Bad breath. Bad breath - causes, treatment, why your breath stinks, how to get rid of it

There are a number of causes of bad breath (halitosis):

  • use of poor quality hygiene products. The toothbrush should be as maneuverable as possible, have medium hardness and a movable head that can penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • Irregular brushing of teeth. You need to take care of your oral cavity at least 2 times a day, because cariogenic bacteria constantly produce fetid hydrogen sulfide, which causes bad breath;
  • smoking. Bad breath in smokers occurs due to prolonged smoking and chronic dental diseases;
  • caries. Stuck in carious cavities rotted food fragments increase the symptoms of bad breath;
  • some diseases. Often the stench appears due to diseases of the digestive system (for example, gastritis);
  • wrong diet. Eating large amounts of fast food and foods rich in simple carbohydrates, carbonated drinks can cause bad breath;
  • other reasons.

Who is at risk?

People who have:

  1. endocrine disorders;
  2. excess body weight;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. functioning problems salivary glands;
  5. tendency to form gas (flatulence);
  6. immunodeficiency disorders;
  7. inflammatory and infectious processes in the oral cavity;
  8. disturbances of intestinal microflora.

How to get tested for halitosis?

Sometimes it is difficult to find out what causes bad breath without using instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. Therefore, if you suffer from halitosis, the symptoms of which do not improve with increased hygiene measures, you should undergo comprehensive examination, visit a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, dental hygienist, take blood and urine tests.

At the dentist's office, you can undergo a breath test and assess the degree of development of halitosis. A specialist will accurately determine whether you have this disease or whether you suffer from halitophobia. The air exhaled through the nose has an odor that comes from the tonsils and nasal cavity. There is no odor emanating from the oral cavity. Sometimes what's unpleasant is nasal breathing(for sinusitis, adenoids, polyps). Therefore, to determine the exact location of the source of the stench, a specialist will evaluate the nasal, pulmonary and oral air separately.

Eliminating bad breath

Get rid of bad breath (halitosis) by changing your approach to nutrition and daily hygiene:

Use quality toothpastes and gels famous manufacturers, which can effectively remove microbial plaque, help prevent caries, as well as eliminate bad breath.

Use ultrasonic toothbrushes, because their bristles clean out food debris even from hard-to-reach places.

Use floss to clean the interdental spaces from pieces of food that feed bacteria, creating a stale odor in the mouth.

Carry out a regular mouth rinse procedure. Use mouthwashes such as LISTERINE®. They include a complex essential oils, which can be removed bad smell from the mouth, acting directly on the cause of its appearance – pathogenic microorganisms. The components in LISTERINE® reduce the formation of microbial plaque on the surface of teeth, destroying up to 99.9% of bacteria 1 that cause halitosis, as well as diseases of the gums and teeth. When used correctly, LISTERINE® rinses can get rid of bad odors for 24 hours!

Food. In some cases, certain foods can help reduce unpleasant odors, such as apples, carrots, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and other vegetables.

As you can see, the causes of bad breath are varied. It can sometimes be difficult to determine why bad breath occurs in people who regularly visit the dentist, correct image life and take good care of their teeth. In each specific case it is necessary individual diagnostics and proper treatment.

1 In vitro studies using model of oral biofilms have shown that LISTERINE® can reduce the viability of plaque biofilm by up to 99% compared to a water control. Reduces up to 99% of plaque (or plaque forming) bacteria in lab tests. Internal reports for studies by Minoli G., October 3, 2008 (mixed species biofilm flow through assay performed from Sept. 30, 2008 through Oct. 3, 2008) and by Ilg D et al, Febriary 20, 2009 (mixed species biofilm flow through assay performed from February 16, 2009 to February 20, 2009).

Man is a social creature. Communication accompanies us everywhere: at home, in stores, at work, with friends. And suddenly you notice that people are moving further away, turning away from you. Agree, this is an extremely unpleasant moment. And the reason for this may be halitosis, that is, bad breath.

What to do? How to get rid of bad breath and restore the joy of communication to yourself and others? First of all, you need to understand the reasons why the unpleasant odor appears. And then start eliminating them.

The causes of the odor may be the following:

Oral bacteria

The most common cause of bad breath is anaerobic bacteria living in our mouths. They decompose the remains of protein foods, releasing foul-smelling substances. Meat, fish, legumes, dairy products, and eggs are especially rich in proteins. After eating such food, you should brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly. The bulk of the bacteria settles in the nutritious white coating on the tongue; they accumulate under the gum line and in hard-to-reach places between the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a brush not only for your teeth, but also for your tongue. You need to clean your tongue as deeply as possible, because on the back of it the thickness of the plaque is much greater, which means there are also more bacteria there.

The active growth of putrefactive bacteria is promoted by diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries. Just one rotting tooth can make your breath extremely unpleasant for others. Be sure to visit your dentist once every six months. Monitor the condition of your gums. Blood is a nutritious and “tasty” environment for the life of bacteria.

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are perfectly healed by a tanning and astringent decoction of oak bark. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour and strain. Rinse with broth 6-8 times a day. St. John's wort is useful for inflammation in the mouth. In this case, take a tablespoon of oak bark and St. John's wort per glass of boiling water.
  • For gum diseases, it is recommended to wipe the gums 3 times a day with calamus root powder; you can use it to clean your teeth by mixing it one to one with tooth powder.
  • It is useful to rinse your mouth with decoctions of calendula and chamomile. These herbs have healing, bactericidal and regenerating properties.

Foods we eat

Some foods can make breathing extremely unpleasant. Everyone knows the effect of eating garlic or onions; cabbage and radishes also cause bad breath. When these products are digested, foul-smelling compounds are formed, which enter the lungs with the blood and are eliminated from the body through the breath, giving it its own smell. Therefore, do not consume these products before leaving home, an important meeting, or a date.

  • Apples are especially recommended as a refreshing food. They contain natural sugars that successfully neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • It is very useful to chew a few sprigs of celery, parsley or dill. They contain chlorophyll, one of the most powerful suppressants of strong odors.
  • Carrots are a good breath freshener.
  • In addition, you can try some spices: cardamom, you need to chew a few grains (no need to swallow them); allspice, leave in hot water and rinse your mouth. Tea made from cloves with cinnamon in equal proportions or mint will also freshen your breath for a long time.

Bad habits

Another cause of bad breath is smoking and alcohol abuse. Everyone is familiar with the specific smell from the mouth of smokers. Nicotine, tar and other foul-smelling substances settle on the walls of the teeth and soft tissues oral cavity, causing an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it completely you should quit smoking.

Or, at a minimum, keep your mouth perfectly clean.

  • You can try mouthwash made from wormwood or strawberry infusion. A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. Rinse with warm infusion 5-6 times a day, or better after each cigarette smoked.

When alcohol is abused, a breakdown product appears in the blood - acetaldehyde, a substance extremely dangerous to the body. It is partially excreted through the lungs, giving the breath a terrible fume smell. Since the smell comes from the lungs, it is very difficult to neutralize it with rinses, fruits or chewing gum.

  • Chewing a little bit of nutmeg helps.
  • As a preventive measure, we can only recommend abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Diseases of internal organs

The source of unpleasant specific odors from the oral cavity can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract or upper respiratory tract, as well as inflammation of the ears, throat or nose. In this case you definitely need to see a doctor. In addition to the main treatment, try several recipes:

  • For gastrointestinal diseases, take a tablespoon of dandelion roots, centaury herb, peppermint leaves and plantain leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The infusion is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml, half an hour before meals, and also rinsed the mouth several times a day.
  • Odor associated with stomach or intestinal diseases will help remove salty water. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of water and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. Repeat the procedure for five days. To avoid irritation in the stomach, be sure to drink something dairy or eat porridge a few minutes after drinking water. Similar cleaning contraindicated for any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the cause of the odor is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, try herbal infusion for rinsing the mouth from the leaves and flowers of marshmallow, calendula and yarrow flowers, and large plantain leaves. In the evening, take a tablespoon of each plant, add 400 ml of water and leave until morning. Rinse 5-6 times a day.

Dry mouth

You've probably noticed that your breath isn't fresh in the morning. This happens because the salivary glands slow down at night. Saliva is the strongest natural antiseptic. With its deficiency, oral bacteria multiply more actively and, consequently, bad breath appears. The causes of dryness can be serious illnesses such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, infections, so this is a reason to consult a doctor. If the possibility of a serious illness is excluded, dryness can occur due to medications, vitamin deficiency, menopause, and also in people who, due to their profession, are forced to talk a lot.

  • Chewing gum helps relieve dryness. Chewing stimulates salivation.
  • Drink more water. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water every hour.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, sweets and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Eat more fruits - fruit acids stimulate salivation.

Enjoy your communication!

Bad breath can interfere with communication with people business meeting, on a date and in other situations. Causes may be related to oral diseases or internal organs. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then immediately contact a specialist.

How does the disease appear?

Exists medical term to refer to problems with the oral cavity - halitosis.
There is the usual unpleasant morning breath. It is a purely physiological phenomenon and can be eliminated with a toothbrush. Additionally, garlic, onions, or cabbage may cause bad breath. All these manifestations are physiological.
According to statistics, more than a quarter of the world's population suffers from pathological halitosis. It will be much more difficult to deal with. Neither chewing gum, nor candy, nor toothpaste will come to the rescue.

The causes of bad breath in adults vary. Another important factor can be advanced caries. Accumulates in carious cavities a large number of anaerobic bacteria and food debris. With periodontitis, microbes actively multiply under the gums, causing a sulfurous odor. In this case, even the blood and purulent inflammatory exudate located in the gum pockets smell unpleasant.

Wearing dentures can also lead to halitosis. In this case, the odor is absorbed by the polymer base of the denture, and pieces of food remain under the dentures and decompose, creating an unpleasant odor.

Reduced saliva secretion and dry mouth syndrome are another cause of odor. Provided that saliva is not released quickly enough and in small quantities, the natural cleaning of the oral cavity from food debris is disrupted, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of microorganisms, and, in general, local immunity is reduced.

Common causes of halitosis include mainly chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, ENT diseases, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders and others. Women may face the problem of bad breath due to the onset of... menstrual cycle, as estrogen levels increase. These hormones promote increased desquamation of the epithelium, including on the oral mucosa, and this is a favorite breeding ground for anaerobic microorganisms.

In most cases, halitosis should prompt the patient to check their health. The smell may signal a more serious illness. In approximately 8% of cases, the cause of halitosis is pathology of the ENT organs. Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, nasal polyps often provoke an unpleasant odor.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of a child or an adult may indicate diabetes. Dysfunctions of the liver and gall bladder are also accompanied by a “pungent” heavy odor, and renal failure- putrid “fishy”. When receiving such signals, be sure to go to the doctor, and do not run to the pharmacy in search of a magic remedy.

The smell of garlic from the mouth is a problem that occurs not only immediately after taking the product. Garlic and raw onions contain substances belonging to the group of sulfur compounds. They are able to be absorbed into the blood and then released through the lungs during breathing.

Alcohol, nicotine, coffee and some medications(antibiotics and sulfonamides, antidepressants, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs) cause dry mouth and therefore lead to an unpleasant odor.

Stress, nervous tension or excessive dieting and fasting provoke the occurrence of halitosis. During fasting, a deficiency in the intake of proteins and fats is created in the body, and the utilization of endogenous reserves begins, which can also cause an unpleasant odor. He appears at the moment stressful situation, and immediately disappears after the cessation of emotional stress.

Diagnostic methods

Now used in medicine effective methods diagnosis of halitosis. It allows you to assess the intensity of the unpleasant odor and how successful its treatment is.

To identify bacteria that cause halitosis, some dentists use microbiological tests. They can analyze the composition of dental plaque. Looks around with the help of a mirror rear end tongue - it should be the same color as the oral mucosa. White, cream or Brown color indicates glossitis. During the examination, the specialist evaluates the patient’s teeth for the quality of hygiene.

Consult an ENT doctor (for the presence of sinusitis and polyps) and a gastroenterologist, who should rule out systemic diseases, such as diabetes, liver and kidney failure.

Only after finding out the reason can you prescribe correct treatment. If these are advanced ENT diseases, then you will have to undergo treatment from an otolaryngologist. Other chronic diseases require consultation and treatment from appropriate specialists.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the oral cavity, then it is necessary to eliminate foci of infection, remove decayed teeth that cannot be restored, and take a course professional hygiene oral cavity with the removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque.

Any odor is a volatile compound. People often try to mask the odor with mouthwash or chewing gum. You must understand that the effect of chewing gum is temporary and it has a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Hygiene rules

Brushing your teeth should be done with a toothbrush and floss (dental floss) to remove plaque and food debris from your teeth. Cleaning your tongue should become a mandatory daily procedure. This not only eliminates odor, but also reduces the total number of bacteria in the oral cavity, which has a beneficial effect on the health of periodontal tissue. If periodontitis has already been diagnosed, you should start using special oral irrigators for more effective removal infected masses and food debris from periodontal pockets. In addition, irrigators can help relieve dry mouth.

Nutrition plays a key role in this matter. An excess of fast carbohydrates (sugar and processed foods) increases the amount of plaque on the teeth and provokes the occurrence of caries. Eat plenty of fiber. Fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits are magicians in normalizing intestinal function and reducing bad breath.

Checking your breathing

You need to bring your palm to your face in such a way as to simultaneously cover your mouth and nose. After this, exhale deeply through your mouth. Got an unpleasant odor? If you can’t clearly identify what and how it smells, buy a disposable mask at the pharmacy and breathe into it for a minute. The smell under the mask will tell you about the smell that others smell from you during communication.

IN modern world Specialized breath indicators are produced that can determine the level of freshness on a five-point scale. IN medical institutions They use a more complex device - a gas analyzer. With its help you can determine chemical composition air that is released when exhaling, and determine the causes of the bad odor.

Why is my breath bad?

The main causes of bad breath are:
- insufficient level of hygiene;
- xerostomia - insufficient level of hydration of the oral mucosa; - diseases of the teeth and gums;
- inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Such halitosis can only be cured by dental clinics. It is worth remembering that bad breath can be caused not only by diseases of the oral cavity, but also by:
- ENT diseases: sore throats, sinusitis, runny nose;
- diseases of the intestines and stomach;
- disorders endocrine system;
- all kinds of diets;

Lung diseases;
- some medicines;
- smoking.

Types of bad breath

A sour smell and taste in the mouth can cause gastritis when increased acidity, ulcers gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the esophagus.

The hydrogen sulfide smell is the smell of rotten eggs. The cause of the smell is the process of rotting protein substances. If the smell is accompanied pain symptoms in the abdominal area after eating, belching and nausea, it can be caused by gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer, diverticulosis of the stomach or esophagus and others.

Regular overeating can cause an unpleasant odor. In such cases, you can get rid of it with the help of absorbent substances (activated carbon, Smecta), as well as enzyme-based drugs (Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim and others).

The smell of feces from the mouth can occur with dysbacteriosis, intestinal motor neuroses (dyskinesia) and intestinal obstruction.

The smell and taste of bitterness is a manifestation of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, this may also indicate yellow plaque on the tongue.

The sweet smell of acetone can cause pancreatic diseases and diabetes.

The smell of urine from the mouth indicates kidney disease.

How to remove bad breath

Bad breath in a child or an adult can be removed using the same methods.

To begin with, add a procedure for cleansing the surface of the tongue to your daily twice-daily brushing of your teeth. It is better to do this in the evening using an ordinary teaspoon. Using light, gentle movements from root to tip, clean your tongue of daytime plaque. The procedure is effective, although it brings little pleasure. Below you will learn a few more ways to get rid of bad breath.

Cleaning your tongue will rid you of bacteria, which become significantly more more at night during sleep. Your breath will be fresh the next morning.
Clean the spaces between your teeth using a special floss. If you don’t have it on hand, use the old-fashioned method: tear off a strip of pure polyethylene, stretch it into a thread and remove food debris and plaque from the interdental space.

After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with plain water.

Homemade Mouthwash Recipes

We will tell you how to get rid of bad breath at home

1. A tablespoon of oak bark is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain the solution after cooling and rinse your mouth and throat. Oak bark strengthens the gums and clears plaque from the tonsils, which are a source of bad odor due to the large accumulation of infectious components.

2. A tablespoon of mint, chamomile, sage or strawberry is poured into a glass of boiling water. The broth must be strained after it has cooled. Use to rinse your mouth after meals 3-4 times daily.

There is an even more effective tool. An irrigator is a tool similar to toothbrush, which cleans the spaces between teeth using a strong jet of water. By massaging the gum surface, it activates blood circulation.

Choosing the right one toothpaste for bad breath

If you have halitosis, you should choose a toothpaste that does not contain alcohol. It dries out the oral mucosa, and this only intensifies the smell. In addition, it is worth purchasing pastes that contain antibacterial agents based on chlorine compounds.

When choosing a rinse aid, follow the same principles as when choosing a toothpaste. Modern mouthwashes may contain zinc- and choloro-containing components, which reduce the activity of bad breath through chemical reactions.

What to do to quickly eliminate bad breath?

You will learn how to quickly remove bad breath.

  • Try drinking a cup of strong tea, then rinse your mouth and throat with clean water.
  • eat an apple or carrot. The aroma of onions or garlic can be neutralized with parsley or celery root.
  • Drink water more often if you have to talk a lot during the day. This will prevent your mouth from drying out and eliminate bad breath.
  • include in your morning diet rolled oats porridge, which, in turn, significantly activates saliva production.
  • By chewing coffee beans, you can dull the unpleasant smell and taste in your mouth.
  • You can rub your teeth, gums and tongue with your finger to massage the gums and get rid of the smell.
  • use the pulp walnut for wiping gums. You will give oral health essential vitamins and freshen your breath with a pleasant nutty taste.

The first specialist you should contact is an ENT specialist. Diseases of the nose, throat and ear most often provoke problems with fresh breath. If he assures you that there is nothing wrong with you, then see a therapist. The cause of the unpleasant odor is an exacerbation of the disease, which has become chronic.

Monitor your health and prevent possible diseases.

According to statistics, almost half of the population globe I am tormented by the question of how to get rid of bad breath at home. This topic causes embarrassment and few people talk about it out loud. Often, upbringing does not allow you to tell your interlocutor that he has bad breath. Many live like this, not knowing about their problem, and do not understand why people keep their distance during conversations.

Unpleasant surprise: terrible breath

The term halitosis means painful breathing. In order to evoke only pleasant sensations in others, it is recommended to check the oral cavity for freshness. It won't take much time, but it will help solve the problem if there is one.

How do you know if you have bad breath?

  1. Breathe into your palm and immediately smell it.
  2. Floss your teeth. What smell it has is what it smells like in the mouth.
  3. Breathe on reverse side teaspoon or wrist. If you multiply this smell several times, you will understand what it is like in your mouth.
  4. Ask a loved one.
  5. Look at the reaction of your interlocutors during close contact.

If you still notice an unpleasant odor from your mouth, you can eliminate it with improvised means. Just rinse with water or use chewing gum. And be sure to think about a global solution to the problem. To do this, it is recommended to start by identifying the causes of bad breath, because the method and result of the fight depends on this.

Causes of bad breath:

    Dental diseases (caries, gum disease, oral mucosa, problems with dentures).

    Oral hygiene is either poor or non-existent. As a result, bacteria accumulate or food remains spoil.

    Dry mouth. Not enough saliva is produced to kill bacteria, so they multiply and produce a stench. This may be a consequence of taking medications, such as antidepressants or tranquilizers.

    Diseases that provoke halitosis: oncology, renal failure, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx (polyps, tonsillitis), chronic diseases lungs.

    Eating large amounts of protein foods. Its breakdown products have the smell of a rotten egg.

    Starvation. People who use fasting to improve the health of the body note the occurrence of severe halitosis during the entire duration of the procedure. Some explain this by the release of toxins, others by the smell of waste during fat processing - acetone. Similar processes are observed during diet.

    Stress. When the body is under stress, saliva production slows down. Many people are familiar with the situation when, even with excitement, their mouth dries out. A favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria arises.

    Smoking and alcohol cause dry mouth. Saliva does not cope with its disinfecting duties, and the multiplying bacteria actively work, releasing unpleasant waste products.

    Garlic and onions are known for their pungent odor. This is explained by human body removes substances that it cannot absorb with exhaled air, as well as with stool or urine.

Bad breath, what to do?

If the dentist throws up his hands and prescribes various refreshing pastes and rinses, then it is better to be diagnosed for other diseases. If nothing is found, then you need to carefully monitor your diet and oral hygiene.

How to eliminate bad breath:

    Use chewing gum without sugar, which will increase saliva production and neutralize halitosis. It is not recommended to overuse it - it is harmful to the stomach.

    The smell in the mouth perfectly neutralizes coffee beans or dried cloves, they need to be chewed slowly.

    Be sure to brush and floss your teeth morning and evening and preferably after every meal. It is good to clean the base of the tongue, this is where a large number of microbes accumulate.

    Visit your dentist if the smell persists. So that he can diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Be examined for the presence or absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ENT, and lungs.

    If the cause of the smell is a long break in eating, then you need to eat or drink water. The smell of digested food rises up the empty esophagus, causing trouble.

    How to remove bad breath using modern means? The range of such devices is very wide: rinses, sprays, dragees, lollipops, toothpastes, powders, electric and ultrasonic toothbrushes.

    Rinse your mouth. Plain water or strong tea cleanses the oral cavity of food debris. Black and green tea contain substances that neutralize sulfur compounds. They are the ones that emit an unpleasant odor.

    Any vegetable oil(sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed, olive) 10 minutes after thoroughly rinsing your mouth with it will restore fresh breath. After which it becomes almost white, because it cleanses the oral cavity.

A special rinse, like a remedy for foot odor, is sold at a pharmacy or household chemicals store. The mouthwash will freshen your breath and disinfect your mouth. But it is recommended to use it as prescribed by a doctor - there may be contraindications.

These products vary in composition. May include: antibacterial substances, pain relievers, astringents, strengthen enamel, stop bleeding gums, nutrients and substances that prevent the formation of stones on teeth.


How to treat bad breath folk remedies, people have known for tens of centuries. Herbal rinses are the most effective because they have no contraindications and, if swallowed, are not harmful, but even beneficial.

  • Chamomile, wormwood, strawberry to choose from: pour 1 tablespoon into a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain. Rinse 3 times a day.
  • Oak bark: pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water and boil in a water bath for about half an hour. Strain and rinse your mouth 3 times a day.
  • Mint: pour 1 tablespoon into a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain and rinse 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Eat foods such as:

  • Parsley, mint, coriander, wormwood, cardamom, rosemary, eucalyptus neutralize halitosis and improve digestion. These herbs are recommended to be chewed as long as possible or consumed as tea.
  • Yogurt without sugar and preservatives, according to scientists, reduces the level of hydrogen sulfide in the oral cavity.
  • Fiber-rich foods: apples, celery and carrots cause profuse salivation. This is their secret to combating bad breath.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits, berries. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums and create an environment in which bacteria cannot multiply.

This is interesting:

    A special small device was invented - the Kiss-o-Meter odor detector. On a five-point scale, he determines the possibility of a kiss depending on the freshness of the breath.

    What causes a specific odor in the mouth? Under certain conditions, the number of bacteria in the mouth increases dramatically. They actively break down proteins, resulting in an increase in the amount of waste in the form of volatile sulfur compounds.

    In addition to sulfur, other odors in the mouth may include corpse odor (cadaverine), foot odor (isovaleric acid), excrement odor (methyl mercaptan), rotting meat odor (putrescine), and rotting fish odor (trimethylamine). This is a set!

    Products that increase halitosis: cakes, cookies, sweets, milk and its derivatives, meat, fish due to high content carbohydrates and proteins.

    The unpleasant odor in the mouth is especially strong in the morning. This is due to the fact that during sleep the production of saliva practically stops, and there is no access of oxygen to the oral cavity. So bacteria multiply in such wonderful conditions, leaving their owner or mistress with a morning surprise in the form of waste products.

    In older people, halitosis worsens due to a decrease in the amount of saliva secreted with age. On the contrary, in infants, salivation is intense, so bad breath is very rare.

Osostomia, or pathological stomatodysonia, is a problem that a person has encountered at least once in his life. The presence of signs of osostomy is not always a signal for concern. If they are slightly perceptible or appear extremely rarely, the presence of pseudohalitosis can be assumed. This phenomenon is common among children aged two to five years and adolescents, especially during puberty. But it also happens: there is no smell, and not only those around you, but also the dentist talk about absolutely healthy teeth and fresh breath, but the person is sure of the opposite. Perhaps it's all a matter of halitophobia - mental disorder, the treatment of which is carried out exclusively by a psychotherapist. The most reliable way to check whether there is a smell in this case is to use a regular cotton thread, which, after cleaning, should be put aside for a minute and then brought to the nose.

Unpleasant or putrid odor from the mouth: causes

Before starting treatment, it is important to understand how often the smell appears, what it is associated with, whether it is constantly present, or whether this phenomenon is temporary. If the smell appears sporadically, certain foods may be the cause of bad breath.

Typically this may include eating onions, garlic, hot sauces or fatty foods. In this case, the appearance of a putrid odor can be completely eliminated by simply brushing your teeth regularly. If the causes of putrefaction in adults are a constant phenomenon and not associated with eating exotic foods, you should be wary.

5 factors of osostomy

Absence or improper care for teeth and oral cavity, that is, irregular tooth brushing, can cause the development of ozostomia. The remains of food consumed are a favorable environment for the proliferation of putrefactive microorganisms and bacteria, the vital products of which are often the cause of ozostomia. Most often, teenagers and young children face this problem.

One of the most important factors of osostomy may be the presence of viral or infectious diseases. For example: tonsillitis, sinusitis or purulent sinusitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane, ulcer, dysbacteriosis, food poisoning, caries, tartar, damage to tooth enamel.

Poor or irregular nutrition, consumption of harmful, poorly digestible foods that are difficult to digest, disruption of intestinal function, and digestive tract, overeating, irregular bowel movements, and chronic constipation.

Bad habits, such as smoking, cause damage to the oral mucosa, increased or pathologically decreased salivation, accompanied by dryness, the appearance of ulcers, microcracks, and destruction of tooth enamel. This, in turn, leads to the appearance various diseases and inflammation of the oral cavity. In this case, brushing and caring for your teeth will have no effect.

If putrid breath appears, the reasons may not only be due to improper brushing of teeth or smoking, it may be a signal of a more serious disease, such as liver failure.


It is impossible to independently identify the causes of osostomy; this can only be done medical worker after a series of studies. In most cases, you can eliminate the smell on your own, but not for long, since it is not an independent phenomenon, but a symptom of a disease. Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can cause the appearance of new, more serious diseases, especially if the prerequisites for the appearance of the odor were diseases of the digestive tract, intestines or liver. If you find yourself with ozostomia (halitosis), it is very important to understand what could be causing the putrid odor from your mouth.

The causes and symptoms of diseases accompanied by halitosis can be divided into several categories based on the type of odor.

Alternative medicine and naturopathy

What to do if there is a putrid odor from your mouth? Only a doctor can identify the causes of this anomaly. However, you can reduce discomfort, which leads not only to a change in the taste of food, but also to a limitation of communication, as follows:

  • Chew coffee beans for three or four minutes or eat one-fourth teaspoon of instant granulated coffee;
  • Triclosan or Chlorhexidine will help eliminate a problem such as ozostomia caused by anaerobic bacteria for five to ten hours;
  • Regular use of rinses, dental gels and mint toothpastes, as well as cleaning the tongue plate with a special brush will help get rid of the odor for two to three hours in about eighty percent of cases;
  • decoctions of chamomile, dill, oak bark, yarrow and propolis, when rinsed daily, help reduce unpleasant odors;
  • Chewing gum and refreshing sprays, according to dentists, have a refreshing effect that can eliminate the smell, but their effect is very fleeting and goes away in ten to fifteen minutes.

Six types of halitosis

First view. The taste of rotten eggs and the smell of hydrogen sulfide may indicate a digestive disorder. Another sign of this disease may cause bloating, painful sensations, white coating on the tongue plate. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor, since the cause of halitosis or ozostomia may be gastritis or a stomach ulcer.

Second view. Sour taste and the smell after eating indicates the appearance of gastritis and requires immediate contact with a gastroenterologist.

Third type. A bitter taste in the mouth, regardless of diet and meal time. It is a sign of dysfunction of the gallbladder and liver. In this case, if a putrid odor appears from the mouth, only a specialist can determine the reasons that caused the disturbance in the liver, especially if the odor is accompanied by pain in the side.

Fourth type. Taste of sugar and smell of acetone. One of the possible phenomena in diabetes. In most cases, it is painless and can only be detected by late stages along with other pathologies. A timely visit to a doctor if you notice stomatodysonia with a taste reminiscent of acetone can save you from a serious illness.

Fifth view. For diseases genitourinary system, as well as cystitis, polyneuritis, stones or inflammation in urethra It is possible that a specific taste and smell of ammonia may appear, which does not disappear after eating or hygiene procedures.

Sixth type. If after a medical examination no pathologies were identified, then perhaps the whole issue is due to improper brushing of the teeth and tongue.

Dental diseases

Let's look at putrid breath, causes and treatment in dentistry further. Bleeding gums, plaque on the tongue and teeth, and the absence of a filling or part of a tooth can contribute to the appearance of ozostomia. You should not hope that the problem will disappear on its own, since it is only a sign of a more serious disease that requires treatment. First of all, you need to make an appointment with a dentist.

The first step in this case should be to carry out following procedures: initial examination of the oral cavity and assessment of the condition of teeth and tooth enamel, inflammation of the gums, the presence of tartar, odor testing and identification of its source. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor will identify the pathology that is causing the putrid odor from the mouth. The causes and methods of treatment will be described below.


Basically, treatment consists of removing or filling the damaged tooth, as well as prescribing products that are optimally suited for high-quality and safe oral care. If during the diagnosis the doctor did not identify any signs dental pathologies or violations and Current state oral cavity could not provoke the appearance of ozostomia, which means you should contact a therapist, who, after carrying out necessary procedures and tests, will issue a referral to an appointment with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or otolaryngologist. In addition, people suffering chronic diseases, during an exacerbation, they may also experience an unpleasant, slightly noticeable odor. If the smell appears after a sore throat, flu or ARVI, carry out medical examination inappropriate. In this case, you should consult a doctor and take antiviral drugs as prescribed.

Putrid breath: causes and diagnosis

Once on consultation to the dentist, it is necessary to describe the problem as accurately as possible: talk about exactly how and how long ago the signs appeared, whether they were accompanied by food intake, or went away after brushing the teeth or rinsing.

Tell us if white was present on your gums, cheeks or palate, if you were treated with antibiotics, hormonal pills and so on.

Halitosis and ulcer

If the problem persists after dental treatment, it may be due to a more serious condition. Putrid odor from the mouth due to an ulcer may have the following causes: exacerbation of the disease, increased acidity, nausea, vomiting, body temperature above 37 degrees, heaviness in the stomach, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as smoking and alcohol intoxication. All this can become a sign of ozostomia against the background of a local defect in the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines.

Bad breath in children and adolescents

If you notice a putrid odor from your child’s mouth, the causes may be different. Before you worry, you need to identify the duration and frequency of the unpleasant odor.

Temporary factor - usually this kind of smell appears when:

  • eating spicy food;
  • non-compliance;
  • viral disease;
  • caries;
  • runny nose or sinusitis;
  • using nasal sprays.

A constant factor indicates the presence of a serious disease that changes the microflora of the body:

  • thrush soft palate caused by yeast-like bacteria;
  • chronic sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • stagnation feces, disturbances in digestion;
  • chronic hyperglycemia syndrome;
  • loss of baby teeth;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • decrease or increase in salivation caused by taking antibiotics.

Diagnosis of halitosis in children

All of the above factors can be a symptom of a serious disease and cause putrefactive causes, diagnosis of the disease can be as follows: