Treatment of lung cancer in Israel. Pulmonology in Israel, lung treatment by leading doctors Israel has developed an effective remedy for cancer, including severe forms of leukemia

Israeli pulmonology successfully neutralizes lung diseases and respiratory tract. The main thing is to start lung treatment in Israel in time with highly qualified specialists. This is especially true for children and the elderly, who are most susceptible to such ailments.

It is easy to cope with the pathology thanks to the prompt connection to healing process doctors of any profile and unprecedented equipment of clinics with innovative equipment. For example, the outstanding achievements of thoracic surgery in Israel have become the subject of study for many leading doctors. The pulmonology departments of the country immediately took advantage of this advantage and received invaluable help from thoracic surgeons. Tasks differential diagnosis and treatment of the respiratory system began to be addressed more effectively.

Pulmonology in Israel has always been considered highly developed and today occupies a leadership position. The inaccessibility of some complex procedures and operations in other countries attracts a large number of Russians to Israel for lung treatment. Complex therapy at an affordable price against the backdrop of absolute comfort is complemented by a developed transport connection between Russia and Israel.

Lung treatment in Israel is based on high-precision diagnostics

As a result of the unfavorable ecological situation, the development of a huge number of viruses, and the mass propaganda of smoking, the number of diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea began to grow rapidly in the world. These ailments are difficult to tolerate by people, with improper treatment lead to serious complications, and can even lead to death.

When the doctor, after examination, suspected fibrosis or emphysema of the lungs, x-ray methods of examination are prescribed. Bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can not do without spirometry. In order to determine the state of blood flow and ventilation of the lungs, a scanning procedure is performed in Israel.

Bronchoscopy is referred to as invasive techniques research. Carried out with suspicion of a malignant tumor, tuberculosis, the presence of foreign objects in the respiratory tract. In addition, bronchoscopy acts as an endoscopic method for the treatment of lung abscesses in Israel, bronchiectasis, to remove foreign bodies.

A biopsy allows for a histological examination and to make the most accurate diagnosis. CT scan makes it possible to analyze the density lung tissue, measure tidal volume to control treatment.

PET detects cancer cells in the respiratory system at a very early stage. Not every clinic can afford such expensive equipment. In Israel, positron emission tomography has become the norm. Moreover, here it was possible to establish detailed examination, combining all the best practices as needed.

Lung transplant in Israel

In addition to photodestruction, the use of a cyber-knife, organ-preserving, endoscopic, video-assisted thoracoscopic and extracorporeal methods, Israeli doctors perform lung transplantation.

Partial or total lung transplantation has been actively practiced in Israel for more than 35 years. The main indication is emphysema. This operation is also performed for primary pulmonary hypertension, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, cystic fibrosis. The options may be as follows: transplantation of one, both lungs, heart and lung, lung lobe from a relative who agreed to become a donor.

terminal stage pulmonary pathology with damage to the left ventricle requires transplantation of the entire lung-heart complex. This type surgical intervention performed in inoperable heart disease.

From a living relative, a lobe of the lung is transplanted more often to adolescents and children who have been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. As a rule, one share is taken from donor parents. Thus, the recipient receives 2 lower lobes.

Surgical intervention involves the method of thoracotomy with posterolateral access. With a bilateral transplant, Israeli surgeons make an incision along the sternum (sternotomy). The affected lung is removed, the trachea is sutured, and the vessels are connected by anastomosis.

The postoperative period consists of a set of procedures that prevent infection, as well as physiotherapy and positional drainage. Lung function is measured by the ability to oxygenate the blood. To check, do a gas analysis arterial blood. With the help of ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy, the condition of the pulmonary artery is determined for the detection of thromboembolism. Spirography shows function external respiration.

After a successful lung transplant in Israel, it is necessary to preserve the donor organ, for which immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed. The survival rate of patients in Israeli clinics is one of the highest in the world, which is facilitated by improved conservation of donor organs. The theoretical and practical base allows to minimize postoperative complications and, if they occur, quickly eliminate them.

Rehabilitation after lung surgery in Israel

Rehabilitation activities in this country are carried out very competently. They predetermine the final result of all lung treatment in Israel. The possibilities of restoring the body increase dramatically when relaxing at the Dead Sea. You just need to first consult with Israeli doctors who give rehabilitation great attention. The program is compiled for each patient individually. It consists of breathing exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, the use of natural healing factors.


In 35% of patients coming for lung cancer treatment in Israel, to the Top Ichilov clinic, it turns out that the diagnosis was made incorrectly at home.

Surgical treatment of lung cancer in Israel is carried out using organ-preserving operations. Their goal is to maximize maintain healthy tissues lungs and prevent deterioration of the patient's quality of life.

The team of specialists involved in the treatment of a patient who applied for tumors in the lung, includes:

  • Professor I. Ben-Dov, Dr. I. Schwartz ;
  • thoracic surgeon - Professor J. Paz;
  • oncologist-chemotherapist - Professor O. Merimsky and other specialists.

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Lung cancer screening program at Top Ichilov

On the picture: surgery department clinics Ichilov

Day 1 – Initial examination of the patient

On the initial appointment patient examination and consultation, writing an anamnesis in Hebrew, preparation of medical documents, issuance of referrals for analyzes and instrumental studies by Dr. I. Molchanov. Tissue samples on slides and/or paraffin blocks immediately transferred to the laboratory for revision.

*The patient must bring with him to Israel medical document A that identifies the slides/blocks.

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Second day - Diagnostic procedures

Laboratory studies are carried out to determine the function internal organs, identifying the disease and staging accurate diagnosis. With the help of a medical coordinator-translator, the patient undergoes the following examinations:

  • Expanded clinical and biochemical analyzes blood.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Blood test for tumor markers.
  • PET-CT.

Third day - Appointment of the treatment protocol

Summing up the results of the survey and drawing up a plan cancer treatment in Israel carried out by specialist doctors:

  • oncologist-chemotherapist Professor O. Merimsky.
  • thoracic surgeon-oncologist - Professor J. Paz;
  • oncologist-radiologist - Dr. D. Maciejowski;

The final consultation of Dr. I. Molchanov is devoted to summing up the results of the examination, issuing prescriptions according to the treatment protocol.

Fourth day - Start of treatment according to the protocol of Professor Merimsky

The cost of the lung cancer diagnostic program in Israel: $3345.

How to get to the diagnosis of lung cancer in Top Ichilov?

  1. Call Top Ichilov right now at the Russian number +7-495-7773802 (your call will be automatically and free of charge transferred to a Russian-speaking consultant doctor in Israel).
  2. Or fill out this form

What is the difference between lung cancer treatment in Israel and treatment in the CIS countries?

  1. Accurate diagnosis. In 35% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer who come to Israel from the CIS countries, the diagnosis is not confirmed. This happens for the following reasons:
    • Available neoplasm is benign and subject to a completely different treatment in Israel.
    • The neoplasm is malignant, but the type of cancer cells was determined incorrectly, which led to the erroneous prescription of chemotherapy drugs.
    • In some cases, the material on the basis of which the diagnosis was made in the CIS countries is mistakenly taken from another patient.
    • Incorrectly established stage and prevalence of cancer.
  2. Application for the diagnosis of lung cancer PET-CT. Positron emission tomography (PET), combined with computed tomography (CT), is an ordinary procedure in Israel diagnostic procedure used everywhere. With the help of PET-CT, it is possible to recognize a malignant tumor even at the stage of its formation. This method also allows you to detect metastases and determine their location.
  3. Treatment based on genetic mutations. In Israel at lung cancer analyzes are carried out for mutations in the EGFR, KRAS, ALK genes. This allows you to choose biological drugs that are effective for tumors of this type. Biological treatment is more effective and has fewer side effects than chemotherapy.
  4. Individual approach to treatment. When treating lung cancer, an Israeli doctor can move away from one treatment protocol and combine several protocols, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease.
  5. Consultations with doctors all over the world. When making important decisions, an Israeli specialist usually consults with colleagues, including doctors of related specialties. If necessary, he can seek advice from doctors from other Western countries.

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Treatment of lung cancer in Israel

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer”, the doctor will determine the optimal medical tactics, Considering:

  • stage and type of lung cancer;
  • related lung disease(chronic bronchitis or);
  • possible side effects treatment;
  • general patient's health condition.

Surgery for lung cancer

Thoracic surgeon-oncologist Top Ichilov Prof. J. Paz uses the most modern and personalized lung surgery techniques, including minimally invasive surgical interventions.

As with anything, lung cancer surgery is most successful when performed by professionals with extensive experience in the field.

Surgery is rarely used to treat small cell lung cancer because this type of cancer spreads quickly to other organs and tissues and is not common in early stages when the process is limited in the lungs.

The most common types of operations in the treatment of lung cancer at Top Ichilov Medical Center:

  • Wedge resection- removal of a sector of lung tissue with a tumor.
  • Lobectomy is the removal of a lobe of the lung affected by cancer.
  • Segmentectomy or segmental resection- removal of a segment or part of the lobe in which the cancer is located.
  • Pneumonectomy - removal of the entire lung.
  • Resection of a part of the bronchus.

In addition, often during the operation are removed The lymph nodes for further microscopic examination. This will help doctors decide if further treatment is needed after surgery.

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Other types of surgical interventions

Sometimes surgery is needed to correct problems caused by the lung cancer itself or a complication of its treatment. In such cases, the following may apply:

  • laser surgery, to open the airways.
  • Placement of intrabrachial stents to keep the airways open.
  • Cryosurgery to freeze and destroy cancerous tissue.
  • Drain placement to drain the accumulated pleural fluid.

A lung cancer treatment protocol often combines several methods - surgery and chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, and other combinations.

Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be assigned:

  • before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor;
  • after surgery to destroy circulating cancer cells that may be left in the body.

Radiation therapy in the presence of a lung tumor

New radiotherapy methods and the skills of our doctors allow us to achieve the maximum effect of cancer treatment, ensuring the concentration of rays in the tumor with the least damage to healthy cells.

Radiation therapy may be combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery.

For the treatment of lung cancer in Israel, the following methods are used:

  • 3D conformal radiotherapy. The convergence of several beams of radiation coming from different sources significantly reduces the radiation load on the surrounding tissues, creating maximum effect at the calculated point.
  • Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT). The method of irradiation, before which simulation is carried out (drawing up a three-dimensional model of the tumor) and irradiation is carried out taking into account the specific form of the tumor.

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Top Ichilov offers the most modern and. Chemotherapy is often the primary treatment for non-small cell lung cancer or advanced cancer.

About 60 different chemotherapy drugs can be used for lung cancer. Their choice depends on the type of tumor, the stage of the disease and other factors. The most commonly used are cisplatin, docetaxel, gemcitabine, carboplatin, vinorelbine.

At small cell carcinoma lung chemotherapy (in combination with radiotherapy) is used even in the early stages of the disease. On the late stages For non-small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy is often the primary treatment and significantly improves patient survival and quality of life.

At non-small cell cancer lungs, adjuvant chemotherapy is used after surgery to destroy micrometastases of the tumor. According to statistics, on 2nd-3rd stages of cancer lung, such chemotherapy increases the 5-year survival rate of patients by 5%.

Neoadjuvant therapy applied before surgery. Its purpose is to reduce the size of the tumor so that it can be removed more easily.

Usually, the patient is prescribed a combination of several drugs, which are administered using a dropper or prescribed in the form of tablets. In lung cancer, intravenous drip administration of drugs is more often carried out. The drugs are administered in courses. After each course, a break is made for 2-3 weeks so that the patient's body recovers. The dosage of drugs is selected individually for each patient.

Targeted therapy for lung cancer

Top Ichilov is one of the few cancer centers in the country that are able to offer you targeted therapy as part of the treatment of certain types of lung cancer.

These innovative drugs stop the growth of cancer cells by interacting with certain proteins and receptors in blood vessels that supply the tumor.

Photodynamic therapy

Introduced into the patient's body photosensitive Chemical substance , which is absorbed cancer cells more than healthy. The drug is activated by a laser that destroys cancer cells.

This type of therapy is usually used for small tumors or to reduce the symptoms of cancer.

The clinic guarantees high quality lung cancer treatment, because Top Ichilov Medical Center employs the best and most experienced specialists in Israel, true professionals who will do everything possible for your cure.

Feedback on the treatment of lung cancer in Israel of a patient from Krasnodar

How much does lung cancer treatment cost in Israel?

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If you have been diagnosed or suspected of lung cancer, contact the clinic right now.

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1) Call Top Ichilov right now at the Russian number +7-495-7773802 (your call will be automatically and free of charge transferred to a Russian-speaking consultant doctor in Israel).

2) Or fill out this form. Our doctor will contact you within 2 hours.

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Treatment of lung cancer in Israel takes place using the latest technology. Establishment of special institutions for the treatment of cancer patients different stages disease progression. The following principles apply in this country for influencing cancer:

  • A complex approach to the issues of conducting a study, taking into account the opinions of different doctors.
  • Determination of treatment tactics depending on the specifics of the tumor and the involvement of other tissues in the process.
  • Combination various ways impact.
  • If possible, the use of low-traumatic endoscopic and organ-preserving operations.

Treatment methods for lung cancer in Israel

  • surgical method,
  • chemotherapy,
  • irradiation,
  • palliative effect.


This method is recognized by oncologists as one of the most effective in the treatment of cancer. respiratory system. When a disease is detected in initial stages allows you to permanently cure the disease. But according to statistics, only 30% of patients are suitable for surgery because the cancer is often found at later stages.

Lung cancer in Israel is treated surgically even if the malignant cells have spread beyond the lung. Many Israeli oncologists have their own experience in this situation, but often surgery is prescribed in conjunction with taking anticancer drugs.

Depending on the location of the neoplasm, the following is prescribed:

  • Wedge resection (a small area containing the tumor is eliminated, along with some healthy tissue).
  • Pneumectomy (removal of the entire lung).
  • Lobectomy (removal of part of the respiratory organ).
With localized formations, VATS is prescribed. This is video-thoracic surgery, which is actively used in Israeli clinics. Actions are performed through small incisions. All manipulations are controlled by video. This surgery takes about 2 hours. Mortality after the procedure is less than 1%, and the complication rate is about 3%.


Treatment of lung cancer in Israel with the help of chemotherapy is carried out by cytostatics and others. anticancer drugs. Since many medications affect the functioning of other organs, testing is carried out before the procedure to find out how well these systems work.

Intravenous chemotherapy is carried out in a clinic setting. Before the procedure, tests are taken to monitor the occurrence of side effects.

Chemotherapy allows:

  • reduce the risk of relapse;
  • reduce the size of the neoplasm;
  • use this type of treatment together with radiation;
  • alleviate the condition.
Drugs are more often administered by injection, but are sometimes used in tablet form. Each session lasts a certain number of days, after which the break time begins. In Israel, medicines are used for treatment, which, as active substance contain:
  • cisplatin,
  • vinorelbine,
  • paclitaxel,
  • docetaxel.
Doctors before the course necessarily discuss with the patient the risks and benefits of further exposure. Chemotherapy has many contraindications, so it is not suitable for everyone. Usually, at least 6 therapy sessions are prescribed with breaks of three weeks.


Radiation exposure is relevant for any type of lung cancer. Use before irradiation surgical method removal of tumors and cytostatics increases the possibility of a favorable outcome of the disease. In Israel, the technique of internal radiation is often used for treatment. It can be endobronchial therapy and brachytherapy.

Treatment is carried out using bronchoscopy. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the radiation source is introduced into the respiratory organ through a special tube. The main task of such an impact is to reduce the volume of education, which puts pressure on the airways and leads to a violation of the breathing process.

In the initial stages, one course is enough, but for prevention re-development Oncology is prescribed more often than 2-3 procedures. Used for treatment local anesthesia and sedatives. The bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth.

In Israel, radical radiation therapy can also be prescribed. It is relevant if:

  1. Holding surgical intervention impossible due to heart failure or chronic diseases.
  2. The cancer has reached stage 3, and the localization of the tumor is close to the heart.
  3. Education is in an inaccessible place.
At severe pain, excruciating cough and with the spread of malignant cells to the bones, it is possible to carry out exposure to different scheme:
  • 1 session
  • 2 procedures with rest per week,
  • course for two weeks.

Palliative care

Since lung cancer goes unnoticed for a long time and is detected in the last stages, it is prescribed palliative care. She ends up in hospices that work at Israeli clinics. The main goal is to improve the standard of living of patients and to prolong it. For this, doctors reduce the severity of symptoms, stop pain, render psychological help, carry out detoxification manipulations.

Which Israeli clinics treat lung cancer?

Lung cancer in Israel is treated in oncology centers that work with:

  1. . It is one of the leading centers for cancer treatment. It has an advanced pulmonology unit, JCI accreditation. You can also get an appointment with a Russian-speaking specialist.
  2. . It is the only one in Europe and the Middle East cancer center, which signed an agreement with the American Cancer Center MD Anderson. The leading doctors of Israel are engaged in the treatment, for example, Professor Alon Elin, thoracic surgeon Alon Ben-Nun.
  3. Honey. center them. Sourasky. It is the main public hospital with more than 400,000 local residents and the same number of patients from abroad.
  4. . He is nominated for the Nobel Prize. Popular with residents of different countries due to the use of the latest developments in the treatment of lung cancer.
  5. MC Meir. This center uses a unique Novalis linear accelerator and a respiratory gating system. The treatment is led by Dr. Maya Gottfried.

The cost of cancer treatment in Israel

Prices for the treatment of lung cancer in Israel are formed taking into account the qualifications of the staff and the equipment of the center. They are lower than in the US by 20-40%. Through the use of new endoscopic techniques and radiotherapy recovery course takes less time. The cost of services is controlled at the state level. Therefore, there is a correct distribution of prices.

Approximate prices for procedures:

  • radiotherapy - $ 2000,
  • lung removal - $ 25,000,
  • chemotherapy - $ 3000,
  • consultation of an oncologist-pulmonologist $550,
  • mediastinoscopy - $ 9000.
  • radiofrequency ablation - $ 12,000.
A full competition can reach up to $50,000, and sometimes even exceed the amount. In order to find out the specific numbers in the selected clinic, it is enough to make a request.

Pulmonology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Within pulmonology, phthisiology, which studies pulmonary tuberculosis, and thoracic surgery, which deals with surgical treatment diseases of the chest, respiratory organs, mediastinum.

Pulmonology in Israel interacts with disciplines such as oncology, allergology, cardiology, otolaryngology, traumatology, intensive therapy, rheumatology, transplantology, resuscitation and a number of others.

Pulmonology departments in Israeli clinics treat:

  • nonspecific lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchiectasis, etc.);
  • allergies ( bronchial asthma);
  • destructive changes (gangrene of the lung, abscesses);
  • diseases of the pleural region (hydrothorax, pneumothorax);
  • chest trauma;
  • tumor lesions of the lungs, mediastinum, pleura, bronchi;
  • emergency conditions, which are accompanied respiratory failure;
  • systemic diseases with dissemination in the lung tissue (fibrosing alveolitis, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis);
  • malformations of the tracheobronchial tree, etc.

Many diseases in the field of pulmonology are very difficult, lead to a serious deterioration in health, reduce the quality of life and shorten its duration. The growth of this type of disease is affected by the deteriorating ecology, smoking, harmful professional factors, a tendency to frequent colds, elderly age(after 60-70 years).

private clinics and medical centers Israel provide services of reputable specialists: pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, phthisiatricians, oncologists. Lung treatment in Israel is carried out at a very high level and allows in most cases to cope with the disease or achieve remission.

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Diagnosis of lung diseases in Israel

The development of pulmonology is associated primarily with the development diagnostic methods. Pulmonology departments in Israel are equipped with the latest first-class equipment. An accurate diagnosis is made within 1-2 days and meets international standards.

  1. Laboratory diagnostics includes the study of biochemical, microscopic, bacteriological, morphological, cytological, PCR - materials. The study of the acid-base and gaseous state of the blood is carried out; sputum is analyzed for microscopic composition, microflora, acid-resistant mycobacteria, pleural effusion and biopsy specimens of the lung, pleura, bronchi; a bacteriological study of bronchial lavage is performed. This type diagnosis of lung diseases in Israel is used to diagnose and track the dynamics of treatment.
  2. X-ray methods diagnose changes in pleural cavity, in the tracheobronchial tree, in the mediastinum, in the lung tissue, in chest. This type of examination is divided into general (radiography, fluoroscopy, fluorography) and special (angiopulmonography, bronchography, bronchial arteriography) studies.
  3. Tomographic diagnostics of lung diseases in Israel: this is X-ray longitudinal (linear), computer, magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography of the lungs. It allows you to obtain images of sagittal, frontal and axial sections of the studied area; eliminates artifacts associated with pulsation, breathing, etc.; applies contrast enhancement and volumetric reconstruction based on acquired images.
  4. Endoscopy generally recognized in early diagnosis: widely used endoscopic examination of the pleura (pleuroscopy), bronchi (bronchoscopy), mediastinum (mediastinoscopy), lungs (thoracoscopy, transbronchial lung biopsy). During these studies, material may be taken for laboratory study, healing procedures, minimally invasive interventions.
  5. Radioisotope methods for diagnosing lung diseases in Israel examine the state of regional ventilation (ventilation scintigraphy) and pulmonary capillary blood flow (perfusion scintigraphy). The previously administered radiopharmaceutical distributed in the lungs is evaluated. Using these methods, pneumonia, thromboembolism are diagnosed pulmonary artery, atelectasis, obstructive diseases, local pneumosclerosis, etc. These studies supplement radiological information.
  6. The study of the function of external respiration in the diagnosis of lung diseases in Israel involves a series of tests that reflect the functional state of the respiratory tract. Spirometry establishes respiratory volumes, plethysmography and pneumotachography examine the mechanics of breathing, peak flowmetry evaluates bronchial patency. This type of diagnostics helps to predict operational risks, assess functional state lungs, monitor the adequacy of lung treatment in Israel.
  7. Diagnostic manipulations are the use of minimally invasive surgical examination methods aimed at taking tissue or cell material for laboratory research. Such manipulations include pleural puncture (thoracocentesis), puncture biopsy of the pleura or lung, etc. These diagnostic information helps to determine the nature of the damage to the lungs and pleura at the preoperative stage.

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Lung treatment in Israel

Lung treatment in Israel is carried out both with the help of conservative methods, and operational (sparing endoscopic and open cavity). Conservative treatment involves the application drug therapy, physiotherapy, climatotherapy, inhalations. Pulmonology in Israel performs a full scope surgical operations on the diaphragm chest wall, trachea and bronchi, lungs, mediastinum, pleura. Israeli doctors return normal breathing and relieve attacks and exacerbations of the disease.

Endoscopic techniques in the treatment of lungs in Israel are used to remove foreign bodies, tumors of the trachea and bronchi, to restore airway patency with narrowing, etc. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic techniques have become of great importance in the pulmonology of this country, which are used for economical organ-preserving operations (removal of cysts and benign tumors) and anatomical resection operations (bilobectomy, pneumonectomy, lobectomy).

Treatment of the lungs in Israel and the respiratory tract involves the use of the following methods:

  • Photodynamic therapy is relatively new, unique method treatment based on the use medications- photosensitizers (substances sensitive to light) and low-intensity laser radiation having a specific wavelength that corresponds to the absorption peak of the photosensitizer. It is carried out in radical lung treatment programs in Israel (with early form cancer of the tracheobronchial tree, with multicentric central lung cancer), as well as in palliative programs (with unresectable tumors of the respiratory tract), eliminates the phenomena of dysphagia, respiratory failure.
  • Laser therapy is a highly effective method of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The impact is on the reflex-segmental areas and points of the skin, in addition, intravenously and endobronchially. The main syndrome is corrected, inflammatory changes and their residual effects resolve.
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a field of radiotherapy that uses high-precision radiation. Extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy is prescribed for the treatment of malignant and benign lung tumors of medium and small size. This type of lung treatment in Israel using the CyberKnife system exposes the affected segments to higher doses of radiation compared to classical radiation therapy. CyberKnife allows you to eliminate various lung tumors: at an early and primary stage, as well as secondary, recurrent, peripheral or central forms. It is an alternative for patients who have contraindications for surgery. The method is non-invasive, does not interfere with normal breathing during irradiation, and is safe for neighboring areas of the body.

In Israeli pulmonology, the direction of lung transplantation in the case of incurable acquired and congenital diseases. The main indicators are pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis, emphysema. Several types of transplantation are performed: transplantation of a part of a lung from a donor-relative, transplantation of two lungs, transplantation artificial lung, lung and heart transplant.

Unfavorable environmental situation in the world, development a large number viruses, mass promotion of smoking - all this affects the rapid growth of many diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract (bronchi, trachea).

Lung diagnostics in Israel

Pulmonology departments in Israel are equipped with the latest and modern equipment, which allows the most accurate diagnosis of patients, which includes:

  • X-ray methods- diffusion (performed if emphysema or fibrosis of the lung parenchyma is suspected), spirometry (to study bronchial asthma or COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung scanning (allows you to determine the state of blood flow and ventilation of the lungs), from $ 70;
  • Bronchoscopy- invasive examination of the bronchi and trachea, which is performed under local anesthesia using an endoscope. Conducted with suspicion of education malignant tumor, tuberculosis or the presence of foreign objects. Also used to eliminate foreign body from the body, with a lung abscess or with bronchiectasis, from $ 4,000;
  • Biopsy- a painless procedure that is performed during bronchoscopy for further histological examination, from $1900;
  • CT scan- it is used to control the treatment of lung diseases, measure the volume of breathing or analyze the density of the lungs, $ 620;
  • Positron emission tomography- carried out to identify oncological diseases lungs and airways in the early stages of their development or to control ongoing treatment, $ 1650;

Lung treatment in Israel

The departments of pulmonology carry out:

  • COPD treatment and chronic bronchitis;
  • as well as bronchial asthma varying degrees severity (infection-dependent, atypical);
  • treatment of inflammation of the larynx and lungs (pneumonia);
  • treatment of dyskinesia (disorder) of the trachea and large bronchi;
  • , from $20,000;
  • treatment of chronic respiratory infections and etc.

Treatment of the lungs and respiratory tract in Israel is carried out using both conservative methods and the latest methods. Regardless of the treatment method used, the doctors of the departments allow the patient to return to normal breathing, as well as save him from attacks and exacerbations of the disease.

Treatment in Israel of the lungs and respiratory tract includes:

  • Photodynamic and laser photodestruction;
  • CyberKnife is a non-invasive treatment that is an alternative to surgery in the treatment of the lungs and respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of lung cancer in Israel. The essence of treatment is high dose beams of radiation to a sore spot or tumor.
  • Organ-preserving methods;
  • Endoscopic methods;
  • Videothoracoscopic methods;
  • Extracorporeal methods;