Gaviscon for pregnant women instructions for use. How to drink Gaviscon double action: instructions for use. Comparison of Gaviscon products

While carrying a child, a woman often experiences new sensations, and not always pleasant ones. One of them is heartburn, which causes discomfort for pregnant women and spoils their mood. To eliminate the problem, gynecologists prescribe Gaviscon to their patients. What kind of medicine is this, how to take it and how does it differ from other heartburn medications?

While carrying a child, a woman often experiences new sensations, and not always pleasant ones. One of them is, which causes discomfort to pregnant women and spoils their mood. To eliminate the problem, gynecologists prescribe Gaviscon to their patients. What kind of medicine is this, how to take it and how does it differ from other heartburn medications?

Gaviscon during pregnancy: instructions

The action of Gaviscon is based on the properties of potassium, sodium, and baking soda. The drug contains macrogol, aspartame, acesulfame potassium and natural flavors. They play a supporting role and give the medicine the necessary physical properties.

Gaviscon should not be used continuously during pregnancy. And although the instructions for the drug recommend taking it after each meal and before bed, pregnant women state that Gaviscon has operational action when taken during periods of exacerbation of heartburn. Getting into the stomach active ingredients Gaviscon interacts with gastric juice, resulting in the formation of a specific gel. It has a softening effect and eliminates the burning sensation when stomach acid enters the walls of the esophagus.

The drug Gaviscon is prescribed to pregnant women orally in 5-10 ml doses. According to the instructions, this should be done before bed and after each meal. Maximum dose medication per day is 40 ml. If you are using packaged Gaviscon, then before opening the bag you need to knead and thus mix its components.

When prescribing Gaviscon to the expectant mother the doctor must take into account general state her health. For example, in cases where women comply due to kidney problems or heart failure. Adjustment of the dose of this medicine is also necessary for other diseases of a woman associated with a violation metabolic processes. That is why you cannot prescribe the drug yourself, referring to the experience of your friends. Dosages and treatment regimens should always be determined by the attending physician.

Interaction of Gaviscon with other drugs

Gaviscon is popular among pregnant women due to its safety for the fetus and the absence negative influence for bearing a child in general. After all, its components are not absorbed into the blood. Gaviscon can be safely used in parallel with other drugs. It goes well with medications. The only contraindication for the use of Gaviscon is the pregnant woman's individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This may result in skin rashes and allergic reactions.

Which is better: Gaviscon or Rennie during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often wonder what medications similar action can be taken for heartburn. The pharmacological purpose of Gaviscon is the same as Rennie. But Gaviscon belongs to the group of alginates - drugs whose components form a gel protection on the surface of the stomach. Unlike Rennie, Gaviscon is effective for four hours after consumption, and the course of administration should not exceed seven days. The dose of Gaviscon per day is limited to 2-4 tablets, and Renia - 1-2 tablets. If Rennie does not give the expected effect, then you need to take another tablet. The contraindications for the drugs are the same. Taking Rennie is not recommended for renal failure, increased levels in the blood and sensitivity to the components of the drug.

On women's forums, expectant mothers share their reviews of the use of both drugs. Rennie is better for some, Gaviscon for others. Therefore, even a doctor will not be able to predict how your body will react to taking this or that medicine. Be healthy and feel comfortable!

Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK

Many pregnant women know firsthand what heartburn is, and about 75% of all pregnant women experience heartburn problems constantly and daily. Especially this disease expressed towards the end of pregnancy, that is, in. If appropriate measures are not taken, heartburn after childbirth can develop into the formation of gastroesophageal reflux disease. But pregnancy is a difficult time for a woman and many medications remain prohibited. Doctors very often prescribe to expectant mothers for heartburn drug Gaviscon . But women immediately have a question: “Can I take Gaviscon during pregnancy?”.

Medicine unique in that the manufacturer’s line includes a special series specifically for pregnant women.

Gaviscon during pregnancy has proven to be excellent antacid, helping to cope with the difficulties of acidity and the reverse flow of juices through the esophagus. The basis of the drug Gaviscon consists of three components:

  1. Calcium carbonate (chalk). Helps lead digestive system to normalize the acidic and alkaline environment.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Neutralizes and normalizes acid in the stomach.
  3. Sodium alginate. Natural component obtained from brown algae. Upon contact with gastric juice, sodium alginate turns into a gel-like substance, which helps prevent unwanted entry into the esophagus. The gel, forming a film, covers the walls of the stomach. If acidic gastric juice nevertheless makes its way into the esophagus, then the film will protect it from the effects of the acidic environment. Thus, the walls of the esophagus will not be damaged, and thus painful sensations will be missing. Sodium alginate forms the basis of the drug Gaviscon; it is the main component in the fight against heartburn. And sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate only increase it positive effect in preventing belching with a characteristic sour taste and pain.

Gaviscon for heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women appreciated the English drug Gaviscon and identified many of its advantages. The effect of its action has been confirmed by research not only abroad, but also by Russian scientists. According to research data and surveys, 90% of all UK pregnant women taking Gaviscon during pregnancy rated it as "excellent" or "much above average" medicine for heartburn.

The benefits of Gaviscon during pregnancy

Gaviscon will cause absolutely no harm to pregnant women. In addition, the product stands out among its analogues.

Firstly, the substances that make up Gaviscon are not absorbed into the blood.

Secondly, has a long-lasting effect. The effect lasts up to 4 - 5 hours. This is due to the fact that a protective film barrier is formed in the stomach.

Third, the effect of action does not depend on the acid level gastric juice. It may be decreased or increased, but in any case, the drug will help to avoid further deterioration of the condition and will lead to normalization of the acid-base environment.

Fourth, the resulting gel-like film copes well with healing damaged walls of the esophagus.

Fifthly, has absolutely no effect on the production of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.

Gaviscon for pregnant women. Why is it prescribed?

Gaviscon is prescribed to pregnant women primarily to relieve heartburn. But besides this, there are other moments when the doctor will recommend this remedy. Namely:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • any digestive disorders that are associated with problems with the acidity of gastric juice;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating food.

According to reviews from some women, it turns out that Gaviscon during pregnancy helps fight early toxicosis. But Gaviscon does not affect the very reasons why nausea appeared. Therefore, the drug is unlikely to help in the fight against these ailments for a long period.

Gaviscon is contraindicated for pregnant women or has restrictions on its use if:

  1. A woman is sensitive to allergic reactions, as this product can quickly develop an allergy, anaphylactic reaction and bronchospasm.
  2. Gaviscon tablets, as well as the suspension, are prohibited in case of increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  3. If a woman has phenylketonuria, then taking the pills is prohibited.
  4. Sometimes a pregnant woman is prescribed a certain diet. If this diet has anything to do with limiting your salt intake, then you need to remember that Gaviscon and Gaviscon Double Action contain sodium bicarbonate (soda).

Gaviscon is prescribed with caution during pregnancy if:

  1. A woman's body is oversaturated with calcium.
  2. The kidneys have at least a small part salt deposits(nephrocalcinosis).
  3. A woman has been diagnosed with urolithiasis with the formation of oxalate stones.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Kidney function is impaired.

Drugs of this type are approved during pregnancy, and studies conducted by the FDA classified Gaviscon as a category B drug. It confirms that the drug does not cause absolutely any negative effects on the health and integrity of the fetus. But, sodium bicarbonate is not particularly well received by some expectant mothers. This is due to the fact that it easily causes sodium oversaturation and an increase in the acidity of the juice in the stomach. And calcium carbonate can provoke the development of Barnett's syndrome, nausea and difficulty defecating in pregnant women.

Gaviscon during pregnancy is especially dangerous for those women who additionally take calcium supplements.

Release form and types

There are:

  • Gaviscon;
  • Gaviscon Double action;
  • Gaviscon Forte;
  • Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women.

All these types of the drug differ in the dosage of the components and the active components they contain.

Gaviscon and Gaviscon Double Action may be marketed as:

  • tablets (mint or lemon flavor);
  • suspension in a bottle (nominal 150 ml or 300 ml);
  • suspension in sachet 10 mg.

Gaviscon Forte is produced only in the form of a suspension. There are no other forms of production.

Some women may be confused medicinal product Gaviscon with another consonant name Hexicon (a drug for the treatment of thrush). The names should not be confused; these are completely different drugs.

Regardless of the form of release of the medicine (liquid in the form of a suspension or solid in the form of tablets), the effectiveness is equally high. But according to reviews from women taking Gaviscon during pregnancy, the medicine in suspension is easier and more pleasant to take, it does not need to be chewed and it does not have the specific taste of tablets.

Heartburn during pregnancy can affect a woman from time to time or daily. In cases where Gaviscon is not taken often, a woman can choose any type from the line of this medicine. But when heartburn becomes permanent during pregnancy, it is better for a woman to turn her attention to Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women. This is not just a marketing ploy, because there are many differences between regular Gaviscon and Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women. So, for example, Gaviscon Forte contains sodium alginate in a larger quantity (more than double) than is present in Gaviscon, and sodium bicarbonate is completely absent. All this increases the safety of pregnant women when taking Gaviscon Forte.

Comparison of Gaviscon products:

  1. As for sodium alginate, Gaviscon or Gaviscon Double Action can contain both 250 mg and 500 mg of this component. Whereas Gaviscon Forte contains 1000 mg of sodium alginate (double dosage).
  2. Sodium bicarbonate in Gaviscon ranges from 106.5 mg to 267 mg, but this component is completely absent in Gaviscon Forte.
  3. Gaviscon Forte contains a distinctive component - potassium bicarbonate (200 mg).

Gaviscon during pregnancy is taken individually, and the dosage is selected by the doctor in each specific case. But not excluded general rules, such as:

  1. The medicine can only be taken for full stomach(that is, after eating).
  2. There is no need to take either tablets or suspension. The tablets should be chewed well and the suspension should be mixed before use.
  3. To ensure that the drug is not wasted and that its effect lasts as long as possible, a woman should reconsider her daily diet and rules of behavior.

Firstly, it is necessary to exclude all fatty foods.

Secondly, after each meal, it is necessary to wait at least two hours before the woman can lie down or perform any bending. This will stop the return of gastric juice into the esophagus.

If heartburn during pregnancy does not stop despite using Gaviscon for more than a week, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Gaviscon analogs

Many manufacturers produce products that affect the acidity in the stomach. However, there is no complete analogue to Gaviscon.

  1. Rennie. Available in chewable tablets. The main active ingredients are: calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate. It was revealed that when taken by pregnant women, the drug has no effect on the fetus. Rennie is in demand among pregnant women. Contraindications include:
  • renal failure;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • increased sensitivity to components.

Proper research has not been conducted on the drug, so it is highly undesirable for pregnant patients to use it and only in rare cases.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various changes. And not all of them can be called pleasant. One of the symptoms is heartburn. In order to avoid it, women often consult a doctor. After all, you can’t take medications in this position. Gaviscon for pregnant women It is recommended that pregnant women take it and it will act as a reliever of heartburn.


Indications for use:
  1. Heartburn
  2. Heaviness in the stomach after eating
The action of Gaviscon is based on components such as: potassium, sodium and baking soda. But continuous use of this drug during pregnancy is unacceptable.

Gaviscon can be taken as a course and only during a burning sensation in the stomach. Many people noted that he has fast action for heartburn and it is not necessary to take it as a course.

When the drug enters the stomach, the components of the gel interact with gastric juice. When it hits the walls of the esophagus, the burning sensation weakens and ultimately disappears. Gaviscon can also be used for preventive purposes. In this case, a protective film will form in the stomach, which will prevent burning.

This drug has earned popularity among girls due to its safe action. It does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and on the fetus as a whole. Because Gaviscon contains no components that are absorbed into the blood. It also interacts well with other medications. Its only contraindication is individual intolerance to one of the substances. If a gynecologist prescribes this drug to a pregnant patient, then he must take into account whether she is prescribed dietary food, which limits salt intake. And take into account the salt in the composition of the drug. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor before use.

Many pregnant girls refuse to take medications. In this case, it will help with the burning sensation in the stomach. proper nutrition and limiting acidic foods. It is better to eat in small portions and drink more water. Then the gastric juice will not be highly concentrated and burning will be avoided.


may occur due to several reasons:
  1. Hernia hiatus aperture
  2. Binge eating
  3. Taking aspirin-based medications
This drug belongs to the “alginate” group of drugs, so Gaviscon can be taken during pregnancy. Even old medications that were previously prescribed by gynecologists can no longer be taken due to possible effects on the fetus. Gaviscon has no such disadvantages.

During pregnancy, the main cause of heartburn is the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs. The closer the due date, the more often heartburn occurs. To remove discomfort Gynecologists prescribe drugs that are not absorbed into the blood. And they cannot harm the fetus. Women ask the question: “Can pregnant women take Gaviscon for heartburn?” The medicine is approved for use during pregnancy.

Use of the drug

Pregnant women can take Gaviscon 5-10 milliliters at a time. The instructions say that you should drink the drug before evening sleep and after every meal. You can take up to 40 milliliters of medication per day, this is the maximum dosage. If you have Gaviscon in a bag, knead the bag before opening it. This way you will mix the ingredients of the drug.


Much to your surprise, this drug has very few side effects. These include:
  1. Bloating, in case of overdose
  2. Individual intolerance
Individual intolerance usually manifests itself as an allergic reaction. And if after taking Gaviscon you experience bloating, then you need to reduce the dosage.

How much does Gaviscon cost for pregnant women?

Prices this drug very reasonable prices range from 87 to 320 rubles, so it is quite possible to purchase such a miracle medicine for yourself. You can find this medicine in any pharmacy in your city.

"Gaviscon" is a medicine that helps with a feeling of discomfort (burning) behind the sternum, spreading through the esophagus, that is, with heartburn.

Since this medicine contains sodium, you should consider the amount if your diet requires reduced content salt. This diet is often indicated for edema, kidney problems or heart failure.

In addition, for diseases associated with calcium metabolism, the dose of the drug must also be selected individually.

Side effect

Fortunately, side effects This drug has very little. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • bloating in case of overdose.

Individual intolerance is very rare and is usually expressed in a rash or redness of the skin, as well as. If, while taking Gaviscon, you notice heaviness in your stomach, simply reduce the dose of the drug.

Possible contraindications

There are very few contraindications for taking Gaviscon:

  • individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug;
  • excess sodium or calcium in the body.

The composition of the medicine includes sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. The last two substances almost never cause allergic reactions, but alginate intolerance sometimes occurs. In this case, another heartburn medication is prescribed.

Excess sodium can be dangerous if you have edema, heart failure, or kidney problems. In such conditions, which are not so rare during pregnancy, a salt-free or low-salt diet is usually prescribed, and then Gaviscon intake should be eliminated or limited.

Excess calcium is harmful in diseases with impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism; in this case, it is also better to avoid taking Gevsikon. In addition, although calcium supplements are usually prescribed during pregnancy, excessive amounts can lead to ossification.

Analogs of the drug allowed during pregnancy

There are several alginate-based drugs approved during this period, for example:

  • "Laminal";
  • "Maalox";
  • "Gastal";
  • "Almagel"
  • magnesium, calcium and sodium alginates.

In addition, sometimes during pregnancy it is prescribed antacids. They are cheaper and also allowed during this period, but there are still more side effects of these drugs.

Gaviscon is modern medicine, which is often prescribed to pregnant women by both gynecologists and therapists. There are very few contraindications for taking it, but before taking it it is better to consult a doctor and take the drug only as needed.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman faces some complications. They are usually associated with a hormonal shift in the body of the expectant mother - progesterone stimulates the relaxation of all smooth muscles. Also, negative symptoms arise due to compression of adjacent anatomical structures by the enlarged uterus - the intestines, Bladder, diaphragm.

Gaviscon during pregnancy is indicated for the treatment of uncomfortable organ symptoms gastrointestinal tract- nausea, belching, heartburn, bloating, feeling of heaviness. The drug has affordable price, is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription form, and also has no side effects on the fetus. That is why the drug is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and esophagus in pregnant women.

Release form

Gaviscon Double Action is a tablet for internal reception. The medicine is available in cardboard packages containing blisters.

The medicine is produced in several forms. The most popular of them is mint suspension. The drug is available in a dark glass bottle of 100, 150 or 300 milliliters.

Gaviscon chewable tablets for pregnant women are a medicinal product for internal use. The medication is available in cardboard packs with blisters.

Gaviscon Forte - suspension for oral administration. The medicine is sold in pharmacies in glass bottles of 150 and 250 milliliters or in sachets of 10 milliliters.

All types dosage forms should not be left in areas accessible to young children. The drug should be stored avoiding direct contact sun rays at a temperature not higher than 26 degrees. The shelf life of tablets is 24 months, suspensions are 36 months. After its expiration, taking the medicine is strictly prohibited.

Gaviscon mint suspension

This release form contains 0.5 grams of sodium alginate, 0.26 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 0.16 grams of calcium bicarbonate.

It is recommended to use the medication immediately after eating and before bedtime. The medicine is taken orally and swallowed. You should drink 10 milliliters of the drug at one time. Maximum amount suspension is 80 milliliters per 24 hours. Pregnant women should not use the medicine for more than a week in a row without consulting a specialist.

The active ingredients of the drug are 0.25 grams of sodium alginate, 0.1 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 0.18 grams of calcium carbonate.

The tablets are intended for internal use. After placing it in the mouth, the patient should chew the medication thoroughly. Gaviscon should be taken immediately after meals or before bed, two tablets at a time.

10 milliliters of suspension contains 1 gram of sodium alginate and 0.2 grams of potassium bicarbonate.

It is recommended to use the medicine immediately after eating and before bedtime. The suspension is taken orally and swallowed. You should drink 10 milliliters of the drug at a time. The maximum amount of suspension is 80 milliliters per day. Average duration therapy - 3-5 days.

Chewable tablets Gaviscon

The composition of the drug includes 0.25 grams of sodium alginate, 0.13 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 0.08 grams of calcium carbonate.

The drug should be chewed thoroughly oral cavity. The dosage is selected by the attending physician. Typically, experts recommend taking 3 tablets per day immediately after eating. Expectant mothers are prohibited from using more than this amount of medicine per day. The average course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Effect on the fetus

During repeated clinical trials Scientists have not found any harmful effect of the drug on the body of the unborn child. The peculiarity of the drug is local action within the stomach. Gaviscon is not absorbed in the human intestinal tract, so it does not enter the systemic circulation.

During experiments on laboratory animals, experts did not reveal the teratogenic effect of the drug - it does not cause congenital anomaly development in the fetus. Also the medicine does not have toxic effect on the body of the unborn child. Taking Gaviscon does not contribute to intrauterine growth retardation and development of the baby.

However, many experts recommend avoiding taking medications when possible. early stages pregnancy. In the 1st trimester of the gestation period, the formation and development of all organs of the unborn child is observed. Negative factors external environment may contribute to pathologies in these cell division processes.

The drug can be taken until the end of the gestation period. The active substance of Gaviscon does not affect the contractility of the uterus, so it does not have a negative effect on the process of childbirth.

Mechanism of action

The principle of action of the drug is based on the binding of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Due to this reaction, the pH increases towards an alkaline environment. Binding acid in the stomach eliminates its negative and irritating effect on the mucous membrane internal organs Gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of all forms of the drug is the treatment of pathologies and relief of symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Before using the drug, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

Gaviscon is most often used as a rapid treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease. This pathology characterized by weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, as a result of which undigested food remains can be thrown into the upper sections Gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is part of the symptomatic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The drug quickly relieves the negative symptoms of the pathology, but it does not affect its cause. Gaviscon combats sour belching.

Also the medication is indicated for relief pain syndrome at peptic ulcer stomach. The drug binds hydrochloric acid, which has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the organ. This remedy has a similar effect in the presence of chronic gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice.

In early pregnancy, Gaviscon is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of toxicosis. The drug fights nausea and vomiting, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the supra-umbilical area.

For more later while carrying a baby, the medication can be used to relieve negative symptoms resulting from compression of the stomach by an enlarged uterus. Most often, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers experience heartburn, sour belching and heaviness in the abdomen.

Features of the treatment of heartburn in pregnant women


According to the instructions for use, the drug should not be used by children under six years of age. The drug is also prohibited for persons who have allergic reactions to the components. Gaviscon should not be taken by patients suffering from phenylketonuria.
  • in the presence of chronic pathology urinary system;
  • if the patient is prone to the formation of oxalate stones;
  • in the presence of urolithiasis in the anamnesis;
  • in the presence of increased calcium levels in the blood plasma;
  • if the patient has nephrocalcinosis;
  • in the presence of chronic liver failure in the stage of decompensation.

Side effects

If the dosage is observed, the drug does not cause side effects. In rare cases, while taking the drug, patients experience negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract - flatulence, stool disorders such as diarrhea or.

In persons with a predisposition, long-term use of the drug may contribute to the formation of kidney stones. This effect due to increased content calcium.

IN exceptional cases People have experienced allergic reactions while taking Gaviscon. They usually appear skin rashes by type of urticaria and dermatitis, as well as itching. Less commonly, an allergy to the components of the drug was accompanied by bronchospasm and angioedema.


Gaviscon increases the acid-base composition of gastric contents. Due to this it is not recommended simultaneous administration drug and other medicines. Gaviscon may cause premature breakdown of the drug shell.

At least 120 minutes should pass between taking Gaviscon and using another drug. The drug inactivates the effect of many antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, antipsychotics, and antihypertensive medications.


If the dose is exceeded by 3 or more times, negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract may develop. Usually a large number of Gaviscona causes severe bloating and diarrhea.

To treat symptoms of overdose, the patient must first stop taking the drug. According to indications, doctors recommend gastric lavage and a cleansing enema. It is also possible to take enterosorbent - activated carbon.

Gaviscon analogs

Rennie is a combined analogue of a drug containing calcium and magnesium carbonates. The drug is available in the form chewable tablets with different flavors, indicated for rapid treatment of dyspeptic syndrome - nausea, heartburn, belching, pain in the stomach. The medication is approved for use in pregnant women from the first trimester of gestation. The drug should not be used in persons with disorders of the ionic composition of the blood and chronic renal failure.

Medicine, active substance which is aluminum phosphate. The drug is sold in the form of a gel for internal use. Due to its composition, the drug can be used for increased acidity gastric juice, pathology of the valve between the stomach and esophagus, as well as for the treatment of functional diarrhea. If the dosage is observed, the medication is approved for use in expectant mothers.

Almagel is a drug containing Algeldrat, Benzocaine and magnesium hydroxide. The medication is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The drug is indicated to relieve heartburn, nausea, belching, and heaviness in the stomach. During pregnancy, Almagel is allowed to be taken for no more than three days in a row.

Maalox is a combination preparation containing Algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide. The medicine is sold in pharmacies in the form of a suspension for internal use. Maalox is indicated for the relief of pain in gastric ulcers and chronic gastritis, also for the treatment of dyspeptic syndrome. The drug can be used during pregnancy.