Skin and venereal diseases and their treatment. Sexually transmitted diseases: signs, infection, treatment, diagnosis What skin diseases are there: warts, diaper rash and others

Venereal diseases (STDs) are among the most common infectious diseases in humans. Lack of timely treatment entails very serious complications in the sexual sphere, deterioration general condition health and infertility. Therefore, it is very important to know about them and be able to recognize the symptoms in a timely manner.

These infections are mainly transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. The most common include gonorrhea, donovanosis, syphilis, genital herpes, bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urethritis and vaginitis of gonococcal (gonorrhea) and non-gonococcal (nonspecific) nature. We will briefly look at skin and venereal diseases and the symptoms of some of them.


With this disease, men experience yellowish-white discharge, pain and burning when urinating. Women also experience genital discharge, pain when urinating, and painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Bleeding occurs frequently between periods. Sometimes the disease occurs with little severe symptoms and is often mistaken for thrush.


At the very beginning of the disease, a reddish nodule the size of a pea forms. As the disease progresses, the nodule transforms into a bright red sore with raised edges and a velvety surface. As the disease progresses, the ulcer increases in size.


Its symptoms depend on the stage of venereal disease. At the first stage, an ulcer with a dense base (hard chancre) appears at the site of infection. The ulcer is painless. As the disease progresses, usually after 3 weeks, the lymph nodes closest to the site of infection enlarge. After which all symptoms disappear, the ulcer heals on its own. After about 3-4 months, the second stage begins. Appears skin rash, quickly spreading over all surfaces of the body. Arises headache, the temperature rises. There is a widespread increase lymph nodes, condylomas may form. At the third and fourth stages, there is a gradual destruction of all organs and systems of the human body.

Genital herpes

At the beginning of infection, swelling appears in the area of ​​infection, burning, itching, and pain occur. At the same time, your health worsens and your body temperature rises. After a few days, small itchy blisters filled with clear liquid. Then they burst and painful ulcers appear in their place. They go away in about 10-14 days. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.

Bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis

With this disease, women experience grayish-white vaginal discharge. They have a very unpleasant smell, reminiscent of rotten fish. The discharge is not profuse, but causes great discomfort.


Women experience itching and burning of the external genitalia. Whites appear curdled discharge. The disease is characterized by pain during sexual intercourse and urination.

Men also experience burning and itching in the penis area. Its head turns red, becomes covered with a whitish coating, and swelling appears. With candidiasis, a man experiences pain during sexual intercourse and during urination.

Trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis

With this disease, women experience yellow discharge from the vagina, having unpleasant smell. In this case, itching, slight swelling and redness of the external genital organs are felt. Observed painful sensations during sexual intercourse and urination.

Men are less likely to experience pain and burning, but they also experience discharge from the penis. But often men do not feel any symptoms at all.


Very insidious disease. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic. Only a doctor can detect it.

General symptoms

Signs that characterize most of these diseases, for which you should immediately seek help from a venereologist or gynecologist, are: unusual discharge from the genitals, various growths on their mucous membrane. Unexplained skin rash, wounds, ulcers, lumps, as well as pain and burning during urination and sexual intercourse.

If you find one or more of the above signs of an STD, consult a doctor who will determine the disease and prescribe timely treatment.

You should not treat yourself. You can suppress the disease, get rid of the symptoms for a while, but the disease will continue to develop. Complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, do not interrupt it. Since after relief of the condition, foci of infection may still be present.

Even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, complete the course prescribed to you, because... the infection may still be present in the body. After the full course of treatment, you need to take tests again to confirm complete recovery. Both partners should undergo treatment to prevent re-infection. In the future, be sure to use a condom during sexual intercourse.

Skin is the largest organ human body(area about 2 sq. m.). Accordingly, the list skin diseases very wide.

In addition to its protective and immune function, the skin serves to regulate temperature, water balance and sensations, therefore protecting yourself from the occurrence of skin diseases is one of the primary preventive tasks.

Below you will find out what skin diseases people have and what their symptoms are. You can also look at photos of skin diseases and read their descriptions. Let us note right away that most skin diseases in people have no symptoms and are easily treatable.

What skin diseases are there: acne, blackheads, eczema, herpes

Acne (“pimples”) considered as the most common skin disease. Almost all people are familiar with the description of this skin disease. adolescence(about 85%). Essentially, acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Acne vulgaris- This is a typical skin disease for most people, one of the first places on the list of such diseases. Mainly characterized by a mild course, they are found (mainly on the face) on fatty areas of the body and manifest themselves in the form of pimples, purulent ulcers and comedones. Fat forms clogged sebaceous glands, bacteria can colonize and cause inflammation. The main causes are hormonal changes, usually during puberty or pregnancy. Male sex hormones (androgens) promote development and therefore affect men more than women. In addition, medications, cosmetics, and stress factors, among other things, can contribute to acne. Severe forms are characterized by scar formation, otherwise acne is treated without leaving marks before the age of 25.

Every young mother will tell you about what other skin diseases there are.

Eczema ( atopic dermatitis) usually begins in early childhood and manifests itself in periodic inflammatory reactions of the skin. This is one of the most common skin diseases. Due to the body's defensive reactions to allergens, it leads to inflammatory processes, insatiable itching acts as a trigger. Triggers may include stress, certain foods, mechanical irritations, infections and climatic influences. Scratches can cause inflammatory reactions, the skin loses its protective barrier.

It comes in many forms, the most famous being herpes simplex. The primary one usually goes unnoticed. Only further infection manifests itself in the form of typical blisters with crusting and inflammation. The reasons can be different, injuries or sunburn, stress and hormonal fluctuations.

What other skin diseases are there: bedsores, eczema, scabies?

Bedsores, as a rule, arise from long-term bed rest with simultaneous immobility. Pressure on a specific, unprotected area of ​​the body contributes to the formation of ulcers in the most deep layers skin with a simultaneous lack of nutrition. Bacteria can penetrate and destroy the layers completely. Sufferers complain of itching, burning and severe pain.

Eczema is a superficial inflammation of the skin. Its symptoms are shown in the photo above: redness with occasional blistering. The causes of eczema are many and varied.

Scabies caused by mites (mainly during sexual contact). Ticks make holes in the stratum corneum of the tissue and lay eggs there. It mainly affects the wrists, between the fingers, navel, chest, armpits or genital area. Scabies is treatable, but can also cause other diseases (eg, cellulitis, sepsis).

List of other skin diseases: keratosis, carcioma, hemangioma

Elderly people are also familiar with the types of skin diseases. For example, actinic keratosis is caused by constant and intense solar exposure, the increase and change in skin keratinocytes occurs painfully. It is considered an early stage of skin cancer. Reddish spots appear on areas of the body exposed to the sun. Requires immediate treatment.

Basal carcinoma also recognized as white skin cancer, has the same trigger others. WITH early treatment, basal cell carcinoma has a good prognosis.

Hemangioma- This benign tumor, which most often occurs in young children (approximately 30% at birth).

Skin diseases in humans: melanoma, shingles, hemorrhoids

Melanoma (cancer)- This malignant tumor based on pigment cells of the epidermis. It develops as a result of excessive sun exposure and appears most often on the face, neck or forearms. On early stage well treated.

Shingles (shingles) as a consequence of immunodeficiency.

Hemorrhoids occur with for various reasons such as constipation, lack of physical exercise, pregnancy, liver disease.

What are the types of skin diseases: warts, diaper rash and others?

Warts are common, infectious, benign epithelial tumors caused by a virus. The lesions form over several months or years, sometimes spontaneously.

Diaper rash is one of the most common skin diseases in infancy, which is diagnosed in almost two-thirds of all children and manifests itself in various forms.

Hair loss that can be caused organic disorders and poisoning.

Varicose veins are also visible on the skin (usually the legs) but are not counted as a skin condition.

Weakness in the veins of the legs leads to leg ulcers. As a result, wounds heal poorly, which leads to slow tissue destruction. There is a risk of losing the affected limb.

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The term “venereological disease” refers to an infectious disease that is transmitted during sexual intercourse. It is worth saying that such diseases have been known to mankind for a long time. Today they are, of course, not so common, and effective methods therapies exist. Unfortunately, many patients prefer to ignore the symptoms of the disease and seek help when complications develop.

That's why it's worth checking out available information. How and where can you get an infection? What do the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases look like in men and women? Where can I get tested? What does the treatment regimen look like? How to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections? Many readers are looking for answers to these questions.

Venereal diseases in men and women

Sexually transmitted diseases are considered quite common, with 50% of those infected being young people under 24 years of age. The risk group primarily includes men and women with promiscuous sexual intercourse, especially if condoms are not used during contact.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in men and women, of course, depend on the type of pathogen. Incubation period can last from several weeks to several months and even years. During this period, a person becomes a spreader of infection, without even suspecting that he has his own problem.

Despite the diversity, several main symptoms can be identified that are present to one degree or another with any sexually transmitted infection. Venereal disease is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Patients complain of discomfort in the genital area, sometimes there is a burning sensation and pain. TO general symptoms may include inflammation of the lymph nodes (most often their enlargement is observed in the groin area). Many patients complain of an increased urge to urinate, and the process itself is often accompanied by pain.

Many diseases are accompanied external signs, such as rash, redness and swelling of the genitals. Often men have mucous membranes or purulent discharge from the urethra. Venereal diseases in women are accompanied by vaginal discharge uncharacteristic color, often with an unpleasant odor.

If you notice any of the signs, you should consult a doctor. Self-treatment very dangerous, because first you need to determine the nature of the pathogen and the stage of development of the disease. In the absence of adequate therapy, sexually transmitted diseases quite often develop into chronic form, which entails very unpleasant consequences(prostatitis, infertility). Heal chronic illness much more difficult, and even with the right approach It is not always possible to get rid of the infection and the consequences of its activity.

Gonorrhea: causes and symptoms

Gonorrhea is called infection, which is accompanied by inflammation of the genitourinary system. The causative agent is gonococcus, which is most often transmitted during sexual intercourse. Microorganisms infect organs that are lined with columnar epithelium, in particular the urethra and uterus. Much less often, the infection spreads to the mucous membranes of the intestines, pharynx, and conjunctiva of the eyes. If left untreated, pathogens can attack the musculoskeletal system, particularly the joints.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases are quite characteristic. There is swelling of the mucous membranes of the genitals. Many patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen and pain during urination. People are constantly bothered by discomfort, burning and itching. Discharge appears from the vagina and urethra - often it contains impurities of pus and has a very unpleasant odor.

Syphilis: features of the clinical picture

At one time, syphilis was terrible disease, which invariably led to a rather painful death. Today, this disease is easily diagnosed and quite successfully treated. The causative agent is a pallidum spirochete, which is spread sexually. The incubation period lasts about 3-4 weeks.

Syphilis - systemic disease with a wavy current. The primary stage of the disease lasts about 6-8 weeks and is accompanied by the formation of a hard chancre at the site of infection penetration through the skin (usually a tubercle or pimple on the genitals). Secondary syphilis develops over years - the infection gradually spreads to other organs, affecting circulatory system, musculoskeletal system. Syphilis is often accompanied by characteristic skin rashes and alopecia. The tertiary stage is characterized by severe damage to the central nervous system which often lead to death.

Symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia is very common venereal diseases. The photo shows the pathogen, namely chlamydia. This is a group of quite dangerous diseases. Pathological microorganisms primarily affect organs genitourinary system. Urethritis, vulvovaginitis and cystitis are observed. In men this disease often leads to the development of prostatitis. Women suffer from cervicitis, endometritis and erosions, which, of course, is fraught with infertility.

In some cases, the infection spreads to other organ systems. Chlamydial pneumonia may develop. Other complications include bacterial conjunctivitis and encephalopathy. The most dangerous is the generalized form of chlamydia, in which pathogenic microorganisms affects the tissues of the liver, heart, digestive tract and lungs.

Clinical picture of trichomoniasis

The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas vaginalis. By the way, these microorganisms exclusively affect the organs of the genitourinary system. In men, the target organs are the testicles, seminal vesicles, urethra and prostate gland. Women suffer from inflammation urethra, vagina and cervical canal.

Patients complain of pain, redness and irritation in the genital area. Often there appears abundant foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor of yellow or even green color. There is discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse. Ulcers and erosions may form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Some patients develop dermatitis on the skin of the thighs.

Viral venereal diseases

If we are talking about viral diseases, then it is worth mentioning genital herpes, the causative agent of which is a virus herpes simplex(most often the second type). Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in this case are the appearance of a blistering rash on the skin of the penis, scrotum in men, in the anus and external genitalia in women. Often quite painful ulcers form at the site of the rash. By the way, herpes infection, as a rule, becomes more active against the background of decreased activity immune system, and it is completely impossible to cure it.

The next common pathogen is the human papillomavirus, which can also be transmitted during sexual intercourse. There are more than 100 varieties of this virus. In most cases, warts (papillomas) appear against the background of its activity. different forms and sizes. They can form on the skin and mucous membranes, and not only in the genital area.

The most dangerous viral disease is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The infection spreads during sexual intercourse, as well as through contact with the blood of an infected person. This virus destroys a person's immune system, making the body susceptible to almost any other infection (even a common cold can be dangerous). The incubation period lasts on average 10 years. Today, doctors can only offer supportive therapy.

Tests for sexually transmitted diseases and other diagnostic methods

If you notice suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After general examination The patient must be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. There are several main research methods.

The advantages of the technique include speed and low cost. On the other hand, it is not always possible for a laboratory technician to identify all pathogens, so this analysis is used for preliminary diagnosis - additional examinations are needed to make a final diagnosis.

Additionally carried out bacteriological culture samples obtained from a smear. The study takes several days, but it makes it possible to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as the degree of its sensitivity to certain medications.

Sometimes a blood test is performed, although it is more effective in viral infections. It is worth saying that in some cases false results are possible, since it takes time for the immune system to begin producing antibodies.

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases directly depends on the type of disease, the stage of its development and, of course, the nature of the pathogen. If we are talking about bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be effective. For example, for chlamydia, Azithromycin is used. If we are talking about gonorrhea, then Cefixime or some other antibiotics are used wide range impact. Syphilis in the first stage is also highly treatable antibacterial agents. Of course, as the disease progresses, the infection spreads to other organs, so other drugs are also included in therapy.

Concerning viral diseases, for example, herpes, papillomavirus, it is not possible to completely get rid of them - viral particles remain in the body, from time to time provoking an exacerbation of the disease. During an acute inflammatory process are used antiviral drugs(“Acyclovir”) in the form of tablets or gels for external use.

It’s worth saying right away that if the patient has a venereological disease, then both partners should undergo therapy, since there is a high probability reinfection. During treatment, it is recommended to abstain from sexual contact. The state of the immune system is also important. Proper nutrition, frequent walks, physical activity, normal sleep and rest patterns, lack of stress - all this has a positive effect on protective functions the body, increasing resistance to infectious agents.

Preventive precautions: how to prevent infection?

As you can see, sexually transmitted infections can be quite dangerous, and therapy takes a lot of time. It is much easier to avoid infection than to have it later complex treatment. What does prevention of sexually transmitted diseases look like? Unfortunately, there are no specific remedies. But by following certain rules, you can reduce the risk of infection.

As mentioned, people with promiscuous sex life are at risk. In this case, the use of a condom is simply necessary, since today it is the only means of protection against infection (oral contraceptives and other means only prevent fertilization). In the event that sexual contact does occur without the use of protection, it is important to carry out hygiene procedures. Can be used for washing boiled water and soap. Women are advised to douche, preferably using antiseptics, in particular “Miramistina”.

Afterwards, you should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases - the sooner the disease is detected, the faster and easier its treatment will be.

A huge number of different medical institutions deal with sexually transmitted infections. Starting from independent private anonymous doctors’ offices, and ending with large government medical institutions. The most important thing when choosing a clinic is the presence of a specialized specialist - a dermatovenerologist. No doctor can give you the same specialized assistance, as a dermatovenerologist.

Public clinic or private?

If you suspect any sexually transmitted disease, you can seek help from various medical institutions. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • public clinic
  • city ​​dermatovenerological dispensary ( KVD)
  • private clinic/office

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a better understanding of the specifics of diagnosis, treatment and cost of services of each medical institution from different groups, they are worth examining in detail.

Visit to the clinic– the easiest option is to contact a dermatovenerologist. The clinic is usually located within walking distance from home. Visiting a doctor and laboratory diagnostics– free. If complications are identified, as well as in case of necessary additional diagnostics, the patient may be referred to the city dermatovenerology clinic.

The main disadvantages of treating sexually transmitted infections in a clinic are:

  • lack of express laboratory diagnostic methods,
  • lack of anonymity,
  • possible queues,
  • mandatory pre-entry appointment.

Dermatovenerological dispensary is a highly specialized medical institution. It includes outpatient clinics and inpatient department. The largest KVD carry their own serological and bacteriological laboratories, department of physiotherapeutic treatment.

All dermatovenerology clinics provide assistance in the treatment and diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, and they usually use the most modern equipment.

Treatment is provided both on a paid and budget basis. As a rule, when treating sexually transmitted infections paid services include:

  • maintaining anonymity,
  • use of additional express diagnostic methods ( PCR),
  • making an appointment and treatment in the absence of the necessary documents.

In all other respects, treatment should remain free.

You can go to the city dispensary on your own or with a doctor’s referral. In the regional, republican and regional KVD– apply only with a doctor’s referral, or independently, but then only on a paid basis. To go to the city dispensary, you must have with you:

They may also require a doctor's referral or the number of your clinic. To clarify the list of documents, it is better to call the dermatovenerological dispensary reception in advance.