How to choose eye drops for fatigue. Effective drops for eye fatigue

Eye strain modern man simply colossal. Many people spend the whole day in the office at the computer, and in the evening they watch TV and read. All this leads to eye inflammation and tearing. What eye drops will help get rid of fatigue and redness?

Almost all areas of human activity are associated with intense stress on the optic nerve. Drops for redness and dry eyes severe fatigue help eliminate pain syndrome which is caused by muscle strain.

Important! Discomfort in the eyes can be caused by infectious diseases, increased eye pressure, serious ophthalmological diseases. At constant pain and resi drops can be used only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Medicines for eye treatment help eliminate swelling and narrow blood vessels. Good drops begin to act within a quarter of an hour, the duration of action reaches 8 hours.

Means for moisturizing the mucous membrane help accelerate the regeneration process in tissues. When using the medicine, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves and dilated blood vessels narrow. Additionally they contain substances that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Benefits of eye drops:

  • eliminate burning, pain, redness;
  • restore the mucous membrane;
  • reduce swelling and lacrimation;
  • help with sunny eyes.

When choosing medicine it is necessary to take into account the reasons that could provoke a deterioration in the condition of the eyes. These may be excessive loads or harmful production conditions. Eyes often become inflamed when wearing contact lenses, against the background of viral and colds.

High-quality eye drops do not contain preservatives, so they have a limited shelf life; an open bottle can only be stored in the refrigerator.

What medications help with redness and inflammation of the eyes?

Redness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes are the most frequent symptoms all ophthalmological problems. Therefore, drops for pain and redness are always in high demand.

Important! Even the best eye drops cannot be used as prophylactic. Each medicine has clear indications for use.

Visine is recommended to be used at the first signs of eye inflammation; the drug is good for itching and redness. The advantage is that the product acts very quickly. Disadvantage: the medicine is addictive and cannot be used often.

Korneregel is an analogue of Visin, the price of which is much lower. The product acts quickly, eliminates the main signs of inflammation, starts the regeneration process in tissues, and helps improve vision.

At chronic lack of sleep, after a sleepless night, with a cold, the eyes begin to hurt, become inflamed, pain appears, and a feeling of sand in the eyes.

Effective drops for irritation and redness:

  • Tuafon - daily drops, designed to eliminate the inflammatory process, but they can be used for no more than 3 months;
  • Albucid – cheap drug domestically produced, used for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis and viral diseases;
  • Vial - effectively eliminate swelling and help with severe pain, itching, dryness.

Ophthalmological problems occur even in newborns. Young children suffer from watery eyes and red eyes due to poor hygiene - children often rub their eyes with dirty hands. Increased stress at school, prolonged exposure to a monitor or TV - all this can cause redness and inflammation of the eyes in schoolchildren.

Pediatric medications:

  • Atropine, Tobrex – safe means, ophthalmologists and pediatricians often prescribe these drugs to children if they have inflammatory processes In eyes;
  • Floxal - drops with an antibacterial effect, can only be used as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Albucid is the safest drops; they can be used from the first day of a child’s life.

If redness and inflammation of the eyes are caused by allergies, drops with an antihistamine effect will help.

Cortisone – hormonal drug, eliminates the main signs of allergies and inflammation. Allergodil - drops act quickly, relief occurs within 15 minutes after instillation of the eyes. Suitable for children over 6 years old.

Before using the drops, you need to rinse the child’s eyes with the infusion - brew 3 g of raw material with 220 ml of boiling water, cool, strain. Soak cotton pads in the solution and hold on your eyes for about 5 minutes.

Even with proper care Behind the lenses, the eyes often become red and inflamed. When blood vessels become red and watery, you cannot do without the help of drops.

VizOptic - the most good drops for those who constantly wear lenses. The drug improves blood supply to tissues and increases visual acuity, eliminates redness of the mucous membrane.

Visine pure tear– the composition resembles a tear, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with lenses. A standard bottle will last for 3 months. The product is universal and practically safe.

Holo-comod is a drug based on hyaluronic acid, intensively moisturizes the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use it if discomfort occurs when wearing lenses, the eyes become red and itchy.

Drops for fatigue and redness when working with a computer

Symptomatic manifestations of ophthalmic diseases are often observed in those who spend a lot of time at the computer. Such people often experience pain, burning, and blood vessels in the eyes may burst. When working at a computer for a long time, dryness occurs.

List of moisturizing drops to relieve redness of the eyes:

  • Irifrin - a remedy that eliminates dryness, it is used in the treatment of increased intraocular pressure;
  • Systane Ultra is an artificial tear preparation used for washing the cornea, effectively eliminating eye fatigue after a long stay near the monitor;
  • Epoxypin - inexpensive but effective drops that eliminate itching, dryness, redness, and infectious ophthalmological diseases.

Working at a monitor for a long time causes increased tension in the eye muscles. Special medications will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Actipol – contains interferon, eliminates muscle fatigue, has antioxidant properties.

Taurine is a drug that accumulates in the eye tissues, strengthens protective functions, helps cells recover faster.

Rectulin is an indispensable medicine for constant long-term work at the computer, as it prevents vision deterioration and protects the eyes from the negative effects of TV and computer.

Blink intensive is a protective agent that protects the eyes from overwork. It has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, prevents the development of serious ophthalmic problems.

Vitamin eye drops

Preparations based on vitamin complexes They eliminate fatigue well, they can be used for and. You can use them daily for 3 months, after which you need a month's break.

Eye products with vitamins:

  • Visor - contains retinol and vitamin E, aloe extracts, carotene, drops prevent drying of the mucous membrane, help relieve fatigue;
  • Riboflavin is a preparation based on B vitamins, saturates tissues with oxygen, normalizes the functioning of the retina;
  • Svetoch - the drops contain an extract from cedar, resin, vitamins, used for dryness and inflammation of the eyes.

Important! Eye drops do not address the root cause of eye discomfort, but only relieve symptoms.

Ophthalmological problems can occur in a person at any age; they are often diagnosed in children. Which eye drops Only a doctor can decide what is best for red eyes, since redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes may indicate the development of serious pathologies.

Those who spend most of their time sitting at a computer, reading e-books or simply using various newfangled gadgets, wear contact lenses, are familiar with unpleasant sensations occurring in the eyes: pain, burning, redness, fatigue.

People living in cities with heavy gas pollution and working in hazardous industries also complain of discomfort organs of vision, which is commonly called dry eye syndrome.

Dry eyes are affected by many factors - environment, sleep patterns, working at a monitor.

How to deal with unpleasant symptoms? What can be done to ensure that sore eyes regain the poetic status of “beautiful eyes”? After all, computers and Cell phones entered so firmly into daily life, and corrective lenses allow many people to feel more confident that It is quite difficult to abandon these achievements of civilization.

The answer is simple: will help medicinal drops for dry eyes. They are inexpensive, easy to use and effectively eliminate fatigue, redness and pain.

What is dry eye syndrome

While blinking tear secretion is released, which “wraps” the cornea with a protective film. After a few seconds it breaks, causing the eyelids to blink again and restore its integrity.

The mucous membrane, devoid of fluid, dries out, bursts in some places, so-called “blood proteins” appear. So dry eye syndrome not only causes significant discomfort, but also worsens general form eye.

Dry eye syndrome is accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • fear of light;
  • burning;
  • feeling of the presence of “sand”;
  • rapid fatigue.

Dry eye syndrome in Lately quite a common occurrence. About 15% of people seek help from specialists specifically for this disease. What causes excessive dryness of the organs of vision?


Tears protect the eyes because have antimicrobial properties and protect the organs of vision from the entry of dangerous microorganisms and fungi into them.

If tears are not produced in the right quantity, eyes become defenseless against pathogens of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and other infections.

In addition, viruses, along with the blood, can enter other organs, which provokes the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Contact lenses

Many people have replaced their usual glasses for vision correction with comfortable lenses. But no matter how soft the surface of the lenses, they are foreign body and cause microfriction. Tear fluid helps reduce this friction.

Contact lenses irritate the eyes and cause dry eye syndrome.

If it is not enough, the eyes begin to experience discomfort. That's why It is important to drip moisturizing liquid for those who use contact lenses.

In addition to discomfort, wearing lenses without special drops leads to corneal injuries, the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms leading to inflammation.

Indoor and outdoor climate

Excessive dryness of the eyes is also caused by the state of the surrounding climate.

Spending a long time in a dusty or smoky room or moving from cold to warm causes dry eyes.

The pollution of large cities or being in a hot climate with increased dryness also provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Working conditions

Cramped and dusty offices, constant contact with office equipment, hot workshops, working outside in cold and windy weather contribute to the development of dry eye syndrome.

A person whose work involves computers is susceptible to dry eye syndrome.

These are the most common reasons occurrence of dry eyes. An unbalanced diet can also lead to illness., deficiency of vitamins A and B2, taking diuretics or contraceptives.

Age affects the condition of the visual organs, reducing the quantity and worsening the quality of tear fluid. Statistics show, that more than 70% of people of retirement age have this syndrome.

For whom are drops for dryness indicated?

People whose professional activity associated with constant dust (plasterers, road workers, construction workers) or prolonged contact with office equipment (designers, system administrators), susceptible to dry eye syndrome.

Drops are indicated for those people whose work affects their vision.

Those working in hot workshops are also at risk, truck drivers, people who constantly wear lenses. In such cases, it is necessary to use drops for dry eyes - inexpensive but effective.

These drugs will also be useful for people with hypersensitive eyes, allergy sufferers, those who live near highways with a large flow of cars, patients who develop cataracts or glaucoma.

Features of the composition

Most drops for dry eyes, both high-cost and inexpensive, consist of four main elements:

  • distilled water;
  • hyaluronic acid sodium salt;
  • glycerol;
  • povidone.

To ease the well-being of the visual organs, speed up metabolic processes In them, pharmacologists add vitamins, microelements, synthetic and natural additives to the preparations.

It is important to know! Some drugs contain components that are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation and for children. You should read the instructions carefully.

How do drugs work?

Drops for dry eyes are designed to correct insufficient fluid secretion, moisturizing and relieving irritation.

Manufacturers of such drops are trying to create inexpensive drugs.

Such drops will be suitable for those who wear contact lenses, and those whose activities are related to computers or hazardous industries, not to mention avid travelers who often change the climate.

Types of eye drops for dryness

There are several types of medications designed to treat and eliminate the cause of dry and tired eyes.

Drops for dry eyes are divided into several types

Drops are divided into groups:

  • vasoconstrictors. If there is a large load on the organs of vision, the vessels dilate, become injured, and “blood protein” appears. The drops constrict blood vessels, causing redness and burning to go away;
  • vitamin. In some diseases of the cornea and eyes, the visual organs require additional nutrition. Inexpensive drops for dry eyes with vitamins compensate for the loss useful substances, good for prevention;
  • antibacterial. If dry eye syndrome is caused by infectious diseases, then such drops neutralize the effects of harmful microorganisms on the surface of the eye, relieve redness and discomfort;
  • antihistamines. The drops are designed to combat painful lacrimation and redness of the eye mucosa in people prone to seasonal or food allergies;
  • medicinal. These drugs are designed to treat a specific eye disease identified during diagnosis, and eliminate not only the disease, but also the symptoms accompanying it;
  • moisturizing. Capable of long time eliminate dry eyes (for example, when wearing lenses), thereby relieving a person of unpleasant sensations.

Note! If drops for dry eyes are inexpensive, this does not mean they are of low quality.

The main attention is to the shelf life of the drug.

Anything made with distilled water cannot be stored for long without the addition of preservatives. And preservatives are never used in the manufacture of eye drops!

List of the best inexpensive eye drops

The price of medicine depends on its composition, therapeutic effect and “promotion” of the brand. Inexpensive drops for dry eyes sell for around 300 rubles. if the price of the drug fluctuates around 800 rubles, he wide range impact.

"Vizin". Popular remedy, acts almost instantly, maintaining the effect for several hours. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and patients with glaucoma. Has an anti-edematous effect, constricts blood vessels.

Contains tetrizoline hydrochloride, which relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels. Not suitable for long-term use as it is addictive. Costs on average 150 rubles. for 15 ml.

"Innoxa"(“cornflower blue drops”) is a hypoallergenic preparation made from natural ingredients. Moisturizes, soothes tired, dry eyes, has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation caused by wearing lenses.

Contains chamomile extracts, cornflower, witch hazel, sweet clover and elderberry. The price of a sterile bottle of 10 ml is on average 550 rubles.

"Oxial"- the leader among inexpensive drops for dry eyes based on hyaluronic acid. Eliminates pain, redness, burning, minor hemorrhages, has a wound healing effect, and stops inflammatory processes.

The composition, in addition to the named acid, includes sodium, calcium, magnesium salts, boric acid, patented preservative Oxide. The price of a 10 ml bottle is approximately 400 rubles.

"Natural tear" is almost a complete analogue of a human tear. It has a mild, moisturizing effect on dry corneas, eliminates irritation and burning, and is suitable for people wearing lenses.

Contains water-soluble polymer solution Duasorb, which is close in composition to human tears. A sterile bottle of 15 ml costs from 300 rubles.

"Hilo-chest"- inexpensive drops for dry eyes in a convenient container, which is designed to prevent the penetration of external bacteria, so the solution can be stored at room temperature for 3 months. The drops moisturize the cornea and create a thin tear film without blurring vision.

The drug is perfect for those who use contact lenses or spend a lot of time looking at a monitor or driving.

The main active ingredient of the drops is sodium hyaluronate In addition to it, sorbitol and sodium citrate are present. 10 ml of the drug costs from 460 rubles.

"Systane"- moisturizing drops for dry eyes. They are inexpensive and are good at relieving irritation and dry eye syndrome caused by conjunctivitis or computer fatigue. Composition of drops n does not contain traditionally added hyaluronic acid.

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms alkali metal salts, boric acid, organic polymers. 15 ml of the drug costs about 550 rubles.

Important to remember! Before using medication for dry eyes, be sure to read the rules. Wash your hands thoroughly, open the bottle, pull down the lower eyelid, and slightly raise your head.

Carefully drop the product into the inner corner of the eye, trying not to touch the surface with the pipette. After blinking slightly so that the product is distributed over the eyeball.

Preventing dry eye

To prevent the occurrence of an irritating disease, The following preventive measures will help:

  • ten-minute rest after 45 min. work at the computer to relieve eye strain;
  • special gymnastics for the eyes, helping to relax the eye muscles;
  • ventilate the room, do wet cleaning to avoid dust, quit smoking;
  • frequent blinking allows you to eliminate dryness;
  • Necessarily use drops against dry eyes, choosing inexpensive drugs that can protect the eyes from burning, redness, with subsequent more serious consequences.

Not only drops, but also a light massage can overcome dry eye syndrome

It is a mistake to ignore the onset of dry eye syndrome, hoping that everything will go away on its own.

When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to act urgently. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing vision. Inexpensive drops for dry eyes will “smooth out” the unpleasant sting and restore the eyes healthy looking and shine.

Learn about the causes of dry eyes in this video:

This video will tell you about the drug "Systane Ultra":

The following video will tell you how to cure dry eye syndrome:

IN modern world Almost everyone is familiar with eye fatigue. This is usually associated with the fact that today a person has to strain his eyesight much more often than his ancestors. Our eyes cannot withstand such stress, and in the evening weakness, heaviness, redness and a characteristic feeling of “sand” appear.

In most cases, if such symptoms are present, ophthalmologists do not find any disease and diagnose eye fatigue. This condition does not require special treatment, but you need to somehow get rid of the discomfort, and eye fatigue drops help with this.

How to understand that it is fatigue?

Any work leads to fatigue - this rule also works for the eyes. If we just look, the eye gets tired not so much, but when we strain our vision, it increases. If we read for a long time, drive a car, work at a computer, we have to for a long time focus the eye and the load on it increases many times. This means that fatigue comes much sooner. In addition, working in poor lighting contributes to fatigue.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and not drinking enough fluids can lead to dry corneas and eye fatigue.

If in the evening you feel dry eyes, painful sensations, watery eyes and a feeling of heaviness in the eyes, then most likely this is really fatigue. In addition, general fatigue, neck and back pain may occur. In such a situation, you should consult an ophthalmologist to rule out the presence of eye pathology. If it really is fatigue, then it is necessary to establish its causes and begin to select suitable drops.

What is the cause of the problem?

Before you start choosing the best eye drops, you need to find out the reason that leads to eye fatigue. The most common is too much strain on the eyes. If a person spends more than 5-6 hours a day at the computer or documents, eye fatigue is guaranteed. Polluted or too dry air, cold, excessive heat, dust, smoke, smog and dirt are also not good for our windows to the world. In addition, failure to follow the rules when wearing lenses can lead to eye fatigue.

Dry eye syndrome or dry eye syndrome is a disease that affects almost every tenth person. Most often, it affects office workers who have to stay in dry rooms for a long time and continuously look at the monitor screen.

But redness of the eyes is not always associated with negative external influences. Sometimes it can be caused by certain diseases. Such symptoms occur with glaucoma, blepharitis and conjunctivitis. But if you have these ailments, the situation will only get worse over time: discharge from the eyes, itching, and burning may appear.

Redness of the eyes also occurs with ARVI and diabetes mellitus. And sometimes even diseases of the cardiovascular system can be hidden behind an inflamed appearance.

When is it time to go get some drops?

Before you start choosing eye drops, you need to make sure that they are really necessary. The drops will be useful for people who are forced to work at a computer for a long time and do not have the opportunity to take long breaks with eye exercises or if exercises do not help. They are also necessary for people in other professions whose work is associated with harmful effects on the eyes: for example, welders.

If you often use makeup, this can also lead to eye fatigue and require the use of drops.

People over 40 who have to strain their eyesight, for example, while driving, should also consider purchasing drops for eye fatigue. Often occurs after 40 age-related changes, which negatively affect eye function, so they need to be supported. Sometimes drops for eye fatigue are recommended for allergies, as well as for hypersensitivity of the eyes.

What are the remedies for eye fatigue?

Once we have established the cause of fatigue, we can begin choosing drops. Let's look at their main types.

Antibacterial drops are used to eliminate infections that may lead to fatigue and redness of the eyes. These include, for example, “Tetracycline” and “Levomycetin” - both of these drugs should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drops reduce swelling and redness of the eyes, but are quickly addictive

Anti-inflammatory drops effectively relieve itching and swelling, but they should be taken only under the supervision of a physician.

Antihistamines have a quick anti-allergic effect and can quickly relieve itching and stop even the most profuse lacrimation.

Healing drops are used in the presence of microdamage to the cornea

Vitamin preparations are intended to nourish the cornea and lens. They help avoid the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms.

Products designed to moisturize the cornea deserve special attention. These drops are used when there are no pathologies of the visual organ that require treatment, but the eyes still get tired and their work is accompanied by discomfort.

Choosing the right drops

How to choose the most effective drops for eye fatigue? It is best to consult an ophthalmologist who can choose the best drug for you. You can also pay attention to drug reviews. We will look at the medications that are most in demand today and most often recommended by specialists.

Visine (Vizin) - eye drops that are designed to relieve redness, burning, swelling, painful sensations and lacrimation. Active ingredient The drug is tetrizoline. These drops are allowed to be taken for allergies and irritations.

Visine has a vasoconstrictor effect, so it relieves redness well, but with prolonged use it can interfere with the nutrition of the eye. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug for more than 5 days. Contraindications to the use of this drug are glaucoma, corneal dystrophy, patient age under two years, intolerance to the components of the drug.

Visine Systane

Systane - new generation eye drops. This medicine is used to relieve dry eyes and discomfort during prolonged work at the computer. They are also recommended for conjunctivitis and various negative influences on the mucous membrane of the eye. Drops with a gel structure create a film on the eye that protects and moisturizes it.

Examination by an ophthalmologist

Artificial tears are another drop that effectively relieves dry and tired eyes. This medicine can be used for 15-25 days. If you do not follow the dosage of the drug or use it for too long, you may experience a feeling of eyelids sticking together. If such symptoms appear, you should stop using the drops.

Innoxa – drops for eye fatigue. This medicine is on natural basis, which contains extracts of elderberry, chamomile, cornflower and other herbs. Typically used when wearing contact lenses. Innoxa gives a natural look, its effect is noticeable within 1-2 minutes after application.

Riboflavin - drops that help eliminate eye fatigue, as well as prevent a number of diseases, strengthening local immunity. These drops are used both as medicine and for prophylactic purposes. This drug is often used during ophthalmic operations.

Video: All about dry eye syndrome

Drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes

Most often, when working at a computer, there is a feeling of itching, burning, or sand getting into the eyes. This occurs due to the drying out of the cornea. Usually a person makes 18-20 blinking movements per minute, but when perceiving information from the monitor, he blinks 4 times less often. At the same time, to view the computer image, the eyes open wider and tense. As a result, the liquid washing the cornea evaporates faster than usual, and due to the rare blinking, the tear film that moisturizes the eye does not have time to recover.

Dry eye syndrome is often mistaken for increased fatigue. However, the optic nerve and eye muscles are involved in fatigue. The tear fluid is responsible for the dryness of the cornea. If it is produced less and it moisturizes the eye less well, the drying cornea can become covered with small erosions and become inflamed. Symptoms of dryness can be mitigated by using eye drops - artificial tears - when working at a computer.

Moisturizing eye drops

A drug Active substance Operating principle Terms of use
Hilo-Chest Sodium hyaluronate Binds water molecules and creates a moist film on the surface of the cornea 1-2 drops 3 times a day, more often if necessary
Systane Polydronium chloride Creates a polymer film that prevents water evaporation from the cornea 1-2 drops in each eye 1-3 times a day
Optiv Glycerol, carmellose sodium Moisturizes the cornea and maintains tear film stability 1-2 drops as needed
Oksial Sodium hyaluronate, electrolytes Maintains physiological eye moisture 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day
Artelak Sodium hyaluronate, vitamin B12 Forms a stable moist film on the surface of the eye 1 drop 3-5 times a day

Moisturizing eye drops will work more effectively if you drink more fluids throughout the day and ensure there is sufficient humidity in the room.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops

Another problem caused by a computer is the disruption of blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes. With prolonged static tension of the eye muscles, microcirculation is disrupted. In order to supply the tissues of the eye with oxygen and nutrients, the vessels dilate. The eyes turn red, the person feels pain and burning. If you have to frequently look from the screen to the keyboard or printout while working, the redness and pain often intensify.

To help relieve the condition, your doctor may recommend vasoconstrictors for the eyes in the form of drops, as well as taking vitamins C, PP to strengthen vascular walls.

Eye drops with vasoconstrictor effect

Active ingredient vasoconstrictor drops Tetrizoline is usually used. It binds to receptors in the vascular walls and causes muscle contraction, causing the vessels to narrow. Another effect of Tetrizoline is decongestant. When the vascular walls are overly dilated, their permeability is impaired, and fluid accumulates in the tissues of the eye, disrupting normal microcirculation. Tetrizoline helps relieve swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye, thereby relieving pain and improving vision.

Drops for eye fatigue with a vasodilating effect are prohibited from being used for more than 4 days, since further toxic effects may develop. If the redness and pain do not go away, you should consult a doctor and find out the causes of eye irritation.

Vitamin drops that reduce eye inflammation

One of unpleasant consequences a dry cornea of ​​the eye is that erosions develop on it or ulcers appear on it. They are dangerous with a high risk of joining bacterial infection, which with extended blood vessels can penetrate deep into tissue and cause serious eye damage.

To combat eye inflammation obtained while working at the computer, you can choose drops with an anti-inflammatory effect together with your doctor. Such eye preparations for fatigue and inflammation usually include components with moisturizing and vasoconstrictor properties, as well as plant vitamin extracts with antibacterial effects.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops

Anti-inflammatory eye medications are applied by gently pulling the lower eyelid down and directing the gaze upward. It is important not to touch the tip of the pipette to the inflamed eye. If after 2 days there is no relief, the drug is discontinued and, together with a specialist, the causes of eye inflammation are looked for. If necessary and according to indications, the doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory drops with antibiotics, corticosteroids, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components.

Vitamins for computer-tired eyes

Eye fatigue when working at a computer causes constant flickering of the monitor, even if we don’t notice it, bright light emanating from it and radio emissions. When you have to spend long hours in front of a monitor, the eye muscles and ligaments become overstrained. The vessels either intensively expand or spasm. Their permeability is impaired, the walls lose their elasticity and ability to return to normal. In order to maintain normal microcirculation in the tissues of the eye, prevent vascular spasms and strengthen the eye muscles, the doctor may recommend bioactive supplements with vitamins.

Vitamin supplements for the eyes usually contain vitamins A, and. They have an antioxidant effect and prevent the destruction of eye tissue by free radicals activated by screen radiation. These vitamins strengthen vascular walls and improve visual perception in different lighting conditions. B vitamins are essential for improved performance optic nerve with excessive eye fatigue. Vitamins for the eyes must include lutein, zeaxanthin, and anthocyanins. These are substances from the group of flavonoids, which prevent the fragility of vascular walls and their permeability, accelerate the recovery of muscles and vascular walls after spasms.

Bioactive vitamin supplements are prescribed by a doctor and can serve as a good addition to eye drops. Vitamin components will help, in combination with active substances drops, restore microcirculation, prevent eye inflammation and vascular disorders, strengthen your eyesight.

For more information about dry eyes and other troubles when working at a computer, and about remedies to alleviate symptoms, see the video below.