Indinol: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies. Indinol: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues Mastopathy drug indinol

Indinol is a drug from the group of dietary supplements that helps provide an antiestrogenic and antitumor effect. Application this drug allows you to normalize estrogen metabolism in the female body and prevent the development of hormone-dependent diseases.

The drug belongs to the group of selective estrogen receptor modulators. This product is a multifunctional corrector of pathological processes of a hyperplastic nature in the tissues of the mammary glands.
And ndinol helps to provide a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of disorders that are caused by excessive levels of estrogen. It is effective in the treatment of hormone-dependent epithelial tumors.

Indinol helps normalize the balance of estrogen, prevents their negative effects and blocking hormone-independent mechanisms that activate pathological cell growth in the tissues of the mammary glands and uterus. The drug acts selectively and completely eliminates transformed abnormal cells with increased proliferative activity.

The drug helps block a number of signaling mechanisms that stimulate pathological cell growth in the mammary glands, suppressing signaling cascades from the corresponding receptors.

Release form, composition

The composition of the drug Indinol includes 100 mg of purified indole-3 carbinol. The auxiliary components are starch, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.
The drug is available in the form of capsules intended for oral administration. Indinol should be stored at room temperature, in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays.

Indications for use

Indinol can be used in conjunction with other groups of drugs, as well as in combination with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical treatments, and immunomodulators. The drug is used in complex therapy diseases reproductive system, which are provoked by pathological cell proliferations.

The drug can be used for prevention purposes hormonal disorders and hormone-dependent diseases (including cancer).

The indication for the use of the drug Indinol is the complex therapy of the following diseases:

This drug is used as an additional source of indole-3 carbinols. The combination of this drug with other biologically active additives is allowed.
The use of the drug Indinol helps to reduce the intensity, as well as eliminate pain syndrome in the area of ​​the mammary glands.


The use of the drug Indinol is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to active or excipients. It is not recommended for use in those groups of patients who take medications for high acidity.

This drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

Clinical studies revealed high tolerability of the drug. Using this tool in therapeutic dosages prescribed by the doctor, the risk of developing serious, irreversible side effects minimal.
In some cases, Indinol may contribute to the development of hypersensitivity reactions. With the development of any other adverse reactions It is recommended to stop taking this dietary supplement and consult a doctor.

The use of the drug does not contribute to weight gain and does not have a toxic effect on the woman’s body.

Mode of application

During treatment fibrocystic mastopathy Indinol is recommended to be taken with the main meal for at least 3 months. Further use of the drug is possible after assessing the success of the therapy. As necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

The drug should be taken in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the prescription of the attending physician. Self-medication is unacceptable.

During combination therapy of endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids, Indinol can be used in conjunction with other dietary supplements, as well as medications. In this case, indinol can be used for 1 month. Next you need to take a break.

When treating papilloma virus, the drug must be taken for at least 3-6 months. The duration of taking the drug may be adjusted. Treatment in this case is combined with the use of immunomodulators and other groups of drugs that can be used in standard scheme therapy.
The course of medication must be taken by both sexual partners.

Interaction with other drugs

If it is necessary to combine Indinol with other groups of drugs, you must first consult with your doctor.

Analogues, cost

The cost of the drug Indinol is determined depending on the manufacturer and the pharmacy that dispenses the product.
Indinol MiraxBiopharma (Russia):
300 mg, 30 pcs. – 1200-1800 rub.
300 mg, 60 pcs. – 1350-2000 rub.
30 mg, 120 pcs. – 2400-2600 rub.

Indinol Forto (Miraxbiopharm, Russia), 200 mg No. 60 – 2600-3100 rub.

The advantages of the drug include: vegetable origin and high tolerance. This remedy has a positive effect if used as an auxiliary element of therapy.
Disadvantages include the rather high cost of the drug and the duration of administration (in some cases at least six months). This product is not a medicine and belongs to the group of dietary supplements.

Analogues of the drug are the following means: Intrinol, Indolecarbinol, Indinol Forto.

If replacement is necessary, preliminary face-to-face consultation doctor


“Indinol is a phytodrug that is prescribed in the complex therapy of mastopathy. This product contains a plant from the cruciferous family, which is rich in highly purified and safe indole-3 carbinol. Despite the fact that the drug is still considered a dietary supplement, it has a pronounced antitumor and antiestrogenic effect.

The mechanism of action of this remedy is based on its ability to normalize metabolic processes and slow down the production of hydroxyestrone, which contributes to carcinogenic effects on female body».

Vera Alekseevna, mammologist

“In addition to the treatment of mastopathy, Indinol can be prescribed for minor menstrual irregularities, in complex therapy premenstrual syndrome and mastalgia. The drug is also advisable to use as a preventive measure for tumor development.

Treatment of mastopathy, of course, should be pathogenetic; medications are prescribed on a strictly individual basis. The selection of medications is carried out taking into account the patient’s age, concomitant diseases, functioning of the ovaries. Indinol is effective and powerful tool, which significantly speeds up the healing process and is well tolerated by all categories of patients.”

Irina Vitalievna, gynecologist

“At the initial manifestations of mastopathy, the doctor prescribed taking Indinol. She said that the medicine should be taken for at least six months. After the course of therapy was completed, examination showed that the disease had resolved.

No hormonal drugs were used during treatment. At the beginning of the course of taking Indinol there was a slight feeling of nausea, but after a week of treatment this symptom went away on its own. I am very pleased with the effect of the drug.”


“I got acquainted with Indinol after I stopped taking it oral contraceptives. Against the backdrop of stopping the use of hormones, the body immediately reacted in its own way: seals appeared. An ultrasound showed porous formations and a cyst was diagnosed.

In addition to Indinol, the drug Epigallate was prescribed. At first I was very upset when I saw that both products were dietary supplements; I didn’t have much hope, but I decided to take the prescribed course of treatment. Despite the fear, concerns and high cost of these drugs, I took the drugs for 4.5 months. Repeated examination showed significant improvements. At the time of treatment, the cost of 1 course of treatment cost 5,500 rubles, this is of course an important factor. But then you don’t have to poison yourself with hormones and there really is a healing effect.”

“I have been taking indole-3-carbinol for the last 4 months. I have tried from different manufacturers, but there is no effect yet (we are treating mastopathy). However, she noted the development positive effects: symptoms of premenstrual syndrome have almost disappeared, returned to normal menstrual cycle.

This must indicate the effectiveness of this drug. It is possible that to eliminate mastopathy more long-term use this dietary supplement. The cost of Indinol, of course, is very disappointing. This is perhaps one of the most significant disadvantages.”

The disease tends to recur and therefore requires and further observation by a qualified specialist.

Mastopathy is a change in the ratio of breast tissue, namely connective and epithelial. This change occurs when neurohumoral regulation is disrupted; this means that mastopathy can be caused by both various disorders nervous regulation – depression, neurosis, stress.

Description of the drug

Indinol Forto is a dietary supplement, a dietary supplement.

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the growth rate of tumors that are hormonally dependent. Therefore, Indinol Forto is often prescribed to women with various benign pathologies in the mammary glands and reproductive organs.

This medicine affects tissues that are most susceptible to the development of tumor processes. It deactivates the receptors that produce estrogen, and also stops the formation of a certain hormone that can trigger the development of cancer in the body.

In addition, Indinol Forto causes a mechanism that leads to self-destruction of malignant cells. Thus, the drug slows down the growth of tumors in mammary gland, reduces the rate of development of hyperplastic processes, and also negatively affects the papillomavirus.

Treatment effectiveness

Since Indinol Forto is a dietary supplement, it is rarely used as the main treatment for mastopathy. As a rule, the drug is prescribed in combination with other medicines.

The product is of plant origin, therefore, it is relatively safe.

If mastopathy occurs in an advanced form, treatment with Indinol Forto may not give the desired effect, but for the treatment of initial forms of pathology this remedy is very suitable.

Modern diagnostic techniques make it possible to diagnose mastopathy at the most initial stages. This makes it possible not to resort to help hormonal drugs which may cause unwanted side effects. Indinol Forto is safe drug, quite effectively helping in the treatment of mastopathy, and not only. Indinol Forto exhibits positive action at various diseases accompanied by an increase in estrogen levels in the blood.

According to patient reviews, Indinol Forto is effective in different forms mastopathy. Most often, the drug is prescribed for the prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy, but always in combination with other treatment methods.

Operating principle

Indinol Forto is a non-hormonal estrogen receptor inhibitor. That is, it acts on the receptors, as a result of which estrogen production decreases. The drug destroys estrogen receptors on tissue surfaces, and they are frequent targets for the development of tumor processes.


16-hydroxyestrone has increased carcinogenic activity - it triggers cancer processes in the body. Indinol has a destructive effect on it, and also triggers the process of apoptosis - the destruction of pathogenic cellular structures.

Thus, by reducing estrogen synthesis, Indinol reduces cellular activity to uncontrolled division, which means the risk of malignancy, as well as rapid development pathological process decreases.

Indications for use

As auxiliary treatment diseases caused by proliferation of epithelial cells, Indinol Forto is prescribed in the following cases:

  • and uterine fibroids;
  • diplastic processes in the uterus.

Indinol Forto is also used for complex treatment papillomavirus, especially after removal of papillomas, relapse of the disease is prevented.

In some cases, it is advisable to use the drug after treatment of breast or uterine cancer. The decision about the need to take the drug is made by the doctor.

As a preventive measure, Indinol Forto is prescribed to women who are at risk of developing hormone-dependent tumors.

How to take it correctly

For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, Indinol is prescribed 1 capsule per day. Since this is a dietary supplement, it must be taken with food.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Indinol 2 capsules per day for six months. The drug is taken without interruption.

After the course of treatment, you can repeat a breast ultrasound or mammography.

If the size of the tumor decreases, but does not completely disappear, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after two months. Such courses should be carried out at intervals of two months until the pathological neoplasms completely disappear.

When taking Indinol prophylactically, the drug is prescribed 200 mg twice a day for 3 months, or 100 mg twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

The duration of use of Indinol Forto is prescribed by a doctor, most often the drug is prescribed for a period of 3 weeks to six months. But in some cases, longer use is recommended, but in this case a two-month break is required between courses.

There are no clinical data on the effect of the drug on pregnancy and the fetus. Therefore, the period of bearing a baby and its subsequent breast-feeding are a contraindication for taking Indinol Forto.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • simultaneously with drugs that reduce stomach acidity.

Preclinical and clinical researches showed that Indinol Forto is well tolerated by patients, and there are no side effects when taken in therapeutic doses.

However, it must be said that some patients complain of:

If you experience any discomfort after taking the drug, you must report it to your doctor.

Comparison with Indole Forte

- This is a stronger analogue of Indinol. This dietary supplement is characterized by a high concentration of the active ingredient.

Indications and contraindications for the drugs are the same. The difference is that Indinol is prescribed for early stages pathological process, and Indole is often included in the complex treatment regimen for severe forms.


Both drugs are not medicines, but belong to the group of dietary supplements.

Reviews from women

Below are reviews from women about the effectiveness of Indinol Forto:

(( reviewsOverall )) / 5 Patient assessment (11 votes)

Evaluation of a drug or treatment

Indinol- antiestrogenic and antitumor herbal medicine. Normalizes the metabolism of estrogen in the body and prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases. Renders positive influence for disorders caused by hyperestrogenemia. Effective for estrogen-dependent tumors of epithelial origin. Effective for diseases associated with the human papillomavirus. It is used in complex treatment: for mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, premenstrual syndrome, papillomatosis of the female reproductive system, dysplasia and cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer.

Composition and release form

Indinol capsules 30 pcs. packaged. 1 capsule of Indinol contains: highly purified indole-3-carbinol 100 mg.


Indinol- an antiestrogenic and antitumor herbal medicine obtained from plants of the cruciferous family. Indinol contains highly purified indole-3-carbinol, which normalizes the metabolism of estrogen in the body and prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases.

Indinol has pronounced antiestrogenic activity. Normalizes the metabolism of the female sex hormone estradiol and inhibits the synthesis of 16-hydroxyestrone, which has pronounced carcinogenic properties. Reduces the number of estrogen receptors in target tissues. Has a positive effect on functional disorders caused by hyperestrogenemia.

Indinol effective against tumors of epithelial origin of the female reproductive system. Has a positive effect on hyperplastic processes in the organs of the female reproductive system, caused by disturbances in regulation cell division. Suppresses the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors of the female reproductive system. Induces selective apoptosis of tumor cells. Neutralizes the effect of growth factors that stimulate the development of mammary gland tumors.

Indinol It is also a remedy effective against diseases associated with the human papillomavirus. Blocks the synthesis of the E7 oncoprotein in epithelial cells infected with the human papillomavirus, and thus inhibits the processes of malignancy.


Indinol used in combination with traditional methods treatment (including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, surgical methods, immunomodulators, etc.) for diseases of the female reproductive system, the development of which is based on the processes of pathological cell proliferation. Indinol can be used in women for the prevention of hormonal disorders and hormone-dependent diseases, incl. oncological:
- mastopathy;
- endometriosis, adenomyosis;
- myoma (fibromyoma) of the uterus;
- ovarian cyst;
- dysplasia and cervical cancer;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- ovarian cancer;
- mammary cancer.
- papillomatosis of the female reproductive system, human papillomavirus infection (papillomas, genital warts, respiratory papillomatosis).

Directions for use and doses

Indinol prescribed orally before or during meals, 400 mg (2 capsules 2 times a day) daily for 3-6 months.

For mastopathy Indinol take 2 capsules 2 times a day for 6 months, for the purpose of prevention - 2 capsules 2 times a day for 3 months.

For endometriosis and uterine fibroids, Indinol is used in combination with Epigallate, 2 capsules of Indinol and 2 capsules of Epigallate 2 times a day for 6 months; in order to prevent relapses, 2 capsules of Indinol and 2 capsules of Epigallate 2 times a day for 3 months.

For all forms papillomavirus infection Indinol in combination with immunomodulatory or antiviral drugs Use 2 capsules 2 times a day for 6 months.


- individual intolerance (including a history of hypersensitivity) to components Indinola;

Strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

Reactions of individual intolerance are possible.

Special instructions and precautions

Before using the drug Indinol, you should consult your doctor!

Main settings

ATX code: G02CX -

Indinol is a herbal medicine that has antitumor and antiestrogenic effects.

Active substance


Release form and composition

Available in the form of capsules, which are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces or polymer jars of 60, 90 or 120 pieces.

Indications for use

Complex therapy and prevention of the following diseases:

  • mastopathy of fibrocystic etiology;
  • endometrial hyperplasia (passing without atypia);
  • adenomyosis (a type of endometriosis);
  • uterine fibroids;
  • diseases of the female genital area associated with human papillomavirus, including anogenital condylomatosis and cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia).


  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • conducting therapy with medicinal products, reducing gastric acidity.

Instructions for use Indinol (method and dosage)

Capsules are taken orally with meals.

  • For fibrocystic mastopathy: 1 caps. per day for 2 - 3 weeks.
  • As part of combination therapy (endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids): 1 caps. per day for 2 – 3 weeks in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat (1 cap.). If necessary, longer use is possible after consultation with your doctor.
  • For diseases of the genital area associated with the human papillomavirus: 1 caps. 1 time per day in combination with immunomodulator drugs used as standard treatment of these diseases.

Both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Side effects

In rare cases, the following may occur during the use of Indinol: side effects: allergic reactions in the form of skin redness, itching, skin rashes etc.

Whenever side effects you should stop taking the drug immediately.


No cases of overdose have been reported.


Mastodinon, Remen, Estrovel, Indol Forto, Klimaton.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

  • Indinol is a dietary supplement that normalizes estrogen metabolism and stops the development of estrogen-dependent diseases. Effective for diseases associated with the human papillomavirus and estrogen-dependent tumors of epithelial origin. The drug has a beneficial effect on disorders caused by hyperestrogenemia.
  • It has pronounced antiestrogenic activity. Its use normalizes the metabolism of the female sex hormone estradiol and blocks the process of synthesis of 16-hydroxyestrone, which has pronounced carcinogenic properties. Under the influence of the drug, the number of estrogen receptors in target tissues decreases.
  • It is often used in the treatment of tumors of epithelial origin of the female reproductive system. It has a beneficial effect on hyperplastic processes occurring in the organs of the woman’s reproductive system and normalizes the processes of cell division.
  • It has been clinically proven that when taken, the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors of the female reproductive system is suppressed and selective apoptosis of harmful tumor cells is induced. The active component, indole-3-carbinol, neutralizes the effect of growth factors that stimulate the development of mammary tumors. The drug is also effective against various diseases associated with the human papillomavirus. Indole-3-carbinol stops the process of synthesis of oncoprotein E 7 in epithelial cells infected with human papillomavirus. Thanks to this effect, the processes of malignancy are slowed down.

special instructions

Before use, you should consult your doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Dietary supplements (BAAs) are playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Most of them really bring benefits, but the fact that in our country there is active advertising of dietary supplements as medicines is alarming. Such advertising by manufacturing companies does not explain to consumers of their products that these products should not replace medications, and should be used only for complex therapy or for prophylactic purposes.

One of these remedies is Indinol, reviews of which are now so common when discussed on various women's forums. This dietary supplement contains dietary indole and is available in the form of gelatin capsules. Dietary indole is found in cruciferous vegetables (turnips, radishes, rutabaga and different kinds cabbage). It has long been known that vegetables contain many substances that benefit the human body. At the end of the last century, scientists determined that constant consumption of cruciferous vegetables significantly reduces the risk of tumors of the breast, intestines and female genital organs.

Research results have shown that dietary indole contained in cruciferous vegetables can reduce the level of female sex hormones in the blood. Thus, when taking Indinol, reviews from those who have taken it show the effectiveness of its effect on the female body. The drug Indinol makes it possible to prevent the development of tumors from excessive amounts of hormones, and also regulates the menstrual cycle in case of too much estrogen production in the body in the case of premenstrual syndrome. Therefore this drug is good prophylactic, helping to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Indinol has a preventive effect on the development of human papilloma, reducing the amount of estrogen, thereby normalizing hormonal background, and this in turn ensures the mobilization of all protective forces body. Discussing the drug Indinol reviews medical specialists they clearly say that it can only be taken for preventive purposes, and in no case for the treatment of tumors. In the world medical practice Sufficient experience has already been accumulated in the use of preparations containing dietary supplements obtained from plants of the cruciferous family.

Therefore, Indinol analogues of which are produced in many countries, gives good results in the prevention (including in case of relapses) of cervical cancer, since its development is mainly associated with the human papillomavirus. The instructions indicate the indications for use of the drug, these are: mastopathy, endometriosis, breast cancer, dysplasia and cervical cancer, ovarian cysts and human papillomavirus infection. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor. It is recommended to take the drug for three months, 2 times a day, 2 capsules before meals. Indinol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

When studying reviews among those taking Indinol, it is important to take into account that in some cases it is noted. Although the instructions for the drug indicate that it has no side effects, you need to know that dietary supplements do not have any clinical trials. Therefore, you need to be interested in the opinions of other patients. Many women indicate that taking the drug can contribute to weight gain. This is not at all surprising when the level of estrogen in the blood decreases. In addition, the duration of the egg maturation process may increase. Such exposure will create problems with conception. However, in any case, Indinol is a dietary supplement that is beneficial for the body.