Enterocolitis symptoms. Acute infectious enterocolitis: symptoms and treatment. Treatment of enterocolitis in childhood

Acute enterocolitis - inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines, usually occur as symptoms of intestinal infection or poisoning and occur with severe and extremely unpleasant symptoms– diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Most often this occurs in children early age due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. But enterocolitis can also occur in adults as a result of toxic, allergic and other influences. For the most part, enterocolitis is not dangerous, but can lead to symptoms of dehydration and complications.

Acute enterocolitis can, by its nature, be divided into infectious and non-infectious. Intestinal inflammation can be caused by viral and microbial infections, allergic lesions, drug poisoning and poison intoxication. In acute enterocolitis, only the superficial layers of the intestine are affected, without moving to deeper layers. Also, with acute enterocolitis, indigestion occurs in the intestines, impaired absorption of food components and vitamins and minerals.

Acute enterocolitis begins suddenly and sharply - occurs severe symptoms dysfunction with pain and rumbling in the abdomen, severe bloating and nausea, vomiting. In this case, the tongue is usually coated with a thick white coating; palpation of the abdomen reveals rumbling and soreness. Usually there is severe diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stool, the presence of greens and frequent bowel movements, and there may be a painful urge to defecate. With infectious enterocolitis, there may be an increase in temperature to significant levels and manifestations of acute intoxication with weakness, headache, and muscle aches. Most often, enterocolitis in a child leads to dehydration and requires hospitalization.

The course of chronic enterocolitis alternates with periods of exacerbation and remission, in early stages Symptoms are mild, but can become more severe, even life-threatening. The most typical exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis are:

  • Pain in the abdominal area - in the navel area or throughout the entire abdomen. The severity of pain depends on the severity of the process. The pain usually occurs in the evening, is associated with food, and intensifies a couple of hours after eating or before bowel movements, during exercise, stress, or running. With predominant damage small intestine the pain is dull and moderate in nature; if the colon is affected, it is intense.
  • Constipation and diarrhea alternate.
  • Abdominal bloating occurs.
  • Digestion of food is impaired - fermentative, putrefactive or mixed dyspepsia.
  • Body weight decreases due to impaired absorption of food.
  • Violated general state with the formation of weakness, increased fatigue, lethargy and asthenia, weakening of attention and apathy.

Clinically, enterocolitis in a child differs little from that in adults, but the symptoms in children are more pronounced and the general condition suffers more severely.

Enterocolitis - diagnosis

To make a diagnosis of acute enterocolitis, a clinic is enough; to establish the cause, a coprogram, stool cultures, bacteriological research feces If necessary, sigmoidoscopy and consultations with a surgeon and proctologist are prescribed.

Chronic enterocolitis is diagnosed on the basis of complaints and medical history, detailed examination and examination, supplemented by laboratory and instrumental methods research. Held:

  • Colonoscopy to identify affected areas of the mucous membranes, erosions and ulcers.
  • Taking a biopsy.
  • X-ray examination with or without contrast.
  • Blood and urine tests, coprogram, blood biochemistry, bacterial culture and culture for flora with sensitivity to antibiotics.

It is important to distinguish enterocolitis from many others chronic diseases colon.

Enterocolitis - treatment

For acute enterocolitis, treatment consists of resting the intestines and fighting the infection. For this purpose the following are appointed:

  • Light meals, plenty of fluids, congee, porridge on the water.
  • Purpose of enterosorbents in the form of rehydron, smecta.
  • At severe diarrhea Glucose-saline solutions are prescribed orally or intravenously.
  • For pain syndrome, antispasmodics.
  • Detoxification therapy.
  • If it is infectious, antibiotics or sulfonamides are prescribed.
  • Preparations for restoring normal microflora.

When treating chronic enterocolitis, it is important, first of all, to eliminate its root cause by normalizing the diet and general daily routine, eliminating medications that affect intestinal function, and eliminating microbial or other flora. Need treatment concomitant diseases digestion, prescribe enzyme preparations and drugs for restoring normal intestinal microbial flora, drugs for the treatment of constipation or diarrhea. During the remission stage, herbal medicine, physiotherapy and sanatorium-resort treatment are indicated.

The appearance of such an unpleasant disease as acute enterocolitis is most often the result of errors in nutrition and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. The pathophysiological inflammatory process in the intestinal cavity can be provoked by pathogenic microflora or poor-quality food containing various poisons, toxins and aggressive chemical substances. In the absence of timely treatment, it quickly turns into a chronic relapsing form. In this case, the entire human body suffers from a deficiency in the supply of all groups of minerals, vitamins, fluids and nutrients.

The symptoms and treatment of acute enterocolitis are described in detail in this material, but first it’s worth understanding the potential risk factors.

The main causes of the disease may be:

Clinical picture may occur immediately after exposure to a pathological factor. Although in some cases with weakened immunity, a delayed onset of the disease is observed. Symptoms may occur after 12 to 24 hours.

Signs and symptoms of acute intestinal enterocolitis

In acute enterocolitis, symptoms appear suddenly against the background of general well-being. They are mainly expressed in a disorder in the process of absorption of nutrients in the cavity of the small intestine. This may be bloating, heaviness in the abdomen abdominal cavity, increased peristalsis with strong rumbling and the formation of gases.

Then more pronounced signs of enterocolitis appear:

  • repeated loose stools with a fetid odor and unformed feces occur (in severe cases, streaks of scarlet blood can be detected);
  • the surface of the tongue is covered first with a white, loose coating, and then with a dense yellow coating;
  • a sour taste appears in the mouth, appetite is disrupted;
  • in severe cases when connecting a secondary pathogenic microflora the process can extend to duodenum and the stomach cavity - arises severe nausea and vomiting stomach contents;
  • An increase in body temperature indicates an intestinal infection; in simple alimentary forms, this symptom is usually absent.

Symptoms of intestinal enterocolitis in the chronic phase can manifest themselves in the form of periodic exacerbations due to a violation of the regime or diet, nervous shock and increased physical activity.

May form specific signs enterocolitis, which allow you to quickly make a primary diagnosis:

  • localization of pain in the area around the navel, pain occurs 1.5 - 2 hours after consuming any amount of food or liquid;
  • frequent loose stools without painful tenesmus;
  • increased gas formation with subsequent bloating;
  • decreased turgor skin, dry mucous membranes;
  • general malaise, with headaches and muscle weakness.

Diagnosis of intestinal enterocolitis

For diagnosis, sigmoidoscopy, stool analysis for the presence of pathogenic microflora, general clinical analysis blood. TANK. A stool test for worm eggs is required.

Diagnosis of enterocolitis includes measures aimed at finding probable cause of this disease. In order to successfully treat intestinal enterocolitis, it is necessary to exclude all factors of pathogenic influence.

In order to determine the form of the disease and make a subsequent prognosis for the patient’s life, multiple coprogram tests, a biopsy followed by histological examination the received material.

It is necessary to exclude intestinal dysbiosis and correct the condition if an imbalance of opportunistic and beneficial microflora is detected.

How to treat enterocolitis with drugs and antibiotics?

Before treating enterocolitis, it is necessary to carry out full examination and exclude a possible intestinal infection. If pathogenic microflora is detected, etiotropic treatment is prescribed. It is worth understanding that antibiotics for enterocolitis are prescribed only if bacteriological analysis of stool reveals that patients are sensitive to them. pathogenic microorganisms. Most often they are prescribed for bacterial enterocolitis, dysentery, and salmonellosis. With the rotavirus form of infection, these drugs have no influence factors and can be dangerous to human health.

The most commonly used drugs to treat enterocolitis include the sulfonamide group, which creates necessary balance intestinal microflora. These are “Enterofuril”, “Biseptol-480”, “Ftalazol”, “Metronidazole”.

Drugs for enterocolitis may include various probiotics that normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. To reduce diarrhea, Loperamide can be used, which reduces the severity of symptoms of inflammation in the cavity of the small and large intestines.

In order to restore water and electrolyte balance Patients are recommended to drink a solution of "Rehydron". To eliminate possible toxins and reduce increased gas formation“Smecta”, “Nersmectite” are prescribed “ Activated carbon" For pain syndrome, antispasmodics can be used: “Platifilina hydrochloride”, “No-shpa”, “Papaverine hydrochloride”.

Standards for the treatment of acute intestinal enterocolitis

In acute enterocolitis, treatment begins with emergency lavage of the stomach and intestines. Enemas and gastric intubation may be used. It is very important during the first 2 - 3 hours to remove all residues of substances that may have an adverse effect. Negative influence on the intestinal mucosa. Standards of therapy also include the administration of antidotes, provided that the offending substance is known. In case of infection, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

In the future, treatment of intestinal enterocolitis is carried out using therapeutic nutrition. In the first two days, fasting or eating exclusively mucous decoctions and soups is recommended. Subsequently, a table is prescribed in which the majority of the diet consists of boiled meat and fish, slimy porridges, and light vegetable soups. Avoid fried, spicy and salty food, various dyes, flavors, nutritional supplements, sweets.

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Diseases associated with the digestive system in modern society acquired large-scale proportions. The normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is hampered by aggressive food, constant exposure to stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

External negative factors are complemented by pathogenic microflora of the intestines and stomach, which causes serious inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. Such pathologies include enterocolitis, which affects at least a third of people living in the world.

Symptoms in women and men appear the same and do not depend on the age of the patient.

What is enterocolitis, causes of the disease

Intestinal dysfunction is associated with many factors, and it manifests itself in several conditions that are similar to each other:

  • Pathology of the lower gastrointestinal tract – enterocolitis.
  • Colitis is a lesion of the large intestine.
  • Enteritis is an inflammatory process in the small intestine.

Intestinal enterocolitis is an inflammatory process, which is also called “indigestion,” and its condition can be compared to intoxication as a result of eating stale foods.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture of enterocolitis depends on the form in which it occurs pathological process. Doctors divide it into acute and chronic. Each subtype of inflammation has its own set of symptoms, which appear with great speed and intensity.

Acute enterocolitis

For this form of the disease, which has infectious etiology, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Sudden rise in temperature, fever, chills.
  • Strong pain in the peritoneum, characterized by a stabbing sensation.
  • Weakness and dizziness.
  • Nausea and frequent profuse vomiting.
  • Aches in the joints.
  • Loss of balance and sometimes consciousness.
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Impurities of blood in stool.

Non-infectious enterocolitis in acute form occurs accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increased formation of gases.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.
  • Decreased appetite to the point of aversion to certain foods food products.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Formation of plaque on the patient's tongue white.
  • Headache.

When palpating the abdomen in a person suffering from pathology, discomfort.

The acute stage of intestinal disease is accompanied by gastroenterocolitis, which affects the patient’s stomach, which aggravates the situation. If the inflammatory process is not treated, enterocolitis will enter a sluggish stage.


Over a long period of time, this form of the disease may not manifest itself in any way, being asymptomatic. Gradually, the deep layers of intestinal cells will also become involved in the inflammatory process, and not just the mucous layer. Danger chronic stage is as follows: once manifested, the clinical picture will constitute a real threat to a person’s health, and sometimes his life.


  • Abdominal pain of an antispasmodic nature.
  • Alternating diarrhea with constipation.
  • General weakness, prostration.
  • A disruption of the digestive process, in which food is poorly digested and begins to rot and decompose.
  • A sharp decline weight without compliance therapeutic diets.
  • Bloating.
  • Pale skin with a gray tint.
  • Unpleasant smell from oral cavity.
  • Formation of plaque and lumps of mucus on the tongue.

Chronic enterocolitis leads to decreased performance due to the inability to concentrate. Due to a malfunction of the digestive function, nutrients enter the body in insufficient quantities, so bones become fragile, and nails and hair become dull and lack a healthy shine.

Accurate diagnosis

Since the symptoms various diseases gastrointestinal tract is quite similar, it is important to make a correct diagnosis. To do this, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient, collects anamnesis and prescribes a various examinations and taking tests.

Most often, specialists are interested in the following indicators:

  • Level of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Determination of the composition of bile and gastric juice.
  • Biochemical and general blood test.
  • Conclusion of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).
  • results ultrasound examination(ultrasound) of the pancreas and liver.
  • Acidity level.
  • Signs of impaired bile outflow function.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor will make a conclusion about the patient’s diagnosis.

Treatment of intestinal enterocolitis

Therapy will have some nuances depending on what form of the disease the patient has. Treatment of intestinal enterocolitis in adults in the acute stage involves the use of medications, the action of which involves eliminating symptoms and normalizing functions digestive tract.

Chronic enterocolitis must be treated complex method, when the doctor first determines the source of the disease, and then eradicates the pronounced signs.

Methods for treating inflammation:

  • Detoxification of the body - removal of toxins and waste.
  • Taking medications of various spectrums of action.
  • Diet No. 3.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Physiotherapy.

Thanks to an integrated approach the patient recovers quickly and can return to his usual lifestyle.


Groups of drugs prescribed for the treatment of chronic enterocolitis:

Prescriptions are adjusted depending on the dynamics of the patient’s condition and symptoms.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Procedures prescribed during remission or during chronic form enterocolitis, aimed at improving the health of the organ. These include:

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine are involved in the treatment of enterocolitis to accelerate positive effect. At home you can use the following recipes:

  • Mint decoction. Add one and a half cups of boiling water to three tablespoons peppermint and leave for 3 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth. The resulting decoction should be drunk a day, divided into 3 doses.
  • Dill water. To prepare it you will need warm water and purchased pharmacy kiosk dill oil They should be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10 and take 2 teaspoons three times a day.
  • A decoction of medicinal valerian and chamomile. Take in equal quantities, mix and measure out 20 grams. The resulting mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. You should drink the product 30 minutes before each meal, 100 ml.

The first noticeable results of treatment appear a week after the start of treatment medicines.


In case of intestinal inflammation, it is necessary to reduce the aggressive effect of food on the organ so that its recovery occurs as quickly as possible.


It is important to detoxify the body, and microenemas are famous for this. This procedure can improve the patient’s condition if the problem was caused by viruses.


During the first two days, the doctor recommends that the patient completely refuse food. Allowed to drink only clean water or unsweetened tea. On the third day, you can start eating porridge cooked in water, pureed soups and vegetables cooked without spices by stewing.

Diet variety

After completing the fasting stage and a week-long vegetable diet with cereals, it is recommended to introduce lean meat and fish.

For enterocolitis, the following set of products is allowed:

  • Dried bread.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.
  • Sugar.
  • Puree soups.
  • Well-mashed cottage cheese.
  • Beef and chicken fillet.
  • Low-calorie fish.
  • Juices, jellies, berry jelly.
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and semolina.

Meals should be fractional and portions should be small. This restriction is prescribed until the patient’s condition returns to normal.

Symptoms and treatment in children

In infants, enterocolitis occurs in the most severe form, since at this age the child’s digestive organs are not yet adapted to the new type of nutrition. They often experience disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the pathology are similar to intestinal colic, so parents do not immediately respond to them, expecting that the baby’s condition will soon improve on its own. If the problem bothers the child long time, and in parallel some other additional signs, you need to contact a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of enterocolitis:

  • Cramping painful sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Diarrhea – bowel movements can occur up to 10 times in 12 hours, which is an unfavorable sign.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Vomiting or frequent regurgitation.
  • Detection of uncharacteristic impurities in stool (blood, mucus, greens).

Therapy of enterocolitis in young children and adolescents is carried out in compliance with special diet. Moreover, the treatment is complex and includes the same groups of medications that are used for adults.

Chronic inflammation of the intestine is a long-term inflammatory-degenerative process affecting the thick and thin parts of the intestine. It can occur in a generalized form (enterocolitis) or be limited (colitis - inflammation of the small intestine, enteritis - large intestine). Symptoms of the disease with colitis are somewhat less pronounced than with enterocolitis. However, in general they are no different.

Chronic enterocolitis - inflammation of areas of the large and small intestines

The pathology is widespread in the Russian Federation and throughout the world. Average age patients are 20-60 years old for women, 40-60 years old for men. The disease is polyetiological and develops under the influence of infectious factors, helminth infection, nutritional disorders, enzymatic deficiency, toxic substances or radiation. Symptoms of enterocolitis are caused by impaired intestinal digestion, intoxication, and insufficient absorption of nutrients.

Clinical and laboratory signs of colitis and enterocolitis are caused by a long-term inflammatory process. In this case, the contents of the large intestine are thrown into the ileum, the small intestine is seeded with unusual microflora, and damage to the nervous system occurs. digestive system, gastrointestinal motility disorders, trophic disorders. The disease occurs without pronounced periods of exacerbation and remission and leads to the development of a number of characteristic symptoms.

Intestinal manifestations come to the fore, but there are a number of systemic manifestations of the disease.

Intestinal manifestations

One of the main symptoms is abdominal pain

A common process leads to the development of severe dyspepsia. The patient experiences abdominal pain that spreads as the bolus moves forward. With colitis, pain occurs 3-4 hours after eating. In this case, the sensations are localized around the navel, in the right iliac region, and are dull, bursting in nature. In the presence of enterocolitis, after 6-8 hours the pain shifts to the lower, lateral parts of the abdomen, becoming spastic and stabbing. Complete or partial disappearance pain syndrome occurs after the passage of gas or defecation.

The inflammatory process in the small intestine leads to impaired absorption of nutrients, in the large intestine - to the predominance of putrefactive processes and increased release of fluid. This causes diarrhea. There is abundant loose stool, the number of bowel movements varies from 5 to 10 times a day. Feces yellow or yellow-green in color, steatorrhea (increased fat content in stool) caused by impaired fat absorption is noted.

In addition to the above, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • feeling incomplete emptying intestines.

An objective examination reveals moderate bloating of the abdomen, a splashing sound mainly in the cecum.

The described symptoms resemble those of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, secondary changes in the intestine against the background of diffuse gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

When making a diagnosis, careful differential diagnosis is required using laboratory and endoscopic techniques.

Extraintestinal manifestations

Extraintestinal manifestations of enterocolitis and colitis are associated mainly with impaired absorption of nutrients and general intoxication.

Inflammation of the intestine in the small section leads to:

  • decrease in protein concentration in blood plasma;
  • protein edema;
  • weight loss up to 15-20 kg;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • hair fragility;
  • changes in the skin;
  • convulsions, paresthesias;
  • B12-deficiency anemia - pallor, decreased hemoglobin concentration, psychoneurological functional disorders, glossitis, ulcerations on the oral mucosa.

Diarrhea that occurs with enterocolitis causes exicosis (dehydration).

General toxic syndrome manifests itself in the form of a general deterioration in health, weakness, fatigue, and irritability. Characteristic sign– flying muscle pain, decreased general tone, hyperthermia.

During intensive processes, the readings on the thermometer can reach 38-39 °C, but more often the temperature remains within subfebrile values.

Laboratory signs

Basic diagnostic information is obtained using:

  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • studies on acid-base balance (acid-base state) and electrolytes;
  • coprograms;
  • colonoscopy;
  • X-ray of the intestines.

The results of the CBC (complete blood count) contain nonspecific signs inflammation - leukocytosis, increased ESR. Biochemical analysis allows you to detect hypoalbuminemia, lack of serum iron. In acid-base balance, a decrease in the concentration of calcium, potassium, sodium and other vital trace elements is visible. X-ray images show enlarged, distended intestinal loops. Colonoscopy reveals swelling, hyperemia of the mucous membrane, and signs of its atrophy.

For differential diagnosis apply:

  • endoscopic techniques;
  • X-ray of the intestine;
  • counting microbial bodies in the contents of the small intestine;
  • assessment of the absorption capacity of the small intestine.

Interpretation of the results is difficult. It depends on a complex of factors and requires special training. Therefore, there is no need to present it in article format.


Treatment chronic colitis and enterocolitis is to follow a diet, use medicines, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation course. A complete diet for enterocolitis. The daily diet contains at least 100-120 grams of protein, 80-100 grams of fat, 300-500 grams of carbohydrates. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods that increase intestinal motility: black bread, raw vegetables, fatty foods, fresh milk. Also limit foods that have an irritating effect: spicy, salty, sour, alcohol.

An approximate pharmacological regimen consists of the following drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory – sulfasalazine 2 g/day;
  • antibiotics - the choice of drug and dosage depends on the results of the pathogenic microflora test for sensitivity to antimicrobial agents;
  • antidiarrheals - loperamide 2 tablets, then 1 tablet after each visit to the toilet;
  • enveloping – basic bismuth nitrate 0.5 g 3 times a day an hour before meals;
  • antispasmodics – no-spa 1-2 times/day;
  • local anti-inflammatory – microenemas with chamomile decoction;
  • recovery tools intestinal flora– probiotics and synbiotics.

You need to understand that the above diagram is indicative. It may be changed depending on the examination results received by the attending physician.

Traditional methods

Oak bark is one of the best folk remedies for diarrhea

Exist folk remedies, effectively used for chronic enterocolitis. Their effect is mainly fixative and anti-inflammatory. They do not directly affect the cause of the disease.

Plants such as:

  • willow;
  • birch;
  • marshmallow;
  • alder;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;

The drug is prepared according to the rules for making decoctions:

  1. 2-3 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with water.
  2. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The product is cooled, filtered, and consumed orally.

Plants can be used individually or made into fixing collections.

Many nameless herbal recipes found on the Internet are useless or dangerous to use. Examples of safe, proven comprehensive herbal preparations are given in the textbook by E. A. Ladynina and R. S. Morozova’s book “Herbal Treatment.”

Features of the course and treatment in women

The clinical picture of chronic colitis in females is practically no different from that in men or children. Women are also concerned about characteristic complaints from the intestines: flatulence, diffuse pain of an acute or spastic nature in the middle and lower sections stomach, stool disorder.

Sometimes the diagnosis of chronic colitis is delayed due to anatomical features female body. When intense pain appears in the lower abdomen, they first look for pathology from the ovaries or uterus.

In addition, women tolerate anemia much more easily due to ulcerative colitis(due to the presence of regular menstruation), therefore this form of the disease can occur in a compensated manner for some time.

The appearance in a woman of increased fragility of hair and nails, dry skin, rashes, joint pain and weight loss is a signal for a full examination and the exclusion of chronic colitis or enterocolitis.


The prognosis for chronic colitis and enterocolitis is favorable. It is possible to achieve complete recovery or long-term remission. The exception is secondary forms of the disease. The further fate of the patient here depends on the characteristics of the underlying pathology.

Chronic enterocolitis is an unpleasant disease that can be cured. A visit to the doctor and proper treatment can get rid of symptoms in 2-4 weeks. Therefore, if you have the clinical picture described above, you should not self-medicate and use methods with unproven effectiveness. It is recommended to seek help from a medical facility.

Indigestion may be associated with eating poor quality food. But most often, acute infectious enterocolitis occurs when consumed foods are contaminated with various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The vast majority of them are transmitted due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The source may also be a person who is a carrier of one or another pathogenic strain. Persons who have suffered latent salmonellosis, amoebiasis and dysentery pose a particular danger. In them, strains of the pathogen secreted in the small intestine can persist for almost lifelong environment with fecal matter.

Cases of systematic morbidity of children in the same family with intestinal infections are not uncommon. When examining a family, a carrier is identified. Usually this is an adult who may not be involved in cooking. There are also known cases of such infection through staff in kindergartens, schools and even hospitals. The only preventive measure in this case is careful bacterial monitoring of the health of employees. In this material you can further learn about the symptoms and treatment of infectious enterocolitis and talk about laboratory diagnostic methods.

Intestinal infection enterocolitis: causes and pathogenesis

Intestinal infection enterocolitis is an acute inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines.

The causes of the disease can be:

  • and and ;
  • violation of the rules for preparing food and storing it in finished form (for example, frequent heating of the entire volume);
  • lack of personal hygiene skills (you must wash your hands with soap after visiting toilets, public places, transport, and even after holding money);
  • insufficient processing of fruits and vegetables (they must be washed with hot running water for at least 5 minutes);
  • low level of immunity, including in patients there is a decrease in the protective acidity barrier in the stomach cavity;
  • the presence of chronic foci of inflammation in gastrointestinal tract;
  • and minerals that make mucosal cells more susceptible to opportunistic microflora;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, occurring in a chronic form.

Pathogenesis of development inflammatory process begins with the introduction of a microorganism that enters the stomach cavity with food mass or contaminated liquid. Then, with the advancement of the food bolus, the pathogen penetrates into small intestine where damage to mucosal cells begins. They lose the ability to protect themselves. The process of absorption of nutrients and water stops. The process then extends to colon and arises intestinal infection enterocolitis.

Symptoms of bacterial and viral enterocolitis can be different!

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by collecting anamnesis (including the food consumed in previous days), examining the patient, laboratory tests. Mandatory bacterial culture fecal and vomit to identify a possible pathogen. It is necessary to examine all contact persons to prevent chronic carriage in latent forms.

Symptoms of enterocolitis may vary depending on etiological factor. Thus, viral enterocolitis manifests itself in a more acute and violent onset. The body temperature rises rapidly, the patient experiences severe chills, malaise. After 1-2 hours, vomiting and repeated loose stools, which may contain streaks of blood, occur. On average, the acute stage lasts 3-4 days, after which spontaneous recovery occurs.

With regard to bacterial enterocolitis, everything is much more complicated. The clinical picture is not so bright and may consist of the presence loose stool, rumbling along the intestines, pain of low intensity. Palpation reveals slight swelling of the loops and increased peristalsis.

Etiotropic treatment of infectious enterocolitis

In the treatment of intestinal pathology, several aspects are usually distinguished. First of all, the pathogen should be identified. According to the results bacterial analysis etiotropic treatment of infectious enterocolitis is prescribed. For this purpose, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics may be prescribed. These can be “Enterofuril”, “Fthalazol”, “Furazolidone”. To reduce the amount of poisons and toxins present in the small and large intestines as a result of the activity of pathogenic microflora, sorbents “Activated Carbon”, “Smecta”, “Neosmectite” are prescribed. Antispasmodics can be used to relieve pain: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine hydrochloride”, “Drotaverine hydrochloride”.

Important attention is paid to maintaining water and electrolyte balance. In severe cases with severe dehydration, drips are used. intravenous administration liquids. In the lungs and medium degree In severe cases, the "Regidron" solution is prescribed for oral administration.

For viral enterocolitis, antibiotics and sulfa drugs are not effective. Can only be used here symptomatic treatment. After completing its course, correction of intestinal microflora with the help of biotics and probiotics is prescribed for 30-40 days.

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