If your dog's eyes are watery: causes, treatment. A dog’s eyes are watery - how to quickly and reliably solve this problem A puppy’s eyes are watery, how to treat it

When a dog's eyes begin to water, every loving owner asks himself the question - what to do? Let's talk about when you can help your pet yourself, and when you need to seek help from a veterinarian.

Is it normal to have watery eyes?

Are watery eyes in dogs always a problem? No, there are a number of cases when slight tearing is considered normal. For example, if your dog’s eyes are more moist than usual during a walk, don’t worry. Most likely, it is disturbed by dust from the road or wind.

Increased lacrimation is typical for some dog breeds - Spitz, Yorkies, Chihuahuas and others. However, always carefully monitor the nature of the discharge - it should be transparent and not accumulate in such quantities that the animal’s fur gets wet. The eyes should not be red.

Here are some of the most common diseases.

Tearfulness of the eyes - how to deal with it

If you nevertheless begin self-treatment, remember that if there is no improvement within three to five days, then you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian. How to help a dog at home?

If something gets into your eye foreign object, try rinsing it. For this purpose, lukewarm boiled or pharmacy distilled water is suitable. The same should be done if it gets in your eyes. chemical elements– air freshener, deodorant, hairspray and any other aerosols, for example. Make sure there is no chemical burn cornea.

One of folk ways- wipe your eyes with chamomile decoction or strong brewed black tea. Solutions of chlorhexidine, furatsilin or boric acid. Use a separate cotton pad for each eye, wipe from outer to inner corner.

Tearing eyes in a puppy

The condition of the puppy's eyes must be closely monitored. Healthy puppies have clear and clean eyes, not red. Do not poke a cotton swab into your eyes (or even less so with your finger!) if there is no discharge there. If you do notice that your puppy’s eyes are watering, check and eliminate the following factors:

  • dusty apartment;
  • spraying aerosols near an animal;
  • too much sweets in the baby’s menu (eliminate them altogether; teary eyes in a puppy is only one of the negative scenarios; sweets can cause much more serious diseases);
  • foreign body in the eye.

If none of the above applies to your case, then contact your veterinarian, he will determine the real reason the puppy’s ailments and will tell you what to do.

In the next video you will learn how to properly clean your pet's eyes.

Often an alternative traditional medicine the usual tea leaves are used. Try brewing strong tea and rinsing your pet's eyes with it, it may help.

What not to do if you have watery eyes

  • Never wash your pet's eyes with hydrogen peroxide! This causes toxic burns and can be extremely dangerous.
  • Don't let your dog rub his eyes. Take advantage protective collar, if the dog persistently tries to scratch the sore eye.
  • Don't force your eyes open! With such injuries, the eye may leak.
  • Be careful with self-treatment. Many hormonal drugs(gels and drops) if used incorrectly can only worsen the situation. Because of them, your beloved dog may lose his sight forever.

Always soberly assess the situation and do not delay going to the veterinarian!

Video “How and with what to wash a dog’s eyes”

In the next video, the famous Chihuahua blogger Sophie will tell you how to properly care for the eyes of your beloved dog.

Your pet needs constant care. Especially when he feels unwell or sick. For example, very often there are situations when dogs’ eyes begin to water. There can be a lot of reasons that provoke heavy discharge. Of course, it is best to immediately take your pet to a specialized veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination, if necessary. But situations are different, so it’s not always possible to immediately go to see a doctor. In such cases, you can determine the cause of discharge from the eyes and try to provide first aid at home.

In most cases, a dog's eyes begin to water due to inflammatory processes in the body. Often, such discharge may indicate the presence of eyelid diseases, and may also occur as a result of damage to the lacrimal apparatus or injury.

The dog's eyes are watery due to the inflammatory process.

Additionally, many dogs experience watery eyes as a result of hitting them large quantity dirt or dust . Such a symptom also indicates an infectious or systemic disease.

In any case, these conditions are extremely dangerous for pet, so it is important to pay attention to them in time and eliminate them.

Sometimes such phenomena are caused age-related changes. So, in particular, in most breeds, conjunctivitis occurs much more often with age and develops chronic form diseases. Caused by a lack of tear fluid.

How to know when to see a doctor

Watery eyes may not always indicate the presence of serious illnesses in a dog.

Purulent discharge from the eyes is a sign of a serious illness.

So, if the symptom arose as a result of mechanical damage, ordinary washing products that are used at home will help. The following signs will help distinguish the action of external factors that cause tearing from a serious illness, which is indicated:

  • abundant purulent discharge of a brownish, yellowish or green tint;
  • severe redness;
  • external signs severe irritation, itching;
  • violation visual functions– may manifest itself in the form of frequent blinking, squinting of the eyelids.

Eye disease

But also sure signs of a systemic disease are the loss of natural shine in the eyes and too much discharge.

All of the above symptoms may indicate the progression of an eye disease or inflammatory process. If you notice at least one of them, you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will examine the pet, prescribe appropriate examinations, based on the results of which he will determine the real reason discharge. Based on these manipulations, treatment will be prescribed.

The veterinarian will examine the dog and prescribe treatment.

In such cases, dog owners must carefully follow the instructions for the prescribed medications and follow all doctor’s recommendations. If you do not pay due attention to the symptoms that appear in time, the disease will begin to progress rapidly, which can lead to the development dangerous pathologies, up to total loss pet's vision.

Treating dog eyes at home

First of all, the owner must clearly have all the necessary data about his pet. These include past illnesses, breed characteristics, as well as medications that are currently used or have been used previously. As a rule, at the appointment the doctor asks exactly about this.

To examine a small dog, it is seated on a chair.

If it is not possible to visit a veterinary clinic in the near future, then the first thing the pet owner can do is to carry out basic home inspection . If we are talking about big dogs, then they are seated on the floor, little ones - on a chair or table.

Eye examination

  1. One hand opens the eye. This must be done carefully and under no circumstances press too hard on the eyeball. Upon careful examination, you can notice redness, the nature of the discharge (pus, tears), and also notice the presence or absence of foreign objects.
  2. To carry out the inspection as quickly and accurately as possible, you can bandage a dog's mouth with tape. In such cases, a muzzle can interfere, so it will be unnecessary.
  3. If dust or a foreign body gets into your dog's eyes, it is necessary to wash the organ. Silver water is perfect for these purposes; it can be easily and quickly prepared at home. An object made of pure silver is placed in purified water and left there for 24 hours. When the water is ready, wash the pet’s eyes with it, using light movements towards the nose. This can be done conveniently using cotton wool or a cotton pad.

You need to wash your dog's eyes if dust gets into them.

This procedure lasts for five days. . If after this period there is no improvement and the discharge continues, you should consult a specialist. Perhaps the reason lies not only in external factors and discharge is provoked by systemic diseases.

Necessary medications and drugs

Can be used to prevent disease pharmaceutical chamomile.

Every responsible dog owner should always have a first aid kit on hand that contains vitamins and essential medications. If we are talking about medications for the eyes, then the basic set should include the medications listed below.

  1. First of all this special solution , with which the eyes are washed and preventive cleaning is performed. As a rule, this is ordinary Sodium Chloride. Unlike analogues, this product is as gentle as possible on the eyes due to its soft composition.
  2. You should also always have with you special eye drops , which are sold in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. Typically, standard drops have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect and can relieve swelling.
  3. If the dog has allergic reaction to something , which also manifests itself in the form, then they will help get rid of it special tablets. The treatment regimen and course of administration depends on specific drug. One of the most effective tablets is called Cetirizine. According to the instructions, you need to give them to your pet only once a day. At the same time, no drug will live up to the hopes placed on it if the factor that caused the allergy is not initially detected and eliminated.
  4. Depending on the situation, apply eye ointments (as a rule, they contain a small percentage of antibiotic). Such products are applied to the eyelid several times a day. Used in cases of excessive tearing or purulent discharge. Before use, rinse eyes thoroughly.
  5. Ordinary chamomile can be used both as part of therapy and for prevention purposes. Again, it all depends on the situation and the factor that caused the disease. Typically, such products are sold in bags, which are steamed and allowed to brew for about 10 minutes. When the solution has cooled a little, the pet’s eyes are washed with it.

Features of the structure of the dog's body

It is worth noting that some breeds may have watery eyes due to the characteristics of the body and body structure.

The Spitz breed is at risk!

For example, often and sometimes heavy discharge susceptible poodles, toy terriers, schnauzers, spitz. As a rule, discharge is associated with the fact that such dogs' hair or eyelashes do not grow properly. These factors more often than usual lead to the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, constant care is important for such dogs - owners should regularly trim the hair around the eyes.

Poodles are more susceptible to the disease than other dogs.

Owners should also pay more attention to their pet’s diet, because in many cases the main causes of tear discharge are considered overuse sweets, fatty and fried foods. It needs to be excluded.

Every pet owner should understand that a pet needs constant care and attention. It is necessary to carefully monitor his hygiene, nutrition, and regularly visit the veterinarian. Such precautions prevent the development of many diseases and pathologies.


You can try to determine the cause of excessive tearing in dogs at home. Initially, the owner must conduct an examination to assess the condition of the pet.

To avoid vision loss, you need to consult a specialist in time.

Usually sudden discharge from the eyes indicates a foreign body , an allergic reaction or the effects of ordinary dust (especially in the summer). At the same time, if it is possible to take the dog to an appointment with a specialist, it is necessary to do this as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination, based on the results of which he will determine the actual causes of the discharge and prescribe effective treatment.

If damage to the eyeball is caused by injury or systemic disease, it is necessary to take your pet to a specialist as soon as possible to avoid negative consequences in the future – loss of vision, chronic inflammation, severe pain etc.

Video about dog eye care

If there is a dog in the house, it requires regular care. This is especially true during periods when the animal is sick or weakened. There are times when a dog's eyes become watery. Sometimes this is a variant of the norm, in other cases it is a sign of certain disorders in the body.

A dog's eyes can become watery various reasons. If this symptom appears, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate diagnostics. But if it is not possible to quickly examine the dog, you can provide first aid to it yourself. And in some cases, specialist intervention may not be required at all.

Causes of excessive tearing

Dogs normally tolerate a certain degree of tear production. But if it is excessive, goes beyond the natural, you need to sound the alarm. Tears are needed to protect and moisturize the eyes. They help remove foreign particles and microorganisms that accidentally get on the conjunctiva or cornea.

Increased tear production is an anomaly. The reasons may be:

  • ingress of sand, debris, dust;
  • allergic reaction to various substances (wool, tobacco smoke);
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • eye injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • congenital anomalies of the ocular canal.

Breed Predisposition

There are breeds of dogs that, due to the structure of their visual organs, are born with the ability to “cry.” These are drooping eyelids, bulging eyes, and a flat muzzle.

On the page, read about the first signs, symptoms and treatment methods for interdigital pyoderma in dogs.

Dog eye care rules

You need to wipe your eyes from accumulated mucus by special means. Do not wipe your eyelids and eyes with alcohol-containing substances or hydrogen peroxide. Use a new cotton pad for each eye to avoid accidentally transferring infections from one eye to the other. Movements should be light, neat, directed from the outer corner of the eyes to the nose.

You need to examine your eyes daily. This is especially true for dog breeds prone to tearfulness. The animal must be accustomed to the procedure from childhood.

Disease Prevention

The causes of teary eyes vary. To minimize the occurrence of this problem, you need to follow the rules of prevention.

  • monitor the dog’s hygiene;
  • do not allow detergents to come into contact with the eyes while bathing the animal;
  • For long-haired dogs, remove hair from the eye area using elastic bands, barrettes, or cut it off;
  • provide proper diet nutrition;
  • do not walk in windy weather to avoid getting foreign particles into your eyes;
  • promptly treat any infectious diseases.

Sometimes watery eyes are considered normal for some people. ornamental breeds dogs. But if the tears flow continuously and become cloudy, then you need to sound the alarm and contact a veterinarian. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

You can learn more from the video below useful information about why a dog’s eyes water and how to help the animal yourself:

Normally, the animal's eyes are clean, without tears. Excessive lacrimation is observed with injuries, irritation, and the dog’s eyes also water when infectious infection and inflammation of any etiology. The causes of lacrimation vary, so treatment should vary depending on the nature of the disease.

Exudate from the eyes becomes the main symptom of inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus, but can also appear in pathologies internal environments eyes (lens, vitreous and cameras of the eye).

The pathology is exudate from the eyes, which have a red, white, yellow, brown, green or gray tint, and also, if the tears are too thick, mucous, sticking together the eyelids and eyelashes.

Pathology is considered to be excessively abundant and prolonged lacrimation, as well as if the pet has watering in one eye.

The appearance of abundant lacrimal secretion or purulent exudate from the eyes occurs due to hypersecretion lacrimal glands and the release of inflammatory exudate. In chronic situations, animals can experience the formation of red-brown “tear tracks”, hair sticking together and the appearance of crusts. In place of the “tracks”, dermatitis and hair loss may develop.

Tearing in some breeds

In some pets, excessive lacrimation is a variant of the norm and does not have inflammatory in nature. In this case, treatment is not required, but daily prevention is necessary.

This type of discharge is often seen in brachycephalic breeds.(due to the convexity of the eyeballs), pets of long-haired breeds (due to their own hair getting into the eyes) and animals with a wide palpebral fissure.

The latest breeds include:

  • Shar Pei;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • Bullmastiff;
  • Basset;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Pug;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Chow-chow;
  • Pekingese;
  • Bloodhound.

Please note that everything stated reasons They are anatomical in nature, so the puppy usually does not experience lacrimation (the fur is still short, the skin does not hang down).

How to properly conduct an eye examination?

Eye lesions are often the result of systemic disease, not related to the organs of vision. When making a diagnosis, anamnesis is required. It is necessary to establish the breed of the animal, its age, principles of maintenance and feeding. It is important to find out information about past and emerging diseases in the animal, what medications were used during treatment and during treatment. this moment. Veterinary specialist must gather all this information to figure out what to do and how to treat.

If your pet has severe lacrimation, it is recommended that you examine it yourself in a quiet environment. Miniature dogs It’s easier to inspect them by sitting them down or laying them on a table; large pets can be more conveniently inspected by sitting them on the floor. Hold with your free hand palpebral fissure in the open state, trying not to put pressure on the eye and not cause pain or discomfort to the animal. During examination, the parameters of the exudate should be determined, a foreign body, redness and signs of edema should be detected.

If the animal is aggressive, use a wide band to cover the mouth, as a muzzle can only interfere with inspection.

Causes of lacrimation

Neonatal conjunctival inflammation

Etiology– the disease appears under an unopened palpebral fissure (the first weeks of life) or is introduced in utero.

Signs: the unopened eye swells, tears flow from it (transparent exudate is observed in the corners).

Treatment– the palpebral fissure is opened manually or during surgery, the eyes are washed, and antimicrobial ointments are used.

Eversion of the eyelids

Etiology– a condition in which the edge of the eyelid turns outward. This may be a congenital defect (in breeds with excess skin and large eyes). Observed in cases of paralysis facial nerve. May be a complication after surgical intervention or trauma (scarring).

Signs: eyelids do not close. The dog's eyes are running; conjunctiva is red.

Treatment– therapy is carried out only with surgical intervention.


Etiology– appears when mechanical damage, local infection, allergic reaction, demodicosis, long-term keratoconjunctivitis.

Signs: the eyelids swell, the conjunctiva turns red, the hair around the eyelids falls out, scales are visible on the eyelids, itching in the eyeballs, eyelashes fall out.

Treatment– erosive areas are cleaned of pus (chamomile infusion is suitable). Used for faster healing zinc ointment(be careful not to get it in your eyes). If necessary, antiallergic drugs. If necessary, systemic antibiotics.

Etiology– observed with low secretion of tear fluid or its absence. Genetic pathology in West Highland white terriers, mechanism of action – hormonal disorders. In addition, it develops with carnivore plague, with violation of the dosage of atropine, anesthetics, as well as for head injuries.


  • the pet blinks frequently and tries to rub its eyes;
  • Dried crusts of pus can be found on the edges of the eyelids;
  • there is inflammation of the eyelids;
  • mucous or purulent exudate is usually observed;
  • a viscous coating can be found in the folds of the conjunctiva;
  • conjunctivitis is observed;
  • the eyelids and conjunctiva swell.

Treatment– at first, wash the eyes every 2 hours. After the exudate has decreased, the eyes are washed only before application. local drugs(for better absorption). Use ointments with antibacterial substances.


Etiology- needs to timely diagnosis and therapy, otherwise it leads to blindness.


  • unnatural pupil dilation, red eyes due to high blood pressure;
  • slight lacrimation;
  • the pet hides in the shadows and tries to avoid bright light;
  • the animal itches around the eyes;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • appetite is reduced or absent;
  • the animal is lethargic;
  • on late stage the eyeball noticeably enlarges and protrudes from the orbit.

Drugs for treatment: pilocarpine or travatan, diuretics are often prescribed when severe loss the eye requires surgery to realign it into the eye socket.

Etiology– this form of conjunctivitis in animals, in particular in dogs, can develop in the following cases: if an irritant comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. For example, plant pollen, dust, particles foreign bodies. Unbalanced nutrition, usually observed when natural feeding when the owner cannot correctly calculate the amount of necessary nutrients.

Most frequent symptoms can be called: mucus discharge from the eye, itching, irritation, redness of the capillaries.

Treatment– to treat an allergic reaction, immediately rinse the eye with sterile water and/or strong (like dark tea) warm chamomile infusion. You can use antihistamine eye drops.

Etiology– this form develops due to bacterial infection.

The symptoms are:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of varying degrees;
  • unpleasant odor from discharge;
  • discharge of pus from the eyes.

Treatment– without a course of antibiotics, treatment purulent conjunctivitis impossible. In this case, the treatment is carried out in combination with the use of ointments and drops. Before each use of ointment (drops), the eye should be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining pus.

Kerato-conjunctivitis sicca

Etiology- a disease characterized by a small amount of tears, which is insufficient for the normal functioning of the eye. As a result, irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane constantly occurs.

Causes for the occurrence of disease:

  • carnivore plague;
  • allergies to vaccines or medications;
  • head and frontal injuries.

To the most common symptoms include: constant blinking, purulent discharge, viscous mucus, swelling.

Treatment– the eyes are washed with saline solution once every few hours, and the inner corners of the eyes are additionally cleaned and washed with chamomile decoction. The decoction is settled and filtered in advance, the concentration is the same as that of average brewed black tea.

Ulcerative keratitis

Etiology– occurs for several reasons:

  • mechanical irritation (trichiasis or dust in the eyes);
  • viral or microbial infection;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • glucocorticoid therapy (exceeding dosages);
  • chemical and thermal burns.

Symptoms: fear of light (the dog squints, hides in the shadows), constant production of tears beyond the norm, purulent exudate, clouding of the cornea, the appearance of foci of inflammation.

Treatment– an antibiotic-based ointment is used, which is selected individually, it all depends on the level of sensitivity of the dog’s body and the bacteria that caused the disease.

Rules for cleaning eyes

Before washing your eyes, you need to prepare certain things in advance:

  • Cleaning solutions.
  • Cotton pads or cotton wool (you can also use gauze, but it is a bit harsh).
  • Therapeutic ointments or drops that are used after rinsing.
  • When rinsing – filled the right means syringe without a needle (volume 5 or 20 ml, depending on contamination).
  • Treats for dogs.

If the procedure is carried out carefully, the pet will not experience discomfort or pain; dogs often behave friendly and allow the eyes to be cleaned to the end.

If eye drops sting, then, if possible, they are instilled last. The procedure itself is simple and can be done at home.

Technique for removing accumulated pus:

  • You will need help as the washing is done with both hands, but someone needs to hold the dog's head. If the pet is small, then it can be wrapped in a sheet or towel, thereby immobilizing it. The main thing in restraint is to prevent sudden movements of the dog so that it does not interfere or provoke injury during the procedure.
  • The eyes are rubbed in the direction from the ear to the nose. Before this, the cotton wool is moistened in medicine, then carefully wipe the eye. You can't push! If all the exudate is not removed with one movement, then fresh cotton wool is taken for repeated cleaning.
  • The second eye is treated in the same way.
  • If there is dried exudate in the eyes, you cannot remove it by force. To remove it, you first need to soak it well. Using moistened cotton wool, gently blot the dried crust until it becomes soft. Then use cotton wool to clean off the exudate using the same method.

If the eye needs to be washed, then another technique is used:

  • The liquid in the syringe should be slightly warmer than room temperature; ideally, the solution should correspond to the animal’s body temperature.
  • Remember that the procedure, although safe, is unpleasant for the dog.
  • As before, you will need help, washing will take both hands, someone should hold the pet's head. As soon as you start the procedure, the pet may try to escape. It is necessary to prevent sudden movements so that the animal does not injure itself.
  • With one hand, you gently open the eyelids, without touching the eye; make sure that you do not cover any parts of the eye with your fingers, which could interfere with rinsing.
  • From the syringe, you carefully pour the liquid onto the upper outer corner of the eye. There is no need to apply strong pressure; the solution will work without it.
  • After the procedure, let the dog blink (it will do this instinctively), and then wipe the fur and eyelashes around the eye.

How to use drops and ointment

  • Drops. The drops are drawn into a sterile pipette (it is washed with antiseptics); often the package of medicinal drops already includes its own sterile pipette. Use your hand to carefully open your eyelids. Place 2-3 drops on the upper outer corner of the eye (no more is needed, more will not stay on the eye and will run off as a tear). After this, you can let go and let the pet blink; if she tries to scratch her eye, then you need to prevent this.
  • Ointment. Use your fingers to gently push back the lower eyelid so that the conjunctiva is visible. Then squeeze out the required amount of ointment from the tube (usually a few drops). The ointment is applied directly to the conjunctival mucosa. Then release the eyelids, allow the pet to blink, but prevent attempts to scratch the eye.

If you need to administer several drugs, then between using each drug you should take a break of 15-20 minutes so that the medicine has time to be absorbed.


All products can be divided into 2 large groups: antibiotics and antiseptics.



Ready mixture. This is good antiseptic, both for preventive purposes and for direct treatment eye inflammation in dogs. This solution can be purchased at a pharmacy; pre-order it.

Pills. You can also prepare the solution yourself; you just need to maintain the required concentration of 1:5000. In this case, you need to dilute 10 mg of furatsilin in 50 ml of warm water. The readiness of the mixture is easy to determine; there should be no sediment left at the bottom.

Chlorhexidine solution

You should buy a 0.05% mixture at a pharmacy, but to clean your pet’s eyes, you need a solution with a concentration of 0.01%. Preparing a mixture with a suitable content of the substance is not so difficult; it is enough to take 4 ml of chlorhexidine 0.05% into a syringe with a capacity of 20 ml and mix the remainder with saline solution.

Chamomile decoction

You can use folk remedies. It is best to buy dry chamomile in special filter bags. It is enough to infuse only one bag, in 15-20 minutes the solution will be ready. Immediately before the procedure it will need to be cooled.

Black tea

Given folk remedy almost always available. To cleanse the eye, it is best to brew weak tea and let it sit for a day, as freshly brewed tea can cause Negative influence to the retina of the eye.

Eye solutions and lotions Ofto-Lavas

These 2 products are prescribed to eliminate crusts near the eye, foreign bodies or purulent discharge. Used for daily cleaning of pet's eyes.

Diamond eyes

These drops are prescribed to cleanse the eyes. Apply cotton wool around the animal's eye, and then inject 1 drop into each eye.

Drops are used for kittens, pregnant pets and weakened household members. The product is non-toxic and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Oftal solution

The Beaphar company has released a solution that is primarily suitable for pets with long hair. Created to cleanse the area near the eyes, freeing tear tracks from the animal's face.

Sterile eye solution “Chamomile”

The sterile liquid includes a ready-made decoction of chamomile and other flowers; the structure also contains secondary sodium phosphate. Sold in pharmacies, 3 cans per pack. It prevents irritation of the eye mucosa with dust and stimulates self-cleaning. Wash with cotton wool soaked in liquid. The drug is safe, but in a situation of inflammation, go to the veterinarian.

Tear stain remover lotion and wipes

Lotion and special soft wipes are created specifically for cleaning the eyes, made for pets with long hair. Constant rinsing improves the health of the mucous membrane.

Antibiotic products


Drops specially designed for pets contain antibacterial substances. Used for conjunctivitis and other inflammations ocular system. The substance is effective at bacterial infections. Drop 1-2 drops into each eye 3-4 times a day, for at least a week.


Veterinary drops with antimicrobial substances. They are used for inflammation of the tissues and organs of the eye system, especially for bacterial infections. 1-2 drops are dripped into each eye 2-3 times a day, the treatment course is a week.

Solcoseryl (eye gel)

Restores mucous membranes, accelerates tissue regeneration. Used for mechanical injuries. Prescribed when inflammatory processes ocular system. 1 drop is dripped into each eye 2-3 times a day, the treatment course is a week.

Dogs often have “running” eyes. In some breeds (pug, French Bulldog, Pekingese, Spitz, poodle, toy terrier and others) this is almost a breed trait.

Discharge from the eyes may be white and thick, green, and occasionally brown. There can be quite a few reasons for this phenomenon.

Reasons Why Dogs' Eyes Run

  1. Most common cause is the entry of a foreign body into the eye: a blade of grass, wool, dust.
  2. There may be too many sweets in a dog’s diet, for example, a baby is pampered with a treat in the form of cookies or gingerbread. In fact, animals do not need sweets at all, and some (chocolate) are even dangerous to health.
  3. A dog may react with tears if any aerosol was sprayed near it: air freshener, deodorant.
  4. There are also diseases whose symptoms include lacrimation: entropion of the eyelids, blockage of the lacrimal duct, inflammation of the lacrimal sac,
  5. Also, on the third day of development of the disease, abundant purulent green discharge appears from the eyes.
  6. The reason is also incorrectly growing eyelashes, which irritate the eyes, as is often the case in certain breeds: schnauzers, spitz, poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, toy terriers and shih tsu.

Treatment of lacrimation

It is necessary to pay attention to such a seemingly trifle as a dog’s watery eyes, otherwise an advanced disease can lead to serious problems, including clouding of the cornea, or even complete blindness.

If the dog is still in tears, this is the only symptom, and otherwise the animal behaves as usual, first you need to remember its diet: are there any sweets in it, as well as new ones? familiar products. If there is, you need to stop giving it all. There should always be Diamond Eyes eye drops.

They are effective not only for prevention purposes, but also for emerging symptoms of eye inflammation. They eliminate itching and have mild antimicrobial effect, relieve pain and reduce eye swelling and lacrimation. It is also an ideal first aid remedy for foreign bodies or.

You can wash your eyes with the same drops after trimming and haircuts, after walking through the fields and hunting. If only after a night's sleep a little white secretion accumulates in the corners of the dog's eyes, they can simply be removed with a clean cotton swab (separately for each eye) moving towards the dog's nose. If you notice that a very small foreign object or aerosol has entered the lower eyelid, the eye should be rinsed generously with warm boiled water.

If your dog has tears constantly flowing and the fur under his eye is always wet, you can make silver water. A silver object is placed in a glass of spring water for a day. You should rinse your eyes with this water using separate cotton swabs for 3-5 days.

If the tears do not stop flowing, you should consult a doctor. Also, you cannot do without the help of a specialist if, in addition to lacrimation or discharge from the eyes, the dog develops other symptoms.