process in the joints. Along with the use of dietary supplements and medicines, shown to the dog special diet for weight loss with simultaneous administration vitamins and minerals.

Physiotherapeutic procedures can have a positive effect. The most popular and in demand are:

  • laser and magnetic therapy;
  • ozokerite or paraffin therapy;
  • massage of a sore joint.

During treatment, the animal's physical activity is not excluded, but it should be restrained - light jogging, swimming, slow walks. Need to know that conservative therapy DTS is only a temporary improvement in the condition, in which lameness is eliminated and pain is eliminated. Unfortunately, damaged joints cannot be restored. Therefore, veterinarians recommend surgical correction.

Surgical intervention

Surgery to treat dysplasia in dogs involves changing the shape of the femoral head so that it fits the size of the glenoid cavity. The complexity of the operation depends on the degree of the disease. For minor violations, the process involves removing a small part of the cartilage. In severe cases the following operations are carried out:

  1. Endoprosthesis replacement is the replacement of the hip joint with a titanium prosthesis. After recovery, the animal will move normally without any discomfort.
  2. Osteotomy - changing the location of the articular notch and giving physiological correct form joint. If arthritis aggravated by dysplasia is present, this type of operation is not envisaged.
  3. Removal of the head and neck of the femur - the procedure does not involve replacing the joint with an implant, but is associated with a long recovery period. After final recovery, no symptoms of the disease remain, the dog can jump and run without restrictions.

Deciding on the method surgical intervention decided by a veterinarian based on the dog’s condition and diagnosis. With dysplasia, any operation is a delicate job that can only be performed efficiently by a surgeon with deep anatomical knowledge and extensive experience. Therefore, it is very important to find a good specialist.

Disease Prevention

Preventive measures to prevent and prevent the development of pathology depend on the stage at which they are needed. You need to think about the absence of illness in a puppy before purchasing it. When choosing a large breed puppy, it is important to make sure that its parents do not have a disease. Their test results for dysplasia must correspond to grade A. The breeder is required to submit such a certificate along with other documents. Although even this does not give full confidence is that the dog will not develop the disease in the future.

In puppies aged 6 months (and even older), it is very difficult to determine dysplasia. But if you are predisposed, the disease will still manifest itself someday. Therefore, it is necessary to start as early as possible preventive actions to prevent the risk of occurrence and development of consequences. Preventive measures include adequate exercise and balanced diet. With this approach you can stop further development illness, even if the puppy has begun the process of joint changes.

But if a large breed puppy begins to be fed and subject to great physical activity , then all this leads to an increase in the load on the joints and the development of pathology.

Any animal requires care and attention, especially if it is a large breed dog that is at risk for joint diseases. However, you need to know that dysplasia is not a death sentence. Save your pet It is possible if you notice changes in time and begin adequate treatment.

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