Genferon or Viferon or Genferon light - which is better for children? "Viferon" or "Genferon": which is better, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Modern world is so intense and dynamic that a person often does not have time to follow the course of events. As a result, he is often in a state of chronic stress and physical fatigue. As a result, he very often has health problems, the immune system begins to “fail,” and new diseases develop or chronic “sores” worsen. In order to save the situation, such patients are prescribed immunomodulators, that is, drugs that help restore the human immune system. Today we will compare two immunomodulatory drugs Viferon and Genferon and try to understand what the difference is between them.

Medicines Viferon and Genferon

Viferon belongs to the group of modern immunomodulatory drugs, it includes recombinant interfernon alpha-2b, as well as vitamins E and C. This complex, in combination with antioxidants, enhances immunostimulating and antiviral activity this drug.
Genferon also contains human recombinant interferon alpha, and in addition the drugs - anesthesin and taurine. The first of them helps to reduce discomfort, Related genitourinary infections, and the second has all the properties of antioxidants.

What is the difference between Viferon and Genferon

What is the difference between Viferon and Genoferon? Viferon is one of the modern immunomodulatory drugs, which is available in various dosage forms: ointment, gel, rectal suppositories. The active ingredient (recombinant human interferon alpha) is a synthetic protein obtained in the laboratory. This protein corresponds to interferon, which is produced in the human body as a response to infection. It protects tissue cells from the destructive forces of viruses and bacteria. The drug has also proven itself in the treatment of diseases caused by protozoa and atypical bacteria that have shown resistance to antimicrobial drugs. Today Viferon is successfully used to treat ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis and trichomoniasis.
Genferon is the newest antiviral agent, which, unlike Viferon, has a slightly different composition. It contains recombinant interferon alpha in combination with taurine and anesthesin. Genferon is available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories. The drug is successfully used for the treatment of genitourinary tract infections, in particular genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infections, cervical erosions, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, balanoposthitis, balanitis, urethritis, adnexitis, prostatitis. Thanks to the interferon included in its composition, the drug has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Anestezin blocks the conduction of impulses through nerve fibers, thereby relieving pain, itching and other unpleasant sensations that arise from urogenital infections. determined that the difference between Viferon and Genferon is as follows:

In addition to recombinant interferon alpha, Viferon contains vitamins B and C, and Genferon contains taurine and anesthesin.
Viferon is available in the form of ointments, gels and rectal suppositories, Genferon - exclusively in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories.
Viferon is used to treat viral infections, as well as to treat diseases caused by protozoa and atypical bacteria. Genferon has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties and is used for diseases associated with the urogenital system.

Pharmaceutical companies offer many immunostimulating and antiviral agents, which sometimes leads to difficulties in choosing medications. Common and frequently prescribed ones include Genferon and Viferon. A review of their features will allow you to choose the most suitable remedy. So what to choose, Genferon or Viferon?

Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories, which are intended for both rectal and intravaginal use. The medicine is also available in the form of a spray. It is applied nasally.

The main active ingredients of Genferon are:

  • obtained using genetic engineering interferon alpha-2b, which is a copy of an immune agent produced by the human body;
  • taurine, which stimulates recovery processes and has a pronounced immunostimulating effect;
  • benzocaine, which has a local analgesic effect, which is important for intravaginal use to eliminate itching and burning.

Genferon also includes auxiliary components. The main one is solid fat. It makes the suppositories slippery and smooth, making insertion easier.

Genferon is packaged in packages containing 5 or 10 suppositories.

Taking the drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. For the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis.
  2. For infectious diseases of organs genitourinary system. Genferon is prescribed if the ailments are accompanied by inflammatory processes. They are common with chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, cervical erosions, recurrent thrush, inflammation of the ovaries or prostate gland.
  3. At chronic cystitis, provoked by pathogenic bacterial microflora.

Genferon is prescribed primarily as part of complex treatment regimens.

Viferon is produced by a domestic company in the form of gels, ointments and suppositories. The latter are intended for rectal use. This is different from Genferon. Its suppositories can also be used intravaginally.

The main active components of Viferon are:

  • interferon alpha-2b;
  • vitamins C and E, which enhance the effect of interferon.

Additional components of Viferon are cocoa butter, which can provoke allergic reactions, and fat.

Unlike Genferon, Viferon does not have an anesthetic component. It is significant in the treatment of urogenital diseases in order to quickly eliminate itching and burning.

Taking Viferon is indicated for the following ailments:

  1. Acute respiratory diseases, influenza, false recurrent croup.
  2. Infectious lesions skin and mucous membranes, for example, herpes and human papillomavirus.
  3. Viral hepatitis B, C, D, including those combined with liver cirrhosis.

Viferon can also be prescribed for infectious diseases genitourinary organs in pregnant women.

Varieties of Genferon and Viferon

There are 3 types of Genferon, which are determined by the dosage of the active components in the suppository:

  1. Suppositories containing 250 thousand IU (international units) human interferon alpha-2b.
  2. Suppositories with 500 thousand IU.
  3. Suppositories containing 1 million IU of interferon.

Each suppository contains taurine and benzocaine in the same amount, 0.01 and 0.055 grams, respectively.

Genferon is also produced under the name Genferon Light. This form is intended for children and contains a lower dosage of interferon (125 thousand units). Candles can be used for newborns

Genferon in the form of a nasal spray is available with a dosage of interferon of 50 thousand units and has a local pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

Viferon, depending on the amount of interferon, is divided into 4 types:

  1. Suppositories with 50 thousand IU active substance.
  2. Suppositories with 150 thousand interferon content.
  3. Suppositories with one million units of active ingredient.
  4. Suppositories containing 3 million IU of interferon.

Thanks to the minimal dosage and convenient form produced by Viferon and Genferon suppositories, can be used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children, unlike other antiviral drugs with interferon.

Viferon is also produced in the form of a gel containing 36 thousand units of interferon, and an ointment containing 40 thousand units of the active substance. Both products are designed for external and local use for viral skin lesions, for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases and influenza.

Taking Genferon is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug.

Use the drug with caution in the following conditions:

  1. Autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus Type 1, thyroiditis.
  2. In the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. During exacerbation of allergic conditions.

During the use of Genferon, it is possible allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching and burning sensations. They arise in exceptional cases and go away on their own in the next three days after stopping treatment with the drug.

In rare cases, there are:

  • rise in body temperature, lethargy, increased sweating;
  • soreness in muscles and joints;
  • loss of appetite.

If adverse effects occur, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

The main contraindication to the use of Viferon is increased individual sensitivity to the components included in the drug.

Adverse manifestations during treatment with Viferon rarely occur. Possible skin rash like urticaria, itching sensation. These symptoms disappear without medical intervention after 3 days after stopping the medication. When using gels and ointments adverse reactions was not observed.

Both drugs are well tolerated in most cases, however, Genferon, unlike Viferon, has more side effects.

Genferon is produced in Russia by Biocad CJSC. Interferon, which is part of the drug, is obtained from coli person. Thanks to the achievements of genetic engineering, she is completely freed from pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the wand becomes completely sterile.

The resulting interferon:

  • corresponds to natural;
  • lymphoblastoid, that is, non-synthetic.

Viferon is also produced in Russia by Feron LLC. The features of obtaining interferon are similar to those in the manufacture of Genferon.

The production of both medicines does not use blood products, so there is no possibility of transmitting viruses and other microorganisms dangerous to humans.

Both Viferon and Genferon are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. You can also order medications online.

The cost of drugs may vary, which is determined by trade markups of pharmacies and transportation costs. To clarify prices in your city, it is recommended to contact the help desk.

On average, the cost of 10 Genferon candles is:

  1. At a dosage of 250 thousand IU, it ranges from 320 to 420 rubles.
  2. At a dosage of 500 thousand IU it ranges from 410 to 540 rubles.
  3. For suppositories with a million units of interferon, it ranges from 560 to 700 rubles.

The average cost of 10 Viferon suppositories in a dosage of 150 thousand IU is 290 rubles, 500 thousand IU - 410 rubles. For suppositories with a dosage of one million units of interferon they ask for 590 rubles.

Thus, both Viferon and Genferon are in the same price category.

A special feature of the drugs is that they can be used by children. But what is better for children: Genferon or Viferon? The choice should be made in consultation with a specialist, taking into account the presence of contraindications and the possibility of developing adverse manifestations.

Genferon is prescribed to children in a dose of 150 thousand IU; it can be used from birth, including the drug being prescribed to premature infants. The minimum dose is applicable up to 7 years of age. Afterwards, children are prescribed 250 thousand units of interferon.

When prescribed to adults, the dosage of the drug is determined by the severity of the disease, general condition patient.

Genferon with a million and 500 thousand units of interferon is used twice a day. There are exceptions.

The duration of treatment also varies:

  • at acute conditions The treatment course is usually 10 days;
  • if a chronic disease is being treated, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis;
  • for prevention purposes, the drug is taken 1 suppository per day for 10-13 days;
  • During pregnancy, the use of Genferon is possible only after the first trimester, in a minimum dosage, for a maximum of 10 days.

Viferon for children from birth to 7 years old, like Genferon, is used in a dose of 150 thousand IU. Adolescents are prescribed 500 thousand units.

For newborns and premature babies, Viferon is prescribed in the morning and evening, with a 12-hour interval between the administration of suppositories. The treatment course should not exceed 5 days.

If the child was born before 34 weeks, Viferon is prescribed one suppository three times a day. The intervals between doses are 8 hours. The therapeutic course is 5 days.

Depending on the nature of the infectious-inflammatory process, the course of Viferon can be repeated at intervals of 5 days.

For adults, the recommended dosage of Viferon is 500 thousand IU. Take the drug twice a day with 12-hour intervals between the administration of suppositories. The therapeutic course should last from 5 to 10 days.

For herpes, the dose of the drug is one million units. Take Viferon twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. So, the situation with herpes is an exception to the rule.

For preventive purposes, the medicine is taken one suppository per day for 10-30 days.

During pregnancy, the use of Viferon, as in the case of Genferon, is possible from the second trimester. Doses and duration of treatment are selected individually.

The absence of a dosage of 250 thousand units of interferon is the main difference between Viferon and Genferon.

The human immune system is a complex mechanism. The principles of its high-quality and uninterrupted operation are still not fully studied. But science has been able to identify the factors influencing its stability and safety and describe the cause-and-effect relationships.

In first place among the harmful causes that remove a person from a working state is seasonal diseases, namely acute respiratory viral infections. As you know, when immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable and the defense system against different types diseases. Research activities in the field of medicine and pharmacology have been able to create a number of medications which have stimulating properties.

Back in 1957, scientists determined the fact that the human body during the acute phase of influenza disease works in a different way, unlike healthy condition. At the level of cellular interaction, cells affected by the virus secrete a special type of protein that performs a blocking function and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic particles.

Researchers have put forward the axiom that it is this type of protein compound that is the fundamental factor in maintaining immunity and rapid recovery in cases of infection. Genetic science has made it possible to isolate this type protein for introduction into the human body if necessary. The resulting substance was commonly called recombinant interferon alpha-2.

Viferon candles, basic properties

It is the above mentioned interferon that is considered to be the drug Viferon. It has a pronounced restorative and stimulating effect on immune system. In addition, the manufacturer introduced additional excipients in the form of tocopherol (vitamin E) and salicylic acid(vitamin C).

Thanks to the presence of these substances, the effect of interferon is enhanced, the effect of taking the drug becomes more pronounced and stable. It was also noted that long-term use the drug does not have a harmful effect on the body, does not reduce positive effect and does not contribute to addiction.

The drug Viferon is available in several dosage forms:

  • Candles.
  • Gel.
  • Ointment.

Depending on age parameters, the dosage can be selected individually. The circulation of the drug after the administration of suppositories is quite long and lasts about 12 hours. The drug is easily tolerated and has no contraindications, so its use is permitted in infants, pregnant and lactating women.

Due to the fact that the production of interferon occurs without the use of donor blood plasma, there is no risk of contracting insidious and terrible diseases (hepatitis, HIV). This drug is worth having in your medicine cabinet, since its effectiveness and safety are scientifically proven.

Genferon, basic properties

The drug Genferon is an antiviral, immunostimulating drug with pronounced antibacterial activity. The composition of the drug is quite simple:

  • Interferon alpha-2.
  • Taurine.
  • Anestezin.

The presence of taurine allows the drug to fight the presence of many pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, fungi, and bacteria. The presence of anesthesin has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce discomfort in the form of pain, itching, burning and tingling sensations.

Depending on the age of the patient and the presence of a particular disease, the drug has different dosages. Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories (candles) for rectal or vaginal use.

The medicine is used to treat problems in the genitourinary system in humans of various ages and gender. Can be used in children, pregnant and lactating women, due to the absence of harmful compounds in the composition.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy in the first trimester.
  3. Children's age up to 7 years.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Any allergic condition in active form.

Thus, the drug is effective for the treatment of diseases of a sexual nature and the urinary system.

Distinctive parameters of candles Viferon and Genferon

Viferon and Genferon are medicines based on interferon alpha-2. Both of these drugs have a stimulating effect on human immunity. The different composition of excipients can be considered distinctive parameters. For Genferon it is: taurine and anesthesin, and for Viferon it is vitamins E and C.

Genferon's release form is limited to suppositories (rectal and vaginal), while Viferon suppositories are only applicable rectally.

The intended use of the drugs also differs. Genferon is indicated for solving issues related to problems of the genitourinary system, and Viferon suppositories for the treatment of influenza, ARVI. Genferon has restrictions on its use, while its analogue can be used at almost any age and condition.

Thus, Viferon and Genferon suppositories have different effects on certain human health conditions and are selected individually by the attending physician.

Allowing you to increase your immunity. Their action is based on the effect of the substance interferon. Viferon contains interferon alpha 2b in combination with vitamins E and C, which help interferon to be absorbed and enhance the immunostimulating effect of the drug.

Unlike "Genferon", "Viferon" is available not only in the form of suppositories, but as an ointment and gel, which may be more convenient for some patients.

"Genferon" is based on the action of recombinant human interferon alpha, as well as anesthesin and taurine. Anestezin helps reduce unpleasant pain sensations arising from infection, and taurine acts as an antioxidant and excipient for the absorption of interferon.

"Genferon" is produced entirely chemical methods. "Viferon" is made entirely from human placenta.


Despite the similarity of the compositions, each drug has its own. Based on the action of interferon alpha, which is already produced in human body, but in much smaller quantities, “Viferon” protects tissue cells from the effects of viruses and other ailments. The medicine is widely used in the treatment of simple bacterial infections that cannot be treated antimicrobials. “Viferon” is no worse than “Genferon” in treating ureplasmosis and other infections of the human genitourinary system.

"Genferon" has more powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. "Viferon" is more often used in the treatment of infections caused by atypical and protozoan bacteria.

"Genferon" has a slightly different composition, which determines the advantages of this drug. The medicine also belongs to the category of antiviral, but is available in the form used rectally or. "Genferon" copes better with suppression pain arising from genitourinary tract infections. The medicine has shown its effectiveness in treating

Nowadays, a person is surrounded by various stresses, both at work and at home, which become more difficult to cope with every year. Developing chronic fatigue the body, which affects not only performance, but also health in general. Under the influence of constant stress, the body’s immunity decreases, which is why periodically aggravated chronic diseases and new ones appear. It is for this reason that in Lately immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs are relevant. Increasingly, patients ask the doctor: “Viferon or genferon – which is better?”

In order to identify the differences between these means, you should understand the composition and find out the action.

  1. Viferon – modern drug, it contains recombinant interferon alpha-2b and vitamins C and E. It is due to them that the product has the greatest activity against viruses. Interferon ( active substance) is presented in the form of a synthetic protein that was obtained in the laboratory. It is identical to interferon, which is present in every person in the body, but in smaller quantities. Interferon protects body cells from destruction by bacterial and viral infections. This protein, when supplied in abundance from the outside, treats diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gardnerellosis. The drug is often prescribed as first aid for ailments caused by protozoan bacteria. Viferon is produced in rectal suppositories, gels, and ointments. This allows you to choose the form of the medicine for any patient.
  2. In addition to interferon alpha-2b, Genferon contains anesthesin and taurine. Taurine is an antioxidant that enhances interferon activity. Anestezin, in turn, reduces painful sensations during treatment. Genferon – newest medicine, its action is similar to Viferon. consists of a release form: rectal or vaginal suppositories. The drug is mainly prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system, including urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, balanoposthitis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, cervical erosions, adnexitis, cervititis, genital herpes, prostatitis, etc.

It is impossible to choose which is better - Viferon or Genferon, since these medicines identical in substance content, and differ only in different antioxidants and the presence/absence of an anesthetic in the composition. Depending on the disease, one or another type of treatment is prescribed; geneferon, for example, works better for treating diseases of the genitourinary system, and viferon is more convenient to use due to different shapes release. Both drugs have a strong immunomodulatory effect, which helps the body fight various types infections. If the patient has itching, pain and other unpleasant sensations, geneferon is more suitable for him, since it contains an anesthetic that relieves pain. And Viferon will be useful where there is a microbial infection that is resistant to conventional antimicrobial drugs.