Ears take a long time to heal after otoplasty. Everything you need to know about otoplasty: indications, types, recommendations, possible complications. Let's talk about the unpleasant: risks and complications

People who are satisfied with their own appearance in absolutely everything can be called lucky. But in most cases, we still want to change something, correct something. And then we turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

Otoplasty (ear plastic surgery), or surgery to correct the shape and size ears, in itself does not last long, on average about an hour and, as a rule, is carried out under local anesthesia. But the operation itself is not enough for a good result.

After otoplasty is performed, the patient is transferred to a ward where he will spend some time and then go home. If desired, the patient can stay one night in the hospital. This is necessary to monitor the patient and give him further recommendations.

Immediately after ear surgery, the plastic surgeon applies a special bandage to the patient.: she presses the new ears and, at the same time, protects them from mechanical damage. In addition, this dressing holds mineral oil-impregnated cotton wool, which helps to avoid post-operative swelling.

Usually after otoplasty various medicines , accelerating the healing process, over sutures The ears are sealed with a special plaster which prevents dirt from entering. And to protect new ears from various injuries and mechanical damage, a tennis ribbon or scarf is placed on the head.

During the first three days after otoplasty, you may be bothered by discomfort in the ear area; analgesics will help reduce them, but antibiotics prescribed by your doctor will need to be taken for at least five to seven days without fail.

First dressing after ear plastic surgery, it is performed the next day after surgery. Second dressing prescribed on the 3-4th day after surgery. A week after ear surgery, you need to come to the clinic for removing stitches.

Like after any plastic surgery, after otoplasty will appear bruises and postoperative edema. The bruises are not very visible and will take one week to disappear; they usually disappear by the time the stitches are removed. The duration of swelling depends on individual characteristics. To reduce this period, you need to limit yourself to salty and spicy foods and hot drinks - all of this provokes swelling.

Otoplasty result You will be able to evaluate immediately after the operation is completed. The final result of otoplasty is assessed after two months. subject to mandatory compliance with a number of necessary conditions.

  • Depending on the degree of complexity of the operation, the bandage, which protects the ears from possible accidental injuries, can be removed after three days, but the most optimal period of wearing the bandage is a week.
  • Until the stitches heal, you should stop washing your hair.
  • Due to pain and the danger of damaging the stitches, you should sleep on your back for the first time.
  • During the first month, you need to wear a special bandage at night, it can be a tennis bandage, or buy a special bandage after otoplasty, so as not to cause damage due to awkward movements of the head or arms during sleep.
  • Compared to other plastic surgeries, otoplasty is considered easy in terms of the rehabilitation period; however, you should limit yourself from physical activity and other activities that can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and also protect your ears from injury for two months.
  • We also put off glasses for a month and a half.

After plastic surgery to correct the ears, the same physiotherapeutic procedures are used as rehabilitation as for other plastic surgery. This may include hardware cosmetology and other manipulations aimed at making healing faster and without complications.

Photos before and after otoplasty

There are a number of minor issues that you may encounter after otoplasty.. For example, the skin of your new ears may become less sensitive. Be prepared for the fact that the return of sensitivity may be accompanied by “strange sensations”, like “goosebumps”. Soon everything will be restored and sensitivity will be as before.

Before ear plastic surgery, every plastic surgeon explains to his patient that plastic surgery on the ears does not affect hearing in any way. Unpleasant sensations in postoperative period absolutely natural. But you need to be patient, and soon you will appreciate the result of otoplasty and will rejoice at your perfect ears, on which not a trace of the operation will remain.

Correction of the shape and location of the ears can be carried out under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method depends on the characteristics and volume surgical intervention, the wishes of the patient are also taken into account.

If you do not want to be conscious during ear surgery, the operation will be performed under light anesthesia. In this case, we recommend staying in the clinic room for the first 24 hours after the correction. If plastic surgery is performed under local anesthesia, you can leave the clinic after 3-4 hours.

Bandage after otoplasty

All patients who have undergone otoplasty will have an aseptic seal applied to their ears after surgery. gauze bandage. It is fixed on top with a circular elastic bandage. A compression bandage presses the ears to the head, fixes them anatomically correct position, protects the ears from mechanical damage. It also helps reduce the severity of swelling and hematomas after surgery.

The aseptic dressing after otoplasty must be changed every day; as the wound heals, dressings are done every 2-3 days. The compression bandage should be worn continuously during the first week. From the second week it can be removed during the day, but at night you only need to sleep in a bandage.

Swelling after otoplasty and pain

Your ears will hurt a little after otoplasty. As a rule, the pain syndrome is moderate and can be successfully relieved with painkillers. Minor painful sensations persist for several days, after which they disappear completely.

Swelling after otoplasty persists for a longer period - up to two weeks. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to reduce the severity of swelling. A compression bandage after otoplasty also helps reduce tissue swelling.

Sutures after otoplasty

Sutures after otoplasty are removed after 5-7 days. If absorbable suture material was used during the operation, this manipulation is not necessary. Scars after ear surgery are not visible because they pass along inner surface auricle.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty: physiotherapy

To accelerate tissue regeneration, hardware cosmetology methods are used. At the SOHO CLINIC, after plastic surgery, patients are prescribed microcurrent therapy using a modern Skin Master Plus device. The purpose of the procedures is to normalize the outflow of lymph and microcirculation, improve oxygenation and nutrition of tissues, and accelerate regeneration. A short course of procedures significantly reduces the duration of the recovery period.

At the SOHO CLINIC, patients after ear plastic surgery are provided with three free physiotherapeutic procedures.

During recovery after ear surgery, general recommendations should be followed. Sports, jogging and others physical exercise must be limited to a period of up to two months. The expansion of physical activity is carried out gradually. You cannot visit the solarium or sauna. Avoid hypothermia, direct sun rays.

So that the ears after otoplasty acquire the correct anatomical shape, you cannot use glasses for two months. Women should refrain from wearing jewelry (earrings). On full recovery It takes about six months after ear surgery. During this period, minor residual effects after operation.

If you still have questions regarding ear surgery and the rehabilitation period after surgery, sign up for free consultation plastic surgeon SOHO CLINIC. The doctor will answer all questions, tell you about the rules of preparation for plastic surgery and the features of the recovery period.

In the period from five to 14 years, when cartilage tissue tends to recover quickly. The result of such an operation largely depends on proper care behind the ears after it.

Rehabilitation period after otoplasty

To ensure rapid healing of the ears and speed up the recovery period, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. You should be careful with your ears for 10 days, and constantly, then you can.

Healing of cut tissues proceeds differently for everyone, but in order not to injure the sutures, it is necessary to avoid sports and vigorous activity, which can increase blood pressure and, as a result, cause swelling of the operated areas. After 14 days, sports fans can resume their activities, but with some caution.

To determine for yourself what is possible and what should be avoided in the postoperative period, you need to know what is considered normal, and in case of any deviations you need to consult a doctor.

If in the first two days a person experiences pain, then this is considered normal, after this time they go away on their own.

How is recovery after surgery going?

It consists of several stages, as evidenced by:

  1. Destruction– during the operation, tissue and cells are damaged at the incision site, they are not immediately healed.
  2. Exudation– it develops, which almost always occurs after damage due to the flow of the liquid component of the blood into the intercellular space.
  3. Proliferation– the stage is characterized by cell division, and this process occurs at an accelerated pace, which helps restore tissue. At this time from connective tissue a primary scar is formed.
  4. Resorption– the final stage, after which the scar subsides a little and becomes less pronounced. Connective tissue cells are replaced by their epithelial counterparts.

All of the above stages of the rehabilitation period follow each other in exactly this sequence and contribute to the healing of surgical incisions.

The recovery period involves wearing a special bandage; it not only protects the operated ears from injury, but also contributes to the correct fixation of the resulting ear shape on the long years. When a person sleeps, the bandage protects the not yet fully formed scar from injury and keeps the weak cartilage in the correct position. As such a bandage, you can use not only products specially designed for otoplasty, but its textile variety; some use wide tennis tapes. The dressing is also designed to protect against infection and displacement. cartilage tissue. In order to strictly adhere to the recommendations after such an operation, the bandage should be changed daily, and solutions in the form of chlorhexidine, furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide should be used.

In addition to wearing a bandage, you should know a few more nuances:

  • You can speed up wound healing with cream -;
  • tight bandaging is used to prevent bleeding immediately after surgery;
  • at severe pain, which often appears after extensive surgical intervention, use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (or);
  • To reduce swelling, special tight bandages are used, but they are only allowed to be applied by a surgeon.

The video below will tell you about rehabilitation after surgery:

Ear care

You need to direct all your actions to protect your ears from the influence of negative factors on them. The following recommendations will need to be followed:

  • Introduction to the diet during the rehabilitation period of easily digestible foods with high content proteins and fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meats are required.
  • Limit physical activity, consumption of junk food, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Try to stay in comfortable conditions, at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees and no lower than 18. Until the stitches are completely healed, avoid going to baths and saunas, and also avoid.
  • Washing your hair is allowed only after 3 days without shampoo, but only with warm water, then you can only use baby detergent.
  • Those who wear glasses need to worry about lenses in advance, since glasses cannot be worn for at least two months until the ears are completely healed.

Removing stitches

  • If during the operation a silk thread was used to sew up the sutures, it will need to be removed in medical conditions in five days or a week.
  • But when using catgut, the stitches dissolve on their own.

The doctor will be able to evaluate the results of his work only after six months; if necessary, he will recommend the use of some hardware cosmetology techniques. The rehabilitation period is relatively easy, so when preparing for such an operation, you need to set aside a week of your vacation for it. After which it will be possible to constantly admire beautiful shape ears.

Sensitivity in the ear area after otoplasty will be restored gradually, with slight symptoms discomfort, you will want to scratch the wounds, but you shouldn’t do this.

There are very few people in the world who are completely satisfied with their appearance, and they can rightfully be called lucky. But today, thanks to active development plastic surgery Almost any flaw in appearance can be corrected. One of the most popular operations is otoplasty. This surgical correction shape or size of the ear.

Otoplasty is not complex operation, has practically no side effects and contraindications, does not last long (up to an hour), does not require long-term hospitalization, as a rule, the patient can be discharged home on the same day. But reconstructive surgery- this is only the first step on the path to perfect ears, immediately after it begins no less important period– rehabilitation after otoplasty, which determines not only the speed of recovery, but also the consequences of the operation.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty is a complex process that includes several options. rehabilitation treatment and rules of conduct. Let's look at the most important of them.

Compression bandage

Perhaps, the consequences of otoplasty most depend on compliance with the plastic surgeon’s recommendations for wearing a special compression bandage. The latter is put on immediately after the operation over the aseptic one. Its main task is to keep the ears pressed to the head. It also protects against accidental injury Everyday life and during sleep, prevents severe bruising and swelling of the postoperative wound.

Depending on the size of the surgical intervention, it is necessary to wear a bandage from 7 to 14 days. By appearance it resembles a tennis court, so you don’t have to worry about people around you looking at you.

Necessary medications in the postoperative period

Immediately after otoplasty, the patient is given parenteral painkillers to relieve pain. But painful sensations may still bother you during the first 3 days after surgery. To make rehabilitation more comfortable, the patient is discharged non-narcotic analgesics in tablets for this period.

Be sure to prescribe a course of antibiotics wide range to prevent infection of a postoperative wound (5-7 days).

To the complex drug treatment also include the use of external dosage forms(ointments, gels, creams) that promote fast healing wounds and have antibacterial properties. The drugs are selected only by a plastic surgeon.

  • Bruising and swelling

Despite the low invasiveness of otoplasty, bruising and swelling cannot be avoided, but measures can be taken to minimize these consequences of the intervention. For this purpose, wearing a compression bandage and special, absorbable hematomas are prescribed, medications. Typically, bruises last up to 7 days. To reduce swelling, you need to limit yourself to salty and spicy food, which retains moisture in the body.

Dressing and removal of stitches

The consequences of otoplasty also depend on the timeliness of postoperative dressings and removal surgical sutures. Typically, about three dressing changes are needed after surgery. Each time, a gauze swab is impregnated with medicines containing wound healing and antiseptic properties, a compression bandage is put on top. Sutures are removed one week after otoplasty. To do this you will need to visit the clinic.

  • Night sleep

This is very important point rapid rehabilitation, since in a dream a person does not control his movements and can injure the operated ear. You need to sleep on your back and always with compression bandage on the head.

  • Final result

The consequences of otoplasty and the rehabilitation performed can be seen 2 weeks after the operation - that’s when the swelling will completely disappear, the bruises will disappear and you won’t have to wear a bandage anymore. At first, some discomfort may be felt and the sensitivity of the skin of the operated ears may decrease, but after 2 months all unpleasant sensations disappear completely. It must be emphasized that otoplasty does not affect hearing in any way.

To speed up recovery as quickly as possible after plastic surgery, not only after otoplasty, you can use the services of hardware cosmetology and physiotherapeutic procedures offered by the clinic.

You also need to remember the following recommendations:

  • Do not wash your hair before removing the stitches (risk of infection);
  • Avoid physical overexertion so that your blood pressure does not increase (postoperative bleeding may begin);
  • Forget about glasses for 2 months until complete healing;
  • It is not recommended to wear earrings during the first two months after otoplasty.

By following all the described principles of rehabilitation and the advice of your plastic surgeon, your recovery will be as quick and successful as possible.

What is otoplasty? Literally meaning “ear reshaping,” the procedure is the reconstruction or correction of the shape and size of the ears through surgery. Simply put, this surgery is indicated for the 5% of the population with abnormally protruding ears.

Types of operation

The most common and old way ridding a person of protruding ears - scalpel otoplasty ears. This method is not very revered among patients: after surgery, scars remain, the process itself takes more than 2 hours, and rehabilitation is quite long.

A modern alternative to a scalpel - laser otoplasty. During the operation, specialists make incisions using a laser beam. Among the obvious advantages of medical manipulation: the shortest rehabilitation period and the absence of postoperative scars.

Laser otoplasty is gradually losing ground, giving way to innovative method - radio wave operation. Doctors, armed with radio waves, painlessly deprive the patient of the complex. And a person recovers after such a procedure for no more than three weeks.

The rehabilitation period after “ear correction”, regardless of the type of operation performed, is divided into early and late. We'll talk more about each of them below.

Features of the early postoperative period

Before and after otoplasty

Otoplasty of the ears is a type of surgical intervention, the implementation of which entails a violation of varying degrees integrity of soft tissues and cartilage. Hence the obviousness of such unpleasant symptoms such as pain, swelling and bruising. The severity of these signs depends on the progress of the procedure, the characteristics of the patient’s body and his compliance with medical recommendations. The duration of early rehabilitation varies from 7 to 10 days.

More about the main thing: pain, swelling and bruising

Mild, even minor pain is considered a normal postoperative symptom. In case of low pain syndrome The patient is advised to take analgesics. This can also be attributed increased sensitivity ears - this sign disappears after a couple of days.

Swelling and bruising do not leave the patient for 2-3 weeks after surgery. More often they resolve on their own; in rare cases, surgical drainage is required. A slight increase in temperature in the first days after the procedure is also considered normal.

What you need to know about compression bandages?

The postoperative bandage fixes the ears in the correct position and prevents them from moving until the tissue begins to heal. Among the others important functions performed with a bandage:

  • protection of ears from possible injuries;
  • preventing the spread of swelling and hematomas formed in the surgical area.

What is an attribute? Is it normal or elastic bandage, made in the shape of a ring that is worn on the head. It can be replaced with a special bandage; it is very comfortable to wear during the postoperative period. A special feature of the product is its universal size due to the existing fastener (adhesive tape).

The duration of wearing the bandage is 1-2 weeks. Medical attire can only be removed if prescribed by a doctor.

After the procedure, the patient will undergo at least 2 dressings:

  1. A day later. During the process, the condition of the ear is assessed.
  2. On the 8th day. During the dressing process, doctors remove the stitches.

After the examination, the specialist evaluates the result and gives additional recommendations.

Medications used

When dressings, tampons soaked in antiseptic are placed on the suture area. To speed up wound healing, the doctor may prescribe some healing ointments, creams, and gels. The most common option is Levosin ointment.

In case of severe pain, the patient is advised to take painkillers. They are usually given by injection.

It is important to know! The prescription of any medications during the recovery period, especially if otoplasty was performed on a child, is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

For ease of understanding, we will list the main postoperative recommendations of doctors in the table:

Washing headYou should not wash your hair for the first 3 days. Next, before removing the seams, use only warm water without detergents. Then for a month it is better to give preference to baby shampoo.
Sleep and restYou should rest and sleep as much as possible. The recommended sleeping position is lying on your back. It is better to raise the head of the bed or use pillows to reduce the severity of swelling.
Physical activityAny physical activity in the first 7 days after the procedure is excluded. If otoplasty was performed on children, at this time preference should be given to quiet games and contact sports should be excluded.
You can resume activity towards the end of the 2nd week. It is recommended to gradually return to the previous rhythm of life.
Wearing glassesGlasses should be put aside for the duration of the entire recovery period, regardless of whether otoplasty of the ears was performed with a laser or another instrument.
Contact with the sunThe ears are very sensitive to light in the first weeks after surgery. Full contact is possible only after a month. Until this time, the patient is advised to take short walks using sunscreen. Obviously, solarium and sauna are excluded.

Features of the late postoperative period

The main task of this period of time is to provide conditions for the rapid healing of operated tissues. The period ends after 30 days. It includes a list of recommendations regarding lifestyle and nutrition, if followed, you can count on a favorable result.

At this time, the patient may be bothered by minor swelling, partial loss of sensitivity in the ears, and discomfort in the scar area. These symptoms are normal and indicate that the ears are not ready to fully cope with the functions assigned to them.

Note! Pain in the late postoperative period is an uncharacteristic symptom. If this occurs, consult a doctor.


Nutrition during the period of recovery of the body after surgery is characterized by the following features:

  1. It must be varied in order to ensure that the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other components enter the patient’s body.
  2. The patient's diet should consist of easily digestible foods.
  3. It is better to give preference to lean meat (rabbit, poultry, beef), cereals, vegetables and fruits.
  4. All spicy, fried, fatty, salty, smoked, spicy dishes are taboo for the patient.

Such nutrition, as well as refusal bad habits, will provide excellent otoplasty results and eliminate possible complications.

Let's talk about the unpleasant: risks and complications

Any operation does not exclude risks and complications. Cosmetic surgery, be it laser otoplasty or any other operation, is usually quite healthy people- hence the small percentage of complications.

Among the possible unpleasant manifestations during the recovery period, experts include:

  • divergence of wound edges;
  • development of infection;
  • necrosis of ear tissue;
  • volumetric hematomas.

An operation such as otoplasty shortens some of the nerves in the ear, so it may lose some of its sensitivity for up to 12 months.

The ear cartilage boasts a “memory”, under the influence of which the auricle constantly tries to take its original position. Therefore, any operation may be unsuccessful - the protruding ears will return to the patient over time. In such cases, repeat otoplasty is performed.

Evaluation of results

7 days after surgery, specialists are able to evaluate the initial aesthetic improvement in the shape and location of the ears. Once the bandage is removed, the patient can immediately notice improvements. In a favorable situation, the result progresses every day. This will continue for an average of 6 weeks. At this same stage, the doctor may decide that otoplasty was unsuccessful.

Doctors come to a final conclusion a year after the procedure. Most patients are satisfied with the result. However, almost always the operated ears differ minimally from each other - a slight asymmetry remains. This does not mean that revision otoplasty is inevitable. This can be caused by the course of the procedure itself, or, most likely, by the initial asymmetry of the ears.

As you can see, the rehabilitation period after this kind of cosmetic surgery plays a key role in ensuring the proper result and achieving a positive cosmetic effect. The lion's share of successful ear correction is hidden in painstaking adherence to the entire list of doctor's recommendations.