How to relieve tooth pain. Acupressure will help relieve toothache without pills

When teeth begin to hurt, a person cannot concentrate on anything; he wants it to go away as soon as possible. Similar sensations may occur different character: pulsating, aching, cutting. Toothache is considered the most severe and painful in nature. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of it. Want to know how to relieve toothache at home? Then this article will be useful.


Before you understand how to relieve acute toothache at home, you need to understand the nature of its occurrence. The simplest and most common reason is high sensitivity. This pain occurs when the enamel is exposed to cold, hot, acidic food or drinks. To get rid of it, it is enough to eliminate the irritant: rinse your mouth with slightly warm water, brush your teeth. Use a special paste for daily hygiene procedures and you can prevent unpleasant symptoms.

Toothache can occur due to various inflammatory processes. Caries, pulpitis, cracks in enamel, periodontitis and others dental diseases also lead to very unpleasant sensations. In this case, a painkiller will help relieve toothache quickly, but the effect will be short-lived. Therefore, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.

How to relieve suffering

What to do if a toothache comes unexpectedly, and there are no medications on hand or you can’t take them? In this case, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Pepper and salt help relieve tooth sensitivity. To do this, add a drop of water to them until a thick paste forms, apply to the problem area for 5 minutes.
  2. Raw potatoes will help relieve severe toothache at home. Take a small piece and apply until the discomfort stops.
  3. Cloves are one of the most effective means according to reviews from Moscow residents. Grind it and mix with sunflower or olive oil, apply until the pain disappears.
  4. Garlic has strong antimicrobial properties. Grind it and apply it to the sore tooth, or just chew it for a few minutes.
  5. Salted water can work real miracles. Just rinse your mouth with it and you will feel relief.

Remember that painkillers and folk remedies give a temporary effect. They do not eliminate the cause, but fight the symptoms. To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Almost every person has to deal with acute toothache in their life. It doesn’t matter at all what the reasons are; when it appears, you can go crazy. Sharp, boring, constant - it would seem that there is no pill for it, and the only way– rush into the night to a 24-hour dentistry. It drowns out all other feelings, thoughts, desires and crushes with its unbearability. However, not everything is so scary, and you can alleviate your condition before you go to the dentist - and this must be done. So, how can you relieve acute toothache?

Causes of acute pain in teeth

  • caries, which exposed the nerve endings of the teeth;
  • cracks in teeth;
  • pulpitis;
  • incorrectly placed fillings;
  • periodontitis.

If the pain subsides on its own, do not relax. The disease has not disappeared anywhere, it has simply become chronic stage threatening much more serious problems up to tooth loss.

First steps to take
The first step is to get rid of food debris in your teeth using a toothpick, dental floss, or thoroughly rinsing your mouth with warm water.

If you are able to eat, rinse your mouth after eating with salt water (1 teaspoon salt per 250 ml water)

Hold a sip of vodka or whiskey in your mouth in the area of ​​the tooth - alcohol will act as a pain reliever. The main thing is not to overdo it, since alcohol is absorbed through the mucous membrane very quickly, and instead of having an analgesic effect, there is a risk of getting “general anesthesia.”

Place a piece of ice on the tooth or in the tooth socket
Do not heat the tooth under any circumstances! In this case, there is a risk of getting a complication and earning best case scenario flux, and in the worst case, an abscess, which will lead to the need for surgical intervention.

Folk remedies for pain relief
You can also relieve acute toothache with folk remedies, used for centuries. Some methods are questionable, but in practice they turn out to be very effective. After all, what can’t you do to make your life easier?

  1. Craftsmen advise applying a piece of lard to the sore gum.
  2. Rinsing oral cavity Sage decoction also reduces pain.
  3. You can place a clove of garlic on your wrist for 5 to 20 minutes. They say this method works like acupressure.
  4. ...which, however, can also be effective. It is necessary to massage the point between the large and large for five minutes. index finger on the hand opposite the side of the diseased tooth.
  5. A completely exotic way is to put fresh plantain root in the ear on the side of the aching tooth, and after half an hour the pain will subside.

Medications for pain relief
On this moment pharmacies offer a huge selection of painkillers - Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Ledocaine. Ledocaine is a last resort, but very effective. It should be injected into the base of the tooth, and you will get rid of pain for up to six hours. If so strong remedies If you don’t like it, soak a cotton swab in a small amount of Valocordin or Validol and place it on the sore tooth. You can also use “Dent” drops - they also need to be moistened with cotton wool and placed on the tooth.

There are thousands of options for how to relieve acute toothache at home, and new methods are being invented every day. However, it is best to contact your dentist immediately if pain occurs. He will cure your tooth in ten minutes and tell you what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again.

How to relieve a toothache if you don’t have painkillers on hand?

Dry the tooth

Whenever toothache We, as a rule, reflexively try to “dry it out” by sharply sucking air through our mouths. The dentist does the same thing before treatment, although he has a special device for this that emits a stream of air under pressure. The purpose of this is to keep the tooth as dry as possible, since this will make the nerves in the pulp less sensitive to pain.

Chewing gum without sugar

However, it is possible that the cause of your pain is of a different nature, and the contact of the tooth with air only intensifies the agony. It is for such cases that it is recommended to use chewing gum that does not contain sugar. Thanks to her, you will be able to isolate bad tooth from the air. Of course, this is only a temporary measure that should precede a visit to the dentist. It should also be noted here that chewing gum with sugar will only increase your pain.

Cold water

To relieve toothache, you can also rinse your aching tooth cold water, because lowering its temperature will dull the pain and distract you from it for a while. This method is convenient because cold water available to us at any time: you can cool it in the refrigerator, get it from a cooler, from a hot/cold water tap, or buy it in a store.

For people with hypersensitivity Cold teeth can only be a factor that aggravates the pain. If you are one of them, then you are not recommended to use this method.


You should brush your teeth regularly, morning and evening, this is also very useful for toothache. After all, in addition to all other components, toothpaste contains chemical substances, partially capable relieve toothache. In addition, brushing a diseased tooth will rid it of food particles that have a negative effect on its condition. You should brush your teeth until you feel the pain subsiding.

All of the above methods getting rid of toothache have proven their suitability, but do not forget that they are only a temporary measure that cannot replace professional treatment at the doctor's. Remember, only a dentist can do everything necessary procedures, to cure a bad tooth.

How to soothe a toothache at home

Toothache can appear at the most inopportune moment, for example, when you are in nature, far from the civilized world and there is simply no one to help in this situation. Therefore, we will consider ways to relieve toothache yourself, at home.

The simplest and most proven method of eliminating pain is Adoption medical supplies . If a tooth begins to hurt while eating, you must immediately stop eating, clean your teeth of food particles and rinse your mouth thoroughly. After this, you need to take a painkiller, it can be analgin, ibuprofen or ketones. But when using these drugs, you should carefully study the instructions and take into account the dose and contraindications so as not to cause harm to health.

If painkillers are not at hand, you can use a cotton swab soaked in Valocordin or make soda solution for rinsing the mouth. You can add a few drops of iodine to the soda solution.

These methods will help temporarily dull the pain. But what to do if the listed medications are not at home or the pharmacy is too far away. What to do? You can try to relieve toothache at home using proven traditional medicine.

Home Remedies for Pain Relief

How to relieve toothache? To do this, you can use improvised means that are found in every home.

  • Salt and pepper. If the tooth has become very sensitive, a mixture of pepper and garlic will help effectively. To do this, mix equal parts of spices with a drop of water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then you need to apply the paste to the tooth and leave for five minutes. Repeat the procedure for several days.

  • Potato. Cut a small circle of potato, place it on the aching tooth and hold it until the pain or discomfort disappears.
  • Garlic. Antibiotics and many others medicinal properties This plant will be effective in fighting bacteria. So, a clove of garlic needs to be chopped and mixed with table or black salt. Next, put the mixture on the sore tooth. In addition, you can simply chew garlic, trying to get it on the disturbing tooth. It is necessary to use the product for several days.
  • Carnation. Carnation is probably the best remedy in the fight against toothache. The anesthetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect of such treatment will help speed up the process of pain relief and stop infection. Two cloves must be crushed and mixed with vegetable or olive oil. Apply the product to the tooth. The second way is to rub clove oil into a sore spot, this will dull a sharp toothache. In addition, you can dissolve five to six drops in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
  • Onion. Antimicrobial and antiseptic properties onions are well known to everyone. At the first pain Chew the raw onion for a few minutes. If the pain prevents you from chewing, then place a piece of onion on your tooth and leave it there for a while.
  • Asafoetida. This remedy has long been used to treat not only toothache, but also bleeding gums. You need to add a pinch of asafoetida to lemon juice and then just reheat. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and place it on the sore tooth. Place asafoetida, which has been fried in vegetable oil, in your mouth to relieve pain instantly.

  • Salted warm water. A simple glass of warm water with salt can work wonders. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in two hundred ml of water and rinse your mouth with this solution. Thanks to this method, fluid will drain from the tissues and nerve swelling will decrease. The liquid will also prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Apple vinegar. Place a swab soaked in vinegar on the sore spot in the mouth and hold for two to three minutes, the toothache should gradually subside.
  • Salo. You just need to apply a thin slice of lard to the sore tooth and wait until the pain begins to subside.
  • Guava leaves. Young guava leaves will help relieve toothache. You can simply chew them until the juice comes out, which will remove pain syndrome. You can also boil four leaves, strain the broth, add salt and use it as a mouth rinse. Raw spinach leaves can be used as a substitute for guava leaves.
  • Wheatgrass juice. Has natural antibacterial properties and is also good remedy in the fight against caries. Wheat sprouts need to be ground, extracting the juice from them. Then rinse your mouth with the solution. Toxins from the gums will be absorbed by the juice, and bacteria will slow down their development.

  • Alcohol. After rinsing your mouth alcoholic drink, toothache may become dull.
  • Cucumber. Place a slice of cucumber on the sore spot. You can just chew it.
  • Vanilla extract. Soak a cotton swab with it and apply it to the aching area. The intensity of toothache will decrease.
  • Baking soda. Roll a soaked cotton swab in baking soda and salt and apply to the sore spot.
  • Plantain. Since childhood, the famous plantain doctor will help with this problem. Chew it well and hold it in place where the painful tooth is located.
  • Ice. Using ice will only help dull the toothache. Place the ice cube in a plastic bag and then wrap it in cotton cloth. You need to apply the resulting bundle to your cheek for a few minutes. You can put ice directly on the tooth, but this is risky because it can only increase the pain, since contact of the nerves with a cold object is highly undesirable.

Alternative ways to relieve toothache

There is also a technique for massaging certain points. To do this, rub the luda cube between your thumb and forefinger for five to seven minutes.

Some people prefer treatment homeopathic remedies, and often it gives good results. The most popular of them:

  • "Aconite"- Delightful relief for pain. It will help relieve toothache caused by a cold.
  • "Arnica"- If you hit your jaw, then this remedy will do. If a tooth has been removed, the medicine will help stop the bleeding and speed up the healing of the wound.
  • "Coffee"- If the pain is exclusively nervous in nature, experts recommend this drug.
  • "Nux vomica"– It is also a good remedy for pain. It is recommended for people who are sedentary, forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, people who are easily excited, drink coffee and alcoholic beverages in large quantities, and people who often suffer from colds.
  • “Nux Moshata” - The drug is recommended for the treatment of pain in young children and pregnant women. There are also recommendations for using the medicine in cold weather conditions or when in damp areas.

First you should rinse your mouth and use a toothbrush. Sometimes this is enough to relieve toothache caused by stuck food fibers. An analgesic tablet or a tampon soaked in anesthetic medication will help to calm a sore tooth. You can relieve acute pain with a variety of traditional methods using herbs, vegetable juices, salt, cold lotions. It is impossible to cure a tooth with such methods, but to drown out the painful sensations before visiting dental office Can.

Prayer for toothache

The request for help from above is expressed more by an impulse of the soul than by text. Thus, a child complaining to his parents does not select specially memorized words, but puts in his feelings and believes in advance in sympathy and support. The prayer can be said arbitrarily; faith in God, trust, and sincerity of the appeal are important. Asking out loud or mentally for relief from a toothache also doesn’t matter, the Lord has access to any thoughts.

Treatment with drugs

Toothache is, first of all, inflammation. They help calm him down frequent rinsing improvised solutions (salt, soda). For tooth pain, you should take analgesics such as Paracetamol, Solpadein, and soluble aspirin. You cannot place pieces of aspirin tablets directly on a sore tooth, as this can burn your gums and the pain will return with a vengeance. Tablets that combine analgesic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action are effective: Ibuprofen, Xefocam, Ibuklin, but the drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

One tablet will not stop acute toothache; most likely, you will have to take it again. It is important to follow the dosage and use according to instructions. At home, you can combine analgin and aspirin. If your tooth aches, antispasmodics will help: “Drotaverine”, “No-shpa”. Powerful painkillers “Ketanov”, “Nise”, “Aktasulide” help eliminate even unbearable toothache, but are purchased with a prescription.

How to rinse

First with warm water to remove any remaining food. Next, rinse with a solution containing a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, this helps eliminate unpleasant plaque, relieves inflammation, and helps relieve pain. Soda can be replaced with salt; it is useful to add 4-5 drops of iodine. You cannot use hot rinses when your tooth hurts or your gums are swollen; the consequence will be an aggravation of the process. It is useful to suck on pieces of ice; the cold will stop the development of gum swelling.

Rinses based on furacilin and potassium permanganate have a beneficial effect. There are ready-made products that have an antimicrobial effect and reduce swelling: Miramistin, Stomatofit, Chlorhexidine. At home, the spray nozzle specifically irrigates the diseased tooth and the desired area of ​​the gum. Suitable for rinsing herbal teas“Fitolux”, “Herbal tea No. 5”. For adults, alcohol irrigation can be done by holding a small amount of alcohol in the mouth. Alcohol penetrates the tooth defect and causes numbness.

Massage for toothache

Mechanical impact on certain areas of the body will help improve the condition of tooth pain. The auricles are connected reflexively to the oral cavity. Massage movements should be done gently at first, then intensified, moving from the top to the lobe on the side of the diseased tooth. The innervation of the ear and gums partially overlaps, so the massage will have a distracting, calming effect.

Massage dampens pain impulses skin fold between the thumb and index finger of the hand on the side of the body opposite to the diseased tooth. Massage with an ice cube using jerking movements. Nerve signals from this area of ​​the hand are transmitted in the same ways as toothache, so the pain impulse is suppressed. Relief comes quickly, but the massage should be continued for 6-7 minutes. An ice cube can be used to gently and gently massage the sore gum to reduce tissue swelling.

Another way to soothe aching toothache at home is crying. Filling the lacrimal sacs reflexively reduces pressure in the gums and alleviates the condition. It’s not worth it to upset yourself specifically for the sake of tears; it’s better to peel the onion for culinary needs. Unpleasant procedure can be compensated positive emotions– watch a funny video, read jokes. It is easier for the body to fight toothache when specific “joy hormones” are produced.

Folk remedies for toothache

Traditional medicine contains dozens of ways to soothe severe toothache at home. The components of decoctions, infusions, and powders were prepared in advance, according to the time of collection medicinal plants. But there are available methods using common culinary ingredients. Your tooth may hurt in nature, then these will come in handy people's councils use of herbs, roots.

  • Brew a spoonful of sage herb with a glass of boiling water, rinse your mouth while the broth is warm, then spit it out and take another sip.
  • Place a leaf of valerian officinalis between the cheek and tooth and hold until relief occurs.
  • Chew a leaf of valerian or horse sorrel, hold the pulp on the sore tooth for half an hour.
  • A swab moistened with cologne should be placed in the ear on the sore side, and lie down in bed for an hour.
  • Rinse a slice of plantain root, apply it to the inflamed gum, and hold until the tooth stops aching.
  • Place a cotton swab moistened with onion juice into the hollow of the tooth.
  • Place a slice of lard (fresh or lightly salted) between the cheek and tooth, the pain will subside quickly.
  • Apply a slice of red beet or its pulp to the sore spot, remove when it feels better.
  • Mix equal parts of ammonia and lemon juice, soak cotton wool, and place on the sore tooth.
  • Rub the horseradish root gruel into the sore gum.
  • Infuse two tablespoons of lemon balm leaves in a liter of boiling water, rinse your mouth, drink a fifth of the infusion in one go, the toothache will subside.
  • Chew the oregano flower for 5 minutes.
  • Soak the cotton wool fir oil, apply to the painful tooth for 15 minutes.
  • Toothache will instantly calm down if you lubricate the gums with calamus tincture (20 g of the root, pour 100 ml of vodka, leave for two weeks).
  • Speak to the pain with the words “The tooth-tooth subsides, my illness recedes, the month (or the sun, depending on the time of day) illuminates the world, my pain drives away,” repeat 12 times.

Clove infusion

Clove infusion is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic. Active ingredient Eugenol is able to relieve pain, accelerate wound healing, relieve irritation and redness. To relieve toothache at home, soak cotton wool in clove infusion, place it on the sore tooth, and lightly rub a small amount into the gum. If there is a hollow, a drop of infusion is poured directly into the cavity.

Essential oils

Essential extracts of many plants can numb or at least dull toothache. Peppermint oil has a cooling effect, soothes inflamed gum tissue and dental nerves. Clove, chamomile, and sage oils have an analgesic, antibacterial, and antispasmodic effect. Thyme oil has a relaxing effect not only on a sore tooth, but also on the entire body. Tampons and turunds are soaked in essential oils and applied to the aching tooth. Therapeutic effect vegetable oils reduces the risk of tooth extraction.


Propolis, a waste product of bees, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anesthetic effect. A propolis granule can be applied to a diseased tooth, numbness quickly occurs, and even significant sharp pain, after which the product must be removed. Propolis tincture has a similar effect. Industrial preparations “Proposol”, “Stomapin”, propolis extract, “Asepta” gel are used to treat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and eliminate toothache.


Garlic contains a unique antiseptic created by nature – allicin. By destroying harmful bacteria, it relieves pain and has a distracting effect. For toothache, crush the garlic until the juice appears, place it on the wrist opposite the painful tooth, and secure it with a bandage. Allicin stimulates specific points on the skin, acting similar to acupuncture; there is no need for a doctor. For direct use, chew a quarter of a clove of garlic with black bread and keep the paste on the sore tooth for about ten minutes. Caution is needed, the sharp mass can burn the gums.


  • Painkiller. Today, pharmacies, together with the media, advertise pain medications around the clock, so we have full information about painkillers: Nurofen, Ketorol, Baralgin, Analgin, Tempalgin. Pain medications dull the pain, which may even go away completely for a while, but, unfortunately, they do not cure. One hundred percent that your tooth will hurt again.
  • Cotton wool soaked in valocordin. If you apply it to a sore tooth, it can temporarily soothe the pain. The same procedure can be carried out by moistening a cotton swab with propolis. Just do not overdo it with the latter, as its excess can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies

  • Sage decoction. The decoction is prepared by pouring boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of dry sage and simmering it all over low heat for 10 minutes. Then filter and rinse your mouth while warm. It can also be held on the side of the disturbing tooth. After the broth has cooled, it needs to be heated again. Rinsing is carried out for half an hour.
  • Crushed onion with garlic. Peel the onion and garlic, grind it to a pulp, add salt. All this is placed on the diseased tooth. Salt draws out exudate from the inflamed area, and phytoncides of garlic and onion kill microbes.
  • Lard. A small piece of salty or fresh lard Place it between your cheek and the tooth that is tormenting you and hold it for 20 minutes. During this time, the pain should subside.
  • Plantain. This method is quite strange, but, as some claim, it is very effective. Plantain root should be placed in the ear on the side of the diseased tooth. After 15 minutes the pain subsides.

Unconventional methods

Massage. Massaging auricle allows you to get rid of toothache. Use your thumb and forefinger to massage your earlobe for seven minutes, after which the pain subsides. You can also massage your hand at the intersection of the bones of the thumb and index finger with an ice cube. This time these manipulations should be performed on the opposite side of the diseased tooth. They say that massage gives good result, because only they can quickly relieve toothache in five minutes.

One of the most annoying and debilitating pains is dental pain. Everyone who encounters it loses the ability to think well, especially if there is no chance of getting rid of the problem right now.

It’s great if there is a pharmacy nearby, and even better - good dentist. But what if the pain caught you on vacation or on a day off, and the necessary medicines not at hand?

We share with you several techniques that will help you cope with pain and survive until your visit to the dentist.

How to quickly get rid of toothache

1. Garlic
In addition to protecting against vampires, garlic is a true medicinal miracle, being an effective antiseptic with powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. IN medical purposes it has been used for many thousands of years. What gives it its power is called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed.

Finely chop one clove of garlic, then crush the pieces with a knife and leave for 10 minutes to activate the allicin. Apply a small amount of garlic paste to the sore spot in the mouth. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm salt water, which will help clear out the infection and kill bacteria.

This will also help defeat the infection from the inside, since you probably have swelling or inflammation in the sore spot. Also try to add as much garlic to your diet as possible. You can even eat it yourself by crushing it first and allowing the allicin to activate. Remember that, unlike antibacterial drugs, bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic, so you can eat it constantly, and then eat parsley to remove the unpleasant odor.

2. Clove oil

Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties that can help relieve toothache and fight infection. This is the main oil that is used to get rid of dental problems if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now.

It is so useful in the fight against dental problems because of one component included in its composition. We are talking about eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It fights all types of toothache. Clove oil can also be found in many dental products. Take half a liter of water, add a few drops of clove oil and rinse your mouth with the solution, you can also apply clove oil to a cotton pad and very carefully treat the sore tooth and the area around it. The pain will go away very quickly.

How to relieve toothache

3. Peppermint

Along with clove oil, peppermint oil has crazy properties that will help relieve toothache. Peppermint is one of nature's most powerful and effective pain relievers.

The easiest way to use is to apply a mint tea bag to the sore area. Place the bag in the refrigerator or freezer (if you are not sensitive to cold, skip this step). Then apply the bag to the sore area for 20 minutes.

You will likely have to repeat the procedure quite often as the pain may return. Peppermint works because it contains menthol, which is known as a pain-relieving agent that desensitizes the painful area through the cold menthol receptor.

If you don't have mint tea on hand, but have essential oil mint, then just drop a few drops on a cotton pad and apply to the sore tooth. You can also rinse your mouth with a very strong infusion of mint. The problem, of course, will not disappear from this, but that evening you will cope with the pain.

4. Bourbon or whiskey

While the American Dental Association says there is no reason to use alcohol as a home remedy"to combat pain, yet in this case it is worth mentioning this remedy.

There is no scientific evidence of effectiveness, but a huge number of people have confirmed it over many centuries. While drinking alcohol internally will definitely not help relieve pain, applying it locally to the source of the pain will help calm it down. To be fair, in the fight against bacteria or infection this method ineffective.

If you decide to drink alcohol with a toothache in order to relieve pain, then keep in mind that although it can somewhat slow down the pain reactions of the central nervous system, you'll likely end up feeling even worse.

Soak a cotton pad in whiskey or bourbon, apply to the sore spot and hold for 10-15 minutes. You can also lightly massage the sore spot.

Pain reliever for toothache

5. Acupressure

Acupressure will help stop toothache by releasing endorphins, the hormones of happiness. But still, pregnant women are not recommended to use this remedy in the fight against toothache. There are a few different way Cope with dental pain using acupressure, including the following:

Press down on your ankle with back side legs, hold for about a minute; Don't press too hard, use your fingertip.

Find the intersection of your thumb and index finger; click on it thumb with the other hand, press with moderate force for about 10 minutes.

Grasp the nail plate of the second toe with the thumb and index finger of the corresponding hand; apply moderate pressure on the part of the nail that is farthest from thumb legs; hold for about 2 minutes or until the pain subsides.

6. Saline solution

Salt copes very well with viruses and bacteria, and therefore with toothache. In order to get rid of pain, add a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt) to warm water (the water should be warm so as not to further injure the nerves). Hold the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat one more time.

How to relieve toothache at home

7. Onion

Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help destroy bacteria in the mouth, causing the appearance pain. Place a piece of raw onion over the painful area. Even dentists recommend doing this. You can try sucking on the onion a little more, it certainly doesn't sound as pleasant, but if it works, then it's definitely worth a try, right?

Just cut a piece of onion that fits comfortably in your mouth. It is important that the cut is freshly cut, as it is needed onion juice. Hold it on the aching tooth for about five minutes, maybe longer.

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is known for its calming and hemostatic effect, which is why each of us has probably heard about it as an excellent remedy for combating circles under the eyes. When using cucumber to treat toothache, its hemostatic effects help reduce blood flow to the affected tooth, which ultimately reduces or relieves the pain.

Remove the cucumber from the refrigerator; it should not be cold, especially if you are sensitive to cold, otherwise it may only make the pain worse. Cut a circle and apply it to the sore spot. Among other things, you can rub a cucumber circle with a small amount of sea salt to enhance the effect.

For toothache at home

9. Wheat sprouts

Wheatgrass has natural antibacterial properties that fight tooth decay and relieve toothache. Also, the substances they contain are natural antibiotics that protect teeth and gums from infections.

For maximum effect, chew the sprouts directly against the affected tooth. The juice from the sprouts can be used as a mouth rinse, it will draw out toxins from the gums, reduce the growth of bacteria, and also keep the spread of infection under control until the issue is addressed by a specialist.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common ways to solve problems with teeth and gums. Rinsing your mouth with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution will help temporarily relieve the pain, especially if your toothache is accompanied by a fever and/or a bad taste in your mouth (these are signs of an infection).

Hydrogen peroxide acts as a cleanser and is even more effective than a saline solution because it attacks bacteria rather than simply washing them away.

Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and then rinse your mouth with water several times, making sure to spit it out. Repeat once or twice a day until you get to the dentist.

Remedy for toothache

11. Turmeric

Turmeric is the most wonderful spice, it seems like nothing is impossible for it. In addition to all of its many health benefits, it has long been used as a natural remedy for the treatment of toothache.

It has strong antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial properties that can stop pain. It is effective against tooth infections, gum infections, and painful abscesses.

Make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with required amount of water. Apply the paste to a cotton pad and apply to the sore spot. The paste can also be mixed with half a teaspoon of organic honey, which will enhance the effect with its powerful antibacterial properties.

12. Thyme

Thyme has been scientifically proven to have one of the strongest antimicrobial properties of all essential oils. Among other things, it has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which give it the ability to cope with toothache and gum pain. There are several ways to use thyme to relieve toothache.

Some people drink thyme tea to relieve toothache (in this case, hold the tea in your mouth for about 30 seconds before swallowing), but The best way The use of thyme in this case is to chew the leaves. It is important to chew on the side of your mouth that is opposite to the pain so that the affected tooth is not involved in the process. If the leaf gets on a sore tooth, it can aggravate the problem.

You want the juice that the leaf produces. The juice will help relieve pain and heal bleeding gums. Another option involves using thyme essential oil in combination with olive oil. You need to make a water solution with a few drops of each oil and rinse your mouth with it.

This will help soothe pain and fight infection. Thyme essential oil can also be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the affected area, but in this case it is important to remember that the amount of oil should be minimal, one drop will be enough.

Folk remedies for toothache

13. Salty water+ oregano essential oil + colloidal silver

This very powerful combination of ingredients is considered one of the best for relieving toothache that is the result of an abscess or other type of infection.

You can start by taking a few drops of oregano essential oil under your tongue, holding it there for a few minutes, and then spitting it out. Now you need to rinse your mouth with warm water mixed with sea ​​salt. Then rinse your mouth with colloidal silver, then rinse your mouth with plain water 3-4 times. Complete the procedure by rubbing oregano essential oil into your gums.

14. Ice

Few people know about this method, but in fact it is not necessary to rinse your mouth with various solutions to save yourself from toothache. Just try rubbing an ice cube between your index finger and thumb. This must be done for at least five minutes. During the friction process, impulses will travel along the same neural pathway same as toothache.

15. Oil tea tree

Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to a cotton pad and apply to the sore tooth. You need to hold it for a few minutes so that you forget about the pain in the next few hours.

When a tooth gets sick, a headache begins to ache along with it, we are deprived of the opportunity to eat normally and cannot think about anything else.

However, at the same time, toothache is a protective mechanism, a signal that our body sends to us, trying to tell us that there are some problems. The stronger the toothache, the more serious these problems are, which is why you should never endure the pain; you should consult a dentist as soon as possible.

What does toothache tell us?

Toothache can be different, acute, throbbing, aching, and quite often, having learned the nature of the pain from the patient, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis. The most common type of pain is periodic. It occurs when a piece of sweet or sour food falls on a sore tooth, as well as something cold or hot.
Such pain signals the beginning of a carious process. In this case, it is necessary to contact a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further spread of caries and save the tooth.

For osteomyelitis (complication after caries), the pain is aching in nature, and even with chronic development The process is very moderate and does not cause serious inconvenience. However, this feeling is deceptive. Microbes that infect a tooth can enter the bloodstream and cause infection, which is much more serious than dental problems.

A more severe case of caries - pulpitis when the carious process reaches the medulla of the tooth. With pulpitis, the teeth hurt much more severely, and most often the pain begins at night and intensifies when eating hot, cold or spicy food. Pain from pulpitis causes a lot of suffering to the patient, as it often spreads to neighboring teeth and reaches the temple or ear. At the very beginning, when pulpitis is not yet very developed, pain appears periodically, but then it becomes stronger and appears much more often. If you do not see a doctor immediately, you may lose your tooth.

Toothache can also occur due to problems with the gums and root system of the tooth. For periodontitis Often there is a throbbing pain that is local in nature. When stress is placed on the tooth, the pain increases significantly and is most noticeable when the tooth is tapped.
With periodontitis, an increase in temperature is also possible, and in the future the appearance of purulent complications. If you notice symptoms of periodontitis, you should consult a doctor and do not rely on using home remedies, as they only provide short-term relief. The development of periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and purulent inflammation.

For gum diseases, toothache is most often of a permanent nature, the teeth do not hurt much, but they ache rather unpleasantly, especially with mechanical stress on the inflamed gums.
Inflammation of the gums, if they are not chronic, can be quite easily cured at home; all you need to do is rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction or take an anti-inflammatory or antiseptic.
However, if the gums have been inflamed for more than one day and the pain continues, you need to consult a dentist. Gum problems often lead to the loss of vital and healthy teeth.

In addition, toothache can be deceptive, that is, caused not directly by problems with the teeth or gums themselves. The cause of toothache can be inflammation of the tonsils, diseases trigeminal nerve, problems with blood vessels and the temporomandibular joint. In all these cases, it is necessary to contact a dentist, who will take an x-ray and determine whether the cause of the pain is a tooth affected by caries or the cause lies elsewhere.

How to relieve pain?

As mentioned above, pain should never be tolerated, but it can be alleviated while you wait to see your dentist. The easiest - take a painkiller tablet, depending on the intensity of the pain. If your teeth don’t hurt very much, then better than a pill do not swallow, but apply it to the painful tooth and hold it, but even if the pain is severe, you should not abuse painkillers - this will harm the body.

To eliminate toothache, you should use one of the painkillers:

In some cases, dentists recommend drink a glass of cold water s - this will help reduce pain in cases where the tooth hurts due to excessive mechanical impact on it (chewing too often on one side). In any case, even if the pain has disappeared, you must immediately contact your dentist to prevent further development problems with teeth.

And in conclusion, I continue to publish the doctor’s advice Chinese medicine Liu Hongsheng, who tells how to quickly improve your well-being or get rid of minor but unpleasant diseases by pressing special points on your own.

Today Liu shares the most pressing secret - how to relieve pain in a few minutes or at least soothe aching teeth.

First, a few points that need to be massaged.

Point No. 1. This point must be sought by clenching your teeth tightly. You need to find with your finger the place where the teeth “end” and the muscles “begin”, and step back half a centimeter. There should be a small depression in this place. It needs to be massaged.

Point No. 2. The point is located on the face at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose.

Point No. 3. It is not on the face, but on the hand. You need to place the thumb of one hand as a “stripe” from the first phalanx between the thumb and index finger of the other hand. In the place where the pad of the thumb touches the hand, this point is located.


You cannot get rid of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity with massage or acupuncture. If after pressing the points the teeth stop hurting, this does not mean that they do not need to be treated. With the help of Dr. Liu's advice, in this case, you can only eliminate the pain, but not its cause!

Toothache has a different character. It can be sharp and unbearable, aching, tugging.

The reasons for its appearance can be different and depend on the factors that cause them:

  • inflammatory processes caused by putrefactive bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • improper care of teeth and gums, leading to the development of bacteria;
  • problems of the endocrine system.

Some people have hypersensitive enamel. This is explained by the proximity of the nerve endings to the surface or the thinning of the enamel coating.

Another cause is caries – tooth decay. Pulpitis is inflammation of the tooth root. At the site of pulpitis, a cyst or granuloma may form, which becomes inflamed.

All of these symptoms need to be eliminated with the help of a dentist.

But often a toothache stalks a person at night. To endure until the morning, it is necessary. This can be done using a home first aid kit.

Medicinal treatments

Toothache occurs as a result of an inflammatory process, so it will go away when the pathogens are destroyed.

Pain can be relieved with analgesics:

  • analgin;
  • solpadeine.

The following medications are anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • ibuclin;
  • ibuprofen,
  • aspirin.

These tablets have contraindications, which are indicated in their instructions. There you can also find the exact dosage and dosage regimen. The listed tablets should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women.

They combine the qualities of an analgesic and antiseptic Nise, Ketorol,.

If you have the following medications in your medicine cabinet, they can also help get rid of toothache:

  • drotaverine;
  • baralgin;
  • Nurafen;
  • dolomin;
  • pentalgin;
  • segan.

So that the doctor can make the correct diagnosis for toothache, you should refrain from taking analgesics 3-4 hours before your visit to the dentist.

Mouth rinse solutions will help eliminate bacteria and reduce pain:

  • a simple solution of baking soda in water or 3% hydrogen peroxide can be used as a rinse at intervals of 30-40 minutes;
  • herbal mixtures for preparing decoctions for mouth sanitation – Fitolux, Tea No. 5;
  • Doctors consider a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin to be an antibacterial agent;
  • In the pharmacy you can find ready-made formulations of Miramistin, Stomatofit and others. They are equipped with a convenient sprayer. You can direct the stream of medicine directly to the diseased area;
  • If medicines not at hand, adults can hold a sip of alcohol in their mouth. It will disinfect your mouth and reduce pain.

Folk remedies

  • garlic. Used whole or ground. You need to cut a clove of garlic lengthwise and apply half to the sore tooth on the cheek. If you cannot tolerate the burning sensation, you can chew a piece with black bread and hold it in your mouth. The pain will pass. Garlic has a warming effect on the skin and can be used as an irritant for acupuncture points. You need to grind 2 cloves of garlic, and apply the resulting pulp to inside wrists on the hand opposite the side on which the tooth hurts. If the pain is in the left side of the jaw, then garlic should be tied to right hand, and vice versa. The medicine must be secured to the skin with a bandage and kept for several hours;
  • onion juice A cotton pad is soaked in it and inserted into the ear on the side of the diseased tooth at night. This helps reduce inflammation;
  • hydrogen peroxide. A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide produces a similar effect. It is freely sold in pharmacies. The medicine is mixed with water at the rate of 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water, and used warmly as a rinse;
  • magnet. Teeth can be treated with a magnet at home. The session lasts 30-40 minutes. Even if your teeth are healthy, you can use magnetic therapy as a preventive measure to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. You can live to a ripe old age with your teeth if you regularly move a magnet across your jaws. This procedure will help reduce pain when teeth are damaged by caries. So that the magnet always provides therapeutic effect on the body, you can wear magnetic amulets, jewelry, even shoe insoles. Neodymium magnets are attached to the sore spot with a plaster. If your teeth hurt, you can put such a magnet under your cheek at night;
  • toothpaste contains menthol or mint extract. These substances have a cooling effect that soothes inflamed tissues and the pain gradually goes away. You need to squeeze a little paste out of the tube and put it behind your cheek. Keep it for a while until it produces the expected effect. Then you should rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • soda solution. Simple ingredients have been used for centuries to treat various diseases. available funds, which includes baking soda available in every home. It destroys bacteria that lead to inflammation, cleans and disinfects the oral cavity. To prepare a solution that needs to be rinsed every half hour, you will need 1 tsp. soda per glass of warm boiled water. Dissolve baking soda in water and apply warm. The patient will immediately feel relief;
  • sage decoction. This grass is good antiseptic. During illness, it is used both internally and as a rinse. To do this, you need to measure 2 tbsp. dry sage herb and brew 1 liter. boiling water Let the broth brew and cool. Half of the decoction should be drunk during the day instead of tea - sage has a pleasant taste. Divide the other half into portions and rinse your mouth every 30-40 minutes, holding the broth in your mouth for a few seconds. Instead of sage, you can use chamomile, calendula;
  • freezing. Often inflammation of the root and gums is accompanied by the formation of edema. At the first symptoms, you need to apply a piece of ice to the outside of your cheek, or dissolve the ice. The cold will stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and bloating will be avoided;
  • iodine, salt, water– saline solution, which is used for inhalation, has approximately the same composition. Iodine disinfects the oral cavity, salt kills bacteria. For the solution to rinse the mouth, take 1 tsp. table salt(can be sea), stir it in a glass of water and add a few drops of iodine. The rinse tastes unpleasant, but it helps very well with acute toothache;
  • radish– traditional remedy among the people. It helps with colds and heals wounds. Its antiseptic properties effectively relieve toothache. The radish must be washed, peeled, and grated on a fine grater. 2 tbsp. The gruel is brewed in 0.5 liters. boiling water You should rinse your teeth and gums with this mixture every hour;
  • alcohol. If there are no remedies at hand, adults can relieve the symptoms of toothache with a sip of alcohol. Reviver You need to hold it in your mouth and rinse the aching tooth with it.

Other solutions to the problem

What methods have people come up with to get rid of terrible toothache:

There is a more professional acupressure massage; it must be applied knowing the correct points of influence:

  • temple center;
  • dot above top part auricle;
  • under lymph nodes in the corners of the cheekbones;
  • behind the lobe;
  • in the lower corners of the lips;
  • there is a pain point on the joint outside the elbow;
  • under the kneecap;
  • on the calf muscle;
  • not in the nail hole of the second and fourth finger.

There is no need to concentrate on the pain and panic. If possible, distract yourself with a pleasant activity: watch a light movie, read jokes, play a computer game.

A few more ways using folk recipes

Simple recipes to soothe toothache at home:

Do not heat a sore tooth. If inflammatory processes occur in it, heat will only accelerate them. The possibility of the formation of a purulent sac, which can cause infection of nearby tissues, cannot be ruled out. You cannot self-prescribe antibiotics without a dentist's prescription.

Useful video

Recipes on how to calm the dental nerve at home in the video:

Remember, there are ways to soothe a toothache at home, but there are no ways to eradicate the problem without visiting a specialist.