It’s not without reason that your teeth hurt: how to identify the true causes and relieve the pain? Why do all my teeth hurt at once and what should I do?

Pain in teeth always occurs at the wrong time. It causes ruined plans, insomnia, and health problems. Often people have the feeling that all their teeth hurt. Painkillers and traditional methods At the same time, they muffle unpleasant sensations, but do not get rid of the source of the malaise. Only a dentist can determine what caused the discomfort and cure the problem.

Nature of toothache and location

Unpleasant sensations and pain simultaneously in the entire jaw do not always indicate caries or other problems of the oral cavity. Often discomfort occurs due to stress, neurology, cardiovascular and colds.

The teeth are connected in a chain thanks to nerve endings. The processes of the alveolar nerves go to each unit on upper jaw. The middle alveolar branch passes to the premolars, and the anterior branch passes to the incisors. Small nerve endings from the gums to the tops of the teeth - processes trigeminal nerve. With such a connection, any disturbance along the course of innervation will lead to It's a dull pain will pierce the jaw.

If one or more teeth ache, it is not always possible to independently identify the source of discomfort. It can hurt on the right, left, above and below the problem area. The sensations are sharp or aching, constant or wandering, appear during the day or at night.

One tooth hurts and aches for no reason

Toothache is often localized in the area of ​​its source. It can spread throughout the body, causing jaw twitching, migraines and fever. The culprit behind why a tooth aches a lot is usually dental caries. late stage, its complications, sore gums, turning teeth for crowns, mechanical damage enamel (we recommend reading:). If a periodically aching front tooth is located on the upper jaw, the source of discomfort may be the optic nerve.

The entire jaw or several teeth ache at the same time

Aching of several teeth or the entire jaw is an extremely unpleasant signal, in which there is monotonous pain that intensifies upon contact with irritating factors. Its source is dental problems, neurology, diseases internal organs. In this case, patients may complain of the following dental problems:


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To eliminate toothache, you need to find the reason at the dentist. The specialist makes a diagnosis based on complaints, examination of the oral cavity, x-rays of problem areas or panoramic photographs of the jaw. A big role is given differential diagnosis. It helps to distinguish dental problems from a number of pathologies in which all healthy chewing units are disturbed.

Visual inspection

The visual inspection begins with the upper right molars and ends with the lower right molars. During the examination, the doctor notes the presence of plaque, stains on the enamel, assesses its sensitivity, identifies carious lesions and other symptoms of aching toothache. Additionally, existing fillings, the condition of crowns, dentures, and microprostheses are taken into account.

During inspection, all are used necessary methods diagnostics:

  • thermal diagnostics to identify pain reactions;
  • fluorescent diagnostics using a special lamp;
  • percussion (tapping on the front and sides) to eliminate caries complications;
  • laser fluorescence to determine areas of remineralization;
  • oral hygiene indices;
  • X-ray diagnostics without harm to health.

Panoramic photo of the dentition

Panoramic shot of the jaw shows the picture current state roots and periodontal tissues, reveals impacted units. Full information about the oral cavity will allow the doctor to determine the cause of the aching toothache and choose effective treatment. Additionally, photographs may be required during and after therapy. With their help, the quality of canal filling in the upper and lower jaw and other manipulations is assessed.

Causes of pain

Teeth usually ache due to the following pathologies:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • hypothermia;
  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction;
  • pulpitis;
  • nervous soil;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypersensitivity, thinning of enamel;
  • root cyst;
  • stressful situation;
  • caries;
  • Otitis media in children.

By the nature of the symptoms and toothache, all current health problems can be determined. For example, caries damage to canines indicates a risk of hepatitis. If you have caries of a molar tooth, you should undergo dental treatment and be examined by a gastroenterologist. If the pain radiates to the ear, pulpitis, wisdom tooth growth, trigeminal neuralgia, sinusitis, and inflammation of the jaw joint are likely.

Caries or pulpitis

Caries and its complication pulpitis are common causes of toothache. Their symptoms differ significantly. Caries gradually destroys the walls of the teeth, starting with spots that turn into aching holes. At the same time, quickly passing reactions to cold and hot, and unpleasant sensations when touched, occur in the teeth. Pulpitis destroys the nerve tissue of the tooth, causing long-term, excruciating pain. Unlike caries, toothache with pulpitis occurs for no reason and torments at night. Caries makes itself felt during the day.

Unhealthy gums

Gum disease is often accompanied by inflammation, pain, and if left untreated, leads to tooth loss. Depending on the location, they are of the following types:

  • gingivitis – point inflammation of the gums around the tooth, which aches due to swelling of the soft tissues;
  • periodontitis is a process that destroys the supporting apparatus of the tooth;
  • periodontal disease is a violation of the blood circulation of soft tissues, their degeneration, leading to the appearance of interdental gaps and exposure of the necks of teeth.

Pain as a consequence of complications of rhinitis

Colds, with runny nose and elevated temperature, may be accompanied by aching pain in a healthy tooth (we recommend reading:). Inflammation in paranasal sinus disease leads to the formation of sputum. It blocks the nasal passages, which creates pressure, which causes toothache.

Another source is a large number of liquid with lemon, drunk during ARVI. Fruit acids may irritate sensitive enamel.

Throat diseases

Feelings when it hurts inside completely healthy tooth for colds, sore throat, stomatitis, glossitis, familiar to many (see also:). Why does such pain occur? Doctors are unanimous in their opinion - it is associated with long stay in the cold, draft, swimming in cold water. With stomatitis, painful ulcers appear in the mouth; with glossitis, the tongue is affected, and this often “gives” into the dental tissues. ARVI and influenza that are not treated in time lead to sinusitis and its complications (trigeminal neuritis, chronic tonsillitis), which may cause pain in the teeth.

Nervous pain

Separately, atypical unhealthy conditions are distinguished, the symptoms of which do not correspond to any disease. However, patients consider diseased teeth to be the cause of discomfort and insist on treatment. They feel pain deep in the bones that ache and spread to other areas of the body. Diagnosis of pathology developing “on nervous soil", includes medical checkup, psychological training, behavioral tests.

One common phenomenon is phantom toothache. It is long-lasting and painful, cannot be relieved by analgesics, and migrates throughout the body. Doctors have found the reasons why it occurs - recent tooth extraction, jaw injuries, osteochondrosis, neuritis.

Treatment of toothache with traditional methods

If your tooth aches or hurts inside from time to time, you should not immediately suppress this condition with alcohol (we recommend reading:). Before visiting the clinic, painkillers (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nalgesin) and traditional methods will help relieve the condition:

  • rinse with baking soda solution every 2-3 hours;
  • treat with dental drops;
  • apply dental gels (for example, Metrogyl Denta) to the gums;
  • apply propolis to the sore spot inside the jaw;
  • if the tooth hurts very much inside, prepare a decoction of sage and oak bark for rinsing (we recommend reading:).

Prevention of oral diseases

Patients complain that “my teeth always bother me unexpectedly.” Some simple recommendations will extremely reduce the risk of suffering:

  • thorough cleaning of the anterior and lateral units;
  • regular dental checkups;
  • balanced diet;
  • use of irrigator and rinses;
  • limiting smoking, alcohol, sweets;
  • giving up the habit of chewing hard objects.

The feeling that the entire jaw hurts at once is characteristic of many pathologies. Pain is only a symptom of an illness, and its cause is not easy to understand on your own. Whenever discomfort You should immediately see a dentist who will provide adequate assistance.

Pain in the teeth always brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Most often the anterior lower and upper teeth. There are several reasons that the dentist can determine most quickly.

Causes of pain

It is worth making a reservation: if several teeth hurt, this does not mean that there is only one reason. There may be many reasons, which are sometimes not interrelated:

These reasons can be attributed to both the upper and lower teeth.

Upper teeth

Why do my upper front teeth hurt and ache? What to do if your front tooth hurts? They are usually injured as a result of eating very hard food (for example, gnawing on nut shells, forks), after blows in sports competitions, fights, or when playing music on a wind instrument.

Sometimes damage may not be visible at first glance, but this does not mean that it does not exist. They can be hidden inside: cracks, dislocations, so before treatment you need to do X-ray to know exactly the cause of the pain.

Lower teeth

What to do if your lower front teeth hurt and ache and why does this happen? If the front lower teeth ache or ache, then most likely the reasons lie in tartar, which began its development from plaque. This is especially true for interdental hard-to-reach spaces.

If your gums and lower front teeth hurt, then you need to pay attention to oral hygiene: you need to brush them morning and evening. If you do not brush your teeth very carefully in the evening, this can lead to the development of caries, which causes discomfort. If the front teeth of the lower jaw hurt due to caries, then this process cannot be started, since it will be difficult to do any medical manipulations in the future.

The incisors are built in such a way that they are more fragile compared to the molars. This is the reason that ensures faster development of caries. The gum is usually the starting point for caries: it usually originates around it. Most often this happens when flossing is neglected after eating, which creates favorable conditions for the germination of bacteria.

First, the dentist must find the cause of the pain. Then you need to get rid of this reason by using exclusively methods within the framework clinical treatment. If the cervix is ​​exposed, surgical lifting or fluoridation or remineralization must be done.

Such operations help not only get rid of pain, but also replenish the lack of vitamins. What else to do if there is a deficiency? You can contact a neurologist to prescribe necessary medications. This should only be done if the problem is stress.

If the cause is hypertension, then you need to choose the right one toothpaste with alkali. In any situation, you need to contact a dentist - this is the only way to keep your teeth healthy.


If you need to relieve pain for a while before visiting the dentist, you can use the following products: traditional medicine. Usually the cause of pain is inside the tooth, in the gum or at the root. The following methods will help:

  • if the enamel is not damaged, then painkillers such as Analgin, Ketorol will be required;
  • if any of the pain relief methods are ineffective, you need to call an ambulance or immediately go to the dentist;
  • You can also use another method: rinse your mouth with sage solution. It does not relieve discomfort, but relieves pain.

If no other method helps, then you can try doing your favorite activity to distract yourself.

As you know, one tooth usually hurts due to a carious cavity, which over time has grown so large that it has destroyed almost all of the dentin (its body, normally protected by enamel). Or maybe, for some reason, a large piece just broke off from it...

Pain in this scenario can be explained very simply: a plexus of nerves and blood vessels, called pulp, is not meant to come into direct contact with hot pizza and cold soda, the January air we breathe, and other irritants. Sooner or later we will develop pulpitis - non-infectious inflammation of the pulp.

What is the danger of oral diseases?

It must be said that the cause of pulpitis in the form of a large carious cavity or chip is almost, but not always, visible to the naked eye.

Firstly, there are such types of caries as cervical, in which carious cavity located under the gum.

Secondly, new cavities can appear under fillings, and in this case it is impossible to see them from the outside before the filling falls out.

Thirdly, it also happens that the tooth has long since rotted from the inside, but the thin and hard shell Its enamel was somehow miraculously preserved. So we continue to consider it whole until it bursts when we bite into something hard...

But in all these cases, only he will get sick. But why painful sensations like whining, aching, etc. appear in more than 3 healthy-looking teeth is a question of a different order.

How do healthy teeth hurt?

Typically, patients complain of aching, aching pain in several teeth (usually the front ones) located nearby - with the exception of previously pulpless ones. This pain is not associated with taking cold or hot food/drinks, as it continues at rest, but they noticeably intensify it. Irritated nerve endings can respond with flashes of pain even to breathing open mouth, no matter whether it’s February or July. But clenching the jaws or chewing very rarely affects the intensity of pain.

After a few days, the pain spontaneously subsides, especially if the patient instinctively switched to food of moderate temperature during this period. But depending on why it arose, there may also be an option that before it subsides, it “walks” across the entire jaw.

Causes of aches in healthy teeth

If your teeth hurt, the reasons can be varied. Most periosteal disease scenarios result in anything growing or screwed in (such as implants) loosening and falling out of the affected area. Therefore, if they do not begin to stagger over the next 3-5 days, they do not feel as if they are higher than the rest (a sign of inflammation at their roots, which will end in gumboil), suspicions can be removed from her.

In the vast majority of cases, they hurt for two reasons:

  • Because it was they who caught the cold;
  • Because we basically have a cold - we suffer from acute respiratory infections, flu, etc.

In the first case, a cold can be caused by a long conversation held in twenty-degree frost, eating cold foods and drinks, biting/chewing ice cream, ice, etc. Usually the pain is localized more likely in the lower front teeth than in the upper ones.

Reason for whining respiratory diseases and colds are easy. The periosteum of the upper jaw communicates directly with the bones of the nasopharynx. So inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding them cannot but affect the behavior and condition of the nerve endings of the upper jaw.

At the same time, you can catch a cold in your jaw not only with cold food/air. For example, anchor (steel, not fiber optic) pins, which are used to restore damaged crowns if the root is healthy. One end of this metal rod extends directly into oral cavity– it is noticeable on a flat, biting surface in the form of a metal “star”. And its other end is fixed in the cleaned nerve canal. That is, it goes directly upward, into the periosteum along with the root into which it was inserted. Metal is an excellent conductor of any temperature. And in this case, the pin from it will deliver heat and cold directly into the periosteum tissue.

Another source of constant irritation of the pulp is enamel covered with cracks, chips and other defects, even if their presence has not yet led to the development of caries and/or destruction of dentin. Multiple enamel cracks are especially common on the lower front teeth.

Here they are often visible to the naked eye, and there are several reasons for this:

  • The bite requires the lower teeth to be slightly brought behind the upper teeth when they are closed, so they constantly rub against back surface top "colleagues";
  • Their crowns, in general, are the smallest in the entire oral cavity, so it is much easier to damage them when biting, chewing, and even articulating;
  • The upper and lower front teeth are incisors, but the crowns of the lower ones, unlike the upper ones, are smaller in the total volume of the dentin that forms them and several times thinner, so the load on them when biting and chewing food is not comparable to that on the upper ones;
  • The poor condition of the enamel is explained by a deficiency of minerals and trace elements in the patient’s diet;
  • Temperature changes also destroy enamel well - say, a sip of cold soda with which we washed down the piping hot pie we just ate.

Whitening procedures, which essentially remove the top layer, are very damaging to the enamel and increase the sensitivity of the pulp. At the same time, the smile becomes brighter, but until the thickness of the enamel layer is restored, even a special paste with an analgesic will not save us.

Treatment of aching pain in healthy teeth

So, with a whole crown, these pains are caused by irritation of the nerve endings due to their hypothermia (usually) or overheating (less often, but it happens).

Therefore, our task here is to calm the “unhinged” nerve endings in the pulp:

  • If we really want, we can resort to treatment with decoctions and infusions (including alcohol) of herbs with an anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect - chamomile, celandine, cloves, saffron, etc.;
  • Even suitable for us water solution soda - sodium bicarbonate. In this case, they should rinse the entire mouth at least 4 times a day, daily, until the pain disappears;
  • By the way, in the intervals between meals you can lubricate your gums with clove oil - an analgesic that helps relieve even the symptoms of pulpitis;
  • You can even place a not too hot heating pad on the aching area. Warm up for 15 minutes. 3 times a day will be enough.

But, if the crown is intact, it is impossible to get to the irritated pulp through the mouth; you should not expect a direct (and therefore pronounced) effect from these rinses - its basis is still created by heating with a warm solution or a heating pad, and medicinal properties the plants used are of secondary importance. So we can just as easily just swallow a tablet of “Analgin”, “Ketanov” or any other analgesic to taste. After this, we should give the aching area the same warming with a not too hot heating pad.

However, under no circumstances should we treat this pain with Vitafon or any other wave emitter, even if the instructions for it indicate the exact opposite. The tooth represents complex design, capable of resonance no worse than a crystal glass. Therefore, the use of such devices can accelerate the destruction of its enamel significantly.

In addition, irritated or even inflamed nerve endings respond to the resonance of the surrounding tissues with an acute lumbago, followed by a hellish burning sensation. So it’s not worth doing this, especially since there will be no benefit from such therapy in our case.

Toothache is an unpleasant phenomenon, and if it occurs, you should immediately consult a dentist.

This symptom means that there is some kind of problem, which may not necessarily be visible, some develop unnoticed by the patient.

A qualified doctor will immediately determine what happened if your front tooth suddenly hurts.

Features of the front teeth

The front teeth are different from others, and the specifics of their structure can affect the course of the disease:

  1. Often such teeth located very close to each other, there is only a tight gap between them, which is difficult to properly clean with a brush. This is why you need to turn Special attention for daily hygiene of the front teeth, using not only a regular brush, but also to clean hard-to-reach places.
  2. The back side of the front teeth is not visible to the patient, therefore, for some time he may not notice the appearance of symptoms of the disease, for example, if he is located on inside. Should be completed in a timely manner preventive examinations so as not to miss the first signs of problems and quickly eliminate them.
  3. Front teeth more susceptible to various chips, cracks and other injuries, since the jaw area often suffers during sports or other traumatic situations.
  4. The dentin and enamel of these teeth are thinner, therefore, the development of carious diseases occurs faster, the infection easily penetrates into soft fabrics. Particular attention should be paid to the front teeth and their health.
  5. Aesthetic feature— diseases of the front teeth are clearly visible to others, which creates psychological discomfort for the patient when a person has to communicate a lot with other people.

A painful blow to the teeth - what, how and why?

The most common reason why the front teeth hurt - caries or its complicated form - periodontitis.

However, there are other factors and situations that provoke:

The main enemy of the tooth is caries, which penetrates everything

There are only two treatments for the affected areas of the front teeth - either filling, or microprosthetics, installation of a veneer - a special lining on the tooth. Moreover, if there is a complete loss front tooth, can be installed in its place.

Filling is used when the carious cavity is small and the enamel surface can be leveled using filling material.

To obtain a filling that matches the color of the patient's enamel, high-quality materials are used. The procedure should be trusted a good specialist, since it is quite painstaking, and a poorly made filling can quickly fall out.

If the patient delays contacting the dentist, and caries has become significant, then the cured tooth can be covered special overlay - .

It looks like a plate that is attached to the surface of the tooth and hides all defects. A veneer can also be installed if a piece of a tooth was chipped due to some kind of injury.

Even such neglected front teeth are restored and treated; the result can be assessed by comparing the dentition before and after the procedures:

Possible problems

Carious complications can lead to disastrous consequences and end total loss tooth if timely treatment is not carried out.

In addition, problems may arise after treatment of the affected tooth:

  1. Quite often patients feel pain after the procedure, especially if there was caries. Usually the sensations pass in 1-2 days, and it is enough to simply take a painkiller to get through the unpleasant period. If the pain does not stop for more than two days, the sensations are strong, there is redness and swelling of the gums, the temperature has risen, then you should urgently consult a doctor, such symptoms may indicate an infectious infection.
  2. In case of poor quality treatment for the patient the placed filling may fall out. Also, the tooth may become ill again if the carious formations were not completely removed and inflammatory processes begin to develop under the filling again.

The most common problem front teeth are carious diseases, accompanied by tooth decay, so you should pay considerable attention to hygiene and carefully clean hard-to-reach places.

It is also important to protect your teeth from injury. You should immediately consult a doctor if pain occurs, then treatment will be simple, and a small filling will be almost invisible.

Normally, teeth should not feel anything, since they are completely devoid of nerve endings. However, when the integrity of the enamel is compromised, or the protective layer of the tooth is thinned, a person may begin to experience various pain sensations. Sometimes the teeth ache and the aching pain excruciates, creating a feeling that the jaw is cramping. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly examine the oral cavity yourself, and also come for preventive examinations to the dentist.

Important! Sometimes it feels like all your teeth are hurting at once. The pain can radiate to the jaw, to the temporal region, as well as to the eyes and ears. The cause of such sensations may be trigeminal neuralgia.

In such a situation, you need to seek help from a neurologist. Sometimes pain affecting several teeth at the same time appears due to developing carious damage.
If you experience any painful sensations, you should schedule a visit to the dental clinic as soon as possible.

Sometimes aching toothache occurs after exposure to external irritants. In this case, we may be talking about enamel hypersensitivity. The causes of this condition are:

Aching pain in half of the jaw

The causes of pain on one side of the dental arch can be:

In any case, a dentist must determine the presence of a particular condition that is the cause of aching toothache.

Painful sensations throughout the jaw

If the aching pain spreads to the entire row of teeth above or below, a dental examination is first necessary. If dental pathologies is not detected, the patient is recommended to consult a therapist, who, if necessary, refers the person to a highly specialized doctor.
The most common causes of such pain are:

Treatment of aching pain

The most the best method To get rid of aching pain, see a doctor. However, in cases where you need to wait until you see the dentist, it is effective to use in various ways and means that will help reduce painful sensations. These include:

  • Local analgesics.
  • Medicines for oral administration.
  • Traditional medicine.
  • Alternative medicine.

To choose for yourself best way to get rid of pain, you need to consider the listed methods in more detail.

Local analgesics

The analgesic effect is achieved by applying these drugs to the area aching tooth. You can take a tablet, crush it into a powder and place it on the sore tooth.

Important! Aspirin is by no means suitable for such purposes, as it can cause a burn to the oral mucosa.

Lidocaine, available in the form of an aerosol or gel, is effective for local anesthesia. The product is applied to the painful area and relieves pain for about half an hour.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic; it has an intense analgesic effect with a long-lasting effect. Often used to relieve aching toothache.

For relax unpleasant symptoms Dental ointments and drops are also used. Drops usually contain healing herbs(camphor, valerian, peppermint), infused with alcohol. Such tinctures have a disinfecting and soothing effect.

Painkillers for oral administration

Medicines to relieve toothache include drugs containing paracetamol, aspirin, analgin, and ibuprofen. Paracetamol has the most gentle effect. Ibuprofen is suitable for effective pain relief in children.
Products based on nimelsulide and ketorolac provide good relief from aching toothache. Such drugs are very effective and have a long-term analgesic effect, however, they have side effects and contraindications.
Sometimes combinations of medications are used, such as an aspirin tablet with an analgin tablet or analgin with noshpa. Such combinations are very effective, however, they must be used with extreme caution, and the option with aspirin should be used no more than 2 times a week.


Natural rinses are used to relieve pain:

  1. Saline solution. A teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The area of ​​the diseased tooth is rinsed intensively for 30 seconds.
  2. Soda solution. The proportion is similar to salt.
  3. Infusion of sage with salt and soda. A quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of soda dissolve in half a glass herbal infusion. The tooth needs to be rinsed for about a minute.
  4. A solution of potassium permanganate with furatsilin. This type of rinsing works well to relieve swelling of the gums.

Herbal infusions can also relieve aching pain in a tooth:

  1. Echinacea. To prepare the infusion, use 1 tablespoon of dry herbs and a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the mixture is filtered. The product must be consumed orally chilled.
  2. Chamomile. Chamomile drink is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per glass of boiling water.
  3. Herbal mixture (sage, calendula, chamomile) is prepared in the same way as chamomile.

Sage, calendula, chamomile, echinacea are herbs, decoctions and infusions of which can relieve pain, disinfect the oral cavity, and reduce the progressive inflammatory process.

For pain relief, various lotions and natural products are used:

  1. Tampons soaked in medications (camphor alcohol, Dent's solution, tincture of valerian or calendula, dental elixir). The cotton wool must be changed every 10 minutes.
  2. A piece of propolis covered with a piece of cotton wool or bandage.
  3. Gauze swab with a mixture of chopped onion and garlic.
  4. Kalanchoe plant leaf (with fresh cut).
  5. A small piece of lard.

One more folk remedy are alcohol-based infusions:

  1. Alcohol tincture of propolis. A teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water. The product is used as a rinse or lotion.
  2. Mixture medicinal verbena and wormwood. Two tablespoons of dry herbs are poured into a glass of red table wine and boiled for 10 minutes. The strained and cooled broth is used as a rinse.

Alternative medicine

TO unconventional ways getting rid of aching toothache includes various techniques, which do not have a scientific basis, however, have shown their effectiveness in practice.
For pain relief, massage manipulations are used, for example:

  1. Shiatsu massage. It represents manipulations aimed at certain points on the human body. There are three main methods:
  • Strong pressure with three fingers on the temples. Repeated 2-3 times.
  • Apply pressure to the cheek in the area located above the aching tooth.
  • Pressure on the area carotid artery. The point is located under lower jaw from the side of the diseased tooth.

2. Ear massage. The technique involves massaging the upper part of the earlobe from the side of the aching tooth. Manipulation is carried out by a large and index finger within 7 minutes.

Located on the hand active points pressing on which helps relieve aching toothache, this massage well described by the Shiatsu technique.

To methods alternative medicine Psycho-emotional methods of pain relief also include:

  1. Switching technique. Painful sensations the stronger the more people focuses on them. If you direct your strength and emotions in a different direction, the aching pain will become much less noticeable. You can watch an interesting show, read a book, do household chores, or concentrate on work.
  2. Emotions. Tears and laughter have a calming effect on a person and help reduce pain. Crying over a sentimental film or laughing heartily at a funny incident is very useful in terms of relieving unpleasant feelings.
  3. Deception of the brain hemispheres.

    Attention! You can try to “confuse” your brain, the nerve endings of which are responsible for pain syndrome. To do this, you need to do the usual manipulations with your other hand. Right-handed people should change their rings and watches to left hand and try to do everything with it that is usually done with the right hand. Lefties, on the contrary, switch their attention to right hand. If the pain is not sharp, but aching, then after 20-30 minutes, thanks to this “deception,” relief may come.

Separately, it is worth noting the method using garlic.

The method involves rubbing your wrist with a fresh cut of a garlic clove. The rubbing area is located where the pulse is felt. After this, a clove of garlic is fixed on the same wrist using a bandage. The hand for applying the method is determined by the location of the diseased tooth. Accordingly, if the tooth is on the left, then the left wrist is used and vice versa.

All of the above methods help to get rid of aching toothache for a while. But in any case, you need to apply for medical assistance to determine why your teeth ache. If the pain is provoked by a progressive disease, then all manipulations to relieve discomfort are only short-term.