Bleeding from the nose in a one-month-old baby. A child’s nose is bleeding: an overview of the reasons, what to do? How to stop nosebleeds

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 02/13/2019

The main task of the nasal mucosa of infants and adults is the most reliable protection against the penetration of viruses, bacteria and even foreign particles, as well as the preparation and purification of the air that enters the lungs. But this often happens, especially in childhood that the nasal mucosa “fails” and temporarily does not perform its functions. A runny nose sets in, mucus and discharge interfere with breathing, and multiplying bacteria turn them yellow and green.

And suddenly the parents of the baby notice that, along with snot, bleeding. Of course, such an unpleasant situation is not normal, but you shouldn’t be too scared and panic. The reasons for the appearance of bloody snot in a child can be very different and do not necessarily indicate the development of a serious nasal disease.

You should immediately distinguish between nosebleeds and the presence of small bloody streaks and inclusions in the mucus secreted during a runny nose.

The first situation is an unusual condition and requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, especially after a child’s head injury.

The second is a fairly common phenomenon and in most cases harmless. It is necessary to clearly understand the situation and carefully monitor everything possible reasons to clearly find out why bloody discharge appeared from the baby’s nose.

Causes of blood appearing during a runny nose

In young children, the capillary walls of the nasal mucosa are still very weak and are in the stage of formation and strengthening. There are a huge number of tiny blood vessels and capillaries running through the nose. Impact of many external factors(most often of a mechanical nature) can damage them, causing small bloody fragments to come out with nasal discharge.

  1. Small children often put their fingers in their nose, especially when they have a runny nose or irritated nose. The nasal mucosa is easily damaged if the newborn has overgrown nails.
  2. Damage to blood vessels and capillaries also often occurs due to drying out of the walls of the mucous membrane of the newborn’s nose. Dry and fairly hot air in the room where the child is located has a negative effect on the nasal mucosa. Most pediatricians advise humidifying and not overheating the children's room, especially in winter time when using electric heaters.

Nasal discharge with a certain amount of blood is not a disease, but simply a symptom of some problem, which can be identified and appropriate measures can be taken.

  1. Fragile and weak vessels in the nose of a newborn can burst and bleed due to a lack of vitamins and microelements (most often vitamin C). Taking appointments prescribed by the pediatrician vitamin complexes is guaranteed to correct the fragility and fragility of blood vessels, and also increase the baby’s immunity.
  2. A viral infection is also often the cause of the appearance of blood when a baby has a runny nose. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract the nasal capillaries become thinner, and blood appears on its own along with nasal mucus. In such cases, instilling moisturizing preparations with sea salt into the nose helps eliminate thinning and cure a runny nose.
  3. Usually, attentive pediatricians, due to bleeding, consider the possibility of increased intracranial pressure and spasms of cerebral vessels in the baby. In children under one year of age, this option is quite rare, but it should be excluded in any case.
  4. If the color of your child's nasal discharge is green or yellow with small streaks of blood, while the child is crying and has a fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. These discharges and symptoms may be signs of sinus inflammation.

How to treat bloody discharge from a newborn's nose

If the bleeding is not associated with cerebral vascular spasms or inflammatory processes ENT nature, the rest of the above situations do not require special treatment. Pediatric specialists usually recommend general events of a preventive nature.

The room should be moistened more often. To do this, you can install an ionizer or humidifier. Simpler and affordable way- usage wet towel on a hot battery. You can quickly humidify the air by spraying a small amount of water from a spray bottle.

Fresh air at least 3 times a day in winter and much more often in summer should be supplied to the room in which the newborn is predominantly located.

You should take your baby for walks more often. fresh air, preferably in a forest or park. Unless the doctor recommends otherwise, a child’s bloody snot can be dealt with by instilling a saline solution in the nose with the addition of small quantity sea ​​salt. Pharmacies also sell special moisturizing preparations for the nasal mucosa of children.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate! The baby needs to be shown to an ENT specialist who can accurately determine the reasons why the child has snot with blood and will give necessary recommendations or prescribe appropriate treatment.

Traditional medicine in the fight against nasal discharge in infants

If the reasons are physiological in nature, a good healing result is obtained by moisturizing the nasal passages with natural oils plant origin. You can instill 2 drops of oil 2 times a day into each baby’s nostril. Or (if possible) insert small cotton swabs soaked in oil into the baby's nose. It could be olive oil, sea buckthorn oil tea tree or rosehip.

Nosebleed is pathological condition, which often occurs in young children. Most often, the pathological process is not accompanied by additional symptoms and therefore it is difficult to determine the causes of its occurrence. That is why in case of frequent bleeding it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If a child's nose is bleeding, causes can be quite varied. The pathology is most often diagnosed when:

  • Organ injury. In children, bleeding for this reason is most common. Children love to play with various light objects that accidentally cause injury. Most often, bleeding from the nose in a 3-year-old child is observed precisely for this reason. This injury can occur in children if they frequently pick their nose.
  • ENT diseases. Pathological process accompanied by frequent runny nose. At 1 year of age, bleeding may occur with colds, which is explained by not fully formed immunity. If children often get discharge from the nose, this causes damage to inflamed blood vessels and bleeding.
  • Use of nasal medications. The appearance of blood from the nose in a child 2 years of age and older is observed during use vasoconstrictor drugs. They are recommended for use to relieve cold symptoms. If they are used for a long period, sometimes this leads to pathology, especially in infants.
  • Nasal tamponade. It is a serious cause of nosebleeds in children 6 years of age. If the baby often has nosebleeds, then tampons are installed, which can injure the mucous membrane, which will lead to aggravation of the situation.
  • Impact of external factors. If the baby is 4 years old nasal cavity When dry air is constantly exposed, drying out of the mucous membranes is observed. This means that she is easily injured.

Other causes may also lead to nosebleeds at 10 years of age. Children five years old who suffer from hepatitis are at risk. Also this symptom observed in anemia and leukemia.

Bleeding can be diagnosed under the influence of a variety of provoking factors. That is why parents need to be attentive to their child.

How to recognize dangerous nosebleeds?

The most dangerous conditions are when blood runs from the nose at night. Pathology occurs when exposed to the most unexpected factors. When a child's nose bleeds, the reason may be allergic reaction, intracranial pressure. Blood may also run out if drops are used uncontrolledly. vasoconstrictor effect.

If bleeding is repeatedly observed in the morning, this indicates the presence of polyps. Also, this condition is observed with chronic physical or emotional fatigue of the baby. The danger is also indicated by the fact that blood is released along with mucus. This indicates the occurrence of complications in the ENT organs.

Possible complications

If a child has frequent nosebleeds, this can lead to complications. With heavy blood loss, the baby often loses consciousness. With epistaxis, children are often diagnosed with nausea and vomiting. This is due to the flow of blood through back wall throats in digestive system. Improper provision of first aid leads to blood entering the nasolacrimal duct. That is why it flows out through the eye sockets.

Bleeding can lead to serious complications, which requires timely provision of first aid to the baby.

Features of treatment

If a child has a nosebleed, only the doctor can determine what to do. In case of single bleeding there is no need to carry out specific treatment. In rare cases, cauterization is performed blood vessels in the nose. For systematic bleeding, therapy is recommended. In this case, the cause is determined, as well as individual characteristics in children.

First aid

If The child has a nosebleed, then he needs to be given emergency first aid. To stop bleeding, you must perform certain actions:

  • The child needs to be seated on a chair and his head tilted forward.
  • It is recommended to close the nostril or both nostrils with your hands and apply a compress to the bridge of the nose.
  • After 5 minutes, gauze tampons are inserted into the nostrils, which are pre-soaked in a solution with a vasoconstrictor effect - Vibrocil, Naphthyzine.
  • After 5 minutes have passed, it is necessary to remove the tampons and treat the mucous membranes. In this case, Vaseline or Neomycin ointment is used. With their help, the healing of mucous membranes is accelerated.

First aid for nosebleeds should be carried out in mandatory, which will eliminate the possibility of complications.

How to stop bleeding in a baby?

Infants may also experience nosebleeds. In this case, the algorithm of actions during the provision of first aid changes. The baby must be freed from constrictive clothing, which will ensure access to oxygen. Next, you need to pick him up in a standing position. You need to apply a little pressure on the bridge of your nose and hold it with your fingers for 10 minutes. There is no need to overdo it in this case, as this can lead to damage.

During the period of first aid, you need to ensure that the baby breathes through the mouth. You can also apply a towel to the bridge of your nose, which is pre-wetted in cold water. The blood that flows out is removed using a sterile wipe.

What not to do?

When a child’s nose begins to bleed, parents panic and try to help him and make mistakes. It is strictly forbidden to place the child on the bed and, especially, to raise the legs, as this will lead to increased blood loss. Throwing your head back is also prohibited, as this will lead to increased blood flow and increased secretions. This can also lead to cramping and vomiting.

After providing first aid, it is forbidden to give the child food or drink, especially warm, as this will dilate the blood vessels and lead to re-bleeding. Physical activity after bleeding is contraindicated for a child, as this can lead to relapse.

Drugs for the treatment of nosebleeds

If blood is constantly flowing from the nose, then this requires the use of certain medications. In order to reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, it is recommended to use:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Ascorutina;
  • Routine.

In order to speed up the stop of bleeding, Dition or Vikasol is used. It is also recommended for the patient intravenous administration Aminocaproic acid, Calcium chloride. If the pathology occurs against the background of injuries, it is recommended to take Contrical or Trasylol.

How to stop using folk remedies?

Often, to eliminate bleeding, drugs are used traditional medicine, which are characterized not only by accessibility, but also by safety. To improve blood clotting, it is recommended to take teas made from chamomile and plantain.

If bleeding occurs constantly, then he needs to eat a piece of aloe leaf in the morning. If there is a need to quickly stop bleeding, you need to moisten a gauze swab in the juice of plants such as plantain or nettle and insert it into the nostrils for 5 minutes.

When do you need specialist help?

Most parents ask the question: when is it necessary to contact a specialist? After the child’s nose stops bleeding, you need to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of the pathology and also prescribe effective treatment. If the need arises, the ENT doctor will send the baby for further examination.


To avoid the occurrence of nosebleeds in children, it is necessary to carry out its prevention in a timely manner. In this case, it is necessary not only to monitor the baby’s health, but also to adhere to certain rules:

  • The baby's room should be regularly ventilated. During the heating season, regular ventilation of the room is necessary.
  • In order to strengthen the baby’s immune system, he needs to take vitamin and mineral complexes in the autumn and spring.
  • It is necessary to ensure proper diet child nutrition. he is recommended to eat citrus fruits, vegetables, fish, and dairy products.

Bleeding in children can occur for a variety of reasons. When it appears, parents should provide first aid to the baby and consult a doctor. Only a specialist after carrying out the appropriate diagnostic measures can determine the cause of the pathology and develop a treatment regimen aimed at eliminating it.

Many parents have experienced nosebleeds in their children, but not everyone knows why the nose often bleeds in childhood, as well as how to properly deal with such a problem. Let's find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky and his advice for parents with nosebleeds in children.


A well-known pediatrician calls the main reason frequent bleeding in children anatomical features structure of the nasal mucosa. It is they who cause frequent bleeding in some children and the absence of such a problem in other children. Among the most common provoking factors, Komarovsky names dry air in the room in which the child is staying.

According to a popular doctor, due to dry air, the mucus in the child’s nose dries out and forms crusts, and when the child picks them off, bleeding begins.

In this case, Komarovsky emphasizes, we are talking about bleeding that is not caused by injury (fall, blow), when the reason for the bleeding from the baby’s nose is obvious. Excessively dry air causes bleeding that appears suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Increased mucus production in a child's nose is caused by viral infection, exposure to an allergen or bacteria, and drying out of mucus can be caused not only by dry air in the room, but also by taking certain medications (vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and others), long-term increase body temperature, inhalation of polluted air.

The bleeding itself can begin not only when picking the nose, but also when sneezing, while walking, inhaling or during sleep - in all cases when the pressure on nasal septum rises.

However, the cause of nosebleeds in a child can be much more serious, however, as Komarovsky notes, problems with blood clotting, liver, blood pressure and other serious illnesses will never manifest themselves only as nosebleeds. If your baby has any similar disease, he will also have other symptoms, for example, a skin rash, frequent bruises, headaches or dizziness.

Urgent Care

When did the child start nose bleed, Komarovsky recommends doing this:

  1. Have your baby sit with his body tilted forward. The baby's head should be straight or slightly tilted forward.
  2. The child's nostrils should be squeezed with your fingers and held for about 10 minutes. The mother or the child himself can squeeze his nose. While waiting, the child should breathe through his mouth.

According to a popular doctor, the speed at which blood flow stops is primarily affected by the diameter of the damaged vessel. Also, the duration of bleeding will be determined by the state of the blood coagulation system and the use of certain medications. In most cases, ten minutes will be enough for normal nosebleeds to stop.

To speed up the stop of bleeding, a popular doctor recommends cold, but only if the child can pinch his nose on his own (while the mother runs to the kitchen for something cold). Komarovsky advises using ice by applying it to the bridge of the nose. You can also give your child ice cream or a cold drink through a straw, since the cold in oral cavity also helps to stop bleeding in the nose more quickly.

In addition, so that 10 minutes of waiting until the blood stops flowing does not become too long for the child, parents can do something to entertain the child, for example, turn on a cartoon for the child, read to the child, or tell him a story.

A well-known pediatrician calls the main mistakes parents make when helping a child with a nosebleed:

  1. Throwing the child's head back. With this action, the blood will drain into the pharynx, so it will be difficult to understand how severe the vascular damage is, when the bleeding has stopped, and whether it has stopped at all. In addition, dripping blood can provoke a gag reflex.
  2. Insertion of cotton swabs into the nasal passages. After removing the cotton wool from the nose, the crust formed at the site of damage to the blood vessels is removed, which causes re-bleeding.
  3. Putting the child to bed. Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that a child with nosebleeds should not be in a horizontal position.
  4. Release the baby's nostrils early, checking to see if blood is still flowing. This will only prevent the bleeding from stopping.

Also, during bleeding, a child should not:

  • Blow your nose.
  • Cough.
  • Talk.
  • Swallow blood.
  • Move actively.

If 10 minutes have passed, the mother has released her nostrils, and the bleeding still continues, all steps should be repeated for another 10 minutes. If after twenty minutes from the start of the nosebleed it has not stopped, the child should be shown to a doctor.

Komarovsky also advises not to delay in applying for medical care, If:

  • The child discharges blood from both nostrils at once.
  • The child also developed bleeding from another part of the body, for example, from the ear.
  • Nosebleeds recur very often.

In the video below, the doctor gives detailed recommendations for helping with nosebleeds in a child, and also talks about common mistakes parents in such situations.

The infant period is characterized by the active development of your baby's body. If we look at the nose separately, it is small in a newborn. The cavities, otherwise known as sinuses, which perform the function of warming the air, are not yet fully developed. And the nasal passages are quite narrow, only 1 mm in diameter (we do not confuse the nasal passage with the vestibule of the nasal cavity, which protrudes on the face and is popularly called the “nose”).

The formation of sinuses is completed only during adolescence. In a baby, the mucous membrane in the nose is abundantly supplied with blood; there are many arteries (capillaries) and veins, which are intertwined into a “ball”. This covering is very delicate and fragile, especially in the anterior inferior part of the nasal septum. In this place largest cluster vessels that receive blood from the most significant arteries in your baby’s body – the carotid arteries. Therefore, as soon as traumatization of this place occurs, it happens profuse bleeding bright scarlet blood.

Remember, nosebleeds can occur due to many influences. Do not panic!

Why does my child have nosebleeds?

The causes can be divided into those that are directly related to the nose, and those that are related to other diseases of the body.

Local reasons

  1. Injury. It occurs as a result of “picking” the nose, pushing foreign objects (small parts of toys, cotton swabs) and during strong impacts. Most often, babies hit the corners of furniture and fall.Important! If the bleeding does not stop after an injury long time(more than 10 - 15 minutes) and you notice swelling in the nasal area or any deformation, immediately seek help from the clinic.
  2. Dry, “hot” air in the room where your baby spends most of his time. Do not place the baby's crib close to heaters or radiators.
  3. General fatigue of the child. The baby's hyperactivity can cause light bleeding. Try not to engage in active games before bed, when the body is physiologically preparing for rest.
  4. With strong and hysterical crying or with prolonged cough Blood may also appear. The basis of this process is an increase in pressure in the vessels and their increased fragility.
  5. Changes atmospheric pressure and changes climate zone. Most often this happens when traveling to the sea, to mountainous areas, or when flying on airplanes. In the process of growing up and as a result of full development, such bleeding will pass without intervention.
  6. Rhinitis is either allergic or caused by viruses. Rupture of the vessel wall during a runny nose occurs due to thinning and swelling of the mucous layer.
  7. Chronic diseases of the nose, adenoid growths.

Common reasons

Child's nosebleeds and common reasons- diseases that may be accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Infections: acute respiratory infections, flu, measles and others. Occurs due to an increase in body temperature.
  2. Non-infectious conditions in which increased arterial pressure, – sunstroke, unusual exercise stress, overheating
  3. , long-term use drugs that affect blood clotting.
  4. Leukemia.
  5. Disorders of the liver and kidneys. How is that congenital anomalies, and acquired - cirrhosis, nephritis.
  6. Long-term use of antipyretic and painkillers - Aspirin and Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  7. Decongestants (Xylometazoline, Tetrizoline) are drugs that are used to treat a runny nose. They constrict blood vessels to prevent rhinorrhea (mucus discharge from the nose). Frequent instillation of such a drug will lead to dryness in the nose, and then to atrophy of the mucous membrane and frequent bleeding.
  8. Arterial hypertension as independent disease The child has.
  9. Oral diseases. Hearth chronic infection there may be a carious tooth.
  10. "Hormonal maturation." Most often in girls, important period formation of the menstrual cycle.

Most often, nosebleeds in children under one year of age appear as a result of trauma to the mucous membrane. In the nose during this period, the submucosa, namely its cavernous part, is completely undeveloped.

How to stop nosebleeds in a child?

What to do if your child suddenly has a nosebleed?

What is the right thing to do, and what can you do on your own?

Initially, there is no need to panic; not only you, but also your baby are scared.

Take the child in your arms. If he is bleeding, he can sit on his own, leaning his back on the back of a chair or sofa. Tilt your head forward.

Do not tilt your child's head back! You need to know when the bleeding will stop and how much blood your baby will lose. Options for placing the child on his back are also not suitable.

If bleeding occurs outside, it is better to take the child to the shade or to a cool place.

Talk to your baby. He is scared, he does not understand what happened to him and why he started bleeding. Try to explain that nothing terrible happened.

You can play a game: I inhale air through my nose and exhale through my mouth. This kind of breathing will help the baby calm down and, under the influence of the air flow, the blood will clot faster and stop flowing.

Place a cold object on the bridge of your nose.

If you take something out of the freezer, ALWAYS wrap it in a cloth (towel, napkins). Otherwise, your baby will also get local frostbite!

You need to hold the cold object for no more than 5 minutes.

If after a cold compress the blood does not want to stop within fifteen minutes, contact an ambulance.

What if my child often has nosebleeds?

Please know that in case of recurring episodes, you should definitely consult your child with a doctor. If your baby often bleeds from the nose, this is a serious reason to be wary.

You should contact an otolaryngologist to exclude diseases of the ENT organs, as well as a pediatrician. He will explain to you what examinations you will need to undergo to exclude serious diseases:

  • hemophilia. The readings of thrombin and prothrombin tests are taken into account;
  • liver diseases - you should take a biochemical blood test, pay attention to the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), bilirubin (both direct and total), creatinine, alkaline phosphatase;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system. To help diagnose - an electrocardiogram, ultrasonography hearts. If there are changes, Holter monitoring is additionally used;
  • kidney disease can lead to increased, and damage to the adrenal glands affects vascular wall. Must be passed general analysis urine, urine analysis according to Nicheporenko, if there are changes, ultrasound examination of the kidneys is indicated;
  • blood test for hormones, especially in teenage children;
  • leukemia – serious disease blood, which must be excluded in case of frequent and persistent bleeding from the child’s nose.

How to avoid nosebleeds?

  1. Indoor air is very important. First, ventilate your child’s room at least twice a day.Secondly, avoid dry and hot air. Do not put it sleeping area your baby near heating areas.Thirdly, it should be used if you live on the upper floors of an apartment building (from the fourth and above), especially on the sunny side, especially in the cold season with the heating on.
  2. Avoid injury. Secure the room where the child spends most of the time. Furniture without corners or with protection, carpets on the floor should not cling to the baby’s legs, and all objects that the baby can pull onto his head should be removed.Under no circumstances should a child be left unattended by an adult.
  3. Strengthen your immune system. Start small - spend about an hour walking every day, just walk in the fresh air. It is not necessary to “feed” your baby with immunostimulating drugs; you can use decoctions of rose hips and hawthorn, give tea with lemon or ginger.
  4. If your baby is allergic, it is worth protecting him from allergens. D double wet cleaning of the room, replacement of bedding (pillow and blanket made of synthetic fabrics, as well as a mattress, not a feather bed). Unfortunately, pets can cause allergic rhinitis.
  5. Don't overload your child. A proper and rational day is the key to the successful development of your baby. Children should wake up and go to bed at the same time. We get up on weekdays and weekends, for example, at seven in the morning, and go to bed no later than nine in the evening. Leave active and emotional games for the daytime.
  6. If a child is sick, be sure to treat him/her. There is no need to rush to send it to kindergarten or school immediately after the temperature returns to normal. Give the baby at least seven days. During this time, the cold will go away, and the immune system will start working.

A nosebleed in a child, especially a small one, is a cause for great concern for parents. And although doctors say: as a rule, blood coming from the nose of a baby is not at all dangerous, it is better to know all the possible causes of this disease and be prepared to stop it in a timely manner.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

In the nasal region there is a network of vessels and small capillaries, which, when ruptured, provoke bleeding. Dry and irritated vessels become very brittle and can bleed from any, even minor, damage.

The most common causes of nosebleeds in a child or newborn:

  • Dry mucous membrane. Provoked harmful effect heating appliances, sharp drop temperatures, abuse vasoconstrictor drops with a runny nose;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Infection (eg, sinusitis);
  • Nose injury (often caused by nose picking or bruise);
  • Hit foreign body(for example, toy parts) into the nose;
  • Incorrect shape of the nose from birth (deviated nasal septum);
  • Proliferation of polyps in the nose.

Should I be concerned when I see blood coming from my baby's nose?

As a rule, the concern is unfounded. IN winter period When heating appliances are running at full capacity and the spread of infections reaches critical levels, nosebleeds are not uncommon.

According to doctors, this problem may bother the baby, but it completely disappears by adolescence. The whole point is that the newborn's blood vessels are still too weak and cannot withstand irritants.

How to prevent nosebleeds in infants?

If the air in the apartment is too dry, you should purchase a humidifier for the child’s room. He will help create comfortable microclimate and maintain the desired level of humidity.

Make sure that the child does not put anything into the nose, including his own fingers.

If bleeding due to a dry nose recurs regularly, you should talk to your doctor about using saline nasal instillation. It moisturizes the mucous membrane and strengthens blood vessels.

In what cases does nosebleeds in a child require consulting a doctor:

  • Bleeding occurs as a result of a fall, injury to the head or nose, or a blow;
  • The baby has leaked too much blood and you suspect danger;
  • The bleeding started after taking some medications;
  • The baby has constant nasal congestion and bleeds more often than before.
  • If, in addition to nosebleeds, the child easily bruises, the gums bleed.

How to stop bleeding?

  1. Calm the child and make him spit out blood. It should not get into the throat and cause nausea.
  2. Place the child on your lap so that his head is tilted slightly down. Press the napkin to the spout and secure it with your hand. You need to wait about 10 minutes without removing the napkin.
  3. If the child is quite old, you need to ask him to breathe through his mouth. In order for him not to be scared or bored, you can read a book or turn on a cartoon.
  4. After 10 minutes, check to see if the bleeding has stopped. If not, you need to put it on the bridge of your nose cold compress and again cover your nose with a napkin for 10 minutes.
  5. If the bleeding does not stop, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What not to do!

The child should not be allowed to take horizontal position or tilt your head back. This will cause blood to leak into the throat.
Do not plug your nostrils with cotton swabs. They can stop the bleeding, but during removal they will again damage the mucous membrane and the problem will recur.

Hospital control methods

If the child’s bleeding cannot be stopped at home, he must be taken to the hospital, where the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology. This is done like this: the oral cavity is examined with a special flashlight and the source of bleeding is identified. After this, the damaged area is tamponed with a special hemostatic liquid, which should stop the flow of blood almost instantly. If this also does not help, a bandage is applied. Such a need arises very rarely.

In addition to all these procedures, the doctor looks to see if the nose or head is damaged, and whether bleeding is a sign of some other disease.